Amber Ashley and the Virtual Reality Etch-A-Sketch 2

By Jazman
[email protected]

Copyright 2017 by Jazman all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Part III – The Dance
You can’t let her get away with it. That’s not fair. She even did it front of the girls. My boxers too! Those feathers!!
Mrs. Ashley had been listening to her sons whine and complain about having their clothes inexplicably vanish at their younger sister Amber’s magic show for the last half an hour. Determined to put an end to their sob stories once and for all, she suddenly turned from loading the dishwasher, vehemently exclaiming:
“What kind of a fool do you think I am? And don’t you dare answer that! I know perfectly well you had as much to do with what happened at that magic show as your sister.” The boys open mouthed, uncomprehending looks almost caused Mrs. Ashley to laugh, but keeping a straight face she continued: “Explain how your clothes could just disappear without your active participation”. After a lengthy silence Austin meekly replied, “But the magic towel”; rolling her eyes Mrs. Ashley said: “Yes honey, and the Easter Bunny is the one who hides all the colored eggs each spring. And if simple logic doesn’t confirm your complicity, those little boy boners you were sprouting was hard evidence”. With the mention of the most embarrassing part of the whole experience, the boy’s faces noticeably reddened as they reflexively moved their hands to cover their groins. “I may not be a man, but even I know erections happen when males are experiencing pleasure, proving you enjoyed showing off those hot jock bodies of yours every bit as much as the girls did seeing them. Or is this your way of letting everyone know you are turned on by each other’s bodies”? Mrs. Ashley found it ironic that her son’s most vehement denials and deepest blushes accompanied this last accusation, almost certainly the most truthful one she had made. For although she had no idea how it happened, she knew boys control over their boners were erratic at best, while the scarlet faces of her fair haired sons at the show accurately captured their total shock and humiliation at being exposed so publicly. But as Mrs. Ashley had enjoyed the show as much as anyone, she wasn’t about to punish her daughter for pulling it off. She ended with a threat: “If even one of you makes one more complaint about the show, Amber will be giving as encore presentation at the high school talent show this winter. Now get out of my sight before I sign you all up.” And with that the thoroughly chastised and fearful boys fled to their rooms.
Two hours later, still behind those closed doors, Amber was pretty sure they were up to no good. Determined to nip this in the bud, Amber decided to confront her brothers directly. Strictly forbidden to enter their rooms without knocking, Amber for the 1st time in her life simply barged into Andrew and Austin’s room unannounced and uninvited. She received the expected response of “You can’t come in here, Yeah, get out!” She haughtily replied, “If you don’t want to listen, you can find out the hard way”. As she turned to leave Alex responded, “Wait, what did you want to tell us”?
 “I know you are up here plotting revenge, but I want to warn you, I can make what happened today happen again, anytime and anyplace I want! And if that won’t deter you, the link I emailed Alex should”. And with that ominous rejoinder Amber left the room.
“Do you think she really can do it,” a worried Austin asked his older brother. “I don’t know”, Andrew replied, taken aback by his sister’s uncharacteristic assertiveness. “What do you think Alex?” But Alex had dashed through the connecting bathroom to check out that link. Realizing his absence, Austin and Andrew scurried after him. Clearly visible on Alex’s computer screen was the scene of Brady and Chase tying Andrew’s upstretched arms to the arbor. As his younger brother’s crowded around Alex’s desk, he pulled his chair completely up to the desk, ostensibly to give them better access, but in reality to better hide the rapidly lengthening cock in his boxers. “Does it include me” Austin asked. Alex advanced the video, confirming that it not only contained footage of Austin in his Batman briefs and obvious boner, but a clear shot of Alex’s throbbing member when he reached to grab the backdoor keys from Amber’s upstretched arm. “Oh man, if this get out” Andrew whimpered. “What can we do?” whined Austin. “We better make sure we stay on Amber’s good side that’s for sure, and that goes for Brady and Chase too”, Alex instructed. With a gulp, Andrew agreed to go call his friends. As his younger brothers left the room, Alex told them to be sure and close the bathroom door. Upon the latch clicking, Alex restarted the video from the beginning while unbuckling his pants.
It was after 9:00 PM when a distraught Val called Amber crying about her boyfriend Isaac dumping her for that 8th grade slut Missy Cunningham, by text and the very night before the Columbus Day Dance at their middle school. Although truly sympathetic to Val’s loss, Amber found herself smiling. She always found Isaac to be oft-putting, one of those talented jocks who think because they have a hot body and can shoot a basketball, they are God’s gift to the world. Amber had to admit the 7th grader did have a nice body for a 13 year old, one she couldn’t help but admire as he strutted around the pool in his board shorts that summer. As Amber caressed the Etch-A-Sketch, she was glad Isaac gave her the excuse to give her and the rest of the middle school a more revealing view. While Val initially objected to Amber’s idea of going stag to the dance, it didn’t take much to convince her the wisdom of attending, especially when she assured her “Operation Vance” would still be a go.
Although Alex’s spirits were lifted by girl’s approving looks Saturday morning as he shot baskets in the cul-de-sac with his friends Blake and Chad, and Austin could be relieved he wasn’t completely exposed like his older brothers, Andrew was a very unhappy boy. Not only was his role in the Magic Show the most prolonged and humiliating of all the boys, but he had lost further status by insisting his friends do nothing to get back at Amber. So when Amber approached him the following morning, Andrew wanted nothing more than to tell her to fuck off. But remembering Alex’s counsel to stay on her good side, he managed a sullen “what do you want”?
“I know you are upset about yesterday, but I think if you are honest with yourself you’ll admit you had it coming. And I know you are frustrated you can’t afford to get back at me, but if you think about it, there are others complicit in your humiliation who you could pay back.”
After a moment’s reflection, Andrew replied with a wry grin: “You mean Brady and Chase”.
“More accurately, Chase and Brady; I think Brady would have untied you during the levitation trick if Chase hadn’t held him back, so you might want to take that into consideration. But I would certainly be glad to help you get back at either or both of them?”
I just need to know the answer to two questions; one, how “public” do you want it?
As “public” as you can make it”, Andrew replied.
“Would tonight’s dance be public enough?”
“Oh yeah, sweet”, replied a grinning Andrew as he licked his lips.
“Boxers, or totally naked like Alex?”
“Naked, they deserve it”.
“Agreed, but if you want them naked I will need to know what underwear they are wearing tonight.”
“You already know that, both Chase and Brady wear boxers.”
“Yes, but I need to know what color and pattern their boxers are?”
“How would I know that? And why do you need to know that anyway?
“Don’t you worry about the why, just you focus on the how”.
 “How can I find that out?”
“You will have to come up with a plan, at least if you really want to see them naked at the dance”.
So that evening found Andrew in the bathroom combing his hair, naked except for a bath towel wrapped around his waist, nervously uncertain about the wisdom of his plan. Upon Chase and Brady entering his room (Mrs. Ashley having agreed to drive Andrew’s fiends to the dance along with her own middle school children) Brady asked “Where’s Andrew?” “Still playing with his hair”, Austin replied pointing to the bathroom. “Man, you aren’t even dressed yet?” Chase complained. “Keep your shirt on, the last thing you want is to be the 1st one at a dance”, Andrew replied leaving the bathroom. Brady’s younger brother Burke’s snickered comment of “Boy your brother really does like to show off his body” brought a blush to his face. “What’s he doing here?” Andrew snarled to Brady. Brady just shrugged, but Austin answered “He’s my friend, Mom said she can give him a ride as easily as Brady and Chase”. With growing doubt, Andrew preceded with the plan, extracting two pair of boxers from his underwear drawer, and asked “In case I get lucky tonight, which pair would you recommend?” Brady scoffed, “Buddy, don’t think that is something you need to worry about.” Chase added, “But I definitely would not go for the Scooby Doo’s”. What’s wrong with Scooby Doo, Burke inquired. “Nothing if you are six” Chase replied. Burke reddened as he adjusted his polo to make sure it covered his waist. “So then the Star Wars work?” As both Brady and Chase shock their heads, Andrew asked directly: “Well what are you wearing Brady?” Andrew couldn’t help but lick his lips excitedly when Brady replied by lifting his shirt, revealing light blue boxers with thin yellow stripes above his jeans. Thinking his plan might actually work, Andrew tried to nonchalantly comment, “Well, how about you Chase”? With a blush in his checks and false bravado, Chase replied:
“Well I expect to be getting up close and personal with some of the ladies tonight, so wanting something to give some added support, I bought some trunks”.
“You’re wearing your bathing suit?” Brady asked. “No, trunks, you know, kind of cross between briefs and boxer briefs.” Andrew just gave him his most clueless look, so in exasperation Chase unbuckled his chinos and lowered his pants to reveal orange and navy stripped Abercrombie trunks. Chase’s new underwear gave Andrew a way to add to his coming payback.
“You know I expect to take advantage of the slow dances tonight with the ladies too, so maybe you are right, boxers aren’t the best choice. Austin, you mind if I borrow a pair of your briefs?”
“No, but won’t they be too small?”
“In this case tighter is better” Andrew replied squeezing into a pair of Superman underoos. “You aren’t really goinna wear those?” Brady asked. “Like you said, no one’s gonna know but you guys”. “No way, you couldn’t pay me to wear those, I can’t believe Austin still wears them”. Chase added. As everyone else was laughing at the blushing Austin, Andrew was thinking, “We’ll see, bro, we’ll see”.
After Andrew finished dressing, he returned to the bathroom ostensibly for some final primping, but in actuality to hurriedly text Amber his friend’s underwear choices. As the five boys descended the stairs Amber was in the family room with her Mother ready to go. The normally unsocial girl’s presence was an unwelcome surprise for Brady and Chase. “When did she start going to dances?” Chad worriedly whispered. “She gotta be nurse maid to her broken hearted pal Val”, Andrew snickered. “Oh, yeah I heard Isaac dumped her for Missy Cunningham”. Thus reassured the reason for Amber’s uncharacteristic dance attendance, the boys began an avid discussion of the luck and wisdom of Isaac’s preference for the well-developed Missy.
Amber rode in the passenger seat of the mini-van on the way to the dance, carefully dressing the virtual Chase and Brady in the reality boy’s current attire. Noticing her daughter using the Virtual Reality Etch-A-Sketch, Mrs. Ashley asked how the beta version was working out. Taken aback, Amber gave a weak endorsement of the device, admitting it was an advance over the original in certain ways. Over hearing the conversation, Burke foolishly made a snide comment about how Amber might want to be dropped off at the Kinder Care Day Care Center across the street from the middle school so she could play with her kiddie toy in peace. As they exited the car, a forceful Amber demanded to borrow Austin’s cell phone. Austin meekly complied, unnerved by his stepsister’s demanding tone and glare, whining “what do you need my phone for”. Quickly looking up Burke’s cell phone number, she returned Austin’s phone, ignoring his inquiry and marching into the school.
As Amber entered the cafeteria where the dance was being held, she was immediately accosted by Val.
“Here is the little creep’s cell phone number. He is over there, wearing black jeans and a Tom Brady Patriot Jersey. I am pretty sure he is wearing a sleeveless tee under it, he usually does wear those. But what are we going to do about his underwear?”
“I’ve been thinking about that, Isaac has a younger sister right?
“Yes, Isabelle, she’s over there with those other sixth graders.”
“Wish me luck”. Amber approached Isabelle, introducing herself and asking if she was Isaac Judson’s sister. Amber was encouraged by Isabelle’s look of resentment at once again being identified by her popular older brother as she replied in the affirmative. She explained that for a school math class stat project she was surveying a sample of boys at the dance, but Isaac had refused to participate. Isabelle sarcastically retorted, “Imagine that, Isaac, not helping someone, what a shock”, while agreeing to help if she could.
“Great! Thank you!! The poll question I am asking the boys is whether they wear boxers or briefs”.
“Well, actually both, sometimes Isaac wears boxers and sometimes boxer briefs”.
With a frustrated frown, Amber asked, “You wouldn’t happen to know what he is wearing tonight would you.”
“Sure, his lucky New England Patriot boxers, he always wears them with that Jersey”.
Thanking Isabelle while thinking Isaac was soon going to be out of luck, Isabelle’s friend Gwen asked if her older brother was in her sample. Asking who her brother was, Gwen replied Greg Stevens, pointing to a tall buzz cut blond 8th grader who happened to be the goalie on Andrew’s soccer team. Having admired Greg’s long athletic legs and firm ass, Amber deceptively replied “why yes he is, but I haven’t gotten to the eight grade boys yet”. With a conspiring tone, Gwen said:
“Greg is super shy, he would never answer that question, but between you and me, he usually wears boxers, but tonight he is actually wearing Gap cameo boxer briefs.”
Collecting Greg’s cell number Amber again thanked her two little “Deep Throats”, she headed back to Val, giving her two enthusiastic thumbs up. While she dressed 3 more target virtual boys, she worked out order and timing of the stripping and their placements for best anticipated picture taking.
45 minutes into the dance the boys were having a great time. As Brady and Andrew were taking a break at the refreshment table, Chase slapped them on the back, announcing he was heading back out on the dance floor, as he had made serious eye contact with that hotie Lauren Peters. As Brady turned around he was stunned to see Chase giving them a full moon. He tried to offer a cry of warming, but a mouthful of the cupcake he had been devouring made the effort futile. Grabbing Andrew, and pointing wildly was equally ineffective, as Andrew was playing dumb while trying to keep from busting out laughing. As Chase pushed through a group of sixth graders he exchanged smiles with Lauren on the opposite side of the dance floor over the shorter kid’s heads. As he broke through the crowd encircling the floor and entering the dance floor he was at 1st puzzled by the sudden change in Lauren’s expression. With a sickening sense of doom Chase suddenly recalled where he’d seen that look before, at the MAGIC SHOW! As he brought his hands to his chest feeling naked skin, he desperately wished he had worn his usual boxers. But as his hands descended down his body Chase was filled with a growing since of panic. Skin, Skin, Skin, HAIR! He mentally screamed as he realized he was out on the dance floor stark naked. Clasping his hands over his fully exposed penis and balls he turned and fled back the way he had come. Streaking past Brady and Andrew on his way to the boy’s bathroom, Andrew finally allowed himself to acknowledge Chase’s unfortunate predicament. But with most the attendees now facing the refreshment table rather than the dance floor, Andrew could offer the warning “Brady, your clothes!” As Brady came to realize he was every bit as exposed as Chase had been, he was finally able to violently expel the half eaten cupcake he had been choking on, all over Andrew’s face. With an anguished cry and blushing checks, all four of them, Brady followed his naked friend to the boy’s bathroom. To continue and try and obscure his role in his friends’ humiliation, Andrew told them he would try and retrieve his gym clothes from the locker room.
Taking advantage of everyone’s attention being focused on the naked Chase and Brady fighting their way to the boy’s bathroom, Amber with a few shakes of the Etch-A-Sketch vaporized Burke’s jeans and polo. Burke was laughing so hard at his older brother’s predicament, he didn’t realize his own exposure until Amber’s comment, “Oh, Scooby Doo’s, maybe it’s you who should be at Kinder Care”. At first confused by Amber’s comment (how could she know he was wearing Scooby Doo boxers), but coming to realize his classmates laughter was now directed at him rather than his naked brother, Burke looked down to realize his clothes were also missing. Cringing and futilely trying to cover his underwear with his hands, the returning Andrew’s observation that Chase was right, Scooby Doo boxers weren’t a good choice for a school dance only added to the boy’s embarrassment. Andrew’s next comment was more helpful, telling Austin to give Burke his shirt to cover up with. Before Austin could reject this suggestion, Burke began to frantically try to remove his friend’s shirt, to which Austin relented once Amber intervened to assist. The two blushing and embarrassed sixth graders were a comical sight, with Burke’s boxers extending beyond his friends polo tied around his waist and the bare chested Austin’s Batman briefs visible above his low hanging cargo pants (a hand-me-down from Andrew which he hadn’t yet fully grown into).
Andrew found his two friends cringing in the handicapped stall in the boys bathroom, each praying this was just the ultimate of bad dreams, one from which surely they would soon awaken. But Andrew informing them that the part of the school with the gym was closed off so he couldn’t retrieve any of their gym clothes, proved that the nightmare was not ending anytime soon. When Chase distraughtly exclaimed: “How could this be happening?” Andrew replied:
“I don’t get it, you did apologize to Amber, right?”
“What? No, apologize for what?”
“I warned you last night that she would make the dance worse than the Magic Show if you didn’t apologize for all the teasing and putdowns you’d directed her way”
“You did not! The only thing you said was there couldn’t be any revenge for her humiliating us at that magic show”.
“Are you sure I didn’t warn you to apologize?”
“I think our naked state proves that, don’t you!”
“Oh man, I guess you are right, I am so sorry. Here, Brady you take my shirt”. As Brady tied Andrew’s oxford around his waist, leaving an uncomfortable gap over his but like a hospital gown, and watched Andrew unfasten his pants, he thought he was definitely number two in the friendship rankings. But Chase’s enthusiastic expressions of gratitude turned to stunned silence as Andrew slipped off and tossed him the Superman Underoo briefs. “I can’t wear these out there” a horrified Chase wailed. “Well I’m certainly not wearing them out there” replied Chase, stepping into his pants. “Guess its Superman or nothing, Brady snickered”, now certain he was in fact number 1 in friendship rankings. Mistakenly believing the evening couldn’t possibly get any worse, and wishing Andrew had worn the Scooby Doo boxers after all, Chase reluctantly squeezed into the briefs.
Not wanting to spend the evening w/o clothes in the boys’ bathroom, Andrew suggested they hide out in the stairwell to the 2nd floor, which wasn’t being used that evening. To try and minimize their exposure, the two friends decided to run in tandem, with Chase’s underoo clad rear end covering Brady’s exposed one. But another embarrassing problem arose as Chase’s groin came in contact with Brady’s naked ass, one which Brady couldn’t help but notice, and which much to his discomfort seemed to have a similar effect on his own cock. Wanting to get this over with, Andrew pulled open the bathroom door and Brady followed closely by Chase surged out. But as Chase went by Andrew inserted his foot tripping Chase and causing him to fall face 1st on the cafeteria floor as Brady shot through the crowd never looking back. As Chase struggled to his feet, two of the smaller sixth graders to whom he had been less than kind to that year, surged forward, and grabbing the waist of the already too small briefs began giving Chase an extremely painful, and very public, wedgie. Struggling to his feet and lunging forward Chase managed to free himself, but unfortunately for him the briefs were not so lucky, so with a loud rip Chase once again found himself naked in front of most of his laughing schoolmates. Near tears and red as a fire engine, he fled the cafeteria, while emitting an anguished wail.
Andrew was on cloud nine with the success of “Operation Payback”, joining his classmates in laughing at the humiliating antics of Chase and Brady. Spotting Lauren by the punch bowl he decided to take advantage of Chase’s absence to score a dance with her. As he cockily sauntered over to her, he passed Amber, and couldn’t resist whispering, “Guess this makes us even now little sister”. Wanting to dispel that misconception, Amber hurried dressed the virtual Andrew in the jeans he was wearing and with a few shakes vaporized them. As Lauren turned to face the approaching Andrew, two questions filled her mind: one, why did boys keep approaching her w/o pants?; and two, why were there dicks so much smaller than at the magic show?” Andrew did manage to ask, “wanna dance”, before the look and backing away of Lauren caused him to suspect something was amiss. Glancing down with great trepidation, Andrew saw his worst fears realized as his hairless cock and balls were on full display. Pulling his sleeveless undershirt down in a vain attempt to cover his privates he tried to inconspicuously make his way from the cafeteria. As he once again passed Amber, she cracked “don’t worry, we’re getting there”. Val’s shout of “My God, where are your pants?” was even less welcome. His naked state revealed, Andrew abandoned any attempt at stealth, and streaked from the cafeteria. On his way out he did manage to strip Austin’s shirt from Burke’s waist, causing the two sixth graders to abandon the cafeteria to join their naked older brother’s in the stairwell.
 Val had wanted Isaac to be the 1st target, but Amber convinced her to think strategically, that Isaac’s arousal and thus eventual embarrassment were likely to grow as the evening progressed. 20 minutes before the dance was to end, Isaac and Missy were definitely not in compliance with the school’s rules for distance between dance partners. Missy’s fully developed breasts were in firm contact with Isaac’s chest, and both their hands were caressing their partner’s firm asses. While Missy was the 1st to understand something was wrong as her hands suddenly encountered the feel of human flesh, Isaac was too caught up in the moment to register anything beyond but mind blowing pleasure. It was only when Missy’s hands left his rear end and she began to struggle to break his embrace that Isaac began to realize something was wrong. As he felt her hands pushing against his naked chest, he realized that something was, very, very, wrong indeed. When Missy succeeded in breaking away Isaac looked down, and seeing his naked body simply froze in terror and incomprehension. For Isaac’s growth spurt had come sooner and faster that any boy in his class; his physic was more impressive than all but a few of even the 8th graders, and he was often mistaken for a high school freshman. His pubic hair was also advanced for a boy his age, with the dark brown hair of his bushy eyebrows covering his balls and groin. But unfortunately for Isaac all the advanced development had completely bypassed his genitals, with his dick fully hard (as it was now) barely extending over 2 inches. Val’s shout of “Say Baby Boner” as she snapped his picture caused Isaac to come to his senses and spin around in an attempt to hide his deepest secret. But the now luckless Isaac only turned to face Amber, who proceeded to throw a cup of ice cold water on Alex’s groin, causing his dick and balls to shrink up while eliciting a painful and attention grabbing wail for the deeply distraught top jock. Fighting tears of shame as his embarrassing exposure, Isaac had to fight his way through his gathering classmates to the relative privacy of the boy’s room.
With everyone’s focus on the streaking Isaac, Amber took the opportunity to strip her 5th target of the night. Like the other victims the laughing Greg was completely unaware that his clothes had gone missing, that is until Val exclaimed “Say Naked Goalie” as she used her cell phone to snap the boy’s photo. Although the buff 14 year old had nothing to be ashamed of, with an average sized cock over well-formed balls and the dusting of blond pubic hair, the shy teenager found being naked in front of his fully clothed peers absolutely mortifying. Frantic to cover his exposed privates, he grabbed two of the empty dessert trays from the refreshment table, using one to cover his cock and balls and the 2nd to cover his ass. Thus attired, the scarlet faced boy made his way through his laughing classmates to join Isaac in the boy’s room.
As Mrs. Ashley pulled into the pickup line to retrieve her children and their friends, she was filled with a feeling of having missed a golden opportunity by not volunteering to chaperone this dance! For exiting the school was the goalie from Andrew’s soccer team, the one who noticeably blushed when merely changing his soccer jersey upon the sidelines. But tonight was the boy not only shirtless, but the only visible covering he had was his little sister’s sweater wrapped around his waist. And as there was no sign of the boxers he normally wore, Mrs. Ashley would bet that that was in fact the only garment the boy was wearing. A bet she won as the boy passed her vehicle, exposing his bare, firm but cheeks to Mrs. Ashley’s rear view mirror. As Mrs. Ashley returned her attention to the students exiting the school she was rewarded with an even more delightsome view. One of Val’s former boyfriend Isaac, the boy with the piercing blue eyes set off with dark brown eye brows and long eye lashes many woman would kill for, with a muscular physic that would give her freshman son a run for his money. But instead of his normal jock swagger, with only his friends white tee shirt wrapped around his waist and classmates pointing and laughing at his expense, Isaac seemed to cringe as he hurried along trying desperately to keep his privates covered. His shirtless and obviously embarrassed friend with lacrosse theme boxers riding above his jeans only added to the erotic sight. The next group of boys caused Mrs. Ashley to gasp while squirming uncomfortable in her seat. For leading the way was Andrew, bare chested and crammed into what appeared to be Austin’s cargo pants. Next came Chase and Brady, similarly attired to the nearly naked boys who preceded them, who appeared to only be wearing Andrew and Austin’s shirts wrapped around their waists. Bringing up the rear of this boy flesh parade was Austin and Burke. Burke wearing nothing but a pair of Scooby Doo boxers and Austin in what appeared to be Andrew’s white sleeveless t-shirt. The t-shirt extended just below Austin’s crotch, emphasizing the attractiveness of his exposed legs. The view had Mrs. Ashley regretting her decision to buy Austin the half a dozen boxers like his older brothers, and vowing not to repeat that mistake. As the boys hurriedly approached the car, not wanting this lovely view to come to a close, Mrs. Ashley locked all the doors, while pretending to read her book as she waited in the line of cars. As the boys frantically pounded on the doors and windows, Mrs. Ashley blithely ignored them, just too engrossed in her book. Finally acknowledging their presence, but insisting the door was in fact unlocked, she exited the car to examine the uncooperative door in person. Mrs. Ashley brought an abrupt end to the boy’s desperate pleadings to please hurry by commanding Andrew to give Austin his pants back. A thunder struck Andrew could merely stammer “I, I, I can’t”.
“And why not”
“It’s the only thing I have on”

“But I’ll be naked”.

“I repeat, So! From what I have seen tonight that seems what most of the cool jocks are wearing, or not wearing in this case.” Taking pity on his older brother, Austin said it was OK, Andrew could keep his pants. But Mrs. Ashley would have none of it, insisting Andrew was too big and would ruin a perfectly good pair of pants the way he was squeezed into them. Threatening to strip the boy herself if necessary, Andrew finally relented, but requested that Austin at least return his t-shirt. Before Austin could object, Mrs. Ashley stripped the t-shirt off him, leaving the poor boy cringing in front of his middle school in nothing but a pair of Batman briefs. She then refused to give Andrew the shirt until he gave her the pants, thus forcing Andrew to strip completely naked in the school parking lot. When Austin tried to retrieve his pants Mrs. Ashley refused, reminding him he hadn’t wanted them back, and scolding him for giving them to Andrew in the 1st place. Infuriated by the unreasonableness of his Mother, Austin then took his own shirt back, ripping it from Chase’s waist, leaving him with nothing to cover his privates but his hands in front of his best friend’s Mother.
Deciding all good things must come to an end, Mrs. Ashley finally “managed” to open the door. The naked Chase was the 1st boy who climbed into the minivan. But as he bent and slowed to reach the back seats, he felt the hurrying and naked below the waist Andrew’s crotch come in contact with his naked rear end. Upon this embarrassing homoerotic contact Andrew attempted to move backwards, but this caused his naked rear to come in contact with Brady, who was similarly hurrying to climb into the van. Feeling Brady’s rapidly expanding cock rubbing his naked ass, Andrew reversed course, bringing his now hard penis once again into contact with Chase’s naked ass, eliciting a gasp from the confused and embarrassed boy, whose dick now expanded to its full 3+ inches. Although the 3 eight graders finally managed to gain their seats without a mortifying ejaculation, the inexplicable ache in their balls and their throbbing hardons left them with a burning desire to jack off. And yet most disconcerting for the boys, they not only had to resist an urge to fondle their own cock, but an unexpected and equally powerful urge to grasp the exposed boner of the friend sitting beside them.
As Amber regaled her step Mother with a very detailed description of the events of the dance, exclaiming how she would never miss one again, the poor boys were left wondering if they would ever be able to attend one again after this most humiliating evening.



(End of File)