Rule of All the Land
By Sir Cum Sizemore

copyright 2006 by Sir Cum Sizemore, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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"Dr. Wilson, would you please stand and raise your right hand?" James Borchers (R-IA) the Chairman of the House Committee on Education and Youth requested the well known psychologist to prepare for swearing in. Compliantly, Melanie stood and raised her hand, "Do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give to this Committee will be the truth, the whole truth, so help you God?"

"I do."

"You may be seated Dr. Wilson. Doctor, as you know we have had a rather bumpy ride over the past twenty years with the behavior we're seeing developed in our juveniles. Particularly disconcerting is the behavior of our young boys. We are seeing increases in juvenile crime, violence and disrespect and I for one want to turn the trend around. We've asked you here today because you were recommended by Representative Chamblee from New York. Since he has arrived in this House he's been a champion for getting behavior back on track with our children. I guess to start I'd like to ask a few general questions. As a Republican I see the issue being in the way we're raising them, what's your take?"

"Well Sir, I think you are partly right. But, I have to say, I think it also is the result of removing authority from people outside the home to share in the disciplinary responsibility. When we took the route of the more passive child-rearing methods and allowed parents to interfere with paddling, spanking, strapping and caning for high level offenses we said to the community, we'll let them get away with anything. Schools began to suspend kids rather than discipline them. We took the route of time-out and taking away privileges to cure misbehavior and to tell you the truth it might be effective with some girls, but it doesn't help many boys at all. They seem to need physical correction more than young females. The research is pretty clear boys learn best through their skin and do respond better to physical punishments than banishment and inconvenience. So I would say one problem is we've restricted, and in many cases, completely done away with negative consequences altogether."

"So you feel doing away with corporal punishment was a mistake?"

"Yes Sir, especially for boys, and as you know they're the most problematic gender when it comes to behavior. Not to say, girls can't be a handful too."

"No, Doctor, I'm inclined to agree with you. When I was a boy, any adult in the vicinity felt free to warm up your backside if they felt it necessary. My parents expected it and so did the parents of other kids. But, they insisted the schools treat us like they were our parents. In fact, the rule was in loco parentis. Come to think of it, I don't remember any kids with ADHD or opposition defiant disorder. No one dared."

"Exactly, Representative Borchers, exactly. Another thing we've lost is boys were not expected to be modest. Their bodies were not required to be shielded all the time and as such they were likely to be skinny dipping and running around almost bare most of the time. The environmental stimulation on their skin helped to calm them and keep them on track. Now, however, we have social do-gooders who want to call nudity and affectionate fondling of kids perverse."

"Again, Doctor, I remember as a boy we had to swim naked at the Y, the Boys' Club, scout camps and even the school pools. We were required to shower after gym classes and sometimes were supervised by the girl's gym teacher. Girls didn't spend much time publicly and semi-publicly exposed, but boys did. And, you know as I think back about it during those swims mothers and sisters could sit there and watch. We just accepted our bodies and ignored the situation. You know we did spend time in the woods and at ponds skinny dipping. The only times I remember being in a bathing suit was when we went to public beaches, and then sometimes boys were still nude. It was the parents' call."

"Yes, Sir, and today they'd be arrested or at the very least the brunt of a social services investigation. You can't spank them and you can't 'humiliate' them with forced nudity."

"No, Ma'am, our nudity back then wasn't just required at times, it was accepted. I don't remember many boys who balked about it. If they did, they'd be naked for a week. We just did it because it was expected and the way it was."

"We call the situation today 'false modesty'. As children are taught their bodies are 'private' and everyone they don't know is out to hurt them, but we both know it isn't the case. In fact of the fifty nine million children between birth and twelve, in 2003 there were only 151 stranger abductions. I know that's 151 more than anyone would like, but serious harm to our children is less likely than winning the lottery."

"That's my time. I now recognize Congresswoman Welch (D- RI)."

"Doctor Wilson, welcome to our hearing. We've looked forward to meeting with you after hearing of your rather unorthodox methods of working with errant boys. Congressman Chamblee spent the better part of three hours during one or our sessions explaining the effectiveness of your approach not just to his boys, but those who attended the school which used you as a consultant. I share your desire for the return of corporal punishment to our homes and schools. That said, don't you feel making little boys walk around naked destroys healthy self-image. I mean, as the mother of two boys, I would think they would be devastated by such a requirement."

"Well, Representative Welch, I think you mistake wholesaling the concept I have espoused to mean every boy. Let me ask, did either of your boys struggle with attention to tasks in school?"

"Yes, my eldest."

"And, when he was little, was it difficult to keep clothes on him. I mean did he prefer less clothing to being fully dressed?"

"Come to think of it, he's just turned twelve and he still fights to wear shorts to school in the winter."

"What he's telling you is he needs the freedom and the constant stimulation on his skin. You've decided it's indecent for him to be undressed and you've taught him his genitals are private and for the most part 'bad'. If he were my patient, I'd show you how much good old-fashioned spanking and forced nudity could change his behavior."

"Well, he'd fight the naked thing. He's pretty modest."

"Again, and with all due respect, if you and your husband hadn't made a big deal of his covering up, he'd probably have adjusted more to nudity. Further, if he were my patient it wouldn't be his call, it would be ours."

"Well, maybe you're right. I'll have to hear more. My time's up."

With that the Chair recognized Tony Chamblee (D-NY).

"I must say in this public session, I was skeptical three years ago when Dr. Wilson first counseled my wife about our eldest, her recommendations were somewhat alarming and different to me. Now, after three years, all three of our boys were put through her program. My eldest, Jack, immediately showed better school behavior and his behavior with his nanny, and with us, improved dramatically and quickly. Let me add, our nanny was from Sweden where kids romp naked regularly and their school behavior is much more attentive. Now I'm sure Eva would be first to tell you the law in Sweden against spanking was a mistake. She believes both are necessary to keep boys on the straight and narrow. She was not a stranger to swinging a strap or cane to get their undivided attention, but after awhile she didn't have to use them often at all. Her punishments were swift, stringent, and predictable. The nudity was almost constant and they adjusted somewhat to that too, especially when they were surrounded by many boys who were in the same boat. But the difference it made was astounding."

"Would the gentleman yield for a moment?" Representative Borchers interrupted.

"Yes, I'll yield."

"I just wanted to add, we all have had the opportunity to meet Representative Chamblee's boys, both when they were nude and when they were clothed. I must say they're well behaved boys and didn't seem as ashamed of their bodies as I thought they would be. Thank you for yielding, please continue, Sir."

"Thank you for your kind comments and Dr. Wilson thank you for coming."

"Mr. Claflin (R-CO) I believe we will pick-up with your questions."

"Hello, Doctor, I'm really interested in this. You believe the whole ADHD thing is related to children not being disciplined?"

"No. I believe that's only a part of the problem. I believe they need stimulation to the skin, particularly in boys' cases. It appears through the research their skin is the prime sensory mechanism for communicating with them. That includes putting some discomfort to that skin when they misbehave. I think, Mr. Claflin, it's a combination of consistent and predictable discipline, supportive and demonstrative affection again through skin stimulation and passive stimulation from the environment. The humiliation of nudity does play a role in downplaying disruptive behavior, too."

"So you wouldn't go the route of poor parenting?"

"No Sir, perhaps ineffective parenting, but in the case of the parent who is constantly supporting their child and getting them out from under consequences, I'd say they are the problem."

"What about chemical imbalances?"

"That's just bunk, Congressman. There's not one shred of evidence to support a physiological cause for these kids' behavior. We screw it up and then put them on dangerous drugs to control it. Are you aware there are less than ten studies which examine the father absence issue and its effects on boy behavior? We have too much research to support non-medical causes and non-medicinal means of intervention. What really amazes me is the ease at which anti-spanking fanatics are quick to agree with chemical interventions. They contest momentary pain which corrects the behavior rather than side-effect laden chemicals that just cover it up."

"Well, as I think back, I'd have probably been given stimulants if they had done such things when I was in elementary school. We didn't do our homework and often didn't pay attention in school. It was too interesting planning non-school activities while the teacher went off on math or reading. We didn't get up though. We stayed seated. Maybe it was because if we didn't we might not be able to sit for awhile after the teacher got done with us. You know I have kept in touch with many of the kids I grew up with and in spite of not getting their homework done or fidgeting, and in spite of having their pants pulled down and their bottom torn up they've all pretty much been quite successful and happy law-abiding citizens."

"Yes, Congressman, your observations are fairly well borne out by the research. Somehow we started to fix something that wasn't broken in the first place and now it's all botched up."

"Thank you Doctor, I believe my time is up."

With that Chairman Borchers looked down the panel and recognized, "Congresswoman Hart (R-MT)."
"Dr. Wilson, I'm a Montanan. I come from frontier cowboy stock. I must admit I like to think we still believe children need strict guidance and careful planning to perform in school. I share your distain for stimulant medication. I was reading the statistics you know the country with 5 percent of the world's school aged children feed them 90 percent of the world's stimulants. I have to wonder why we bother with DARE programs in the schools. Their pediatricians have become pushers. It is truly alarming. But now, I'm interested in just what you're proposing we do instead. Are you suggesting children should be stripped naked and given a belt, paddle, or cane across their bottoms for misbehavior?"

"No, Congresswoman. I am suggesting more of the skin of little boys especially those with attention and behavior problems be exposed to all kinds of environmental stimuli. Ideally, they'd be nude if possible as erections tend to increase their brain activity, but at the very least they shouldn't be provided more than a pair of very short, short pants to wear. And yes, I guess I would propose spanking with the hand, belt, paddle, cane or hair brush be employed when the severity of the offense warrants it."

"So you do feel our boys should be made to be nude?"

"Yes, ideally those who are problems should be made to stay nude at least until puberty."

"And you do feel wearing out their bare bottoms is more healthy than unhealthy?"

"Yes, I do."

"What about all the books and research suggesting spanking has negative influences."

"Well, I think I mentioned before, I would imagine everyone on this panel has had a spanking in the past. Did it screw you up? The latest long term research suggests there not only is nothing negative that can come from it, but that it is often very effective in correcting misbehavior."

"Well, I'm for it. Let's bring back the spanking. As for the nudity, little guys are kind of cute when their little peepees are stiff and waging back and forth. I guess I don't have a problem with it as long as the parents are on board."

"We will break for lunch at this point. The Committee will reconvene hearing Dr. Wilson's testimony at 1:30 this afternoon. I will entertain as second round of questioning and then we can start to put together a recommendation for the full House to consider. Dr. Wilson, we can count on you coming back this afternoon, can't we?"

"Yes Congressman, Mr. Chamblee and I are going to lunch and I'm sure he'll tow me back for the afternoon session."

"Representative Chamblee, I charge you with that responsibility." The members and Melanie Wilson laughed at the attempt a humor.
Be it resolved, no state or locality may pass a law, ordinance or restriction prohibiting parent prescribed public nudity for children under the age of twelve except for health regulations in eating establishments if deemed necessary. Nor may any such governmental entity prohibit corporal punishment administered by parents or teachers which isn't of a severity to warrant medical attention. School authorities may unilaterally determine to use corporal punishment for correction or forced nudity for therapeutic or corrective purposes without parent permission and are not to be held liable to litigation for punishments assigned within the limits of this law.

"Doctor Wilson, would you feel that is sufficient for the purposes you outlined?"

"It is a big step, but I think we must decriminalize fondling of those children who are exposed. I, for one, would not go so far as to decriminalize sexual intercourse with children, but contact of a non intercourse type should be also permitted. It is a form of stimulation and it is critical for exercising the testosterone and benefiting hyperactive little boys." Melanie was feeling really aroused at the mental pictures the new law and her codicil brought—hundreds and hundreds of pre-teen boys walking around naked as the day they were born, with little hard-ons and red bottoms. And, soon this would be perfectly legal.

Chairman Brochers addressed the full committee. "Would the Committee be amenable to a Federal regulation which redefines sexual abuse by omitting fondling of genitals and specifically prescribed other contact a parent or designee may make?"

"How would that rest with the courts? Would we have a concern over constitutionality?" Representative Hart inquired.

Tony Chamblee, being one of two attorneys on the Committee offered a quick opinion, "Well, kids don't really hold constitutional rights to privacy. Today, I'm not sure adult rights to privacy haven't been eroded by the current administration and there isn't a peep from the courts. I'd say we're on firm ground here."

"Well then, I move to add a paragraph or two that defines what is not construed as sexual abuse to the wording of our bill." Ms. Hart quickly added.

"I'll second that," Chamblee joined right in.

"In favor?" The Chair called the question.

Several voices could be heard, "Aye!"

"Opposed?" the room was silent.

"Hearing no objection I believe we should ask Representative Chamblee and Dr. Wilson to work on the amendment and bring it back to Committee tomorrow afternoon. This meeting is adjourned." Two strikes of his gavel and the group rose to mill about Dr. Wilson.


Two strikes of the Chair's gavel, "The Committee will come to order. Dr. Wilson, thank you for your help in this matter. I must advise you, you are still under oath." Melanie Wilson nodded in agreement. "We've all had a chance to review the proposed amendment, but I feel I need to read it into the record. The amendment to HB109-577 reads, No jurisdiction may make an ordinance preventing parents, teachers, or their designees from physical contact with a child's genitalia or anal region so long as that contact is done for therapeutic or corrective purposes and is not made with sexual body parts of another, nor is intended to cause permanent physical harm to the child in question. Could we have a motion?"

"I move to accept the wording of the amendment, " Tony Chamblee was quick to respond.

"I'll second the motion," Ms. Hart followed.

"Discussion?" The Chair opened.

"Mr. Chairman," Representative Welch sought the floor. After granting her the floor she began, "I must say I'm a bit concerned over this amendment. I mean where is the line for such things? As an active churchgoer, I find this to border on sinful and I'm not sure it isn't emotionally harmful for the children as well. I guess, Doctor, I'm not convinced. I voted for the spanking to return because I think we need it, but I'm not sold on the nudity issue at all. Can you speak to my concerns please?"

"Certainly Congresswoman. If we were to look at the practices of other countries who don't have nearly the problem with children's behavior and learning it might shed some light. Remember, these places are countries we compete against for achievement test scores and draw other comparisons too. In Japan there are some schools called 'naked schools' where children are only allowed a pair of short, and I mean very short, shorts year round. No shirts, coats, shoes or socks, nothing but those shorts and that is the uniform year round. They are taken to swimming places where they must swim nude and spend a great deal of classroom time naked in front of their peers. In some Scandinavian schools children are taken to saunas where they are stripped completely nude for part of the day. Children in many European nations swim and bathe publicly in fountains nude. Our country has made the genitals a secret thing. This has, in my estimation, contributed to the perversion we are seeing in our society. We've made body parts taboo and increased the sexual interest rather than accepting them as just another part of the body. I believe, with this new law in place, we'll actually see less perversion in our country. Penises and vaginas will lose their allure as they will no longer be the forbidden candy, if you will."

"I guess that makes sense. But I'm still stuck on the conflict with my religious belief."

"Well, Congresswoman all I can do is assure you there are just as religious people in other countries who don't share that hang-up. They celebrate God's creation rather than restrict it unreasonably."

With that Representative Brochers added, "I would like to remind the lady from Rhode Island, her personal religious beliefs shouldn't drive her decisions. She is expected to vote according to what she feels is best for the country."

"Well, Mr. Chairman, I wasn't going to let it get in the way, but I'm sure glad it's on the record so when it comes to re-election my constituents can see that I did have reservations."

With a nod of acknowledgment the Chair inquired, "Any other discussion?"

After a moment, Tony Chamblee spoke, "I call the question."

"All in favor of the proposed amendment to HB109-577 please signify by saying 'aye'", with that call several voices chimed in "aye". "Opposed?" none. "Abstain?"

With that one voice rose, "I abstain". Representative Welch's discomfort got the best of her.

"Let the record show the amendment passed with a vote of five in favor and one abstention. Thank you, Dr. Wilson. Not hearing any other business, this meeting is adjourned." Again, two strikes of the gavel and the meeting broke up.


"This is Daniel Hite with FNN news. Today the highly discussed bill which permits parent and authority figures to determine if either corporal punishment or forced nudity would benefit their children and gives them the freedom to do either was sent to the President for his signature. It is felt he will sign the bill as a welcomed response to his call for returning to old-fashioned discipline in raising children. For more we turn to Karen Williams at the White House. Karen…"

"Yes, Daniel, the bill which has taken the nick name the 'bare it, spank it, and rub it' bill went to the President today. It is expected he will sign the controversial bill. The National Society of Social Workers has lobbied against the bill since it's inception but apparently to no avail. Their problem with it is turning over the privacy of children's bodies to the adult figures in their life. They have expressed particular concern over the leniency at which it addresses genital contact by adults stating that it is a green light for pedophiles. Those in favor say social workers have taken too much authority to send their brand of self-righteousness into peoples' private family decisions. They say in effect we tried it the social worker way and it simply isn't working. Now the movement is to go back to old-fashioned methods and beliefs. The National Christian Family Foundation applauds the return to spanking but objects to allowing parents and authority figures to fondle the children's body during periods of nudity. Back to you, Dan."

"Thank you Karen. Today a mild earthquake was felt in…."


"This is Daniel Hite and this is the news. Today, the President signed into law the controversial child rearing bill which gives parents almost unbridled power to punish their children. It further gives the schools the same authority and does so in such a way parents have no recourse. It also allows parents, school officials, and parental designees to strip the children and require them to spend naked times if it is in the best interest of their child. It is expected to be used for boys far more than for girls as they are the gender of inattentiveness and most discipline problems. For a little more insight we call on Gina Thacker at Glendale Elementary School in Lincoln, Nebraska. Gina…."

"Dan, the faculty at this school is delighted. The principal has provided each teacher with paddles to use when they feel it necessary. They have been told to spank on the bare buttocks in an effort to use humiliation to add potency to the threat. She has also cautioned them to use corporal punishment only for disrespect or disobedience however. Her concern is that teachers will go overboard with spanking and use it for any little thing that annoys them, if there aren't specific offenses outlined for it. Surprisingly, the majority of parents support the change. I managed to talk with twenty to thirty of them as they came to drop off or pick up their children, and they, on the whole, felt little boys would benefit most from the change. Here's what two of the parents had to say….

Cut to film clip, "Well my son is in third grade and he saw suspension as a great thing. He got to come home. I, on the other hand, had to stay home from work and was unable to get paid for that day. I begged, Mrs. Whitfield to take a belt to his bare butt, but she said the school board prohibited her from doing that. Steven, will be a different kid now, I guarantee it."

The camera pans to another mother, "Joey gets his butt busted at home and now he can count on it here. I'm sure it'll make his behavior better. I also plan for him to spend a lot of time naked. I think it will help him build a healthier body image and bolster his self-confidence."

Camera switches to interviewer, "So you think making him be naked is going to be good for him?"

"Oh, absolutely, his sisters will love making him run around naked, too. He's ten and he's built this modesty thing. We have firmly felt, little boys shouldn't be so modest. I guarantee it. He'll be naked within an hour of school letting out. His sisters are already going to be two of my designees as far as touching. I may send him to school naked, we'll see, maybe his teacher will make him stay naked and beat me to the punch, we'll see."

Camera pans to reporter, "Not all parents are excited. Here's what others had to say."
Film runs, "Well as the mother of three boys, I have a hard time with the school being allowed to use corporal punishment. We don't use it at home and I don't think it's fair for them to do it here either."

"Well, do your boys get in trouble?"

"Off and on, I think I've only been called to school five times over the last month or so."

"Five times!! Don't you feel that's a lot?"

"No. They're good kids. If there are six or seven suspensions between them each year, that'd be a lot."

Back to live, "Well, Dan that's how many parents are seeing it. Actually, it seems like a celebration for the return of parental and school authority."

"Gina, what about the forced nudity? What's the opinion out there?"

"Well, that's interesting too. Most feel its fine and should be imposed for the boys, but the majority doesn't support making the girls go nude. What they're saying is boys don't need the modesty, but girls do. I suspect you'll see a lot of naked boys, but few little girls. Dan…"

"Thank you Gina. Today traffic was held up on Interstate 27 as two semis carrying hazardous waste collided just south of…."


"Good evening, this is Daniel Hite with FNN news. Tonight we want to follow up on the changes being felt around the nation as a result of the spanking and forced nudity law. First, we want to go to Jose Alverez at KNUO in Arizona. Jose what's your estimate of the effect of this law since it was signed three months ago?"

"Good evening Dan, I'm here at Southwest Elementary School in Tequila, Arizona a town of about seven thousand. As you can see many of the boys in this fourth grade classroom are completely naked. The principal here decided to encourage parents of problem boys to send them to school nude. As you know with the law change, we aren't required to pixilate any of their body parts so viewers will get the complete picture." The reporter called a naked boy of average build to the camera. The child's penis bounced side to side as he walked over. As he moved to cover his boy parts from the American public his teacher gave him a sharp slap on the butt and said, "Ah, ah, Charles, don't you dare cover." "Hi what is your name?"

"Charles Wittleson."

"And how old are you Charles?"

"I'm nine."

"How do you like being naked? Doesn't it bother you?"

"Yeah, it does, but I have to stay this way all the time. Mr. Bullock, the principal, told my mom I couldn't wear clothes again as long as I come to school here. I kept getting in trouble and he made me do this for punishment."

"So you have to stay naked for punishment?"

"Yeah and my mom says it helps with my hyperactivity. She makes me stay naked at home too."

"Tell me Charles, have you been spanked here at school?"

"Yeah a lot. Mr. Bullock got this thing called a cane. He said they used these in Europe years ago. When he hits you with it, it stings real bad. It makes red marks on your butt that don't go away for a long time."

"Doesn't that bother your mom?"

"No, if I come home with stripes on my but she uses a strap on me to make sure I got the message."

"What's the worst part of being naked all the time?"

"Well, it's the girls they get to pull my peter and stuff and I don't like it. I don't like people being able to look at my boy parts either. It's embarrassing. And I really don't like having to get my butt hole checked every time I go number two."

"Why's that?"

"I don't know. Mom says it's so I don't leave 'skid marks'. If you have to be naked and you don't clean yourself really good, one of the other kids gets to shove their finger in your butt hole and clean it with soap and water while an adult watches. Usually, it's a girl and that's just embarrassing."

Camera cuts back to live-- "Dan, we've been able to secure permission from the parents of a fellow classmate of Charles' to film him being caned. Before we air it, I want to caution the viewers if they can't take crying, screaming and minor violence they don't want to watch this."

With that the film rolled as a completely nude handsome little boy who appeared to be, at least in part, native American was led to bend over the principal's desk. Tears were already streaming down his eyes. His circumcised penis was sticking straight out as he approached the desk. Once he was bent over the principal picked up the narrow bamboo cane and whipped it through the air twice. The whistle was audible to the viewing audience. Suddenly he raised it above his head and made contact with the child's bare backside. Immediately a red stripe appeared as the boy screamed out and adjusted his weight in an attempt to relieve the sting. Again, the cane was brought down across the boy's bottom and another stripe appeared. He let go of the desk and appeared to be ready to bolt as the principal pressed him back down on the desk. Again, the whistle followed by a scream that broke the continual sobbing sound. At this point the boy pleaded, "I won't do it again. I'll do what she tells me. Please stop, I promise, I promise." Again, the whistle and the cane left a fourth stripe. The boy was then allowed to stand. Incredibly his penis was still erect and bounced considerably as he attempted to relieve the pain in his bottom. He was taken to the corner of the office and made to stand with his legs spread, hands on his head, facing out apparently for the sake of the camera.

The next scene was the principal being interviewed. "Mr. Bullock, that was a pretty impressive display of corporal punishment. We had paddles in my day. I don't think canes would have been too popular with the students, that's for sure. Do you feel the new law has improved things here at the school?"

"Well in the past three months we have seen a seventy to eighty percent decrease in discipline referrals. We haven't suspended a child in the past three months and before the law the same time frame would have conservatively seen between eight and twelve suspensions. I think the nudity helps with the problem boys too. It puts them in their place. It also is a great device for allowing teachers to use a quick fondling session to reinforce their good behavior. Of course, the little girls love it too. They can't keep their hands off the boys' penises and testicles. We have less aggression from the boys to the girls. If it happens we hold the attacker down while the assaulted girl pinches his testicles. The boys hate that."

"Well that's the news from Arizona, back to you Dan."

"Let's go to Christine Powell in Delaware. Christine…"

"Hi Dan, we have been experiencing a cold snap here in Delaware, but as you can see there are still boys trudging to school completely nude. Here at Hazelton Elementary, boys who are on forced nudity are not permitted to cover with anything. When the temperature is below twenty five degrees, they're allowed a coat and that's it. As you can see with that group on the playground the little girls are still quite interested in playing with the boys' genitals." In the background the viewers could see a young boy spread eagle as the girls took turns rubbing and pulling on his penis. "This is Mrs. Stevenson. She's a second grade teacher here at Hazelton. Mrs. Stevenson, do you feel the new law is all it's cracked up to be?"

"Well, I make every one of my boys strip naked when they enter the classroom they hang all of their clothes up on the hooks in their cubbies and place their shoes and socks at the foot of the cubby. I think they're cute as buttons walking around nude. In the beginning the girls took a cursory look at their parts and often touched out of interest, but now they just ignore the boys' nudity. I think my boys are becoming more comfortable with their bodies too."

"Have you had any interference from parents?"

"Oh there were a couple who sent notes saying I couldn't do that, but we sent them a handout which stated my right to do so. It's really great having in loco parentis back stronger than ever. I also keep a belt over there on that hook in case I have to impress one of them, if you know what I mean. It's a pleasure to teach again. Oh, and not one of my kids is on stimulants. I can't remember when that was the case. For the past twenty years I've had a least one. Since the new law, none, and they're all doing just fine." The teacher momentarily grabbed one of the boys by the arm, swung him into her lap and began to stroke his penis and scrotum. "Jordan, I need for you to slow down. Just sit here for a minute and relax."

"Well, there you have it, Dan. Fewer drugs and discipline problems and its only been three months. Who would have thought?"

"Thank you Christine. Keep warm!"

"Well, if these little boys can brave the cold naked as the day they were born, I'll manage too, I'm sure."

"Elsewhere, in the Middle East today…"


"Good evening, this is Daniel Hite and this is the news. Parents in Arizona are mixed in their response to the new state law which gives principals the authority to make boys between the ages of four and twelve remain completely naked for the school day. For more we go to Jose Alverez in Tucson."

"Well, Dan, what's to say? This whole naked thing has swept the nation and now, Arizona has joined with five other states giving educators and parents the authority to strip boys nude for the school day. Here are some parent remarks from earlier today."

The picture changes to a mother standing in front of a school, "Well, I have a nine year old boy and a seven year old girl. I think making my son stay nude is a great idea. He's been abnormally shy about his body and boys aren't supposed to be like that. It'll cool his jets. If his teachers and the principal won't strip him, I think I will."

"What about your little girl?"

"Well, girls are different. I would be more hesitant, but I wouldn't just rule that out either. I'd have to give it some thought, but definitely little boys should be made to do so. You gotta admit seeing all those little boy things swaying, bouncing, and standing up is a really cute show. Hopefully, the little girls will get a chance to cop a feel now and then. I know I will."

Another mother is interviewed. "Oh I don't think it's a good idea. If these little boys don't learn to be modest at home and school what then? I'm concerned we'll start with the boys and what's next—the girls? I don't think so. No, definitely not a good idea. I don't mind the stripping them and whipping the daylights out of their backsides, but I think total nudity for the full day is a bit much."

Dan reenters the screen, "Jose, do you get the impression this is a boiling point?"

"No, Dan, most parents are taking it well. In fact, you can see nude little boys in the background there. I'd have to say even those who seem against it, aren't militant about it or anything. Most of the mothers I've talked with are okay with it. Fathers are a bit leery about it, but most like the principal and teachers getting back to old fashioned spanking even on the bare bottom. Most support the discipline, but many don't like the complete nudity. Dan…."

"It seems two other states have pending legislation regarding nudity at school—Colorado and Ohio will be debating the issue over the next few weeks. The bill in Ohio requires boys in public elementary and preschools to be completely nude during instruction. For a short time girl nudity was also entertained but it was stuck down by a state senate amendment. Seems little boys are getting the brunt of this new trend."

The co-anchor, Cindy Witherspoon, piped in, "I don't know. As the mother of two little boys, I like it. It's good for them psychologically and my clothing budget would be cut way down. Not to mention the positive effect it would have on my laundry. We'll see, maybe it'll happen here in New York sometime. When it does perhaps the clothing designers will sell little tattoos to put on the boys chests and bottoms as a sign of designer attire."

Dan came back on, "Cindy I could just see that happening—parents having to buy tattoos to keep their boys in style. I'm just glad nudity wasn't the rule when I was in school. It certainly would have been embarrassing. Oh well, in the Philippines, today..."


As time went on, more and more states came on board with laws permitting and some requiring child nudity particularly among little boys. Those which added girls to the mix also tended to make specific instances and rules regarding where and how they might be made to be nude. Parents held the ultimate authority for little girls, not so for boys.

Children's TV programming began having naked pre-pubescent boys in the films and in live audiences. In either case, the boys weren't permitted to cover themselves and, after the FCC rule changes, the pictures broadcast were no longer pixilated. Federal rules did not permit transmission of boys' genitals being stimulated, but broadcasting footage of boys with occasional erections was not censored.

Health departments in many locales changed the rules for restaurants, too. Little boys between birth and twelve could eat at restaurants nude, as long as an anal plug was inserted prior to entering the establishment. The plug had to remain in place until the child left the premises. Upon entering hostesses had to check for the plug and wipe boys' penises and testicles with sanitary wipes prior to seating the family.

In most establishments, a rack was placed outside the restroom area with various devices for punishing unruly children. Parents could borrow a cane, belt, paddle, or other implement from the rack. Take care of business and then put it back. The change in children's behavior in public was truly remarkable. Whining, tantrums, running around establishments, and rudeness seemed to disappear overnight.

In most communities, parents were able to attend classes in kiddie massage and were encouraged to stimulate their children's skin as often as possible.

Researchers found that boys with frequent erections were less unruly in classrooms and paid more attention to the tasks they were assigned. As a result teachers often encouraged children to stimulate each other. Sometimes weighted rings were put on erections and boys were told if the rings fell off, because their penises went flaccid, they'd be spanked. In some cases, controlled released erectile drugs were administered throughout the day, much the same as stimulants were in prior years. It wasn't long before the pharmaceutical companies started marketing their ED medications as good for regulating boy behavior.