Forced Nudity
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Stories by Silent Girl

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A Good Day For Kaitlyn
by Whispering Lurker and Silent Girl
Evan dearly loves his girlfriend, Kaitlyn, but sometimes she takes advantage of his good nature. One day, Kaitlyn is being just a little too much of a brat with Evan and their friend Terry, and at the urging of Kaitlyn's mom, the boys take matters, and Kaitlyn, into their own hands...
Chapter 1 March 22, 2020

A Failure To Communicate
by Silent Girl
A bit of humor and fluff. When Peter learns that his best friend, Kristin, broke his younger brother Tommy's heart, he takes matters into his own hands. Peter forces Kristin to undress and tells her that he won't give her back her clothes unless she agrees to go on a date with Tommy. Left alone, naked and shivering, Kristin wonders how embarrassed Peter will be when he finds out what really happened between Kristin and Tommy...
Chapter 1 March 22, 2020

The stories accessible from this page copyright ©2020 by Silent Girl, all rights reserved.

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