College Girl Kate 5

By Red Rover

[email protected]
Copyright 2018 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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 By Red Rover
Main Characters:
Freshman Girls:
Kate Brady – (18), from Long Island, New York. Lives in Suite 2E11 of Fawn Hall
Rachel Miller - (18) Kate’s roommate, from Marion, Ohio.
Kara Floyd - (20) from Tampa, Florida. Lives across the hall from Kate and Rachel.
Laura Campbell - (19) from Liberty, Kansas. Kara's roommate.
Connie Armstrong – (19) from Ames, Iowa – lives in Suite 2W6 of Fawn Hall
Counselors: (Counselors live in an apartment in the dorm and are responsible for 48 girls.)
Gail Weathers - (28) Assistant Professor of English,
Warren Weathers - (31) Gail's husband. Associate Professor of Chemistry.
Thomas Morrison (22) – Senior Student Monitor for Wing 2E.
Charles Carter (21) - Junior Student Monitor for Wing 2E
Part 5
Kate and her roomies were somewhat apprehensive during the evening meal, wondering what was in store for them at the dorm meeting. “I don’t like that we were told to be in pajamas,” Kara mused. “That probably means a spanking for some of us. Did anybody get spanked in class today?”
Kate raised her hand and blushed. “I got spanked in English class for being late. And Connie Armstrong from the West wing got spanked for laughing at me.”
Laura also raised her hand. “I got spanked in Algebra for passing notes. The girl I passed the notes to got spanked, too. Her name is Beth and she lives on the 4th floor. It seems like EVERYTHING is a spanking offense here.”
Rachel giggled. "I think they can spank us for anything they feel like spanking us for. Hell, they'll probably give us a spanking along with our diplomas when we graduate."
Kate sighed. "And I was going to be SUCH a good girl in college. The way things are going, we might just as well leave our skirts and panties in the dorm and start out every day bare-bottomed."
Kara nodded: "Yep and most of the girls in the dorm haven't been spanked even once since school started. I think the whole faculty has focused on us."
Kate shook her head. "Yes, I’ve seen it before, a few kids get marked as "naughty" early on and they get watched more closely and spanked at the drop of a hat."
Rachele giggled again. "Well if you drop your hat, I am NOT gonna bend over to pick it up. Not around this batch of spanking-crazy sadists."
Kate looked at her watch. "Well, its 7:05, guess we better go face our doom."
The four girls changed into their pajamas and joined the rest of the girls from the East wing in the lounge on the North side.
Already in the lounge were Gail and Warren Weathers and two young men dressed in cadet uniforms. This was the “casual” uniform with short-sleeved khaki shirts and olive-green trousers. The girls sighed at the handsome pair, wishing that they were dressed ion something more mature-looking than child’s pajamas.
When everybody was seated, Gail introduced the pair. “This is our first group meeting for Wing 2E. These are the two Student Monitors for Wing 2E; Tom Morrison and Chuck Carter. I’ll let them introduce themselves and explain their duties.”
“Hello, girls,” The taller of the two cadets smiled. “My name is Tom Morrison and I am the Senior SM for the east wing. I am a senior at Bridger Academy, majoring in Economics. I will be taking three upper-level classes here at McClintok this term, so you may see me around campus. This is my second semester here. Last fall I was the Junior SM on Wing 4E. Chuck?”
The other cadet stood up. “My name is Charles Carter, but I usually go by ‘Chuck.’ I am a junior at Bridger, majoring in Psychology. Like Tom, I am taking three upper-level classes here. This is my first semester here, so be patient with me. Back to you, Tom.”
Tom stepped forward again. “Let me explain the general rules of the dorm and our roles. SM’s supervise up to 24 girls on a corridor. We report to the RA’s, Dr. and Dr. Weathers. Normally, we will be your primary contact with the school’s administrative and disciplinary systems. We are authorized to carry out corporal punishment as we see fit. Usually this consists of a bare-bottom spanking. You will have noticed that there are no locks on any of the doors of the Wing. This is to give us immediate access in emergencies or to conduct unannounced inspections. As long as you are not being naughty, you have nothing to fear from us.”
(Kate winced at the word “naughty.” It seems that word covered a lot of things here.)
“Believe me,” Tom continued, “We are not going to be sneaking around peeking at you for the fun of it. We see lots of bare girl-skin and it’s no big thrill for us. You are like little sisters to us. We are here to help you, guide you, protect you and occasionally correct your behavior. By the way, the ‘protect’ part is not an exaggeration. All SM’s are trained in hand-to-hand combat as well as conflict resolution. Since boys are not allowed above the first floor, I would not advise trying to sneak one into your room. The consequences for both of you could be quite unpleasant.”
(Kate shuddered. If being late for class got a girl spanked, imagine what the punishment would be for getting caught with a boy in her room.)
“My room number is 2N2, Chuck is in 2N3. The other two SM’s for the floor, Don Hudson and Fred Rosenberg and in 2N4 and 2N5. The RA’s apartment is 2N6. There will be an “open” sign on each door when a RA or SM is available for counseling, Otherwise, try to catch us in the hallways or in classes. We do want to help you whenever we can, especially in the first month or so when all of this is new to you. Now I’ll turn the meeting back over to Dr. Weathers.”
The two cadets sat down, and Gail Weathers resumed her place at the front of the lounge. “As Tom explained, we ae really all here to help you. You may not appreciate the “tough love” you have received and will continue to receive, but it will benefit you in the end.”
(Titters from the girls)
Gail smiled. “I didn’t mean it that way but, yes, your ends will experience the ‘benefit’ of your training. Now if there are no general questions, you can go back to your rooms. Tom and Chuck will remain at the back of the lounge to answer specific or personal questions. I understand that three of you were spanked in class today. Hands?”
Kate and Laura raised their hands reluctantly as did Brandy Sloan, a very young-looking girl from 2E9.
“Ok, you girls come up here and the rest are dismissed.”
Warren Weathers sat down in his chair and beckoned to Kate. "When a girl gets spanked in class, we always check her out to make sure no real damage was done. I understand you and Connie got two spankings today?”
Kate nodded, feeling a flush of shame.
“Well, I will check Connie out after this meeting. Meanwhile, drop your jammie bottoms and bend over my lap.”
Kate walked over and the RA settled her over his lap, She flinched slightly as his hand stroked her bare bottom gently.
"Hmmm, looks like a thoroughly spanked bottom, but no serious bruising or bleeding. Still, it probably hurts quite a bit, doesn't it?"
Kate sniffled, embarrassed at the exposure, "Yes sir, it does."
Weathers patted her bottom gently. "Gail, could you bring me the aloe cream?"
Taking the jar of skin cream from his wife, Weathers carefully smeared a generous portion on Kate's bottom and began rubbing it in. It was a bit painful at first, but the soothing cream diminished the pain somewhat and Kate began to find the experience almost pleasant. Of course, the fact that six other people were closely watching her bare bottom, diminished the feelings of pleasure somewhat. But after a few minutes of rubbing, her bottom felt much better and she actually smiled a bit in relief.
When he was satisfied with the condition of her bottom, Weathers pulled up her PJ pants, lifted her to a sitting position on his lap and gave her a hug. "OK. little one, you can get up now and let Laura have a turn."
Kate scrambled to her feet and stood behind his chair as Laura lowered herself into position. The RA lowered her PJ’s and repeated the same procedure he had used on Kate. Laura sniffled a bit as Kate had, but accepted the attention with some gratitude as the pain in her thoroughly spanked bottom subsided. The same procedure was followed with the very childish-looking Brandy. Meanwhile, Gail brought out a low coffee table and three large pillows which she placed on the floor near Warren's chair.
"I'll bet you girls would like some cake and ice cream," she said cheerfully.
"Yes, Ma'am," the three girls responded with some surprise.
"Go ahead and set yourselves down on the pillows," the young woman invited. "I don't think you want to sit on hard lounge chairs right now.”'
As the bewildered girls - who had been expecting a much less friendly encounter - sat themselves down, Gail went into the kitchen and returned with large slices of chocolate cake, scoops of vanilla ice cream and three big glasses of milk. "Dig in, girls," she remarked, "We have already had our desserts."
As the girls gratefully, but carefully, began to eat their unexpected treats, Gail addressed the SM’s.
"We wanted you to be here to see the results of some of our stricter teachers in action. Chuck, you are new at the SM job and need to be aware of what can happen. It is quite rare for a girl to be spanked twice in one day, but it does happen. Your job as SM's is twofold. One is to discipline the girls in your trust and the other is to protect them from overzealous discipline by the teachers. Now we support and, indeed, encourage our teachers to use corporal punishment, including bare-bottom spanking, to enforce order and discipline in the classrooms. But, like any other form of discipline, it can be overdone, and the children can be hurt."
(Back to “children” again, dammit. But my bottom feels better, and this is very good cake.)
"Now the bottoms you saw tonight were not really abused. They were spanked very thoroughly, but there was no bleeding or skin damage and only a few bruises. When the girls leave here tonight, we will give them notes to ensure that they are not spanked in class tomorrow. They need a bit of time to heal and rest. A sore bottom is a good thing for a teenage girl. but not if it's too sore for her to pay attention in class. We need to educate her brain as well as her bottom"
The three girls brightened at the prospect of a day with a "no-spanking" card. But their optimism was somewhat diminished by what followed.
"But this does not mean that these little scamps will get away with anything."
"If one of them misbehaves tomorrow, her spanking will be postponed until her bottom is recovered enough to accept it. The teacher will fill out a note and send it to us and we will determine when the spanking should be scheduled. This will normally be two or three days later in the same class as her original misbehavior occurred. Or, with the teacher's consent, we will do the spanking at a dorm meeting during the next few days. There is no free ride for naughty little girls."
The "naughty little girls" blushed again.
(Kate) Waiting 2-3 days for a spanking would majorly suck}
(Laura) A dorm meeting? How humiliating!)
(Brandy) I’m gonna be the goodest little girl on campus – at least until my butt heals.)
Gail produced three green ribbons with laminated green cards attached to them. "These are the 'No Spanking' cards the girls will wear on days when they are not to be spanked. This will alert teachers not to be too quick to spank them and avoid unfortunate incidents."
{(Kate) Wonderful. Now every teacher and kid on campus will know that I have just had a hard spanking}
{Laura) A green card? Why not a scarlet letter? Just shoot me now before I die of shame}
(Brandy) If somebody teases me about the card, I’ll pull her fucking hair out. No, wait, that would just get me another spanking. Curses.)
Gail ordered the girls to stand up and proceeded to hang a green ribbon around each girl's neck. The bright green ribbon and card stood out clearly against the white blouses. She showed them that one side of the card had SPANK PASS in big letters and the other side had the girl's name laminated into it with an erasable area for the date of spanking immunity. The girls said nothing, but their long faces clearly showed that this was not the kind of distinguishing "decoration" they wanted to wear.
{Kate) Every other kid is gonna want to read this and then tease me about it}
{Laura) - I wonder if it's too late to join the Army?}
(Brandy) – Please let me not start bawling now)
Gail smiled. "Well this should keep your bottoms protected for one day anyway. Now we need to clean you up a little bit. Come here, child," beckoning to Laura."
As a confused Laura stepped forward, Gail grasped her chin and used a dampened napkin to wipe off traces of frosting, ice cream and milk off Connie's mouth, chin and cheeks. Then she repeated her actions with Kate and Brandy. "Now our little girls are nice and clean."
Warren smiled as well. "OK, kids, give Uncle Warren big hug and run along to bed. Tomorrow will be a busy day. Gail will be down later to tuck you in." He hugged each girl, ruffled her hair and sent them out the door with a friendly pat on the bottom.
Outside the door, Kate looked at Laura and started to cry. "Could ANYTHING have been more humiliating that THAT? They did everything to treat us like six-year-olds except give us lollipops."
Laura was crying too. "Lollipops? I was half-expecting a pacifier. I came here two weeks ago as a nineteen-year old woman and now I feel like a slightly backwards six-year old. I almost peed my pants when she wiped the frosting off my cheek with that napkin."
Kate smiled through her tears. "Oh, God, she would have taken all your clothes off and put you in a diaper if you'd done that. And probably sent you back to your room that way."
"Yeah, " Laura replied. "And now she's gonna come down and 'tuck us in'. Probably with more baby talk so all the other girls can laugh at us after she leaves."
Brandy said nothing. She was crying and hiccupping. She straggled off in the general direction of her room, leaving Kate and Laura alone at the door to the lounge.
"Well whatever you do, don't ask her for a glass of water when she comes down, " Kate giggled. "She'll probably insist on escorting you to the potty."
Laura sighed. "Well, we sure as shit better behave for a while or we will be that laughingstock of the campus. It happened in my junior high school. Two boys got a reputation for being in trouble and every teacher was watching them every second. They got paddled for stuff they never really did, just because the teachers blamed them when anything went wrong, and they couldn't prove who did it."
"Wow," Kate said apprehensively. "That could be us. We fucking well better watch our asses if we want any skin left on them by the end of the semester."
The sound of a clearing throat behind them froze them in terror. It was Chuck, the SM. "Girls, i am disappointed in you. Five minutes out of the meeting and you are using foul language in a public place. Let me see your cards."
As the young man notes their names in his pocket notebook, the two girls knew the depths of despair. Handing back their cards, Chuck nodded and walked off.
Neither girl could move for a few seconds. "Deer in the headlights" was an understatement.
"Oh, my God," Laura finally choked out. "We are majorly dead meat for the term."
Kate could say nothing, she was crying too hard.

END of Part 5

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