What a Week 35 to 40

By Inhibitionless

[email protected]

Copyright 2016 by Inhibitionless, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 35 : Night Two ( Matt part 1 ) :
 This is not good, Matt thought to himself, I’ve got to get loose before someone finds me. Matt was thinking how much of a horrible end to an equally horrible day it would be if someone were to find him tied to a stairwell practically naked in the employee corridor of the mall he worked at.
 The day had been bad enough having spent most of his time at school either naked or tied up or both. First the girls room, then the storage closet, now an open hallway at the mall. Lisa, Jason’s sister, had found out about the naked escapades at this very mall the other night which involved not only Matt and his friends Aaron and Brian but Lisa’s brother Jason and several of his fraternity brothers as well.
 Taking advantage of what she found out, Lisa had decided her first blackmail victim was going to be Matt since he was the most readily available. Alex, who was one of Jason’s frat brothers was apparently the next one as he was forced to give his clothes to Matt earlier which left him naked in the changing room of the shop Matt worked at.
 Lisa was apparently friends with some of Matt’s coworkers so she arranged a special work project for Matt with them which involved getting Alex involved by having Matt wear Alex’s clothes. The very clothes Matt was stripped of by a gang of delinquents while he was handing out flyers.
 It was that same gang which left him tied to the stairwell wearing nothing but Alex’s underwear, thus leaving him in his current predicament of how to get loose before someone found him. Matt tried and tried but could not extricate himself from the ropes. Either one of them had been a boyscout once or they were just really good at tying knots, Matt thought to himself.
 I’ll bet they only kept from gagging me too so that I’d be forced to embarrass myself more by having to call for help, he continued thinking to himself. Matt continued to struggle and was just about to admit defeat and start calling for help when he thought he heard a faint psst sound.
 Psst, he heard it again, Matt, over here. Matt looked to where the sound was coming from and saw Alex peek his head around the corner. Al.., Matt started to shout then caught himself and spoke more softly, Alex, quick, come get me loose.
 Shh, Alex hushed him from the corner, what happened to you ? Can’t you get yourself free, he continued to ask, I can’t really help at the moment.
 No, I’m stuck, Matt explained, why can’t you help, just get over here and get me down. Matt was starting to get annoyed at Alex’s unwillingness to help him when he realized the reason behind Alex’s reluctance.
 Fine, Alex admonished, just keep your mouth shut. Alex left his hiding spot and rushed over to Matt revealing his complete nakedness in the process.
 What the hell, Matt said more loudly than he anticipated then quickly lowered his voice, what happened ? Why are you running around naked ?
 It’s a long story, Alex responded, suffice it to say I ran into some friends of yours. Man they really got you on here, Alex observed as he tried to both loosen the knots with one hand while trying to keep himself covered with the other. I can’t get them loose, Alex continued, they’re too tight.
 Oh good lord Alex, Matt said with exasperation, use both hands. It’s not like you’re actually hiding it and I think getting me off of here has a bit more priority than your modesty, Matt tried to sound rational to hide the desperation in his voice.
 Alex rolled his eyes and sighed in exasperation as he conceded Matt had a point and went about using both hands to try and undo the knots keeping Matt tied to the railing. As he did so, his dramatic reveal did not go unnoticed by Matt who could only stare at Alex’s endowment.
Chapter 36 : Night Two ( Matt part 2 ) :
 What, Alex paused to ask Matt, you’ve got one too you know, wait, you’re not perving on me are you ?
 No man, Matt answered still in awe at what he was seeing, it’s just huge ! I mean, damn, how do you keep that thing in your pants ? I’ll bet you could pole-vault with that thing when you’re boned.
 Seriously dude, Alex commented awkwardly with both pride and frustration, less penis envy and more focus up here. I still can’t get these to budge. I need something to cut with, no wait, Alex began to get excited, I think I may have it. Yes, Alex exclaimed exuberantly, beaming with enthusiasm at his success, I’ve got it, well this one anyway.
 Yes, Alex confirmed as he managed to get one of Matt’s arms free from its capture, sweet, now you see if you can work on your other arm while I see if I can get your legs free.
 Right, Matt agreed as he went to work on the knot binding his other arm, we need to hurry, it’s nearly closing time, everyone is going to be closing up and coming out here anytime now.
 I’ve got this one, Alex said as he got one leg untied and started working on the other, how are you doing up there ?
 I think I’ve almost got it, Matt replied, those bastards sure know how to tie knots.
 Yeah, these are going to be a problem, Alex commented as he paused with the know he was working on at Matt’s foot and tugged on one of the knots which tied the underwear Matt was wearing, which happened to belong to Alex, to the same railing Matt’s arms and legs were tied to. They look too tight and caught up in the material.
 Yeah, Matt agreed, but worry about those after, let’s get these other ones first.
 After a few minutes of struggle they managed to get all of Matt’s limbs free from their bondage, then set about working on the knots securing Matt’s only clothing. This is going to take forever, Alex said with annoyance, we don’t have time for this.
 Well it’s not like we have much choice here, Matt replied, we’ve got to get them undone so we can get out of here before anyone comes. Almost as if on cue, as soon as Matt finished his sentence, they heard the unmistakable sound of a door opening in the distance followed by several voices echoing down the hall.
 Shit, Matt exclaimed wide-eyed in terror as he met Alex’s gaze, hurry, come on, someone’s coming. Get me down, hurry Alex, hurry, Matt continued to say, nearly in a panic as he struggled with one knot as Alex worked the other. Oh my god, hurry Alex, please hurry.
 Seeing the pure terror in Matt’s eyes, Alex realized what he would have to do in order for them to get out of there without being seen by whoever was coming down the hall. Knowing he could not rip Matt out the underwear he was trapped in without giving him a massive wedgie or some serious rug burn, despite momentarily contemplating that idea to get back at Matt for getting him into this mess, Alex decided he had only one option.
 Acting as quickly as he could, Alex grabbed Matt around the chest and hoisted him up and out of the underwear completely. What the f*ck, Matt exclaimed more out of surprise than anything else, what are you doing ?
 Getting out of here, Alex replied as he took off still carrying Matt like a rag-doll, unless you’d rather I just leave you there because there is no way I’m sticking around. In case you hadn’t noticed, and I know you did, Alex continued as he ran down the hall in the opposite direction from the voices, I’m naked and you’re a little kid so I’m not getting caught and arrested as some pedophile.
 Okay, okay, put me down at least, Matt admitted, thanks, but now what, now were both naked. We can’t exactly just go walk around the mall, Matt continued, what’s your plan now ?
 Now, Alex replied, we get out of here and out to my car, I may have some clothes in there we can use, or at least we can drive back to the frat house and get some clothes.
Okay, Matt agreed, but we still have to be able to do all that without getting caught and this place is going to be crawling with people leaving for the night.
 We’ll have to find a place to hide until everyone’s left so we can sneak out and get to the parking lot and my car. I’m not too far from the entrance by your store.
 Oh, well then, Matt began sarcastically, is that all ? Only one problem with your brilliant plan, Matt added, you do realize that we’re on the totally wrong side of the mall right ?
Chapter 37 : Night Two ( Matt part 3 ) :
 So your master plan, Matt addressed Alex, is for us to get all the way to the other side of the mall and out to your car in the parking lot while completely naked. Matt emphasized the naked part of his statement by thrusting his arms out to his sides and presenting his lithe young body in all its glory.
 Yes, Alex agreed, now shut up and get over here, Alex indicated a stack of pallets and boxes that would make a good hiding place.
 After having spent most of the day either completely naked or tied up in some way shape or form, or both, Matt was considerably more at ease with his current lack of clothing than Alex appeared to be. Alex had resumed attempting to cover his genitals but was having difficulty due to the fact that he was, as they say, well hung.
 Quit trying to hide that thing man, Matt told Alex, you only manage to look like you’re playing with yourself. Just deal with it, Matt continued, we’re naked, whipty shit, get over it. I’ve been this way almost all day now, Matt admitted, you get used to it.
 What do you mean you’ve been naked all day, Alex asked as he relaxed his attempts at concealment, no, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know. If that batshit crazy Lisa was involved I do not want to know anything else, Alex admonished, I just want to get out of here and be done with this shit.
 Yeah, it’s a long story, Matt confessed, and yes, all because of Lisa. How long do you think we need to wait here, Matt asked Alex trying to hide in the cramped space while trying to avoid too much physical contact with Alex’s naked body at the same time ?
 Meanwhile, Alex too was trying to keep his larger body out of sight while not rubbing up against Matt at the same time. The confined space prevented either of them from being successful and the proximity of their naked bodies did not go unnoticed by Matt’s youthful libido.
 What the f*ck, Alex exclaimed in a hushed tone as he couldn’t help but feel Matt’s dick against his leg, are you boning up ?
 Sorry, Matt answered unabashedly, what can I say, I’m a teenager.
 F*ckin’ A, Alex responded, just keep it under control and oh my god do not start jacking off. So help me, Alex continued, you jizz on me man and you’re on your own.
 Yeah yeah, Matt chided, mister tough guy, I’ll bet all of you sit around the frat house and circle jerk all the time. I’ll bet you guys even, Matt continued but was abruptly cut off.
 Don’t, Alex interjected, do not go there, yes, Brad is gay but don’t you dare think you know what does or doesn’t go on or what any of us do or don’t do.
 Okay, Matt said with hesitation, I’m sorry, I got carried away. I didn’t realize it was a touchy subject, Matt said more quietly realizing he had best not upset his only means of getting out of his current predicament.
 It’s fine, Alex said reassuringly having realized he may have overreacted, I just don’t want to have a naked conversation with a little kid about guy stuff.
 I am not a little kid, Matt said harshly taking offense to Alex’s comment on his size, so what I’m small for my age. I may not be huge like you, Matt continued cynically, but we’re not that far apart in age.
 Alright, Alex apologized, you’re right, I’m sorry dude, I know what you mean. I didn’t mean to be mean, I know what it’s like to be teased about size, Alex said trying to comfort Matt, don’t sweat it man, if it makes you feel any better, I’m actually jealous of just how well you’re taking in the whole fact that we’re running around the mall together butt-ass naked. You may be a little dude, but you’re a bigger man than me.
Chapter 38 : Night Two ( Matt part 4 ) :
 Matt was practically beaming with pride over the fact that Alex had admitted the fact that he admired Matt’s nonchalance over the fact that they were both running around the mall and hiding out while stark naked.
 They stayed crouched and huddled for what seemed like hours as they listened to the crowds of people walk past their hiding spot. The fact that they could be discovered at any minute weighed heavily on both of them as they each pondered in their own thoughts the fact that here they were, one high-school senior and one college sophomore, both naked as the day they were born, and both only a few feet from crowds of clothed mall employees.
 Okay, Alex finally spoke up after they hadn’t heard anyone in a while, I think the coast is clear, or at least as clear as it’s going to be. Well, since you work here, Alex asked Matt, do you know the quickest way to go ? You said we need to get to the other side of the mall right ?
 Yeah, Matt answered, we do and I do, come on. Follow me, Matt instructed as he left the confines of their hiding spot and headed down the hall, we should be able to follow this hallway around to the vestibule for the parking garage. We’ll have to make a dash across there, Matt continued, but that will get us to the other employee access hall which will get us right next to the mall entrance by my store. That’s where you said you parked right ?
 Yeah, up close too, amazingly enough, so if we come out right by the door we should have no problem getting to the car. Of course, Alex continued, the lot will mostly be empty so two naked dudes streaking across to the car is going to be pretty noticeable to anyone looking, but it’s not like we have much choice.
 Right, well, come on, we’re almost there. Matt continued to lead the way, practically strutting down the hall, acting oblivious to the fact that he was both naked and that this was the mall they were parading around. Alex, on the other hand, was much less carefree about his predicament and continued to attempt to conceal himself in the classic fig-leaf position, albeit unsuccessfully, as he followed Matt to their destination.
 As they approached the corner to the vestibule they would need to cut across that led to the underground parking garage, Matt held up a warning sign to indicate to Alex to approach quietly and with caution. Matt peered around the corner to see if anyone was there they might run into. Seeing no one, Matt indicated to Alex to follow as he darted from the corner and headed out into the vestibule area.
 Matt reached the door on the other side of the vestibule first, shit, was all Alex heard as he reached Matt’s position. Houston, we have a problem, Matt said as he turned back to where they had just come from, quick, back this way.
 What, why, Alex was asking as Matt rushed past, I thought we had to go this way ?
 It’s locked, Matt exclaimed as he raced to try and prevent the door they had just exited from closing and completely locking them out. Dammit, was all he could say as he reached the door seconds after he heard the latch click into place. Knowing it locked in the process did not prevent him from trying anyway, and this one now too, Matt confirmed rhetorically.
 Wait, Alex began, you mean we’re locked out, as in we can’t get back in locked out ?
 Yeah, Matt answered, I didn’t even think about the timers. Since the mall is actually closed now, all the doors automatically lock behind you.
 Oh, well that’s just fan-f*ckin-tastic, Alex practically shouted then caught himself before getting too loud, what the f8ck are we going to do now ? We’re not even halfway where we need to be. No way am I streaking all the way around half the outside of the whole mall, Alex was starting to raise his voice again, f*ck that shit. Goddamn, Alex continued to rant, I can’t believe this is happening, what the f*ck are we going to do ?
 We’re going to man up and do exactly that, Matt replied with complete assurance, we’re going streaking. So let’s go.
Chapter 39 : Night Two ( Matt part 5 ) :
 I don’t believe this, Alex said more to himself than to Matt, inside was bad enough, he continued, referring to a few nights ago when he and some of his frat brothers had streaked through the mall, but at least Jason had our clothes waiting.
 Oh yeah, Matt recalled the events of the past few nights, you realize right, that it was that whole stupid stunt you guys pulled that has gotten all of us into this mess. Why in the world did you guys streak the mall that night in the first place ?
 Because Jason is pledge captain, Alex explained, and the other brothers and I decided we didn’t want to haze the new pledges, so Jason decided that the elder brothers should take their place and do the haze instead.
 That is some serious messed up shit, Matt said in disbelief, why not just tell him no ?
 It took Alex a few attempts at an answer before he could respond, I guess we could have just told him to f*ck off, he finally replied. I suppose it was the juvenile thrill of it all that we went along with it in the first place, Alex continued, we figured it would just be like any other time and that would be that. But no, Jason’s ass has to get careless so now we have to deal with this blackmail shit.
 Matt had lost focus on the rest of what Alex was saying when he interrupted, wait, you mean you guys do this a lot ? Streaking the mall I mean, you said you figured it would be like any other time, so you guys get naked a lot ?
 Oh my god, Alex said, can you not be a horny teenager for two seconds, I’m sorry I even brought it up. Can we just keep moving please, if we’re going to do this I’d rather hurry up and get the hell out of here.
 Fine, Matt responded with a devious grin, but you will tell me about what it is you guys do together.
 Fine, yes, whatever, Alex replied, giving in to Matt’s demands, I will fill you in on all the details later, for right now, let’s just get out of here.
 Matt was feeling rather full of himself, as if he’d pulled off some major negotiation as they headed out again, leaving the confines of the bushes they were hiding behind.
 They made their way all the way around the other two corners of the mall before they had the need to conceal themselves again. Matt had seen the figures in the distance before Alex had and pulled him behind another group of bushes before they could be seen.
 Alex saw the figures in the distance as Matt held a finger to his lips and pointed, dammit to hell, Alex cursed, acknowledging that he saw what Matt saw, and there’s the car too. So close, Alex said with defeat, it’s right there, right goddamn there. Alex paused before finishing as a sudden realization hit him. What, what’s wrong, Matt asked as he noticed the look of consternation on Alex’s face ?
 Tell me, Matt demanded when Alex didn’t reply immediately, what’s wrong ? It’s just some people, surely they’ll leave in a few minutes then we can get to the car. It’s not that big of a deal, seriously man, it’ll be okay.
 No, Alex finally spoke up, you don’t get it, we’ve got a bigger problem than whoever that is, he said as he nodded his head toward the figures in the distance. I don’t have the car keys.
 Matt could do nothing but look at Alex in utter disbelief for what seemed like ages as his brain tried to comprehend what Alex had just said. Are you kidding me, he finally asked out loud, not bothering to even try and keep his voice down, you’re just now realizing this ?
 Quiet, keep your voice down, Alex commanded, yes, I didn’t even think about the damn keys until just now. Oh shit, he continued as he noticed the figures in the distance begin to head toward where he and Matt were crouched and hiding.
 To their relief and embarrassment, they realized that the figures they saw belonged to Sally and Diana, Matt’s boss. Having realized Matt and Alex never returned to the store, and that she had Alex’s keys and wallet, figured the two of them were probably hiding out trying to worm their way out of the tasks they had forced to do.
 She and Sally were taken completely unaware when they found Matt and Alex hiding in the bushes completely naked. Taking advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the sight before them, they two of them made Matt and Alex go into explicit detail of their ordeal leading up to their current naked situation.
 Well, Diana finally said, here’s your keys Alex. Had we known you guys were going to end up naked we might have brought you something to wear, then again, she hesitated, probably not.
 Matt and Alex didn’t bother waiting to hear anything else Sally or Diana had to say before taking off at full sprint to get to Alex’s car, getting in, and racing for the frat house.
Chapter 40 : Night Two ( Midnight Convergence Intermission ) :
 As it turns out, our erstwhile exhibitionists managed to synchronize their efforts through sheer coincidence and arrive at the Delta-Iota-Kappa Frat House in a more or less simultaneous fashion. Aaron, Chad, and Brad, as well as Jason and Janet, and then Matt and Alex all managed to unknowingly coordinate their arrivals.
 Janet had prolonged Jason’s journey as he rode along in her jeep wearing nothing but a skimpy pair of briefs he had managed to secure after his performance as a naked chocolate syrup wrestler. Janet had intended to take Jason home after their adventure, but Jason instructed her to bring him instead to the frat house where he knew he would have an easier time explaining his lack of attire as well as getting in and finding something to wear.
 During the trip to the frat house, Janet and Jason discussed the events of the day and evening giving Jason a false sense of security that everything that had happened was done and over with. Janet, however, deflated Jason’s confidence by informing him that his performance career wasn’t quite over yet.
 Janet had instructed Jason to show up at her house the next night for a more intimate performance, and elaborated before Jason got any wrong ideas about what she meant. She was having a party Sunday night and expected Jason to provide the entertainment. Jason was at first nervous about the idea but figured it wouldn’t be so bad until Janet further explained that Jason needed to convince his frat brothers to join him in his performance.
 Jason knew he would never live this down and began to worry about how he was going to get his frat brothers to go along Janet’s demands. Jason’s concern was soon replaced by confusion as they approached the frat house and Jason recognized both Brad and Alex’s cars pulling into the driveway.
 As Jason got out of Janet’s jeep, she told him she had one last surprise for him and to come around to her side fo the jeep. She positioned Jason in just the right spot for her to get a grip on the briefs he was wearing and speed away with what Jason realized too late, was his speedo.. His tear-away speedo it finally dawned on him.
 Matt and Alex had managed to escape the mall with a significant amount of dignity still intact. Luckily, Matt’s boss Diana and her sister Sally had waited for them outside the mall when Matt never returned to the store to give Alex his car keys and wallet. They did not expect to find the two boys naked and Matt and Alex were grateful that they did not prolong their exposure in the parking lot but instead let them leave, albeit still completely naked.
 Alex had never driven his car naked before, in fact he had never driven naked before at all and was finding the experience to be both exhilarating and terrifying. He had pulled out of the parking lot rather quickly but made sure to maintain the speed limit as they drove to the frat house. The last thing he wanted was to get pulled over for speeding and end up getting arrested for indecent exposure.
 Then there was also the fact that Matt was in the car with him and he was completely naked too. Alex did not even want to consider the ramifications of that situation so he did everything in his power to drive as inconspicuously as he possibly could. Matt, on the other hand, seemed to be completely at ease with the situation.
 As nervous as Alex was, Matt was just the opposite as he sat in the passenger seat, equally as naked as Alex but carrying on a conversation Alex managed to only pay half attention to. Alex was able to tune I n to Matt’s conversation enough to know he was talking about what they had just done and who the gang might have been that had accosted the both of them.
 Alex confirmed that he did not recognize any of the individuals they encountered that had stripped each of them, stolen Alex’s clothes from Matt and had left Matt tied up to the stairwell. They appeared to have been closer to Matt’s age but Matt knew they did not go to his high-school.
 They both agreed that they would have to investigate further as Matt began ranting on about what he wanted to do if they found out who they were. Matt didn’t get too far into his rant before he noticed the puzzled look on Alex’s face and then realized they were approaching the frat house. Alex told him he recognized Brad’s car pulling in before Matt had a chance to ask why Alex looked confused.
 Aaron, Chad, and Brad probably had the most adventurous trip out of everyone since Brad had to give Chad a hands-on stick-shift driving lesson without the hands-on part due to the fact that his were currently glued to his dick with liquid bandage adhesive. Aaron, who knew how to drive a stick-shift, was equally unable to assist as his hands were currently bound together behind his back.
 The fact that both Aaron and Brad were unable to drive meant that Chad had to do it, except he had never driven a manual transmission. Under normal circumstances, Chad would have been thrilled to have a driving lesson except this was as far from a normal situation as Chad could imagine. All three of them prayed to every deity imaginable during the trip to not get pulled over as Brad did his best to teach Chad how to drive under the most bizarre conditions ever.
 All three of them were stark naked as a result of some devious manipulations by one of Aaron and Chad’s schoolmates. Aaron was still shackled, albeit at least free from the x-frame he was previously attached to, due to a series of misfortunes over the course of the day . Finally, also due to Emmett’s machinations, Brad was not only naked but was basically glued to himself.
 There was a significantly audible collective sigh of relief from all of them as they turned onto the street to the frat house. Their feeling of elation at managing to make the trip without incident turned into a momentary feeling of accomplishment and praise for Chad for his first successful attempt at driving a stick.
 Chad’s pride at not only driving a stick for the first time but doing so while naked was nearly immediately replaced by concern from Brad over the fact that they were not alone. Brad had thought that they should be able to sneak into the frat house unnoticed and take care of their respective predicaments. As they approached the frat house, however, Brad recognized Alex’s car also pulling in as well as a jeep pulling up to the sidewalk.
 If anyone had been watching as events unfolded and everyone tried to park and get out of vehicles and make in the house, they would have probably died laughing as seven naked male figures emerged from three different vehicles. After a brief delay of everyone seeing each other naked, Brad at least had enough composure to get Alex and Jason to help carry Aaron who was still bound and hobbled by the shackles he was bound by.
 Seven naked guys, 2 of them carrying another one, all trying to rush inside. Once they got in, they got their final surprise of the night as Lisa rose from the couch and announced, so there you all are, I’ve only been waiting here over an hour.


(End of File)