Jeannie Grants Wishes 7

By See Erva

[email protected]

Copyright 2015 by See Erva, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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After Jeannie left, Chris got dressed. For a few moments, he sat back and relished his freedom. If the girls were telling the truth, his ordeal was over. Then he considered what to do. He usually hung out with Levon and Jimmy but now that they knew his secret, he was a little embarrassed in front of them. After the way they had chickened out and run away, he wasn’t even sure he wanted their company. He had come so close to both getting revenge and his freedom on his own terms if not for their cowardice and Jerry’s perfidy. And who had that memory card with all its pictures of Stella? If the girls had it, why hadn’t they mentioned it? With nothing else to do, he decided to buckle down and catch up on his overdue assignments.
Later that evening he sat on the couch watching television. Upstairs Jeannie was getting ready for her date. The doorbell rang. He answered it. Jerry stood outside, freshly showered, his short hair neatly combed.
“Traitor! I can’t believe you’re going out with Stella,” Chris muttered.
“Why not? She’s gorgeous, smart and considerate.”
“After what she did to you?”
“I sorta deserved it. Anyway, I kinda did the same back to her so we’re even. I guess I should thank you and the girls for bringing us together.”
“I can’t believe you can even talk to them after that!”
“That’s your problem! There are two ways to approach this. One, look at it as a wake-up call and get with the program. It took what they did to make me realize I was turning into my father and he was not a nice person. When I came to school the next day and Carla asked me out, I understood what I was doing to myself. Until then, everyone else saw me as a freak and it was all my fault. Now you have a similar problem.”
“No, I don’t. I bathe and change clothes regularly.”
“But you turn people off with your attitude. You’re rude and nasty, particularly to girls.”
“Just Stella and her friends.”
“And Mara, who helped you a lot and a few others girls who aren’t pretty.”
“So why does she hang around me?”
“For the same reason a lot of guys hang around Carla. Look in the mirror. A lot of people are willing to forgive a lot if the guy or girl is good looking. But that only goes so far. Eventually people get tired of being hurt. Take a look at me and Carla. Pretty as she is, I still dumped her for Stella. And here she is, looking every bit as pretty as Carla and twice as nice.”
“So I’m twice as nice as someone who isn’t nice?” Stella said with a smile.
“You know what I mean.”
“I can’t believe you’re going out with him after what he did to you,” Chris said.
“I can’t believe he asked me out after what I did to him.”
“You always said he was a gross, disgusting jerk.”
“And she was right,” Jerry agreed.
“But I still remember when we were good friends a few years ago,” Stella said. “Unlike you, Jerry wasn’t always a jerk. He just had to get over his recent descent into the dark side. You’ve got to overcome years of obnoxious behavior. We’ll see you later.”
Chris was still watching TV when they returned home in a happy mood. He began to wonder if they were right. Would his life improve if he just changed his attitude? Could he also find himself a hot girlfriend? Stella had put Jerry through the ultimate humiliation and then he had returned the favor. How was it even possible that they were together? Did that mean he had a shot with Jeannie?
The next morning, he was sitting on the living room couch actually studying. After the previous day, he was making headway on his assignments. The doorbell rang.
“I got it!” Stella called out, running down the stairs.
Moments later, the three girls entered the living room. Chris rose and gathered his books.
“You don’t have to leave,” Stella said. “We’re on our way out.”
“So how does it feel to be free?” Jeannie asked.
“Pretty good, I guess.”
“Just remember, you’re still on parole. What happens now is up to you to.”
The girls walked over to Mara’s house where they found her waiting for them.
“I brought four hundred dollars in cash,” she said. “I hope that’s sufficient.”
“It should be more than enough,” Stella said.
They started off at the beauty salon. Because there were no customers that early, Tanisha’s mother was able to lend her expertise. They decided to thin and cut Mara’s hair to shoulder length and iron it. Then Tanisha applied a cosmetic touch-up. The results were spectacular. The new hair style, along with the makeup, showed off her face and de-emphasized its roundness. Though she was never fat, now she almost appeared to have lost weight. Her frizzies had also disappeared.
“Wow!” Stella shouted. “You’re halfway to gorgeous already! Tani, you’re a miracle worker!”
“Does that mean it will take a miracle to transform me to attractive?” Mara asked.
“No. But it took a miracle to undo what you did to yourself. Now let’s finish the job.”
Tanisha was remaining at the salon, so Mara tipped her fifty dollars and left with Jeannie and Stella. Their next stop was at the optometrist where Mara was fitted with contact lenses. She couldn’t stop admiring herself in every mirror they passed.
“She doesn’t even resemble me!” Mara exclaimed, indicating her reflection.
“Of course she does!” Jeannie responded. “Up to now, you didn’t resembled you.”
They spent hours in the clothing section of the department store, where the older girls convinced Mara to trade in her long, drab dresses for brighter shirts and skirts with hemlines which stopped short of her knees.
“I can hardly believe my eyes!” Mara said.
“As we told Jerry, clothes make the man - or in this case - the woman.”
“So are we concluded?”
“If I can make a suggestion...”
“Certainly. Your advice has proven accurate.”
“Underwear and socks.”
“I can understand the socks, but who sees my underwear?”
“It’s not a matter of who sees it. You know it’s there. If you feel sexy, you act sexy. That’s why Victoria’s Secret is so successful, even though it’s a secret.”
“I’m a bit young to act sexy.”
“Sorry. I should have said confident. When your underwear is adult, you behave more confidently. When you’re still wearing tighty whities, or worse, Dora the Explorer panties, you can’t help feeling like a child. Right, Stella?”
“I am not wearing Dora the Explorer panties!”
“Only because they don’t make them for girls your size. You’ll hafta wait to grow into them.”
“Well, Jerry found mine very sexy.”
“You permitted Jerry to see your undewear?” Mara asked in shock.
“We were fooling around - I mean like horsing around - and he got a peek. Then he commented on them. I was glad I wasn’t wearing tighty whities.”
“And that Dora the Explorer didn’t fit her,” Jeannie added.
Stella slapped her friend on the shoulder. Laughing, they went to the underwear section and helped Mara choose matching items in pastel colors.
“Now you’ll feel more like a young adult and less like a child.”
After paying for the items, at Jeannie’s suggestion, Mara returned to the dressing room and changed into one of her new outfits from the skin out. They stopped at the salon to show Tanisha, where Mara received compliments from several people who knew her. They continued walking home, passing school mates who all had positive comments on Mara’s new looks. As they passed the basketball court in the park, several boys stopped playing and came over to gawk.
“Is that you, Mara?” Levon asked. “You look real nice.”
“Yeah, you remind me of a tv star,” Chris added. She was smiling broadly until he added, “Miss Piggy.”
“Chris, cut it out!” Levon snapped.
“Am I right? They put fancy clothes, a hairstyle and make up on her and she looks so glamorous, for a moment you forget that under all that is a pig.”
“Man, that was harsh!” Levon shouted, as tears ran down Mara’s face. “And untrue! Mara, don’t listen to him! He’s being a jerk as usual.”
“That’s right!” Jimmy added. “You look real cute. Chris is just a jerk!”
Stella put her arm around the weeping girl’s shoulders and turned to her brother.
“How could you? She’s a sweet kid who helped you many times and she’s a year younger than you! Why don’t you go the playground? There are some ten-year-olds you can insult and bring to tears.”
“This is what we were talking about!” Jeannie shouted. “You never learn your lesson! Consider your parole revoked!”
“What was that about?” Levon asked after the girls walked off. “Does it have something to do with what they did to you before?”
“Yeah,” Chris croaked, now considering the ramifications of what he had done and Jeannie’s subsequent threat.
“So what does it mean?”
“That they’re planning revenge.”
“What do you think they’re gonna do?”
“I don’t know. Maybe show those videos to other girls.”
“You are so screwed!”
“I know. What do I do?”
“Don’t look at me. I think you deserve it. Why did you have to destroy Mara like that? She’s a nice kid and the operative word is kid. She’s very smart, which makes people forget how young she is and in a certain sense you could consider her even younger because she doesn’t get to hang around with kids her own age. It’s almost like insulting a retarded kid! And it’s obvious she has a crush on you, so that makes it even worse. You’re cold, man. If every girl in school sees those videos, it’s what you deserve. I am so glad Stella talked us out of helping you.”
“Ditto for me,” Jimmy said. “You know my folks said you’re a bad influence and I should stay away from you. I can’t believe I defended you.”
Chris stood in shock as his two former friends walked away.
“Don’t listen to a word Chris says. He’s an idiot!” Stella said to the sobbing girl. “You look great! Everybody we passed said so!”
“I think it’s time we discussed Chris’s punishment,” Jeannie said.
“I agree.”
“You are actually the decision makers for penalizing him?” Mara asked in shock.
“Let’s just say he doesn’t have a choice,” Stella answered.
“Maybe we should do what we threatened,” Jeannie suggested. “Obviously what we tried up to now didn’t work. If we bring in someone new, he’ll see we mean business.”
“Why not Mara? She’s the one he insulted. That should make it more effective.”
“Will you please explain?” Mara asked.
“Fine. What’s the best method of stopping someone who insults you repeatedly? Find out something humiliating about them and threaten to publicize it if they continue.”
“I have videos of Chris he’d be embarrassed to have you see or even know about,” Stella said. “Why don’t you come over to my house and I’ll show them to you.”
A few minutes later, they were gathered around Stella’s computer. She accessed a file on her hard drive. A window came up asking for a password. After she entered it, an additional drive letter was available. In that virtual drive were additional directories and each was password protected. Within each directory were encrypted zip files.
“Why the need for so much security?” Mara asked.
“These videos have to be protected from prying eyes. Here’s one of Chris in the tub.”
“And you believe some computer hacker will go to all this trouble to watch a baby taking a bath? Oh...” she trailed off as the video came up.
It was Chris and he was in the tub but he was no baby. This video was recent. He sat in the tub staring toward the camera with a deer-in-the-headlights expression of shock. The tub covered him almost to his chest.
“I presume he will remain seated,” Mara said. “It appears I was incorrect,” she said, as Chris began to rise. “So he must be wearing a bathing suit.”
But Chris turned his back to the camera and stood up, revealing that he wasn’t. Stella hit pause. Wide eyed, Mara took in his firm, white buttocks. For once she was almost beyond words.
“How did you..? Why did he...?”
“Tani can be very persuasive. Do you want to see more?”
When Mara nodded, Stella took the video off pause. The younger girl saw Chris turn around with his hands covering his groin. Then he lowered them, displaying everything.
“I’m no expert, but isn’t he a bit underdeveloped?”
“No, he’s about average. But he had just finished...uh... getting off so it got smaller.”
“That rumor going around school... Did you actually witness him...uh..finding relief?”
“Witness it?” Jeannie asked rhetorically. “I caused it! Keep watching.”
For the next hour, Mara stared at the screen. The girls led Chris to his room by his manhood. Tanisha spanked his bare bottom. Jeannie rode him like a pony. Another video followed with only Jeannie and Chris in the room. She rode his shoulders, sat on his chest and on his face. Then she led him back to the tub and brought him to a climax.

Throughout all this, Jeannie described the situation which had led to this. By the time the video ended, Mara was breathing heavily and rubbing her legs together. Her new panties were damp from her excitement.
“So what do you think?” Jeannie asked.
“I-I-I...” for once Mara was beyond word. “Are you planning to repeat this?”
“After what he did today? Absolutely.”
“Could I watch? I mean, in person, not just a video.”
“Watch? I don’t think so.” At her expression of disappointment, Jeannie added, “I believe you should participate.”
Mara’s eyes opened wider than before.
“You are offering me the opportunity to actually touch..?” she couldn’t even complete the sentence.
“Let’s go down and give Chris the news,” Stella said.
The television playing downstairs had alerted them to his presence.
“What’s she doing here?” Chris asked, when they entered the living room.
“We were just upstairs watching some family videos,” Stella said casually.
Chris stared. He looked from one girl to another, trying to decide if she was serious. From the smirk on Mara’s face, he knew she was.
“No!” he shouted.
“Oh, yes!” Stella retorted. “What did you think would happen after you insulted her like that? How many warnings did you need?”
“What if she says something?”
“She promises not to - on one condition.”
“And what’s that?”
“She gets a turn.”
“No way!”
“Chris, we talked about this just yesterday,” Jeannie reminded him. “We said if you do anything else, we’d be bringing in Mara or Carla. Well, you did do something else and you did it to Mara. You could say you chose her yourself. So no more discussion. This isn’t up for debate. For the next hour you will do everything Mara says. If you don’t, we’ll be back with both Mara and Carla and we’ll bring Tanisha to make sure you cooperate. So what’s it gonna be?”
Chris knew he had no choice.
“Let’s get this over with,” he muttered.
“Okay, Mara, it’s entirely up to you. Since you’re the one Chris insulted, you will determine what he’ll have to do. In fact, you will be the only person in the room with him. For one hour, Chris will be your slave. And don’t forget to record it. I see you have your cell phone. Take mine, too.”
Chris stumbled up the stairs like a prisoner headed to his execution. Mara followed behind him. He opened the door to his room and preceded her inside. She hesitated. She had never been in a boy’s room before. But then she remembered how many other things she had done today for the first time. She entered and closed the door. Her heart began to pound. She was alone with a boy in his bedroom! And not just any boy, but Chris Martin, her crush of several years! And he was about to do anything she asked!
Chris stepped to the center of the room and stood there. What was he supposed to do now? Welcome her? Ask her what torture she wanted to inflict on him? Seeing her hesitation, he almost smiled. Of course! This was Mara Wolf, the little wallflower who could barely hold a conversation with a boy. She was probably too shy to ask him to do anything. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. Perhaps he could still salvage this with an apology.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“For what?” she asked.
“For what I said before. I don’t know why I said it. Maybe I thought it would be funny. It was stupid. I’m sorry.”
“Apology not accepted.”
“Why not? I said I was sorry.”
“And you think that ameliorates the situation? You’ve been mocking me for years. I’ve done nothing but try to assist you. You never apologized before, which makes me realize you’re not sorry for what you said, only for having to face a penalty for it. I see you’ve already removed your shoes and socks. Now take off your shirt.”
Chris could see no reason to refuse. He often took off his shirt in public. He peeled it off and tossed it across the room while she set up the two cell phones to record.
Mara’s breathing quickened as she stared at his golden perfection. She had seen him shirtless before on the ball field or at the pool, but always from a distance away and in motion. Here he stood inches away, posing for her and she took her time staring. Then she remembered that now she could use more than her eyes. Tentatively, she reached out and placed a hand on his chest. She could feel the beating of his heart. She moved her hand in circles, touching his nipples and fingering his belly button - an innie.
“Now the pants,” she ordered.
Chris cringed. “You don’t really mean that?”
“Was I unclear? Did I stutter?”
Chris thought of refusing but realized she would just come back with Carla and Tanisha. Staring at the floor, he opened the snap, lowered the zipper, then dropped his trousers to the floor. He couldn’t believe he was standing in his underwear in front of Mara Wolf!
Mara couldn’t believe this was happening! Gorgeous Chris Martin was standing in front of her in his tighty whities! She walked around him, ogling the well-shaped buttocks and the bulge in front. Unless he had stuffed something down there, he wasn’t underdeveloped at all. But why guess when she could find out for sure? She reached out a trembling hand and placed it over his bulge.
Chris gasped. Mara Wolf was touching him through his underwear! She reached between his legs and cupped him, lifting his sack as if weighing it. It moved like a living thing in her hand. She walked around him. Her hand came up and cupped his cleft. Then she slid a finger into his waistband and pulled it out. Chris was glad he couldn’t see her now, knowing she was staring at his bare butt. She let go of his waist band and for a moment he was once again covered. But his relief was short-lived as he felt movement on his skin. Oh no! Mara Wolf had her hand inside his underwear! She was feeling his naked behind!
Mara felt she was dreaming. She was staring at Chris Martin’s naked behind in all its perfection. She wondered if it felt as good as it looked. Then she asked herself why wonder when she could find out. She lowered one trembling hand inside, not yet daring to touch. The waist band slipped out of her grip and snapped against her arm and his lower back. She gasped. She had her hand in Chris’s underpants! A moment later, she was fondling his firm butt! She let her hand move lower until her fingers encountered his scrotum. She felt a tingling sensation between her legs and withdrew her hand.
She walked around to his front, gripped the front of his waist band and pulled it forward. She looked down. There was his penis, already becoming vertical. She slid his underpants to the floor, kneeling as she did so. Her eyes were only inches away.
“It doesn’t appear underdeveloped,” she commented.
“It isn’t!” he snapped. “It’s at least as big as most of the boys in my class.”
He flushed. Had he just discussed his penis size with Mara Wolf as if they were reviewing a biology class? He cringed as she grasped the head of his organ. He had been looking down to avoid her eyes but now she was kneeling in front of him. He closed his eyes.
“Be careful,” he whispered.
“I am aware that it’s sensitive,” she said. “I have no desire to cause you pain. Severe pain,” she amended. “I am certain that some pain can not be avoided.”
She held him in one hand and slid the other down his shaft. She felt it jump. Jeannie was right, she thought, it was much like holding a snake, only holding a snake had never sent such pleasurable feelings deep inside her. She cupped and lifted his testicles.
Chris’s eyes snapped open. He was torn between his deep humiliation and the sensations brought about by her touch.
“If you don’t watch it, there’s gonna be a mess!” he warned.
Mara released him with alacrity.
“I suspect it’s time for a taste of the pain I promised you.” She sat down in his chair and patted her lap. “Let’s begin with the customary spanking.”
“You can’t expect me to let you spank me!” he protested.
“Would you prefer that Tanisha administer it?”
He groaned and positioned himself across her lap. How could this be happening? He was about to be spanked by a girl a year younger than him and he was allowing it!
Mara couldn’t believe it either. The handsomest boy in class - perhaps the whole school - was lying across her lap, his magnificent buttocks right under her palm. His manhood was right between her thighs. She opened and closed her legs gently, squeezing it. Then she lifted her hand and let it drop.
Smack! A pink hand print appeared on the white globe. Chris jerked, even though she hit more softly than Jeannie. Smack! Smack! Smack! By the fourth one, his bottom stung.
“You can stand up now.”
When he did, his penis stood straight out. Mara grasped it firmly in her hands.
“Time for a walk,” she said, leading him around the room. She giggled. “I’ve heard it said that a girl can lead a boy by his penis. I never believed it to be accurate.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you about the consequences.”
She let go and walked behind him. A moment later, her hand came up under his butt.
“I’ll try leading from behind.”
She made him circle the room while her hand pressed against him like a bicycle seat. It was uncomfortable and excruciatingly embarrassing.
“No reason for me to walk,” she said. “Get down on all fours.”
He groaned again, knowing what was coming. When he was in position, she mounted him and slapped his behind.
“Giddy up, horsey!”
If Chris could wish himself dead, he would have. He was now naked, on all fours, being ridden like a horse by a girl a year younger than him. The only silver lining was that she was lighter than Jeannie.
Mara felt she were dreaming. She was mounted on a handsome, naked classmate, riding him like a pony. Her crotch was separated from his bare back by a thin strip of cloth. She might as well have been naked too! Her inner thighs squeezed his sides. The play of his muscles under her sent electric shocks through her groin. She laughed.
“I had a fantasy of you as my knight in shining armor. I never expected you to be my trusty steed.”
After almost moaning aloud, she stood up and took a step forward, straddling either side of his neck.
“Get on your knees.”
 Chris knew what was coming. He took his hands off the floor and rose to a kneeling position. Mara sat down on his shoulders. Her crotch pressed into the back of his neck.
“Stand up.”
When she was lifted by his neck against her crotch, she moaned aloud. She ordered him to carry her around the room, clenching her teeth to keep from gasping in pleasure. She asked him to take her to the mirror, where she admired her reflection and that of her glorious naked pony. Several minutes later, she requested that he lower her. Chris bent down and she dismounted. Her knees buckled and she almost hit the floor but caught herself.
“Lie down face up on the bed.”
When he was in position, she straddled his belly. Sinking her loins into his warm, pliant flesh sent shock waves through her. She bounced on his belly and rubbed his nipples.
At least this was easier then being ridden as a horse, Chris told himself. But then he realized it wasn’t. She was sitting facing him. He couldn’t avoid making eye contact. He dropped his gaze and found himself staring at her crotch, barely concealed behind a thin strip of pastel pink which appeared to be wet. It was not the sort of underwear he expected. He had envisioned her wearing granny panties or tighty whities. Every crevice was clearly defined. If he squinted, he could imagine she was naked.
Perhaps it was due to the long dresses she had worn previously, but he had never realized how shapely her legs were. They were not the thin sticks of most other girls, including Carla. They were very white, perhaps because they never saw the sun, but given her new wardrobe, they would soon gain some color and be perfect. And why hadn’t he ever noticed her body? She was not fat, just not skeletal like other girls. She actually had more chest development than many of the older girls in their class. Her features were symmetrically proportioned and she had a clear complexion. Her eyes, now that they weren’t hidden behind glasses, were large, green and lovely. She was actually cute! He couldn’t decide if this made his current situation more embarrassing or less.
“Are you looking up my skirt?” she demanded. He blushed and tried to deny it. She laughed. “I would be more insulted if you weren’t, considering the contortions you would have to make to look away. Considering what I’ve seen of you, I can hardly be embarrassed. Do you want a closer look?”
She moved forward and planted both feet on the floor, straddling his face. Her crotch was only inches above him. A familiar odor filled his nostrils and he remembered his session with Jeannie. He was smelling her arousal. Then Mara bent her knees and sat down on his face. She rubbed her crotch against his mouth and nose. Once again Chris was torn between humiliation and excitement. A girl had her nearly naked vagina pressed against his face! Then he reminded himself that it was not just any girl but Mara Wolf and it was being done against his will.
As for Mara, she was carried on waves of excitement and pleasure. She squeezed her knees together and bounced, riding Chris’s face to ecstacy.
“The hour is nearly done,” she announced, when she regained her breath and was able to stand. “There’s only one thing remaining.”
“What’s that?” Chris groaned.
“I can’t leave you in that state,” she replied, pointing at his groin. “Let’s take care of it.”
She led him to the tub where she bathed him in warm water and soaped his lower regions until he exploded. Then she toweled him dry, led him back to his room and held up his underpants so he could step into them like a small child.
“I had a lovely time,” she said, as if he had invited her to tea. “We must do this again some time.”
“Fat chance,” he muttered.
“I’m sorry, I missed that. Would you care to repeat it?”
“You can’t expect me to invite you over for this again!”
“I don’t expect you to invite me willingly but I do expect you to make another stupid comment which will result in your being punished again.”
Chris worried that she was right. He was also concerned that she would mention what happened at school. He desperately wanted to get on her good side.
“Now that it’s over and you know I’m not just saying it to get out of a punishment, I really want to apologize,” he said. “I’m sorry for making fun of you, today and all those other times. The guys were teasing me about you and the only way I could get them to shut up was to insult you. It was stupid and I was wrong. Not just wrong to do it, but wrong about what I said.”
“To which specific utterance are you referring? When you called me a fat dork or when you said my new style reminds you of Miss Piggy?”
“Both,” he replied, blushing. “You’re not fat and you’re no pig. In fact, with this new style you’re actually very cute.”
“Cute enough to escort to school? To sit with during lunch?”
Chris swallowed. “Yes.”
“That didn’t sound very convincing.”
“Yes,” he repeated with more conviction. Then to his surprise, he realized that he meant it. “I would be happy to walk you to school and to sit with you during lunch.”
Inside he felt relief. If she considered him her boyfriend, she would never tell anyone else what happened. She would even continue to tutor him and let him copy her work.
“I would be delighted to accept your offer,” she said, “until someone better comes along.”
She laughed. “You don’t really think we could actually go together?”
“Why not?”
“Because the couple going out should mutually respect each other! It’s fairly obvious you feel disdain for me and are only doing this to stay on my good side.”
“But I don’t feel disdain for you! I said you’re cute. You’re also smart and a nice person.”
“Even if that were true, I feel disdain for you. You’re not smart or a nice person. The only thing you have going for you is your looks and those won’t last forever. I have higher aspirations for a boyfriend.”
“Then why do you want us to walk to school together and sit together during lunch?”
“Because I understand human psychology. When the others see you paying me attention, they’ll take notice. Eventually I’ll find someone I can look up to.”
“What if I change and become a better person?”
“I don’t think you’re capable of it. Look at what you did even after your first two punishments! But even if you became a nicer person, you can’t become smarter. Intelligence is something with which you’re born and you haven’t been blessed in that regard. In any case, how can I have respect for someone I’ll be bathing naked and riding like a horse?”
Once again, Chris wanted the floor to open up and swallow him. He had never been turned down before and to have it done by Mara Wolf! Who did the little dork think she was? Then her words impacted on him.
“Wait a minute! Bathing and riding? That sounds like you expect to continue doing it. This is gonna be the one and only time.”
She laughed again. “That’s what I mean by intellectually challenged. You forgot I have video which I already stored to my private space on the net, so don’t bother trying to delete it off my phone. And I’m sure you want me to continue tutoring you. You don’t want to spend the next few years in ninth grade. Only now it won’t be free. For all the time I spend teaching you, I expect you to spend an equal amount of time entertaining me.”
Chris was in shock. Seeing his crestfallen expression, she added, “It’s not a complete disaster. You enjoyed the grand finale in the bathtub.”
It was the smallest of silver linings but it was all he had.


(The End)