Room, Board and Hairbrush 4

By Red Rover

[email protected]
Copyright 2017 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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        By Red Rover
Principal Characters:
Tracy Carter (narrator) - age 25, first year grad student at Farkel University, Resident at Mrs. Hudson's boarding house.
Carlotta Hudson - age 47, widowed, former schoolteacher. Children: Rita (19) and Greg (18)
Sarah Ballantine - age 43, married, 3 kids under 15, part-time cook at Hudson House.
Boarding House Residents: Darlene Carmody (31), Amanda Parsons (29). Terri Melville (30), Christine Norris (27), Naomi Silverman (22),
Part 4
As Rita and I were enjoying some ice cream in the Hudson's private living room, Greg came in with a load of groceries and dumped them in the kitchen. "Any ice cream left, girls?' he enquired.
Following Rita's lead, I had stood up as he entered the room. He came over and gave Rita a hug, a kiss on the cheek and a smack on the bottom. Then he repeated the process with me.
{Hey, OK! I am like a sister now.}
Short-lived illusion! As he released me, he observed that my clothes were still wet from our session of washing the three delinquents earlier. "Better get those wet clothes off, little girl," he said.
I started to leave and he laughed. "Don't be silly, you are family. Just peel them off and put them in the hamper. "
"I'll take care of them," Rita volunteered and stood in front of me looking expectant. "Come, on, child, don't just stand there like a doofus."
So, I stripped off my top and jeans and stood there feeling silly in my bra and bikini panties, just as Mrs. Hudson came into the room. "My goodness," she smiled, "You ARE a cute little girl. You have such nice skin and a cute little bottom and your boobs are nice and perky and not too big."
Of course, I just stood there blushing while she stroked my skin, patted my bottom and cupped my boobs.
Naturally, Greg and Rita had to do the same.
"Well it's just been too long since we had such a cute little girl running around the house, " Mrs. Hudson gushed. "Tracy, this will be your costume any time you are at home for the next three weeks. That's your probationary period, after that, we'll see."
"B-b-b-but, there will be other people around." I stammered. "I can't just run around like this all the time."
"You certainly can," Mrs. Hudson stated firmly. "You are a little girl until we say otherwise and you will do as we tell you."
"Can't I be, like, ten years old instead of a t-t-t-toddler,” I pleaded. "Preteens get to wear clothes in the house. Even six-year-olds don't run around in their undies."
Greg pulled down my panties and smacked my bottom. "Don't argue with your mother."
Fortunately, my brain kicked in at that point and I stopped arguing. "Yes, Sir, Mr. Greg." I reached back to pull my panties back up but Rita shook her head slightly and I quickly converted the move into a rub.
Mrs. Hudson reached out and ruffled my hair. "This is going to be so cute. So, from now on you will wear just your bra, panties and socks around the house. And no makeup, piercings or perfume, of course. We want you to be a clean, healthy little girl. Let me have your bra for a moment, dear."
Blushing again, I took off my bra and handed it to her. Now I was topless, panties at half-mast and in my stocking feet.
{Hello, Toddler Tracy, if your college classmates could only see you now.}
Mrs. Hudson looked at the bra carefully and cupped my breasts. "I don't think we can get away with a training bra on her, but we can get one that's less fancy and certainly without any padding."
{OK, this model had a TEENY bit of padding, just enough to make me look like a semi-grownup. But having it pointed out in front of the kids was NOT kewl.}
"When you take her to the bank on Monday, Rita, find her some simpler bras without padding. Try in the pre-teen section." Rita nodded.
Mrs. Hudson handed me back my bra. "OK, put it back on, pull up your panties and go help Rita put the groceries away, there's a good girl."
"Yes, Mama Hudson,” I said as sincerely as I could.
{Suck up, Tracy-girl, you'll survive even if your pride doesn't.}
"Oh, one more thing,” she said. "Tonight, we will give you your after-dinner spanking in this room so the other girls and their dates don't get to watch. That will make your status a bit clearer to them.
{Oh, yes, crystal clear. The new girl is the Teacher's Pet. Now all the other girls will hate me. These people are playing mind games like experts. I even know that I'm being manipulated, and they know that I know it. Hell, they've seen my school records. IQ 142, 3.95 GPA in six undergraduate Psychology classes. And the worst part is that it will probably work. Once they get me down to mental age 4-1/2, they can build me up to age 30 in a couple of years. And the ironic thing is that I will be eternally grateful for it.}
As Rita and I sorted the groceries and put them away in the pantry, I asked her, "What about dating? I mean, assuming I find somebody over the age of 12 who wants to go out with me."
Rita giggled, "It's not THAT bad. Once your probationary period is over, you will be allowed to date and wear a little makeup when you leave the house. You will have a curfew, of course, and Mama will want to know who you are with and where you are going and the usual stuff. It will basically be like high school for the first year or so."
{I didn't want to tell her how much of a brat I had been in high school for obvious reasons.}
"But what about other stuff outside of school, like meetings and other events? How many fu... flipping rules are there on what I can and cannot do?"
She thought about it for a minute. "Well, most of the rules are about what you'd expect for a high school girl or a college girl living at home. No drugs, staying out after curfew, driving after drinking or being with somebody who is driving after drinking. Hell, these are the rules "I" have to obey or I'll get my own ass blistered."
"You still get spanked?" I was actually surprised. "I thought you were always the spanker."
Rita shook her head, "I wish. Nope, if I screw up, I get my butt blistered. It doesn't happen very often because I am more mature than the average girl my age, but I'm no perfect angel."
"I thought your mother couldn't spank any more?"
Rita blushed. "No, but Greg can. He has walloped my bare bottom several times. Only when Mama tells him to, of course, but it hurts just as much as when he does yours. And I even spanked him a couple times when Mama thought he needed it. In case you hadn't noticed, Mama pretty much does what she wants to and keeps everybody under control."
I laughed. "Yep, I noticed that."
After we put the groceries away, it was time to fix lunch. Lunch was cold cuts, chips, fruits, veggie dips and other stuff that didn't need much if any cooking. Greg and Darlene came in from doing the yard work and the three girls from 2-West were summoned as well. Since they were still nude and red-bottomed, my being in bra and panties didn't stand out, although Darlene suppressed a giggle and winked at me. The other girls had vanished, presumably enjoying a brief few hours of relative freedom.
Lunch was informal, everybody fixed their own stuff and we sat around and chatted. After we were done, Mrs. Hudson made the afternoon assignments. "Rita and Tracy will clean up the kitchen and get ready for dinner. Amanda, you will help me with the laundry. Christine and Terri will help Greg and Darlene in the back yard. You will dress in bra, panties and sneakers for that. Amanda will put on her bra and panties for dinner. Any questions?"
{I wonder if Mrs. Hudson had been a Marine drill sergeant. Everything in the house ran like a military operation.}
Mrs. Ballantine came in just as Rita and I were finishing up the lunch stuff. She was a large cheerful woman in her 40's. She always seemed to have a smile on her face and she obviously doted on Rita. Rita introduced me, "Mrs. Ballantine, this is Tracy Carter. She is a new student here and will be helping us around the house most of the time."
"Tracy, this is Mrs. Ballantine, she is the absolute ruler of the kitchen and pantry. Just remember to obey her every whim and you will get along just fine. And be careful, she has large wooden spoons and knows how to use them."
Mrs. Ballantine gave be a hug and the usual pat on the bottom. "Now, don't scare the child, Rita. I am not all that bad."
Rita laughed, "Well you've walloped my bottom a few times when I messed up."
The older woman chuckled, “Well that was a few years ago, I am sure Tracy will be MUCH better behaved than you were at fifteen."
I smiled ingratiatingly, "Well, I will sure do my best to be a good girl, Mrs. Ballantine. I have been smacked with a wooden spoon a few times and it's not my idea of fun."
{Great, somebody else to suck up to. But she seems nice.}
When she shooed me and Rita out of the kitchen I asked, "Is there ANYBODY in this house who isn't authorized to spank me."
Rita shook her head. "Just the other boarders and you're more likely to wind up spanking THEM if you do as well as we hope you will."
Rita and I hung out for the rest of the afternoon working on some of her financial stuff, watching TV and generally swapping girl-talk. Since I would not likely be friends with the other boarders, I figured that one good girl friend was a whole lot better than five or six losers.
At supper, Amanda was still nude. It seems she had smarted off to Mrs. Hudson while they were doing the laundry. It was no surprise when she was sent to the front room right after dinner. While Darlene and Naomi cleared the table the rest of us went in to witness her punishment.
Greg wasted no time in putting her over his knees and giving her a quick hand spanking as a warm up. Even though it was just a hand spanking, Amanda was bawling, kicking and squirming like a toddler. She wailed in dismay when he picked up the hairbrush and pleaded for mercy. "Double your age, Amanda," he announced. "Fifty-eight strokes."
Well by thirty strokes she was howling her head off like somebody was pulling out her fingernails. By forty she was hiccupping so badly that he had to stop for a minute and let her catch her breath. By fifty strokes she was whimpering feebly and when the spanking was over, she lay like a rag across his lap, barely able to even whimper.
Christine and Terri had to help a very sorry little girl up the stairs to her room. I suspected that the bathroom in 2-West would be in immaculate condition for a few weeks after that.
Mrs. Hudson nodded in grim satisfaction. "That child is just incorrigible. I don't know if we'll ever get through to her."
Then she turned to me. "Well now let's go attend to your needs. I can assure you it won't be anything like what that little brat got."
Somewhat apprehensively, I followed her and the kids to their private living room. "We'll give Greg a little rest, so Rita can give you the first part of your spanking, my dear." She patted me on the head. "And, don't, worry, we really do care about you and we won't be any harsher than necessary."
It was with mixed feelings that I pulled down my panties and put myself over Rita's knees. I really felt that they did care about me, but it was still going to be a spanking and I KNEW it would hurt. Looking around, I did not see a hairbrush, paddle or wooden spoon and figured that was a GOOD thing.
Of course, as soon as I had found a comfortable position across Rita's lap and she patted my bare bottom a couple of times, the doorbell rang.
END of Part 4





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