A Little Foreign Culture Comes to New York - Part 2
By Sir Cum Sizemore
copyright 2004 by Sir Cum Sizemore, all rights reserved

* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY.  It contains
explicit  depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If
you are not of  a legal age in your locality to view such
material or if such  material does not appeal to you, do not
read further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *

The 5th Avenue Kiwanis Club was about to hear some rather
unique ideas from a lifelong educator.

"Tonight's guest speaker is Corrine Blaylock.  Mrs. Blaylock
has been an educator for 15 years at the elementary and
middle school level.  She has been outspoken about the use
of medication to control children's learning and behavior in
general, but boy behavior especially.  She has also shown
her professional ability to turn most of the behavior
problems around using firm discipline, which includes strict
corporal punishment and humiliation.  She is looking at
opening a private school to follow her no-nonsense approach
to educating strong willed boys. Please join me in welcoming
Corrine Blaylock."

The middle aged Blaylock approached the podium. "For over
fifteen years I have watched society begin the process of
using drugs to control kids' behavior.  Funny how those
prescription pads came out when spanking lost its
attractiveness.  I have never understood how spanking
opponents can recommend drugs instead.  I mean shrinking
kids' brains, killing brain cells, causing sleep and eating
disorders, tics, and slowing down growth hormone production
among other things drugs have been implicated in, yet they
find a fleeting pain in the bottom so offensive.

"Then they claim the drugs will make school easier and
learning will improve.  The research is plain.  There are no
convincing studies to suggest any improvement in
achievement.  Oh sure, grades go up, but achievement
doesn't.  They become better behaved in the classroom and
get the paper work done better but they don't learn more.
Yet, we find this is okay.  It's convenient.

"Boys need their backsides worn out.  They don't need
medication.  Boys need a teacher with some grit who isn't
afraid to do whatever is needed to get the work done.  Not
pills.  Boys need humiliation and stimulation to keep going
and they need it through their skin.  Boys are much more
touch oriented than girls.  Girls are more auditory in their
learning preference.  Need proof?  Look at the reading
skills.  Girls are much more proficient earlier in their
school career.  Boys want to move about more, they want to
come in contact with various stimuli they can touch.  They
generally aren't good listeners.

"Girls are more acclimated to school.  Boys want out.

"I'm here today to talk with you about a private endeavor I
want to put together for educating 'hyperactive' and non-
compliant boys, for boys who aren't inclined to sit and
listen.  I want to overcome these problems with a strap to
their bare bottoms when they need it, exposure of their skin
to environmental influences and a dose of respect for people
in charge of them.  I guarantee I can teach them without
using any medications.  

"You know, when we change the behavior through strict
discipline it has more lasting effects.  When that drug
wears off, the behavior's back.  Some will say using the
drugs with a good behavioral program will be best.  To them
I ask, 'How can I change a behavior that doesn't occur?'  In
other words, in order to fix a behavior, I have to see it
and deal with it, not suppose it exists.

"What I need is some funding and some strongly committed
supporters to get this thing off the ground.  I want to open
an alternative private school this fall.  Initially, we will
be taking thirty to forty six to twelve year old boys with
problems.  More interestingly, we will guarantee behavioral
outcomes.  If you put your child in our school, you give us
permission to use our techniques and you follow the home
guidelines, we guarantee a seventy five to eighty percent
decrease in the undesirable behaviors and at least one and a
half years improvement in achievement test scores for each
year we work with them.

"How's that sound ladies and gentlemen?"

A standing round of applause followed, the older the
audience member, the more exuberant the response.  Old
fashioned discipline still sells.

"Any questions?" Corrine concluded. "Yes, the man in the
plaid shirt."

"I liked the bit about the strap.  Blistering their bare
bottoms would be very helpful.  Would you do that for
everything they did wrong?"

"No, discipline will be prescribed for various offenses.
Detention and other forms of discipline would also be used.
Yes, the lady in yellow."

"You mentioned humiliation and other things about their
sense of touch.  How are you going to help in those areas?"

"Our boys will wear formal uniforms to school.  These
uniforms will include short, white shorts with wide legs, a
white long sleeve shirt, white socks, white athletic shoes
and a navy and emerald green striped tie every day.  In
winter they will be allowed to wear navy blue blazers over
the same uniform.  The humiliation comes in when you
consider no underwear is to be worn. This also makes it
easier when they are to be strapped, they have one less
clothing item to remove when that is necessary.  In
addition, some will be coming nude either at parental wish
or as punishment prescribed by the school. Their legs will
be stimulated by the cold temperatures in the winter, and
all exposed skin is free for touch by other students,
faculty, parents and visitors."

"You mean they'd wear shorts and no underwear in the winter,
too?  Wouldn't that make them sick?"

"No, first let me say viruses make you sick, temperature
doesn't.  Let me follow with that research shows that in
places where children are nude or more exposed to the
elements, they tend to have better functioning immune
systems and less absence.  I'm reminded of an article in
Life magazine in 1994, I believe it was the January or
February issue.  Anyway, it was about Japan's naked
kindergartens.  The children who attend these come to school
in nothing more than very skimpy shorts.  They don't wear
shirts, boys or girls, they remove their footwear at the
door.  This dress policy was done to 'toughen up' the kids
and the results have been amazing.  In fact, there was a
full page picture of these kids going to school almost nude
in a snow storm.  No, exposure to the cold will do our boys

The same lady then added, "I guess you're correct.  I grew
up in Cleveland and we girls wore skirts and dresses in the
snow.  Our legs survived the cold.  I don't remember that we
even noticed it.  Are you going to admit girls to the

"Yes, we will have two girls for each age group 8 through 12
years of age in attendance. They will attend tuition free
and serve as student models, teacher aides and help
supervise the boys in their groups."

"Will they be required to wear a uniform, too?"

"No, only the boys.  The girls will be required to come
formally and decently dressed in clothing of their parents'
choice, however.  There will be guidelines for the girls,
too. Boys tend to require less modesty than girls. The dress
policy is designed to promote submissiveness of the boys to
the girls and teach them body awareness and respect through
a firm dose of humiliation and subservience."

"I like that, no more sloppiness in clothing style.  And,
those cute little boy parts will be peeking out at you
throughout the day, that's adorable."  The lady sat back

"Yes the man with the blue tie."

"My name is Tony Chamblee, I'm the father of three boys who
would definitely benefit from your program.  Please see me
after the meeting, maybe I can help with funds and
incorporating your non-profit project.  I think I can speak
for my wife too, we'd like to send our kids to your school.
They are naked all day anyway and often feel the belt or
hairbrush.  We'd love to have school environment which would
be consistent with home to send them to."

Corrine wrapped it up, "Thank you for the opportunity to
speak with you."

"Mrs. Blaylock, as the President of the Club I want to thank
you for your dedication toward old fashioned values.  We
have a check here for five thousand dollars to help in your

"Mrs. Blaylock will be here after the meeting for any
further comment or questions.  Tony, if you wouldn't mind
letting the members have a half hour or so."

Tony Chamblee nodded agreement.  As Corrine informally
entertained questions and comments after the meeting, Tony
called Chris and told her of his "find".  She was excited
and suggested inviting Corrine to the house to meet the

Tony and Corrine Do Coffee

After the meeting, Tony and Corrine walked across the street
to the 5th Avenue Perk. an upscale coffee shop.

"My wife is going to try to get here in the next five or ten
minutes.  She is very excited at the idea our boys could
attend an alternative school such as yours."

Tony continued, "I was intrigued with the concept you
proposed.  My wife and I are looking for someone who will
keep our boys on task in school and will draw a strict line
with tough discipline.  We also like having our sons exposed
to the world.  My eldest has a problem with modesty and the
middle boy was picking it up too.  The little one will
probably never get to be over modest, we caught him when he
was still unconcerned about it."

Corrine got the look in her eye as if a light suddenly went
on, "Oh, I know who you are.  I read the  Times article
about the new trend in Central Park of nude little boys now
playing to the pleasures of little girls and onlookers.  
Actually, your push toward making them strip and walk in
public naked was the thrust for the idea that boys at our
school should be susceptible to nudity as a corrective
measure.  A little touch of femdom won't hurt them at all."

"Chris and I are prepared to make a sizeable contribution to
your start up, if we find you can meet some of our needs.
One of them would be that Ula, our Nanny's daughter, be one
of the little girls you take into your program.  She is
great with the boys and manages them quite well. Even Jack
our eldest falls in line for her, even though she's two
years his junior.  If he doesn't we let her take a strap to
him.  She's getting quite good at it.  She also likes to
explore the boys' bodies and helps with maintenance like
bathing and checking their anuses for cleanliness.  She even
knows how to give them enemas."

Corrine was obviously interested in this child, "Sounds like
she would require little training.  I don't think accepting
her would be a problem.  I imagine we should have her teach
the other girls to check anuses of boys who finish
toileting.  It will keep the white of their shorts whiter."
Both laughed loudly at the mental image that remark
conjured. "How does Ula do in school?  We're hoping to use
the girls as tutors after school.  They will also be used by
parents as babysitters and that will require helping the
boys with homework."

"Her mother says she learns quickly and did well in school.
She appears to be an insatiable reader.  She reads stories
to our youngest boys at bedtime.  She also helps Jack our
eldest with his homework.  So, I guess she's pretty adept at
it.  And, when you consider she's only been in this country
for four years, handling English as she does is quite a
feat.   Both she and her mother are from Sweden."

That sealed it for Corrine, "I know we could use her.
Perhaps she would be a good discipline assistant for me.  I
might have to teach her to use a cane, but that could be

"Wow, canes?  You are into getting attitudes straightened

"I'm not sure we will employ canes, but if we do, Ula could
be taught to wield one, couldn't she?"

"I'm sure she could.  She would probably be thrilled to do

As they talked Chris Chamblee walked in the door of the
coffee shop, scanned the patrons and found her husband and
Corrine at a booth in the back.  She joined them.

"Corrine Blaylock, this is my wife Chris.  Chris, Corrine
has just outlined a school program I think we would approve
of for our boys."

"Will she discipline them firmly?"

"Chris, she's talking about canes.  I think you can count on
her not taking any bull shit from them.  And, she doesn't
mind them being naked all the time.  She feels they need to
learn humility, lose that false modesty, and learn to
respect those in authority and little girls too."

"Well, shoot where do we sign?"

After hearing the husband and wife banter, Corrine entered
the conversation, "We have to get the program off the ground
first.  I hate to be forward, but you mentioned start up

Tony responded, "If you will take our boys and Ula into your
program, I will draft your non-profit corporate papers at no
charge and guarantee rent and utilities for the first year
of the program.  That means you would have to get enough
other parents lined up for the tuition to pay your staff and

"Good Lord, I can't believe this is happening.  Mr.
Chamblee, you have a deal."

Chris was kind of startled by the generosity of her husband
and quickly added, "Tony or I would have to serve on your
board of directors for a few years.  I have another family
that would definitely put their boys in your program and
might even help with some of the remaining financial
matters.  I'll talk to them this evening."

Tony and Chris both handed their cards to Corrine.  As an
afterthought Chris said, "Why don't you come to our home and
meet our boys, Eva and Ula.  Perhaps the Symingtons and
their two boys could come over and we could all discuss the
prospects of this program."

"I'd love to.  I'm a single mother. Would it be all right if
I brought my twelve year old daughter and eleven year old
son, too?"

"Sure, the more the merrier." Slipping out her cell phone,
Chris called and confirmed the meeting with Joy Symington.

Corrine Sees Her Concepts at Work

Later that evening the door bell rang.  Steven who had just
had his dick played with was sporting a terrific boner.  Eva
chose him to answer the door.  He opened the door and found
a woman, girl and boy in the hallway.

"Hi, I'm Steven, you can come in and play with my penis or
my brothers' penises whenever you want."  Half to make sure
he offered the play option and half to support the welcome,
Chris Chamblee walked up behind her young boy.

"Oh my God, he's gorgeous.  He stays nude all the time?"
Corrine asked.

"All three do. Come in and meet the other boys.  The
Symingtons should be here any minute."

"This is Angela, my daughter," Corrine introduced her
eldest, who was scanning Jack's dick and balls.  "This is
Kenny, he's eleven."  Kenny, clad in shorts hemmed well
above his knee and obviously very tanned also scanned the
scene.  He had a look on his face of concern over what all
of this had to do with him.

"I must say, Kenny you have well shaped legs.  My son, Jack,
gets complements on his all the time.  You sure do have a
great tan.  Maybe we can see more of it before the evening
is over."

"What's that thing on the big boy's penis?" Angela asked

"That's a penis leader.  When he's out or needs close
supervision we clip one of these leaders to the ring and we
can control him by jerking on the leader.  Jack come over
here."  Chris clipped the foot long leader to his penis
ring. "Here Angela, take him for a walk and don't be afraid
to jerk it if you need to."  

"When you get tired of walking him, you can play with him or
any of the others.  Ula, would you come here please?  Jeff
you come, too."  Ula got up from rubbing the front of Jeff's
legs with lotion and approached the new crowd. Jeff
approached with his little penis swinging and bouncing as he
stepped, it was clear either he or Ula had been playing with
it, it stood at full salute.

"Ula and Jeff, this is Mrs. Blaylock, this is Angela and
this is Kenny.  Ula, they may have questions about you or
the boys as the night goes on.  Mrs. Blaylock is going to
open a school for boys and she would like you to go there to
help.  What do you think about that?"

"I'd love it."  Ula was staring at the very attractive blond
boy with ice blue eyes standing before her sporting a golden
tan.  "Is Kenny going to get naked?"

"Ula, that's not a nice thing to ask.  She is just used to
the boys around here being naked and open to her fondling,"
Chris responded, half hoping Ula's remark planted a seed in
Corrine's mind.

"Well, if the boys in this house have to be nude, then I
guess Kenny you will have to follow suit,"  Corrine said,
swatting her son's buttocks playfully.

"Mom, I don't want to be naked.  I can't believe you think I
would do that."

"Kenny hasn't been naked in front of me for I bet three
years.  He locks the bathroom door and is extremely guarded
when he changes clothes.  His sister hasn't seen him naked
since he was seven.  I bought him a Speedo to wear at the
beach and he wasn't going to wear it.  I forced the issue
and used a belt to drive home the point he would.  We girls
got to see those butt cheeks hanging out the back and the
bulge of his package in the front.  When he got wet, you
could even see the outline of the circumcision point behind
the glans.  From our point of view, Angela and I were
impressed with the size of his bulge. But this is the first
he's known about it."

"That's it, I'll never wear that thing again.  Mom, this is
embarrassing.  Can we go now?"

"No, Kenny you can't go now.  We will be here for a few
hours.  I'm sure you can stand being naked for a few hours
now can't you?"

"Mom, please, I'm not going to take my clothes off.  That's

"Oh, but you are Kenny.  When I tell you to do something, I
expect it done.  Up till now I was just playing with you,
but that remark has sealed the deal.  Get your shoes and
socks off now."

"Ain't no way."

"Eva get the strap please," Chris hollered to the Nanny who
was still cleaning up after the bath time ordeal.

"I'll bring it out."

Momentarily, Eva entered the foyer where all were standing.
She was carrying a wide, heavy belt with her.  "Eva, this is
Corrine Blaylock, she's going to be opening the school we
want the boys to attend next year.  This is her son Kenny
and that young lady playing with Jack's leader is Angela."
Angela smiled and nodded, but was more curious in what was
about to happen to her strong willed sibling.  "Kenny here
is having a problem with getting his clothes off.  Corrine,
would you like to use the belt or would you like Eva to
straighten him out?"

"Actually, I'd like Ula to show me her stuff.  Let her
straighten him out," Corrine responded.

As Ula approached with a confident look on her face, Eva
handed her the belt.  She approached the boy who was a good
foot taller than she and outweighed her.  Not to mention he
was three years her senior.  Ula looked into his eyes and
said, "Kenny I'm going to take your clothes off.  If you
give me any trouble, I'm going to whip you with this belt."
She put the belt down and reached for the boys belt buckle.
He pushed her hands away, his nostrils began to flare.  He
obviously showed signs of feeling he was up to this
challenge.  Ula retrieved the belt and landed a solid
SLLLLLAAAPPP across the claves of his legs, leaving a red
welt.  Kenny cringed and as he reached to grab the strap
from the girl, she landed one across his forearm.  She
cocked her hand back for another blow to the bare legs
SLLLLAAAPPPPP it landed squarely in almost the same spot as
the first. "Owww!" the boy screamed. Again, a blow to the
bare legs.  Still the boy stood his ground.

"Mom, he's going to be hard to break.  Could you or Mrs.
Chamblee get some rope from the work room?"  Ula was down
but not licked.

As the ordeal took shape, the Symingtons arrived at the
precise moment Tony returned from the market.  The must have
ridden the elevator together.  The two Symington boys were
led in by Olivia by the leaders attached to their penises.
Reading the faces of the women, Kenny and Ula, Tony
suggested, "This seems to be a bad time, we can do the
introductions whenever the issues are worked out."

Chris informed the group, "Kenny's mother wanted him to
strip naked like the other boys.  He refused.  She wanted
Ula to deal with it as a display of her control techniques."
Eva approached with a rope and a pair of scissors.  

"Mom please cut four pieces of rope about as long as the
coffee table in the family room.  Kenny come with me to
Jack's room."

"No, I won't."

"Mr. Chamblee or Mr. Symington, would you help him get where
he needs to be?" Ula requested as she took the four pieces
of rope and the scissors from her mother.

"Kenny, is it?"  Corrine nodded affirmatively to the
inquiring George Symington, "Kenny, you need to walk back
there like a little man.  You don't want us to move you.
You are going to get a spanking after you're naked and
resisting any more will just make it worse."

The boy stood his ground.  At this point you could hear a
pin drop.  The boys were actually tied with emotions of
commiseration and excitement at watching this boy get taken
down a few pegs.  George scooped the boy up and threw him
over his shoulder.  Kenny began crying and kicking and
hitting him, but the blows were ignored.  As Ula, Kenny and
the adults filled Jack's bedroom, the boys and Angela
watched from the door.

Ula, firmly committed, began direction, "Mr. Symington, if
you would please put him on the bed on his back." George
placed the boy on his back and held him as he tried to
escape.  Ula moved to tie one of the ropes around the boy's
left ankle and he resisted.  Tony reached down and
restrained the thrashing leg.  Ula tied the rope to it and
then secured it to the left post of the footboard.  Grabbing
the right leg, Tony held it steady as it was secured to the
right post.  At this point the adults were onboard with
Ula's plan.

Kenny's left wrist was secured to the left post of the
headboard, followed by the right wrist.  George let go and
the boy struggled furiously trying to get the ropes undone.
After removing the belt from the trashing boy, Ula picked up
the scissors and began cutting up the legs of his shorts
right up through the waistband.  After cutting each side the
shorts were pulled away and she began working to expose the
penis she so eagerly sought.  After cutting his briefs they
were removed exposing a bobbing erect penis of very
respectable length.  Testicles which hadn't fully descended
suggested puberty was still a way off.  Ula then removed the
shirt, cutting it up the center and out the sleeves.  An
exposed Kenny still tugged violently trying to win release.
Angela snuck in for a closer look and giggled at her
brother's penis.

"Can I touch it?"

"Sure, Angela, go ahead, touch away," Chris encouraged her.

Looking to her mother, Corrine gave an affirmative nod
toward the boy's crotch. Angela grabbed her brother's
engorged member and began pulling and rubbing it.  She
swatted it back and forth with her hands and then lying
across his body to curtail some of the thrashing she played
with his ball sac.  Kenny was just grunting and trying to
free himself.  While this was going on, Ula removed the
boy's shoes and socks.  Ula turned toward Corrine.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Blaylock, but I had to cut his clothes off.
He'll have to go in public nude and stay that way all the
way home.  Now, I have to punish him for making this so

Angela was told to let Ula finish.  The eight year old undid
the left leg rope and pulled it to the right post.  She then
undid the left wrist rope from its post and moved it to the
right.  Kenny was lying with his back and ass facing the
audience.  Ula took the right wrist rope and move it to the
left headboard post and finished with doing the same to the
right leg.  Kenny was now on his stomach lying spread eagle.

"Kenny, I wish you had done what I asked.  Now I'm going to
let you have thirty swats with the belt, but first I want to
check your butt."  Making sure not to obstruct any onlooker
views, she positioned herself at the side of the bed.
Taking her middle finger she pressed the boy's exposed anus.
Momentarily she thrust it in and the boy screamed. Ula spent
five minutes stimulating the anus and exploring the inner
sanctum of the boy's bowels.  She removed her fingers from
the now completely humiliated boy's bottom and did an
unusual thing.  "Jack, come in here please."  The boy
complied.  He still had the foot long leader hanging from
his penis.  Take that belt and I want you to give Kenny his
thirty stripes.  

"Hey, I'll do it," an eager Jeremy shouted.

"Okay, Jack you do fifteen and let Jeremy do fifteen," The
little enforcer replied.

SWWWWWWAAAATTTT the belt landed with force.  SWWWWWATTTT
again it landed where it needed too, leaving a white stripe
which quickly turned to red.  After five of the blows had
been administered, Kenny began to cry heavily.  His cries
were broken by verbal pleas and commitments to submission.
The blows continued.  After Jack's fifteen were administered
Kenny's once white bottom was quite red.  Jeremy took the
belt and began rapid succession of blows.

"Slow down, Jeremy.  Let him feel each one." Chris directed.

When the belting was completed, Kenny's crimson bottom
looked as tough it could throw heat throughout the massive
apartment.  He was sobbing and lying still.  Suddenly, the
heat was broken by something very cold and soothing.  Ula
was rubbing his ass with lotion.

As she rubbed gently, Ula, began, "Now here are the rules,
Kenny.  You are now a boy toy.  That means your body can be
played with by anyone, boy or girl, man or woman, any time.
You may never cover your penis or balls even for a moment.
You must do whatever someone tells you, when they tell you.
Do you understand these rules?"

"YuuuuuhhhhhhEeeeeeSsssss," the boy sobbed out a response.

Ula stopped applying lotion and undid the ropes. "Now go
into the living room."  Incredibly the boy was still
sporting an erection.  Ula affectionately pinched his
mushroom as he stood up.  He walked with his sister holding
his arm to the living room with his little boy parts
bouncing around enticingly.

"Well?" Tony asked as he turned toward Corrine.

"She'll do." Was the abrupt response.

Corrine entered the living room and approached Kenny.
"Honey, it would have been better if you did what you were
told.  From now on, you will be whipped every time you argue
with someone who is in charge of you.  Understand?"

The boy nodded his understanding.

Corrine gently cupped his testicles and began stroking his
erect penis as she continued.  "And, this little peepee of
yours will not be covered from now on.  I want you to stay
naked all the time.  You have a beautiful body and I want
everyone to see it and feel it."

"Please, Mom.  Please don't make me."  The sobbing restarted
in earnest.

"I'm sorry son, but little boys shouldn't be so modest.
Your body pleasures so many people.  Even looking at it is a
treat.  Besides, we want to get that tan of your's even.
What do you think, Angela?"

"Can I bring my friends over to play with his wiener?"

"Why, of course you can."  The response brought a renewed
audible sobbing.

"We can't let Kenny have a full bummer of a day, can we?"
Chris asked. "Steven, come over here and suck Kenny's wiener
for him."

"He'll do that?" Corrine asked.

"He better." Eva was quick to interject. "You be sure to
lick his sack, too."

Steven knelt at Kenny's side and began to orally stimulate
his testicles.  As he did so the older boy relaxed and
spread his legs.  As Steven worked his way over the glans
and down the shaft he inserted his little fingers to provide
some rectal stimulation.  Still severely hurting from the
whipping the boy found some relief in the pleasure from the
little boy's action.  It was a pleasure he'd never imagined
he could experience.  As the boy sucked, Kenny's hips bucked
in orgasm.  After the orgasmic thrust his bottom slammed to
the floor and the pain of the contact became more apparent.

"Okay, Kenny, you have first hand knowledge how it's done.
Now, you do the same to Steven to thank him.  Can Jack be
done with that ring in his thing?"  Corrine asked.

"Yes, the ring is fun for the other two to flip around with
their tongues when they service him.  They seem to be more
into tongue action because of it.  It's cute to watch."

"Get started Kenny.  Then do Jack."  The boy's mother

Kenny pleaded, "Mom, please, I can't do that.  Please don't
make me.  It's queer.  I'm not a fairy."  

"You're going to do it or I'm going to do you with that

The expression on his face was one of considering whether
the act he was being instructed to perform would be worse
than the strap.  Corrine picking up on the thinking going on
added, "And after the strap you'll do it or you'll get
twenty more and it will continue until you do."

Not seeing any way out Kenny quickly sucked Steven's erect
penis as if it were a Popsicle.  It wasn't as bad as he
thought.  Slowly, he stuck out his tongue and licked the
boy's little scrotum.  Steven's penis thrust even harder at
this stimulation pointing almost horizontal to his torso.
He had a big smile on his face as Kenny was prompted by his
aroused mother.  Angela watched in amazement.  

"Can we make him do this to Susan's little brother?"

"Well, Angela, it's pretty much up to Susan's parents.  If
they don't care, yes you can."

Hearing this Kenny began to cry.  It was too much for him to
comprehend.  One thing for sure his modesty had taken a huge
blow in one three hour period.  Even so, he kept orally
stimulating Steven's boy parts to the commands of the
observing females.  He still had to do Jack.  

When he got to Jack, he looked at the ring in his penis and
took pause.  Chris told him he could flip the ring around
with his tongue while he sucked him.  Opening his mouth
widely he could feel the metal ring at the corners of his
mouth as it entered.  He found himself wedging his tongue
between the head of the penis and the inside of the ring.
Because of the uniqueness of the ring, he still hadn't
really started sucking.  Suddenly a sharp pain shot through
his bare right hip as the strap left its mark.  "Suck it!"
was the command from the tyrannical eight year old Ula.
Immediately his cheeks began to pull inward and it was
evident he was sucking.  It wasn't easy to do the 'popsicle'
thing as the ring prevented a lot of the movement up and
down the penis shaft.  But he continued to suck until Jack's
muscles indicated he went through the throes of orgasm.  The
adults applauded as Jack groaned with pleasure, pressing his
hips forward as he pulled the boy's head tight against his

Following the show, the adults adjourned to the study.  Each
was given a glass of wine and joined in a discussion of the
long term plans for the new school.  The membership of the
initial board of directors was tentatively drawn up.  George
Symington and Chris Chamblee were to serve in two of the
eight seats.  Corrine had ideas for some of the remaining
seats.  Tony suggested Joe Caldwell from the District
Attorney's office serve on the board to provide a buffer
from the likely reactions of the fanatics in the Social
Services Department. He would ask him.

The first meeting scheduled was to formulate the rules, but
they were definitely going to include periods of required
nudity for all boys in attendance and corporal punishment
for misbehaving students.  These would not be negotiable.  

Having completed the first official meeting of the steering
committee, Corrine was anxious to discuss the progress with
her cohorts who were committed to teaching in the new
school.  She was sure they would be delighted at the renewed
concept of old time discipline.  No more rudeness from
students, no backtalk, instead obedience and respect.

As they entered the living room, Angela was playing with her
brother's dick and balls.  He was now much more accepting of
her fondling than he was when he walked in to the apartment,
basically because of his discolored and hurting bottom.
Corrine was delighted her daughter was able to study the
male anatomy up close and personal using her brother as the
instructional model. No doubt her friends would share in the
exploration beginning tomorrow.

Corrine sat on the floor next to Jack who was in the lying
position watching television.  She began to flip the penis
ring up and down as she gently caressed his glans and
isolated his testicles with her fingers.  "Chris, we need to
discuss putting the requirement of the penis leaders in our
new discipline policy for the more difficult boys.  That
seems to be an interesting option."

"It sure has made a difference for Jack.  We aren't spanking
him as much as we used to.  We just tug that leader and he

Joy joined the discussion, "My two have been very compliant
since the rings were installed.  They too respond to well
timed tugs, don't you think, Olivia?"

"Yes, those were the best tool yet for keeping them in
line." Olivia concurred.

"Guess there are some good ideas that come from third world
societies," Eva added.

"We'll have to make sure that first week we get a doctor to
come in and circumcise all of the boys we enroll.  It'll
make the ring thing more feasible."  Chris suggested.

Olivia chimed in, "I like seeing their little pecker heads
stick out.  I'm all for circumcision. Besides they're easier
to keep clean."

"In Sweden we don't have many circumcised boys, but after
having to care for these three, I must admit I kind of like
it, too.  I know Ula likes squeezing the little 'mushroom'
caps and having ready access to their pee holes."

Ula hearing this nodded her agreement.  As if by the power
of suggestion, she squeezed Steven's glans so hard he yelled
out.  Everyone except Steven laughed.

"Corrine, if you'd like you can leave Angela and Kenny here
for a few days and Ula can begin teaching Angela some ways
to keep Kenny under control.  We could walk Kenny nude in
Central Park, a kind of coming out experience."  Tony

Kenny, even though he was hurting, didn't think Central Park
was a good idea.  "Mom, I want to come home with you.
Angela can stay, but I want to come home."

"Let me think about this for a few minutes and I'll make up
my mind.  The idea sounds good.  It would give me time to do
the running around and talking to the people I need to talk
to without worrying about the kids.  But they don't have any
clothing changes."

"Well, Kenny doesn't need any.  His clothing change is his
bath every night,"  Chris chimed in. "You can send Angela's
suitcase over by courier tomorrow."

"Please, Mom let me come home with you.  I don't want to
stay here," Kenny tried again.

"Kenny, quit whining," Corrine chastised her son.  "Let's do
it. I'll send Angela's things tomorrow."

Angela and Ula gave each other a high five.  Despite the age
differences both showed a rather quickly developed
attachment with each other.

"Don't take any crap off Kenny.  Use that belt as much as
you need to," Corrine offered as she walked toward the door.

"You don't need to worry about that.  He'll get the
direction he needs, when he needs it."  Eva promised.  "Ula,
you and Angela need to begin bathing the boys.  Be sure to
teach her to do their bottoms properly."

Minutes of the First Board Meeting

At the first board meeting, Chris Chamblee and George
Symington were seated with Joe Caldwell, Assistant DA;
Marjorie Harris, CEO of National Teacher's Credit Union;
Melanie Wilson, Clinical Psychologist, and Cindy Hargraves,
a successful real estate developer.  Corrine led the group
to appointing its first chairperson, Chris Chamblee.

Reviewing the minutes of the first meeting the following
points were agreed upon:

Discussion centered on the overall philosophy of the new
school including the return to strict discipline with
abundant corporal punishment and humiliation, putting a dent
in boyhood modesty, and suggestions for student rules.
Corrine made recommendations based on her conceptual beliefs
and introduced the new faculty members:

Lois Ashcroft - Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Bill Rothberg - 2nd and 3rd Grades
Kim Zimmerman - 4th and 5th Grades
Warren Shepard - 6th and 7th Grades
Leona McNabb - physical education

Board member Cindy Hargraves had found a closed community
center which she felt would be an ideal site for the school.
The city was willing to provide rent reduction with a
purchase option after five years.  It was estimated
renovation would run close to two million dollars.  Mrs.
Hargraves conducted a tour for Mrs. Blaylock and the other
board members.

There was a gym with a full basketball court and bleachers,
and a large indoor swimming pool with bleacher areas.  Six
full sized classrooms were available with furniture.  Though
they were tables rather than desks, it was felt they could
be used during instruction.  A rather drab administrative
wing had two offices and a reception area.  A fenced and
equipped outside play area was a big selling point.  It was
discussed the facilities would offer an option for securing
some revenues through programs open to other children in the
communities during non-school times.

Discussion centered on whether renovations could progress
while the children were in attendance.  The pool and gym
should be ready by mid-September if the paperwork was signed
within the next week or two.  Classrooms could be renovated
during school breaks.

After the visit it was decided to give Tony Chamblee the go
ahead to negotiate rent and purchase option conditions with
the city.

Minutes of the Second Board Meeting

Boys' uniforms were discussed.  After much discussion Mrs.
Chamblee recommended in lieu of shorts the boys be required
to wear tan lederhosen with tan leather suspenders, long
sleeve white shirts, and scandals year round.  For the sake
of reducing modesty, legs of the lederhosen should be hemmed
or rolled to within a two inch inseam and no underwear would
be worn by boys.  It was felt the lederhosen would wear
longer and be a better clothing value while adding a more
"continental" aspect to the overall program.

Contrary to the initial idea of allowing the girls to choose
their own clothing, it was felt uniforms would build a
significant presence in the community and offer further
school unity. Girls would wear forest green jumpers bearing
the school logo and white blouses, white ankle socks and
athletic shoes year round.

During physical education girls will wear green shorts and
white tee shirts with socks and athletic shoes.  Boys will
participate nude.  Boys may be allowed to wear socks and
athletic shoes during physical education, if the teacher
feels doing so is necessary for safety. Boys must also
shower after physical education before returning to classes.

When at the pool boys must always be nude and girls are to
wear the green one piece swimsuits issued to them when they

A proposal by Mrs. Blaylock about opening the pool to the
public after school, on weekends and holiday breaks to raise
revenue for the school was approved.  During open swimming
periods, all boys birth through 12 years of age would be
required to swim nude whether they were students at the
school or not.  Boys thirteen and older could wear swimsuits
at parents' option. All girls and adults must wear modest
swim attire.  

Parents of all students and guests must sign a photographic
release which allows for open photography of the students at
any time.  Photos are to remain the property of the
photographer and may be used in any fashion he/she desires.

A discipline council of ten female and two male students
will be formed.  It is the council's job to adjudicate cases
of rule violations, and to assign disciplinary consequences.
The consequences for boys may include, but are not limited
to, spanking with strap or other device, forced public
nudity for up to a month, loss of privileges, detention,
public enemas, and anal plugs or seat devices, and/or
performing solo or mutual masturbation and/or erotic dances
on live video cam over the internet. During periods of
nudity the boys' penises, testicles, scrotums, and anuses
are open to contact from anyone at any time.  The council
can recommend the installation of a penis leader on any boy
who continually violates the rules.  However, this has to be
approved by the school director.

Mr. Caldwell said allowing physical contact of this sort by
others would definitely be a legally problematic policy.
What it amounts to is sanctioned molestation.  He was asked
to find out what could be done to except students at the
school from these rules. Perhaps an act by the legislature
or a writ from a local legislative or judicial authority
could be secured.

Spankings will be administered by teachers, the student
assistant prefect of discipline, or anyone else designated
by the director.  Boys must be nude for spankings which are
to be conducted publicly, and, at the option of the
director, shown in "real time" video cam live over the
Internet to allow parents to watch from the workplace.  As a
further fund raising suggestion, spankings (and canings
should they be incorporated) could be recorded on DVD and
sold to parents and interested parties.  It was also
suggested that solo and mutual masturbations could also be
recorded and sold.  Further consideration of the latter
would be discussed at the next meeting as Mr. Caldwell was
concerned recorded masturbations might violate pornography
laws.  He did acknowledge spankings could be recorded, and,
in fact, doing so would provide protection to the spanker
and school.  Spankings were voted on and it was agreed they
would be recorded and used to raise funds.
Extended naked time used as punishment must be honored by
the parents while the student is outside the school.  No
clothing may be put on until the prescribed sentence has
been served.  Parents may also prescribe naked time and the
school will honor their prescribed sentence.
Girls' discipline will include writing assignments,
detention, chores such as cleaning the cafeteria, parent
conferences, and loss of privileges. As with the boys, the
student assistant prefect of discipline would oversee the
execution of the sentence.  The school director may assign a
more stringent punishment or excuse the student at his/her

All boys must be circumcised within two weeks of entering
the program.  This may be done at no cost by the school's
physician or parents may choose to have it done by their own
physician at their own expense.  An annual "Tip-off Day"
will be held during the first week of school for new boy
students requiring circumcision.

In subsequent Board meetings, curriculum and other planning
issues were discussed and approved.  Though Tony negotiated
a promising contract with the city over purchasing the
community center, renovations were progressing slowly on the
pool and gym, but it was decided their use could be put on
the back burner and shouldn't hamper a timely opening of the
school for instruction.  Teachers had worked tirelessly on
their assigned spaces cleaning and even painting to make the
rooms more presentable.  A group of parents spent weekends
on cleaning and painting playground equipment.  The place
was beginning to take on the appearance of its new life as a

Over the summer through word of mouth and advertisement
enrollment for all but the third and fourth grades had
exceeded expectations.  Each classroom had four girls and
sixteen boys assigned.  Parents of all were fully accepting
of the school's policies, dress codes and outlined
disciplinary program. There was a waiting list of between
fourteen and thirty children for each of the three full
grade groups.  The third and fourth grade levels had two
girls, one of whom was Ula, and eleven boys, including Jack
Chamblee and Phillip Symington,  assigned to it.  Even so,
it would "go" with the possibility of accepting some
accelerated students of a younger age or some struggling
students of older ages, if necessary.

A questionnaire was provided for each of the parents who
applied for their child's admission. Each had to identify
the top two reasons for wanting their child to attend.  The
results were interesting.  The following is a representation
of the top reasons with the percentage of respondents:

97%- strict discipline with corporal punishment (highest
overall on fathers' forms)
89% - required periods of nudity/ public exposure and
fondling (highest on mother's forms)
72% - strict academic standards and expectations
68% - respect for females and young girls

Much to Corrine's pleasure, remarks written on the forms
indicated satisfaction that no child would be suspended or
expelled and that no child would be taking drugs to control
his behavior while at the school.

First Day of School

The first day of school was exciting.  The boys all showed
up in their lederhosen and the girls in their school
jumpers.  Step one was to teach the rules and consequences
to all students so a meeting was held on the playground.
Children sat on the ground as Mrs. Blaylock looked with
pride upon the gathered student body.  They were a good
looking group and this marked the realization of her dream.
She discussed the rules and what would happen to boys who
pushed the limits.  The boys were told girls were teacher
assistants and should be obeyed as such.  Ula, soon to be
nine, was introduced as the assistant prefect of discipline.
She would be doing most of the spankings of boys of all ages
under the watchful eye of the director.  It would take a few
public floggings for the boys to get the reality of it all.

Jack and Steven were happy to be "covered".  They hadn't
been allowed to wear the lederhosen, much less any clothes,
all summer.  As skimpy as they were, they still provided
some privacy.  Ditto for the Symington kids. Little Jeff, on
the other hand, was squirming and pulling at the shorts,
obviously uncomfortable in clothing after a summer of the
freedom and openness of abject nudity.  Occasionally, during
the opening session, he could be seen unconsciously reaching
up his pant leg and pulling on his little penis.

Joe Caldwell hadn't gotten closure on the "boy toy" issue,
but he hadn't hit any major stumbling blocks, either.  He
was supposed to have a final disposition on the matter
within two weeks.  Until then, boys could be made to be
nude, they just couldn't be publicly fondled.  No matter,
the girls in each group would get their hands full

"Tip-off Day" was to be September 22nd.  Dr. Wilma Costa
would be coming to perform circumcisions on the eleven boys
who still had foreskins.  All eleven were to be done at
school, most likely because it was no cost.  Hopefully the
gym would be finished by then so the operations could be
watched by anyone who was interested.  Certainly, the
children at the school should observe as it would be
educational.  At any rate, the girls would be seated right
up front to observe the procedures.

"Tip-off Day" Arrives

Eleven boys, 2 five year olds, 5 seven year olds, 3 eleven
year olds and a twelve year old were scheduled for
circumcision.  It was decided to begin with the eldest boys
to relieve their tension quickly and reduce the risk of
rebellion from them.  

All eleven were taken into the boys' locker room and made to
strip naked.  Three borrowed examination tables with
restraints were placed in the gym close to the bleachers.
Each table was equipped with stirrups.  This was to be the
first public exposure of boys to the student body.  The
girls were excited.  What had been quick glimpses up the
legs of the lederhosen would now be fully exposed and open
to their visual inspection.  Even more exciting to them was
the fact that now that the gym was finished they would begin
having physical education and they knew the boys had to be
nude for that class.

Three of the girls from the sixth and seventh grade group
were sent to the locker room to retrieve the boys from their
class.  Each was told to grab the boy's penis and escort
them to the gym.  They giggled with excitement as they
entered the locker room and told Miss McNabb they were to
retrieve the boys.  Each grabbing an erect penis, they
walked the boys to the gym floor.  As they entered giggling
and moans of awe could be heard.  The doctor in her white
coat directed the girls to lead the boys to each of three
tables.  A nurse was busy preparing trays of tools and
various clamps.  The boys were instructed to get on the
tables.  Still quite uncertain as to what was about to
happen they complied.  Mr. Shepard and Mr. Rothberg strapped
the boys to the tables with the restraints, adjusted the
stirrups to fit the boys' legs and secured them.  Each of
the three was lying completely exposed to the gawking
audience.  Their parents were invited to stand at the head
of the table and comfort their sons.  Some of the girls left
their seats to walk to the boys for a closer look at their
fully exposed and completely erect penises.

The doctor then addressed the group.  "Today, boys and
girls, we are going to do a minor operation on each of these
boys.  We are going to do what is called a circumcision.
You boys in the audience will notice these boys' penises
look somewhat different form yours.  After the operation
they will look the same way yours do.  Girls, you see this
skin?"  She walked over to a very scared eleven year old and
pulled on his foreskin. "This is called a foreskin.
Underneath is a cap that looks like a mushroom head called
the glans."  She then retracted the boy's foreskin.  "See?
After the operation this skin will be gone and their glans
will always be exposed.  Are there any questions?"

A six year old girl asked, "Are you going to cut their bags

"No, Honey, only a little bit of skin up at the tip of their
penises will be removed.  Does anyone know what this bag is
called?"  She walked over and stretched the twelve year
old's scrotum to illustrate the question.  

Leave it to Jeff, "It's a scrotum."  

"That's exactly right young man.  Someone has been teaching
you well.  It's called a scrotum. Okay, let's get started
with these three, shall we?"  The nurse brought a tray to
the table with the twelve year old boy.  "First, I'm going
to inject an anesthetic.  Does anyone know what that does?"
She asked as she injected the area around the boy's glans.
He jumped at each prick of the needle.  No one answered her
question, so she instructed. "An anesthetic makes it so
nothing I do will hurt him.  He won't feel it when I cut
that skin off."  She then walked to each of the other tables
and injected the boys' penises with anesthetic giving it a
chance to take hold before she did the cutting.  

Returning to the first boy she said, "Now I'm going to
stretch the foreskin around this clamp.  She held it up for
the audience to see.  This also protects his glans from
being accidentally being cut when I cut the foreskin.
Pretty good idea don't you think?  And, now, I'm going to
take this knife called a scalpel and cut the skin off by
going around this clamp."  She did so and you could sense
the kids' intrigue with the procedure by the awe in their
vocalization.  "You okay, Son, we're all done."  The boy
nodded with a genuine sense of relief that the operation was
complete.  The nurse took over to properly dress the
incision.  The patient still could not see what had been
done.  The doctor moved to the next table and repeated her

After four hours all eleven boys were now comparable to
their other male classmates.  Teachers and parents were
instructed in care of the penises for the week following the

A Gift for Mrs. Blaylock

After school the teachers were meeting in the faculty
lounge.  Mr. Shepard brought up Mrs. Blaylock's up and
coming birthday.  "You know Corrine's birthday is September
28th. Has anyone given any thought about presents, parties,
or something?"

"Well, I'm not sure what she could use or need. She's got
about everything,"  Mrs. Ashcroft noted.

Mrs. Zimmerman joined the discussion, "You know she keeps
that talk about getting a cane to use on the boys.  Maybe we
could find one for her."

"Yeah, then we could deliver it with a nude boy from each
classroom for her to try it out on."  Warren Shepard

"We could tie little bows around their dicks before we sent
them to her," Ashcroft was now on board with the idea.

"Why don't we do it?" Kim Zimmerman wanted closure. She
continued her thought, "If we do, I think we should do it in
the gym with the entire student body and those parents who
wish to attend there to watch her swing the damn thing.
It'd be entertaining to watch, especially if she's whipping
Ricky Stoltz.  He's a real pain in my ass, I'd love to
return the favor."

"Why don't you just strip him and take a strap to him?"  Mr.
Rothberg finally joined the others.

Kim Zimmerman explained, "Because, he pushes things right to
the edge and then stops.  He won't let me catch him.  He's
sneaky as hell.  The other kids complain about some of his
misbehavior, but neither of the girls catch him either.
Unless we do, I don't want to haul out the big guns.  This
would make it easier.  I could act like I'm drawing names
for the whipping, and his would be the one that comes out. I
fuckin' guarantee it."

Shepard now wanted to close on this concept, "Okay, let's do
it. I'll find a cane somewhere, even if I have to go to
England to get one."  

"Yeah, you'd hate that wouldn't you?"  Kim teased him.

"My girls were all excited.  Tomorrow's the first day for
physical education.  The gym will be open.  They can't wait
to make the boys strip naked for the class.  When the pool
opens next week we'll be seeing a lot of those cute little
penises, won't we?"  Bill Rothberg changed the topic.

"Well, I'm not sure it will do a lot for me.  But I must
admit it will be cute,"  Warren responded, trying to
maintain his super macho image by giving Rothberg a 'what's
the matter with you' look.

"I'm anxious to see Jack Chamblee and the Symington boys
nude.  I want to see the rings those leaders are attached to
up close and personal. I've been jerking on them almost all
day to keep them on task.  They appear to be very functional
to getting their attention."  Kim had two of the boys in her

With that Mr. Shepard interjected, "Yeah, I've noticed that,
too.  I have put Cynthia Allburton, one of my student aides,
in charge of pulling on Jeremy's.  She loves to do it.  It's
amazing she doesn't pull his head off as hard as she tugs.
He cries when she does it."

"Maybe we should put those on all of them.  We could do it
like the circumcisions.  Just line them up and "SNAP", the
holes made and the rings are in," Ashcroft's sadistic side

"Hey, just thinking about it hurts.  You don't have one so
you can't imagine the discomfort you create when you talk
like that,"  Rothberg was in empathy with the kids'

"I suppose you're right.  We need to keep that in the
arsenal as the ultimate in punishment," Ashcroft backed off.

"Well, Ricky Stoltz is definitely going to find one in his
future, if he doesn't straighten up.  I'm going home and
have a drink.  See you all tomorrow.  Is there anything I
need to do to prepare for Corrine's party?"  It was apparent
Kim had a real problem liking the boy.

"Yeah, why don't you pick up the ribbons for the boys'
dicks?" Shepard suggested.


The Gym Opens

"Children, listen to my directions.  Today is the first day
of physical education.  Miss McNabb has had to supervise the
gym renovations and now it's done and you will be going to
P.E. in a half hour.  Girls, you need to leave early and get
changed into your gym uniforms.  Once you're done you need
to go to the boys' locker room to supervise their
undressing.  I will bring them down there, you will watch
them strip naked and then you will line them up and take
them to the gym.  Any questions?"

"Yes, Bert?"

"Mrs. Zimmerman, do you mean we have to be naked for P.E.?"

"Yes, Bert.  You will be naked for P.E., swimming and any
other times I determine it is needed.  Why?"

"The girls don't have to be naked?"

"No, Bert. Girls are different from boys.  Penises and
testicles are meant to be shared. Girls' parts are meant to
be kept private."

"Why is that Mrs. Zimmerman?"

"Because I said so, Bert."

"I don't want to be naked in front of girls."

"That's too bad.  You will strip nude when you're told to do
so and that will be in about twenty five minutes.  You will
let the girls touch your penis or testicles if they wish to,
if you don't you'll be the first to get the strap."  As an
aside she looked toward Ricky, "Even though I expected you,
Ricky, to be the first."  Then returning to Bert, "And then,
Bert, you'll spend the rest of the week naked, all day,
everywhere.  So, just get naked and let the girls have some
fun, okay?"

"But that's not fair!" Came another voice from the back of
the room.

"What's not fair, Jimmy?"

"I have to be naked and the girls don't."

"Life isn't fair boys.  I'm surprised your parents didn't
tell you about having to be naked.  How many of you didn't
know that you'd have to attend P.E. nude?" the perplexed
teacher asked.  Four hands went up.  Ricky's was one of
them.  He had a shocked look on his face and she loved it.
"Well, helllloooo, boys, get used to it.  I'll come down to
look at those pretty little penises of yours for awhile too.
Especially yours, Ricky.  Remember you will get the strap if
you cover your little boy parts, even for a few seconds, so
keep your hands away from them."

"Girls you need to go get changed.  Ula, you need to take a
strap with you.  Just in case."

The girls left carrying their gym uniforms and Ula grabbed
the classroom strap.  Smiling, she doubled it and made it
snap as she left the room.  All the way to the gym the girls
were giggling and discussing what they wanted to see and do
to the naked boys.  It was like being at a big ToysRUs for
little girls.  They would be the first group to use the gym.

After twenty minutes, Mrs. Zimmerman ordered the remainder
of her class to line up.  Reluctantly the boys lined up at
the door.  "Boys you will go to the locker room silently and
strip nude.  I don't want to hear about any problems with
you or you will be strapped and made to stay naked for a
week. So mind your manners.  While you're naked, anyone who
wishes to may touch any part of you any time.  That includes
your boy parts.  If you don't allow it, your penis and
testicles will be spanked by one of the girls. So be sure
you let folks rub, pull and touch as much as they want."

She walked her class down the hall and was met by Mrs.
Blaylock.  "Kim, I want to come with your class. I'm as
excited as the little girls at seeing their boy parts
swinging free.  I brought the camera, so I could record the
event.  The first naked group.  Who would have thought it?"

"Ricky, stop the line at the door to the locker room."

The line stopped short.  The girls from the class opened the
door to the boys' locker room from inside.   It was evident
they were very excited.  "Can we make them get naked, now?"  

"Yes, Honey, take them in and strip them.  Mrs. Blaylock
will come in to take pictures and make sure you don't have
any problems with them."

The boys were ushered into the locker room and Ula gave the
order, "Boys, take off your shoes and socks."  Like
clockwork the boys sat on the benches and removed their
shoes and socks.  Ula then directed, "Now take off your
lederhosen."  Knowing the boys weren't allowed to wear
underwear, the girls held their breath. They were looking at
crotch height as the boys began removing their only genital
covering.    The girls walked around policing the process as
Mrs. Blaylock kept taking pictures.  

"Jack and Phillip, turn toward me and spread those legs so I
can get a close up of your penises.  I want to be able to
explain the rings, if another boy needs to get one.  No,
Phillip, keep the leader attached to it."  The boys obliged
knowing what would happen if they'd balked.  Both had an
advantage over the other nine boys in that they knew what
would happen "if" and they didn't want any part of it.

Three of the boys were stalling about removing their
lederhosen.  Ula grabbed the strap and swatted each on the
bare thigh.  It got them moving.  The other girl from their
class was busy fondling each of the naked boys' penises as
they stood with their hands on their heads. Ula couldn't
wait for her turn to pull, squeeze and rub, but for now she
had to supervise getting them naked.  "Okay, boys, take off
those shirts and put them in your baskets."  They did as
they were told.  Mrs. Blaylock was going wild with the
picture taking.  Eleven boys and not a limp dick among them,
their little dicks were all standing at attention and

"Line up single file," Ula directed.  She was a natural at
this.  "Stand close.  Push your penises into the butt cracks
of the boy in front of you." Occasionally, a stinging swat
from the strap could be heard as she helped a boy understand
he wasn't doing exactly what she wanted.  There they stood,
dick to ass in a single line.  Blaylock was still randomly
photographing and Ula was walking back and forth like a
little female drill sergeant.  

"Nice job, Ula."  Miss McNabb entered the locker room.  She
was twenty four years old and very attractive.  Many
wondered why she wasn't married.  There were rumors about
her sexual preference, but one wouldn't know.  She lived
alone.  Boys, you are to always be nude when you enter my
gym. Even if you're just bringing me a note.  You will strip
naked and enter.  If I catch you with clothes on, any
clothes, in my gym, I will beat you with a strap until you
can't sit down.  Remember that."

"Girls, one of you needs to grab the dick of the first boy
and pull him to the gym.  The rest of you follow closely.  I
don't want to see any daylight between you, got it?"

As the first boy was guided by his penis, the other boys
followed dick to ass all the way into the gym.  "Now we'll
start with some calisthenics.  Now stand side by side in a
two single file lines.  Girls you each take a line to make
sure they're following directions." As the girls moved into
position Miss McNabb gave spacing instructions, "Spread your
arms so your finger tips are touching, now, Phillip and Jack
come up here."  Spacing them by pulling the lanyards hanging
from their dicks, she gave a quick tug as she released them.
"Now lead them in jumping jacks."  They began.  All those
hard little dicks bouncing up and down with each movement
was definitely cute to watch.

When exercises were over, the mats were pulled out. "Girls,
you need to pick out a boy you'd like to feel up today."

Ula picked Ricky who was well hung.  And surprisingly,
Gloria, the other little girl selected Bert who also was
rather well hung with testicles a little larger than the
other boys.

"Bring them over to the mats.  I want you to practice some
wrestling holds.  Girls you may grab anything.  Understand?
Any part you want while you wrestle.  If you want to grab
their penises and throw them around, go ahead.  Boys, you
may only grab arms and legs of the girls.  Now, the object
of the exercise is to pin the other person to the mat so
their shoulders are touching.  Let's try this once.  Boys
down on your hands and knees.  Girls wrap your hand around
their waist and grab their testicles and penises.  Harder
Gloria, don't be nice to him.  Grab him."  The boys winced
in pain as Ula and Gloria each held their boy parts tightly.
"Now when I blow the whistle, you need to try to get the
other person pinned."  Miss McNabb moved back and tooted the
whistle.  Ula put a death grip on Ricky's balls and yanked
him around to his back rapidly.  The boy was definitely in
pain.  He screamed in a high pitched scream and tears came
to his eyes.  Slamming down on him to maintain her hold on
his crotch, the boy let his shoulders touch just to make it
stop.  Gloria was afraid to be too rough.  Miss McNabb began
coaching her on how to use his 'boy handle' to get him where
she wanted him.  Soon Bert was taken and the match was over.

Boys were then paired up.  "Okay, boys, four at a time take
the mats.  When the whistle blows you may grab each other
anywhere you want.  The loser of each mat will run laps
until I tell them to stop, so put your heart in it."  Each
time the whistle blew the boys were pulling and squeezing
each others little bags and jerking on their opponents'
shafts.  Bellowing howls of pain could be heard each time.

When the class ended the boys were sent to the locker room.
Showers were required and the boys had to soap each other up
in front of the supervising girls.  "Girls, be sure they
wash each others' crotches well.  Make them finger each
others' butt holes to make sure they are clean, too!  Ula,
you know what I want, teach Gloria.  I may need to use you
to teach the girls from the other classes how to do this,

Still clicking away, Mrs. Blaylock responded, "Ula, I'll
tell your teacher you have to spend the day with Miss McNabb
to help train the other girls.  So, just plan on staying

The showers on, Ula took her training role seriously.  At
almost nine, she held a lot of responsibility and it made
her feel good.  Almost as good as she would feel seeing all
those naked little boys, especially those in Mr. Shepard's
class of 11, 12 and 13 year olds.

"Ricky, stick your finger in Jack's asshole."

"What? You gotta be kidding."

"If I have to say it again, you'll see how much I'm kidding.
Now, do it."

Jack knew it was inevitable, but was still uncomfortable
with it.  It was especially more humiliating having this boy
he hardly knew sticking his finger up his ass.  Compliantly
he spread his cheeks and leaned against the wall.  Ricky
stuck his index finger on the puckered hole.  "It won't open
up," he said, hoping that would get him off the hook.

Ula directed, "All you boys watch Ricky.  You will each do
this to each other every time you shower, so watch.  Ricky
use your middle finger.  Put some soap on it.  Now push
firmly with steady pressure.  Push harder Ricky."  Suddenly,
Jack's hole allowed entry.  "Now wiggle that finger around
in there.  Move it in and out.  More, more.  Okay, now you
can pull it out."

The boy removed his finger and instinctively raised it to
his nose to see if it smelled.  The other boys responded to
that action with, "Ooooooooo, that's sick, Man!"

"Now the rest of you get at it.  I want to see your fingers
pumping asses. Gloria, watch to make sure they all push
their fingers in all the way."

The others took the instruction and began fingering each
other.  The shower room was abuzz with giggling and chiding

"Okay Jack and Ricky come here.  Jack grab Ricky's dick and
wash it like you're jerking him off.  Do it until he cums.
Ricky when you fee like something is going to happen down
there, you need to yell 'I'm cumming.'   If you don't, I'll
use the strap on you."

"Oh my God," Mrs. Blaylock entered the conversation, "here I
am with a still digital camera.  Why didn't I bring the
video cam?"

"That's okay, Mrs. Blaylock, they will be doing this each
time they shower.  You can come day after tomorrow and get
the pictures and film you want. Or you can go get it and
record the next classes."

The cleansing ordeal over the class, minus Ula, returned to
academic pursuits.

September 28th

Mrs. Zimmerman opened her class, "Boys and girls, today is
Mrs. Blaylock's birthday.  The other teachers and I have
bought her a cane to use to spank the boys, if she needs to.
A cane is a long reed that stings when it hits.  We are
going to present it to her at an assembly in the gym today.
Part of the present is each class will send a boy to be
whipped by her on stage.  We want her to try it out and make
sure it works for her.  To be fair, I have put the names of
all of the boys in this bag and the one I pull out will be
whipped by Mrs. Blaylock today."  

The boys were flushed with shock.  Their hearts were beating
fast.  Fear was fully observed in each boy's eyes.  

"Gloria, why don't you reach in here and pull out a name?"
The girl complied turning her head as if she would be
accused of reading them if she didn't.  Her hand came out
and each boy gulped.  "Okay, Gloria, who did you pick?"
Opening the folded paper she smiled and said, "Ricky

"Ricky, please come up here and take off all your clothes.
You need to be nude."

"Please, Mrs. Zimmerman, what did I do?  Please don't make
me do this."

"Ricky, get your clothes off.  All of them, now."

The boy's trembling fingers began unbuttoning the straps of
his lederhosen.  After loosening them he let the leather
garment drop to the floor.

"Turn around, Ricky, we want to watch that penis of yours,
not your bottom."

Ricky complied crying.  "I don't want a spanking.  I didn't
do anything."

"Ricky, I'm sure she won't spank hard.   Don't worry about
it.  Now get the shoes and shirt off."

Ricky's little dick was as hard as lumber.  It was pointing
straight out at the class.  The when erect four inch member
was a respectable length allowing plenty of room to tie the

"Come to me, Ricky."  The boy walked to the teacher.  His
penis bouncing with each step he took.  Reaching down she
rubbed his boy toy and said, "Relax.  It won't hurt that
bad."  She took a piece of wide red ribbon and wrapped it
around his dick.  Tying it off, she put a huge red bow on
top.  "Now, when we enter the auditorium, Miss McNabb will
take you up to the stage and get you seated.  There will be
three other little boys sitting with you.  Each will have a
bow on his naked penis.  Each will be whipped with the cane,
so you won't be alone."

When they entered the auditorium the students and several
parents were seated in the bleachers.  Ricky was ushered by
Miss McNabb to a chair on the stage.  Low and behold the
representative of Mr. Shepard's class was Kenny Blaylock.
She was going to be whipping her own son.  The two younger
boys weren't anyone Ricky knew.  The youngest, who was five
years old, was crying already.  The boy from the second
grade group was on the verge of doing the same.

Mrs. Blaylock entered the gym, acting surprised.  Everyone
stood and sang happy birthday, except the boys on the stage
who stood and trembled in fear of what was coming.  When she
got to the stage she made a short address.  Then Chris
Chamblee came forward with a long narrow package which was
wrapped in birthday paper and sporting a red bow which
matched those on the four little penises on the stage.
Presenting the package to Mrs. Blaylock, Chris gave her a
hug and retreated.  Mrs. Blaylock unwrapped it and
immediately took a practice swing out toward the audience.
It whistled through the air.

"Well, I want to thank you for this surprise.  And this
present is really something.  I'm sure the boys won't thank
you for it.  It will certainly be a deterrent to misbehavior
at school."

"Mrs. Blaylock," Mr. Shepard interrupted, "those naked
little boys behind you have been selected to let you try it
out today.  They were each selected by random drawing in
their classes and want you to give them four or five stripes
with that new cane of yours.  The rest of us are anxious to
watch and see how it works."

"Well, I'm a little concerned about using it on kids who
don't deserve it.  But, I suppose I can give each a 'get out
of caning free card' for the first time they are sent to me.
That way it would be more fair.  I'm glad to see Kenny is
one of the first victims.  I'm not sure he's going to be
glad though.  Ula, you need to come up and show the girls
how to hold a boy in position for spanking."

Ula went up and grabbed a spare chair which she brought to
center stage.

"Let's start with Billy.  He's five and I want him to have
the benefit of my inexperience."  The sobbing little boy
stood slowly.  "Go over to Ula, Honey."  The boy burst into
a full cry as he approached Ula.  Ula grabbed his little boy
parts which were so small she put his scrotum between her
thumb and forefinger.  With the other hand she grabbed the
boys limp little penis by the glans again with just the
thumb and forefinger.

"Billy, you have to bend over, baby.  Don't be scared, I'll
hold you."  Ula tried to comfort the little guy who her
heart truly went out to.

With Billy in place, Mrs. Blaylock walked to his side and
swished the cane through the air.  She swung, purposely
pulling back before the cane made contact.  Though it hurt
it certainly wasn't a 'caning'.  He cried loudly more
because he was startled than he was hurt.  After two more
such swings she hauled off and gave him a good one which
left a welt.  The little guy screamed a high pitched scream
that she was sure could be heard throughout Manhattan.  She
didn't want him to think it wasn't going to hurt if he
needed one.  She then told Ula to release him.  Still
screaming, the boy grabbed his burning butt and the crowd
laughed.  Gingerly, he ran down to the waiting arms of his
teacher, who immediately cuddled him to calm him down.

Next up was Ricky.  Corrine was well aware of the intent of
Kim Zimmerman.  She knew his name was probably the only one
in the bag.  The boy was a young Eddie Haskell who was not
genuine and was self-serving.  Now would be a good time to
let him know what a caning meant.  "Ricky go over to Ula and
let her put you in the 'stocks'."  Ula grabbed his dick and
pulled hard.  He grunted.  Then she grabbed his balls and
put just enough pressure on them to suggest one more tweak
and they would be hurting.  Bending him over, she swung the
cane back and rapidly brought it forward, the swish was
followed by a sharp stinging pain and a red welt across both
of the boy's cheeks.  The audience vocally acknowledged
their empathy with a very audible, "Oooooooooo".  He too
screamed in pain expecting his would be similar to Billy's.
Wrong!  Again, the swish and a red welt crossed the first.
The boy was begging for it to stop.  Swish, and swap right
below the cheeks crossing both legs.  Swish, again this one
landing almost exactly over the first.  The boy was sobbing,
he couldn't scream it hurt so much.

"Ricky, you can get up now." When he stood up, she whispered
in the boy's ear,  "That was just a taste of what's going to
happen, if you don't get your act together.  Remember it."
As Ricky left the stage the chatter was primarily by the
other boys about not wanting that to happen to them.  As he
joined his class he decided to remain standing rather than
sit. Both hands were busy gently massaging his burning,
stinging backside.

The second-third grade representative was summoned next.  He
began a full fledged bawl as he walked slowly to the chair.
His penis and testicles were grasped pretty much the same
way Billy's were.  His little dick was lengthy so Ula
grabbed it with her whole hand.  She pinched his balls with
her thumb and forefinger.  Bending him over, Mrs. Blaylock
handled his caning the same as Billy's, making sure the last
one hit home firmly.  This literally sent the boy's feet off
the stage.  He shrieked and wrestled with Ula who squeezed
his little nut sack harder.  That pain was not as bad as the
last welt though.  After he calmed down to a sob, Mrs.
Blaylock gave permission for him to be released.

Last, but most exciting was Corrine's own progeny.  "Kenny,
assume the position."  He approached Ula who had held his
dick and balls on many occasions for this type of thing.  He
knew she wouldn't hesitate to squeeze his testicles until he
was incapacitated.  She grabbed his limp dick and stretched
it out two or three inches.  Grabbing his balls with the
other hand she jerked them downward enough to remind him to
believe.  Bending over, Ula, sent the signal to his mother
to begin.  He heard the swish and felt the most piercing
pain he'd ever felt.  Unlike the strap which blunted the
pain, this thing stung like hell.  He groaned and cringed in
pain.  Again, the swishing sound and the cane hit with such
force it caused the resulting welt to have droplets of
blood.  Again, the cane came down on his ass.  The boy
screamed in pain.  Writhing and begging for his mother to
cease.  Swisssssshhhh, swaaaatt, another welt appeared just
below his cheeks crossing both legs.  That was four, but his
mother was after more.  Swissssh, swaaattt, a fifth stripe
crossed his backside "x"ing two others already there.
Swisssh, swaaattt, his butt was numb.  "Pleeezzz, Mom, stop.
Pleeezzz, stop."  Satisfied he knew the pain, she gave Ula
the signal to release him.  Unlike the other times, the
audience was silent.  You could hear a pin drop except for
the loud sobbing of the young boy.  Hugging him, Corrine
said, "If you remember that, it won't ever have to happen

To be continued...