Young Ms. Leadership Academy 5


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Copyright 2017 by NAMB all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This is fantasy, and the author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 
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Young Ms. Leadership Academy
Part 5
Dear Diary,
Today we went on the sky walk. The sky walk is where you are hooked up to a safety line that is hooked to a cable that runs from tree to tree at each tree there’s a platform where you can rest. Between the trees are tight ropes and swings and swaying things to step on and zip lines.
The older girls showed us what to do. They told us the best way to navigate the obstacles and when we tried them, talked us through them. They explained how to use our hips which is where the center of gravity is on a girl, to maintain our balance. They told us that if we didn’t do that, we would fall or would have to use our arms a lot to hang onto things and that would make them tired.
The first time through the course was the worst. I thought I’d never make it; I was scared; I was tired but cheered on by the other girls I made it. When I came down the final zip line I felt good. I did it!
I went up a second time in the afternoon. This time it was easier. In fact, it was beginning to be fun.
The sky walk is on the list to do a couple more times during the camp. I’m actually looking forward to it. I was told that towards the end of camp, we would be competing with some boys from another camp.
I asked if these boys would be naked. The instructor laughed; she said, “No, but you are welcome to beat the pants off them.”
Whenever we had a competition between cabins for sky walk, archery, swimming or whatever, the winning cabin displayed a pink flag with a symbol of the event, the second-place cabin, a blue one, and third place, a yellow flag. There were a number of small flag poles on either side of the front door of each cabin to display the flags. They were sort of like war trophies.
Our cabin got the blue flag today for the sky walk.
After lunch, before the skywalk, we had a demonstration on how to put a condom on a penis along with a lecture on safe sex. Condoms are supposed to stop sperm from getting to the egg. Also, they prevent diseases from getting to or coming from the penis.
The pink shirts told us that we should always wash our hands before and after handling a penis and except for special occasions always put a condom on it.
We learned how to do this using strap-on dildos. We giggled as the older girls helped us “strap up.” It looked so funny seeing a very feminine girl sporting a huge erected penis over her shorts. We took turns “being boys” and putting condoms on “the boys.”
One of the girls explained how her Girl Scout troop learned how to do this. They didn’t use strap ons, but had a realistic penis made out of polished wood aptly named “Woody.” She giggled as she told us how some of the moms wanted to know where they could buy a Woody of their own.
Dear Diary,
I saw my first boy-spanking today. It seemed like Boy Todd was late for morning PT. The boys are required to get up early every morning and do exercises and then get breakfast ready for the camp. The boys ate whatever was left after us girls were served our share or had cold cereal if there wasn’t enough.
Boy Todd was 15 years old, and 6 and a quarter inches. The senior girls had the vital statistics on all the boys.
Since this was his first offense, this was to be a simple, over-the-knee hand spanking to be delivered by the pink shirt who was the disciplinarian on duty that day. Spanking boys is a “senior privilege” and has to be earned. I can’t wait until I’m allowed to spank a boy, but watching is fun too.
Today’s disciplinarian was Ms. Carol C. The “C” to distinguish her from Ms. Carol D, another camper. However, I’ll just call her Ms. Carol for now.
The spanking took place in the screened in area where we held activities in bad weather and in the evening when the bugs come out. I didn’t notice when we got our introductory walk-around how much electronic equipment they had hanging on the rafters.
There was a projector, of course and some speakers, but also several cameras and lights that were controlled by a console off to the side.
These were put to good use for this demonstration. The spotlight was on the chair and one of the cameras was zoomed in. In addition to the fixed cameras in the rafters, a couple of pink shirts were wandering around with portable cameras.
These they trained on different parts of the crowd. It was sort of like being at the ball park and seeing yourself on the jumbocam. We smiled and waved and cheered whenever we showed up on the big screen.
It all seemed so festive. I wonder if the crowds at the Roman Coliseum were like this before the gladiatorial matches.
Boy Todd was brought to the stage and Ms. Carol was standing by the chair. We quieted down in anticipation of the spanking to occur.
Ms. Megan made some announcements, “As you girls know, boys will fail from time to time. It’s inevitable: they’re boys and it’s our duty as girls to correct them when they are wrong and to lend a ‘guiding hand’ when required.
Now I know that some of you have experience with spanking as babysitters and the girls who have been to the camp in prior years have already heard this lecture.
But bear with me. This is about safety. We don’t administer spankings to boys unless they deserve them and our primary aim isn’t to hurt the boy, but to damage his pride. Physical pain is part of the punishment, but we do not want to harm him. We don’t want to do permanent damage to our property.
So first we will have a safety video on spanking.”
Groans went up from the crowd. The video wasn’t all that bad. It showed a boy from the back side and showed what areas could be spanked and what parts to avoid spanking. It showed these parts with the boy standing and also bending over “mooning” the camera. We were told that in general, stick to the cheeks and you’re safe.
There was a second video specifically on over-the-knee spankings. There was a lot of discussions on sturdy chairs that not only can hold two people but won’t tip over, positioning of the girl’s body so as to get the most effective swing, positioning of the boy’s body for best balance without stress and maximum offering of his butt to the spanker.
I found out that sometimes over-the-knee means over the lap as in the case when a bed is used instead of a chair. There are other spanking positions too and we were told we would be trained how to do them in due course. Boys were constantly screwing up so there would be plenty opportunity for demonstrating them.
Now it was time for the real thing. The cameras zoomed in to show Ms. Carol taking her position in the chair. She pointed at her lap, and Boy Todd laid over it in perfect position. Then the spanking began without any further commentary.
She raised her arm and brought it down landing it firmly on one cheek and then the other. Whoever was managing the cameras was doing a good job. There were full-frontal shots, shots from the side, shots from the top and close ups. There was even a shot looking up Boy Todd’s legs – this was more for art than instruction since you really couldn’t see anything. However, it was a nice variety: not that any of us were in danger of getting bored.
With each smack, his behind became pinker and eventually he was letting out grunts and yelps. He never did cry out, nor was he sobbing, but when he got up both sets of cheeks were red, and there were tears streaming down one set of them.
Ms. Carol made him stand and face the crowd, hands on head and apologize for his offense.
Ms. Megan interjected, “It is important for a boy to acknowledge his offense and the exact reason for his punishment and then to apologize to the offended party. By being late for PT, he diminished the smooth working of the entire camp, so it is to the entire camp that he owes his apologies.”
Ms. Carol directed him to stand in the corner with his hands on his head and back to the room. We could all see this red behind. I’m sure he felt that for the rest of the day.
Ms. Megan came back and said, “And that concludes today’s ‘teachable moment.’ Any of you girls who want to feel what a freshly-spanked boy butt feels like; you are welcome to it.
At first nobody wanted to, but with the encouragement of some of the pink shirts and blue shirts, a freshman girl approached and stroked his behind. He shivered at her touch and let out a sigh. After that, another girl approached, and then another until pretty much all the girls in camp were lined up waiting to pat, pinch or tickle that butt.
It felt very warm.
Dear Diary,
We did the sky walk again today. It seems like we do it about every other day. I remember how scared I was the first time I tried it. I went a lot easier today and I actually had a lot of fun. All of us girls are doing a lot better on it. One of the girls, Melonie, almost ran through the course. She’s good! She told me she does rock climbing at home.
We got to see another video on of all things, Law! It started off with a very uncomfortable topic: rape.
Almost all rapes are committed by men, but a lot of them don’t even get reported because it’s the woman that feels ashamed. It doesn’t help that “the system” makes her have to recall the event over and over again for police reports and in conversations with prosecutors and defense attorneys. And then she has to blurt it all out again, in public, in court.
Even after that, there’s a surprising low conviction rate and sentencing is too lenient considering the nature of the crime. It makes my blood boil when I think about it.
Men can get raped too, but usually not by women. If you count prison rapes, more men are raped than women. I didn’t know that.
A question was asked about our use of strap-ons on the boys. We were told that every one of the boys has consented to have them used on him but if we ever did it on our own to accept “no” from a boy. Even though they are our sexual inferiors, we need to respect them as much as we expect respect from them.
The video also went on to explain about date rape (and how to avoid it and most of all how to report it if it happens) and statutory rape.
The laws on statutory rape are weird and archaic. In some states, if an 18-year-old boy has sex with this 17-year-old girlfriend it’s rape. In other states, the age difference by gender makes a difference such as the boy has to be over 16 and the girl under 14. This acknowledges that girls are more sexually mature than boys, but makes a mockery of it.
And to be fair to the boys, they are considered to be the rapists. Cases of older girls abusing younger boys rarely come to trial. Also if any girl abuses any boy, he’s considered to be the instigator. Patriarchal thought doesn’t always work out, even for the boys.
A second video dealt with the evolution of feminism. I was surprised to learn how early cultures were matriarchal in nature. The men of the tribe recognized that without women, there would be no future for the tribe and therefore treated their women with respect. It’s completely different from the cartoon of a caveman bashing his woman over the head with a club and dragging her off by her hair.
Women were actually worshiped and honored as the bearers of life. Given the life span of people in that era, women meant girls not much older than us. I could like being worshiped as a goddess.
DNA evidence and archeological finds indicate that when tribes encountered one another, they were more apt to make love, not war. They seemed to find it more profitable to trade with, mate with and learn from one another rather than fight.
It wasn’t until tribes became larger and male-dominated that warfare as we know it, came into being. And that’s the way it’s been for the past 5,000 years: cities, empires and nation-states constantly fighting and killing one another.
Men used their brute force and power to dominate, oppress and enslave other men, and in particular women: even their own women. The odds were stacked against the female gender and women were relegated to menial roles.
This was the harshest kind of oppression: economic enslavement. Women had little ability to make a living on their own and had to depend on men for survival. What’s worse is that it still goes on today. Women don’t make as much money as men even though they do the same jobs.
A lot of advancement has been made in the past 50 years in this area, but there is still a long way to go. Oddly enough, one place where there is equality is in the military. All people of a certain rank with the same amount of time in service make the same money regardless of which rest room they use.
But even there, there have been issues. Women have traditionally been denied the kinds of assignments that get people promoted. It’s only in very recent years that this has changed.
The big change is that brute force is no longer required in the workplace. The days of digging ditches with a pickaxe and shovel are over. A backhoe can be operated by a woman as easily as a man. Likewise, computers don’t know or care who’s pushing the keys.
I was pleased to learn that we are on the turning point. For the past decade or so, women are outnumbering men in college and getting their degrees and the pay gap is shrinking.
I had to reflect on what I was seeing. My great-grandmother stayed at home and didn’t even drive a car. My grandmother actually had a job. It was teaching, a traditionally female occupation, but she kept at it even after getting married and having children. My mom is a successful business woman. It made me wonder how far I can go.
I’m so glad I’m here at camp. It really awakens my feminine spirit. It makes be glad to be a girl.
Dear Diary,
Today we learned about fetishes. I was surprised to learn that there was evidence of fetishes even in ancient history.
The original fetishes were religious objects. A priest would bless them and bestow upon them some magical power. Having or using the object would grant one success in business, a good crop, finding a mate or even getting pregnant.
A lot of fetishes had to do with sex and in particular: fertility. There were statues of “Earth Mothers” who had exaggerated breasts and buttocks. Such combinations were considered signs of sexual maturity and fertility. How different from the emaciated super-models of today! That’s what happens when men start running things.
There were also more representations of penises than you could shake a phallic symbol at. (We did have a brief introduction to Freud.)
The Greeks and even the Romans didn’t seem to have a problem displaying these in their homes and in public. When Archimedes went running through the streets of Syracuse yelling, “Eureka,” nobody thought twice about his nudity. They were more likely to remark, “Well, there he goes *again*.”
Modern day fetishes are usually associated with sex and it seems to be something that mostly boys and men have. Women can get “turned on” by a good-looking man, but that’s normal sexual attraction.
Boys and men get turned on by things that have nothing at all to do with sex. Of course, they like boobs and asses (yea for Caroline and me) but I think that comes under the heading of normal sexual attraction.
They also get turned on by other body parts like feet. I don’t get that. Boys have feet too. Of course, girls’ feet are smaller, daintier and prettier and we do wear nail polish, but feet are feet.
They also have attraction to articles of clothing. Bras and panties are particular favorites. I can sort of understand this since these are in contact with our “girl parts.” It’s like by wearing them, we become the priests that sanctify them and give them their power over the boys.
However, I’m turned off rather than turned on when I think of boys’ athletic supporters.
Another big favorite is shoes. I like shoes too. What girl doesn’t? But as one of the pink shirts described it, it’s a different kind of like. It doesn’t turn us on sexually like it does boys. We have them to wear them and show them off to our friends. Boys want to have sex with them.
High heels are especially favored among men and boys and I guess that’s because only women are stupid enough to wear them (I have a pair that I wear with my “good dress” when I have to, but I take them off the first opportunity I get. I like to get into my “tennies” as much as I can.) However some boys are even turned on by lowly sneakers or anything a girl might wear on her feet.
There’s not only clothing, but also what clothing can be made of. Silky things turn men on which is why night gowns are seductive (I guess so when compared to flannel pajamas). Leather is a turn on for a lot of men, but leather clothing is expensive. But maybe that also explains the shoes. Rubber is also another favorite (maybe this explains the sneakers). I think rubber would be hot and sweaty :(.
It's all so confusing.
We were told not to concentrate on why boys have fetishes, but to know that they do and that they are a secret weapon we girls can use to control them.
I already knew that we girls are the reason boys have erections, but if we use a fetish, then we can do it even more easily. All we have to do is display the object, and the boy will be interested; we don’t have to do anything more than just be a girl.
One of the girls asked, “How do you know if a boy has a fetish?” The answer was, almost any boy has a fetish of some sort. The trick is to find out what it is.
One of the camp mantras is, “The penis never lies.” If a boy gets an erection, it’s because he likes what is happening to him. No matter how much he may object to an activity, if he’s hard, then deep-down, he likes it. I’ve seen boys get hard even by being spanked! How could anyone like that? Boys!
So to find out what a boy’s fetish is simply expose him to the object. If he gets hard, then he has a fetish for it. Now that I know what some fetish objects are, I know some of the things I can try. I might even re-think my opinion of high heels.



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