It's Not Fair - Sandy's Letter 6

By Red Rover

[email protected]
Copyright 2017 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Sandy (17 years old) (Part Six)
Dear Dr. Baker,
I can’t believe it has been six months since I last wrote to you! There has been so much happening. I had my 17th birthday last month and it was pretty special, other than my birthday spankings being on the bare bottom, of course. But nobody spanked real hard and there was just the six of us there. Of course, seeing my bare bottom is nothing new for them.
The best news was for Robby. The doctor said he had matured enough so that he did not need to use Puericil anymore and they reduced his dose so he only takes two pills a week now and next month he will stop entirely and he can start growing again. He hasn’t needed spanking for three months, so now I am the only “kid” in the house. In fact, after he takes the last pill, he is going to be allowed to spank me when Donny or Frankie aren’t around. Not sure I am looking forward to that! 
My body “bottomed out” about three months ago. Now I look like a tall 10-year-old with no boobs to speak of, no body or pubic hair and a very girlish slit. My voice is even gotten higher in pitch. And the Puericil-G is still a daily thing. After one or more of the boys bathes me, I still get the suppository inserted into my rectum, which is not too bad unless there are guests present. It’s somewhat embarrassing when parents or older kids are there, but really embarrassing when there are younger kids watching. Sometimes they laugh at me or ask REALLY personal questions.
Donna moved back home a couple months ago, but she and Frankie still hang out at our place most evenings and weekends. They are more comfortable here than with all the little kids at Donna’s house. They are not having actual sex and don’t plan to until Donna turns 18, but they do all sorts of mushy stuff with each other. (Listen to me, I’m 17 years old by the calendar and still talking like a 10-year-old! But, really, I don’t even think about having sex these days. The only thing that absolutely terrifies me is the thought that Donny may decide I am too immature for him and decides to find a girlfriend.)
I am getting used to being naked at the pediatrician’s office now, but it still gets a bit embarrassing when there are mothers of young kids there, because they are only a few years older than I am. One time, I met Melanie Winthrop, a girl who was a senior at my school when I was a freshman. She was bringing her 1-year-old son in for a checkup. She didn’t recognize me at first, but then she exclaimed “Sandy Carson, I haven’t seen you in years! What happened to you and why are you naked?’
At that point, I blushed bright red all over. (Seems that when you blush while nude, all of your skin blushes at the same time as your cheeks.) Fortunately, Donny came to my rescue (sort of).
“Sandy has been a naughty little girl and she has to go on special medication for it.” He said. “That medication makes her body revert back to a more juvenile form, so she looks like a young girl again. It’s only temporary, once the medicine is stopped, she’ll grow back to normal.”
Melanie shook her head. “Wow, that’s like, unreal. I never heard of medication like that. And who are you? You don’t look like Robbie.”
Donny smiled. “I am Donald Baxter, Sandy’s uncle, her mother’s kid brother. I am staying with the Carson’s for a while and one of my jobs is looking after Sandy. And the medication is new. There’s been stuff for boys for a few years, but it just became available for girls. It’s working well for Sandy, she’s a lot better behaved now.”
Melanie giggled. “So, you’re ‘Unca Donald’ now? What happened to Huey, Dewey and Louie?”
Donny smiled ruefully. “Yeah, I get that a lot. I left the boys back in Michigan. Sandy keeps me busy all by herself.” He gave me a casual spank on my bare bottom and I yelped and glared at him.
Melanie persisted. “So why is she naked? She has to be almost 17 now.”
Donny sighed. “It’s part of the treatment. The whole thing is complicated, but keeping her bare-bottomed reinforces her image as a child for her and for people who deal with her. You’d have to have a psychologist explain it. I’m just a high-school kid like you and her.”
Melanie frowned. “I graduated from high school almost three years ago. I just look younger. But I see what you mean.”
After that we just chatted about old times. Melanie took her kid in for his checkup and I was brought into one of the treatment rooms where I was surprised to find Denise along with Lisa. Denise took a blood sample and left the room. She was actually polite to me, which was a bit of a surprise considering our last meeting. I commented on that to Lisa and she giggled.
“Doctor Hansen heard about the incident at the house and told Denise to shape up or else,” Lisa chortled. “She said if Denise did anything like that again, she’d call Donny in to give her a bare-bottom hairbrushing in front of you and the whole staff.”
Donny laughed. “Am I that scary? I guess there’s no chance she’ll want to be my girlfriend after that.”
Lisa giggled again. “She’s MUCH too old for you Donnie, and too full of herself. You need somebody younger who will worship at your feet.”
“Hmmm…” Donnie said reflectively. I haven’t had a lot of volunteers for that job lately. Maybe I should advertise.”
Lisa looked wounded and punched him on the arm. He responded, of course, by smacking her bottom and they both laughed.
Feeling ignored, I blurted out, “Hey, what about me? You’ve got a naked little girl in the room and you’re ignoring her.”
They both laughed and Lisa got on with the usual poking and prodding. At least, they let me hold my own cup for the urine sample this time, but they both watched me carefully while I did it.
When I was done, Donny patted me on the head and said, “Good girl,” like I was five years old. To my shame, I was momentarily pleased with the compliment.
The session with Doctor Hansen went well. She seemed to be pleased with my physic condition and the changes to my body. She was even more pleased when Donny reported that my behaviour had improved considerably and that I had a much better attitude.
“I think we can reduce your dosage of Puericil-G,” she stated. “I’ll give you a prescription for the lower dose suppository. Use up whatever you have on hand now and then switch to the new formula. After a few more months, we can probably switch you over to the pill. And by the time you graduate high school, we should be able to take you off the medication completely and you can develop into a normal young woman.”
I was happy that I was doing better, but frowned when I realized that high-school graduation was still two years away and that I would be 19 and still basically a little girl when that happened.
“So how long will it be after I stop the medication until I am back to normal for my age,” I asked fearfully.
“Well, that depends on a lot of factors,” Dr. Hansen responded. “Your breasts should start growing back in a few months at the reduced dosage. The rest will grow slowly over the next few years. By the time you turn 19, your body will resemble an average 14-year-old and you will continue at a normal pace after that. Barring any complications, you should look and function like a normal young woman by the time you are 23-24.”
I was so deep in thought when I walked out of the Clinic that I forgot to put on my long T-shirt and was walking, still nude, down the hospital corridor when Donny caught up with me. I looked around and blushed as I realized the corridor was full of people of all ages who had just seen my bare bottom and other parts as I walked past them. Donny laughed and gave me a little spank as he handed me the T-shirt.
“Little Miss Exhibitionist strikes again,” he chortled. “I don’t know what I am going to do with you, child.”
On the way home in the car with Frankie, Donny was full of praise for how much progress I was making. Frank seemed pleased, too, but I realized that there was still a long way to go.
Doctor Baker responds:
Good to hear from you again, Sandy. I am glad things are going better for you and happy that both you and Robbie have had your medications reduced. It turns out that recovery from Puericil-G takes longer for many girls than recovery from Puericil does for boys. But we are still learning about both of them.
I am also pleased that Donny and Frankie have taken a major interest in you and are willing to help you grow up. I know that Frankie is your age and Donny is younger, but they both seem like very mature young men. Having two strong male figures in your life has to be a tremendous asset for you.
Don’t be disappointed in your lack of interest in sex at the moment. You are still functionally about 10-11 years old. In four years, Donny will be 18 and you will be 21 by the clock, but about 17 in level of maturity. He will probably always be more mature than you are, but that is something you can use to your benefit. I think you guys are doing remarkably well together. I wish all my patients were as fortunate as you are to have the kind of support you do. Keep me posted on your progress.
Paul D. Baker, MD
END of Part 6

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