The Best Thing 4

By Elixir Soup

Copyright 2016 by Elixir Soup, all rights reserved

[email protected]

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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My school days progressed smoothly. I made sure that Kelly was never around you when I wasn’t, though that often meant eating lunch together and sticking to you like glue during recess.
I learned that Kelly Blue was of some mixed Scandinavian descent and was a natural blonde. She’d known you since preschool and seemed an incurable prankster and tease. She’d also been in the same class as you every year since you met. Her friend, Heejung Dae Kim, was a Hawaiian-born girl of South Korean descent who had always been in a different class until this year. She was more reserved than Kelly and often found herself the unwitting accomplice to many of Kelly’s pranks and teasing. A blue-eyed blonde, I could tell Kelly would be a knockout in her teen and adult years. Heejung had classical Asian looks that meant they’d likely end up the hot BFFs of their high school. They were already fairly popular at this elementary school. Kelly clearly knew how to dress to impress, wearing scandalously short skirts for a girl of only 7 and stylish tops. Heejung was more conservative in her dress, opting for ankle-length floral skirts. However, she grew her hair longer than Kelly and often wore various barrettes and hairbands.
Eric Seaman, the black boy in the wheelchair, was in a separate special needs classroom so he never hung out with us at the same time as Kelly and Heejung. They somehow always had other plans at the time. You’d known him almost as long as Kelly and he was a year older than us due to being held back. Born with some kid of birth defect that left him in a wheelchair, Eric was very polite and surprisingly compassionate. He was often one to offer other kids snacks or tissues from that satchels built into his wheelchair. I wondered if he even had a selfish bone in his body. I wouldn’t have to worry about him and Heejung was harmless on her own, but Kelly was a borderline menace. Way too rambunctious for her own good.
It was a month since school started when I was eating lunch with you, Kelly, and Heejung. I would say eating my lunch but we usually all shared parts of our lunches with each other. I admit, when Kelly wasn’t embarrassing me she was pleasant to be around. After you swallowed your mouthful of Lunchables, you spoke to the group. I noted your legs were spread and Kelly was staring between them with a grin on her face, no doubt able to see your boy parts clearly. I don’t think I’d ever seen you wear pants or shorts to school; only long shirts.
“Hey, my mom said I can invite some friends over for a sleepover with weekend. You guys wanna come?” You offered.
“Sorry, Ardy, but my mom wanted me to try on some clothes for her new line,” Kelly explained. While I didn’t know what she meant at the time, I later found out her mother had an at-home tailoring business with a line of clothes for kids of all ages. She often used Kelly to model if the custom order had similar sizes.
“Um... My dad wanted to take me camping this weekend... Sorry,” Heejung said, a sad frown on her face. Heejung was the youngest of three sisters. Having no son, her father often pushed his male bonding activities on her, frequently taking her out on fishing, hunting, and camping trips. Surprisingly, Heejung enjoyed it.
“What about you, Rosie?” You asked, turning to me with expectation in your cerulean pools.
I swallowed my mouthful of pudding. You gazed at me expectantly, a pleasant smile on your tanned face. I merely nodded, not trusting my voice.
“Okay! I’ll ask Eric. Be ready on Friday, okay?” You explained, grinning at me.
I was worried about my parents letting me sleep over. I didn’t expect them to allow this. After all, whenever you came over you were butt naked and I don’t think they’d ever met your family. They were always very protective of me. Surprisingly, they said it was good timing. They were hoping to head out of town for the weekend with Abuelo and were relieved I could stay with the neighbors next door. Mom and dad made a big fuss about me packing everything I needed. .They kept making sure I knew where the spare key to our house was, what number to call in an emergency. Either my parents didn't know your family were entirely nudists or they didn't care. If the former, I certainly wasn't telling them. If the latter, I certainly wasn't going to ask them. Strangely, in a rare moment of my perpetually shy and insecure existence, I was happy. I was going to spend an entire weekend with you!
I rang your doorbell, a pink luggage case covered with stickers holding everything I’d need for the weekend. What answered the door was a little girl of only two years old. Ah, your youngest sibling, Haley. Like you often were, she was completely naked. Thankfully her blanket covered about half of her body and her thumb planted firmly in her mouth covered her other nipple. Like you she was tanned, blue-eyed, and had sun-bleached tresses. Her own cornflower locks were tied in two pigtails with pink ribbons.
“Um... Hi, Haley,” I managed to stammer. “Is Arden home?”
Haley merely nodded, her thumb still in her mouth.
“Uh... C-Can you go get him?” I asked, finding her silence a bit unnerving.
She nodded again then turned to leave. I averted my gaze at the sight of her smooth, rosey butt cheeks as she scampered away.
I wish I hadn’t averted my gaze. From the side room where I was glancing came a bouncing and flopping penis. I let out a sharp intake of breath and snapped my eyes upward to see Trevor, your five-year-old younger brother. He was previously four years old, but had a birthday just earlier this month. The only thing he wore was a pair of goggles over his forehead.
“Hey, Rosalina,” he greeted in clearly enunciated words. He was precocious for his age. He gave me a thumbs up and flashed me a charming smile. His hair was shorter than yours, likely to make it easier to wear his ever-present goggles. Despite the different in hair length, he was still just as golden-haired, blue-eyed, and tanned as you. It seemed the Flowers family charm ran quite deep in the boys of the family as Trevor was almost as charismatic as you. Granted, he was significantly more grounded considering what he would say next. “I guess you’re still not used to all the skin around here, huh? Don’t worry, all our repeat guests get used to it eventually. I know Abby’s friends love coming over!”
His clever grin was halted by an elbow in his shoulder. It was Abigail, your older sister at nine years old. The trend in your family continued. Golden-haired, blue-eyed, and tanned. Abby however had scabs on her knees, cut her hair very short, and wore a red baseball cap with a blue bill.
“Aw, lay off her, bro. You know she don’t have to undress if she don’t want to,” Abby explained. She lifted the brim of her cap with her index finger, flashing me her own charming grin. Seemed the girls of the family got just as much charisma as the boys. I couldn’t help noting that Abby had small, budding breasts and her pussy lips looked more pronounced than mine. “Looks like you got Arden all to yourself, Rosalina. Eric’s got a doctor’s appointment this weekend.”
I swallowed hard at that. I was hoping Eric could be here to make it easier on me. Now I felt downright outnumbered. This was a ten person household! Seven kids, a pregnant mother, a father, and a grandmother. I’d never met your father, grandmother, or two oldest siblings and I hoped I wouldn’t. Your father was away on business a lot, your grandmother lived upstairs and had never come down during the times I visited, your older sister left to hang out with friends a lot, while your oldest brother was attending college away from home. In fact of your siblings I’d met before, the only one who hadn’t showed up yet was... “Hey, um... Where’s Dante?”
“He went down out to the park with some friends,” Trevor explained.
“Alone?” I asked. The very thought of a twelve-year-old boy going out alone like that with just some friends baffled me. Wasn’t Mrs. Flowers worried?”
“Mom knows where he is and when he’ll be back. Don’t worry,” Abby said, grinning broadly. Mrs. Flowers was of the belief that you should let your kids be who they are, but know what they’re doing.
“Monica is out at the mall with some friends. She should be back later,” Trevor continued. Huh. Was I finally going to meet Monica, your 15-year-old sister?
“Rosalina, is that you?” I swallowed hard at that voice.
Looking up, I saw your mom waddling towards me. Unlike her children, she was a pale, brown-eyed brunette. Completely naked, her swollen belly and engorged breasts took up most of my view. Like before, she pulled me into her arms and buried my face in her heavy assets. I couldn’t help feeling a little envious. I know I was only seven years old at the time and hadn’t hit puberty yet but I still wondered when and if I’d get a pair of my own.
When she was done smothering me to death, Mrs. Flowers set me back down. In a motherly gesture she fixed my hair for them then stood up to her full height with a strained groan. “Arden is waiting outside for you, Rosalina. He’s in the backyard,” she explained, beaming a warm, nurturing smile down at me. “I even made you some sandwiches. Leave your things here and I’ll take care of them.”
Feeling lightheaded, I nodded and ventured through the house to the backyard. To think, I was going to be surrounded by flapping boy-things, twitching girl-things, jiggling boobies, and bouncing booties for three days! As odd as it sounded, I really wasn’t interested in those things at that age. Curious, yes, but not interested. It was only your bare skin I was truly fascinated by, Arden...
I walked outside to see you sitting on a blanket in the yard, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You were naked, of course. Aside from the shirt and flip flops you wore to school, I rarely ever saw you in anything more than absolutely nothing. I felt downright overdressed in my modest yellow dress, blue cardigan, white daisy-themed sandals, cartoon panties, and nerdy glasses. You turned to look at me in mid-bite. I was never sure how you could do it but you could always tell when I was approaching. It was like you could sense me.
“Rosie!” You waved at me. Your legs were spread and your little penis was resting atop the blanket. I noticed it twitch and felt a tingle between my legs. It was a tingle I’d been getting more and more familiar with in the roughly two months since I’d met you. “Come, sit! Momma made PB&J!”
I daintily took a seat on the blanket in a modest kneeling style, having learned to keep my legs closed in keeping with my mother’s conservative values. She always felt a lady should be a lady, while little boys shouldn’t be so modest. I think your family agreed with half of that belief. The boys of the Flowers family were hardly modest, but then again neither were the girls!
“You catch the last episode of Dexter’s Laboratory? Dexter was naked again!” You said.
It was late September of 1996. Animated children’s shows like Road Rovers and Dexter’s Laboratory were going strong on channels like Kids WB, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon. It was also a surprisingly lax time for the nudity of little boys in cartoons geared for children of young ages.
Looking back, I never could figure it out. Tiny Toons, Kablam, and Dexter’s Laboratory featured nudity in the form of little boys, but never showed anything more than a bare butt. I remember being in awe that such a thing like nudity would be allowed in a children’s cartoon but my mother never saw any problem with it even when she watched them with me. Curiously, not one naked girl appeared in those cartoons. It was always boys.
I suppose, looking back on it, the 90s had a very biased and one-sided view on nudity: Female nudity was sexual, male nudity was funny. There were absolutely no exceptions to such a black-and-white view in the eyes of the networks, writers, and censors. I suppose that network executives, being run primarily by middle-aged men, didn’t stop to think and realize a simple fact... Girls enjoy looking at naked boys just as much as boys enjoy looking at naked girls, perhaps even more so. I suppose the view of network executives, censors, and writers that heterosexual girls were sexually dead worked out in our favor, though. We got to see plenty of little boy butts on cartoon shows we weren’t expecting them. I distinctly have fond memories of Dexter’s Laboratory being the go-to cartoon for animated boy nudity.
The screen door to the backyard opened. I turned, expecting to see your mother bringing drinks but it wasn’t. I felt my face pale yet light up scarlet at the same time. My jaw fell open and the bite of PB&J fell right out onto my lap.
She walked right out, naked as a jaybird and with boobies bigger than my own mother. Her blonde hair was tied up in a pony tail with a light blue scrunchie, her pretty blue eyes looking out at me through thin horn-framed spectacles perched upon a freckle-covered little nose and full, scarlet lips. Her breasts settled out of a bounce as she stopped her movements. Her standing stance was casual yet spoke of a confidence mixed with a bit of flirtation. She smiled and the noon sunlight caught in her eyes as well as her glasses. She looked so sharp, so bright. I thought no one in your family could compare to the light you emitted Arden, but she came close. I’d had many images of what teenage girls looked and acted like but as that fifteen-year-old girl stared across the yard at me, all cheer and beauty, I realized all my misconceptions were wrong. I realized I was staring at her breasts and her curiously inverted nipples. Before I could stop she giggled, setting them into a vivid undulation.
“Surprised?” She pointed at her breasts for emphasis and I realized I’d been caught staring at them. “Mom’s swelled up a lot with her repeat pregnancies and constant breastfeeding but she says I’m still bigger than her when she was my age. I’m a triple-D. They kind of run in the Flowers family. Most of the girls get them by 17 but I bloomed early.”
I knew nothing about bra size at the time, so I had no clue what the size meant. This girl... She was cheerful, kind, and not at all like the fifteen year old teenage girls I had imagined one day meeting. Was this the power of the Flowers family? Or were you all aliens? I just remained perfectly still, my jaw hanging open. You, on the other hand, continued to eat like nothing was wrong.
"Oh! Monica! This is my friend, Rosalina! I call her Rosie, but you can't, okay?" You called to her. So this was your fifteen-year-old sister, Monica?
Monica laughed, my eyes drawn to the gelatin-like motion it caused to her breasts. Though to be honest, they hadn't left them in the first place.
"Don't worry, little Ardy. She'll be Rosalina to me, or... maybe baby sister-in-law, huh?" She explained with a playful grin.
I blushed scarlet red, finally taking my eyes off her chest to bury my face in my hands.
"Monnie! That's gross! We're seven years old!" You defended.
"Oh, really? The same age? How cute!” Monica’s smile was downright mischievous. “Why isn't she naked, though? Shouldn't she join the rest of the family? Our other frequent guests get naked with us."
Oh, sweet lord... I was completely mortified at the mere thought of joining the entire Flowers family, save father and eldest son, in their nude frolicking.
"Monnie! Stop! Rosie doesn't have to get nakey if she doesn't wanna. She's perfect just the way she is," you explained.
This brought my blush anew with a righteous fire but for a completely different reason. I know you had meant your words completely platonically... But to a five year old little Hispanic girl's imagination, what else was such a phrase suppose to set off?
"Okay, okay. I'm just teasing you, little bro. Hey, Rosalina. Ever want me to do your hair or make up, just let me know, okay? Closest girl to me in age in this family is Abby, and she's only nine years old and a total tomboy."
I only nodded dumbly, not willing to say no to a girl this amazing. I did, however, noticed a trend in your siblings, Arden. They were all just so... normal!
Monica at fifteen, as I learned, was the typical teenybopper. Into boy bands, make up, hair styling, and beauty tips.
Dante was twelve and a budding tweenager who thought he was hot stuff. He was into rap and dressed gangster.
Abigail, or just Abby as she preferred to be called, at nine years old was a total tomboy. She often dressed in overalls and sported baseball caps. She loved to play sports and wrestle with the boys her age.
Trevor, five years old at that current time of 1996, was young and still finding his place in the world. With the release of magical girl and super-powered martial arts based Japanese animation on American cartoon channels just a year later, he would find his niche and clique in the 'otaku' crowd. He would practice with wooden swords, make frequent trips to Japan, and even wear anime merchandise and cosplay accessories as his only articles of clothing.
Haley, two years old, was just a toddler at the time. She would be the only daughter of the Miami Flowers household to not develop breasts up to a triple-D, instead reaching a self-proclaimed "28AAAA" cup. It was likely a rare recessive gene inherited from Mrs. Flowers' Great Aunt Lil. I'm not sure if this led to her clique but she fell in with the gothic and emo crowd later in life. She would wear heavy eyeliner, dye her sunbleached blonde locks black, intentionally avoid the sun, and dub herself "Dark Mistress Shadowgale" in the same way Trevor would dub himself Daisuke McAwesome as his otaku name.
Mrs. Flowers would have five additional kids, including the twins she currently had on the way. They also would fall into rather contrasting cliques and social niches but those are stories for another day. The eldest son I wouldn't meet until the summer of next year when he came home from college for his break. I won't spoil it, but let's just say Ash is... very popular with his fraternity. His frat boy nature is only the least controversial thing about him.
What surprised me most about all of them, even the ones that came later and Ash himself, is that your siblings were just so normal! In fact they all could pass for ordinary people, fitting in nicely with their cliques and people with similar interests. The only difference was that each and every one of them was a nudist!
“Hmmmm...” Monica crossed one arm under her breast and brought the other hand to her cheek. She was deep in thought but my eyes were locked on the way her arm lifted up her hefty breasts. Was she really only fifteen? “Hey, Rosalina. Want me to do your hair and makeup? It won’t take long. Promise.”
The glint in her eye told me she had more nefarious plans. I looked to you, seeing you just smile and nod your permission. Turning back to Monica, I nodded as well. I got up, dusted my butt off, and followed Monica into the house.
Your older sister’s room was what you’d expect from a fifteen year old girl. The walls were covered with posters for boy bands and pop singers and she had a full vanity covered with makeup. All the clothes I saw were incredibly fashionable but I couldn’t help wondering how often she wore them. I found it odd that a nudist owned so many clothes.
“Sit there at the vanity and I’ll get my cosmetics ready. You’re Mexican, right?” I nodded dumbly at Monica’s question. “That kind of limits the colors I can use but I welcome a challenge.”
I hopped into the vanity’s seat and faced the mirror. My mother wore makeup but I always thought I wasn’t old enough to wear it. Monica, after some scurrying around behind me, pulled up an end table covered in cosmetics and hair care supplies and began getting to work on my hair. I prepared to wince from her tugging but she was surprisingly gentle... or maybe I was just distracted by her DDDs bumping into the back of my head. They were so soft...
In the middle of curling my hair, Monica leaned in. I felt her breath on my ear. “So... you like Arden, huh?”
I nearly jumped out of my skin. I’m sure I at least jumped my height even though I was sitting down. Monica laughed. “Relax, Rosalina! You kind of make it obvious.”
I felt a knife through my heart at that. “I do?”
“You bet! I can nearly feel the pheromones shooting off you towards Arden!” She grinned cheekily.
A frown graced my features. “Does... Does Arden know?”
“Not telling.” She blew a raspberry at me for emphasis. I pouted.
Monica returned to doing my hair and began to speak. “I bet you’re curious. We’re a pretty weird family, aren’t we? But would you believe we’re not the only Flowers family?”
I shuddered at the idea of there being more than one of all of you.
“We’re just the Miami Flowers family,” Monica continued. “There’s a Flowers family in almost every state and even a few provinces in Canada. Aside from the fact we’re all nudists, the one thing the Flowers families all share is that we’re all popular with, and mostly have friends of, the opposite sex. I suppose it’s due to our tendency to strip naked at the drop of a hat, both at friends’ houses, parties, and even compulsively in public.”
So being popular with girls was common for the boys of the Flowers family? Judging by how Monica said it, the reverse was true for the girls?
“I’m kind of a rare exception, though. As odd as it sounds, boys who’re into make up, hair styling, astrology, boy bands, and the like are pretty rare. I know quite a few guys who are though and I make do with my female relations.” Her hand brushed my cheek as she said it. I distinctly felt myself shudder and a warmth grow in my belly.
A soft giggle escaped Monica’s lips as she continued to work on my hair. “You probably think we’re all just tanned. But have you seen mom? She’s pretty pale and she’s a brunette. She only a Flowers by marriage. Aside from her, most of the Flowers family aren’t actually white. Yeah, nudism lets you soak up a lot of Florida sun all over, but funny thing about the Flowers family is that we’re all surprisingly accepting of others. Due to our hippie-like nature, many did, do, and will continue to marry people of nearly any race or combination of races.” I felt hope well up in my heart. Even if my own parents wouldn’t like me marrying a boy who wasn’t Latino, did that mean Arden and his family would be open to it? “The Miami Flowers family alone is a hot mess of Hispanic, Asian, and white, but most Flowers families across North America have at least a drop of some Native American tribe. Heck, a few on the west coast and Canada even have a little Arab or Indian in them. Gawd, don’t even get me started on all the European ancestries. Or family tree is all over the place.”
What Monica neglected to mention at the time was that the Flowers open-mindedness extended beyond simply race. While such a thing was rare in the 90s, many Flowers had and would take gay, lesbian, or transgender partners. Monica herself turned out to be bisexual but ultimately married a man. According to Monica, when everyone in the family is nearly always naked and shoeless, you start ignoring what's skin-deep and only pay attention to the soul beneath. When she met her future husband working in that hair salon with her everyone assumed he was gay. Only Monica knew he wasn’t.
“Arden, though...” I perked at Monica mentioning your name. “He’s an odd one in this family, Rosalina. He isn’t the black sheep. Oh, far from it. Rather, he takes everything the family represents and magnifies it. All the Flowers are popular at their schools but he’s the most able to charm girls his age by just being naked a lot and acting like he isn’t.”
Monica wrapped her arms around me, leaning in to bury her nose in my hair. I felt myself hold my breath. “All the Flowers often wind up naked in school for some reason or another. Heck, we usually walk out of the locker room without our clothes because we forget we’re naked. I certainly did it more than once. One time I even was halfway through Freshman history class before I realized I wasn’t wearing a stitch.” I felt my face heat up at the mental image.
“Arden’s done that about five times more often than any of his siblings and he’s not even out of grade school. I’m sure you know this more than anyone, Monica, but he’s beautiful. Pure, bright, shining... Accepting of everyone, tolerant of the biggest faults... A wonderful friend and ally but a terrifying enemy... We’re all incredibly open-minded in this family but Arden is a cut above us. He draws people in.” A soft giggle escaped your older sister’s lips into my hair, sending tingles into my scalp. “You’ve fallen harder than most, haven’t you?"
I had no idea what she meant at the time. I was about to ask what Monica meant, but a kiss on the top of my head silenced me. With a soft giggle, she went back to teasing my hair.
Despite my closeness in age to Abby, I bonded the most with Monica over the years. She became the big sister I never had while Trevor even introduced me to the world of anime. I never did take to it like he did...
Whatever niche or clique they fell into, even if it was considered a bad one like gangster rap, goth, or frat boy partying and drinking... All the Flowers were just as sweet as you, Arden. It was like Mrs. Flowers believed in letting them be who they are, but made sure she raised them to always be sweet under their shocking exteriors...
It would be many years before I actually got the chance to meet Mr. Flowers himself and it would shock me far more than meeting your eldest brother Ash. That's much farther down the line, though. For now, my sleepover weekend at the Flowers household was just beginning.
A soft giggle escaped Monica’s full, red lips and she said something that would foreshadow the days of the rest of my life.
“Oh, Rosalina... You might just be the best thing to ever happen to Arden Flowers...”



(End of File)