Class President

By Aldric

Copyright 2014 by Aldric [email protected], all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
Comments may be made to [email protected]
This story depicts minors in unusual conditions that may include unprotected, unsafe sex or extreme humiliation. Obviously, this does not describe real life and should not be taken as such. In the real world, behaviors as described in the story are not acceptable, tolerated, or legal. The reader should never confuse the difference between fiction and real life. This story is fictional.
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Many people have favorably commented on how so many of my stories have happy endings.  Just a warning, this isn’t one of those.

Class President
Brandon Lewis chose his clothes carefully.  He wanted a certain look, one that would show him as a leader.  A look that would separate him from Markus Stern.  Today was Election Day, a day he had worked towards for weeks.  By the end of the day he was going to be the eighth grade class president.
The only other candidate on the ticket was Markus Stern.  Markus had started his campaign, as was his nature, with threats and intimidation.  Markus was a bit of bully and took full advantage of the difference in age and size between him and Brandon.  Markus was fourteen, a little older than most of the eighth graders this early in the school year.  Brandon was twelve, and the size difference was tremendous.
Brandon was gifted with intelligence.  His IQ was 148.  He had started school in second grade and could have skipped at least one other grade but he was insecure and didn’t want the age difference to get too large.  So he made a few good friends and helped them with homework while they helped him with everything else.  His best friend was Nathan Gilham, and Brandon had picked him as his campaign manager.
Nathan was born to that job and suggested a strategy that had been completely successful.  Of course, battling Markus wasn’t hard—Markus was blessed with athletic abilities, not brains.  But Markus had taken DC Bowles as his campaign manager, and the battle between DC and Nathan was intense.  In the end, it was the character difference that stood out, and Nathan had assured Brandon that victory was his, all he had to do was show up at the final debate and restate his goals.
Even though Nathan was sure of victory, Brandon was still nervous.  Markus’s team hadn’t even tried to counter Nathan’s platform and Brandon felt that they were going to try and pull a rabbit out of the hat at today’s debate.  The importance of it was too great to take lightly.  But Brandon was prepared.
Trish, Brandon’s older sister, had him stop for a second before he left for school.  She was in high school and had supported him and offered some very good suggestions.
“The dress pants are good, but lose the tie and change your shirt,” she said to him after a moment of inspection.  “White is too nerdy.  Your school colors are green and red, so put on your green shirt and wear red socks instead of black.”
“I don’t have any red socks,” Brandon said.  But he would certainly take her advice on the shirt, he should have thought of that himself.  The fact that he didn’t warned him that maybe he wasn’t as prepared as he thought he was.  “And I have to get going or I’ll be late and that’s not an option.”
“I’ve got a pair of red socks in my drawer.  Take them,” she said.  “You’ve got more than enough time to charge your shirt and socks.”
He was too nervous to eat more than a bagel, then he was out the door and on his way.  He practiced his speech as he walked down the trail to school.
Brandon was so focused on his speech that he didn’t even know the other kids were there until they grabbed him and pulled him off the trail.
There were five of them, and they all had Halloween masks on.  And all of them were bigger than him.  It wasn’t lost on Brandon that all of them were Markus and DC’s size.
Brandon’s complaints and struggles were totally ignored by the five boys as they easily pulled him over to a tree.  Brandon felt them pushing something down each leg of his pants and down each sleeve of his shirt.  They worked quickly and quietly without saying a word.  In moments they were done and they ran off.
Brandon assessed what had been done.  There were small steel cables running through his clothes and around the tree.  Brandon was unable to see the other side of tree to see how the cables were attached, but it didn’t matter.  He quickly realized that the only way he could get free was to get out of his clothes.
His wrists and ankles were not bound in any way, so he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled his arms free.  He unbuckled his pants and realized the cables ran inside his underpants.  He pushed his pants and briefs as far down as the slack in the cables allowed and kicked his shoes off before pulling his legs out one at a time.
He now stood naked and saw that the cables were attached to brackets that needed wrenches to get free.  The only way to get his clothes free of the cables was to rip them into pieces, and that wouldn’t help him.
To go back home would mean running past dozens of elementary school kids as they made their way to school.  He reached into his pants pocket for his house key and found it was gone.  He looked to see if the key ring had fallen out when he pulled his legs free but it wasn’t there.
His locker key was also on that ring.  He had gym shorts in his locker, but they were as useless to him right now as the clothes in his closet.  He had to think!
Getting to school for the debate was essential.  Giving Markus a few podium to attack him could cost him the election.  He couldn’t go to school naked, but maybe if he could just cover the essentials he could show everyone Markus’ real strategy for winning!
Brandon’s first idea was to tear his shirt loose and wrap the remains around him.  But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get the fabric to split.  Time was wasting and the last debate would start in just a few minutes and he had to get there.
He twisted and bent vines until he could split them and taking an idea from the show ‘Naked and Afraid,’ he covered his groin as best he could with leaves and vines.  It was far from perfect, but he was out of time.  With his privates at least partially concealed, he ran to school.  It would be embarrassing and humiliating, but it would show everyone just how far Markus had gone to win the election. He did his best to push his embarrassment out of his head and instead worked on just how to word his accusations against Markus.
School was already in session and the first classes for the eighth grade were optional to allow the class to go to the auditorium and hear the final debate before voting, so Brandon went straight to the auditorium.  As he ran the down to aisle past the student body Markus looked up at him with fake surprise.
“Brandon, what happened?” Markus said to him.  “Why are you, uh, naked?”
“You know full well what happened,” Brandon yelled as he climbed the steps.  His makeshift clothing slide down and fell to the floor but he was so focused that he didn’t even notice.  “You did this to me!”  Brandon turned to face the students and, ignoring their laughter, said, “This is what Markus would do to win the election.  I’m here, like this, because of him!”  He turned and pointed to Markus, who was removing his shirt.
“Brandon, don’t do this,” he said, holding his shirt out to the now totally naked Brandon.  “I didn’t do anything to you.  I would never do something like this.  Here, please take my shirt.”
“I don’t want you shirt,” Brandon yelled.  I want everyone to see what you did to me, just to win!”  Brandon grabbed the shirt and tossed it off the stage.  “Maybe you didn’t do it directly, but you had it done.  Where’s DC Bowles?  Why isn’t he here?  I’ll tell you why: because he was leading the group that attacked me!”
“Brandon, he wasn’t.  He was here with me.  Everyone saw him.  We were here early.  When Nathan got here without you, he and Nathan and Mr. Fox went out looking for you.  I wasn’t even going to debate you, I was going to concede the election to you.  Here’s my notes.”
“You were going to—quit?  Without a fight?”  Brandon grabbed the notes Markus had and looked through them.
“Yeah, you were too far ahead and clearly the better candidate.  That’s why I can’t understand your accusations.”
Brandon suddenly realized that he was fully naked, facing the entire eight grade class.  He looked into the audience and saw several cell phones out.  He dropped the notes, which contained nothing but apologies for the way he started the campaign and a statement that he was conceding the election.  With his eyes filled with tears he ran down the aisles and out of the school.
Brandon arrived at home without even remembering making the trip.  He had no idea who had seen him running naked down the sidewalks.  When he got there he remembered that he was locked out.  He was considering breaking a window, which would set off the alarm, when Nathan showed up with his clothes.
“What were you thinking?” Nathan asked.  “You had it in the bag.  You didn’t need to make Markus look bad.”
“Markus did it, or had it done.  They used steel cables to attach my clothes to a tree.  How did you get them free?”
“Mr. Fox, DC, and I found them in the closet in the back of our homeroom.  There weren’t any wires cables, just the clothes.  Markus is telling everyone you staged it just to ensure victory and he was very convincing.”
“I didn’t do it, but I can see you don’t believe me,” Brandon said as he snatched the clothes from Nathan’s hand.  He started to dress when he heard the jingle of keys in his pants.  He reached in the pocket and pulled the key ring out.
“Okay, I did hear what happened and thought you had done something stupid, but I’m ready to listen…”
Brandon unlocked the back door and ran inside, slamming the door in Nathan’s face.  He could barely see through the tears in his eyes to turn off the alarm system.  Nathan was knocking at the back door and calling to him, but Brandon just ran to his room.  He didn’t even bother getting dressed, he just laid down on his bed and cried.  Eventually Nathan gave up and left.
His sister found him like that when she got home from school.  “Brandon, you need to get dressed,” she said as she threw his clothes at him.  He pushed them off the bed.
“Everybody in school saw me like this and laughed,” he said.  “You may as well laugh at me too.”
“I heard,” she said.  “And I’m not laughing.  And it wasn’t the entire school, only your grade.  But I want you to get dressed.  Nathan’s here.”  She stepped away and Nathan entered his bedroom.
“Go away,” Brandon said.
“No, I won’t.  I’m your friend.  I’m sorry…”
“No, I’m sorry.  I let DC Bowles and Markus defeat us.  I reacted just the way they thought I would.  He used that to show how far I would go to win, didn’t he.”
Nathan lowered his head.  “Yeah, he did, and it worked.  The vote was 48-31.  He’s the new class president.”
“Everyone saw me naked.  They laughed.”
“I know.  But it isn’t all bad news.  All cell phones were collected.  Every video and picture of you has been deleted.  And kids were warned that their social network sites were going to be inspected and if any pictures of you get posted the police would be notified.”
“But they still saw me naked,” Brandon said.
“And I’m seeing you now.  Although I wish I wasn’t.  You can’t undo that.  My suggestion is to go with the flow and just pretend that Markus is right and that you staged it and act like you don’t care that they saw you.  You’re a year or two younger than them, they’ll laugh, but it will go by much quicker if you don’t act devastated that you were naked, instead, make them think you are more embarrassed by losing than being seen naked.”
Brandon got up and got clothes out of his dresser and began dressing.  “I don’t think I’ll ever go to school again,” he said.  “How can I, after this?”
“Well, that’s between you and your mother I guess, but I hope to see you there tomorrow.  And I’ll continue to be your friend if you’ll let me.”  Nathan turned to leave.
“I will, and thanks.  I’m sorry I was so stupid.”
“You have to admit, it was a good plan DC put together.  I don’t think they expected you to show up naked, I think they figured you to go home and come back and make your accusations.  That’s why Markus was confused when you ran into the auditorium.”
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” Brandon said as Nathan left his room.  “My mom won’t let me drop out of school.  Promise you’ll help me act like you said?”
“Yeah, I promise.  It’ll be rough.  But I will help.  And I’ll bet that Markus will go out of his way to make sure people don’t tease you, just to make him look better.
Brandon was left with coping with the fact he had to go back to school after being there naked.  But Nathan’s strategy was a good one.  He know it would be horribly embarrassing but he figured if he put his mind to it he would be able to hide his shame.
The next morning he again dressed carefully, choosing clothes he normal didn’t wear to school so that maybe he wouldn’t stand out as much.  He walked slowly to school, hoping there would not be any kind of challenge.  He didn’t see any other kids on the trail, which was normal.
“Dressing trashy today?” someone asked as he entered the school.  There were a few snickers but no outright laughter.  But hanging on his locker was his vine clothing that had fallen off as he climbed the steps.  There was a note on it that said “Just in case you feel the need to play Tarzan again.”  He froze upon seeing it and tears again filled his eyes. 
“Here, let me take care of that for you.”  Markus pulled it off his locker.  “Someone was just being mean.”  Marcus looked in Brandon’s eyes and saw he tears.  “Sorry it made you cry,” he said loud enough for everyone to hear.  “But I guess that’s what you get for telling lies in order to make me look bad.”
Marcus then leaned in close and whispered in Brandon’s ear.  “You’ll be wearing this again on Halloween or you’ll be trick-or-treating naked.  And don’t miss out or your friend Nathan will find out how it feels to be naked in school.  I hear he is scheduled for a de-pantsing around first bell just as a little warning.  Don’t ever challenge me or DC again.”
As Markus walked away with the vine clothing Brandon could hear a commotion down the hall near Nathan’s locker.  He looked and saw a bunch of kids gathered around laughing.  They all took off as a teacher approached and Brandon saw Nathan pulling his pants back up.  Brandon knew then that school was never going to be the same and that he had much more embarrassment ahead of him if he was going to protect his friends.


(The End)