Bob, OB and Dallas A Plan For Disaster Chapter 4
by Aldric
Copyright 2005 by Aldric, all rights reserved.

This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

Comments may be made to [email protected]

Chapter 4

They got back home and it was time to see if they were done. "Unfortunately for you guys, when we said that Dallas was going to do this he blushed so deep that we knew this was his plan. Are we right Dallas?"

"Damn, I wish I could control that" he said. "Yeah, it was my plan."

"Oh good, then we get to do another" Robin said. "Let's do envelope B next. April, who will be our contestants?"

"I'll let Dallas out of this one, let's do Bob and OB."

They got the envelope out of the cabinet and this time Dallas read it.

"Exchange clothes with the other one in a movie" Dallas read. "I don't get it, who is the other one in a movie?"

"I think I understand" KC said. "We're all going to go watch a movie, only Bob and OB are going to have to exchange clothes while the movie is playing. And here is how we'll do it. We'll find a row with just us in it and put Bob on one side and OB on the other. You two will pass your clothes to the center, and when we have all your clothes we'll pass them on to the other boy. Bob, do you want to go as a girl or as a boy?"

It was tempting to think of making OB have to come home dressed as a girl, but that would mean he would have to get there as a girl, and someone might recognize him. Bob went to wash the makeup from his face and put on his own clothes.

They tried to choose a movie that would have few, if any, adults in it. Of course, Bob and OB wanted a movie that nobody would go to, but they were overruled. They found a PG comedy and bought tickets. They chose the back row in the balcony all the way to the left. The theater was about half filled by the time the trailers were done, only two other kids were in the balcony, but they were seated in the first row.

They put OB on the outside closest to the aisle and Bob on the side along the wall. They let the movie run for half an hour before telling the boys to get started just to make sure nobody was going to come in late.

OB wanted to get this over with, he knew the two boys in the front from his school, and they weren't friends of his. He quickly removed his shoes and socks, then shorts and boxers, leaving his shirt for last. He passed the clothes towards the girls as he removed them.

But Bob had a plan from getting back at OB. He remembered his sister saying that she wouldn't pass the clothes on until she had them all from each boy, so he was taking his time. By the time OB was naked Bob still had his shirt and Boxers on and wasn't making any further moves, knowing that OB would be getting more and more nervous as he sat there naked.

"What's he doing" OB asked Robin, who was next to him. "Where are the clothes?" He had intended to ask just soft enough for her to hear him over the sound of the movie but just as he spoke the movie hit a quiet part and one of the boys in front of them turned to look at him.

"I think they saw me" OB said, getting excited. "Tell him to hurry up."

Meanwhile Bob, who also saw the kid turn around, decided to sit still for a minute to see what happened. The boy in front poked his friend, and they both turned around and looked, then they got up and moved back.

KC wasn't sure what to do. She was ready to pass OB's clothes back to him, but the two boys were already there and took a seat next to OB. She heard Robin tell them to go away, but then OB got up and moved to the other side of the balcony with them to the front row.

Robin leaned over to KC and said "they said they would yell out for everyone to know if he didn't go with them. They promised not to hurt him and said he could come back after the movie is over. They said if any of us go down there their drag OB to the management. What'll we do?"

KC looked over to where they were sitting. With the screen lit up behind them it was easy to see them. They were on the right side of the theater with OB seated between the two of them. They were right next to the stairs going down to the exit so they could drag OB off before anyone could stop them. If someone came up the stairs OB would be visible to them. "I don't think we have any choice. They could have him down the steps before we could get half way there. We have to watch and make sure they don't take off with him is all we can do."

"Where's your clothes, Bob" the boy to OB's right said. OB used his real name at his school. The boy was in seventh grade, same as him. His name was Stan. The other was a sixth grader named Burt. It was Stan who had depantsed him at religion class.

"I lost a bet and the girls back there have them. What do you guys want with me?" OB was scared and both the other boys could sense it.

"We're going to drag you down to the lobby unless you do everything we tell you to do" Bert said. "You can start with this" he said, sliding forward in his seat and unzipping his pants. "Pull it out and make it feel good."

"Do mine at the same time" Stan said. "Don't drag it across my zipper or I'll do something to you that you won't like."

OB dug around in their pants until he could feel their dicks. He carefully pulled them out, being careful not to scratch them on a zipper. He felt them gradually grow hard in his fingers and began rubbing.

"Don't rub it; slide your fingers up and down it." Stan said. He picked up an empty popcorn box and said "Get some oil on your fingers first."

OB oiled both hands and commenced to masturbating the two boys. After what seemed like ten minutes he felt Stan stiffen and then felt something sticky on his fingers.

"Lick your fingers clean" Stan told him.

Just then Bert leaned forward. "Hey, look down there" he said, pointing to a girl in the lower part. "Is that Brenda Collins down there? I'll be right back, I'm going to go see." He stood up and put his dick back in his pants and zipped back up before walking down the stairs.

The group in the back row saw him leave, but still felt helpless. "Maybe he just needs to pee after OB brought him off" Bob said. Bob had finished stripping and had been given OB's clothes. Even though they were about the same size there was enough of a difference that the clothes barely fit him.

Bert came back a few minutes later with a girl next to him. She could see that OB was naked before she was even off the stairs and laughed at him. Burt put her in his seat right next to OB and continued to the back where he leaned over to Robin.

"Give me his boxers" he said.

"Why, what are you going to do with them?" Robin asked.

"He teased her about her skirt showing one day in school, and now its payback time. She wants them as a trophy. Just give them over and you can have your boyfriend back when the movie is over."

Bert returned to his seat with the boxers and handed them to the girl who put them in her purse. While he had been back there Stan had directed OB to play with himself for Brenda's enjoyment.

When the movie was just about over Stan told OB to set on the third step down from the top, which would put him in view of anyone looking back and up. "And don't even think about getting up until they turn the lights on or you'll go all the way down those steps with us behind you" he said.

OB moved to where he was told. Without the wall in front of him he knew he could be seen because each step had a light on each side, but everyone was watching the movie.

The movie ended and the credits began to roll, but OB was more afraid of Stan and Bert then he was of being seen. Kids were jumping up to exit and as they passed the steps it was only natural they looked up. Just then the house lights started coming up and OB jumped up and ran the three steps. He got as far as Stan, who grabbed his arms and pulled him into a seat. Even in a seat anyone looking up would see that he didn't have a shirt on.

"Brenda wanted to get a good look at you" he said. OB had a boner, his four inches twitching under her gaze. "Play with it until either you can get it soft or we get bored and leave."

OB began beating off as fast as he could hoping to get that feeling so that maybe his dick would go down and they would let him go. He was still afraid they would drag him down the steps to the lobby.

Stan whistled loudly and pointed to a group of kids in the aisle down below. Of course everyone looked up, and many wondered why the kid in the middle was shirtless. Three boys and a girl from the group that Stan had whistled at were coming up the steps. They were all from OB's grade.

"What is this?" the first boy asked upon seeing OB. "Bob Schwertz in his birthday suit in a crowded theater! What are you guys going to do with him?"

"He's just extra entertainment in case the movie sucked. I'm trying to come up with a way to stuff him in a locker in the mall without getting arrested."

OB was getting more scared by the minute and it wasn't helping him to finish off his dick. He already knew he was going to pay dearly for this day as soon as school started again in the fall.

"Why not just throw him out the emergency exits out front? They open into the parking lot and there's no way back in" one of the other boys said.

"What do you think, Bob, should I do it? The place will be empty in just a few minutes and nobody will see me except your friends. Or, I could ask your friends to toss your clothes out the door instead and then we could leave. Which one do you want me to do?"

OB was close to tears. "You said you would leave me alone after the movie ended."

"And you believed me? Which one Bob; you or your clothes?"

"Uh, please don't do this" OB said. The theater was empty now except for the kids in the balcony.

"I'll tell you want Bob. I'm feeling nice today so I'll give you one other choice. You go down these steps here, run around to the front of the theater and then come back up those steps over there. Then we'll leave you alone. But don't spend too much time making up your mind, because I like the idea of tossing you out the exit doors."

OB didn't need any more encouragement. He pushed passed the other kids and took off down the steps.

Stan turned back to the others. "Give me his clothes or we're going to toss him out the exit doors up front." KC started to ask what he wanted the clothes for but he cut her off. "Give me his clothes by the count of two or he goes out the door. One "

She handed over the clothes. By now OB was coming back up the steps on the other side of the balcony from where he had started.

"I had a better idea Bob" he said, holding OB's clothes over the edge of the balcony. Nice seeing you today. You know, I normally don't like the first day of school but I think next year I'll be enjoying it." He dropped the clothes over the edge just as the doors opened.

"Hey, you kids get down from here, the movie's over and you have to leave" the kid who came in said. "What did you throw done from up there? I ought to make you stay and clean up this place instead of me."

Stan and his friends yelled as they left the theater while OB crouched behind the wall. The kid who had to clean up looked up and saw the others.

"Come on, I mean it. All of you down now or I'll get the manager. That goes for the one trying to hide behind the wall" he said pointing at were OB was. Bob and Dallas were already moving rapidly, hoping to get to OB's clothes before the kid saw them. But when they entered the seats he yelled at them.

KC had come down the steps. "Look sir, those other kids picked on one of the little kids up there and they took his clothes and threw them down here, that's why he's hiding. Just let his friends get them and we'll be out of here."

"Oh, well, you should have said that from the start. Okay, everyone take a different row and search. There's another movie in here in twenty minutes." He did a double-take with Bob, who was wearing clothes that clearly didn't fit him, but decided to just let it go. Even with his help they only found his shoes, one sock, and his shirt. They knew where his boxers were, but they just couldn't find the pants anywhere.

"Look folks, I've helped all I can, but I have to clean this place before the next guests start arriving. I don't know what else to tell you."

"You helped us, how about if we help you clean. That way we can keep searching while gather the trash" Dallas offered. He dumped a few cups and popcorn boxes into the trash can to show he meant it."

Meanwhile, Bob had gone back to the balcony. OB was shaking and fighting off tears. "Here OB, take your shirt and pants back, they don't fit me anyway. I'll just have to make it home wearing my shirt and your boxers."

"No, not after what I did to you in the park. Give me my boxers and your shirt and you keep my pants on. They fit good enough to get home, and your shirt will cover me more than it does you."

They came down the steps, but the others had given up on finding the pants and were just helping to clean. The kid looked at Bob and OB and said "You can't go through the mall like that. Go out the exit doors is your best bet."

"Won't an alarm sound?"

"Yeah, but just here, and I'll call them first and tell them I'm going to open the door." He called on a radio and they opened the door and left, finding themselves next to the parking lot but on the wrong side of the mall to make their most direct way home.

They also saw that they were not alone Stan, Burt, Brenda, and the other four kids who had come up after the movie were standing in the shade under a tree in the parking lot watching them.

Dallas was in favor of going over and kicking some butt, but Bob pointed out that not only were they outnumbered but that most of the kids were his size and only one was OB's size. "They obviously took my pants with them, let's try talking to them first" he suggested.

As they approached Stan reached in his pocket and pulled out a wallet. Bob recognized it at once. "I'll bet you're Robert S. Baker of 211 Sunny Drive" he said, reading Bob's identity card.

"Where's my pants?" Bob asked.

"They're in a locker in the mall" Bert said, holding up a key.

"We'll make you a deal" Stan said. "Brenda here really wanted that Bob's boxers, but I realize now that she has yours instead, doesn't she?" Bob indicated she did. "Well, we'll give you the key if he'll give up the boxers to her first."

"Will she give me back my boxers?" Bob asked.

"No, those will make a good trophy too; she can maybe find someone in your school who wants them."

"And what about my wallet?"

"If the people who go into the mall to get his pants back take the pants you're wearing with them, you can have the wallet now. And everything that was in it, including the eighteen dollars."

Cars were driving by and OB was getting fidgety standing there in his boxers. "So you expect two of us to hang around out here with no pants on? I think we'll pass."

"Okay with us, but it's a long way home from here. A lot could happen. Besides, won't you be worried I might show up at your house and give your mom your pants and boxers and tell her I found them at the mall? How would you explain that to her?"

"Just do it" OB said. "We'll hide behind cars or something. Dallas will stay with us. They aren't going to leave us alone until they get us naked out here. Let's go over there" he pointed to an area away from the main traffic lines that was filled with parked cars.

"No, right here is fine. One we make the exchange your free to go wherever you want" Burt said, obviously enjoying this.

"Fine! Right here then, but this time you'd better be telling the truth" OB said, pulling the boxers down and tossing them over to Burt.

"Mind your manners now and don't be making any threats. Pick them up and hand them to Brenda nicely" Burt said, dangling the key just out of OB's reach.

OB picked them up and walked to Brenda. "Here are my boxers, I hope this satisfies you." His dick was fully erect again as she stared at him standing there naked from the waist down. Burt reached over and hung the key on his dick.

"How about you, do you want the wallet back now, or later?" Stan asked Bob.

Bob was worried that OB was right, they would follow them home and take what they wanted if he didn't. "Damn you" he said, peeling off OB's pants. The three girls from OB's school were really enjoying the show as KC took the pants and key and ran to the mall.

"See you all later, hope you have a nice time out here" Stan said tossing Bob's wallet to him as they moved off. Bob and OB headed rapidly to where OB had pointed before. They got in the middle of a bunch of cars and tried to remain out of sight.

"Of the mall police come and see us hanging around the cars they'll think we trying to break in. Why don't you guys lay down and we'll keep watch from the middle of the aisles. If anyone comes this way we'll tell you which way to go" Dallas suggested.

KC was gone a lot longer than expected. When she did come back she explained why. "There are two sets of lockers in there. The key had number 24 on it, but when it didn't open I had to ask someone and they told me about the second set of lockers. When I found the second set, the key opened it, but all that was in there was another key for locker 24 for I had to go back to the first set of lockers." She tossed the pants to the very relieved boys and they headed for home.

"Well, that didn't turn out as easy as we hoped, but it came out okay in the end" KC said.

"Yeah, unless you're me and you have to face them in school this fall" OB said.

"Well, maybe by then they'll forget about it. But let's see, an idea like that didn't show much imagination, so I'm going to guess it was OB's idea. Am I right?"

"You mean after all that you still want to continue?"

"Unless you want to quit now and we go back to telling your parents."

OB hadn't changed his mind on that option, so KC said "Let's go get Bob's envelope and see what evil stuff he has planned. Robin, who will play this time?"

"Well, definitely Dallas, he hasn't had anything bad happen to him. And OB got the worst of it on the last one, so I guess Bob and Dallas."

"What do you mean OB got the worst? I had to stand out there naked right next to him!" Bob said. "Even when something bad does happen to him he's not alone!"

"Now Bob, it's your plan and I'm sure it's a good one, so what can go wrong? Let's see what it says here."

"Play hide and seek in the park. Two naked boys try to find where the third one is hiding."

"That sounds like a real fun time. Let's go do it."