Wrecked Chapters 21-25
By Pueros

copyright 2006 by Pueros, all rights reserved
Comments to the author can be sent to [email protected]

This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY

For Heredia

These are chapters sixteen to twenty of a long saga about the adventures in 19th century Africa of twin English boys.

These are chapters twenty-one to twenty-five of a long saga about the adventures in 19th century Africa of twin English boys, and now a young American.

Chapter Twenty One - Markings

(Northern Mozambique, summer 1850)

A pail of cold water from the nearby river, thrown over the briefly unconscious James by Gambo, quickly brought the white boy back into the realms of the awake. The tribal chieftain was intent on allowing his new English slave to experience the full anguish of his body's adornment with five brandmarks.

James naturally would have preferred to remain in his faint, especially as the excruciation being experienced by his chest was now far greater than when clamps had been attached to his nipples. The cause was, of course, the little black emblem of a leaping cheetah now permanently burnt into the boy's white flesh. This logo would soon be followed by similar motifs on both of his upper legs, adjacent to his still amazingly aroused genitals, and in the middle of each of his buttocks.

In fact, after replacing the used branding iron back in the charcoal brazier to re-heat, the chieftain's senior grandson was already returning with the red-hot second tool. This cruel implement soon induced another vociferous and prolonged scream to be uttered from James' rosy lips, as the black man next branded the boy's front upper left thigh with speedy efficiency and accuracy.

James did not faint on this occasion. Consequently, the boy had to endure the complete uninterrupted agony of his latest branding, whilst hearing renewed cheering from the watching crowds and as blood oozed out of his mouth and down his chin after he had bit his tongue. However, another pail of water was needed after a matching emblem was soon afterwards accurately burnt onto his front upper right thigh.

As well as the leaping cheetah adorning the centre of his chest, James' genitals, nicely dangling between his compulsorily splayed legs, were now flanked by similar insignia. Amidst these freshly burnt motifs, the boy's erection still miraculously pointed outwards.

Despite James' comprehensive tears, resulting from the acute agony of the three brandmarks now decorating his naked body, the intensely suffering boy was now able to notice the black man return again with a re-heated iron. However, on this occasion, the adult disappeared to the young white's rear.

Two clues subsequently provided James with the evidence that the first of his smooth curvaceous buttocks to be branded was about to experience the searing heat of the iron. First was the renewed clear excitement of the watching crowds. Second was the feel of intense warmth hovering just above the flesh of his cute bottom.

Proof was then provided that James' assumption was correct when the middle of the boy's left buttock was agonisingly adorned with the tribal chieftain's emblem. However, the 11 year-old was later mercifully permitted to remain unconscious after he fainted again in response to the imposition of the next and final matching bodily marking.

Chapter Twenty Two - Humiliations

(Northern Mozambique, summer 1850)

African nights, even at the height of summer, can be very cold. John was therefore grateful that the Arab trader had organised several fires to warm the young fettered humans whom he intended to sell in the slave markets of Zanzibar.

The Arab trader, of course, did not seek to warm his young captives overnight out of compassion. He regarded them merely as merchandise. However, profit incentive made him want to protect his human investments.

For the same motive on the part of the Arab trader, immediately after dawn of this African morning, John and the other captives fettered together were afforded some water and food. The latter was in the form of a kind of cold gruel that was very basic, cheap and tasteless but nevertheless filling and therefore welcome. However, as this fare was provided in pottery bowls placed on the ground before them, they were compelled to consume the sustenance like animals without the aid of their hands, which remained manacled behind them. The white boy's wrists, like those of the young black merchandise, were now linked by further chain to his heavy iron collar to prevent him manoeuvring his upper limbs round his shackled feet to the front of his body.

Drinking and eating in such a manner was naturally humiliating, especially for John, who was currently unaccustomed to this indignity. However, avid thirst and hunger proved a fervid motivator and easily overcame pride. The relevant pottery bowls were soon not only emptied but also completely licked dry and clean.

Other desperate needs of the fettered bodies of the sorry young captives were also catered for, as they were allowed to toilet communally into one of the village's long wide cesspits. Afterwards, one of their black guards issued their hands, still fettered behind their backs, with large damp rubbery leaves so that they could attempt to wipe their bottoms clean.

John's actions in urinating and defecating in such a gross and public manner were, however, by now only one more of the many humiliations already suffered by the boy, who was so traumatised by his experiences that he approached the next in an almost zombie-like way. His tormented mind even took little notice of the fact that completely naked and pretty black girls comprised almost half of his fellow captives.

John had recently seen topless females for the first time, in the form of the villagers of that gender. Observing completely naked feminine bodies soon afterwards should have similarly intrigued him, especially in the area of his groin. However, the boy's mental processes were currently simply too engrossed with his own sad predicament to pay much attention to the nude girls in his vicinity.

Chapter Twenty Three - Consciousness

(Northern Mozambique, summer 1850)

At about the same time that John had awoken to the dawn chorus from the birds and other creatures in the forest surrounding the African village, the same cacophony of noise had roused James for the first time since last fainting on the previous day. However, the latter twin regained consciousness in much more painful circumstances.

Despite the application of efficient herbal salves to James' brandmarks whilst the boy had been unconscious, the five freshly burnt areas of his skin were still excruciatingly sore. The young white was therefore forced to remain resting on his sides to prevent lying on any of his new bodily markings.

James awoke to find himself in the same small hut to which Gambo had taken him and John on the previous afternoon, recall of which event instantly brought fresh anguish to his mind after remembering that he might never again see his beloved twin. The still naked boy, aware from the dawn chorus and rapidly brightening daylight that another morning was beginning, was also amazed that he could have slept so long and soundly despite the traumas of the previous day.

James was never to learn that his lengthy recuperative sleep had been partly induced by a herbal sleeping potion gently force-fed to him whilst he had been unconscious. Such consideration had, of course, not been granted to reduce the boy's distress in any way but had instead been provided to aid his rapid physical restoration so that he could be introduced as quickly as possible to the full rigours of personal servitude for the tribal chieftain.

Complete physical recovery would still take days, during which James would remain alone in the hut, apart from the occasions on which Gambo visited. The black boy had been charged with overseeing the new young white slave's recuperation.

Not wanting to incur the tribal chieftain's displeasure, Gambo naturally went about his duties with efficiency. Relevant chores included providing James with water and food, the latter being the same gruel provided to John. The boy also had to consume the fare similarly, as his hands had again been manacled behind his back, as well as now linked to the rear of his heavy iron collar. His feet were additionally shackled, although the fetters allowed him to walk in short steps.

Gambo also provided James with a chamberpot, which the young black would dutifully take out, empty and clean whenever necessary. He also regularly washed the white boy and applied fresh dollops of salve to his new brandmarks.

Gambo additionally applied herbal ointment to the skin under James' iron collar, wrist and ankle fetters and cockring, which the encircling metal had begun to chafe and make sore and even raw. The biggest discomfort induced in this way on the white boy's delectable body was actually around his tightly ringed genitals, which began to cause him the greatest distress, as the pain from his brandmarks gradually faded.

Fortunately, after several days, Gambo's ointment eventually proved effective in not only curing the James' soreness but also invisibly hardening the flesh to enable the skin to become painlessly but not shamelessly accustomed to the iron slave regalia.

Chapter Twenty Four – Departure

(Northern Mozambique, summer 1850)

Several days were also required for the Arab trader to rest and conclude his business in the black African village before venturing northwards to visit other tribes and then ultimately, once he had bartered all of his goods, head for Zanzibar. James was therefore almost ready to serve the chieftain when John departed the settlement in the mercantile caravan.

James was, however, still ensconced in the small windowless hut when the Arab trader's caravan did depart. The still naked John, freshly oiled by the merchant himself to prevent sunburn and the unwanted attention of flies and other insects affecting his most valuable acquisition, formed the rear of the convoy heading north.

As John departed to meet his own as yet unknown ultimate fate, James was oblivious by virtue of his confinement to the fact that slowly increasing distance was now beginning to separate him from his beloved twin brother.

This increasing distance would eventually become vast.

Chapter Twenty Five – Cleansing

(New York, winter 1850)

Jack had been forced to sleep rough for several more nights in the environs of the port of New York, having been so far unable to secure work as a cabinboy. Consequently, his dishevelled state worsened. However, he was able to sate hunger because there were sufficient supplies of spilt imported fruit and raw vegetables littering the wharves to feed him adequately if not luxuriously.

Jack eventually began to wonder whether his scruffy appearance was discouraging the hiring of his services and so he finally cleaned his hands and face. The boy realised that there was little that he could do about his attire, especially in the wintry weather, which discouraged the shedding of clothing for washing when there were no replacements, but he could at least wipe the grime from those parts of his skin that were uncovered.

The cleansing of Jack's face in an icy water butt unveiled the fact that, beneath the surface grime, the underlying boy was exceedingly pretty. However, this revelation was almost to prove the 11 year-old's instant undoing.

(To be continued)