Stripped For Florida: Samantha and Harry Potter 1

By Willie B.
[email protected]

Copyright 2013 by Willie B., all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Samantha and Harry Potter
by Willie B. Florida
comments welcome to: [email protected]
The kids could barely contain themselves.  They were going to see Harry Potter World in Orlando.  This was huge beyond belief.  All three children were totally into the entire series.  They'd had the books read to them at bedtime.  When the later books came out the younger ones struggled to read them on their own, while Melissa raced through the thick volumes at breakneck speed.  Huge excitement had surrounded the release of the last two movies, even though they never tired of seeing the old ones on DVD over and over again.  The kids knew all the Harry Potter Puppet Pals episodes and could recite them by heart.  Their house was full of homemade robes, wands, rolled-up "parchments" sealed with dripped red candle wax, and their mother would find odd bits of dried plants and "Potions" rotting in the corners of their rooms. 
Melissa, Rodney and Sam (short for Samantha) had followed the building of Harry Potter World at Universal Studios, but had been disappointed that their family was unable to go to Florida when it opened.  Their parents said Sam was too young -- she wouldn't even be able to go on the rides.  It was true, she was only three years old when the park opened. But as the years went by and Sam got older, the children became convinced that they would never get a chance.
Fortunately for them, the world of theme parks cannot stay still for long!  Audiences tire of the same old, same old, and new attractions are unfolded.  With the years-long release of films finally at an end, Universal was unveiling a huge expansion of the Harry Potter World in order to keep the interest alive and lucrative.  The kids were beside themselves with curiosity about what would be included.  Rumors swirled: the size of the attraction was being tripled; people would be able to actually play quidditch, the dizzying game that combined three types of balls with aerial feats on turbo-charged brooms; you could buy potions that would have real -- maybe even permanent effects; the park had weather-changing technology, making it feel like it was in Scotland -- not the tropics; and even that an entire forest was being created or grown, complete with magical and dangerous residents.
Mel, Rod and Sam sat in Rod's room conferring on how to get their parents to take them to Florida. 
"We have to be smarter about this," said Rod. "We always just launch into a full-scale lobbying campaign -- can we go, can we go, please, please, I'll just die." Rod mimicked his own histrionic, whining, pleading, begging voice. "We know from past experience it doesn't work.  Has it ever worked, even once, for anything we want?"
"No." Sam nodded her 8-year old head solemnly. "But what other way is there? I really want to go."
"We have to figure out what's in it for them!" proclaimed Mel.  All three children were smart, but at 17 Mel was beginning to have social intelligence, that ability to realize that other people might see the world differently. In short, she was on to something.
"In it for them!?" Rod blurted out in disbelief. "How should I know? Don't they want to see Harry Potter World, too?"
"Not really," said Sam. "They could have gone anytime they wanted to."
Adding to her newfound perspective, Mel explicated further, "Not only what's in it for them, but, exactly why have they not taken us there until now.  After all, they know how badly we want to go.  Mom and Dad usually figure out how to do things that really matter to us.  So, there has to be a reason why we haven't gone to Florida, and, something that they really want that will get them to do it."
Mel sat back triumphantly, as though the entire problem had been neatly solved.
"But Mel," whined Ron, "we don't know the answer to either of those questions!  We're not any closer to figuring this out than when we started."
"I have an idea," Mel informed her sister and brother, "but for it to work you'll have to trust me."
"Um, okay," agreed Sam.  "Why shouldn't I?  If you can get them to agree to take us to Florida and to Harry Potter World, just do it!"
Rod was a little more skeptical.  "Why can't you just tell us what you're going to say to them?  How can it work only if it's a secret?"
Mel shrugged.  "Never mind.  It won't unless it is.  Let me know when you really want to go."   She turned to leave the room.
"Rod!" protested Sam, "Look what you're doing.  Mel, I want to go!!!  Just do what you have to do and ignore Rod."
Mel cast a look at Rod who shrugged.  Taking that as agreement she left the room.  She had one little thing that she thought would convince her parents.  Yes, indeed, Mel was becoming a very savvy teenager on the cusp of an adult view of the world.
* * *
"Mom, Dad.  You know that Sam and Rod are just dying to go to Harry Potter World.  "Wait.  Before you cut me off -- I know we've campaigned about this for years until I'm sure you're sick and tired of the subject.  And, I know it's expensive and probably not the way you would want to spend your vacation.  So, I'll get right to the point.  Sam and Rod want to go because they love the books and the movies, and the theme park is being expanded.  I think this information will make you want to go."  She handed them a brochure and a couple of pages she had printed off the internet.  "Oh, and, don't worry.  I won't bother you about this again.  If you do decide to go, I'll do everything to make sure Mel and Rod have a great time and that you two will have the chance to really enjoy your vacation as well."
* * *
To Mel and Rod's amazement their parents announced that they would be going on a Florida vacation as soon as school let out in June.  To their screams of enthusiasm and flood of questions dad held up his hands.  When they calmed down he went on.  "We'll be going to Harry Potter World . . . "  He paused again for the screams to die down, "Wet and Wild Adventures, and the beach."  
"Oh, mommy, daddy, I love you so much, thank you, you're the best!"  Sam exuded gratitude and gave both her parents huge hugs. 
"You're the greatest." Rod said with just a little bit more reservation, but with heart-felt enthusiasm.
Mel simply smiled.
* * *
From March to June the weeks seemed to crawl past.  Rod and Sam spent endless hours planning what they were going to do at Harry Potter World, trying every which way they could to confirm what would be at the expanded theme park. They packed and repacked their luggage, deciding which outfits they would need. 
"We'll need clothes for the theme park," explained Sam, "but also for the beach . . . and for if we go to dinner somewhere nice . . . but, oh I just don't know what to take!!!"
"I want to dress up as a character," decided Rod.
"But it's hot in Florida -- won't you boil to death?"  asked Sam.
"Not if they have climate change technology at the park."
"What if they don't?  We haven't confirmed for sure if that's true. Also, what if people think you work at Universal and get confused?"
"That would be fine by me," grinned Rod.
The deliberations went on and on.
"Aren't you excited, Mel?" asked Rod one day.  "How come you're not busy packing and figuring out what you're going to wear and all?"
"Oh, I'm excited all right," Mel replied, a mysterious smile playing over her lips.  "Anyway, I'll be all packed and ready to go.  You'll see."

(The End)