Tit for Tat 4 to 5

By Rick1463

[email protected]
Copyright 2018 by Rick1463, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Tit for Tat - Chapter 4: A treat to share
In the course of the two weeks that followed, Billie and I continued overhearing each other's spankings and having lots of fun doing it. Well, fun for the listener, anyway - not so much for the one getting spanked!
I also learned that Billie wasn't kidding when she said that she usually got it once or twice a week. She got spanked three times in those two weeks. I mean, geez! I still couldn't get my head around the fact that she got it so often. I got spanked only once during those same weeks, which brought my monthly total to two, which is about the maximum number of spankings that I usually got in a month.
We also had two more private conversations in the boathouse. It seemed that we were having one of those per week, and we had them on the weekend. I wondered if it was going to become routine. I sure hoped so.
During those private talks, I learned lots of intriguing and fun stuff. For instance, I learned many spanking-related facts about our female classmates. Who gets it often and who doesn't. Who's a crybaby and who isn't. Who gets it light and who gets serious whoopings.
Billie pushed me to find out more information about our male classmates, since I initially knew very little about them. ‘Tit for tat’ was a growing philosophy between us, so I did my job and asked around, knowing which boys were less shy about such private topics. Billie was practically delirious with glee every time I delivered a fresh piece of information regarding one of the boys. She pushed for more details, but some were hard to get (for instance, which boys are crybabies, and which aren't, which is something none of them would actually admit being). Even so, I somehow managed to bring new pieces of information to our weekly meetings, much to Billie’s delight.
I particularly enjoyed it when we would walk home from school (we now walked home together every day after school) and Billie would give me news of a recent spanking or a spanking about to happen that very afternoon. She'd tell me, for example, that Millie Miller was about to get it, and so I would keep my eyes peeled the following day for hints that this had indeed happened, and I would usually spot them - I would catch Millie wincing when she took a seat and/or giving her bottom a quick, discreet rub when thought no one was looking, which clearly indicated that she was nursing a sore behind. Needless to say, such sightings brought a big smile to my face.
And I guess that, on the whole, I was also very much enjoying the fact that Billie and I were becoming such good friends. We started spending more time together at school and out of school, and not all of our together-time was spent talking about spankings. We talked about anything and everything, we joked around, and we did homework together. We even had dinner together a couple of times during those first two weeks, once at my place and once at her place. And we also got to know some of each other's friends better.
As a result, I was quite happy with the state of things. And I was about to become even happier, because, by the end of the second week, a glorious thing happened. I was in my bedroom when I heard a rapping at my window and my heart leaped, because I knew it must be Billie (no one else rapped at my window), and because I knew that she had probably come to invite me to overhear yet another spanking that she was about to get. This time, though, there was a different reason.
"Hey," I said as I opened my window, finding Billie right outside.
"Hey," she said.
"So what did you do this time?" I said.
"Uh-uh, no," she said. "I'm not in trouble this time."
"Oh," I said, disappointed to hear it.
"Don't worry, you're still in for a treat," she said, showing me her naughty smile. "It's Jodie. She's going to get it!"
My eyes burst open. "What? Jodie? Seriously? When?"
"Right now! She's in her bedroom, waiting for mom. Get your butt over here! Hurry!"
"Ok, ok, ok, ok!" I said and closed the window.
I started to hurry out of my room, but then I stopped and forced myself to walk at a casual pace, because I wouldn't want mom to notice and ask just what the hurry was all about. It was sheer torture to walk slowly toward such an event, but I was absolutely thrilled. I had been looking forward for this, ever since Billie had said that her big sister was still getting spanked regularly. A fourteen year old teenager getting her bare bottom tanned - imagine that! Even in Little Shore, where spanking kids was a known custom, a teenager getting spanked was a rare event, at least as far as I knew. The experience of overhearing Billie's spankings -a girl who was my own age- had been delightful, but overhearing the spanking of her older sister (an actual teenage girl!) would be a whole new experience altogether.
For one thing, Jodie was four years older than us. Her body was not a little girl's body anymore. In fact, I would later learn that Jodie's body was developing faster than the average girl’s. Her face was neither attractive or unattractive (in my opinion), but I kind of liked her full lips and the way she often used them to pout (she loved to pout) or flirt or do all sorts of funny expressions.
When I was finally outside, I hurried to meet Billie at the back of my house. Then we both crawled our way toward Jodie's window and sat right under it, our backs to the wall. I noticed that the window was open a crack, just like Billie and I always opened our windows to let each other overhear our own spankings.
"Was it you who you opened the window?" I whispered at Billie.
"Yeah," she whispered back. "I did it quickly, while mom was still scolding Jodie in the kitchen. Now tell me I'm awesome."
"You're awesome," I said.
She giggled. "Mom is so mad at her. I bet she's going to get it real hard."
"Oh," I said. "Good."
"Yeah," she said. And we both giggled.
It was a different experience, waiting for the spanking to begin with Billie at my side. I usually waited by myself, when Billie was about to get it. And I always enjoyed the anticipation, letting all sorts of images run through my head and the thrill of the wait warming up my inner joy-engine. This time, though, I was enjoying the wait in a different way. I was with Billie, whispering back and forth and sharing the fun with her. Our hips were touching, since we were sitting right under the window and it was not a large window. A regular pair of ten-year-olds having a good old time, as if we were having ice cream or something just as innocent.
Soon enough, we started hearing Ms. Baker's voice as she scolded Jodie. And then we heard Jodie desperately begging not to get spanked and making all sorts of promises. Billie had already told me that she was a big crybaby, but it was still stunning to hear Jodie -a girl four years our senior- begging like that. And then, when the spanking started, it was even more amazing to hear her carry herself as if she was five years old or something. Truly amazing.
And also truly fun! Billie and I giggled all through Jodie's spanking, covering our mouths to stifle our laughter. When the spanking ended, Jodie kept on bawling really hard and we just kept on listening and giggling for a little while longer.
Then, Billie whispered to me: "I have to get back, before mom notices I’m gone."
"Ok," I whispered back. "Thanks, this was great!"
"I know! I told you she was funny when she gets it. You’re going to stay here?"
"Yeah, just for a little bit."
"Ok, see you!"
"See you."
Then she left, and I did, in fact, stayed for a little longer, enjoying Jodie's pitiful howling. It had been a delightful experience for me, and I had really enjoyed having Billie tag along. I didn’t have any siblings, so I couldn’t do tit-for-tat in this case, so I resolved to get meatier information out of our male classmates, so I could share it with Billy.
Later that evening, I was at the Bakers', working with Billie on our homework at the dining table. Then, at some point, Jodie walked right past us on her way to the kitchen. There was a huge pout on her face, the way only Jodie can make them when she’s really annoyed (like she always is when she’s nursing a sore bottom). I had to force myself not to giggle at the sight. Our eyes then followed Jodie as she was walking back to her room.
"Wait for it..." Billie whispered to me.
And then, just before turning a corner down the hall, Jodie gave her bottom a quick rub. We giggled, but Jodie was already too far away to hear us. Hanging out with Billie was turning out to be so much fun, that much I was sure of.
The next day, Billie and I were walking home from school when I told her, rather proudly, that I'd managed to retrieve some juicy bits of information that she was going to love hearing. I didn't have to spell it out, but I obviously meant spanking-related information regarding our male classmates.
"Awesome!" she said. "What is it?"
"Uh-uh. That’s boathouse talk, remember?" I said, alluding to our weekly private meetings at the boathouse. The information I’d retrieved was that Ethan Emerson, a boy from our class, was regularly spanked by his seventeen-year-old sister, and she had recently spanked him in front of a friend of hers - a female friend, no less. I knew that Billie would be delighted to learn such a thing (and she was, when I later told her about it). "So I'll tell you at the boathouse this weekend."
"Ok," she said. “I can’t wait!”.
"I just hope it's good enough," I said. "I mean, I wanted to find something juicy to thank you for Jodie."
"Oh, sure. But, you know, we can also do something even better."
I was puzzled. "What do you mean? You, uh, you know that I don't have any brothers or sisters. So I can't give you tit for tat."
"I know, but you have friends, right?"
"What? Yes, of course, but... I mean... what are you saying?"
She smiled for a moment before answering, but I already knew that she was talking about stepping it up a notch. She was talking about taking this thing of ours a little further than we'd taken it so far. I was immediately worried. And thrilled. She was at the wheel of a vehicle that I was inside of, but I didn’t know where it was going, or if it she was driving safely. But I also knew that I would keep going, I’d let her take me further, I couldn’t wait for her to take me further. I was simply hooked.
To be continued...
Tit for Tat – Chapter 5: A boy on a quest
Billie and I came up with a plan that we were going to try out. As usual, I was both suffering and enjoying the anticipation. I was starting to think that my life had been kind of dull before I became friends with Billie Baker.
Our plan was set in motion on Thursday. I approached Donny Davis and asked him if he wanted to play Dungeons & Dragons on Friday, after school. His eyes glimmered and he immediately agreed, looking overjoyed. The poor guy never had a chance.
Donny loved D&D, but no one wanted to play D&D anymore. When he first got the game, some other boys and I used to come to his house and play, but our interest waned after a few months. In fact, I was the last one to lose interest, so the last few times it was just Donny and me. That had been almost a year ago, so I knew he'd jump at the chance to play. I guess I'd feel a little bad about the whole thing if my interest in the game was fake, but I knew I was probably going to enjoy playing it, so at least that part was no trick. He would definitely enjoy playing, too.
He would enjoy it less when I'd gotten his mom to spank his doomed, unsuspecting butt.
Did I feel too bad about trying to get him spanked? Not really. I mean, we're Littleshorians, right? Spankings are as natural part of a kid's life around here as getting a haircut. To us, getting spanked was sort of a regular, annoying chore we had to suffer through every now and then. Like visiting one’s most boring relatives.
I knew for a fact that Donny was still regularly spanked at home. And by 'regularly' I mean the usual frequency for ten-year-olds living in Little Shore, not the crazy twice-a-week turbo frequency with which Billie Baker was spanked. So I felt pretty confident about the chances of my quest to get Donny Davis across his mommy's lap on Friday evening. And so, both a D&D quest and a real quest awaited me, with Lady Baker waiting in the wings. A regular ten-year-old knight in shining armor, that was me.
Friday arrived. When the school day was over, Donny and I walked to his house. And once we were there, I casually asked Donny if his mom had any plans to go out that evening.
"I don't think so," Donny said, which was what I was hoping to hear. "Why?"
"Just, you know, to know if we should keep the noise down when we play," I said, lying so naturally that I surprised myself.
And so we played. And it was fun. Donny was a fun guy to hang with, after all. I mean, sure, I was friendly with everyone at school, but I was not exactly close friends with anyone in particular. Not until Billie, at least. But I could see Donny becoming a close friend in the future. We had a blast playing in his house that afternoon.
Then, when the sun set, I told Donnie I had to take a leak. Once in the bathroom, I opened the window and peeked outside to find Billie sitting out there, her back against the wall. She was listening to music through her earbuds, her eyes closed and her head nodding rhythmically. I whispered at her, but she did not hear me, so I had to roll a piece of toilet paper into a ball and throw it at her head. She pulled off the earbuds, turned toward me and smiled.
"Hey," she whispered at me.
"Hey," I whispered back. "You've been here for long?"
"Just five minutes. I came at sunset, like we said."
"All right. Donny's mom's here, so the op is a go."
"The what?"
"The op. The operation. The plan!"
"Oh. Great!"
"Right, so just go to his bedroom's window and sit under it," I said. Donny had told me that he usually got spanked in his bedroom, just like me. "It's the one on the southeast corner."
"The what corner?"
I rolled my eyes. "The window in front of the hardware store," I said. The back of Donny's house, unlike Billie's or mine, did not look toward a lonely, open field, but to a small street. Luckily, though, the buildings across the street were all small shops that closed before sunset, so the street was mostly deserted by that hour. Ours was a quiet town, after all.
"Oh. Got it!" she said, giving me a thumbs-up with both hands.
"Ok, I'm going in," I said.
"Uh, but you’re already in. I’m the one out here."
"It's just a... it just means I'm going to start the operation."
"Great! I'll go sit under his window, then. See ya!" she said. Then she casually walked around the corner, with no apparent concern for stealth whatsoever.
I closed the window and went back to Donny, who had gotten a glass of water for each of us. Good thinking, Donny - you're going to need the extra liquid in your body pretty soon.
The next part was easier than I'd thought. We continued the game where we'd left it. A minute later, I faked a celebration right after my character had killed a giant, but in my fake euphoria I raised my arms in victory and 'accidentally' let go of the dice I'd been holding in my hand. My aim was true, as the dice 'accidentally' hit a pretty glass statue that had been sitting on a shelf, toppling it and causing it to shatter into pieces when it hit the floor.
"Oh, shit," was all poor Donny was able to say before his mom walked into the room, summoned by the noise of the breaking glass.
Ms. Davis was furious. She said that the statue had been a gift from 'someone special'. Ms. Davis is a single mother and I could guess that 'someone special' meant Mr. Fleming, the town's Sheriff, whom she had been dating recently, according to Donny. She immediately told Donny that he was 'really going to get it' for this. Donny looked at me, waiting to hear me confess and clear him from blame. But, of course, I was not about to do such a thing.
"We're sorry, Ms. Davis," I said. "We'll be more careful from now on."
Donny looked shocked to hear my words. 'What do you mean 'we'?' was written all over his face. Ms. Davis was not so easily placated, of course, and she ordered Donny to go to his room and prepare for a good spanking.
"No, please! It wasn't me, mom, I swear!" Donny said. He was selling me out, but that's ok, because I had just dishonestly implicated him a moment before. Plus, he was facing an imminent spanking, and I guess kids can be forgiven to say just about anything to be spared a good spanking.
"I don't care who it was!" Ms. Davis said, which is what I expected her to say (all Littleshorian mothers share this group-blame philosophy). "You were playing together, so you are both responsible for this. And you can be sure that I'll be telling Leaf's mom about it, so he can expect a spanking at home."
I sighed. I had been clinging to a tiny hope that she wouldn't mention that she’d tell mom about it, which would mean that I'd be able to walk away scot-free. But it had been a tiny hope indeed, since I fully expected her to say it. I had prepared my response in such a case, but it was a response that I had not told Billie about, when we had planned this operation.
"Ms. Davis, could you spank me now, instead?" I said. "I mean, we are both responsible, like you said, so you can spank us together if you want. I’d rather have it now than wait until I got home."
Ms. Davis and Donny both stared at me with surprise. "Um, sure, of course," Ms. Davis said. I'd suspected she’d agree. There was something about her that made me think that she’d probably enjoyed spanking me. ‘Me’ as in ‘a boy other than her own son’, I mean.
So Donny and I went to his bedroom to prepare for the spanking, which simply meant that we were to drop our pants and underwear in anticipation of Ms. Davis' arrival. But then, the moment we stepped into Donny's room, I immediately realized that I had made a terrible, terrible oversight. I hadn't thought of scoping out Donny's room in advance. I mean, I knew that the room had a window. And sure enough, there was the window, with curtains covering it.
Semi-sheer curtains, that is.
This meant that someone standing right outside might be able to see through these curtains a little bit! Maybe not clearly, but at least a little bit.
Someone like Billie freaking Baker.
Oh shit. I had asked Ms. Davis to spank me alongside Donny for three different reasons. The first was simply to get it over with as soon as possible, given that I hated (who doesn't?) waiting hours for a spanking that I knew was coming. The second was that it might make up a little for betraying Donny, by which I mean that Donny might like to see me punished along with him – you know, solidarity and all that. And the third reason was to surprise Billie with a two-in-one treat. Like a singing duet. I mean, she was going to overhear my spanking even if I had gotten it hours later from mom, anyway, right?
But I hadn't planned on giving her a visual treat! As Donny and I pulled down our pants and undies, I kept my eyes glued to the window and I felt my face grow warm with embarrassment. It was mortifying to think that Billie would probably be peeking in at any moment.
Ms. Davis walked into the room, sat on Donny's bed and patted her lap as she gave Donny a stern look. He started whimpering pitifully as he climbed over her lap. Then, the spanking started, and I quickly learned that Donny was even more of a crybaby than Billie or myself. He was kicking and howling mightily from the very beginning.
Sure enough, the shadow of someone's head soon appeared in the window. The semi-sheer curtains made it difficult to see the face clearly, but I knew it was Billie. I was already covering my privates with both hands, but I still took a couple of steps back when I saw that she was looking in, just to make it harder for her to see me. Ms. Davis was facing the opposite wall, so she couldn't realize that someone was peeking in from outside.
Donny's spanking took about a minute, just like Billie's or my own. I had to admit that I enjoyed watching it, even though I knew I was next. I also enjoyed watching Donny do a funny, pitiful dance when he was finally let up. He was screaming and holding his bottom and making quite a show of himself. His willy bounced around as he danced, and I wondered if Billie was able to see it. This thought worried me, because it meant that she might be able to see my own willy bouncing up and down if I also danced after my spanking. I always danced around after getting it, so I made a mental note to try not to dance after this particular spanking.
A moment later, I was across Ms. Davis lap, receiving what could be called a pretty competent spanking. It felt very much like one of mom's spankings, the only difference being that Ms. Davis' grip was definitely tighter around my midsection than mom's usually was. This was probably due to Donny being such a squirmer and kicker. I cried through the spanking like a good spanked boy and, to my dismay, I went ahead and did the stupid after-spanking dance, even though I had planned to avoid performing it. I just found it impossible not to rub my butt and jump around in pain, it was simply stronger than my willpower.
A while later, Donny and I were saying good-bye to each other at the front door. We were still sniffling and rubbing our respective butts.
"Sorry about getting you in trouble, Donny," I said.
He shrugged. "It's ok. Shit happens, right?" he said, surprising me. I had expected him to be mad at me.
"Yeah, well, I still had fun playing," I said, and it was true.
"Me too," he said and smiled. Then he sniffled again and wiped his nose with the back of his hand.
It was dark, and the streets were quiet. I started my way back home, giving my butt the occasional rub. I had walked a couple of blocks when I heard soft steps approaching in a hurry from behind. I turned around to find that it was Billie, looking rather pleased.
"Hey, Leaf," she said, matching my pace as we walked on, side by side. "Oh wow, that was awesome!"
I remembered the semi-sheer curtains in Donny's room and, in that moment, I felt more embarrassed than I ever had in my life. "Yeah, uh, did you... did you see anything?"
"Yeah!" she said, making me flinch. "Well, I mean sort of. I could see shapes, mostly. And I could tell who was who."
"Oh," I said. "So you couldn't see, uh... you know...?"
She giggled. "Your bare butts and your willies? No, I couldn't."
"Oh. Good," I said and chuckled with relief.
"But it was still more exciting than usual because I could see your shapes. And because it was a double spanking, too! Why did you ask to get spanked?"
I shrugged. "Ms. Davis was going to tell mom, which means that I was going to get it either way. But getting spanked here meant that I could get it over with faster."
"And it also meant that I could get to listen to a double spanking," she said. "And I loved it! You did it because of this, too."
I noticed that she hadn't said it like a question, but like a statement, as if she was already sure of it. "Well, yeah, sure. I mean, I thought you'd like it."
"I loved it. Thanks," she said and kissed my cheek. Now I felt warm all over.
We kept on talking during the rest of the way home. We talked about Donny's crybaby-ness, about the way our plan had worked out perfectly, and about other non-spanking-related stuff. And the warmth I'd gotten from her kiss did not die down. Not even later, when I was in bed, my stinging bottom not bothering me as much as it usually did.
To be continued...



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