Stripped For Florida: Ruth and Ryan 8

By Willie B.
[email protected]

Copyright 2013 by Willie B., all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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My thanks to an alert reader who let me know that I had left this story with Ruth an Ryan in a precarious place. The story continues here. If you missed the earlier segments, check Willie_B's Story Page for parts one through seven.
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After abandoning Ryan in the woods, they travelled for what seemed like miles, but Ruth couldn't be sure. It was hard to gauge the actual speed of the truck on the rough, narrow track that could hardly be called a road. The darkness deepened, if that were possible. The light from the headlights shown into black holes of nothingness. Branches scraped along the sides of the trailer. They came to a stop. The driver switched off the engine and turned and looked at Ruth in the sudden silence. The headlights remained on, beamed into impenetrable forest.
At the back of the truck Ryan stood bound, gagged, naked and immobile, his ears strained for the slightest sound that would tell him what was going on. His eyes pierced the darkness in vain. with only more darkness visible. It was so dark he began to hallucinate. Was that a car he saw? A person? He'd heard that if the sensory organs were deprived of perception the mind made up sensations to fill the void. He felt his head begin to reel with dizziness. The oily rags were filling his throat, mouth and noise with poisonous fumes. He blinked his eyes which burned with fumes and fear and the attempt to sort out phantoms in the darkness. A crunch of pine needles caught his ear but was immediately drowned out by a scream. Ruth!
The driver had taken his time. With the headlights off the cab was lit only by tiny red and blue lights from the dash. He told Ruth she was beautiful. That if anyone should have been stripped it was her. He asked her how old she was, what grade in school. How many boy friends had she had? Ruth remained silent, huddled against the door as far from the driver as she could get. Then the man pulled himself out of his cushioned captain's chair and stood in the cabin. He moved towards her, undoing his belt. Ruth reached for the door, hoping against hope that it would not be locked. To her shock the door opened and she fell out of the cab, the rough ground hitting her as she fell on her back. She rolled sideways and onto her feet, slipping as she ran toward the trees. The driver jumped down after her and she screamed.
"Don't move a muscle. This is the law and we are prepared to shoot." The voice rang out through the darkness. The driver looked over his shoulder and took another step. A sharp crack filled the air. Most definitely a high-powered police weapon. Three beams of light pierced the dark and illuminated the driver, frozen in place with fear. He slowly reached down with his arm and another rifle shot rang out. The driver's hand went straight up in the air. Two armed officers stepped forward, the light catching their badges and belt buckles.
Georgia State troopers, gasped Ruth, looking back from the edge of the woods. The police handcuffed the driver and shackled his legs. Two more troopers appeared and came toward Ruth. "That was a close one, girl," announced one of the officers. Ruth was ready to faint, but nodded meekly.
"My, my . . . my boyfriend, he's back there somewhere. The driver left him to die in the forest."
"Let me show you what your ass-hole faced trucker did with your friend." The trooper took Ruth's hand and began walking briskly the length of the trailer. They walked on some ways behind the trailer. Ruth wondered if he planned to walk her all the way back down the track to where Ryan had been abandoned, but at just that point the officer turned her around and shone his high-powered light against the back of the semi. There, attached somehow to the back of the trailer was Ryan, naked, bound and staring at her with big round eyes.
"Oh my God." Ruth's emotions were a riot of shock, relief and happiness. She ran to put her hands on Ryan. She lifted them up from the ground below the back of the trailer and grasped Ryan's legs. "Oh my God, oh my God, Ryan you're alive."
After twenty seconds she realized something else must be terribly wrong. "He can't speak, oh, what's that horrible man done to him!?"
Ryan was removed from the back of the truck, untied and the gag removed from his throat. The oil had damaged his vocal chords and he could barely rasp out any sound. The driver was driven away in the back seat of one of the two patrol cars.
"But how did you find us, way out here?" Ruth wanted to know, "and just in the nick of time. I mean, he was about to . . . "
"GPS. Your whereabouts were reported missing and as Florida stripped kids you have GPS locator sensors embedded in your skin. We started tracking you and figured out you were in the truck. Not much other traffic in this area. We followed you in the dark waiting for a good time to make the rescue."
I wasn't hallucinating, thought Ryan, relieved to know that at least that much wasn't wrong with him.
"How . . . in the dark?"
"Night vision. Cool things." The state trooper tapped a pair of Star Wars looking goggles hanging from his belt. "Anyway, we've got to get you back to the Florida state border. Can't have naked kids in Georgia, you know." The officer laughed and walked them over to his vehicle. "Sorry you have to ride in the back. At least you know you aren't criminals. But let me give you a word of advice. Next time you wants to go somewheres, don't hitch a ride. Not safe at all. Thankfully nothing horrible happened to you, but I hope the lesson sticks."
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The driver was transferred to the Florida criminal justice system. His arrest, trial and incarceration for 20 years without parol were covered for months in the media. He was found guilty of kidnapping, kidnapping across state lines, use of a commercial vehicle to commit a crime, assault, battery, corruption of morals, attempted rape and interference with the Stripped For Florida program.
Ruth and Ryan were returned promptly to their parents. They hardly had a chance to take in the 24 hour a day news cycle of their dramatic escape and rescue. Ruth was immediately put on 24 hour a day orgasm. The punishment was carried out with a brand new supersize dildo strapped into her vagina, the vibrating ball on her clitoris and a second, slimmer vibrator shoved up her anus. She was kept locked in her room and fed water and liquid nutrients through a syringe that her mother squirted down her throat at regular intervals. Her mother informed her that she'd been visited by angels and that she had started a new teaching at her church. Ruth barely heard a word as her body was wracked with the sexual torture.
Ryan's family told him that they understood why he'd run away. "I know you would do anything to help your girlfriend. After all, that is why we stripped you in the first place. You thought her father was mistreating her. We totally understand. However, they've explained to us that they have only Ruth's best interests at heart. Sometimes a parent has to make difficult choices, you know," explained Ryan's mom.
"We are concerned, son, about your future," added his father. "You seem overly interested in sex and the opposite sex. This is completely normal, but you are just too young. I want you to know that what we have planned is not a punishment. It is just to make sure you don't get involved in sex until we feel you are ready."
Ryan was taken to Royal Jewelry, Spa and Tattoo. Cinnie and Dwayne were very happy to see him. "We heard all about your wild adventure," gushed Cinnie. "You were on the news and everything." They got his parents to take a photo of them posed with Ryan. "We'll put it up on the wall. You're a celebrity now, did you know that?"
Back in the treatment room he was strapped into the chair. Dwayne pulled out a piercing gun and without antiseptic, anesthesia or any warning leaned down and shot a thick piercing rod through the end of Ryan's penis, just below the crown. Ryan let out a blood curdling scream and arched his body against the restraints.
"It will feel better soon," Dwayne said, reaching for another piercing gun. Ryan yelled out at the sight of the gun, but in seconds Dwayne placed the gun and pierced his left nipple. As he looked down to see what had happened, Cinnie positioned another gun and pierced his right nipple.
"That's all the piercings," soothed Cinnie. "That wasn't too bad, was it?"
Ryan made an unintelligible gurgling moan.
The two attendants worked quickly. Rings were soldered onto either end of the penis piercing rod, burning the flesh at either side. Chains were fastened to the rings and extended up to the nipple rings.
"All done," Dwayne said. "Want to look in the mirror?"
Ryan stood in front of the full length mirror, his penis in an agony of fire. The chains strained against the tender flesh of his nipples and penis so tautly that he realized that even if his penis were to lose its erection it would be held straight up by the tension on his flesh alone.
At home he lapsed into speechless depression. He refused to go to school and even his mother's most heartfelt threats made no impact.
"What more can you do?" he said in a heartless monotone.
"Son, please understand, this is only temporary. When you grow up you'll be able to wear clothes, get married and have a family. This is just so you don't get involved in too much too soon."
"I've already been involved in too much," Ryan retorted. "No thanks to you."
"I'm sorry you feel it is our fault, Ryan. I really am."
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(The End)