Natural Boys Love Nature Part 2
By Sir Cum Sizemore

copyright 2005 by Sir Cum Sizemore, all rights reserved

* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY.  It contains
explicit  depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If
you are not of  a legal age in your locality to view such
material or if such  material does not appeal to you, do not
read further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *

"Welcome to the April meeting of the PTA.  Before we get
started, Mr. Wilkerson has a special announcement.  Mr.
Wilkerson."  Joan Geiger, the PTA President opened the

"As was announced in the letter we sent home, tonight we are
going to have a special presentation on ADHD by one of our
parents and her mother.  They have been working on a
therapeutic approach some of you may have a hard time
accepting, but the results so far are notable.  Neither of
the presenters is in favor of medicating children for
learning or behavior problems.  Now, as I said in the
letter, they are going to present a slide show of their two
boys which will include nude shots of them playing in
various places.  Their skin is used as the primary source of
stimulation rather than chemicals.  This has really shown
promise with these kids.  Now, after viewing the show, they
will request permission to show it to the children in their
respective classrooms as a show and tell presentation.  For
now, if you don't want your children to see these boys in
the all together, Mrs. Page is going to babysit with them in
the library.  If exposing them to pictures of children's
bare bodies is not an issue with you they're welcome to

With that Mrs. Page walked to the back door of the cafeteria
and surprisingly only ten of the fifty or so children were
ushered to her care.  While this was happening Joey and
Tommy sat blushing.

"Grandma are you going to show pictures of us naked?" Joey
asked in a whisper.

"Yes, we are.  And, you shouldn't worry about it.  You have
a very nice little body so there's nothing to worry about."

Tommy piped in very audibly, "Come on Grandma, there's girls
in here.  You can't show it.  Some of them are from my

"Quiet down Tommy.  We are going to show it and if you keep
it up we'll take your clothes off right here and make you
run around naked the rest of this meeting.  Now hush,"
Arlene whispered.

"Mom, Tommy's right, see those kids over there?" Joey nodded
in the direction of one of the corners, "They're all in my
class.  They can't see my privates.  It'll be embarrassing."

"Well, get ready to be embarrassed then," Arlene punctuated
her stand.

Arlene walked up on stage.  "Fellow moms and dads, I'm glad
to have the opportunity to talk to you about a new way to
help your kids with behavior and learning problems without
drugging them.  It's really very simple.  We replace the
stimulation provided by the stimulant medication with
increased environmental exposure - especially though their
skin.  My boys are naked all the time when they aren't in
school.  They don't like it, but that's too bad.  I'm the
parent and I call the shots.

"Dr. Field made a very supportive statement the other day.
He feels, theoretically it makes sense, but that boys this
age will develop a much healthier body and self-image
through such exposure.  As you will see, my boys are
somewhat still embarrassed to have their not so private
parts exposed to the world, but they'll get used to it as
time goes on."

With this most of the audience looked over at the boys.
They were flushed with embarrassment.  The kids in the
corner from Joey's class pointed and giggled.  He wished
there was a rock to crawl under.  Tommy's peers weren't
tuned in to the discussion and had no idea what they were
about to see.

They began the slide show and Julia took up the narration.
The children giggled for the first few slides.  The adults
joined in for the ones of Emily licking Joey's package.
Then they were kind of quiet until the crawdad slides when
there was a collective empathetic cry of "oooooohhhhh".  The
pictures of the hook stuck in Joey's glans also drew a
pained response.  There were shots of the boys recreating at
home and lying on the carpet to watch television.  There
were a few of Julia and Arlene massaging their naked off-
spring. And discussion followed.  

"Yes, the lady back there."

"I'm a Christian person and I think what you're doing is
disgusting and immoral.  These poor children are being
abused with this therapy as you call it."

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but they are my kids and I'd
rather do this than pollute them with the drugs perhaps your
kids are taking," Arlene countered.

"My kids aren't taking any drugs."

"How old are your boys?" Arlene unconsciously made a gender

"I have three girls - 3, 4, and 8."

"Well then, you wouldn't understand the situation, would
you? You don't have kids who have been described as ADHD and
you have no boys." Arlene was pissed and it showed in her

"What's being a boy have to do with it?"

"Boys are eight to nine times more likely than girls to
experience the problems we're discussing.  Besides, boys
shouldn't be very modest.  Pre-pubescent boys need to be
naked at times to give them a little dose of humility.  More
importantly they need to be exposed to build healthy body
image and strong self concepts later. And, in my kids' case
they need to be naked to expose their skin to environmental

With that another lady stood up spontaneously, "I for one
like the idea. I don't understand what the hell being a
Christian has to do with it.  I too am a Christian.  They're
children for crying out loud.  Their bodies and their minds
are innocent, until we pollute them with thoughts of sex.
These kids aren't sexual.  And you, lady, are just saying
that because inside your want to fight that little bit of
you that enjoys looking at the kids running naked.  They're
cute that way and you feel if you condone it, you're some
kind of pedophile, don't you?"

"No, that's not right.  I think there's reason to believe
you all are, though."

The supportive lady attacked again, "Okay, we can live with
that.  Why don't you leave? Obviously, you've made up your
narrow mind. And it appears nothing we're talking about
applies to you anyway."

"Please, let me go on," Arlene put on her referee hat and
tried to divert the tension.  "In addition to the
stimulation, predictable discipline is important.  We have
outlined what inappropriate behavior will bring in the way
of punishment.  This makes the boys' consequences more
understandable.  The consequences range from spanking to
time-out and extra chores."

The dissenter shouted, "I'll bet those little boys aren't
too happy being made to be nude all the time. Do you, boys?"
And she looked right at them.  Both boys were afraid to
acknowledge the truth in that statement.

Arlene shot back with a masterful argument, "You're right
they don't like it, but I'm in-charge at my house and my
mother is in hers.  We make the rules, the kids don't.  They
also don't like to take a bath, but does that mean I
shouldn't make them do so?  They would love to drive to
school, should I give them the keys?  They'll grow into
acceptance soon enough, but with the opinions of the top
psychologists and physicians, I'm satisfied. Let me also
remind you we have the DARE program here at the school.  I
think the motto is Dare to Keep Kids Off Drugs, isn't it?"
Arlene cast a fleeting glance at Mr. Wilkerson who was
nodding 'yes'. "Well, that's what I'm doing.  I'm proud of
my beautiful little boys' bodies and I'm proud to keep them
off psychotropic drugs."

Another woman raised her hand.  "My boy is five and he is
giving the kindergarten teacher a real ride.  If I wanted to
follow the same program you have, who would I call or how
would I do it?  Perhaps we could establish a support group
of parents of kids who need this kind of thing.  We could
meet here at the school on a weekly basis."

Mr. Wilkerson entered the conversation, "If it'd make Ricky
less of a problem for Miss Wender, I'd leave the school
opened 24/7 for you.  No seriously, if that's what you
wanted to do, I could give one of you a key and you could
use the school for those meetings."

It was quickly becoming evident to the appositional heckler
she was outnumbered by parents who didn't share her
interpretation of the program and she remained silent for
the rest of the meeting.

Arlene announced, "After the meeting anyone wishing to
discuss the program further and start a support group could
meet on the stage."  Seven sets of parents took the offer.

"What I'm thinking might be good is for your folks to come
out to our home for the first organizational meeting.  We
can get most of your started with a program at that time,"
Julia offered. "Besides, you'll get to see our boys nude and
get the drift of what's happening with them."

"I have a daughter in Joey's class.  Should I leave her home
and just bring her brother?"

"Heavens, no!  She can come with you.  We'll let her take
care of the boys while we meet."

"I was wondering the same thing about my seven year old
daughter.  My son is a little older than nine.  He's twelve.
Will it work for him too?"

"Yes, I think so.  The psychologist said if the boy hasn't
reached puberty, it works best.  Has he started yet?"

"How would I know?  I don't get into the bedroom or bathroom
while he's nude."

Julia couldn't resist, "Tell him to pull down his pants.  If
you need to, hold a belt in the other hand and tell him
you'll use it if he doesn't."

"We'll see you all at the house Saturday morning.  If we
plan to meet from nine to eleven, we should be able to
outline the program for you."

As Mr. Wilkerson and the custodian began to close up, Julia
approached him with an envelope and small bag in her hands.
"Excuse me, Mr. Wilkerson, but here are some things I
promised to get when we last met.  Here's that spanking
contract you wanted.  Now, when Joey or Tommy is out of line
I want you or the teacher to strip them naked and slap the
fire out of their bare bottom with this hair brush, or if
you prefer use your belt on them.  I don't care if you have
a kid audience when you do it either.  Maybe, it'd make
believers out of the other kids, too."  Neither of the boys
were aware of the arrangement between their mother,
grandmother and the principal, but the surprise was bound to
be sprung the next time either was referred to the office.

"Thank you for your trust and support.  From now on, I'll
see they are taken care of without bothering you or Arlene."

On the way home Joey began some questioning.  "Are all those
people coming to your house Saturday, Grandma?"

"Yes, they are Joey."

"Even Heather Williams' mother?"

"Who's Heather Williams?

"That's the lady who said her daughter was in my class."

"Yes, she's coming too."

"Is she going to bring Heather?"

"I think so."

"Do Tommy and I have to be naked while they're at our

"Well now, Joey, let me think..., mmmm, YES!" she
sarcastically responded.

"Heather will see my wiener.  Please don't make me be naked
in front of her."

"I'm sorry, but Heather won't just get to see it, she can
play with it if she wants to."

Joey began to cry.  "I don't want to let her see me or touch
me.  She's in my class and she will tell all the other ones
about it.  The kids will laugh at me and call me names.
Please, Grandma, Mom please don't make me be naked."

"Honey, you'll be fine.  You have a real nice little penis.
You should be proud of it." Arlene tried to reassure him.
"Now, stop worrying about it, it'll be over before you know

The rest of the car ride to the house was silent.  Joey sat
in the back seat with his arms crossed, tight mouthed and

Saturday Cometh

"Boys come down here so your mother and I can inspect you
before our company arrives.  We need to go over the ground
rules again, too."  Julia hollered up to the boy's bedroom
from the floor below.

Directly, two naked little bodies came down the stairs,
their little penises swaggering side to side as then
negotiated each step.  It was evident that the older boy was
not too happy about the situation.  This would be the first
time he had to be naked in front of so many other people.
Really, up until this day, the fishermen and the little
ordeal in the doctor's office was it.  

"Grandma, is there going to be girls here today?"  Tommy
started to show some concern over the coming activities.

"Yes, I'm sure there will, Tommy, why?"

"Well look at us. Don't you get it?  We're naked.  I mean if
it was just grown ups it'd be one thing, but expecting us to
be this way in front of a bunch of kids, well that's

"You boys still don't get it.  You're beautiful.  All of you
is beautiful and your mother and I want to share your beauty
with everyone - kids and grown-ups alike.  We want them to
feel and see how wonderful you two are.  You should stand

Joey put in his two cents, "I still don't want to do this.
They're going to be touching our wieners and stuff and that
isn't right, Grandma."

"It most certainly is.  When you see a beautiful butterfly
or puppy or like that don't you want to catch it and touch

"Yeah, but I don't play with the puppy's wiener." Joey made
a good point.

"But you do touch his fur and rub his belly.  You can always
see his penis and if you wanted to touch it, he'd let you.
If Emily had one, don't you think she'd let you touch it?"

"Yeah, but she's a dog, not a person."

Arlene saw no need for the line of argument to go any
further. "Well you boys will let anyone who wants to, touch
your penis, scrotum, bottom, anus or any other part of your
beautiful bodies they want to. If you don't, they'll all get
to watch as your grandmother or I warm your little
backsides.  Any more questions?"

Joey crossed his arms, stuck out his lip and presented a
defiant pout. Arlene was not pleased with his show of
attitude, "And you, young man can be pissed all you want,
but get those legs spread so your little penis is showing.
Remember boys, your little boy parts must always be visible,
especially when we have guests.  Hiding them would be rude."

"Mom will any of the other boys be naked?" Tommy was being
quite inquisitive.

"I don't know, Baby. We'll have to wait and see."

As she completed the dialog, a vehicle was heard coming up
the driveway.   A quick glance out the window showed a
soccer mom type mini-van approaching the house.  The boys
peeked out to see who it was.

"Oh, shoot, its Brett Beals and his mother.  Oh no, he
brought his sisters with him." Joey knew the boy.  He was in
his class at school.  He also was a little unsettled as
Brett tended to bully the other kids.  His sister Jenny was
thirteen and in middle school and she could be a real pain
too.  His little sister Janice was tolerable only because
she was only seven and didn't pose much of a threat.  

Arlene joined her sons looking out as the van emptied.  "Oh,
Tommy, is the little girl in your class?"

"No, that's Janice, she's in Mrs. Prentice's room.
Sometimes we have P.E. together and we go to lunch at the
same time, but that's all I get to see her."

"Well, she's going see a lot of you today, isn't she?"
Arlene's attempt at humor was not appreciated by her
intimidated sons.  "Tommy I want you to answer the door.
Remember, keep your hands to you sides and be polite.  If
Janice wants to touch your penis..."

He stopped her short, "I know Mom, I have to let her."

"That's great, you've already got the idea."

The door bell rang and Tommy opened the door to the wide
eyes of the children.  Mrs. Beals expected to be greeted by
a completely nude little boy. She just didn't know which
one.  "Hi, Tommy!"

"Hi, Janice."  The family walked in.  Janice couldn't take
her eyes off Tommy's erect penis.  

The parents introduced themselves and Mrs. Beals wasted no
time.  Joey was made to present himself to the others.
Brett made the bad mistake of making fun of his penis and
the whole naked situation.  It was a mistake because his
mother then said, "Brett, I want you to let your sisters
undress you."

"No way, Mom, I ain't getting naked.  Not here, not

"But I'm afraid you are son.  Girls come in here!"  Jenny
was ready.  She had heard her mother's proposition and
decided she'd love to strip her brother.  He was so shy
about being naked in front of her at home and now she was
going to get to see that penis of his and she was also going
to have permission to dominate him by undressing him.  "What
do I do to convince him he's going to get naked?"

"You take this strap and you use it on him until he
understands you mean business," Julia entered the living
room carrying a large wide belt. "One of the most important
parts of this program is liberally applied corporal
punishment for disrespect and defiance toward adult
authority figures and that was definitely defiance."
Handing the belt to the startled mother, Julia said, "Use

Mrs. Beals took the strap and told her son to stand up and
let his sisters undress him.  Again, he rebelled.  Without
any further warning, she raised the strap and brought it
down catching the boy on the front of his legs.  He cringed
and tears quickly formed as again the belt caught him across
the front of his legs. He jumped up from the sitting
position and the belt greeted him over his clothed backside.
"Stop, Mom, please."  Again, the belt hit his clothed rear
end.  Joey had no empathy for this boy who was often an
antagonist for him and other kids at school.  In fact, he
was enjoying it.  After five such stinging blows, Brett
agreed through his tears to allow his sisters to undress
him.  As they were about to start, another vehicle came up
the drive.  

Tommy ran to the window with Janice looking to see who might
be coming.  The adults and Joey continued to watch as Jenny
undid her brother's belt after having removed his Nikes and
socks.  As Brett's shorts were unbuttoned, Tommy announced,
"Its Terry.  He's in my class.  He's one of my... friends.
Whoa, he's naked.  His mother brought him here naked."
Janice clapped her hands with excitement.  The thought of
all these naked boys was exciting to her.  

"Go answer the door, Tommy.  Remember, hands to your sides
and you let anyone who wants to play with your penis,
testicles or bottom."  Arlene instructed.

"Can I touch his thing?" Janice asked as if she were
surprised it was public property.  

"Yes, anytime you want to, Honey.  Just grab whatever you
want,"  Arlene replied.

"Come over here, Janice, is it?" Julia beckoned the child.
As she walked over to her, Julia instructed Joey to stand
up.  "Okay, Janice, grab his wiener and give it a yank."
The little girls eyes glistened and an impish smile appeared
as she grabbed the boys erect penis, squeezed it and yanked
it hard.  "Here, feel his little bag."  The child pressed
his right testicle with her index finger.  "Squeeze his
little marbles, Janice."  She did and Joey buckled in pain.
"See? Whatever you want."

By the time Julia had finished teaching Intro to Joey 101 to
Janice, Jenny had her fingers in her brother's briefs.
Pushing them down the boy's erection bounced up and down
momentarily and Jenny slapped it.  She acknowledged, "I'm
gonna' like showing this to my friends."  Brett began to cry
again from the embarrassment.

Meanwhile the door opened to the mother and her naked seven
year old.  "See Terry, I told you Tommy would be naked.  He
stays naked all the time when he's not in school, and as of
yesterday, you will be too.  Reach down and rub Tommy's
peepee for him.  Go on now!"  The timid Terry grabbed his
friend's penis and rubbed it.  Both he and Tommy knew on any
other occasion they might have explored each other's boy
parts, but that would be behind the garage, out in the woods
or any place other than in front of their parents.  "Tommy,
you can rub Terry's now," the boy's mother offered and Terry

"I wanna' feel Terry's," Janice yelled as she ran to the
front door.  Her hands already engulfing her age mate's
phallus and testicles.  He tried to pull away and his
mother's hand swiftly swatted his bare backside with a
resounding smack that left a hand print.  "You mind your
manners and let her play with it."

Julia, seeing this said, "Looks like you won't need much
coaching from us," to the latest arrival.

Within the next half hour, all in all there were seven
families represented.  Two of the seven had both parents in
attendance.  Other than Terry, the other children arrived
clothed.  There must have been twelve girls in the mix along
with ten boys.  As the meeting started four of those boys
were nude. The others were wearing shorts as discussed in
the session at school.  Julia took the lead role in the

"I would like to have the little girls present each take a
clothed boy and strip them naked.  We might as well start
desensitizing them right now.  Why don't we take the little
girls and have them undress the little boys and the bigger
girls can strip the older ones.  Jenny, you know what to do,
coach the others."

Evidently, the four nude boys were an indicator to the other
boys they had no option.  They represented the basic truth
that they would be naked.  Except for a few whiny petitions
for exemptions, there was no rebellion like Brett had given.
They were lined up and the adults watched as every thread
was removed from their bodies.

Julia gave each parent a bag to put the boys' clothing in.
Then she brought the group together for the "rules of

"Boys you will be naked at all times except for school and
other occasions your parents feel require clothing.  While
you are naked you are never to cover your penises with your
hand or anything else.  If you do, you parents or whomever
they designated will spank the fire out of your bare butts.
Any questions so far?"  No one dared raise their hand.
"Okay, when you sit you are to sit with your legs spread
wide apart.  Show those little dicks as if you were proud to
have them.  You are to let the girls or anyone who wishes
touch or play with any of your boy parts anytime.  Any
questions so far?"  Again no hands were raised.  "If you
violate the rules or you are defiant or disrespectful, you
will get your bare bottom beaten with the item of your
parents' choosing.  Not just one time, not maybe, but every
time you are disrespectful or defiant."

Terry raised his hand, without waiting for recognition he
blurted out, "Mrs. Phillips what does defiant mean?"

"It means if a big person tells you to do something you do
it without arguing.  If they tell you to stop doing
something you stop without arguing.  Do you understand now?"

"Yes, thank you."

Arlene began to pull the meeting back on task, "Folks, why
don't we let the boys entertain the little girls and we can
meet in an adult session.  Girls, please grab a boy's penis
and pull them out to the backyard.  The one pulling Joey
will let him lead the group to the creek down the hill.  You
can play down there until we call you up.  Go on now. Tommy
be sure to show them how to use the crawdads.  Joey you best
let him, too." There were not enough boys to go around, but
then some of the girls were three or four and weren't
interested anyway.  Each boy had a hand around his most
treasured body part as they were yanked toward the slider on
the back of the house.  "Oh wait, before you go, girls
whatever boy you choose, you need to rub this sunscreen on
his little wiener every half hour or so.  Be sure to rub it
in well.  Don't forget his bag and rear end either."  She
handed Jenny a bottle of sunscreen.

One of the fathers piped up, "It's really shady out there,
do you really think the sunscreen is necessary?"

"No, but it'll get the girls to stimulating their little
penises every now and then, and that'll be a good thing."
Though the question was meant for Arlene, Julia answered.

"Arlene, what was the crawdad part about?"  Terry's mother

"Remember the slide show the other night? The picture of
Joey's little peepee with the critter hanging off of it.
That's what I meant."

"Oh I hope they put one on Terry's.  I wish I could see

"Well, after the meeting you can go down there and put one
on him yourself if you want."

"Anyway let's talk about the program.  Corporal punishment
is a requirement for disrespect and defiance.  If for no
other reason than we can hurt, and I mean hurt, their
bottoms, they will obey any adult without comment.  We have
actually had a legal document drawn up giving Mr. Wilkerson
and the teachers permission to strip our boys naked and use
whatever they feel necessary to spank the daylights out of
them, if they need it.  We did this in spite of the Board's

"And he agreed to this?" the same father who questioned the
sunscreen asked.

"Yes, but an attorney drafted the document and it says we
won't sue no matter what."

"Where'd you have it drafted?"

"Tony Chamblee in the City."

"We have wanted Billy's ass busted by the teacher for a long
time, but they only suspend saying they can't spank anymore.
If his teacher could wear out his bare ass he'd get the
message she was in-charge.  God, wouldn't that be great?
I'll need this attorney's card or phone number before I

The other parents came on board with the concept.  They were
going to see if there could be numerous signatories to the
same document and save on attorney fees.  There was talk of
publicizing the rebellion about the Board's decision to stop
corporal punishment and this might be just the way.

Down at the Creek

One of the first grade girls asked, "What is the crawdad

Jenny was quick to respond, "Tommy doesn't have to show us,
I was in the auditorium when they showed the pictures of
Tommy and Joey naked.  Tommy put a crawdad on Joey's thing.
Right on the tip, right here." She grabbed the boy's glans
and stretched out his penis to demonstrate where she had
seen it. "Let's find some crawdads and try it on all their

With that the girls began turning rocks.  "EEEEEEEeeeeee
there's one right there," one of the younger girls screamed.

"Well pick it up," Jenny ordered.

"I can't, I don't want to touch it.  What if it bites me?"
the little girl replied.

"Billy, pick it up," Jenny commanded.  Without thinking the
boy picked up the crawdad.  It was squirming as he held it
index finger on one side and thumb on the other.  "Now, put
it on Terry's wiener and make sure it pinches hard."   Terry
covered his penis with his hand and expressed complete non-
cooperation.  With that Jenny walked thirty feet up the bank
and carefully broke off a wild blackberry briar.  Carefully
wrapping a handle with leaves of another plant she brought
it down to where the non-compliant boy stood and with a
quick sideways motion brought the branch in contact with his
bare butt where his globes met his thighs.  It scratched and
left a rash like stripe.  Terry screamed and placed both
hands back on the source of the irritation.  "Now, put the
damn thing on his dick.  And, if you put your hands there
again, I'll go and get one of the adults with a belt, you
little shit.  Got it?"  The boy now crying stood with his
erect little penis open to the torture about to occur.
Billy came at his penis with the crawdad as the other
children - clothed girls and nude boys - stood as close as
possible to watch.  Grabbing Terry's penis with one hand
Billy started batting at the captive crustacean with the
glans until it latched on. Just as with Joey's days earlier,
the tip of one claw had grabbed the urethra and the other
surround glans tissue.  The pinch must have been scary but
also excruciating to the little boy's penis as he screamed a
high pitched wail when he felt the pinch.  

"Take it off," his hands began to migrate toward the
offensive shell fish.

Jenny grabbed the boy's arms from behind and put her knee in
the small of his back thrusting his hips and the penis and
its live decoration forward.  "See if it'll bite his balls,
Tommy."  Compliantly Tommy pulled the creature off causing
another scream as it didn't want to relinquish its grip and
had to literally be forced off.  With its claws still
yearning to provide some protective punishment they
continued opening and closing as Tommy attached it to
Terry's tight little scrotum.  Again the boy screamed as the
crowd was hushed.  "No, I said on one of his balls, Tommy,
not his sack."  

"I tried to put it on Joey's and it wouldn't open its
pinchers wide enough.  Crawdads can't get balls, they're too
big," Tommy responded defensively.

"Well we want to watch you try so try.  Pull his sack so his
balls show and then try to get it to pinch one of them."
Jenny was insistent.

Pulling the boy's scrotum downward from the bottom, two
little mounds exhibited their shape.  "What's those round
things?" a little girl asked.

Jenny replied with, "Those are balls.  All boys have them.
Later you can play with Tommy's and see for yourself."
Terry's testicles were somewhat smaller than Joey's and
unfortunately within the span of the pinchers of the
irritated critter.  It grabbed his left nut tightly between
the sides of its pincher.  Terry screamed louder than he
ever had in his life.  The pain was unbearable. He was
crying so hard at that point, he couldn't speak to beg for
removal.  On his behalf, Tommy said, "Okay, that's enough."

Jenny had a sadistic streak and replied, "I'll tell you when
he's had enough. I hope the damn thing pinches it right

"Come on Jenny, let me take it off," Joey entered the fray.

"Okay Joey, take it off," Jenny relented.  Joey bumped his
younger brother out of the way and began trying to carefully
pry the claw loose.  Finally, frustrated, he just pulled the
animal away forcibly.  Though it let go, the ordeal
intensified the pain and Terry screamed even louder.  Joey
was going to release the crawdad but Jenny stopped him.

"Oh, no, no, no, now I want you to put him on one of Tommy's
balls for arguing with me," the young dominatrix instructed.

"But, he didn't argue.  He just asked you," the protective
big brother reasoned.

"I said, put that on his balls.  Do it now or I'll go tell."

"No please, Joey.  Please don't let him bite my balls.
Don't listen to her," Tommy pleaded.

"Joey, just remember when he put it on your dick and then
your sack.  He didn't argue with your grandmother did he?
He just did as he was told.  Now it's your turn," Jenny

"Yeah, Joey, put it on his thing.  I liked watching Terry
crying,"  Janice supported her sister.  "Then I want you to
do it to my brother."

"Na, ah.  Not on mine," Brett was quick to respond to his
young sibling.

Janice reminded her brother of the rules, "The big people
said you had to let us do what we want to your wieners and
things, so you have to let them put it on you, Brett.  If
you don't I'll tell Mom on you."  

Yanking Tommy's nut sack downward his young jewels became
exposed.  Joey pushed the crayfish forward until it grabbed
the boy testicle.  Tommy screamed as the testicle was firmly
crushed under the force of the pincher.  Crying he jumped
around with the creature hanging off his testicle screaming
for someone to take it off.  Joey couldn't tolerate the
scene any longer and stopped his brother's hopping long
enough to remove the creature and in the process he killed
the crawdad.

"Everybody look for another.  My brother needs to be
pinched.  In fact find two or three so we can pinch all of
his parts at the same time."  Jenny commanded.  "You other
boys start looking or you'll be next."  

With that the other boys began hunting.

"Ooooppps," everyone stop looking you boys line up in a
straight line.  Now down on your backs and pull your legs up
toward your head.  Stay like that. We have a chore to do.
It's time to renew your hard-ons.  Girls come over here and
get a squirt of sunscreen."  Each of the little girls
approached the self-proclaimed supervisor with their hands
extended.  Jenny squirted a liberal amount in each little
hand and assigned them a boy to stimulate.  "Remember, rub
it on their wieners, bags and then stick some in their
assholes.  You need to stick your fingers all the way in
their holes when you do them.  And you boys had better just
stay still while they do it, or you'll get the crawdad
treatment after Brett does."  

Other than Jenny, who directed the others, there was a four
year old girl who didn't have a boy to work on.  Jenny put
her with the girl doing Tommy and said, "Let her do him
after you're finished and make sure she does him well."

"I like feeling boys' things," one of the younger girls
acknowledged.  "I think they're fun to play with.  I like to
watch them get hard and then pull on them.  Their bags are
fun too.  I like moving those round things around inside
with my finger."

"Yeah, well wait till you stick your finger up their ass.
That's really fun.  I think that's fun because they really
don't like it," Janice shared as she wiggled her finger in a
crying Terry's ass.  "I think I want to keep Terry like this
and keep feeling up here so he cries.  I'm going to pull his
wiener with my other hand."

"Hey, I'm going to do that with my boy," one of the youngest
girls sheepishly pushed her finger up the ass of six year
old Steven.  His little hard on was waving strongly and his
tight nut sack was unbelievably tempting for a squeeze, but
the inexperienced little girl was more inquisitive than

"Okay, those of you who are done playing, send your boy to
find a crawdad, we are going to pinch Brett's dick, nut
sack, and hopefully one or both of his balls.   Those of you
who want to keep playing with your boy just keep playing,"
Jenny directed.

Suddenly, a voice was heard behind the group, "What's this?"
and another "Oh, for cute!"  The parents had broken from
their meetings and had come to check up on their children.
Coming down the bank with Arlene and Julia they were treated
to the sight of their sons being stimulated.

Two of the younger girls jumped back startled and fearful of
being in trouble for what they were doing.  One started
crying and denying her activity.  Gently, her mother took
her in her arms and said, "Its okay baby, that's what little
boys are for.  They're there to play with. You weren't doing
anything bad.  Steven will be naked all the time from now on
and you and your friends will be allowed to touch him as
much as you like."  

"But I was touching Billy," the young one corrected her

"It's okay you can touch any of them.  Did you like sticking
your finger in his bottom?" the mother asked.  The girl
coyly nodded affirmatively.  "Well you know, you can stick
other things in there too.  Like carrots, sticks and other
things.  We'll let you experiment with Steven tonight."

With that six year old Steven began to cry.  "I don't want
her to do things like that to me, Mom."

"But I do, Stevie.  I want to take pictures of it for when
you get older.  Besides, Mommy likes watching this kind of
thing - you bad little boys getting some come-uppings."

As the parents seated themselves on the bank to watch the
show, one of the other boys who appeared to be eight or nine
yelled, "I found one," as he carefully picked up a crawdad.

In the way of explanation and to ensure approval, Jenny
explained to her mother that she wanted to pinch Brett's
"peepee and balls" with crawdads.  Mrs. Beals excitedly
said, "Well do it then.  I just wish I'd brought my camera."

With that another of the parents said, "I have one in the
car.  Josh, run out to our car and get the camera."

One of the nine or ten year old boys who was on his back
being stimulated by what appeared to be a six year old, sat
up in acknowledgment.  The boy who was impaled by the six
year old's finger appreciated the opportunity to be free of
her abuse even if only momentarily.  "Okay, Mom, where is

"Check the glove box."  The boy climbed the bank with his
erect appendage swaying with each step. "Little boy, please
hold the crawdad until Josh brings my camera. Don't put it
on there until he gets back."

The child stood holding the crawdad and teasing it with the
forefinger of his left hand.  This tiny cousin of a lobster
was getting very upset with his circumstance and was sure to
be agitated enough to latch onto Brett's penis or testicles
with gusto when released to do so.  Josh returned with the
camera, just as one of the girls yelled, "Here's another
one".  She stood pointing at it, "Somebody needs to come and
catch it, I'm not going to touch it".  

"Joshua, get over there and catch that crawdad for her."
The child who had brought the camera was sent by his mother
to retrieve the crayfish.  As he picked it up the legs were
wiggling and the pinchers were opening and closing.  "Josh
put him on your wiener right on the front part there."

"Mom, I don't want to be pinched by this thing.  I caught it
for Brett's penis, not mine," Josh argued his point.

"NO, you caught it for yours.  I told you to put that pretty
little penis of yours in its claws now."

Such discussion had caused his already hard penis to push
even harder.  His cleanly circumcised head was engorged and
his penis felt like it was going to burst under the pressure
as he lowered his captive toward the glans.  Holding it out
of reach, he again implored his mother to back off on her
directive, "Mom, I don't want to do this.  It's going to

His mother, clicking away from the distance and zooming in
toward her son's erection and the creature within one inch
of connecting, was able to speak with her eye to the
viewfinder.  "Either do as I say, or we parents will hold
you down while the others put a bunch of them on your little
wiener and sack at the same time.  Now, for the last time
feed that crawdad lunch.  Put that penis in its claws."

With that Josh brought the crawdad to within reach and it
immediately latched on to the glans pinching across the
front of his penis.  It engulfed the full girth as it
squeezed hard with it's only line of defense.  The boy
screamed with the pain and the other parents applauded and
laughed as his mother took several close-ups and more
distant shots. "Okay Josh, you can pull him off."

The boy did, and Jenny spoke up, "Now bring him over to
pinch Brett.  Josh put your's on his dick like you just did
to yourself.  Bring the other one over here and grab this
ball."  Surprisingly the larger crawfish could span the
testicle outlined through the boy's scrotum.  His agony was
apparent as several of the parents had to hold his arms and
legs while Jenny's procedure was implemented.  To no avail,
the boy implored the adults to allow him to get up and take
them off.  "Someone find another one, we need a big one to
grab his other ball," Jenny shouted to the children combing
the stream.

Shortly, one of the other boys yelled, "I found one, I found
one and eagerly brought it to engulf the other little
testicle."  The pain was excruciating and poor Brett could
do nothing more than scream, beg and cry through a steady
stream of tears.  

Mrs. Beals realized the level of pain her son was in and
said, "Jenny, I think that's enough."

"Aw, Mom, leave them on there a few more minutes.  This is
payback for all the times he's hit me because he had to have
his way.  Please, Mom just a few minutes of torture, I'm
really enjoying it," Jenny pleaded.

"Well, okay, but those adults shouldn't have to hold him
down.  It may be inconvenient."

One of the other mothers who was holding his right leg at
the ankle responded, "Hell no, this is kinda fun."

Of course, Josh's mother was clicking away during the whole
ordeal.  Both scans of the total scene and close-ups which
both included the boy's vulnerable genitals and his face
with agonizing looks of pain on the same shots.

Following the work at the stream, Arlene presented two of
the older girls with willow switches about a half inch thick
at the base.  She told them they were going to give both
Joey and Tommy a reminder of the day by whipping their bare
butts until the welts remained visible.

"Tommy and Joey come over here," Arlene commanded.  "Both of
you lay over this fallen tree."

"Why Mom?" the ever inquisitive Tommy asked.

"Because I told you to.  Do it now!"

Both boys were unaware of the girls with the switches.  They
reluctantly bent over the tree.  Julia grabbed Joey's upper
torso and arms from the opposite side of the tree and Arlene
grabbed Tommy in a like manner.  "Girls get started.  Whip
as hard as you can and don't stop until I tell you to."

"Why Mom?  We didn't do anything," Joey inquired, just as
the first set of stripes were applied to each bottom.
"Oooooeeeee, oooeee, Mom why are we being spanked?"

"Just keep going girls."  Whish, whish the sounds of the
flexible reeds whistled on their way to the targets.

"Oooooooo, eeeee, ooooo, eeeee, Mom why?"

"Because the girls are enjoying it, now shut up.  Besides,
I'm enjoying watching you two get a reality check."  Her
words were punctuated by lashes from both as welts began to
appear on the now reddened cheeks.  "Oh don't stop now."
The boys' legs were flailing as they tried to pull loose
from the adult holds.  "Come on girls, you can do better
than that.  What are you going to do when you become
mothers?  You better hope you don't have boys if you can't
hit harder than that."

As the whipping escalated several of the parents in
attendance could be heard to say, "oooo" and "ouch I bet
that hurt" but no one tried to stop it.  After it was
evident that both boys had marks that would last a few days,
Arlene told the girls to stop.  Releasing them they danced
around wildly rubbing their hot backsides.  As they did
their penises bobbed up and down much to the excitement of
the girls old and young in attendance.  Joey ran to the pool
of spring water and sat in it.  It wasn't long before he was
joined by Tommy.

Still crying, Joey asked again, "What was that for?  We
didn't do anything wrong."  

"Joey, just chalk it up to a time when you didn't get caught
and should have had a whipping."  Julia reasoned.

"But we..."

Arlene raised her index finger to say stop.  Not wanting to
get anymore of that action, Joey hushed.  Tommy was still
sniffling as he allowed the cool water to sooth his bottom.

"Well, we're glad you all came out.  You're welcome anytime.
In parting I'd just like to say for the boys, if they aren't
required to be dressed make 'em stay nude.  If they are
required to be dressed make sure it's just enough clothing
to get by.  In no circumstance should they wear long pants
or long shorts.  Only provide short shorts, underpants, or
thongs no matter where they are.  While they're nude their
genitals and anus are not private, they're public.

"Oh by the way, Mr. Wilkerson wants to have kids come out
here one or two classes at a time for nature hikes.  If your
son is in this program, make sure he knows they are to visit
nude in front of their classmates.  I will see to it your
sons are naked from the get go, if you call me before the
field trip," Julia concluded her parting instruction.

"Mrs. Phillips, we want to thank you and Arlene for your
hospitality.  We enjoyed it.  All I can say is if Josh ever
comes to this house with his class or with your sons he will
have to be nude.  No question, strip him.  And if he gives
you even the slightest problem take one of those willow
switches to his bare ass.  I won't question it.  If you
would though, please take some pictures.  I'll e-mail copies
of what I've got to you when I get home.  There are some
good ones of your boys getting their asses beaten.  And Mrs.
Beals I have some of Brett being munched on by the crawdads,
too.  I'd be glad to share."

When she finished Josh asked, "Can I put my clothes back on
now, Mom?"

"What, Josh, haven't you been listening?  You don't have any
clothes anymore.  You're naked except when I tell you to
wear something.  By the way, those shorts of yours, you know
the long designer ones, are going to be cut to a one inch
inseam and you won't be wearing underwear either when you go
to school.  All of your long pants will also be shortened to
one or two inch inseams.  No more long pants.  I plan to
find a thong for when we go to the beach or you go to the
Boys and Girls Club pool.  So much for style."

"Mom, people are going to see me."

"Oh yeah. They'll not be able to resist touching either and
you will tell them they can."

The other parents laughed and acknowledged similar
circumstances to their sons.  The little girls jumped up and
down and laughed with excitement.  They couldn't wait to
share their brothers with other kids in the neighborhood,
especially the girls.  

To be continued