Jeannie Grants Wishes 3

By See Erva

[email protected]

Copyright 2014 by See Erva, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The buzzing of his alarm clock woke Chris up. He shut it off and sat up in bed. What a dream! It had been both embarrassing and thrilling but now that it was over, he was glad it was just a dream. There was no way he could face his sister’s friends if it had been real. He got out of bed and stripped off his pajama shirt. His bedroom door opened and Stella stuck her head in.
“You’re up. I was just about to wake you.”
“Hey, didn’t you hear about knocking? I was getting undressed!”
“So I might have seen you again. What’s the big deal?”
With a shock he realized it hadn’t been a dream. His sister and two friends had come into the bathroom while he was naked in the tub. They had molested him, spanked him, ridden him around the room like a horse and recorded the entire humiliating ordeal. Then they had threatened to tell other girls at school and swear them to secrecy. He wouldn’t even know who had been told. He would have to spend the rest of his school career wondering if a girl smiled at him because she liked him or because she knew his secret.
A wave of depression washed over him. He could barely drag himself to the bathroom to prepare for the day. This time he jiggled the door until he could close the sliding latch. If only he had thought to do that yesterday he wouldn’t be in this situation. He walked to school a block behind his sister as she met her friends, Tanisha and Jeannie. Today he didn’t want to hear the comments they were sure to make.
“Hello, Chris! Lovely day for a walk.”
At twelve, Mara Wolf was the youngest in his class by about a year but had skipped a grade. Like some brilliant overachievers, she took more pride in her work than her appearance. She wore black, plastic-framed glasses, had long chestnut hair which was naturally curly but since she didn’t style it, it always seemed frizzy. She favored longer skirts and sweaters in drab colors like brown and gray. Her round face and glasses gave her a chubby appearance though she only weighed a few pounds over optimum. For several years she had harbored an obvious crush on Chris, greeting him when their paths crossed and asking him inane questions just to keep a conversation going. Still Chris let her sit next to him in class because then he could cheat off her tests. At times she even helped him with homework, though that assistance often took the form of her explaining the subject while he copied her answers.  Now he made a noncommittal reply. She took that as a sign to fall into step beside him.
“Hey, Chris! Since when do you walk with the dork?”
It was his friend, Jim Morgan from the junior football team they both belonged to. Jim was a stocky boy with broad shoulders bulging with muscle. His father, the coach, saw to it that he worked out. Jimmy was one of the dimmest bulbs in the lamp and the coach knew his only hope for achievement lay in athletics.
“Jimmy, lay off!”
It was Levon Harris, another team member. He was something of an anomaly, a tall, fit African-American who was as good at academics as he was at athletics. He took his sports as seriously as his studies. His father was a semi-professional basketball player, his mother an attorney. Levon planned on joining his mother’s law firm.
“Are you into her?” Jimmy asked Levon.
“It’s not that, she just doesn’t need your insults. And Chris, you can walk with whoever you want.”
“Thanks,” Chris said sarcastically, “but I wasn’t walking with her. She just tagged along.”
“If my presence disturbed you, you could have simply requested that I leave!” Mara exclaimed, tears stinging her eyes. “I’ll do so presently.”
She ran ahead and passed Stella and her friends. Chris saw them call her over and chat. At one point, she turned and stared at him with a smirk on her face. Despair ran through him as he realized they were telling her what happened to him the day before. Mara walked off. Stella called over Carla Hicks. With a sinking feeling is his stomach, Chris watched the two exchange  words. Then the prettiest girl in school turned to smile at him. She knew! He wanted to sink into the ground. The warning bell rang, leaving him with no time to dwell on it.
He was preoccupied during lunch and his friends commented on it. He almost told them but decided to wait until he was certain. There was no sense digging his own grave. Wherever he looked in the cafeteria, a pair of mocking female eyes returned his gaze. His sister and friends sat to his left. Carla Hicks sat in the center of the room, surrounded by her entourage and her current boyfriend of several days, Jerry Carter. To his right, Mara sat at the nerd table with the chess club and the mathletes. When her eyes met his, she smiled.
“Hey, Chris, wait up!” Carla called out as he left school at the end of the day.
He waited for her to approach. Friends moved aside to give them some privacy.
“I know about yesterday,” she whispered.
“Oh no!” he groaned.
“Don’t worry. I won’t say anything until it’s public knowledge.”
“Public knowledge?”
“Well, sure. It won’t stay a secret forever. But for now it’s between us.”
“Uh...thanks, I guess.”
“I think it’s great.”
“I think it’s great,” she repeated. “I wish I was there to see it. Do you think you can let me know next time? Maybe they’ll give me a shot.”
“You rotten bitch! That’s what you came to tell me?”
He turned and stormed away. His friends caught up to him.
“What was that all about?” Jimmy asked. “You just insulted Carla!”
“Stella told her something really embarrassing about me and she just teased me about it.”
“It must have been something really big.”
“It was and I can’t talk about it.”
“Hi, Chris. I heard about yesterday.” This time it was Mara. “All I can say is it happened to the right person.”
“Get away from me you big fat dork!”
Mara stood stunned. Tears began dripping down her cheeks. Chris continued walking with his friends.
“What happened yesterday to get you so riled up?” Jimmy asked. “Come on. If Carla and Mara know, we might as well know.”
Chris told them everything.
“Wow!” Jimmy said. “You really went through the wringer! I imagine it must have been humiliating! Then again, there are a couple of things I wouldn’t have minded happening to me. That Jeannie Carter’s cute. I would enjoy having her get me off. I’m trying to decide if it was worth it. But the spanking and the videos. No way! So what are you gonna do?”
“Get revenge.”
“How? If they have the videos, they can destroy you at any time.”
“What if I got video of them?”
“But how are you gonna get all three of them?”
“I may not have to. If I got one of them, the other two wouldn’t release my videos because I would release hers. It would be like a Mexican standoff. I can practically do Stella myself except it will be hard to handle her and record at the same time. Also, there are some things I can’t do to her, considering she’s my sister. But you can.”
“You’d actually let us strip and molest your sister?”
“Hey, she and her friends did it to me.”
“Stella may be tiny but she’s cute. Count me in.”
“Me, too,” Levon agreed.
“Hey, Chris! I’ve been looking for you!” an angry voice shouted.
“It’s Jerry and he looks mad,” Jimmy remarked.
“What do you mean calling Carla a rotten bitch?”
“She is! Do you know what she said to me?”
“Sure. She told me. I know it’s supposed to be a secret and Stella told her not to tell but she didn’t see any harm in mentioning it to you.”
“She didn’t just mention it to me; she rubbed it in!”
“How do you rub in getting chosen as a model?”
“What are you talking about, Jerry?”
“Stella said you were at the mall yesterday and an agent said you’d make a great model.”
“That’s not what happened!”
“So what happened?”
“Something awful and embarrassing.”
“Does it have to do with something Tanisha and Jeannie forced you to do?”
“How do you know?” Chris stared at Jerry’s expression. “They did it to you, too?” At Jerry’s nod, Chris continued. “They said they would tell other girls at school. Then Carla said she heard and thought it was great and wished she were there to see it. And then she asked me to let her know the next time so she could get a shot. I thought she was asking to participate in my next humiliation.”
“She meant she hoped you’d bring her to your next audition so she could get hired as a model, too.”
“Now she thinks I’m some kind of lunatic!”
“Don’t worry. I’ll explain it to her,” Jerry reassured him.
“And what are you gonna tell her really happened?”
“I’ll just say something embarrassing. I don’t have to give details.”
“Thanks, Jer. Listen, the guys know. We were just plotting revenge. Want in?”
“You bet!”
“So who do we start with, Jeannie or Stella?”
“Mom’s out a lot, so Jeannie and I will be home alone. That makes her an easier target. Even if she’s warned, she can’t hide or have Tani move in with her forever. But if Stella gets advance notice, she can make sure to be out when Mom is or have Tani over. So let’s start with Stella and then Jeannie. Too bad we can’t get Tani.”
“Chris must have gone crazy today,” Stella said on her way home from school. “I told Carla and Mara about his being discovered and I saw them giving him looks the whole day. I’m sure he thinks they know.”
“Think they told anyone else?” Jeannie asked.
“Not Mara. She knows how to keep a secret and I don’t think she has too many friends. Carla’s something of a gossip but she might keep the secret since she won’t want competition for that modeling job.”
“Hey, Mara, what’s the matter?” Stella inquired.
The girl was sitting under a tree staring at the ground, her shoulders shaking. When she looked up, the three older girls saw tears in her eyes.
“Chris called me a big fat dork!” she sobbed.
“Why would he do that?”
“I know it’s a secret but I wanted to congratulate him and he responded with insults!”
“What exactly did you say to him?”
“I believe I said that it happened to the right person.”
To her surprise, the girls burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry,” Stella said. “I know you don’t find it funny...”
“But you will!” Jeannie chimed in.
“Yeah, you probably will. You see, Chris was not offered an audition as a model. Something embarrassing happened to him and he’s very sensitive about it.”
“What happened?”
“Well, we weren’t supposed to tell anyone but I think after what you went through, you deserve to hear it. I walked in on him in the bathtub.” Her friends stared at her as she embellished. “The lock in his house doesn’t work unless you jiggle the door and he forgot.”
“My goodness! He must have been mortified!”
“I’m really not sure why. He was sitting down. He screamed and I backed out. It was more the fright and of course the teasing. I said I would tell people he was standing up and I saw everything. And of course I teased him about what I would describe.”
“Why would you do that?”
“He was acting obnoxious.”
“Which appears to be his general demeanor,” Mara obseved.
“Exactly. Then we thought it would be more effective if some girls were looking at him in an unusual way - smiling knowingly - you know. So we told you and one other girl the story about the modeling job. We also told you not to say anything. We thought your looking at him funny would drive him crazy.”
Mara smiled. “You were correct. Now that I have a grasp of the entire picture, I find it humorous. I understand why Chris was infuriated. But he still had no call to ridicule my weight.”
“Mara, it’s just an expression! Chris calls me a big fat pain sometimes. The last thing anyone would consider me is big or fat.”
“So he just considers me a dork?”
“It’s the glasses,” Jeannie said. “When I started wearing glasses, he called me a dork. And even though I’ve been wearing lenses for two years now, he still calls me the red dork.”
“So I should just attribute it to his inferior intellect?”
“Exactly,” Stella agreed. “But while we’re on the subject, doesn’t it bother you that boys in your class call you things like fat dork?”
“It would be accurate to say that causes me some distress.”
“So why don’t you do something about it?”

“I can hardly change my physical attributes!”
“No, but there are ways to emphasize the positive and tone down others. For example, have you thought about contact lenses?”
“I’ve considered them but spectacles are easier and they’re part of my identity.”
“So you prefer to remain a dork?”
“Do you really think contact lenses would make a difference?”
“They made a difference to me,” Jeannie said.
“Fine. I’ll consider them when on my next vision checkup. What else would you recommend I change?”
“Your hair,” Tanisha said. “A change in hairstyle would do wonders. You have a very pretty face and you need the style to show it off.”
“Tani would know,” Stella confirmed. “Her mom owns a beauty salon and Tani’s learning the trade. She did our hair. Have you see Jeannie’s brother, Jerry recently?”
“Certainly. The change is rather dramatic. It’s a major topic of discussion at school.”
“Tani did it.”
“Then she certainly knows her craft. How much would such a session cost?”
“I don’t charge my friends,” Tanisha said. “I’m still learning and I appreciate that they let me practice on them.”
“Intending no offense, we aren’t friends. We’re not in the same class.”
“But we’re neighbors and my sister told me you helped her with math a few times. I’ll tell you what, if you can be at the salon on Sunday morning around ten, I’ll do you for free and you can leave a tip if you’re happy. We don’t officially open until eleven but Mom and I get there early to set up. It’s also when I practice while Mom watches.”
“I can be there at the appointed time. Thank you.”
“By the time Tani’s finished with you, the Vision Center will be open, so I’ll make an appointment to have you fitted for lenses,” Jeannie said.
“And you truly believe this will have a profound impact on how the boys perceive me?”
“I do. But if you really want to complete the job, you need new clothes.”
“What is improper about my attire?”
“Nothing - if you’re a forty-year-old, spinster schoolteacher.”
“I would not be comfortable in the type of immodest garments worn by many of my schoolmates, which reveal midriffs, bosoms and even thong underwear.”
“No one said anything about baring your belly button or your panties. But slightly higher hemlines and brighter colors would add to your male appeal.”
“I’m sure you’re correct, but I wouldn’t know what to choose.”
“Then after the lenses, we can go clothes shopping, if you’d like.”
Mara’s eyes widened. “You would do that for me?”
“Sure. You don’t have an older sister to do it for you and we love clothes shopping and getting styled. Our second favorite thing is helping some else shop and get styled.”
“You must really enjoy a challenge, turning this sow’s ear into a purse. I have been saving my tutoring and babysitting money. I would be very pleased to have you assist me. Thank you.”
“She’s quirky but sweet,” Jeannie commented after Mara walked away.
“She’s also very bright. Genius level,” Stella added.
“Now I’m wondering what happened with Chris and Carla,” Tanisha said as they entered Jeannie’s house.
“I’m sure we’ll find out soon,” Stella said. “So does that conclude his punishment?”
“I guess so,” Jeannie replied. “What else is there to do? Are you all out of wishes?”
“Yeah...I guess so.”
“You sound unsure.”
“Well...I was just thinking how we could top what we already did and I sorta came up with an idea. I thought it would be cool if I could do a one-on-one.”
“What do you mean?”
“When we did Jerry, we all know it was really Tani controlling him. If she hadn’t been there, it never would have worked. I’d love to have some guy do whatever I said because he was afraid of me and no one else. Can you imagine little old me intimidating some bigger guy? It would be such a rush!”
“I can just imagine,” Jeannie said. “I’d love to try it myself.”
“It’s a nice fantasy but I can’t see it,” Tani said. “What if he decides he had enough and turns on you? Besides, there’s no one left to do it to.”
“We still owe Jerry,” Stella reminded her.
“And you think Jerry will sit still for you bossing him around?”
“So what are we gonna do to him?”
“I haven’t decided yet,” Jeannie said. “I’m waiting to see just how long our previous treatment lasts.”
They gathered in the living room to study. Some time later, Jerry came home.
“I can’t believe what you guys did to Chris!” he exclaimed.
“How did you hear about it?” his sister asked.
“Carla told me. She told him she thought it was great and wished she were there to see it. He called her a rotten bitch.”
The girls laughed and Jerry couldn’t help smiling.
“Why are you smiling?” Jeannie asked. “You don’t even understand what’s going on.”
“I do. When I asked Chris why he went off on Carla like that, he told me what really happened. So it turns out I’m not your only victim.”
“Victim? Don’t you think you deserved it?”
“And what did Chris do?”
“What do you think? He was obnoxious and rude. He’s been pushing Stella around for weeks. And even after we gave him just a small lesson, he threatened Stella. So we had to teach him a big one. And he still didn’t learn, which is why we pranked him today.”
“And you still owe me a punishment,” Jerry noted.
“That’s right.”
“Can you do me a favor? Two favors, really. First, make it quick. I don’t want to wait weeks under threat. Second, make it up front. I don’t want to get ambushed in school. I certainly don’t want anyone else dragged into it, like Carla.”
“Tomorrow I’ll have to explain it to her.”
“I already did.”
“What did you tell her?”
“What’s your answer to my request?”
“No problem. You got it.”
“Thanks. Okay, I told her something embarrassing happened to Chris involving one or more of you and you told her that story about the modeling job to get her to stare at him. She saw the humor of it. She’s okay with Chris now but she’s a little miffed at you. Just a little.”
Later Stella told Chris the story she had given Mara.
“Hey, Mara, wait up!” Chris called out the next morning on the way to school.
She ignored him and he had to put on a burst of speed to catch up.
“This is an unusual turn of events,” she said, a smirk on her lips. “After avoiding my company, you are now pursuing me.”
“I just wanted to apologize for yesterday.”
“For letting me know exactly what you think of me? I thank you. Now I won’t waste my time under the delusion that we have a friendship.”
“But we do!”
“Only when it suits your purposes. Have you ever referred to Jimmy or Levon as big fat dorks?”
“Of course not! They don’t wear glasses.”
“And they’re not overweight.”
He colored. “I didn’t mean you were fat...”
“Don’t bother explaining. Since you made it clear there is no genuine friendship between us, I think it best if we kept our distance. Here come your friends. Now you can storm away, call out a few insults and explain to them how I attached myself to you against your will.”
Later that day they had a math quiz. Mara turned to her other side and prevented Chris from copying her answers. By the end of the day, the whole school had heard the whole story of Chris’s embarrassing incident and Carla innocent comments which led to his insulting her. Exactly what the incident had been was the subject of numerous rumors including one in which he had been caught masturbating by Stella and her two friends. To spare him further humiliation, those involved settled on the version they had told Mara.
That evening the girls gathered at Tani’s house where there was no chance of being bothered since her siblings - all younger - worshiped the girls. The following evening, Jeannie’s house was once again the meeting place. Jerry came in while they were studying.
“You’re later than usual,” his sister remarked.
“I was down at the market looking for a job.”
“Makes sense. If you’re dating Carla, you’ll need money. Find anything?”
“No one’s hiring fourteen-year-olds who can only work a couple of hours after school. But Mr. Gross at the market made me an offer. I can hang around the store and make myself useful bagging and carrying. I won’t get paid but he said I could make five to eight bucks an hour on tips.”
“That’s great.”
“But I won’t have enough for my date on Saturday.”
“How much do you need?”
“Fifty bucks.”
“Fifty dollars?” Jeannie gasped. “I thought you were going to a movie!”
“We are. It’s twenty bucks for the tickets another eight or so for snacks...”
“Why don’t you just buy snacks before you go? It’s much cheaper.” 
“I suggested that but Carla says it’s declasse.”
“Of course, since she’s not paying for it! So you’re up to twenty eight bucks.”
“We plan on going for fro-yo afterward. That’s another eight or ten.”
“You’re still under forty.”
He hesitated. “The cab ride there and back.”
“A taxi? The place is about half a mile away! We walk that far to school every day! Mom walks even further to her job! Why does Princess Carla need a taxi? Wait, let me guess. It’s declasse to walk to your date.”
“You got it.”
“Jerry, Carla knows our situation. Mom works about sixty hours a week and Dad’s not helping! She has to show a little understanding! If she insists on all these things, then I hate to say this because I know how much it means to you, but you’ve got to break up with her.”
“Break up? We haven’t even gone out yet!”
“Then this is the best time, before you’ve invested too much.”
“She’s right,” Stella agreed. “Think about it, Jerry. Why go to the movies with someone else? Because it’s more fun than going alone. And if you’re going with a pretty girl you’re interested in, you’re hoping that the date will bring you closer together. But if she starts off making ridiculous demands with no consideration for your situation, you know from the outset nothing will come of it. You won’t even enjoy it because all you’ll be thinking about is how hard you’ll have to work to pay for it.”
“So you also think I should break up with Carla?”
“I’m not saying you should go straight for a break up but you should remind her of your situation. If she insists on everything you told us - especially the taxi - then call it off.”
“So you don’t think that’s just part of a real date?”
“If I was dating a boy who didn’t have a lot of money, I would suggest we bring our own snacks and I would be fine with walking there. I might even go dutch on the tickets. That’s because I would be interested in the boy, not the amount of money he was willing to spend.”
“Jerry, if Carla agrees to walk to the theater and let you bring along snacks, I’ll lend you thirty dollars to cover your date,” Jeannie offered.
“Thanks a lot! I’m sure she’ll be fine with it.”
“It seems like our treatment cured Jerry,” Jeannie commented as he ran up the stairs. “Did you hear that? He got a job. He listened to us. He even said thank you. And tomorrow he’s probably breaking up with Carla or she’ll break up with him. I don’t think there’s any need to punish him further.”
“Even though I was looking forward to it, I agree,” Stella said.
Jerry came storming down the stairs.
“I have one more question. Have you decided my punishment yet?”
“We just agreed that you don’t need one.”
“Please don’t do that to me! You promised you would be up front and tell me what you’re going to do. I don’t want any surprises.”
“There aren’t going to be any.”
“So whatever it is, please do it by Saturday. I don’t want to be worrying about it during my date.”
Jeannie looked at Stella, whose eyes were shining with excitement.
“Okay, Jerry, here’s what we’ve been thinking,” Jeannie said. “To do the same thing again would be sort of pointless, don’t you agree? So we’ve got to do something different. Since you told Mom when we asked you not to, we thought we’d tell a few girls in school.”
When he stared at her silently, she continued.
“We realized that after all those stories about Chris, no one would believe us unless we showed proof, so we decided to let one girl see the video.”
“Who?” Jerry demanded.
“It would have to be someone everyone would believe. Carla.”
“Noooo!” he groaned. “It can’t be Carla! You’ll ruin everything! In fact, it can’t be anyone because if she finds out, we’re through!”
“Okay, so we go to option two,” she said, and watched him sigh in relief. “Since you don’t want anyone new finding out, it’s back to the three of us. But there’s no reason to have all three of us there. I have no interest in seeing my brother humiliated. So it’s either Tani or Stella. Would you have a preference?”
“Stella, of course. She’s a lot lighter and she doesn’t hit as hard.”
“I don’t think this punishment calls for hitting,” Stella said. “I’m not into pain, just a little humiliation.”
“So you’re okay with Stella meting out your punishment? You’ll cooperate, even though she’s smaller than you?” Jeannie asked.
“I know if I don’t, she’ll bring in Tani. I also don’t want those videos shown to anyone. Thanks for going easy on me.”
“You’re welcome. You keep up this behavior and we’ll never have to do it again.”
“So when do we do this?”
“How about now?”
“Give me a few minutes to get ready.”
After he went upstairs, the girls giggled.
“I can’t believe even after we told him we’re letting him off the hook, he insisted that we punish him!” Jeannie said. “Maybe he actually enjoys it.”
“Whatever the reason, you’ve still got your powers,” Stella said. “You just granted my wish!”

(The End)