Stripped For Florida: Jan and Mark 6

By Willie B.
[email protected]

Copyright 2014 by Willie B., all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Jan and Mark
by Willie B Florida
comments welcome to: [email protected]
They drove quickly through the streets, Mark's mother reading the signs and navigating, while his dad concentrated on traffic and finally pulled into the hospital driveway.  Mark's mother took charge of the car, while the males strode through the double glass doors.  Once inside things slowed to an agonizing crawl of paperwork, waiting rooms and out of date magazines.  Mark was panicked that he'd ruined Jan's beautiful penis forever.  "I'll stay erect forever if he'll be okay, I promise," he said.  Jan was quiet, doubled over in pain as they waited.  Finally a white-coated Physician's Assistant called out his name and the whole family stood up.  They were placed in a small examination room and waited for another 20 minutes.  A gray-haired doctor knocked on the door and entered. 
"Good morning folks, who's the victim?" he asked jovially.
Jan raised his hand timidly, still crouched over in pain.  As the doctor listened to Jan's heart and palpated his chest he listened to the brief version of the story as told by Mark.
"Well, it is certainly not a good idea to be taking that many of the pills -- and I hope you two have learned that it is extremely important to be honest with the adults in your life when it comes to medications.  The consequences can be quite serious, even fatal. However," he continued, seeing the look of panic on Mark's face, "I don't think that's what's going on right now with Jan."
The doctor had Jan lie down on the exam table. The boy's penis was obviously extremely engorged, reddened and erect, but the Doctor was busy palpating a little distance away from the member itself.  When his fingers touched just above the hip bone on one side Jan let out a yelp.  The doctor nodded.  "We will need to act quickly.  I believe what we have here is an acute case of appendicitis.  It's possible the pills exacerbated the pain by bringing so much blood to the area, but they can't possibly be the cause.  I'll get the medical team ready while you work out the insurance details.  I'll have a payment specialist check in with you here in the room.  Buck up kid," encouraged the doctor, "you're going to live.  Another half hour of pain and you'll be on your way to some relief.  See you soon, folks!"
"Wow!" gasped Mark, "appendicitis, just like Madeleine."  Everybody laughed except Jan.
"Who is Madeleine?" he asked.
"Oh, it's in a kids' book I used to read to Mark at bedtime," replied his mother, "she also had her appendix removed."
"And at the end she shows off her scar and all the other kids are jealous," added Mark.
"But you probably won't have much of a scar to show off," laughed Mark's dad, "with modern surgery and all, you'll be as good as new in no time."
They kept up the banter to keep away Jan's anxiety until a nurse came to move him to surgery.  "You can all come with me, too," the nurse announced.  "We have a special waiting area upstairs you can use."
Mark felt like hours passed, although in reality the prep, surgery and post-op recovery probably only took two hours.  A different nurse came into the waiting room and led them to a recovery room where Jan was lying naked on a bed.  A bandage covered a tiny area on his lower torso.  He was groggy from anaesthesia but otherwise looked the same as ever; better actually since he wasn't doubled over in pain.  Mark grimaced when he saw that Jan's penis was as hard as ever--he still couldn't disassociate the extra dose of pills with what had happened today.  "You're sure those pills didn't cause this?" he asked his parents.
"That's what the doctor says," answered his mother.  "I really don't see how they could have -- after all appendicitis is an infection that takes time to develop."
"That reminds me," added his father, "we need to get you back on those pills."
"Oh, dad, please don't."
"Why not?  Your mother and I think you look great with the larger penis, plus, it's Florida fashion!"
"I don't care if it's fashion.  When you got me those massages in . . . "  Mark suddenly blushed.  He'd almost walked right into telling his parents what had happened between himself and Monika. 
"The massages, yes?" pressed his mother.
"Never mind.  Let's just say the pills make me feel really uncomfortable."
"Jan doesn't seem to mind the effect of the pills," remarked his mother, looking down at the erection sported by the recovering boy.
"Um, he doesn't know what it felt like after . . . "  Oh, shit, thought Mark, there I go again.  I need to get off this topic, he thought to himself.
"After what, son?" prodded his father gently.
"I feel more relaxed without the pills, okay?"
"What happened during your massages, Mark?" asked his mother. "Didn't they make you feel really good?  They were supposed to be a special present."
"They were great mom, fantastic.  Thank you very much--I mean it.  They were the best present you've ever given me!"
"Wow, that's pretty extreme," his mom replied.  "That good?"
"Yeah, definitely!!!"
"So, am I guessing you liked the way your body felt when somebody helped you come?"
His mother knew?  "You know about that?"
His mother laughed.  "Of course, honey.  What teen-age boy wouldn't come from having a massage from a pretty young woman.  But, you're right, Mark, we did know--or at least we hoped.  We let you have your privacy so we don't know the details."
Mark blushed and felt his penis getting stiff, not from the pills this time.
"I, I . . . it . . . um.  It was wonderful, but I learned something from that experience and from the pills."
"What did you learn, son?" asked his father, genuinely curious.
"It felt really good cumming--better than when I do myself."  Oh shit, Mark blushed as he chastised himself.  Now I'm onto another dicey topic.
"Mark, before you get all caught up in your worries, let me put this out there in plain English: every boy makes himself come, sometimes several times a day.  Every parent knows that their son does it.  There is nothing to be ashamed of.  In fact, I think you'll discover that the State of Florida sort of encourages boys to come in public, if you can imagine that.  Also, you should know that girls do it, too."
Jan murmured something.  Mark's mother was quick to reorient everyone's attention.  "We'll discuss this at a better time, Mark.  Right now I think we need to attend to Jan.  He's just been through surgery!"
"Take these pills, son, and let's attend to Jan," said his father.  "I promise we'll resolve things in a day or two."
Mark swallowed the pills in the interests of keeping things calm and taking care of his friend.  He put the empty cup down on the counter and went over and stood by Jan.
"Can I snuggle with you?" he asked, "or are you too sore?"
Jan patted the sheet next to him and tried to scoot over, but the movement hurt.  Mark grimaced and cuddled up next to Jan in the available space.  The two boys lay there skin to skin, talking softly, while Mark's penis slowly rose to match Jan's erection.
Jan healed fast.  The new laparoscopic appendectomy procedure required him to stay in the hospital for only one night, but it was still surgery.  They stayed in the hotel for a couple more days doing quiet activities.  Both boys were kept erect, but refrained from anything more sexual than kisses on the lips.  Everyone was getting bored, so Mark's parents offered to take them to a jewelry shop. 
"Why would we want to do that?" asked Mark.
"They have a lot of fun stuff here in Florida," said his father mysteriously.  "Your mother and I are dying to try some of it out on you."
From the outside the store was nothing very noticeable, but as soon as they entered it was clear this was nothing like Mark had ever seen before.  An entire aisle was devoted to dildos ranging from tiny little oblongs to enormous parodies of the male organ.  Chains and harnesses hung from the ceiling and Mark didn't even begin to register the use of anything in the next aisle he looked at.
"I thought you said this was a jewelry store," he complained, "this looks more like an adult X-rated joint."
"I guess you could say that," agreed his mother, "but with the stripping laws in Florida these stores aren't just for adults.  See, look over there."
Mark followed her gaze and immediately cast his eyes down.  His curiosity got the better of him and he looked up again.  A girl of about 12 was on something that looked like a dentist's chair with her legs splayed out.  A technician was inserting--piercing would be the better word--a series of small metal rings down the side of her labia.  "Oh my god, what's that woman doing to her?" demanded Mark.
A store attendant materialized next to him and explained.  "This girl is getting labia rings pierced onto both sides of her vulva.  She'll have six down each side when the procedure is complete."
"But, doesn't it hurt?"
"No more than getting an ear pierced," the woman replied calmly.
"She wanted to have this done?" persisted Mark.
"Oh, I have no idea.  It's a birthday present from her parents--it's up to them, anyway."
Mark shuddered.  He hoped his parents didn't have some idea like that.  He decided he needed to explore the store more thoroughly and educate himself on the possibilities that should be avoided.  He had an idea.  Turning to the attendant he said, "So, my friend and I here would like to know what kinds of things are available for boys."
Jan and Mark received a rather expansive education that morning.  "Man, I had no idea," mumbled Mark on one occasion after another.  Nipple rings, penis rings, urethra shafts, penis piercing devices of all types, scrotum rings, chains, anal plugs, anal beads, huge anal vibrators, tiny insertable anal vibrators, vibrating penis rings, chains of all sorts, harnesses, neck collars, permanent ink tattoos, permanent metallic tattoos, permanent laser hair removal, the list went on and on.  Unfortunately both parents and clerks mistook the lengthy tour as an indicator of the boys' interest.  When they met up again there was a new client in the chair by the window: a little girl of five or six getting her clitoral hood pierced along with matching earrings.  A nervous boy of 8 or 9 stood fidgeting.  Obviously he was next for some procedure or other.
"We'll give you the conference room so you can discuss your options," said the clerk, guiding them down a short hallway.  Mark's parents and the boys found themselves in a small but plush room with a polished oval table and large leather chairs.  The parents immediately sat down while the two boys remained standing.
"Don't they have some great stuff!" gushed Mark's mother with enthusiasm.
"Mom, I don't like any of it.  I don't like these pills and I want to get out of here," stated Mark.  Jan remained quiet.
"We'd really like to try some of these things out on you, wouldn't we?" said Mark's father, glancing at his wife for confirmation.
"Mark, I think you'd look stunning with a ring, maybe even a piercing," said his mom. "And think how exciting it would be to have a vibrator in you, or . . . well just about anything in the store.  Tell you what, you choose and we'll buy!"
"You, too, Jan," added his dad, "whatever strikes your fancy."
When neither boy responded Mark's mother reminded them, "This is Florida, you know.  You heard what the clerk said.  It's the parents' choice.  They didn't even ask if those girls wanted to be pierced. I wonder what they're doing to that little boy?"
Mark shuddered.  This wasn't his thing.  He tried to think clearly.  What could he agree to that wouldn't leave him disfigured or in a permanent state of erection?  Just as a thought came to him he was surprised to hear Jan speak up.
"I like the pills, actually," Jan said.  Then he shyly added, "but there is one thing I liked . . . "
"Whatever you want, Jan.  You're our special guest; just let us know," encouraged Mark's dad.
"I like one of the rings that go on the penis."
"It shall be yours!" declared Mark's mom.  "What about you Mark?"
"I know you want to try out a lot of stuff on me, for fun I guess."  Mark looked up at his parents and found them both nodding.  "So, I have a suggestion."  He hesitated and then taking silence as encouragement continued.  "I thought it was kind of funny in Germany that when Jan was naked it was his casual outfit and when it was a formal place he wore the tiny little bathing suit.  Well, in Florida we can't do that because we're naked all the time.  So how about if I'm just me, naked, no pills, no jewelry, nothing -- that's my casual outfit for everyday.  And, when we're doing something more formal you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't involve anything permanent like piercing or tattoos."
Mark's parents looked at one another and seemingly communicated by telepathy.  Then Mark's mother got a big grin and they both nodded.  "We could have some fun with that," stated his mom.  "That's a good suggestion."
"Okay, but you're not going to make me take pills every day, or insert a plug or vibrator all the time or anything like that," insisted Mark, suspicious that his parents had agreed so quickly.  "Like, formal occasions -- once a week or less, right?"
"That sounds about right," said his father, "but we can't promise exactly how often.  We might be invited to a formal event two nights in a row.  Or want to go to a concert or a nice restaurant."
Mark nodded.  If he could just be his regular self at school, at the beach, at night with Jan!
"Well, Jan has a ring to pick out and your dad and I have some toys to select so we can outfit you the next time there's a formal event."  All told they ended up spending over four hours in the store.  Jan and Mark watched in horrified fascination as the little boy they'd seen earlier got a ring put through the crown of his penis.  "As he grows we'll need to cut this ring and replace it with a bigger one," instructed the technician, "so make sure to come in for regular check ups."  After the ring was inserted the boy was turned on his belly and the boys got to watch as anal beads were inserted one after the other into his rectum. 
"How does it feel?" asked the boy's mom.
"It tickles," giggled the boy.  But Jan noticed that the boy seemed to like them.
Jan got his ring--a narrow, delicate band of gold that tucked way up at the base of his penis.  Mark had to admit it looked very nice on his friend, and it accentuated the erection that Jan evidently enjoyed having and displaying.  Maybe the boy just wanted to look bigger than he was?  After all, he was still only ten years old.  Mark looked down at his own much larger erection, willing the pills to wear off so he could swing free in his natural state.  He was quite happy with the normal size of his penis, unenhanced by modern pharmaceuticals.
As they were about to leave Jan surprised everyone by asking for one more thing.  "I'm sorry, if it is too much trouble, but . . . "
"That's fine, Jan, what is it," inquired Mark's mother.
"I think I want to try those beads, the ones that go in here," Jan said, patting his rear.  Mark's mother laughed. 
"Of course, I bet they feel super good," she added.  Mark enjoyed watching the technician insert one bead after another into Jan's tight little rosebud until the entire strand disappeared.  A short tag stuck out, nearly invisible between Jan's buttock's when he stood up, so that the beads could be safely removed.
"You'll need to teach him how to take them out when he needs to take a bowel movement," explained the technician.  "Then one of you--maybe his friend here," she said, looking at Mark, "would enjoy putting them back in."
When they got back to the hotel Mark fiddled with Jan's penis ring.  He got a lesson in how to take the beads out of his friend's anus and how to pop them back in again.  Jan wiggled his backside back and forth and giggled. 
"I think you enjoy the toys," observed his mother, "even if you're reluctant to try them yourself."
"By the way," added his dad, "we've got a formal restaurant to go to, so are you ready to get accessorized?"
"What? You said you'd like to go formal once in a while and this night's as good as any."
Mark looked down at his still erect penis.  "Okay, but no pills, agreed?"
"Sure!" answered his dad.  "Pills will not be necessary."

(The End)