Strings and Sacks, Inc. - Chapter 3
By Sir Cum Sizemore

copyright 2006 by Sir Cum Sizemore, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 3

"Steven get down here and you better have that thong on. Let's go, Dad is in the car." Sharon was getting impatient with her son. He'd just finished a stint of naked time for his transgressions at the home of her best friend and now she was about to have Steven make his first public bare ass debut since he was five or six years old. "Steven I don't want to have to call you again. I'm coming up there with a belt and then you'll have naked time instead of thong time. Let's go."

Slowly the eleven year old walked down the hallway from the bedrooms and descended the stairs. His sleek well tanned body was completely nude except for a small white triangular piece of cloth which strategically covered his penis and testicles. His facial expression showed a mix of fear and embarrassment. His mother's voice diverted his attention as he reached the bottom stair.

"Oh there you are. Let me see how you look. Oh my God, you are beautiful. You really evened out that tan while we were at Aunt Andrea's. You're going to be the attention getter of the day, believe me Steven, you are gorgeous if I do say so myself. Okay, Honey, let's get out to the car before Daddy has a conniption. Oh you can wear your Nikes so you don't burn your feet." It was off to Billy's party. "Here's that game you said Billy wanted. I had to look all over town for it. I sure hope he still wants it." Sharon handed her son a small package wrapped in "Happy Birthday" paper.

"Mom can't we get me a swimsuit to wear. I mean I don't want them to laugh at me when they see me. These are my friends and their going to call me 'gay' or something when they see this thong thing. Please…"

His comments were interrupted by his father, "What did I tell you about the thong? Did I or did I not say you would wear it whenever Mom said?"

"You said I had to wear it until Mom said I didn't have to any more. I'm just trying to get her to say that now."

Both parents smiled but quickly regained their composure. "I'm not going to say that for a long time, Steven, so don't even try anymore. If you do, I'm going to have to tan that little butt of yours myself. Understand?"

"Oh here we are. Is it the house with the red shutters or the one next to it?" Dave asked his son.

"It's the one with the red shutters, but you don't have to stop. I'll just give his the present some other time."

"Oh we're going to stop. I'm interested in watching what happens when you grace the party in your thong. Look at it this way, later this afternoon we're going to run by the pool for a debutant party for this little boy. This is just training." Dave was definitely feeling a voyeuristic enjoyment with what was about to happen. He only hoped to confine his own erection as they walked Steven to the door.

Sharon knocked as Steven tried to get front coverage from the present. "Oh hi, Cynthia. Steven's here for the party. Dave and I can stay if you think you'll need some help."

"Oh no, I've got things pretty well in hand for having ten, ten eleven and twelve year olds here. The only help I need is to put some Ritalin in their soft drinks." She still hadn't noticed the boy's new attire as the present covered what looked to be a Speedo suit. "Come on in Steven." She reached out with her arm and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"May we come in for a few minutes? We'd like to say hi to the kids and wish Billy a happy birthday."

"Oh no, come in," As she turned to enter she say Steven's backside, "Oh my, Steven that's kind of drafty isn't it? Let me see the front of it."

Slowly the boy turned around and put the present on a table to his left. "Oh, what is this, a thong?"

Shaorn responded, "Yes, it's a thong isn't it cute?"

Hesitantly Cynthia responded, "It's certainly revealing, but I just love little boys' bottoms, don' you?"

"Yes I really do. We're going to make Steven wear this at least for swimming until puberty. If we become attached, we might even invest in bikini waxes for a few years after puberty too."

"Oh, you…" she waved her hand as she laughed. "Aren't you afraid he'll be teased by the others if he wears this? I mean the style is the below the knee trunks."

"He will probably get teased a little but we want him growing up with a healthy body image and this is just one way we're going to do that. After the other kids get used to seeing him in it, the teasing will go away. In fact, some of the others might even admire him for having the guts to wear it." Dave countered.

As Steven walked onto the pool deck, all running laughter and grab ass stopped almost immediately. The boys who just seconds before were a rowdy gang just gawked. "Steven, isn't that a girl's bathing suit?" Billy asked.

"Man you can see your ass. Look guys there's nothing on his ass just this string giving him a wedgie." One of the other boys hollered as he walked behind the highly embarrassed Steven.

"Boys, stop immediately, this is called a thong and in many countries around the world men and boys wear these for swimming. Let's not make fun of Steven." Cynthia took a stab at being an empathetic hostess.

"Well, we're just glad it isn't something we wear in America." The smallest of the boys countered.

Dave and Sharon left for two hours while the party went on. They returned at 2:00 to pick him up.

"Dave you were right. They teased for a little while and then ignored his attire after an hour or so. But they did have a habit of slapping his bare butt every now and then. You know, almost like they were copping a feel. It kinda became a game with them." Cynthia reported. "Sharon, were did you get that. I think Billy might look good in one, but without someone breaking the ice I wouldn't have even tried to make him do it."

"You think you have the strength to make him now?" Dave asked

"Well, yes. What's that supposed to mean anyway." Cynthia was a little indignant at the tone of his question.

"He'll argue and fight the whole thing all the way. I mean boys don't like being so exposed, but as Dave says, 'Little boys have no right to modesty. Save that for the girls.'" Sharon responded.

"No really, I want one for Billy."

"We have a friend who makes them to order. I guess you could call her. Her name is Andrea Higgins and if you give her some measurements I'm sure she will get one together for you. She's a teacher and she makes them for summer income. I supposed she'll charge twenty five dollars of so."

"That's okay. I mean a suit today runs at least that. I just want Billy's tush on display. Richie Blakely's mother wanted to find out where she could get one for him. He's the boy who was such a tan hunk in the red Speedo. I don't know if you remember him or not."

"Yes, wasn't he the boy who was making to comments on Steven's backside?" Sharon asked with a 'he'll get his' look on her face.

"Well, now that you mention it, I guess it was. His mother wants to tan his ass up to match his legs and back. She really likes it. He'll wear it too. His parents will whip his ass at the drop of a hat if he doesn't obey them. They have this thing the call a 'cane' it's like an old fashioned switch, but it is much more flexible and I mean it does a job. I saw what it did to the top of his legs one day when he was over here swimming. I don't think there's any room for argument in his house."

"Well, give her the number too. We have to get going, we're taking Steven to the community pool for a debut.

"Kind of breaking the ground for the rest of us, huh?" Cynthia smile as Sharon and Dave walked to the car where their totally angry and embarrassed son was already sitting in the back seat with his arms crossed in frustration.

Sharon tired to break the ice, "Well, now you get to have a little bigger audience. Daddy and I are going to take you to the community pool. Let me see I have the towels, and I have a little present here for you. It's a hooded robe. It is short enough to keep those legs in view and long enough to just cover that bare bottom while you walk. I'll let you wear it until we find a spot to set our stuff at the pool. But, then it comes off and we show the world that beautiful butt of yours."

Silently he put on his shoes and took the terry cloth robe.

"Steven you have to stop pouting. People will think you're a spoiled brat."

"I don't want to go to the pool. Every time we go there are people there who know me. My friends from school all hang out at the pool during the summer."

"Yes, I know and that's one of the reasons we are going to show you off there first."

"I don't want them to make fun of me."

Sharon tried to reason with her son while downplaying what she hoped would happen, "Oh, Steven, if they do it will soon pass. Once they get used to seeing you like this they'll ignore it, just like the boys at the party. You'll see."

"Can't we do this some other time? I mean do I have to go to the pool today?"

Dave offered his reasoning, "It'll be alright you'll see, Steven. Everyone, except maybe some young girls have seen little boys' bottoms before. When you think about it well all have one, boys and girls so what's to worry about?"

"I hate this Dad. It's not right to make me wear this at the pool. I mean right out in public. Everyone will see my butt and most of them will see my penis and scrotum and stuff. It's embarrassing. I don't want to do it. I'll wait in the car. You and Mom can go swimming and I'll just wait."

Dave was getting a little perturbed at arguing with the eleven year old, "If you don't become a little more pleasant, I'll take the thong off you and show you what a 1960's and 70's boy felt like. You'll be completely on display. Don't push the envelope. Would you like to start out nude today?"

"No." the pouting continued.

The car pulled into the public parking lot adjacent to the community pool. It was very crowded.

'Isn't that Kathy Ranier and her new boyfriend over there? I wonder where her boys are?" Sharon poked her husband playfully.

Dave smiled and replied, "She's a real study. Help me find a parking place."

Then Sharon addressed her pouting off-spring, "Hey, Steven, Randy Ranier is probably in there somewhere. You haven't seen him in ages. He's a nice little boy. I don't know why you two haven't spent more time together."

"He's a year older than I am. He doesn't want to play with me. And, now he won't ever want to be seen with me, I'm sure."

"Oh, stop! You look really great. Nobody's going to give you a hard time."

"Wanna bet?"

"One more snap at your mother like that and I'll whip your ass and then you're naked. Got it? I've had all the shit I'm going to take from you. Now get out and grab those towels for your mother."

Steven exited the car. It was parked a hundred yards from the entrance to the pool. He walked along with the robe showing just snapshots of his bare bottom with every step. It did cover but not completely. No one seemed to notice, or maybe they did but were being polite. The family approached the ticket window. Dave purchased three tickets and the threesome walked on to the deck of the massive pool.

"Steven, Steven, up here."

He heard a call from Randy Ranier who was on the high dive fifteen feet above the water's surface. Steven gave a cursory wave but didn't smile of holler back. The boy bounced on the board and did a cannon ball which wasn't too overly impressive.

"This is a good spot, huh Sharon?" Dave put the insulated bag containing the plastic bottles of water and soft drinks down of the concrete. Sharon unfurled the towels and carefully straightened them out.

"Steven, take off your robe and let me fold it up."

"I want to wear it for awhile. I'm cold."

"Cold? It's got to be a hundred degrees out here." Dave argued.

"Steven, give me the robe and let me put some sunscreen on you. Now, Steven."

Steven lowered the terry cloth robe dropping it to the ground. Immediately there were vocal rumblings about his attire as a young girl was heard saying, "Look Mommy you can see that boy's butt."

"Kristen, that's not nice. His bottom looks very nice and you don't need to embarrass him."

"HOLY SHIT, Steven. Where's your pants? Man, your ass is hanging out. Look at this," he said pointing to the small patch of material in the front, "your balls will be flopping out too. Hey, Randy, look at Steven's new bathing suit." Kenny Schmidt was quick to call everyone within ear shots attention to the situation. He walked around Steven looking carefully at the weird looking attire and then left to pull others over to get a good look.

Steven started to tear up. It was all he could do to hold back from bawling. He wiped the tears off his cheeks and hoped his eyes wouldn't get red and puffy.

"What are you crying for?" Dave asked his son.

"This is just embarrassing."

As Kenny returned with no fewer than ten of Steven's age mates of both genders, Steven tried to sit to shield himself from the inquiring eyes. "Stand up, Steve, let them see this thing." He implored.

"No, I'm just going to sit here."

"Ah, come on, stand up and let them see that little ass of yours." Kenny was relentless.

"Yeah, Steven, show us," Randy ordered. "Becky here wants a good look." It was apparent, the group comprised of kids in his grade or within a year on either side weren't going to leave until they got to see what they came to see.

"Steven, come over here so I can put some sunscreen on you." Sharon directed.

"Not now, Mom."

"Yes, now. What's getting into you? Get over here now."

"Yeah, Steven, go over there and let her put sunscreen on you," Randy teased.

Seeing no way to avoid it, Steven got up and walked over to his mother. As luck would have it the giggles were almost immediate. As Sharon began by applying the lotion to his bare backside, the giggles turned to cat calls and laughter. Once again the boys cheeks were streaked with tears.

"Hey look you can see the outline of his peter and his balls in that white thing." Kenny was ruthless in his commentary.

"Okay, you kids run along and let Steven alone for awhile," Dave ushered them away.

"Oh, hi Sharon. I couldn't help but notice that cute thong you've got Steven in." It was Randy's mother Kathy. "Hi Dave. Steven come over here and let me have a look."

"Steven go over there and let Mrs. Ranier look at your thong." Sharon patted her son's bare cheeks.

"Oh my, this is really cute." Her fingers were soon inserted between the cloth and Steven's genitals as she surveyed the material and the sewing job. He could feel her long finger nails scraping his penis. "What is this cotton? It feels like cotton." As she continued he could feel a reaction to her 'inadvertent' touching. Soon his penis was at full salute. "Oh dear, I think my looking has been a wake up call for his little peepee. My God look at that tent. You must be one well hung little dude, Steven. Oh, I'm so sorry it's pushing the material up and now he's more exposed. I'll just quit touching maybe it'll relax some."

A quick survey showed boys and girls, men and women of all ages staring at his thong, but now many were pointing and he knew they were discussing his erection which was not thrusting his glans powerfully against the waist string. Eventually the glans brust loose exposing itself above the string. His hands immediately went to a protective mode. "Oh no, young man, you keep those hands away," Sharon cautioned. As he dropped his hands, most of the onlookers were laughing some holding their hands over their opened mouths. Dave grew uneasy with the exposure, but Sharon was aroused at the attention and she secretly hoped her son's woody would stay like that all day long. She experienced the voyeuristic pleasure of people looking at her boy's body.

"I'm going to go in for a dip," Dave excused himself.

Sharon got around to answering the question that was put to her, "Yes. It's cotton."

"Where on earth did you find this?"

"Andrea Walker and I made it for him with some left over material."

"Oh, I just wondered because I've never seen one for little boys before. Was it hard to make?"

"No, we whipped it together in less than an hour."

"Could you make one for Randy? I'd pay for it. I think Randy would be cute as a bug in one. I do like the white material. I like the transparent qualities. You know what I mean?"

Sharon smiled and nodded her understanding. "I imagine Andrea and I could make one for Randy. You like the white?"

"Yes make him one just like this one. I'll pay twenty five dollars for it. Is that enough."

"Oh, that's more than enough."

"Nonsense your time has value. Just give me a call when it's ready. Does…" she was interrupted by her son Randy.

"Hey, Mom, can I have some money for ice cream?"

"Randy, did you see Steven's new bathing suit? It's called a thong. Don't you think it's cute?"

"No, I think it's embarrassing. You'd never see me in something like that."

"Not really son. I just ordered one for you and guess what, you'll be in it here at this pool next weekend if it's ready."

"Moommmmm, I don't want one. I won't wear it."

"Yes, you will."

Sharon couldn't resist, "One of the nice things about it, is their bottoms are always available for whipping when they wear these. No pants or underpants to remove, you just cut loose with the spanking. Like when they argue with you. Catch my drift, Randy?"

"You know Sharon, that is a great point. Randy, watch your mouth or you'll wish you had. Now you may get some ice cream and take Steven with you and get him one too. There's money in my purse over at the blanket. Tell your father to get it for you."

"Come on Steven let's get some ice cream."

"No, I'm gonna stay here."

Kathy empathized with the boy's predicament, "Oh, I sense someone is shy about having his little bare ass showing. Go on Steven the sooner you show it off, the sooner you'll get over it. And I promise, Randy will be wearing one next time you come to the pool. Go ahead and get an ice cream while I talk to your mother." She patted his bare cheeks and ushered him in the direction of her son.

"So, are you going to make him wear it all the time?"

"Right now we're going to make him wear it when he's playing in or around water. I'm not sure where else I'll make him wear it. Kathy, it's really arousing to have you son almost fully exposed. I mean the only time I feel more of a rush is when he's serving naked time and little girls are around. You should have seen him the past couple of days. Dave was out of town and we stayed with Andrea. He was serving naked time the whole visit and those two little girls just played with that boy toy of his relentlessly. Just watching something like that makes you want him to be totally nude all the time."

"Just thinking about putting Randy close to nudity makes me get a little wet if you know what I mean. There's a little guilt trip in reacting that way to a kid's nudity, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I can't wait to take delivery on…

"Excuse me, please excuse me." A woman neither knew interrupted.

"Yes?" Sharon replied.

"I'm Marjorie Templeton. Is that little boy with the brown bottom yours?"

"Well, Marjorie, he is my son," extending a hand she introduced herself, "I'm Sharon and this is Kathy."

"I have twin boys. They're only seven, but I'd like to get them into something like that too. I would have hesitated until I saw you were brave enough to do that. Mine are kind of active. There they are over there. The two look alikes over by the diving boards." She pointed them out with an extended finger. Both were in Speedos.

"Oh they're cute. Look at those precious little legs. I'm really into little boys' legs—especially tanned muscular ones. Look at them. Look at those little knees and those cute little calves." Sharon shared her observation.

"Well, where do I get them? I have never seen anything like them at the store."

"No, that was hand made. I could order some for you. But to tell you the truth, if mine were seven and that adorable I'd just make the run nude all summer long so everyone could enjoy them."

"I do make them stay naked a lot while we're at home, but there are rules about nudity in public. This is a perfect answer. It's all legal. Well, how much are they?"

Kathy wasn't going to be outdone, "She charges twenty five dollars each. But you know, the nudity law doesn't cover prepubescent kids. They technically could be naked in most public places, even here."

"They run naked through the sprinkler at home and they roll around and roughhouse with each other in the nude, but I'd feel better with some covering when they are in public places. If I give you a check and my name and address could you send them to me?"

"There's a five dollar shipping and handling charge." Kathy was acting like a sales agent.

"Oh that's fine. I'll just go and get the checkbook. I'll be right back."

"What are you looking for?" She asked.

"My stupid cell phone, I need to call Andrea and get her prepped for this."

With that the twins' mother returned to place an order. "I'm going to give you a check, but I will need some type of identification and your address and phone number. I think those will be the hottest new boys' fashion in years. Okay, you said fifty dollars plus five for shipping, is that right?" She looked at Kathy who responded,

"I don't know you'll have to check with her. I'm just sitting here helping her."

Sharon reassured the woman that would more than cover it. Then the woman made a request.

"Would it be possible to cut down the triangle a little bit I'd like it if their little balls would occasionally pop out from under the hemline. Their little sacks are so cute."

"I suppose. Would you be up to bringing them by my friend's home for a fitting? That way we can tailor the cover just the way you want it. They are cute little guys, very athletic builds and those make for the best displays with thongs."

Kathy interrupted and asked the lady, "Did you ever think about making them run around nude? I mean just make them take it all off and let it all hang out."

"Well, I couldn't do that. I wouldn't want to get in trouble. At least with the thong no one can complain that their little wieners aren't covered. And, can I help it if the wardrobe malfunctions occasionally exposing their little sacks?" she joked raising her shoulders. "I mean how can I help it?"

"Good point."

"Oh, Andrea, you won't believe this," cell phone to her ear Sharon changed her focus, "oh, oh, hold on, I made Steven wear this thong to the pool, just a minute, oh my God isn't that cute. Steven was bending over to pick up a ball and some little girl just fingered his ass strap. Got him right in the hole area. Shit, he jumped at least three feet in the air. Andrea this thong thing is really great. So great, I have just had gotten three requests for us to make them for other boys. There's a lady stand here wants two for her twins, but she wants smaller triangles for more ball exposure. You know wants a 'Janet Jackson'—the public display but wants to make it look like a 'wardrobe malfunction.' I'm asking for twenty five dollars each. What do you think?" There was silence as Kathy and the twins' mother looked on. "Uh ha, mmmm, okay we could branch off with other variations later, but you're right might as well go all the way so all of us girls and some of the boys can enjoy them to the fullest. Okay, I'll tell them that from now on. Right. Well, I'll come over tomorrow with Steven. Okay, I'll find a reason to bring him over naked so the girls can play with his 'boy parts'. We'll let Karen watch them while we fill these orders. See you then."


"We're doing it. We need to tell everyone who orders one, the first set will all be white. The selling point is the transparency after they get them wet. No colors yet. We're gonna be just like Henry Ford, 'you can buy one in any color just as long as it's white'. If this takes off we'll move to colors."

Marjorie spoke up. "White is the best. I would have wanted it anyway. I want to watch those little dudes when they realize there's no hiding their little dicks. I'll need directions for the fitting."

"Oh, when you bring them for the fitting leave their clothes at home. It'll save time if they are naked when you arrive, and time is money." Sharon instructed Marjorie.

"Naked it is. Maybe they can be played with too?"


"I just over heard you say you were going to take your son over in the nude so the girls could play with his toys. I'll bring my camera if they can play with my boys too. I'd love to watch some little girls having their way with them. Those little boners are so cute."

"Well, I don't think Andrea will mind. We can only fit one at a time the other could be getting warmed up so we could measure erect measurements too. Just bring 'em naked. Be there around 9:30 or 10:00. Oh and here, you can just bring the check with you when you come"

Over the next two hours over seventeen orders had been placed. Several like the ready access for spanking, others, like the twins were more excited about exposing their sons packages.

In one afternoon with Kathy's help, Sharon managed to collect orders for seventeen thongs for boys from five to twelve years old. It soon became apparent this might be a lucrative venture. Twenty five dollars each with less than a dollars worth of material and what turned out to be less than a half hours work for each netted a pretty good profit. There was justice in the coincidence that most of the boys teasing Steven were going to be proud new owners of a thong of their very own. One or two visibly blushed as they imagined what the conversation might be as they saw their mothers talking with Sharon.

"Where in the hell have you been Sharon?" Dave was a little put out that his wife walked off while he was chatting with some men from their neighborhood. "You just upped and left all this stuff unattended?"

"Cool it Dave. Was anything missing?"


"I didn't think so. But since you asked, how would you like it if I were able to come up with an extra $500 a week or so?"

"What? Where are you going to get that?"

"That new piece of attire we put on our son has turned out to be a veritable bonanza. Look, I have seventeen orders for them from other kids' mothers. Andrea and I are going to be sewing all week. It's small now, but at this rate it's going to really take off. We're excited. Next weekend we need to go to the beach. I'll have some order forms for people to send in when they ask. We can really make this work. The added benefit is all those nearly naked little boys all over the place. It may become a fashion trend for boys."

"Hold on Sharon. A few orders doesn't make a company. I know you're excited, but I don't want your balloon to burst." Dave cautioned.

"It won't, but we're going to try. Monday and Tuesday, while you're out of town Steven and I will be at Andreas. We have to clean out the loft above her garage and move her sewing stuff out there. It's exciting."

Steven approached his parents. "Well, how's it going with your new look?" Dave teased.

"It's not funny they call me the 'butt floss kid' and make fun of me. Jonathan held me down and the other boys pulled the front over to the side and showed some girls my privates. Some little girl kept poking her finger right in my butt hole." I hate this.

"Well let's start by saying we talked about those 'private parts'. Honey, you don't have any. You're eleven years old, you're a boy and all your parts are open to be seen by anyone. We discussed this, didn't we?" Sharon tried to be understanding but firm.

"Mom I hate this thong thing. Let me have my Speedo back. Please, please, just give me the Speedo."

"Steven, I threw it away."

"You what? What do you mean. That was stupid. You're just going to have to buy me a new one. What were you thinking, Mom."

Suddenly his rant was interrupted by a firm grasp and before he knew it his bare bottom was being slapped over and over by the large hand of his father. Slap after slap landed on alternate cheeks. The scene and sounds were like magnets as other kids rushed over to watch the hand of justice do its thing. After five slaps tears were coming down the boy's eyes, on the seventh the crying became audible. The slaps continued to fall from a father who very evidently had fire in his eyes.

"Wow, his dad does it hard!" one little boy was overheard.

"Yeah, look how red his butt is getting," his little friend observed.

Two girls who appeared to be ten or eleven were standing arms crossed and smirking. "My dad never spanks me."

"Mine either. He says spanking is mostly for boys and he uses a belt on my brothers."

The spanking continued until twenty slaps had been administered. When the pelting stopped Steven's hand reached back for comfort. The other kids examined the redness. Dave shook his hand in an effort to cool it off. "Don't you ever, ever, yell at your mother again. Do you understand me?"

Unable to talk he nodded an affirmation. Though he knew immediately what the spanking was for, he really didn't need the explanation. He took it as a warning instead.

"You know what you need to do. That's only half the punishment. Get the thong off, you've got naked time to serve."

His voice quickly returned. Between sobs he tried to get the words out.

"EEeeeeefffff…I….ca….can…..can't…..Fffffff…ple….ple& #133;please….
eefffff…..let……me……wait…until….we…get…home. Efffff.

"No son you picked the place. You didn't wait for home to show disrespect. Thong off now. One, two…"

The boy's fingers slowly tugged at one of the tails of the bow until it came loose. Holding the strings in place as if to beg a reprieve he held it in place. The kids were all anticipating the show. The girls were hiding their giggles as they had their eyes glued on Steven's pubic area. Suddenly, his father grabbed the cloth cover and pulled it off. Steven's hands went to a protective posture. A loud cry was followed by more sobs as his penis sprung free.

"Get those hands to our sides. Don't you even think of covering yourself."

"Oooooo, his is longer than my brother's." one of the little girls observed. "Hey mister, can I touch his wiener?"

"You can if it's okay with your parents."

The little girl ran to a blanket were her mother was intently watching the proceedings, "Mom, Mom, Mom.." then the voice drifted off as the little girl sought permission to feel Steven's penis.

A middle aged woman approached Dave and said, "What you just did is barbaric. People who spank their kids should be incarcerated."

Dave bolted back, "And people who interfere in other people's business should be put out of their misery."

"I never spanked my kids."

"And I'm sure they made you proud. Everyone else had to put up with the brats, but at least you were proud."

"He's naked. That abuse."

"No. Not naked. What's the matter lady, never seen a child's penis before. Go on over and have a better look. Get an education. Then do us all a favor and leave." "Dave let's just go home. I think the day is falling apart. Come on, Steven. Get the towels. We're leaving."

"Oh please lady, don't leave. Let him stay here for awhile." One of the girls begged.

"Maybe some other time, Honey. But, we have to go now."

"But some other time he won't be naked."

"Maybe he will. You never know."

"Can I have my robe, please?" Steven asked through short sobs.

"No Steven, you are serving naked time. You aren't allowed to have anything to wear. And based on what you did, I want you naked for four days. Monday and Tuesday we're going to be at Aunt Andrea's and you will be naked. Then on Thursday your Grandpa wants to take you fishing. You'll be going naked. You earned it Steven."

The family headed to the parking lot.