A Little Foreign Culture Comes to New York - Part 1
By Sir Cum Sizemore
copyright 2004 by Sir Cum Sizemore, all rights reserved

* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY.  It contains
explicit  depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If
you are not of  a legal age in your locality to view such
material or if such  material does not appeal to you, do not
read further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *

Anthony Chamblee was a successful New York attorney.  Having
been raised in Boston he attended private schools all the
way through high school and graduated with honors from
Columbia's School of Law.  He had been practicing as a
corporate attorney for many years in a prestigious law firm
on Park Avenue.

He met his wife Christine at a party thrown in his honor
shortly after getting his law degree.  They were immediately
drawn to one another and married after a brief six month
courtship.  Some thirteen years later, Anthony's success has
netted them a spacious apartment near 77th and Madison.  It
occupies the entire eight floor of the building.

Tony and Chris have three very attractive children Jack who
is ten years old, Steven who follows at eight and the pre-
vasectomy Jeff who is six years old. All three sport
athletic builds for their age, blond haired and blue eyed,
except for Jack whose hair is black and eyes are more hazel
in color.

Ten year old Jack has been having problems over the last
year with school.  He has also been "feeling his oats" in
pressing to challenge authority with arguments and back
talk.  Chris had felt if she stayed at home she might be
able to turn some of these undesirable traits around.  So
two years ago she left her job at an upscale advertising
firm to spend "quality" time with her children.  She has now
decided to return to work, with some reservation over Jack's
readiness.  But, both she and Anthony feel a firm Nanny with
the right attitudes and given the proper authority could at
the very least maintain his behavioral gains.

Eva Bjork a thirty three year old Swedish born Nanny has
responded to an ad she became aware of through a friend.  It
paid well and provided a small apartment to whoever was
hired for the position.  The only problem Eva had in getting
jobs as a Nanny was the fact she had an eight year old
daughter, Ula, who was a part of the package.

"Hello Mrs. Chamblee, I'm Eva Bjork."

"Hello Eva, have a seat.  Why don't we start with you
telling me about yourself and some of the experiences you
think would help with this type of work."

"Well I have been a Nanny, off and on both in Stockholm and
here in New York.  My first job in New York ended when the
little girl I was a nanny for grew to an age where she
didn't need my care.  My last job ended because of cultural
differences.  I had a tough time changing my cultural
background and customs in child-rearing to the satisfaction
of my employers."

"What do you mean?"  

"Well, first we don't use spanking in Sweden.  My last
employer wanted me to spank her two daughters when they were
out of line.  So, I did.  It was difficult, but I did.  Even
before the spanking laws were passed in Sweden, girls were
not generally spanked.  For the most part, spanking was
reserved for boys."

"Tony and I are believers in spanking, especially for our
boys.  They need it every now and then to remind them who is
in charge.  And, as the Nanny you would be expected to spank
with a hairbrush as often as they seemed to need it.  Would
this be a problem for you?"

"No, as I said, I learned to spank the girls but there were
other problems."

"What kinds of other problems?"

"In Sweden children run nude a great deal of the time.
Running nude in their homes and yards is not uncommon.  They
are often nude in public places like when they go to the
park, the beaches or wade in fountains in the city.  No one
pays much attention.  Few of the little boys even own
bathing suits.  Most little girls don't either, but the
tendency is to make the girls more modest."

Eva continued, "So, I let the girls play naked in the house
and we went to Jones Beach and I let them swim nude.  Nobody
at the beach said anything.  They got some looks as did I
for allowing it, but no one seemed to upset.  Anyway the
girls, who were seven year old twins, told their parents
about the day during dinner.  Mrs. Williams was livid.  She
yelled and screamed at me for allowing such a thing with her
daughters and she fired me.  I was just doing what we do at
home.  I couldn't understand her problem with it."

"Eva, this country continues to have Puritanical principles.
The people of the United States, at least in our neck of the
woods, are self-righteous prudes.  I like what you have said
about your country.  Perhaps in your country our son Jack
wouldn't have the hang-ups about his body that he has
developed, and his brothers wouldn't be at risk for it
either.  Steven, at eight, thinks he should be allowed to
lock the bathroom door.  But Jack is terribly modest.
Modest to a fault."

"Oh, Mrs. Chamblee, I would honor their wishes.  I would not
make them do anything which would embarrass them. Really."

"Eva, if I were to hire you I would want you to do things to
get them less self-conscious about their bodies.  I would
want you to turn this foolish modesty around. I think it
would do them a world of good to feel proud about their
bodies.  Besides, even though I'm their mother, I can tell
you their little penises are as cute as their faces.  All
three have beautifully shaped boy legs too.  Jack won't even
wear short pants.  He's that modest.  And you know his
little legs get comments from all of the women."

Eva cautioned, "If I were to take the job, I would have to
know you would support me in discipline and other things.
If I am bringing too much of my culture into your family,
you must promise to remind me you wish I would do something
else, before it becomes a problem."

"Eva, you will have our complete support.  Bring your
culture into our family so our boys can appreciate
themselves and the beliefs of others."

"But, Mrs. Chamblee, there is another potential problem.  I
have an eight year old daughter, Ula."

"That's no problem.  Bring her with you.  These boys should
have a 'sister' so they can start to appreciate women a
little more."

"Oh, thank you for the opportunity."

"I need you to start tonight.  We will pay you $500 per week
plus room and board for both you and your daughter.  After
we see how things are going we can discuss a raise in pay.
Is that acceptable?"

"Oh, yes, Ma'am."

The First Trial Begins

That evening, Chris introduced her clan to their new

"Boys, this is Eva and this is Ula her daughter. Eva will be
your new Nanny.  She will be in charge of you three at all
times even when your father and I are home.  That means you
will do as she tells you.  She has been given permission to
spank or use any other disciplinary tool she feels
necessary.  Do you understand?"

Jack somewhat insulted responds, "Mom, I'm too old for a
Nanny.  I don't want a Nanny."

"Eva, you see what I mean?  He's already whining. It's
driving me crazy."  Then turning to her belligerent son she
made her point, "You have just done something I find
incredibly rude, Jack.  To say such a thing in front of Eva,
was rude."

Eva responds by turning her attention to the boy, "Jack, I
think you are a big boy too.  But, you don't even know me.
How about if you just think of me as the housekeeper rather
than a Nanny.  You can introduce me to your friends as the
housekeeper if you wish.   The important thing here is that
you obey me and treat me with respect.  Do we have a deal?"

"But I don't want someone telling me what to do.  That's
what I have a mother and father for."

"Jack, all children have many adults to help direct them.
You must obey them, it's not a choice."

"I hate this."

Chris Chamblee reenters the conversation, "Jack, you can
hate it all you want, but you are still a little boy and you
will be treated as one.  Your father and I have decided Eva
will be in charge of you three and you will do what she
tells, when she tells you.  Do you understand?"

The pouting ten year old responded, "Yeah."

His brothers stood shaking their heads in acknowledgment,
realizing the question about understanding was as valid for
them as it was for their big brother.

"Eva, I would like for the boys to dress alike.  It will
make the whole process of dressing them and doing their
laundry easier.  Seeing as it's Spring, I want them in white
shorts hemmed six or seven inches above the top of the knee
and white button shirts, white socks, and as a sort of
compromise, white Nike athletic shoes for school and other
formal occasions.  For play, I would like them to wear the
elastic waist short athletic shorts and tee shirts, white
socks and a pair of athletic shoes of their choosing."

Eva nodded her understanding of her employer's first
directive.  Chris continued, "Here is a credit card you may
use to purchase a wardrobe for them.  Just leave the
receipts on the desk in the study.  While you're there, why
don't you get something nice for Ula too?  My treat."

"Oh thank you Ma'am. That is so nice of you."

"I'm not wearing shorts."  The ten year old boomed.  "I hate

"You are wearing shorts young man.  And because of that
outburst, Eva, he is to wear short pants all the time from
now on winter, spring, summer and fall.  He is not to own a
pair of long pants until he's thirteen years old.  Eva, is
that clear?"

"Oh, yes, Ma'am.  And a really good idea at that."

"In fact let's have that rule for all three boys. Be sure to
have them tailored to the desired length, I don't care if it
costs extra.  Please look for matching ties and sport coats
for the three of them to have for formal occasions."

"Yes Ma'am, I will see to it."

Turning from the topic which was making Jack throw a mini
tantrum, Eva said, "Boys its time for you to get ready for a
bath.  Please take off your clothes and put them in this

"Here, in the living room, Steven asked with an expression
signaling some perplexity."

"Yes, Steven, the three of you will undress each evening in
the living room and you can sit and watch TV until it's your

Steven continued, "But Miss Eva, Ula is right here.  I can't
undress in front of a girl."

"Steven, Ula has seen many little boys without their
clothing.  She used to swim with boys who were naked.  I
want you to get undressed."

Six year old Jeff was down to his briefs.  Being too young
to have established any level of modesty, he didn't see what
his brothers' problem was.  Being naked was a hell of a lot
more comfortable than being in clothes and he jumped at the

Steven seeing no alternative, began to disrobe.  Slowly
unbuttoning his shirt.  Looking questioningly at his mother
he asked, "Do we have to get undressed here, now?"

Chris enjoying the excitement of the moment having her three
little boys nude in the living room in front of a woman they
had just met and even more so a little girl was tickling her
in ways she couldn't understand.  Oh the sweet anticipation.
This would be the first time in months she had seen Jack
naked and she loved the sweet justice of it being in a semi-
public forum.  "Yes, you heard Eva, from now on you will
strip naked whenever she tells you to.  Jack, get busy."

"I'm not doing it."

"Just a minute Eva."  Chris left the room calmly.  When she
returned she had a hairbrush in one hand and was closely
followed by her husband Anthony.

"Jack, what did Eva tell you to do?" asked his father in an
angry tone with a matching look.

"Dad, she expects me to take my clothes off right here.  She
wants me to get naked in front of her and this girl.  I'm
ten and I don't want to."

"First of all, that 'girl' has a name.  Her name is Ula.
Second of all, Eva is in charge and you will mind her.  Now
you will be spanked for this little tirade after you get
your clothes off.  If I have to take them off of you I will
follow with a second round with my belt.  It's up to you."

Not seeing any chance he began to disrobe pulling off his
shoes and socks.  Meanwhile the two younger boys clad in
briefs were told, "You need to take off your underpants,

Chris took a deep breath at the anticipation of their
nudity.  She also noted Ula's attention on both keeping her
eyes at waist level of both.  It was exciting their little
boyhoods were soon to be flopping freely and on display.

Both complied with the Nanny's direction not wanting to push
the buttons of the already angry patriarch.  Jeff didn't
feel a need to cover anything and just jumped on the couch
with his little penis bouncing around his little boy

"Oh, Jeff, don't sit on the furniture until you are
inspected.  Ula, go see if he's clean."

The little girl turned the boy around and spread his butt
cheeks.  She nodded to her mother that he was and he was
permitted to sit on the couch.  Mrs. Chamblee watching very
intently was as excited about this new Nanny as she could

Mr. Chamblee still standing over his eldest responded with a
chuckle, "That's great, at least we won't have to deal with
skid marks on the furniture."

Steven was standing nude with his hands covering his boy
parts.  Ula, was watching him intently for the opportunity
to see her age mate's genitals.  She asked her mother if she
needed to check Steven.  Eva nodded and giggled, "We have to
watch out for skid marks."  Smiling as she echoed the new
term taught to her by the boys' father, 'skid marks.'  As
Ula approached Steven, Eva said, "Steven, put your hands on
your head.  You need to feel more positive about your penis.
Ula will see it a lot from now on so you might as well begin
tonight."  Ula checked Steven's backside.  Unlike his little
brother, Steven was noticeably uneasy with this.  Finishing
Ula moved to the front for a closer look at the boy's penis
and testicles.  He like the other two was fairly well

"Momma .." Ula finished a question in Swedish.  To which she
got a Swedish reply.

"What did she ask?" inquired Mrs. Chamblee.

"She asked why their penises looked so different.  In Sweden
very few boys are circumcised, so she wanted to know and I
told her I would talk with her later.  She asked if she
could touch it and I told her she shouldn't."

"Oh, Eva, tell her to touch as much as she wants.  We
believe in teaching and exploring with children.  Steven,
let Ula feel your penis.  Go ahead Ula, you can touch it as
much as you want."

The girl shyly began to caress the young boy's glans.  She
squeezed it in a way to open the urethra.  She touched his
testicles and began stroking the shaft of the now erect
member.  He reached down to protest but was quickly swatted
by his mother's hand. "You will let her touch you whenever
and wherever she wants to.  Do you understand, Steven?"

The crying boy nodded in understanding. Ula went back to
exploring with a renewed confidence that she could indeed
feel whatever she wanted.

Meanwhile Jack was down to his briefs.  Eva was watching for
the final item to be removed when Mrs. Chamblee's voice
suggested, "Why not let Ula take Jack's underwear off.  Then
she can explore him the way she did Steven."

"Are you sure that would be all right with you, Mrs.

"I insist."

Ula had the facial expression of a child on Christmas day.
Her eyes glistened, she smiled in contentment just from
fingering Steven's genitals, but now she got to see the big
boy's.  Better yet she would get to touch him as much as she
wanted.  She quickly left the erect penis of the middle
child and squatted down in front of her prey.  Taking the
elastic, she jerked the underpants down.  The already harden
penis jumped up and down and slapped the ten year old on the
stomach area with a thud.  The little mushroom was standing
prominently at the end of the elongated shaft.  The cleft
between the two was well pronounced and the little girl's
hand gently took it all in.

"Ula, you need to check his bottom before he sits down,"
reminded Mrs. Chamblee thoroughly enjoying the intrusion
into her appositional son's privacy.  The humility will do
him good.

The eight year old gingerly pried the boy's cheeks apart and
inspected his anal area.  She beckoned her mother to look.
"Oh, we need to clean him up a little.  Ula go and get some
soap and paper towels, be sure to wet one of the towels."
The little girl ran to the kitchen to secure the items
requested by her mother.  In the mean time, Eva began to
stroke the boy's penis and testicles.  She believed this
would desensitize him if done often enough and would indeed
help build the adult-child attachment she needed to win his
trust. With such stimulation Jack's penis seemed to push
harder than its original state of erection.  His glans was
sending very pleasant sensual messages to his brain.  He
hated it, but he loved it.  The feeling of this strange
woman's touch was something he stangely wanted more of, but
not at the cost of being exposed.  Chris Chamblee noticing
this couldn't help but question.

"Eva, why are you playing with his dick?"

"When you stimulate his boy parts, he will loose some of his
modesty and find being naked can be enjoyable.  In my family
we did this to the boys simply because it made them feel
good.  It was considered to be affectionate, but not sexual.
You know when animals lick the genitals and anuses of their
young, they do it because it stimulates urination and
defecation.  I rub for him to get used to my touch, but also
to pleasure him."

"How interesting.  Do you lick, too?"

"No, but if it meant he'd be healthier for it, I would.
Mrs. Chamblee, your sons are as important to me as their
Nanny as Ula is to me as her mother.  Their needs will be
most important to me."

"After he's had his bath, I'd like to rub him there for
awhile.  I'm curious about something."

Ula returned with a bar of soap and some wet and dry paper
towels. Eva instructed the embarrassed boy,  "Jack, you need
to lie on your back."  Not knowing why the boy hesitated.
"Jack you have a spanking coming already, now do as I say."

At this the father who was on his way out of the room turned
back and said, "Eva, you need to use a belt on him rather
than that hair brush."  He handed her his belt.  "And Eva he
needs at least twenty good welts.  We might as well
establish who's in charge early."

After Ula finished cleaning she grabbed the boy's dick and
turned him around with it eager to resume her introductory
play.  Chris quickly corrected her so as not to delay the
joy of seeing the insolent boy get the beating he deserved,
"Not now, Honey, your Mommy has to spank Jack.  So, why
don't you sit here with me and watch."

"Mrs. Chamblee, I haven't ever spanked a child with a belt.
I'm not sure how I do it or if I can do it."

"Eva you not only can, you must.  Remember I told you we
believe in spanking.  Because his father wants twenty lashes
with that belt, he's going to be moving around a lot.  Ula
come over here and sit in this chair.  Jack, face Ula and
put one hand on each of the sides of the chair's back."

"Mom I don't want to." Came the plea of the crying boy.

"If I hear another word we are going to thirty rather than

With his hands on the chair back, his brothers were
instructed to hold his ankles to the chair legs on each
side.  What a sight two nude little boys sitting Indian
style trying to secure their older nude brother's legs to
the chair, to keep him from moving while his ass was flogged
with a belt.  Such a position was like ringside seats at the

"Now Ula, grab his peepee.  Use both hands."  Ula didn't
need to be asked twice.  "I'll hold his hands to the top of
the chair."  She did so.  "Okay, Eva, let him have it good.
Make each swat count.  They should leave red marks each
time.  If they don't, do them over until they do."

SWWWAAT, SWWWWAAATT, SWAATTT. The initial lashes were
accurate and because of the speed at which they were applied
effectively left the red reminders.  Jack was writhing and
wiggling.  "Keep moving around and I'll add more swats,
Jack.  Ula pull harder on that little dick of his, keep him
in place."  Again, Mrs. Chamblee's orders were accepted with
a giggle and addition pressure was evident on the boy's
still engorged member.  "Eva go ahead, but slow down.  Let
him feel each lash."

SWWWWAATT.  The belt bit into his bottom leaving first a
white stripe then turning to red.  SWWWAATTT.  Again white
to red.  This landing somewhere near the bottom of his
cheeks almost brushing the back of his scrotum on its way
past. SWWWWAAATTT.  Again the belt landed, this time bring
the boy's tearful plea, "I'll do what you tell me.  Please
no more.  Please stop."  The compassionate Nanny looked to
the mother with an expectation she would signal to stop.
But she didn't.  She just nodded to indicate for Eva to
rapid succession.  "Eva, slow it down.  I want him to feel
each one."  

"Yes Ma'am, but his bottom is red.  I think he's had

Hearing this the boy again pleaded through his sobs.
"Please, Mom, please I've had enough, please."

"Keep going, Eva.  If we make this severe, maybe we won't
have to do it as often."

Ula was delighted as she could feel the boy squirming
against her hold on his penis with each swat.  It was
exciting to hold it and pull him back to the required

Again the boy begged, "Pleeeezzzz Mom."  SWWWWWAAATTT.
Another lash to the upper thigh leaving the require mark.
SWWWWAAATTTT. Came another and then SWAATTTT another.  The
boy's crying was uncontrollable.  SWWWWAAATTTT came another.
Eva's compassionate side was having some problem at this
point and she again petitioned in the child's behalf.
"Ma'am, that's thirteen and I really feel we have done

Sensing the Nanny's uneasiness, Chris decided to ease up on
the spanking.  There would be time to get Eva more
confidence, and she was committed to build that confidence.
"Jack, if we stop do you promise to do as you are told, when
you are told, without comment from now on?"

"Yuuhh .ES..uhhhhhuhhh ..I
uhhhhuuhh .w uhhhhh .i .uuuhhh ..will .uhhhhuhh ..do .uhhhhh
do uhhhh .wh .uhhhhuhh ..what .uhhhuhh .ev ..uhhh whatever
..uhhhhh .I'm .uhhhhh .told ..uhhhuhhh ..Juhhhh Just ..uhhhh
hh .please ..uhhhhhh .stop .please.

"Okay children you may let go."  Ula made a noise indicating
her bad luck.  She had to release his penis.

"Now children, I will call you to the bath one at a time.
Starting with you, Jeff.  You are the youngest so let's go.
You other two can watch TV with Ula. Ula rub this on Jack's
bottom", she instructed while throwing her some lotion.  The
smile returned to the young girl's face.  Jack didn't
protest, not wanting a repeat and half expecting relief from
the cool lotion.

Bath time for Jeff went fairly well.  He was still young and
his body was still "public" domain.  He was young enough not
to have any real modesty or concern about being touched.  He
ran back to the television in the living room with a tee
shirt which covered nothing more than his tummy.  His navel
and genitals were prominently displayed.  But, again, that
didn't faze him.  He just wished he didn't have to wear the

Steven reported for his and found that he was going to be
bathed by Eva.  "I can do it myself."

"I know you can Steven, but in my country little boys are
bathed by their parents and sisters until they are twelve or
thirteen years old.  We think boys need help in keeping
clean.  Most children find it very special to get a bath
from their mothers and fathers because it is a time for
sharing love with each other.  Parents' touch is a good
thing.  So, now we will do this here.  You are only eight
that means someone will be washing you every night for at
least four more years.  Now stand up so I can wash your
peepee."  Rather than use a wash cloth she preferred to do
their genitals and anal areas with soap on her hand.
Gently, lathering, rinsing and re-lathering the penises and
testicles.  She preferred them to be erect as it made the
cleaning much easier.  As she turned the boy around, she
fingered his anus with a soapy finger making sure all
remnants of toileting were removed.  Steven jumped at the
touch.  It startled him.  She lovingly swatted his right
cheek with her hand and said, "Settle down, I have a lot
more to do here." Gently pressing the sphincter she waited
for entrance and gingerly moved her soapy finger in an out.

Drying him off, she rubbed lotion into his skin.  She seemed
to concentrate more time on his penis and testicles than he
felt comfortable with, but as his little erection bounced to
and fro from the Nanny's continual touch, he remembered what
happened to Jack when he rebelled and thought better of it.
After completing this ritual, she pulled a short tee shirt
over him and said, "This is your night shirt.  After your
bath, this will be the only thing you may wear until I put
some clothes out for you the next morning.  Okay, Steven?"
Hesitantly, the boy nodded his understanding.  "Oh and
Steven, you must never cover your penis or testicles with
your hands or anything else without getting permission
first.  If you do, I will spank you or allow Ula to spank
your penis with a ruler.  That means even if you want to
play with yourself you have to ask first. Do you

Hiding a mixture of embarrassment, frustration and outrage,
the child replied, "Yes, Miss Eva.  I'll keep my hands

"Good, now go in the living room and send Jack to me."

Entering the living room Steven's penis was bouncing with
each step.  The shirt didn't come close to covering him.
Ula's eyes glued to the beautiful and inviting object, made
him even more uncomfortable.  Chris who was thoroughly
enjoying this ritual said, "Ula why don't you rub Jeff's
little dickie, and I'll rub Steven's for a little while."
Though Ula was not happy about losing the bigger penis to
manipulate, she realized a mother's privilege trumped her
desires for any level of her desire.  Chris instructed her
eight year old son to straddle her legs facing outward.  She
then gently bent him back and began stroking the boy's
scrotum and penis.  At times she playfully slapped the erect
appendage so it bounced back and forth.  Steven began to
accept this interaction more comfortably as it aroused
feeling inside him he had never known before.  His
embarrassment was still there, but it was confused with the
pleasure of the feel of his mothers exploring hands.

Jack entered the bathroom apprehensively.  "Jack, get in the
tub sit down and get wet and then stand up facing me."  He
did as told and didn't mutter a word.  The washcloth was
used firmly on his face.  It felt like Eva was trying to
scrub the first layer of skin off.  She lathered it and came
down his neck to his chest.  "Put your arms up."  He raised
his arms compliantly as she did the length of the arms and
the arm pits.  Again lathering the cloth she came down his
chest to his abdomen.  She took time to clean his navel and
then progressed down both legs.  A slight smile erupted on
his face.  It was as if he thought, "Maybe she will let me
do my own private parts, maybe she understands me more than
I thought."  

"Turn around so I can do your back side."  He complied.
"Well, maybe she is sensitive to my modesty."  Using the
cloth she gingerly did his back.  Gently going over the
still reddened globes of the ten year old buttocks and then
becoming more aggressive on the backs of his legs.  His
erection had subsided at the probability she wouldn't make
an assault with her touch.

"Okay turn around again."  He complied anticipating he was
done.  Eva put the cloth on the side of the tub and lathered
her hands.  Reaching out she took his most prized body part
into her hand and began to rub the soap all over it.  She
re-lathered and did his scrotum making sure to roll each
little testicle around with her finger as she went. The
little boy penis rose to attention as a result of the
attention it was getting.  Rinsing his genitals, she did
them again.  This time spend a long time stroking his shaft.
"I like little boys' penises when they are circumcised.  You
see this part here?" she asked touching his glans.  Jack
nodded.  "This part used to have skin covering it and you
couldn't see it or feel it without pulling the skin back.
But when you were a baby the doctor removed the skin.  Now
we can see and touch it more easily and I like that.  It's

No one had ever talked this long about his penis before.
The discussion was making him uneasy. Now she asked him to
turn around again.  He complied.  "You will have to relax.
Most children don't like me to clean their bottoms.  It will
feel strange to you, but if you relax you might like the
feeling."  She began the process of cleaning around the
boy's anus.  Finally, completing by penetrating deep into
the bowel with her middle finger, the initially startling
and painful thrust soon lost to the sensation of sensual

He objected silently to the intrusion, but there was a
curious feeling as she did it.  Though initially startling
as she moved her finger in and out he noticed his penis
begin to throb.  It was jumping up and down with each
stroke.  Actually, he wouldn't admit it but his now ready
submission suggested he was enjoying this activity.

On went the tee shirt again covering not much of anything.
She instructed Jack in the rules of his body much the same
as she did Steven.  Even though his bottom was reaching an
acceptable temperature from the spanking he had earlier,
there was enough heat to remind him to comply.

As Eva entered the room, Ula was playing with Jeff's penis.
His little member was erect and he was lying on his back
with his legs spread wide open to allow the little girl
ready access.  Steven was lying back against his mother,
head between her breasts, watching television while the
maternal hands did their work on his boy parts. Both
children's faces showed the signs of mutual enjoyment.

"Boys, please pay attention.  I want to teach you three
different positions I want you to lie in whenever you are
told.  Going to Jeff's side, she asked the other two to lie
on their backs.  Chris guided Steven off her lap pointing
the way to the floor.  The three complied Jack reluctantly.
"Put your hands behind your head."  Again total compliance.
Ula watching Jack bigger penis throughout his ordeal.  As he
became aware of her visual assessment, his eyes showed him
to be very uncomfortable, but what could be done about it?
"Now slide your feet up toward your penises until the soles
of the feet are pressing flat against each other."  Very
good.  "This is called the lying position.  When I tell you
to lie down in the lying position, I want you to lie like
this.  Any questions?

"Now take your legs and pull your knees up toward your
shoulders.  Hold them with your arms.  This is called the
inspection position.  I will have you like this when your
bottoms and sometimes your boy parts need to be inspected.
As you saw earlier sometimes Ula will help me with these

The Nanny continued, "Finally, stand up".  Jeff was enjoying
this, he giggled as he stood up.  Steven and Jack were quite
apprehensive and uncertain about what was being explained.
"Spread your legs way apart.  Further Steven, Jack some
more, good for you Jeff."  All three boys stood with legs
apart, tee shirt bottoms well above their navels allowing
unobstructed views of their genitals.   Jeff again not
nearly as modest as his older brothers exuberantly displayed
his little penis and testicles. "Okay, now hands behind your
heads."  All three complied.  Ula licking her lips sent the
unmistakable impression she couldn't stand it much more she
had to feel Jack's boy parts.  She walked over cupping his
scrotum and rubbing his now erect shaft.  "Ula, leave the
boys alone for a minute.  You can play with whichever you
choose after we have learned the positions." Back on task
she continued, "Boys you are in the standing position. You
will use this position anytime you are undressed and are to
be introduced to someone else.  Any questions?"

"Miss Eva, when would someone else see us naked?" asked a
thoroughly confused Steven.

"Well Steven, if it should happen, you know how to stand."
Her tone sounded like the probability of such an occurrence
might be very low.  Wrong.

Shopping for clothes

The boys had clothes laid out the next morning.  Jeff and
Steven had shorts and knit shirts with matching socks and
athletic shoes.  Though it was beginning to warm, shorts
seemed a little cool for the climate.  Jeff the hyperactive
boy was happy as he could be to see the shorts.  He hated
long pants, they just got in the way of his flexibility and
his movement.  It was a welcomed sight.  Steven did question
how cold it was outside.

"Miss Eva, my legs are going to be cold today, if I wear
these shorts."

"Steven, you will be wearing shorts from now on.  Even in
the snow.  So you might as well start training those pretty
little boy legs to take the cold.   In Europe many little
boys never wear long pants and it gets much colder than
here.  You will have to learn to wear these."   Her
statements made her think, all three boys did have very
muscular legs that just shouted 'all boy', and showing them
off would be among her greatest pleasures.  Turning toward
Ula she said, "I know, I'll find each of the boys some
short, short lederhosen.  I can dress them in those for more
formal occasions. Mrs. Chamblee wants more exposure to
European culture, that'd be just the thing."

They entered a children's clothing store on 5th Avenue.
Pointing at the boys she said, "I need short pants in white
for each of them, a white dress shirt, and navy blue
blazers.  The shorts need to be hemmed short.  "Yes Ma'am,
we'll hem them to whatever length you decide when they try
them on.  We only have one dressing room so this may take
some time."  

"If you don't mind, I'll just have them change out here.
They don't have anything to hide these other mothers haven't
seen." She suggested as she pointed to the other women in
the store.

"That's fine."

"Boys get your clothes off."

"Right here?" Steven inquired bashfully.

"Yes, right here, right now.  If you don't you'll be taking
your underpants off too.  So get started."  At that two of
the women who were picking through a sale rack smiled
broadly.  One of them actually chuckled out loud.  This
obviously irritated an already irate Steven as his face
grimaced as he cast his look in their direction.

With that, the two older boys began reluctantly to disrobe.
Jeff was already in his underwear when his older brothers
started.  Jack stopped bare chested, shoes and socks off,
but taking off his jeans was going to be an issue for the

"Miss Eva, can't I use the dressing room?"

"Jack, I told you your body was okay.  I also told you if
you didn't comply, you'd be taking off your underpants.  So
I want you to get the jeans and the underpants off now.  If
you don't I will take them off and use your belt on your
bare bottom in front of all of these other people."

Steven eyes opened widely with the indication he was
thinking, "Whoa, I'm glad I didn't question her."

Jack lost the jeans dropping them to the floor and stepping
out of them.  Ula quickly pulled his underpants to the floor
before he knew what was happening.  His hard-on smacked
against the area between its base and his navel with a quiet
thud before bouncing back to a position parallel to the
floor.  He began to move toward a protective posture with
his hands.  Eva seeing this said, "Jack, step out of them
and then go to the sanding position."  Other customers
giggled and stared.  Some who had young girls and a couple
with young boys came over to evaluate Jack's genitalia.  He
was mortified. But he knew if he moved she'd whip him right
there in front of everybody.  Then they'd not only see his
penis but they'd watch him get spanked as well.  He chose to
leave well enough alone.

The clerk returned with the shorts.  She instinctively
handed the naked boy his pair first.  "No, give the shorts
to the youngest first.  He can stand here like this until
you're ready for him."  Then in her anger and to further
mortify him she turned to the other customers, "Ladies, if
any you or your children would like to examine him while
he's waiting, feel free. Jack you are to let these people
touch your penis.  Do you understand?"

The boy with the penis sticking straight out at this point
knew there weren't any alternatives.  Before he answered, a
little boy of Jeff's age latched on to his erect member and
giggling, pulled it.

A little girl was heard to say, "It's my turn now.  It's my
turn."  Her little hand encircling his shaft.  "Mommy, what
is this?" she asked pointing to his scrotum.

"Those are his balls, Stacey.  Squeeze them."  The little
girl complied, bringing Jack to his knees in pain.  The
little girl retracted her hold, frightened by the pain she
had given him.  The ladies in attendance just laughed.

"Remember, Honey, when you have them by the balls, their
hearts and minds will follow," came the wisdom of a middle
aged woman who observed the incident.

Eva helped the boy up, "Jack get back in position, there are
a lot of people who want to feel you.  You will let them."

Back into position while women and boys and girls of all
ages took a pass at feeling his boy package some fleetingly
some longingly but all touching his scrotum and penis.  

As his brothers jumped up on the podium surrounded by
mirrors, they were first fitted in long white pants.  After
fitting properly in the waist and crotch the pants were
removed and the legs were cut to five inch inseams.  They
were put back on and pinned to an incredibly short length.  

The clerk turned to Eva and recommended, "I'd recommend at
least one pair that fits with an inch or so below the coat
for dress up.  The pants should show a hem below the bottom
of the blazer."

"Okay, do that for one pair, but keep the less formal ones

Eva couldn't help but think as did the seamstress, "These
boys are handsome, and those legs needed to be shared."
Apparently, so did the mother of two boys who was observing.
Both boys had played with Jack's penis and were now watching
Steven's fitting while glimpsing back now and then at Jack's
erection.  Their mother then spoke,
"Please, when you get done with these kids, I want you to do
the same for mine."  Then turning to them, "Boys get your
clothes off, now".  The reluctant boys who appeared to be
close in age to Jack began to peel off their clothes.  Ula
watching them disrobe was obviously hoping they'd be made to
go all the way. Unfortunately for her they saw what happened
to rebellious boys and decided to settle for underwear.
They didn't argue with their mother.

"These will be ready to pick up in three days.  Will that be
cash or charge?"  Eva handed over the household credit card
and the transaction was completed.  Jack had redressed after
being fitted.  During the fitting the seamstress couldn't
refuse the drive to stick the head of his penis with a pin
making it look accidental and so she did.  But now that was
over and they were thankfully out of there.  Hopefully, Jack
would never see any of them again.

Then Eva asked, "Oh pardon me, can you recommend a good
store for lederhosen? I think these boys would be cute as
bugs in lederhosen."

The clerk said, "With those little legs, those kids would be
entrancing in lederhosen.  You might try A Taste of Bavaria,
up the street.  They carry some ethnic kids' clothing.  If
they don't have it, they'll know where to send you."

All three boys asked amongst themselves, "What's
lederhosen?"  None knew, they just knew the ladies thought
they'd be cute in it.  When you are a preteen boy, "cute" is
not a friendly term.  But they had no choice.

"Hi, welcome to A Taste of Bavaria.  Can I help you with

"Yes, do you have lederhosen for these boys?"

"You're in luck, I just put out a whole display for young
boys.  The shipment arrived yesterday and I'm positive
you'll be able to fit them.  They're back in the children's
department.   If you need some help just holler."

"Boys strip."  This time Jack complied as well.  Better to
have underpants than to be naked again.  As Eva went and
studied the sizes on the rack.  All three had their question
answered.  These things were the same as shortalls, but they
were made of leather.  But they were different in that they
didn't have bibs only suspenders and they didn't have flies
they had flaps in front.  They weren't cloth either.  They
were made of leather.  Steven who was the reluctant one
said, "Cool, leather pants.  Wow, I'll have leather pants
and that's cool."

Finding each boys' size, she had them try them on.  Steven
having been first to slip into a pair noted, "These babies
are short, but this leather is really neat".  

Ula who was very familiar with boys in this attire said,
"Yes, but you have to roll up the legs, too, and they'll
even be shorter."

"Man, if I do that, people will see my underwear," noted the
eight year old.

Then Ula said, "yes, if you're wearing any."

Blankly, Steven begged clarification from Eva.  She merely
reached over and rolled up the bottoms of the leather shorts
to a revealing level.  "There.  That's how you will wear

"But they're kinda' short."

"As they are intended to be on young boys.  Keep it up and
we'll take off your underpants."  Eva used her new found
very effective threat.

Jack slid into a pair which fit very well.  Ula, the eight
year old nemesis began to roll the legs and was cautioned by
him to "Quit".

"Jack, let Ula roll those up."  She continued until his butt
cheeks were showing.  Some of his white briefs were also
showing.   "Jack take them off."  He complied quickly.
"Jack take off your underpants and put the lederhosen back

"Take off my underpants? I did what you said, why do I have
to take them off?"  Without a word, Eva removed the belt
from his jeans and SWAPPPPP caught his bare thigh.  "Get
them off and put the lederhosen back on."  He complied.

Ula rolled the legs back up to where the undersides of his
buttocks were visible.  He was sure if his legs were spread
his penis would be in clear view.  Eva looked at him and
slowly prompted him to turn as she looked at the boys'
shorts and cute little legs in awe.  "Okay now let's get
some for Jeff.  Oh, Jack, here is your size section pick out
three more pairs."

Jack began to remove the lederhosen thinking he was done.
Eva quickly said, "No, you will wear the lederhosen for the
rest of the day.  Every time I see you've let them unroll
will get you ten swats with a belt when we get home, so you
had better make sure they are rolled to that position at all
times.  You will sit with your legs spread whenever we sit.
If I can't see your little peepee while you're seated, I'll
add ten swats to the penis with the ruler when we get home,
so it better be showing.  Ula, reach up there and make sure
it's not caught on the flap."  Smiling, the little girl
reached up the leg of the shorts and pulled his penis down.
It hung to the lower edge of the rolled up legs.  His glans
could be seen easily.  Probably would be showing as he

Finished fitting the children, Eva checked out at the
register.  His brothers were back in their play shorts and
didn't have to wear the revealing lederhosen home.  Eva
wanted to be sure her employer was happy with them, before
taking the tags off any more than the pair Jack would wear
home.  The clerk opined, "If my son had legs like that, I'd
make him wear these all the time.  Oh look, the head of his
little thingy is right there, how cute."  Jack got
embarrassed as the ladies and even his brothers giggled.

He shifted.  "No you don't young man, you had better not
make any adjustments to those shorts.  The tip of that penis
had better to showing all the time.  If it isn't, I'll take
the lederhosen off and you can walk up 5th Avenue nude.
Take your choice. Ula, reach up there and pull it down
again."  She didn't have to ask twice. Ula pulled it down
roughly and then pinched the glans between her thumb and
forefinger hard.  Jack began to cry from the frustration of
the events of the day.  His modesty was slowly coming to an
end.  His little boy body was much more public domain than
ever in his life.

As they walked, people would point to his shorts
acknowledging a glimpse of his penis, at least it was clear
that's what he felt.  They would walk by and turn around to
see the back of this boy's beautiful form.  Eva was proud of
her oldest charge, he was a beautiful boy.

Chris was delighted at the lederhosen. "You know, they're
cute and it's continental to have them in such attire.  Eva,
you're bringing some culture to our family.  The boys are to
wear these as often as possible.  The leather will really
last during play.  This was a good choice. Just make sure
they all wear them short like Jack's and let's not let them
wear underwear when they're in these."

Steven stomped his feet, apparently realizing how exposed he
would be.  He crossed his arms defiantly and pouted.

"Eva, I think Steven needs to change now,"  Chris instructed
as she took note of Steven's display of defiance.

"Ula, take Steven over there and help him change.  No
underwear, Ula!"  Eva directed both to a spot near the

Ula smiled and anxiously began pulling Steven's shorts off.
Anticipating this process Steven's little member was
standing at his two and half inch erect length.  It bounced
as it was released from the downward force of the elastic.
Ula reached up and rubbed it.  Then giving it a tug hard
enough for Steven to yell, she grabbed the lederhosen and
held them for him to step in, all the while keeping his
boyhood six inches from her eye level stare.

Public Display of Their Goods

"Eva, I need to discuss some matters concerning the boys
with you.  Could you come to the study for a few minutes?"
Chris had some requests and some concerns.

"Please sit down, Eva.  I have some requests and some
observations about this first week with the boys.  First, I
would like the boys to be nude when in the house.  There is
really no reason for them to wear clothing when they are
home.  Beside, it will give you, me and Ula a chance to
fondle their goods regularly.  They will be taught to like
it as much as we do.  It's win/win all the way."

"Yes Ma'am, that can be arranged."

"My women's group will be meeting here next Tuesday."

"Would you like me to take the boys somewhere at that time?"

"No, actually I want them to be home, nude and open for
inspection by the ladies.  You and Ula need to do your trick
to make sure they are clean and presentable."

Eva opined to the excited mother, "I feel we might have
trouble with Jack.  He is still pretty difficult with this
nudity thing.  He has a problem with even slight exposure to
others.  His legs were difficult, but I think we are making
progress.  He knows it's kind of a hopeless battle about
wearing those shorts, particularly the lederhosen.  He lost
the privilege of wearing underwear with his lederhosen for a
week and he realized his penis head and buttocks were
exposed when he wears them. This has not made him a happy

"Eva," Mrs. Chamblee gently corrected the Nanny, "I remind
you that not only Jack, but the other two also, have lost
the privilege of wearing underwear with their lederhosen,

"Yes, Ma'am, I'll make sure of it."

"Jack's penis is exposed whenever he wears the lederhosen?"
the smiling mother asked.  "Don't you think it's cute?  I
mean that little dick of his is really cute and I'm proud of
it and I want everyone to share its cuteness."

"Yes Ma'am, the tip sticks out from under the legs of the
shorts, when it freely hangs down.  Just the tip though.  If
he's erect and the penis is forced down the leg of the
lederhosen, then another inch or so of it is exposed."

"Tell you what," mother told Nanny, "let's share all three
of their cute little penises.  When in their lederhosen, I
want the tips of all three of the boys' dicks to be

"It will be done," replied Eva.

"Eva, while we're discussing Jack, you have let him off too
easily lately.  When he is obstinate, don't just swat him
once with the belt or your hand.  You need to pull his pants
off and give him a full blown bare assed belting.  He needs
to stop pushing the limits and he won't so long as you allow
him to challenge you.  Just spank him soundly each time."

"I guess I want him to feel I'm fair, but I will begin
spanking him more."

"Now, it appears Steven is feeling his oats with this new
situation.  He, too, is pushing some limits and needs swift
discipline.  He too needs some 'exposure' to cool his jets
too, if you know what I mean.  Be sure while he's naked Ula
has a chance to squeeze and pull."

"Mrs. Chamblee, I think it would be helpful to introduce the
boys to public nudity.  In Sweden, we have our children,
especially boys, wade in public fountains nude, they are
always nude on the beach and in the parks.  They have
healthy attitudes about their bodies.  I would like to find
a way to make the boys play nude in Central Park and at
Jones Beach."

"Oh heavens Eva, this is one Puritanical country with many
ordinances against public nudity.  I'm not sure that would
be possible.  I'll ask Tony to look into the legal aspects
of letting them play naked in public.  Until then, let's
just make them be nude at home all the time.  We can start
that tonight."

"Yes, Ma'am".

Eva left to seek the boys. "Jack, Steven, and Jeffery come
into the living room now."  They entered, and, of course,
Ula joined them ever interested in their plight and their
penises.  Jack was wearing his lederhosen as he had been
directed and that cute little penis head was showing
slightly at the left leg of the shorts.  "Boys I need for
you to take off your clothes and put them in this basket."

Jack immediately became guarded, "Why are we getting a bath

"No, I just want you to be naked.  So, let's get the clothes
off."  Jeffery had started.  He didn't need explanations or
second directions.  He disliked clothes and was very happy
with the freedom of movement and the stimulation of the air
against his bare skin.

"Why do you want us to be naked?"  Jack asked.

"Ula please fetch the belt." Giggling the young girl went to
retrieve the strap.

"Jack, get your clothes off now."  Realizing the
precariousness of the situation Jack removed his sandals,
lederhosen and tee shirt.  Steven though he didn't start
immediately was waiting to see how Eva responded to Jack's
questions.  When he heard Eva summon the belt, he
immediately began disrobing.

Now naked Jack stood before his Nanny.  Ula ran in with the
belt and grabbed Jack's penis on the way by.  Handing the
belt to her mother she asked, "Is Jack going to get a

"Yes, Ula, Jack is going to get a spanking right now."

"But, why?"  the boy began crying and Ula smiled.  Her
mother sternly answered his question, "Because I'm tired of
having to explain myself to you every time I tell you to do
something.  You need to just do it."

"I won't ask questions anymore.  Please don't whip me."

"Sorry Jack.  Come over to the chair.  Ula get in place.
Boys hold your brother's ankles."

The pouting ten year old assumed the position.  Ula grabbed
his penis in one hand and was stretching his scrotum with
her other.  She was really pulling too.  However, the
discomfort from that was dwarfed by SWATTTTT, SWATTT, the
pain of the first stripes. SWATT another stripe was placed
across both bare cheeks.  The boy began to cry louder.
SWATTT the belt caught the upper thighs. SWATTT another
white stripe turning red and leaving a welt.  The sobbing
boy began to beg his way out.  But to no avail, his mother
wanted him tanned, well Eva was about to satisfy her
employer. SWATTT, "Ow, ow, ow, please Miss Eva I won't
argue, I won't argue.  Please stop. SWATTT another welt
appears, SWATTT his bottom was quite red at this point.
SWATTT he shifted.  "Ula, pull harder he's moving too much.
Grab the little grapes in his sack and squeeze them firmly."
A new trick for the little girl.  Eagerly she grabbed his
scrotum and squeezed his balls.  It hurt and he was afraid
to move.  SWATTT another belt lash.  SWATTTT again the belt
caught its mark.  "Please stop Miss Eva, I won't ever do
that again, please."  SWATTTT another caught him across the
backside.  He wasn't moving.  The little girl's death grip
on his balls was working, "Perhaps we need to start with
this hold", the eight year old suggested to her mother.
SWATTT again a welt. His bottom would take a few days to get
back to normal.  SWATTT.  Mrs. Chamblee overhearing the
beating stood outside the living room door nodding her
approval.  SWATTT the little boy could not make a sound his
mouth was opened but nothing was coming out.  He was hurting
so badly Eva was afraid he would pass out.  SWATTT he could
barely take another.  SWATTTT another fell.  

"Miss Eva," Steven implored, "Please don't hit him again.
He'll be good."

SWATTT the belt answered as if she didn't hear the younger
brothers plea.  SWATTTT Jack's legs were giving out.
SWATTT.  That was twenty and should be sufficient to help
remind him to do as she told him.  Steven, it was hoped,
also got the message vicariously.  Rubbing her hand over the
child's badly stripped bottom, she could feel the heat.  He
wouldn't be sitting for a couple of days at the very least.  

Jeffery was crying over the concern he had from being
present for the worst beating he had ever witnessed.  "Miss
Eva, you hurt him too much."

She grabbed the younger boy, having Ula clamp him by
grabbing the small penis and testicles.  She commenced
giving him five good swats from the belt.  Crying, he
yelled, "I hate you."

"Don't you ever yell at me again, Jeff.  You will get a
spanking every time you do."

Now all three of you get in the lying position.  Still
sobbing Jack tried to assume the position, but it was
apparent doing so was impossible for the boy at the moment.
Eva, relented.  "Jack you can get in the standing position

"From now on you boys are to remove all of your clothes when
you come through the door of this house.  You will not wear
clothes in the house at any time.  If you bring friends home
you must be naked, if company comes you must be naked, you
will be nude at all times when you are home.  There will be
no more tee shirts for sleeping.  You will be naked.  When
you have a bowel movement, you must tell Ula or me so we can
clean you thoroughly.  Do you all understand?"

The two crying boys nodded yes.  Jack still couldn't talk.
Jeff was still angry and Steven was just trying to avoid the

Chris Chamblee went into the study.  "Tony, Eva has said she
would like to have some way to strip the boys in the park
and on the beach.  She feels, and so do I, they will develop
healthier body sense if they are made to run naked.  Jack
would shed some of his modesty by shedding his clothes.
Could you check on the legalities and see what potential
problems she might have if she did that?"

Putting his pen down he looked over his reading glasses.
"She really tore Jack up this evening, didn't she?"

"Yeah, I guess she did."

"It's about time she was comfortable enough to do the job
right. As for the other thing, I'll call Joe Caldwell at the
district attorney's office tomorrow to check on the

"Thanks.  If it appears to be a problem see if there isn't
some kind of special permit or something we could get."

"You mean for Jack?"

"No, I want all three to run nude.  They're beautiful boys
and I want to show them off.  I also don't want to see tan
lines on those bodies."

"Okay, tomorrow."

At bedtime, Eva went into Jack's bedroom sat on his bed and
rubbed lotion on his bottom.  She turned him over and also
applied lotion to his penis and testicles. She then spent a
few minutes servicing his boy parts and said, "You know Jack
all I want is for you to follow directions.  I have grown
attached to you these past few days and I want us to have a
better relationship.  You just have to know, you will be
spanked when you are giving me a problem.  I promise to hug
you when you aren't.  Deal?"

Still sniffling Jack didn't look her in the eyes but he did
acknowledge her, "Okay".  She leaned over kissed him and
left his room.

Next Day Good News and Bad

"This is Chris Chamblee" as she answered the phone in her
uptown office.  

"Hi, Honey, it's Tony.  I just got off the phone with Joe
Caldwell.  He said the ordinance about public nudity
expressly states it applies to pubescent and post pubescent
individuals.  Children are not covered.  He felt it was
because of diaper changes and things like that they left
children out.  Anyway, it appears all three boys can be
prominently displayed in Central Park and elsewhere without
a problem.  He did caution to make sure you supervise them
closely to avoid perverts.  I told him we would be stripping
the boys regularly for play and he said he'd call and make
it clear to the police precinct such behavior was not
covered in the law and to ignore it should it happen."

"Oh, Tony, thanks.  I'll call Eva right away."

"Chris, I'll see you this afternoon. I should be home early
that meeting I told you about was cancelled."

"I'll be there."

Chris called Eva's cell phone number.  

"This is Eva" came the greeting with the strong Swedish

"Hi Eva, this is Mrs. Chamblee.  I just talked with Mr.
Chamblee and apparently the boys can be nude anywhere and
still be within the law.  So feel free to expose them to the

"I'm sitting in the park right now.  They are hitting
baseballs and running around diamond number 6.  Right behind
the Museum of Art.  I think we will begin the show right

"Eva do you have the digital camera with you?"

"Yes, I do."

"Be sure to take lots of pictures.  Be sure all three's
little woodies are prominent in the pictures too."

"I will do that Mrs. Chamblee."

"I have to get back to work.  Both Mr. Chamblee and I will
be home at about five.  We'll see you then."

"Good bye, Ma'am."

After returning the phone to its holster, Eva called the
children to her.

"Boys I want you to take off your clothes, right here and
right now."

Jack began to question, "Wh " but thought better of it when
he noticed Eva's raised eyebrow.

Jeff was naked in a flash.  This kid had absolutely no
modesty.  He obviously didn't care who saw or touched him.
It was Eva's intention to keep him that way.  Steven was
down to his underwear and stood kind of giving Eva a chance
to change her mind.  I mean there were people all over the
park and they were going to see his penis for sure.  Eva
nodded to Ula as a signal to remove Steven underpants and
she did so with a big grin.  She reached out and pulled his
member and giggled.  Jack was in the lederhosen he was
ordered to wear.  He had no underpants on.  Eva unbuckled
the straps and pulled the pants down.  Momentarily Jack's
hands rose to stop her, but he thought better of it.  Ula
grabbed his tee shirt and pulled it over his head as he bent
forward.  His bottom still showed stripes from the spanking
the night before, but they would serve as a reminder.  Eva
patted his bottom and told him to go play with his brothers.
He coyly tried to sit next to her on the bench and hide his
boyhood by closing his legs around it.  Eva then told him to
go to the ball diamond again and reminded him never to cover
his penis no matter who came to see it.  In the distance
Jack could see people pointing at the three of them and
smiling or laughing.  

On seeing this bold display of her young charges, other
nannies and young mothers came to talk with her.  One of the
children they brought with them was ten year old Monica, a
girl from Jack's class in school.  

"Mommy that's Jack Chamblee. He's in my class at school.
Can I go see him?"

"See him?  I guess you can see just about all of him.  But
why don't you go in for a closer look?" her mother

Eva overhearing this added, "Monica, don't just look go
ahead and touch him wherever you want."

"Mom, can I feel his wiener?" asked the girl trying to find
the limits of her interaction.

"Yes, Eva said you can as much as you want to."

"Ula, take Monica over and pull on Jack's boy parts.  Then
you take Steven and show her different things she can do
with Jack."

Jack seeing it was Monica became increasingly embarrassed
with the situation.  As the girl approached she said, "Okay
Jack let me see your wiener."  Instinctively Jack's hand
covered his now fully erect member protecting its privacy
from all too familiar eyes.

Ula seeing this turned and ran to the bench, "Mom, Jack is
covering his penis so Monica can't see it or touch it."

"Excuse me while I get this straighten out."  Eva left the
company of Monica's mother and walked toward the boy still
standing in the protective posture.

"Jack, put your hands on your head." Commanded the angry
Nanny.  Slowly he complied and the ensuing exposure elicited
a giggle from his classmate.  Eva then removed a wooden
ruler from her purse and began to smack the engorged member.
Monica laughed and pointed as the penis bounced around
recoiling from the blows.  Jack's glans took three blows two
to the top and one to the front flattening his glans at the
pee hole.  As a result of the penis spanking, he began to
lose the erection rapidly.  

"Now, young man, you had better get it hard again for Monica
to inspect.  You rub it until it's hard and you let Monica
watch you do it.  Get busy."

Jack who was crying grabbed the hurting member and rubbed it
and flipped it up and down from the base trying to coax the
erection.  Monica enjoying the show reached out and took the
reddened glans squeezing it between her thumb and index

"I've never seen a bare naked boy before.  Some of my
friends told me their brothers had wieners and now I can say
I touched yours.  I can't wait to go back to school and tell
the girls."

"Please don't tell other kids.  Monica you can do what you
want, but please don't tell."

Eva called over to the girls, "Ula why don't you and Monica
take Steven and Jack on a walk.  Just hold their penises and
pull them down the sidewalk."

Hearing this both girls gingerly grabbed their charges and
yanked them down the sidewalk.  Jeff walked with them
oblivious to his nudity as cameras from every area clicked
away at the sight.

"Hi my name is Olivia and I'm the nanny for those boys over
there." Pointing toward two boys who were watching as the
girls pulled the boys down the sidewalk.  "I'm just curious
as to why your boys are naked."

Eva began to speak to both the mother and the nanny about
the reasoning.  "They are naked because one of them has
developed a poor self-concept about his body.  We feel if
he's naked he'll grow to accept his body as normal."

"Well there's nothing normal about either of those boys.
They're beautiful.  Look at the older one's legs."  Remarked
Monica's mother.

"I must say they aren't slouches in the boy parts category
either.  I'm used to seeing those two naked and I must say
your charges are well endowed." noted Olivia.  "Aren't you
afraid of getting in trouble with the parents or the law?"

"Their mother is the one who told me to strip them whenever
I could.  Their father is a lawyer and he checked the
ordinance and it specifically addresses pubescent and post
pubescent children, not pre-pubescent kids."

"That means I can make my boys go places nude too?"

"I guess so, but you might want to check with their
parents."  Eva continued to note the advantages, "It sure
makes spanking them easier and more effective you can really
drive the point home on those bare bottoms with a belt or

"I think you will find losing the tan lines will make them
even better looking."  Monica's mom was on the handsome

"Is that their sister?  No that's my girl she's Steven's

"Why isn't she naked too?"

"We believe girls should be more modest and boys should be
nude whenever possible.  It gives the girls an edge up as
far as status and saves them from being humiliated.  Boys
really need the humiliation."

"That little one isn't the least bit humiliated.  I saw him
pulling on his penis while he drifted off to lala land."

"Jeff is just six and being naked is something he enjoys."

"He's a cutie too." Monica's mother rejoined the discussion.

"Does your daughter play with their penises often?"
Olivia's questioning continued.

"She can whenever she wants to.  She also caresses their
testicles and fingers their anuses as she pleases.  And God
help the boy who denies her.  It's the quickest way to get
their ass torn up." Eva answered with assured pride.

"I'm going to talk with Jeremy and Phillip's mother tonight
about this.  She likes to make them strip for her so I'm
thinking she would be aroused with the idea of displaying
them in public.  I know I'd love to roll their little
penises in my hands, too."  Olivia thought out loud.

The Ring

"You know Mrs. Chamblee, Jack is not really responding to
all the spanking.  There are some options we might try."

"Like what?" the boys' mother asked with an expectant tone.

"In Africa, some difficult to manage boy children are given
a penis leader.  What they do is pierce the penis through
the girth right behind the glans.  Then they put through the
penis a ring that is big enough to accept a rope or what is
equivalent to a leash.  They use this to move the boy
around.  When he's misbehaving they give it a firm tug and
the pain and the fear of losing his penis jerk him back to
good behavior.  Of course they won't lose their penises,
they just think it's a possibility that it will be pulled
off if they don't straighten up.  When they have grown in
compliance the ring is removed and the hole heals much like
a pierced ear closes if it doesn't have a stud through it."

"You definitely have my attention.  Where would this be

"I have a friend who pierces body parts.  She has a
piercing instrument that would fit.  She just needs to order
a larger needle for the job.  She said if you were agreeable
she would have to charge you for the special needle, the
thicker ring and the leaders.  But she'd love to pierce
Jack's penis, if she could play with it first and get it
erect. She would come here or we can take him to her shop."

"You know what, Eva?  Let's do it.  I think it would be cute
for him to have a pierced penis.  If she did it here it
would be kind of like a Jewish briss for a ten year old.  We
could invite friends and have a party.  Besides, there's
something arousing about thinking of punishing that child's

"I'll call Sarah and tell her to order the bit, ring and

Two days later Sarah called Eva, "The things we needed are
in.  Let's bridle his little dick.  When do you want to do

"Let's tentatively set it up for a dinner bash on the night
of Friday the 17th.  I'll talk with Mrs. Chamblee and make
certain that will work.  If there's a conflict, I'll
reschedule with you."

Later that day Eva met with Chris Chamblee.  "Sarah has the
needle and the ring.  She is exited about 'bridling his
little dick'.  I must admit I'm excited about it too."

"As am I, Eva.  As am I.  Just watching Jack scream when
that needle pierces him is going to make me feel some
semblance of justice for his behavior the last two years.
You're right the spankings are temporary and he isn't
responding.  The 17th is great, I have a lot of invitations
to make."

"I'd like to invite a friend of mine.  Her name is Olivia
and she's a nanny for two obnoxious boys.  Perhaps she can
get their mother and father to accompany her.  I'd like to
display our boys for them."

"Sure Eva extend the invite."

Later that evening Eva found the boys in the lying position
watching television.  Ula was twirling Jeff's little
erection between her fingers with one hand and Steven's with
the other.  It was a picture to behold.  Jack was lying on
the floor fingering his own penis.  She took advantage of
the lull to call Olivia, "Olivia, hi this is Eva from the
park.  I just wanted to invite you and your employers to
come to a penis piercing.  Jack the oldest boy is going to
have a ring installed in his penis as a disciplinary measure
on the 17th.  I thought you'd like watching the process.
It'll make it easier to pull him around and put some
pressure where it will do the most good. We're serving
dinner on the patio after the installation."  "No, he won't
know until the needle pierces that little devil and then
it'll be too late. Doesn't it sound arousing?"  "Okay, we'll
count on you and you can let me know about the parents and
boys.  I'll look for your call tomorrow."

The next morning the naked boys ate breakfast.  Then they
were lined up for a butt check.  Ula the understudy poked
Jeff's anus and eventually forced entrance with her middle
finger.  Eva did Jack and Steven's.  They appeared to be
clean. Removing her finger she let go of a hard slap to
Jack's left ass cheek.  "Ow, what was that for?"

"Just for GP's.  It's a reminder for you to behave today."

Eva smiled knowing of the impending installation.  Her cell
phone rang.

"Hi Eva, this is Olivia.  Mrs. Symington wants to come and
she would like you to count on her husband.  She said they
discussed it and if he's in town he'd love to watch.  Oh,
they would like to arrange a meeting before the piercing.
She said they are considering having the same thing done to
my two charges, both of them.  They want to know what it
entails and be reassured it won't do permanent damage.  And,
she has already given the green light for total nudity day
in and day out, inside the house and in public.  I'm so
excited I can't stand it.  I have taken the belt to both of
them over and over again and it doesn't seem to be making
the desired difference. Those two brats are about to taste
humility too."

"I don't think I asked yesterday, but how old are they?"
Eva inquired.

"Jeremy's eleven pushing twelve and he locks the bathroom
door on me.  I haven't seen him naked in four years.
Phillip's almost ten and I haven't set my eyes on his
boyhood in the last two years.  Now, I'll get an eye full
and be able to play with them too.  That's exciting."

"Well, I'll pass this along to Mrs. Chamblee."

As she entered the kitchen, Chris had Jeff straddling her
legs facing out as she massaged his penis and testicles.
She was gazing off into space and Jeff was lost in the
pleasure of having his boy parts fondled.  Neither was

"I didn't check his bottom this morning.  I hope he's not
leaving anything on your dress, Mrs. Chamblee."  

"Oh it's okay, it's Saturday and I'm not going anywhere in
particular.  I'm going to spend this 'quality time' with
each of them.  I especially want to play with Jack while
he's still unobstructed."

"Oh, the ring won't really be an obstruction.  You can still
masturbate him.  It just will make the process more

Just then little Jeff who very apparently was unconcerned
about the women's conversation,  tensed his bottom, extended
his legs, and thrust his feet forward with a groan of
pleasure.  His breathing was heavy.  

"Isn't that just the cutest thing?" Asked the doting mother.

"Do it again, Mommy." Groaned her youngest son.

"Did you like that, Jeffy?"

"Yeah, Mommy, I really liked it.  Do it again, please!!!"

"Okay once more and then I have to do Steven or Jack."  Her
hand once again enwrapped his now flaccid penis.  She began
to coax it back to the erect state.

Eva watching this decided she needed to spend more special
time with the boys too.  Lately, she'd been spanking one
side too much and not playing with the other enough.

Ula had her finger buried in Jack's anus.  "I told him I had
to check him and he said he wasn't going to let me.  I told
him I was going to tell and then he pulled his legs up so I
could stick my finger in his hole."

"Did you tell her no, Jack?"  asked the dominant nanny.

Jack nodded his head affirmatively with an apprehensive look
in his eye.

"Okay, you just stay in the inspection position." Grabbing a
belt from the arm of the loveseat she handed it to Ula,
whose finger was no longer exploring the boy's lower bowel.
"Ula whip his bottom. Jack if you move, I'll whip you after
she does.  Do you understand?"  Jack got a look of fear, but
anticipating an eight year old's swing he felt confident he
could survive it.  Not so for the matronly adult's swing
which usually drove him to feel he was on the verge of
death.  "You keep those legs up."

"Ula, spank away.  I'll tell you when to stop."  SWATTTT
came a rather whimpy lash.  He was right this was a cake
walk.  SWATTT another whimpy strike.  "No, Ula, take your
arm all the way back and hit him hard."  

"Mom, I'm afraid I will miss his butt if I do that."

"It doesn't matter just hit him wherever you do.  Hurt him,
make it sting."

SWATTT came the next blow.  It was a little harder and hit
him just below where his hands were holding his knees. "See
Mommy, I missed his butt."

"Okay Ula, take the belt and swing down between his legs.
Spank his penis and balls."

Whoa, Jack didn't like the new orders.  It wouldn't take
much to hurt him there.  Just as he felt the panic of the
new instruction, SWATTTT, she landed one on his testicles
and the pain was severe.  He flinched.

"Jack you let go of those knees and I'll hold you spread
eagle until she makes your testicles swell and then I'll
take a turn on your butt too.  You better hold those legs

SWATTTT the belt caught the penis driving it upward as the
belt flattened it and his left nut.  SWATTTT again to his
testicles.  The boy rolled in pain but didn't release his
knees.  Tears and screams mixed to communicate the
excruciating pain.  "This is fun," shared the eight year old
enforcer.  SWATTT another swing luckily catching the inside
of his thigh completely missing his genitals.  SWATTT
another to the balls which were reddening and swelling.  His
little scrotum dark pink and looking quite a bit larger than

"Give his little dicky another good whack and then you can

"Oh Mom, do I have to?  I like hitting his thing."

Chris jumped in, "No, Eva let her keep it up for awhile."

Not waiting for her mother to restate the additional
sentencing she continued the barrage to Jack's genitals.
SWATTT again a direct hit the pain causing him to rock side
to side while screaming in agony.  SWATTT she missed his
balls and caught the inside thigh of his left leg.  SWATTT
another hit this time missing the penis with the tip of the
belt landing on the scrotum.  SWATTT the boy was unable to
vocalize his plea.  His mouth opened but nothing came out.

"Okay, Honey you've made the point.  You have to stop.  Now
give him one more to his penis."

SWATTT somehow she'd improved and landed one squarely on his
flaccid and hurting member.

"I want to spank him again next time.  Okay, Mom."

"Honey, there probably won't be a need to spank him again,
but if there is it will be on his bottom," replied the
mother,  realizing how that came out and hoping it didn't
make sense to the crying boy who was holding his boyhood and
rolling around on the table.

"Jack, take your hands away from your boy parts now."  He
complied, losing some of the comforting touch to his painful

Chris got up to inspect her eldest's penis and scrotum.
Both reddened, the scrotum showed signs of swelling.  Having
regained his voice the boy was still screaming in pain.

"Guess you'll have to be more obedient in the future, huh,

Eva and Ula had given up on even dressing the kids.  They
were nude all the time.  Usually they had someone else's
hand caressing their intimate parts.  The only time they
wore their white uniforms was to church.  The lederhosen was
saved for going out to eat.  Eva couldn't wait to dress them
in their shorts for school.  Jack would have to wear his
lederhosen on the first day sans underpants.  They were
beautiful kids and they should be displayed prominently.  

The morning of the 17th the boys were awakened and reported
to the kitchen naked as the day they were born.  Cereal was
prepared and the boys began eating.  "Boys, today your
mother and father are planning a party.  You will be bathed
and cleaned up for the guests."  

"Will we get to wear our shorts and dress shirts?" asked
Steven who apparently was a slow learner.

"No, you will be naked.  And you will all walk around asking
if anyone wants to examine you.  You will sit on the adults'
laps and pull their hands down to your little boy things and
tell them to pull and rub it.  Do you understand?"

Jeff piped in, "I like my penis rubbed.  It feels real good
after they rub it when it's hard."

"Shut up, Jeff.  I want to wear clothes."  yelled Steven who
was almost in tears about this shindig.

"I agree with Steven.  I'm not going to let people I don't
know play with my dick."

"Wanna bet?" came Eva's challenge.

"Yeah. I'm tired of this, it's child abuse."  Came the smart
mouthed reply.

"Ula get me the belt."

"I don't care spank me.  I'm tired of this.  I'm going to
call the police."  Again the smart ass kid pushed.

Ula returned with the belt.  "Jack get in the inspection

"NO.  I won't."

"Have it your way."

SWATTTT the belt came crashing across his chest catching his
right nipple.  SWATTTT across the tops of his legs.  SWATTTT
across his back.  

Oww, owww, owww, stop.  Owww, I'll get like you said."
SWATTTT the belt replied.

"I'm not stopping.  You'll have to get there between swats."
SWATTTT this one caught his little penis and testicles

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh" came the high pitched scream.  Tears were
flowing profusely.

The spanking continued for three more swats which luckily
landed on his exposed butt cheeks.

"You will regret all these spankings very soon, young man.
Trust me, you'll regret it."

Shortly after lunch there was a buzz at the door. "Steven,
go get the door and don't cover your penis," reminded Mrs.
Chamblee.  "Jack go and tell Eva her company is here."

"Isn't he cute.  Look at the little peeny.  How sweet, he
has a woody."

Chris walked up behind her naked middle son and invited the
guests further into the house.  "Hi, I'm Joy Symington, this
is my husband George, my son Jeremy and my youngest Phillip.
You know Olivia the boys' nanny."

"No, I'm afraid Eva knows Olivia, but I haven't met her.
I'm Chris Chamblee, and this is my husband Tony," she
introduced, pointing toward her rapidly approaching husband.
This little boy," she said flicking his little erection
playfully, "is Steven.  He's our middle son."

Entering the living room Jack was lying in the mandatory
lying position fully exposed to the Symingtons. His well
stripped body showing the remnants of his last tussle with
the belt. Jeff was sitting on the couch with his legs
spread, pulling on his penis, staring at the television
unaware of the audience who just arrived.  "Jeff, baby, pull
it as hard as you can.  Show the Symingtons how you stretch
it."  Awakened to the audience he grinned and pulled his
little circumcised member well beyond its normal length.

"Well he's not shy," noted George Symington.

"No, and we're hoping he won't be.  He feels good about his
body and doesn't mind sharing it," responded the proud

"You know when we were kids we had to swim naked in the
pools at school and at the Y. And that was in front of
anyone's mom who wanted to watch and many times their kid
sisters.  We didn't even think twice about it."

"Yeah, I remember scout camp.  We spent most of the four
week stay nude. Somewhere along the way boys became shy
about their bodies," added Tony.

"We need to talk about tonight.  We have some questions
about what you're having done," announced Mrs. Symington.

Glancing around the room it was apparent their boys had
settled in.  Phillip planted himself next to Jack and was
using his index finger to probe Jack's erection.

"Phillip, leave that little boy alone," his mother
embarrassedly corrected the child.

"It's okay, the boys have to allow others to play with their
parts.  It's good for them to explore and be explored.
Phillip you can squeeze it or pull it or just sit there and
rub it.  If he doesn't let you, let me know and I'll spank
him in front of you," announced Eva as she entered the room.

"This is Eva, the boys' Nanny," Olivia took the initiative
to introduce her peer.

Phillip had Jack's scrotum pulled tight and was using the
index finger of his other hand to roll the testicle from
side to side.  Embarrassed, George Symington asked Tony, "Do
you think he's going to be a fairy?"

"No, kids just have a natural curiosity about each other's
bodies.  He can't see and do what he's doing to Jack when
he's exploring his own body.  We feed that curiosity with
adult hang ups about nakedness and overly modest
expectations.   I think he's just curious, let him explore,"
reassured Tony. "Why don't we go to the study and talk."

"Ula, if the boys don't behave properly, please come and get
me," directed Eva.

"Yes, Mom."

"Oh, is that your little girl?" asked Joy.

"Yes, she helps take care of the boys.  She is quite
capable.  She does anal inspections with cavity exploration
and she inspects their boy parts.  I let her bathe them too.
She's quite the helper."

"I like having those naked boys subservient to such a young
girl.  It helps develop respect," noted the upscale mother.

"Oh, before we go," interrupted George Symington, "Phillip
and Jeremy strip.  Right now, everything off just like the
Chamblee boys."

"You can't be serious, Dad," came the response from Jeremy
who had been watching the naked penises while pretending to
watch television.  His stare suggested he really wanted to
touch Steven's woody, but his hesitation suggested he felt
it would be misinterpreted.

"I am serious.  Get your clothes off now."

"Daaaad, these are strangers," cried Phillip.

"The way you've been touching little Jack there is pretty
intimate for a stranger.  Now get undressed and I don't want
to say it again."

"But we don't want to be naked," cried the insistent

"See, this is what we put up with.  How do we handle this?"
asked the frustrated father.

Tony undid his belt and slid it out of the loops.  "You take
this and strip them forcibly and then liberally apply this
strap to their naked backsides."

It was apparent from her face that Ula was really getting
excited.  All she could do was anticipate the fresh meat.
Five naked boys, and four of them her age or older.  The
smile and alertness to the two visiting boys indicated she'd
died and gone to heaven.

"Allow me," said Eva.  Taking the belt she walked up to the
bigger Jeremy first.  "Stand up".  Not sure what to expect
from this new authority figure, the boy complied

"Ula, come over here and take Jeremy's pants off.  And,
Jeremy, don't you move."  Her words were punctuated with a
swat of the belt to the couch cushions.  Ula helped the boy
get his sandals off.  She then undid the boy's belt, snap
and zipper pulling his shorts to the floor.  She than
commanded him to step out of them.  The now teary eyed boy
complied as the adults in the room held expressions of
approval.  She placed her finger in the elastic on his
underpants and pulled them to the floor, the boy's
circumcised boner bouncing up and down as his hands went to
grab it.  Eva swung the belt hard catching him on the
backside as she ordered, "Get that shirt off and put your
hands on your head."  He removed his tee shirt and placed
his hands on his head.  

"Ula grab his boy handle and pull him over to the couch."
With that, even the Chamblee boys were giggling as Ula
grabbed the boy's penis securely and yanked him to the

"Now, Phillip. Ula get him undressed."  The little girl
gladly complied following the same progression.  Again a
hairless circumcised erection bounced as she pulled off the
boy's underwear.  "Take his penis and pull him over to the
couch."  She gladly complied.

Eva approached the now familiar boys.  "You will never cover
your boy parts with your hands, is that clear?"  both boys
nodded.  "You will allow anyone who wishes to touch or do
whatever they wish with those parts, you no longer have
'private parts', do you understand?"  Again they nodded,
still teary from the embarrassment.  "Now both of you bend
over the couch, I'm going to help you to remember not to
argue when someone in authority tells you to do something."

Wielding the belt, she moved from boy to boy whipping hard
enough to leave welts.  Each boy screaming and crying for
cessation, but to no avail.  Having given each ten swats she
completed the ordeal.  

Mr. Symington just said, "Wow.  Olivia, do you think you
might do that?  I'm impressed."  

Olivia nodded tightlipped and responded, "Just give me
permission and I'll tighten up on them."

"You've got it," the still smiling father replied.

Ula approached Mrs. Symington, "Where would you like me to
put their clothes?"

The impressed mother deferred to the father.  "Just throw
them away.  They'll be leaving naked.  Actually, they'll be
staying naked from now on."

His sons' crying, which had wound down, picked up
immediately after that announcement.

Eva who was heading toward the study, turned long enough to
instruct her daughter, "Ula after you throw the clothes
away, I want you to service these two boys.  Just work over
their penises and testicles.  If you wish, do a bottom
check.  If they don't do what you tell them, come and get
Olivia, okay?"

"I can't wait," came the smiling reply.

In the study the penis leaders were described and their
purpose was outlined.  Both Symington boys were to have an
installation so Eva needed to make sure Sarah could get the
rings on short notice.  Luckily, a quick call was all that
was needed to reassure her.  Sarah was excited to be doing
three little dicks with installations she'd never tried

That night there were no fewer than thirty adult guests and
seven girls from five to twelve years of age.  All excited
and wide eyed at the five boys running around completely
naked.  And none of them tried to cover their special parts.
Even more fun was they were actually asking everyone to play
with them.  A belt hung within eye shot on the door knob to
the coat closet.

A buzz at the door and in walked a young girl with short
cropped brown streaked blond hair.  She appeared to be in
her late teens or early twenties. She was carrying a small
make-up type case.  "Hi Sarah welcome.  Come in."

Slyly George Symington whispered to Tony, "Looks like the
'moyle' has arrived."

"Oh what cute kids. Look at those little penises. I could
just kiss and rub every one of them.  Don't you just love
naked little boys.  They are so cute.  Can I play with their

"Sure but first let's introduce you to their parents.  Let's
go in the study for the introductions."  Eva led the
parents, Olivia, and Sarah to the study and closed the door.
The boys, all of them, were occupied with various guests of
all ages toying with their genitals.

"This is Sarah.  She will be doing the installations
tonight.  Sarah, what do they have to know?"

"Okay, this is relatively simple procedure.  Since there are
three we have lost the element of surprise that would work
for one, so I'm going to need you to sit them in dining room
chairs, take some duct tape and tape their ankles to each
chair leg, tape their arms to the arms of the chair, and
tape across their chests around the back of the chair.  I
will work each boy's penis to an erection if they don't
already have one. Some one will have to reach around from
the back of the chair and spread their knees as far apart as
possible so I have clear access.  Then I will place this
device where I think is best and squeeze the trigger.  The
needle, which as you see, is quite a bit thicker than the
usual earring needle will be released and in a split second
will pierce their little peepees at the cleft behind their
mushroom.  I'm glad they're all circumcised so I can see
what I'm doing much better.  Because they will be erect
expect some blood.  I will insert the ring and the blood
will slow, but there will be bleeding for a couple of days.
During that time limit the amount of pressure on the rings
and avoid spanking them.  Let their little penis heal.
After two days you can attach these lanyards to the ring and
use them to pull.  Quick tugs get their attention.  Steady
pulls will have them following quite well.  Now, here is the
twelve inch lanyard for school.  This will help teachers
maintain compliance and attention.  You let it hang down the
leg of the shorts and teachers can tug on it as needed.  I
brought two for each of the boys.  Here are some twenty foot
lanyards you can use to walk them.  If teachers want to
control from the desk you might send them a twenty foot one
too.  I brought two of these for each, too."

All four parents were marveling at the concept with beaming
smiles and glistening eyes.

"Now there are some risks we need to discuss.  First, and
most important is piercing the urethra.  Should that happen,
the boys might have to sit to urinate while the rings are
in, because the urine passing over the ring will tend to
spray rather than stream.  And for a few days there will be
blood in the urine.   I will do my best to pass over or
under the urethra.  Second, if you don't keep the penis
clean infection could set in and you will need a physician
to treat it.  Third, the boys may try to remove the ring by
themselves.  If they do this, I can solder it in place.
Doing that will burn the glans a little bit when the ring
heats.  Hopefully, you won't find that necessary. Are there
any questions?"

The parents were silent, but obviously still on board.

"I have releases of liability for each of you to sign for
your sons.  These are for Phillip and Jeremy," she handed
them to the Symingtons.  "And these are for Jack," she
handed them to the Chamblees.  All parties signed.

"Okay, how about you daddies go and tape those kids down.
Just line them up in a row and everyone should be able to
see the procedure."

Tony and George entered the living room dragging chairs from
the dining room.  George had the roll of tape provided by
Sarah.  Tony called to Jack, who obediently walked over to
the chairs. "We're going to do a little show and you are
going to be the star."  Jack was apprehensive.  "Sit right
here. Good, now I'm going to tape your legs to the chair
legs," ripping off two foot lengths he taped the boy's
ankles to the rear legs of the chair.  Then he securely
taped the boys arms to the chair arms. Finally, encircling
his apprehensive son's chest to the back of the chair.  

"Jeremy you're playing too," called George.  His eldest son
responded as Jack did.  Also quite apprehensively.  He began
to tape his son to a chair.

"Phillip you're playing too," beckoned Tony, who decided to
help get the kids ready as quickly as possible.

The adults in attendance watched attentively, standing above
the children all of whom were sitting "Indian style" on the
floor just below the chairs.  All of the adults knew what
was about to happen and were sharing quiet comments and
observations, some smiling and some not.

"Steven, go tell the ladies we're ready."  The naked boy
went to summon the mothers, nannies, and the other lady he
didn't know.  His little penis flopped back and forth as he
stood and walked, generating many admiring grins.

Sarah immediately knelt down in front of Jack.  She said,
"Hi Sweetie, I just want to play with your dickie for a
little while."  She fondled his exposed penis and testicles
as he watched.  His little boy wand began to stand up
straight. She kissed the tip eliciting a jump and a smile.
Taking a small bottle of alcohol and a cotton ball she
rubbed his little penis.  The thought of a shot came to mind
as that's the only time he'd had people rub alcohol on any
part of his body.  The fear level increased.  Taking his
glans she pulled it forward and then encircled it with some
kind of machine.  He began to cry from fear.  SNAP a searing
pain went through his penis, blood ran freely from the
recently pierced penis.  Releasing it momentarily she
retrieved a sterilized ring.  It looked to be a sixteenth of
an inch or so in thickness with an inch and half diameter.
Sliding half of it back onto it self revealing an opening of
about a half of an inch.  Again she stretched the penis from
a firm pinch on the glans and fed the ring through the
bleeding puncture.  After getting it through she released
the slide and it snapped shut. The completely shocked child
sobbed heavily.  The adult watchers applauded with approval.

Now the Symington kids had seen what was happening and they
were in such a panic they tried to release themselves from
the chairs to no avail. Each was trying to walk the chairs.
Phillip tried so hard he pushed the chair over backwards
falling on his back.  Sarah approached him and said, "Okay
Honey, if you want I will do this while you are on your
back." As she grabbed his glans and stretched his already
erect penis, the boy cried out to his parents begging them
not to allow this intrusion.  "I'm sorry Phillip, but we
need to get control back.  Your behavior has been terrible
the last two years and this will help get it under control,"
explained his mother with obvious approval for the process.
She and Chris each grabbed one of his knees pulling them
apart.  SNAP another boy screamed in pain as his little
penis spurted blood.  Again a ring was inserted just below
the mushroom cap.  The audience applauded and whistled
approval.  Little girls and Jeff were staring over Sarah's
shoulder as she finished up.

Jeremy was being held in place by his father.  Desperately,
the child tried to bring his knees together as his father
held them apart.  His fear had caused his penis to go
flaccid for the first time that evening.  Sarah began to
rub, but response was slow.  She leaned forward taking his
boyhood in her mouth.  Licking and sucking on his testicles,
she slowly enticed an reluctant hard-on.

"Can I do that to the boys?" asked Joy.

"Well the rings might get in the way," George answered with
a half chuckle as Sarah swabbed Jeremy's penis with alcohol.

The boy began begging, "No, please, no, no, no, please don't
let her do this, please Dad."  SNAP, the needle pierced the
penis accurately.  Stretching it out again, Sarah applied
the ring.  Again, the audience applauded.  Jeff and the five
year old girl stretched to watch.  

Meanwhile Ula was playing with the ring in Jack's penis
moving it up and down.  "You can do that, but don't pull on
it yet, be gentle," cautioned Eva.  With that another
visiting girl began to play with Phillip's as he yelled
"Don't touch it!" through the sobs.  Screams that were
ineffective as there were waiting lines of female children
wanting to examine them.  The boys continued to sob and
scream well into the evening.  After an hour of all in
attendance checking out the handiwork, their parents
outlined the rules.

"Boys, these penis leaders are to stay in all the time.  If
you take them out without permission, we will have them
soldered on.  When they do that it burns your penis right up
here at the cap, so don't mess with them.  Don't pull on
them until we tell you it's safe.  Jack, for the next few
days, Eva or Ula will have to hold your penis while you
urinate.  If you urinate without Eva or Ula holding you, you
will be whipped with a belt.  Jeremy and Phillip, you will
have to let Olivia hold your penises when you urinate," Tony

"And you will be whipped with a belt, too, if you forget,"
added George.

The boys were still weeping very openly, obviously more in
fear than in pain.

"Here are your leaders.  Tomorrow it will be safe to put the
leader on to walk them, but don't pull too hard for a few
more days."  Sarah handed parents the packages for their
respective boys inside were pieces of cord with a snap clip
on one end and a loop on the other.  Just like a light dog
leash.  The foot long cords to be worn to school were
similar except they were just knotted on the handle end.

Back in the study the bills were prepared.  The total due
from the Chamblees was 117.84 it covered the cost of the
ring, the four lanyards and one third of the cost of the
piercing needle, plus tax.  The Symington's came to $235.68.
George said, "What about your fee and the transportation

"I just want to suck on those other two little boys for
awhile and I'll be satisfied.  If I can come and fondle your
two occasionally it'd be payment enough."

George felt generous, "Anytime you want.  But here's an
extra fifty dollars tip."  

Not to be out done, Tony said, "Well get to sucking my other
two and we'll ante up an additional thirty."

Placing her money in the case she reentered the living room
and grabbed Jeff by the arms.  Sitting down she placed him
face up over her lap.  She spread his legs exposing his
little penis and testicles and started to orally stimulate
the boy's genitals.  Many of those attending including the
little girls watched in awe as little Jeff began throwing
his hips, extending his legs, pointing his toes, and moaning
in the pleasure of the moment.  She was able to suck him
into two orgasms within ten minutes.  The onlooking children
were pleased to see he was enjoying it much more than his
older brother's contact with this woman.

Finishing up with Jeff, she looked up to see Tony bringing
his middle son as the shepherds of old led their sacrificial
lambs.  Scared, the boy was placed spread eagle on the couch
as the woman encompassed his package with her mouth and
began to pleasure him.  Following the first orgasm there was
no tension or detectable reluctance on the part of the boy
to lie there while she pleasured him further.  Each time he
reached the throws of orgasm there were applause and
whistles form the attendees.  "I just love little boy
penises.  I like to engulf those little mushroom caps with
my mouth and trace around them with my tongue.  It's fun to
penetrate their little pee holes with the tip of my tongue."
Surprisingly the observing adults were more impressed with
her candidness about her affections than condemning.

Chris leaned over to Joy, "I think we ought to have the boys
learn to do that for each other.  Now, that'd be fun to

Joy responded, "I still think, I'd like to participate as

"I think I'd like to give it a whirl, too."

The next day lanyards were snapped on the ring penetrating
the swollen penises.  Gently, the boys were taken to the
park to be walked.  "I have to pee," Jack announced.  Eva
grabbed his penis and pointed it toward a tree in the park.
"Go ahead," she coached.  He went with a healthy stream
which appeared blood free.  "At least he could maintain some
of his boyhood pride," thought the doting nanny.

Olivia walked her two naked wards to the same area of the
park.  Unsnapping their leaders she let them go to play.
Both boys had never been so publicly exposed and now they
had hardware in their penises which made it even more
awkward, but they knew the penalty for covering up, so they
didn't.  "How'd they fair with the peeing?" asked Eva.
"Phillip looks good, but I'm afraid Jeremy will be sitting.
I'm waiting for a day or two to make sure before I tell him.
I hope it works out okay and he doesn't have to, but ."

"I do, too," Eva empathetically concurred.

The First Real Taste of Brotherly Love

"Eva, tonight I want you to make Jack suck his little
brothers' dicks."  Chris began to describe her thoughts.
"After that we'll let both return the favor.  It'll be fun
to see how they navigate the ring, don't you think?"

"Oh, the ring should fit in either mouth.   I'm afraid it
will feel a little like a bridle to them though."

"Won't know until tonight, will we?"  Chris shrugged her
shoulders comically and left.

That night the boys were in the lying position watching
television.  Their little feet were securely touching soles,
hands clasped behind their heads. Ula was tending to them
while rubbing Steven's erect penis slowly and casually.  Eva
entered the room with Chris and Tony to interrupt the
pastoral scene.

Eve spoke, "Jack, go over to Steven."  Walking to Steven
with the foot long lanyard dangling from his penis, he was
ordered to kneel at his side.  "Ula, you'll have to rub on
Jeff for awhile, Jack will be servicing Steven."

Jack couldn't help but wonder, "What the hell is

"Jack take your brother's penis in your mouth."  Jack
hesitated with a questioning look as if to inquire as to the
accuracy of that command.  

Suddenly there was a light tug on the lanyard hanging off
his penis.  "Did you hear her, or should I pull it off?"
asked his angry mother.  Obviously, he was in no position to
question.  Grabbing his brother's erect member he brought
his mouth down over it. "Now, I want you to use your tongue
to feel the tip of his penis.  Try to put the tip of your
tongue in his peehole."  His mother still had a hold on the
lanyard and he could feel the pressure from her pull.  Not
desiring further pressure he did as he was told.  "Okay, now
I want you to take your lips off his penis and use your
tongue to lick his scrotum.  I want you to move his little
balls around with your tongue."  Again he complied.  Steven
was looking at the ceiling with a distant gaze of pleasure.
"Now, back to his penis.  Put it in your mouth again.  Now I
want you to suck it hard, like you're drinking a thick
milkshake through a straw.  Move your head up and down."
Soon the eight year old's mid-section was keeping rhythm
with his older brother's up and down movements.  This kept
up until the younger boy grabbed his brother's head forcing
it down on his pubis and raised his hips off the floor to
meet it.  His legs left the cocked position throwing
themselves into extension.  His body trembled as his
breathing became heavier.

"Oh, wow, Jack, do it again, do it again," his little
brother urged quite unconsciously.  

"Your brother wants you to do it again.  Keep licking and
kissing until his little wiener gets hard again.  Put your
finger in his butt hole."  With his brother's penis still in
his mouth he turned to make eye contact with his mother as
if to say 'are you sure?'  Again, Chris said "Use your
middle finger and push it all the way in to his butt hole."
Jack complied.  It didn't go in easily.  It took some time
before his pressure could defeat he determined sphincter of
his younger brother, but suddenly he was in.  "Feel around
in there and then start rubbing by moving your finger in and
out."  Steven had stopped his complaining about the
situation and was gazing distantly up at the ceiling while
groaning in pleasure as his big brother sucked his penis and
stimulated his anus.  It felt good.

Chris and Tony smiled and kissed each other.  "At least
we're teaching Jack the fine art of letting his brothers
know he loves them."  Chris then ordered, "Jack do the same
for Jeffy, right now."

Jack felt less hesitant.  He really did like the power he
felt in giving his little brothers something they liked.
His concern over the gayness of it all dissipated.  Beside,
his parents were right there and they wanted him to do it.
He began without prompting licking the youngest boy's ball
sack.  Jeff giggled at the arousing new feeling.  As the
eldest son licked the smaller shaft and popped the mushroom
head into his mouth he stalled temporarily to orally explore
the glans and its opening. Simultaneously, he began to
insert his middle finger in the youngest child's rectum. As
the finger was accepted, he progressed to the penis shaft,
enclosing the entire member in his mouth he gave a repeat
performance.  Like Steven, Jeff momentarily went into
orgasmic contortions.  His moans of pleasure continued for a
minute or two after the peek of his pleasure.

"Now, Jack, into the lying position."  Eva directed.  The
boy complied.

"Steven, I want you to do Jack now.  Be careful of the
ring," she cautioned as she unsnapped the lanyard.  Steven
complied without protest, obviously fearing if he balked a
penis ring might be in his future.  Rather than troublesome,
Steven found himself playing with the ring with his tongue.
He could move it up and down while the penis was enclosed in
his mouth.  His lips were not precluded from sealing around
the base of his brother's shaft.  Locking on he began to
suck.  While doing so, his tongue continued to explore the
penis and the foreign metal object.  It wasn't long before
his big brother grabbed his ears and pulled him forward.
Moaning he kept pulling until his hips left the floor and
his legs had straightened with the toes pointing away from
his body.  "Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, godddddd!" Steven had returned
the favor.

"Jack I want you to rest awhile and then we're going to let
Jeff have a turn."  Eva felt time between orgasms might be

Jeff hearing that was actually excited to try it.  "Doesn't
this kid have any self-consciousness?" his very aroused
mother asked openly.

There really was a mixture of feelings seeing this go on.
She, like all mothers, loved to see her kids have pleasure.
But, it also made her very horny.  Tony detecting that,
began to anticipate some play in the bedroom later as
evidenced by the long kiss he planted on her during the
interim. Whispering to her, "If this makes you that horny,
we'll make the kids suck each other off all day long."  She
playfully popped him on the shoulder with her fist and

Just before bed, Jeff made his big brother happy.  Ula
fingered Jack's butthole as the little fella locked on to
Jack's penis.  "I wanna stick my finger in his butt," the
little boy announced.

"Okay, do you want to do it yourself, or do you need Ula to
help you?" asked the entertained Nanny.  This behavior had
gone beyond the cultural perspective, it was now just in the
envelope of entertainment and arousal.

Jack, having stimulation from both ends, was brought to a
fast orgasm, but ten year old had more pleasure than he had
ever felt in his life.

After that part of the show, Eva thought how anxious she was
to show this to Olivia at the park the next day. But she'd
have to be careful, nudity was one thing but fallacio and
anal penetration was another.  She was sure they were both
on the other side of the law.

Nannies' Merry-Go-Round

Eva, Ula and the boys arrived at ball diamond 6 in Central
Park.  On the way the attention went from the usual interest
in the three naked boys to the little girl walking the
bigger boy by a leash on his penis.   People did a double
take and at times Ula had to give a tug to keep Jack
walking.  When she did so the flesh was stretched and the
pull behind the glans made Jack think either the tip was
coming off or the ring was going to pull through the meat
tearing it on its way out.  So it effectively kept him on
task as they walked.  Each time she tugged onlookers would
cringe and you could almost hear the, "Oooooccccchh" going
through their minds.

Arriving at the usual meeting Bench Eva unhooked Jack's
leader so he and his brothers could play.  Less than an hour
past when Olivia and her charges approached.  She had each
boy on a twenty foot lanyard and the sight was similar to
the many people who were passing walking their dogs.
Apparently the boys had an experience or two with tugs to
their penises as they were keeping up quite well.  When she
finally got to Eva she unhooked the lanyards to allow the
boys to join in the play.  Though their nude charges were
becoming a usual at the Park they still drew their share of
onlookers and photo takers mindful of the rule to pose with
their boy toys in clear view of the cameras.

"You should see the boys' new trick.  They suck each others
dicks until they dry cum."  Eva quietly filled in Olivia.

"Oh, that's a great idea.  Maybe we can train Jeremy and
Phillip to do that."

"What would the Symingtons think.  Don't you think we should
ask them before we do that?

"No, the missis loves the boys little dicks, she rubs and
pulls on them all day long.  If the kids are home, she's
pulling on one or another or both.  She likes to squeeze
their little ball sacks to watch them cringe in pain.  I
know she'd love a new show. Boys come over here."
Apparently, the program was working.  The boys came to her
without comment almost immediately.

"Jack, I want you over here too." Shouted his 'masters'

When the boys were together, Eva started, "Jack, I want you
to go in the shrubs back there with Olivia and suck
Phillip's penis.  Get it hard first and then suck it until
she tells you to stop."  Eva was already scanning the area
to make sure no one caught this activity.

"No, way I'm going to let him suck my dick," came Phillip's
response.  He was cupping his penis with his hands.  "That's
a homo thing."

Olivia entered the fray, "You'll do what I tell you and get
your hands away from your piece. That's an ass whipping
you've got already."

"I don't want to do that here in the Park.  And, my brothers
are one thing, but I don't want to do it to them.
Especially here in the Park."  Jack was pissed at the
request and that remark slipped out before he realized what
it would result in.

"Yeah, Phillip and Jack are right.  It isn't right to do
that to them," the oldest boy, Jeremy piped in.

"Sounds like a total mutiny, doesn't it Eva?"

"Yah, it sure does."

"Okay boys get over here.  Face each other.  Walk closer."
Grabbing the rings of all three penises she pulled them
together facing each other.  With one quick stroke she
linked them together with the lanyard clip.  There they
stood, glans to glans, nose to nose.  Eva saw her take the
strap from her purse, the plan was transmitted through
osmosis.  Eva responded by removing her strap from her bag.  

"I'll take this side.  You take that."

The two ladies cut loose on whichever bottom was currently
in front of them.  SWATTTTT Evas strap left a red welt on
Phillips backside.  He moved jerking his penis and those of
the two other boys somewhat violently.  His pull was
balanced by the counteraction of Jack getting his first
contact from Olivia, SWATTTT as they moved in a circular
pattern trying for the spot free of spanking they pulled and
twisted their penises.  It was a sight to see.  Crying and
pulling and spanking continued for at least fifteen minutes.

The gathering crowd was brutal, "Oh be sure to get his butt
in the picture, look how red it is." "Can you get a close up
of their little wieners tied together?"  "Wait until she's
on the down swing with that belt and get the action."  "Hit
them harder, make them scream."  "Can I take a turn?" The
crowd was into this.  

When the 'firing' stopped each of the bottoms was crimson
with stripes evident as the belt left its welts.  Though the
boys were not permitted to rub their bottoms, the crowd was
invited to touch as much as they wished.  The heat generated
by the liberal application of stinging swats was very
evident through the comments of the touching onlookers.
Throughout the ordeal cameras were clicking as the boys and
onlookers were instructed in various poses.

Finishing the spanking the boys were to remain linked for
the photo session.  They stood face to face each unable to
talk through the sobbing.  People coming in and pushing them
apart to get a close-up of their little penises linked
together.  "Take another to make sure they come out, I want
to post these on the net." One onlooker directed another.
Of course, during the session many probing hands could be
felt between their legs as they tickled and squeezed the
boys' balls. You never know what you'll see in Central Park.

After another fifteen minutes of penises tied together,
Olivia removed the clip freeing the three pre-adolescents.
Again, Jack was told to get Phillip erect and suck him.
Both boys with eyes still red and teary complied and moved
with Olivia toward the bushes without comment.

Unfortunately, for the boys one of the photographers got
past Eva's attempt to coral her.  Finding Jack sucking on
Phillip's dick, she beckoned her boyfriend to come and
watch.  Cameras started clicking.  Olivia and Eva though
noticeably perturbed made the boys continue, but cautioned
the pair of photographers to be less obvious.

Having brought Phillip to orgasm twice, Jack was instructed
to get busy on Jeremy.  "You can't stop now.  These people
want digitals of this, go over and do Jeremy now."  Jeremy,
also still teary, pushed his boy toy forward toward Jack's
open mouth without hesitation.  It was apparent he felt it
was better to receive than to give such a humiliating

"Okay, now, both of you return the favor to Jack.  Get down
on your knees Jeremy."  The oldest hesitated, looking
angrily through the still bloodshot eyes from his first
spanking.  Olivia seeing the hesitation pulled on both ends
of the doubled up belt making it snap.  Jeremy hesitated no
further, he began rubbing Jack's shaft trying to get it as
hard as he could.  Opening his mouth he engulfed the
juvenile penis.  "Jack, you tell him what to do.  You are in
a virgin mouth."  Complying Jack gave directions to the boy.
Within a few short minutes, Jack grabbed the boy's ears
pulling him toward his body with a firm and steady pressure.
The cameras were clicking away, but he was apparently beyond
hearing them. Then he thrust his hips forward followed by
his orgasmic dance.  The "Oooo's", "ahhh's", and "wow's" of
the onlooking photographers were very audible but Jack was
oblivious to them as he was tied up with the exceptional
feel of the orgasm.

"We'll let Jack rest awhile and then, Phillip, you're up."
Olivia directed the seventh inning stretch.

Arriving home an excited Jeff began a blow by blow
description of the boys' punishment carousel.  It was the
most exciting part of his day watching his big brother and
the other two boys getting their asses whipped while their
'wieners' were tied together.  

"Oh, I wish I could have seen that, perhaps we can do it
again on a Symington visit.  What do you think, Eva?"

"Well, Mrs. Chamblee, if they misbehave we can do it again.
But if you're in a hurry to see some of it, this man taking
pictures said they'd be posted in this newsgroup later
tonight."  She handed her the newsgroup address.

"Great, I'll stay up all night to see these. I'll give a
call to Joy so she can download them too."

To be continued...