Chronicles of a Neighbourhood Babysitter Chapter 15
By Steam Train

copyright 2007 by Steam Train, all rights reserved
[email protected]

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter: 15 Dr LEARNER

Dr Learner's hired mini bus picked up the three Shaw-Davis children, Matt, Rebecca and Joseph before calling at the Dailey residence and collecting Jennifer. The mini bus had come with its own slave driver as was usual practise. Dr Learner knew how to drive but very rarely did so these days. He was happy enough to use the benefits that slavery had provided him but he had never fully embraced all the aspects like so many of his fellow professionals had done.

At his residence he maintained the services of three slaves. All three had served him for many years and as far as he was concerned they would grow old with him. He had deliberately bought slaves that were older than himself when he was younger, planning even then for the situation that might arise if he predeceased them. If his plan worked they would end their life of servitude before he departed the living world thus ensuring that they did not fall into the hands of some unscrupulous owner or worse still, were sold off to an Organ Bank.

Once the four juveniles were seated in the mini bus Dr Learner gave instructions to the slave driver regarding their destination, His voice was almost the only voice heard during the entire trip. Matt, Rebecca, Joseph and Jennifer sat quietly sulking about the unfairness of their parents' actions in volunteering them for nude model duty at the William Alternator Middle Schools Parents Associations meeting that very evening.

Their nerves increased as they neared their destination and upon arrival at the school, Dr Learner soon had them all ushered inside. They were met in the main foyer by the Principal, Mrs Freda Tester. She was a tall, skinny woman in her early fifties wearing a professional looking business suit consisting of a skirt that discretly came below her knees, a white blouse with a frill neck, a blazer like jacket that matched her skirt and conservative dark shoes with a moderate heel and neutral stockings. Her hair was short and it had noticable streaks of silver showing through her natural blond hair. The immediate impression she made on all four juveniles was that of authority, she was someone to be respected. Mrs Tester conveyed her authority with an air of severety reenforced by her gray eyes and pursed mouth.

William Alternator Middle School had, had an ongoing problem with behaviour at the school. Despite the schools best efforts the number of incidents involving hazing and bullying of students by other students as well as continued complaints from the teachers about unacceptable behavior primarily by the male student population had remained high.

Mrs Tester had immediately seen the potential benefits that 'Taking Back Control' could offer her school and staff in curbing this behaviour. She had held discussions with Dr Learner about how this could be achieved and the proposal she would be putting to the School's Parent's Association that evening was to support 'Taking Back Control' by adopting a practise she hoped would by it's extreme nature cause the miscreant male juveniles along with the few errant female students to significantly alter their behaviour before the school would have to as a last resort, obtain Notices of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress at the Juvenile Court.

Dr Learner and Mrs Tester were going to base their proposal on the fact that under the 'Taking Back Control' initiative the wearing of clothes in the home and classroom was now considered a privilege not a right.

What Mrs Tester desired from tonight's meeting was that all the boys, who were the main discipline problems at the school, would be required to strip to their underpants during class and gym. The girls of the school were not causing anywhere near the same problem and they would be granted the privilege of remaining fully dressed unless they offended in class. Well behaved boys could likewise gain the privilege of remaining dressed upon proven good behaviour thus avoiding the humiliation and degradation of regular near nakedness or the occasional enforcement of total nakedness.

Mrs Tester had checked with the District School Board and they had advised that they would be prepared to consider the proposal if it was supported by the parents association. Dr Learner, Mrs Tester felt was just the person to convince the parents that this was the best and most desired course of action. Dr Milos Learner was a retired Psychologist who had often served as an expert witness to the County, State and Federal Courts. Dr Learner was heavily involved in the Community Watch Organisation at a local, county, state and federal level and had recently been interviewed to fill a vacant appointed on the National Supervising Committee of 'Taking Back Control, though this was not yet public knowledge.

The four juveniles assisted Dr Learner to erect the 'Welcome to Taking Back Control' as a backdrop to the stage in the school auditorium and then were sent to wait in the wings of the stage by Dr Learner who instructed them to use the remaining time before the meeting to prepare by undressing and waiting out of sight till called on stage.

Eleven year old Joseph seemed to handle the humiliation and embarrassment of undressing the best of the four juveniles. Jennifer could feel the eyes of Rebecca studying closely every inch of her body as she slowly removed her clothing. It was therefore to Jennifer's great surprise that when Matt and Rebecca removed their underwear both were now totally hairless down below where it really mattered. The fact that Rebecca was in this situation did not seem to stop her from enjoying Jennifer's shame. In fact Rebecca seemed to find her own bald nakedness a small price to pay for the privilege of seeing her long time babysitter publicly humiliated a second time in just a few days

Gone was Matt's thick dense pubic bush. His flaccid three inch penis and plump hanging ball-sac were now totally highlighted by the lack of hair growing around them. His prominent happy trail and faint traces of chest hair had also gone. His legs were still quite hairy but under his arms there was no longer any sign of the wisps of hair that had been visible on Friday night. Likewise Rebecca's now sported a lily white pudendum which was now totally bald, the growth of dark blonde pubic hair which had only last Friday formed a sparse but noticeable triangle on her lower groin, gone too.

Matt saw Jennifer staring at his new shame and said, "Pa has decided that as one of the main purposes of 'Taking Back Control' is reducing the excessive modesty of juveniles that he is going to encourage parents to shave their children so that noting can be hidden. The small amount of privacy and modesty provided by our pubic hair should be removed he decided as we have to set the example."

"Oh" was all Jennifer could manage to say. Glad she still had her pubes and fearful that her mother who always listened to the Reverends advice would follow suit in the days to come!

Without the support of his underwear Mat's testicles were free to move about and when they brushed against the inside of his legs he noticeably winched each time with the pain that arose from his swollen testicles. It had been some weeks since Jennifer had had the opportunity of giving Mat his relief and he was plainly suffering the consequences of this.

Dr Learner also noticed Mat's discomfort. His already extensive knowledge of this exact problem from experiencing countless slaves that he had met who through forced abstinence by their masters had suffered the same problem. Through skilled questioning he soon had Mat telling him all the details of his condition and about the doctor's recommendations. Though Mat made no mention of the assistance in masturbation he occasionally received from Jennifer it was also obvious to Dr Learner from Jennifer's genuine concern that she knew fully about and cared greatly regarding Mat's problem.

Dr Learner admired Mat's ethics and willpower in abstaining from personal masturbation and made a mental note to take up the cause of obtaining Mat medical approved relief with the Reverend when the opportunity arose.

All too soon for the embarrassed juveniles the parents had arrived and the meeting had begun. Dr Learner had been introduced to the assembled crowd of parents who from the comments of Mrs. Tester, were far in excess of the usual numbers that attended the regular meetings, such was the interest in 'Taking Back Control'. Repeatedly over the last month, TV, radio and newspapers, had all been constantly warning the juvenile population that starting soon "everything was changing" and that "the rules were not going to be the same anymore", the attendance verified that the awareness campaign had been a great initial success.

Dr Learner gave his usual rousing speech to the assembled parents about how both male and female juveniles shouldn't be so modest. Along with his now famous challenge to the parents of, "Who's in charge here, who's makes the rules?"

To which he gave the answer himself, "You, and other adults do, that's right parents, you are in control, not your children,"

Dr Learner went on to explain in detail the new national effort by parents, teachers and other adults of "taking back control" from their "out of control" kids. It was at this point in the night's proceedings to emphasize just how things had changed for the juveniles of the nation that Dr Learner called the profusely blushing and naked Matt, Jennifer, Rebecca and Joseph onto centre stage.

There were initial gasps as the naked models walked into view making no effort to cover any aspect of their modesty, especially Matt and Rebecca whose most private parts were now highlighted by their lack of pubic hair. Jennifer was glad her most private parts were now well covered by her thick bush of pubic hair, though the unfortunate fact that her nipples were clearly tightening and becoming erect in front of the staring audience as they became engorged with blood made up for any benefit she gained from her pubic covering. Her hairy groin did however stop all those prying eyes from seeing that her clitoris was now like her nipples engorged with blood, and inside the secret folds of Jennifer's slit her juices were flowing. Standing there naked in public Jennifer could not believe that her body could so betray her and become sexually aroused whilst her mind at that very same time felt deep humiliation, embarrassment and shame.

The initial gasps of the audience were followed by spontaneous applause from sections of the audience who obviously full supported the concepts espoused by 'Taking Back Control'. Not all parents however were enthused by the program and many expressed their doubts in a well controlled debate that followed chaired by Dr Learner.

Mrs. Tester's closing remarks however summed up the feelings of the majority of parents. "The foundation of this program" Mrs. Tester stated to the parents "is built on firm and strong discipline, love, and the building of self-esteem through healthy body image and the removal of excessive modesty especially in the boys of our school. The school feels that boys in particular need to have some humiliation to build self- acceptance. Our girls on the other hand will be clothed provided they behave as we feel they have earned this reward by their better behaviour. For the majority of girls and those boys who have earned it, the wearing of full clothing will give them the reward of some modesty and provide them with the appearance of added authority."

The great majority of the parents present voted at the end of the night for the school to adopt Mrs. Tester's proposal in full and endorsed the application to the District School Board to ratify the program.

It was a very satisfied Mrs. Tester, Dr Learner along with the Deputy Principal Mr. Summers, Mr. Williams, Mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Spies, the three senior grade teachers from the school who stood around after the meeting discussing the ramifications that the program could be expected to bring to William Alternator Middle School if the proposal was ratified.

Mr. Williams the senior 8th grade teacher was especially excited by the discretionary powers that 'Taking Back Control' gave him. He jokingly mentioned to the group of adults his envisaged scene in his own classroom the first day the programme was initiated and mimicked the looks of horror and humiliation that he envisioned on the faces of his bullying hard to control class of 8th grade boys when they walked into their classroom on that first morning and saw the rack of clothes pegs that had been erected in horizontal rows on the wall just inside the classroom door.

Privately in his mind Mr. Williams was also thinking about the one boy in his class who didn't deserve such humiliation. He would select Michael Porter a cute blonde- haired thirteen year old in his 8th grade class to be the first boy to receive dispensation and be allowed to wear full clothing. That was after an initial day or so stripped back to his underpants so that it was not too obvious who was his favorite student.

Like so many neighborhoods across the whole nation the children who attended William Alternator had had their first introduction to 'Taking Back Control' only last week. At a special Neighbourhood Community Watch meeting the Local Area Community Watch President John Gandy assisted by the local Community Watch Honorary Operations Secretary Miriam Mortlock and her team of Community Guardians had formally spelt out to every juvenile in attendance that 'things had now changed' and by the end of the night there was hardly a juvenile in attendance who was not totally naked and sporting a red throbbing bottom.

Amongst all those profusely blushing juveniles was Michael Porter. Mr. Williams had been careful to ensure that he had positioned himself right next to Mr. and Mrs. Porter. and their two sons 13 year old Michael and 15 year old David so that he could get an almost uninterrupted view of his very cute 'teachers pet', Michael Porter. The boy who for him was the most interesting and hottest boy in his class! At the same time he was hoping to get more than just a glimpse of David Porter as well.

He was not to be disappointed. Even though David and Michael were very well behaved children Mr. Porter was firm in his belief that at least once in their young lives the two boys should experience what the consequences would be if they fell off their behavioral pedestal. That nights meeting where all their peers were receiving the same reality jolt was, Mr. Porter felt, the ideal place for his two boys to experience the consequences of any misbehaviors.

Despite the objections of both boys that they had done nothing to deserve this punishment Mr. and Mrs. Porter insisted that the two strip naked. Mr. Williams hoped for dear life that the tent in his trousers that he was desperately trying to suppress was not noticed by any of the parents or juveniles that were crowding out the room. 11th Grader David Porter at 15 ½ years of age had begun to loose his boyish looks and take on the masculine body lines of the later teenage years.

He stood nearly six foot tall and was quite skinny however he did have a wide muscular chest that was still smooth and hairless. David was blond haired and to highlight his maturity sported side burns down to the bottom of his ear lobes, the rest of his face was clean shaven. He had noticeably hairy legs and thick patches of pit hair as well as a dark blond happy trail that ran from his naval down to a thick, curly bush of blond hairs and a very large and gorgeous circumcised penis which was at that time fully erect at 6 ½ inches.

Blue eyed, blonde-haired thirteen year old Michael Porter was no where near as developed as his big brother. At five feet tall and a hundred-and-one pounds, Michael was at that stage where he had lost the soft contours of a pre-teenager, but had not yet developed the muscular definition of an older teen like David. Michael had inherited his mother's fine bones, giving him a delicate pre pubescent Adonis like appearance. Michael's body was showing only the first signs of puberty. He was still totally hairless down below but his ball sack had begun to descend and his testicles seemed disproportionately large in comparison to his throbbing 2 ¾ inch erection. Like David he was circumcised but in his case extremely tightly with all the good feeling parts of his inside shaft skin seemingly removed along with his frenulum.

That had been a memorable night for Mr. Williams and now the parent body had taken back control even further and voted, subject to the District Board's approval to empower the teaching staff of William Alternator even further. Mr. Williams could hardly contain his anticipation and enthusiasm for what now it seemed was almost certain to happen in the near future.

On the trip home all four juveniles were finding it hard to stay awake, especially Joseph. Dr Learner however questioned them on how they coped with being made to stand naked in public. Their responses were as he expected and he went on to tell them that their reaction was natural and normal. "The biggest problem" he said to them, "is that the free citizens of our country never think that slavery is going to happen to them, just like you never expected to be made to stand naked in public. That's the lesson I am hoping you are going to learn from this experience."

Dr Learner then turned to the slave driver and asked the startled slave to tell them all about his enslavement. As suspected the driver had not been born a slave but just like Dr Learner had stated had broken the law without really considering the consequences of his actions.

"I was a senior executive at this very hire car company, master" the slave said.

"The Vice President for Finance, but I was eventually caught with him my hands in the till, master."

"I embezzled over 200 grand to keep a couple of lady friends in the life style they demanded if I wanted to get any rewards from them, if you get my drift, master.

"Yes, yes I do, go on please" Dr Learner responded glancing at the 4 juveniles and wondering if they got the drift of his statement too. It appeared that the three older children had, from the smiles on their faces.

"Anyway master, the asshole that I was, I spent all the loot on those ladies, so when I got convicted, the judge told me I'd have to work off my debt to the company as a slave over the next nine years. Life was tough in the early years as I worked off my debt. I was placed into service as a pony slave running around Downtown Eastbrook. I was not used to such exercise. I was pretty scrawny and my masters I think thought I would be all used up before the nine years came around. To tell you the truth master there were many times I myself thought I was not going to make it, but it's marvelous the effect the whip has on you. Just when you think you can go on no further a few flicks of the whip and your body finds this hidden reserve of energy that gets you through."

"Yes I have often heard that said by slaves, I never want to be in a situation to put that theory personally to the test, nor I warn you four juveniles should you" Dr Learner instructed.

"Yes master a wise statement" the slave replied, "I was lucky, I guess, I could have been enslaved for life but in reality I think that is just the sentence I will end up serving. I worked off my debt to the company and was due for release after nine odious years of being a pony slave but what does a slave do after nine years? All my meager assets had been sold to assist in repaying the debt. I had nothing! My only choice at the end of the nine years was to volunteer to be enslaved. That's why I am still here today. I can't see myself ever being able to get out of enslavement now. I am too old to start over and so I am trapped in this lifestyle even though I hate it, compared to the freedom I enjoyed before I was enslaved."

Dr Learner was a 'liberal' and as such was not in favour of a lot of the aspects of the slavery laws. He was the first to agree that crime was almost non existent and that social behaviour was of the highest standards but he loved to debate around the dinner table the morality of other aspects of slavery like the enslaving the poor and unemployed. Though he agreed it was cheaper to provide adequate food and housing for slaves rather than for the unemployed on welfare, and of course it was easier to stop them continuing to breed and adding to the problem but as a liberal intellectual he could not bring himself to accept the believe that a life of slavery for that 15% of the population was necessary to allow the rest of the population to "return to normal".

Dr Learner was also a realist and accepted slavery though he constantly questioned it, he also publicly supported some aspects of it. He had spent his working life on the fringe of the slavery system. He even had his own loyal domestic slaves. Slavery was accepted and deeply embedded in every day life. The post was delivered by slaves, the garbage was collected by slaves, the streets were kept clean by slaves but all these slaves looked relatively happy on the surface though being a psychologist he knew otherwise and in their smart uniforms they did not look all that different from the free men who had long ago before the crash had performed these blue-collar jobs.

Dr Learner knew only too well that it was only when you went out into the rural areas that slavery really intruded into your consciousness and rural visits had been a common experience for the good Doctor during his professional career.

In the rural areas slaves were used in very large numbers, not the cheerful, neatly-uniformed slaves that were used to perform duties around Eastbrook, but chained field gangs of near-naked or naked laborers toiling away nurturing the crops under the oppressive hot sun encouraged in their toil by their overseer's whips.

The introduction of slavery had long ago swept away the remaining pre crash vestiges of racial discrimination. If you looked along the rows of manacled labourers toiling in the fields you saw blacks and whites in almost equal numbers, chained and all working together regardless of their race or background or professional qualifications.

Even with the harsh slavery laws in place there always seemed to be a shortage of slaves, especially labourer slaves. To Dr Learner's great dislike an even worse aspect of slavery had grown up with legal sanction to cater for this market need. Slaves were now born and bred for the sole purpose of being slaves for life. These slaves were never considered citizens and never had any rights unless in very exceptional circumstances some kind master set them free. They existed from their earliest years to serve and work. On these breeding farms the bred slaves were brought up with no parent, first in a crèche, then the nursery, then activity groups, and junior work groups till they were sixteen years old and were then eligible to be sold into general labouring tasks.

The great crash had also resulted in another distasteful aspect of slavery as far Dr Learner was concerned. As more families becoming unable to afford their lifestyles, and when their mortgages and loans were recalled by the financial institutions, a lot of them had no choice, if they did not want to be enslaved themselves, but to sell their only remaining assets, their adolescent children into slavery.

This occurred mainly to adolescents aged between sixteen and twenty one years of age. If the child was younger than sixteen then an education program had to be implemented and restrictions upon the use of the slave applied and were strictly enforced by the Federal Bureau of Servitude. This tended to lower their value and worth greatly. Upon turning twenty one, full legal rights passed to the individual and so no parent could sell their child after they attained that age.

The ability to sell your child especially the sixteen to twenty year olds into slavery led to that greatest of parental threats, "If you don't behave then you will be enslaved".

The slave driver having finished recounting his demise into slavery, Dr Learner turned to the three enthralled juveniles, Joseph was asleep on Jennifer's shoulder and stated, "Let this slaves story be the perfect warning about the consequences of not considering your actions. I give you this advice about slavery after all my years of experience. Be afraid, be very afraid of the system and be always on your guard as it is ever so easy to fall into slavery but nigh near impossible to climb back out!"

End Chapter 15