The Stripping of Honeypot 6

By Willie B.
[email protected]

Copyright 2017 by Willie B., all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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By Willie B Florida
comments welcome to [email protected]
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Sensible they may be, but Charles and Faye have some far out ideas about Hani's coming out--I mean, strip--party!
"My class is really excited about it," Hani exclaims, bouncing up and down exuberantly on one leg.
"What! You weren't supposed to tell anyone yet," Tina moans.
"My teacher said probably the whole class will come, and she will come too!" Hani yells, running around the room in circles and ending in a handstand. The soft cotton sleeveless smock falls around Hani's shoulders, baring a very naked body.
"They were going to know eventually," I venture.
"That Hani's got a penis?" Tina asks. "I don't think the kids really put two and two together. They don't necessarily think that genitalia indicate gender."
"That's the whole thing, though, right?" Deb says. "Gender and genitalia are supposed to be two independent floating variables."
"I meant the party, actually," I clarify. "Hani's classmates were bound to find out about the party soon enough."
"Oh, its okay," Tina admits. "I thought I was going to make cool invites, but maybe it isn't necessary. By the way can we have the party here?"
"At our house?" Deb asks. "Let's do it at the clubhouse. So much easier to clean up. I mean what 15, 20 kids? We can reserve the pavilion."
"The pavilion--that'll work," Tina agrees.
"This whole stripping thing is pretty funny," I say. "Hani barely wears anything to school now--just that short smock, no underwear. Supposedly she's a girl, but is no doubt flashing that penis every ten minutes. And then next week, da da! No clothes!"
"Mom," Hani bursts back into the room, "Do we have a squirrel hair paint brush?"
"A what?" Tina asks.
"Faye brushes it all over my back and it feels sooooooo good!"
"I'll ask her about it," Tina promises.
"Cool. Oh, and ask her about the rosewater. She said it's really good for taking a bath."
"The life of pleasure certainly seems to be on the horizon!" Deb exclaims. "Rose water for the bath, a special brush for tickling the back. What's next, fresh cream for breakfast?"
"Actually, it would be honey," Tina says. "In all seriousness."
* * *
The run-up to Hani's stripping party involves daily sessions, which Hani calls "treatments."
"Is it time for my treatment?" Hani will ask excitedly.
For the most part these take place at our house. Hani is not yet officially stripped, but even with Florida's bizarre laws a child can be naked inside of a private home, even if not allowed to go nude even within the confines of our clothing optional community. Deb and I are, of course, naked anywhere and everywhere within the club gates. Tina could also be, but she remains steadfastly clothed, even when hanging out next to the community pool where every other adult is bare as the day they were born. Children, being under different rules, are either stripped and naked, or not stripped and hence in the odd position of wearing (admittedly skimpy) bathing suits in the middle of a nudist resort. But at our home, and particularly during Hani's "treatments" Tina has begun to go bare as well.
Sometime in the late afternoon or early evening Tina and Hani will come over. Hani will be stripped naked. All four of us in our birthday suits will settle down to the relaxing task of spoiling the child. For Hani this is work, but for the three of us adults nothing could be more fun. Each treatment consists of exposing Hani to the combination of some particularly acute sensory stimulus with tactile experience. Hani loves the non-tactile sensations and we quickly hone in on some favorites: frankincense burning in the brass censer, sipping warm vanilla milk, the melting of a square of chocolate on Hani's tongue, the sounds of Chopin piano filling the room, the deep Florida yellow light that sometimes flows into the room late in the day, the sound of wind chimes from the back yard or the gentle tap of light rain on the metal roof of the house. Meanwhile we fondle and caress and rub and touch Hani's skin, all over the body. Yes, the penis--I knew you would ask--but really we touch each place and part as if it were as special and sensitive as the penis: earlobe, scalp, nape of neck, collarbone, toes, shins, back of the knee, lower back. Each and every part of the body.
At first these sensations are more than Hani can handle, and we have to touch the body indirectly with the squirrel hair brush, or the long peacock feather, or by blowing our breath onto the skin. Slowly, slowly, day by day, Hani is able to experience direct touch without rolling into a ball and shutting down, or by getting up and running off. Nevertheless, when I consider the plans for Hani's party, I worry that it is coming up way too soon.
"Are you sure Hani's going to be up for this party--I mean, it is going to be a lot of people and a lot of stimuli?” I ask at one of our appointments.
Charles and Faye seemed unfazed. "It will be fine," Charles assures me.
"You are doing a wonderful service," Faye praises us, "preparing Hani for a life of pleasure rather than one of hiding from the world's sensory input."
"I can't help but think," my wife puts in, "Hani's special, but why doesn't every child get to be prepared for a life of pleasure? After all, what we are doing each day is as enjoyable for us adults . . . " She looks at Tina and I for confirmation.
"Oh, sure, I love it!" Tina exclaims. "Spoiling my child rotten--what mother wouldn't want permission to do that!"
"Exactly!" proclaims Faye, "Charles and I believe pleasure is every person's birthright. That's why we're in this business."
It is at that moment that I truly appreciate Faye and Charles as sexualizers. No wonder they don't need to be stripped and naked. They never have sex with any child! All of their method is to get the parents and guardians and adults in a child's life to give that child total permission to enjoy!
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If Charles and Faye look like bookish schoolmarms, the same is not true of Hani's third grade teacher. She shows up for the party and immediately strips down. No tan lines and a fantastic figure. I see Deb give me a look from across the picnic pavilion where she is helping Tina with the last of the party preparations. I gave her a wink. Seriously, I am enjoying the simplicity of monogamy. As for these kids, evidently not.
"I got every parent to agree to bring their child," Hani's teacher says proudly. "I'm Tammie, by the way, Hani's teacher. I don't think we've been formally introduced."
"Tom," I say, extending my hand. "Pleased to meet you, although I don't know how formal it is.” I gesture at my naked body. "You were saying, every kid is showing up?"
"Stripping parties have become such a crucial social event for children,” Tammie explains earnestly. “If a kid gets left out it can be really traumatic."
I nod. In spite of all the therapy and "treatment sessions" and everything else I realize that I still don't know much about this new cultural phenomenon.
"Don't let anyone fool you," Tammie continues. "Kids are quite aware of the erotic charge. A party like this is basically like being invited to an orgy. The prospect is both scary and alluring."
"You sound like you've had a lot of experience . . . with orgies, I mean."
Tammie laughs easily. "I have more experience with mixed feelings, actually. It can be easy for a kid to be nervous and convince a parent not to bring them to the party. But then the child shows up in school and discovers everyone else has had this intense group experience."
I nod some more.
"Anyway, it looks like my whole class is here!" she concludes.
Kids are milling around excitedly. Most are in bathing suits--with the stripped kids naked, of course.
"Well, Tammie," I observe, "looks like this party is about to get rolling."
We set everything up under the picnic pavilion next to the club house. The entire area is covered in long sheets of plastic and the place of honor, if you will, is right in the middle. Hani's classmates are eagerly bobbing up and down and nudging one another closer to where Tina, Deb and Hani stand next to an enormous stainless steel pot. It's big enough to boil a small pig, or for dipping an 8-year old child.  Charles and Faye hover on the edge of the gathering along with Hani's naked third grade teacher and a number of parents who've decided to stay and watch.
"Welcome everyone," Tina announces. "I'm Hani's mom, and I want to thank you all for helping us to celebrate this special day. When you got here you should have been given a number. Can everyone with '1' please hold up your number?"
Three hands shoot up.
"I want you three to stand together," Tina instructs. "Number 2?"  Three more hands go up. Tina continues until 6 groups of children are formed.
"So," Deb takes a turn in issuing instructions, "the way this is going to work, the three of you with number one are going to have a chance to play with Hani first. When I ring this gong," --Deb hits a big round gong hanging from the pavilion rafters-- "you will step back and let the kids with the next number have their turn. Don't worry, everyone will get their chance and no matter where you are in the number order it will be very fun!"
"Okay," Tina resumes, "Without further ado, I'm officially stripping you, Hani." Tina lifts off the thin scrap of smock--the only clothing Hani is wearing--and attaches the little round Stripped For Florida sticker.  "And now, what you've all been waiting for."
Tina and I each take an arm and lift Hani high up in the air and let the child down into the large vat. Hani is lowered right up to the neck and then lifted back up into the air. The collected mass of children lets out a gasp of awe. Thick, gooey honey courses off of Hani in long golden loops, cascading down the curves and extremities of back, belly, buttocks, knees and elbows. After the first flow of honey subsides, smaller strands continued to dribble off of Hani's fingers and toes. A long bead of honey slides down the tip of the penis. A gorgeous, lovely, and golden Hani hangs in the air almost fully encased in the sticky mess. But we have yet to complete the job.
"Close your eyes tight," Tina instructs as we set Hani down on the plastic-covered pavement.
Deb, Tina and I each lift a waiting bucket and pour another cascade of honey over the child.  Worried that Hani will suffocate, I quickly jab two straws through the mass of honey and between Hani's lips. I can see Hani take a deep breath of air and relax a little.
"Children," Tina speaks loudly over the excited chatter, "your job is to remove all the Honey off of Hani." She pauses while this pun sinks in and the children start to laugh. "All of the Honey off of Hani," she repeats. "You can get it off any way you like, eat as much as you want, but I'll give you a hint: licking works really well. Remember, don't leave any bit of skin covered in honey. Now, number ones -- please come forward."
Two rather shy girls and a petite boy step forward. They seem a bit hesitant about what to do until one of the girls says, "I don't think Hani can open her eyes. Let's lick the honey off." In a touching display of tenderness the two girls put their heads together and carefully lick Hani's two eyelids clean.  Three kids can't lick Hani's face at the same time, so the little boy starts at the other end. "I'll get her toes," he says out loud to no one in particular.
The number two group is next. These kids are bolder. "Let's lick his pecker," suggests one girl and the other two make sure to cover Hani's hardening little penis with more honey so they can each get a chance to do the honors. At Deb's prodding they also begin the bigger job of slurping up gobs of honey off of Hani's belly and legs. Hani squirms and wiggles, but makes no effort to get away.
When group three starts, Tina points out that poor Hani is still breathing through two straws. "Why don't you clean up around the mouth so Hani can breathe better," she suggests. A stripped boy immediately begins licking Hani's lips and finally the two straws can be removed. "I'm going to lick his whole face clean," the boy states. The other two in the group get in some extra penis sucking while devoting most of their time to getting the golden stickiness off of Hani's two arms.
"He's starting to look like less of a gummy bear!" laughs one of the kids in group four. "Let's turn him around and do his back," one boy suggests. The kid goes straight for Hani's anus. As soon as his tongue touches the honey-covered opening Hani tenses up for a moment, but then visibly relaxes into experiencing the sensations of being licked in such a sensitive area.
"I'm surprised a kid would be willing to lick someone's butt hole," I remark to Deb.
"Some stripped kids have been involved in quite a bit of kinky stuff ," Deb reminds me.
I begin to feel like a voyeur watching children engorge themselves on two powerful stimulants, sugar and sex.  As if licking Hani isn't enough, kids simply help themselves to handfuls of honey from the vat. As Hani is slowly denuded of honey, the other children are becoming more and more encrusted with the sticky stuff.
Within 45 minutes, every child but Hani is dangerously high on sugar, wheeling drunk around the patio, running around on the grass outside the pavilion shrieking, or lying nearly passed out on the ground. I remember reading about a tribe of hunter gatherers in the African Congo. When they find a bee colony the most agile youngsters climb long dangling vines to get up into the tops of the tree, and ignoring swarms of stinging bees pull out the combs and lower them to those eagerly waiting down below. The group will consume the entire hive's worth of honey until no one can sit or stand or think, but simply roll on the ground in ecstasy for hours until the sugar high wears off.
Hani's anus having been breached by tongue, the remaining kids make sure to push their fingers up Hani's opening. I have been watching carefully to see if Hani is up to all of the stimulation. If this had been me, I would have freaked within five minutes or less, but Hani seems to be taking it all in with enormous--if quiet--pleasure.
Things take another turn with the last group. By sheer chance the boy and two girls in group five are all stripped. They start out licking some of the remaining gobs of honey off of Hani's body, and indulge themselves in the by now requisite slurp on Hani's penis and digital exploration of his rectum. But then one of the girls confidently rolls Hani's penis until it hardens, mounts herself on top and pushes the tiny erection up into her vagina. Within moments she is grinding herself pubic bone to pubic bone.
"That girl's no novice," Tina murmurs in my ear.
"You okay with this?" I ask.
"They're both stripped, what can I do?" she shrugs.
Rather than waiting her turn with Hani, the second girl simply pushes the other boy onto his back and inserts his already hard member into herself. The two girls fuck themselves into obviously enjoyable orgasms while adults and children all watch the spectacle.
"That was great!" the first girl exclaims, still straddling Hani. She pulls herself up and pops Hani's dick out of her snatch. "Was that his first?" she asks.
"You can ask Hani directly," Deb prompts her.
Hani nods and beams up at her.
"Cool," the girl responds and leans down and gives him a kiss before standing up.
Two naked boys came forward, one of them the boy who licked Hani's face clean earlier in the fest. "Can we fuck Hani now, Miss Tina?" the one asks. "We didn't get a chance before."
"What do you think?" his mother asks Hani. "How are you feeling?"
"It feels better than jasmine and vanilla and hot chocolate all together," Hani replies, pretending to swoon.
"You must feel pretty darn good," Tina exclaims.
"Does she want to get fucked?" the second boy asks, " . . . or he?" the other boy adds, as if to make sure all pronouns are covered.
"Hani," Tina asks, "do you want the boys to push their dicks up inside you, like everyone's been doing with their fingers?"
30 hands, 15 tongues, innumerable fingers, fucked by a girl, and now a couple of dicks--how is it even possible? But, Hani nods agreement.
"It's okay, mommy. You can tell them yes."
The boys need no further invitation other than to quickly decide between them who will go first. Fortunately, third graders don't have very large erections, and honey is a good lubricant. However they accomplish it, Hani is soon belly down with a boy plunging into his backside. Within a few minutes the boys trade places and the second boy has a go. Within a very short time both boys collapse on the ground, staring up at the pavilion rafters in post climax sugar shock.
Hani just sits in the middle of it all, taking in all the licking and sucking and sticking and fucking and glowing as if still fully encased in golden honey. 
"It's so tingly all inside everywhere that it is never going to stop," Hani speaks with soft wonder.
Deb and I turn on the faucets and began hosing down the kids one by one. Those who were nearly comatose from sugar rouse themselves in shock when the cold water hits their bodies. For the children still running about on sugar high we simply aim the hose at them every time they dart past. We can nominally assure parents that their progeny are somewhat unsticky when they come to pick them up.
"Hani's been a boy, a girl, clothed, stripped," I observe to Charles. "It doesn't seem to faze the kids at all."
"No," he agrees. "beyond a little pronoun confusion I'd say they have been quite accepting."
But there is one parent when she came to pick up her child. "Is that a girl or a boy?" she accosts Tina.
"That's my Honey!" Tina replies.
- Finis -
* * *
Our life has become unexpectedly full again. Tina and Hani are living in our garage, which we've converted into a mini apartment. It allows us to spend more time with our one and only favorite grandchild. Hani is a high energy kid and both Tina and Hani have to get up early--for work and school, respectively. Deb and I take turns picking Hani up from school and spending afternoons until Tina gets home. There is cooking for four and all the busy scheduling that comes from having two more people in the mix. It isn't the relaxed and peaceful life we had planned, but so much better!
Arden, Demetrius and Sami--the two boys and the girl that engaged Hani in fucking at the stripping party--are frequent visitors, individually and as a group. Together with Hani the foursome are avid friends. They do lots of regular kid things together, and they have sex, too.
At the moment Sami is in what I only half-jokingly call her favorite position--that is, astraddle Hani, Hani’s dick up her vagina.  She's wiggling and obviously about to get off. I swear she fucks that child to her own orgasm at least every hour they are together.
"I'm next," Demetrius calls out. He and Arden are sprawled out naked on the patio by the new sensory garden, a chessboard between them. I've been teaching the kids to play the game and they are getting better by the day. We are also continuing the treatments. Hani gets spoiled every evening. If any of the other kids are over we include them in the pampering as well. After all, what child shouldn't be prepared for a life of pleasure?
"Hani's always been a favorite with the kids at school," Tammie explains, "but having new friends is great. After the party all her classmates have been really supportive--she's even got a new name: Honeypot!"
"I don't mind being a girl or a boy," Hani explains, undeterred by Sami bouncing herself up and down on his pubic bone. "He or she; you can say whatever you want."
"Thanks, Hani!" Tammie replies, "It is really helpful to know what you want."
Hani nods. The girl on top of him goes into obvious climax. Her face goes red and her breathing is hard.
We are gathered on the back deck. The scent of jasmine fills the air. The sound of wind chimes tinkles down on the breeze. Fluorescent bougainvillea blooms cascade down from the trellis overhead. Tina is playing hostess, handing out snacks and tall glasses of iced tea. She's naked, as she usually is now that she's living with us. Tammie has stripped down for the visit, and of course none of the rest of us are wearing any clothes.  It was Deb's idea to invite Hani's teacher; the kids just happened to be over so she's getting the full experience.
"You seem quite comfortable in the nude," Deb observes.
"Actually, I live in the other club in the area--over on the other side of West Lake."
"Ah, that explains it. Well, you're welcome to visit any time." Deb winks at me suggestively.
Sami rolls onto the ground and stares up at the sky with a silly grin on her face. Hani rolls forward and up into a naked handstand which seems to go on and on forever.
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(End of File)