
By Aldric

Copyright 2016 by Aldric [email protected], all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
Comments may be made to [email protected]
This story depicts minors in unusual conditions that may include unprotected, unsafe sex or extreme humiliation. Obviously, this does not describe real life and should not be taken as such. In the real world, behaviors as described in the story are not acceptable, tolerated, or legal. The reader should never confuse the difference between fiction and real life. This story is fictional.

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Madison took three pictures of the boys as they left the gym and headed towards the track.  She was permitted to use her free time to take photos for the school newspaper and yearbook, and the photos of the boys in white tee shirts and white shorts would most likely appear in one or both.
She noticed that Ethan Drake and Noah Randal were among the boys she had just shot.  Ethan and Noah were notorious.  Few people liked them because of their pranks, many of which got out of hand.  And if confronted or challenged, revenge was their response.  They had been in trouble so many times during their three years at Carter Middle School it was amazing they had never been expelled.
Madison remembered they had just returned from a three-day suspension for putting rotten eggs in a sixth grader’s pockets and then breaking them.  They probably would have gotten away with it except that Mr. Sheppard, the principal, just happened to be in the right place at the right time, caught them red handed.  All the kids knew you never told on Ethan and Noah unless you wanted to suffer even more.
She glanced back at the boy’s gym class and didn’t see Ethan and Noah.  She used the camera’s zoom lens to try and find them, but they were not with the rest of the class.
She forgot about them and went looking for some more photo opportunities.  She considered trying to get some candid shots by going outside and looking in the windows of the first floor classrooms.  She also had permission to go outside the school as long as she stayed on the school grounds.  But if she disturbed classes in session and a teacher complained she could lose her privileges.  She decided to go around front and take a look; perhaps with the zoom she could get some shots of kids answering questions or something without being intrusive.
She followed the sidewalk out to where the busses loaded and dropped off the students and then she turned back towards the school.  She held the camera up, still using the zoom lens, but found that she was too low to see much.  The ground sloped away from the school so much that her head was now even with the bottom of the windows.
She paned the camera to the right, hoping to find something interesting to shoot, when she saw the green garden hose running out the window of the boy’s bathroom.  The hose ran along the ground and around the corner over by the school’s parking lot.
Intrigued, she moved to where she could see around the edge of the building.  She stayed the same distance from the school, which took her right to the edge of the school boundary.  As soon as she could see around the edge, she saw Noah Randal.
He was crouched next to a car and watching the edge of the building.  If she had moved closer to the school he would have seen her as she came around the corner, but from where she was his view of her was blocked by the car he was next to.
She knew that if Noah was here then Ethan had to be somewhere nearby.  Madison used the camera to get a better view of the parking lot.  And she found him—he had the other end of the green hose in one hand and something in the other.  She was looking at him through the windows of two cars and it was hard to make out what he was doing.
She moved parallel to the school fence towards the parking lot, keeping an eye on Noah.  Noah was obviously acting as a lookout, but he didn’t expect anyone coming from the direction Madison was coming from and didn’t see her.
Once Madison reached the parking lot and had a clear view of Ethan it quickly became clear what Ethan was doing.  It looked like he had a box cutter in one hand and he was cutting through the top on Mr. Sheppard’s convertible.  Without hesitation, Madison began snapping pictures.
Ethan cut through the stiff fabric.  As he lifted the hose, Madison could see that water was running out of the end.  She took three good pictures through the zoom lens as Ethan pushed the hose through the hole he had cut.
Ethan then whistled and Noah got up and ran over to him.  She got more pictures as they high-fived each other before running back to the back of the school to rejoin their gym class.
Madison was torn over what to do.  She could run to the principal’s office and show Mr. Sheppard the pictures and become a hero.  The boys would be in serious trouble, but at some point they would learn who turned them in and would seek revenge.  Madison remembered Eric Braum, who had tattled on them after they used magic markers to draw an image of a penis on his back.  Three weeks later he was found naked with a sack over his head, tied to the sign to his apartment complex.  He said he didn’t know who did it to him, but everyone knew it was Noah and Ethan.
Madison was afraid of the boys, as were all of her classmates.  But she now had hard evidence of them vandalizing the principal’s car.  Perhaps it was her turn to get revenge on behalf of all the kids in school who had suffered in silence as they were pranked by the two boys.
She copied the photos to her thumb drive and then went back into the school.  The main hallway was empty and she searched for a place to hide the thumb drive.
After hiding it she went back to the back of the school.  The boy’s gym class was just coming back to the gym.  Noah and Ethan were lagging behind and Madison pushed back her fear and went out to confront them.
“Out taking pictures of boys in their shorts?” Ethan said to her.  “Give me the camera and I’ll get you some good pictures of them in the showers.”
“Actually, I was taking pictures.  I took several of you two during your gym class.  I saw what you did.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Noah sad.  “We were just out running the mile.”
“Oh, you were running alright,” Madison said, “But not on the track.  I saw you standing guard while Ethan vandalized Mr. Sheppard’s car.  And I have proof you did it.”
Ethan grabbed the camera out of her hands.  After a few seconds he looked at Noah and said, “Shit, I thought you were watching?”
“I was,” Noah said.  “Did she really see you?”
“Yeah, but I’ve taken care of it.”  He handed the camera back to Madison.  “The evidence is gone, and now you’re the one who’s in big trouble.”
“I think you guys are the ones in trouble,” Madison said.  “I made a copy of the pictures and hid it.”
Noah considered the possibility that she was telling the truth.  He’d been worried that they were going too far this time.  Ethan had talked him into damage on a large scale, something that wouldn’t be solved with detention or another suspension.  He pulled Ethan back so they could discuss it.
“Something’s up,” Noah whispered to his friend.  “Why would she hide copies?  She had the pictures, if she were going to tell all she had to do was take the camera to Sheppard.  I think she plans to blackmail us.”
“Why the hell weren’t you watching?” Ethan asked.  “If she really does have copies, we’d be in a lot more trouble than ever before.”
“I was watching; she must have come in by the fence.  We need to find out what she wants and what she plans.  Maybe we can stall her and find the copies, if they even exist.”
Noah and Ethan came back over to where Madison was waiting.
“If you know what’s good for you you’ll be getting us the copies,” Noah said.
“Mr. Sheppard is going to think you guys did it anyway.  Why’d you do it?”
“He may think we did it, but without proof he can’t do anything to us.”
“And I have the proof he would need.”
“So what do you want from us?  We’re not scared of you. And if you do show him the pictures we’ll get back at you later.”  Noah was hoping to scare her.
“What I want is for you two to give yourselves up.  Go to the principal’s office and tell him what you did.”
“That’s not going to happen.  You have something planned, let’s hear it,” Ethan said.
“If you don’t, then I’ll give him the pictures.  And if you do anything to me everyone will know it was you.  I’ll give you a day or two to give yourselves up, but don’t keep me waiting too long.”
She turned and walked away just as the gym teacher stuck his head out the door and started yelling at Ethan and Noah for being late coming back.
She had hidden the thumb drive because she had expected them to search her, and was surprised they never did.  She thought about recovering the hidden drive, but figured it was fine right where it was.  If she needed it, she could get to it at any time.
When the final bell rang that day, most of the kids saw the police car in the parking lot and wondered why.  Noah and Ethan knew why, and knew that the police would probably want to talk with them at some point in time.  They hoped the rest of the kids in their gym class would stick to what they were told to say.
That night, news of the crime was on the television, and the boys found out for the first time that they had caused an estimated $14,000 of damage.  A reward was posted for information leading to an arrest.  Noah called Ethan to make sure he knew and they discussed what they needed to do next.
The next day they avoided Madison in the morning.  Both boys were pulled out of their first class and taken to the principal’s office.  Noah’s father and Ethan’s mother were there, as was a police officer.
“Did you boy’s have anything to do with the damage that was done to my car yesterday afternoon,” Mr. Sheppard asked them.
Both boys did their best to look shocked.  “Why, no Mr. Sheppard.  Why would you think that?” Noah asked.
“Look boys, this is serious,” the police officer said.  “Whoever did it is in a lot of trouble.  They could be found guilty of a criminal offense.  They could be responsible for damages.”
“They could be put in a youth treatment center by their parents,” Noah’s father said.  “I’m getting tired of the trouble you two cause.”
Ethan’s mother nodded her head in agreement.  “There’s a place in Alaska that deals with boys like you who are too young for the courts to disciple properly.”
“We didn’t have anything to do with it,” Ethan said.  We were in our classes all day yesterday.”
“Some boys in your gym class said you took off for a while,” Mr. Sheppard said.  “Did you?”
The boys had guessed that the other boys in their gym class would tell once the police were involved.  “We snuck off for a smoke,” Noah said.  “We were in the woods.”
“Tell me where you were,” the police officer said.
They described the location, a popular one for the few boys who smoked.  They knew the officer would find a few butts, but knowing that he was investigating their story was unsettling for them.
The next morning they entered the school hours before anyone else would arrive using the keys they had swiped from the office one time when the secretary was careless.  They went straight to the journalism room, which they considered the most likely place in school that Madison might have hidden the evidence.  But after an hour long search they had found nothing.
They left the school and went back home before they were missed.  Before they parted they agreed they had to discuss what Madison wanted.  They could come up with some cash, or some pills or dope, but they didn’t think she was after anything like that.  But they couldn’t let her turn in the evidence, both knew that the threat their parents had made was not intended to just scare them.
They waited for Madison at her locker.  Madison had heard from someone who knew Ethan’s sisters that they were facing a lot of trouble.
“Okay, what do you want from us?” Ethan asked.  “I mean, to keep you from turning in the evidence.  We’ve got some money, or if you want…”
“I told you before what I want, that is for you to turn yourselves in.”
“No, we can’t do that.  That’s why we’re here to see you.”
“You’d be better off going to Mr. Sheppard now and admitting you did it.  My punishment is going to be far worse than anything you face from him or your parents.”
“We didn’t come here to be punished.  Besides, what’re going to do, spank us?  Just tell us what you want and we’ll think about it.”
“It might come to spanking, I haven’t really decided.  But my punishment will be to get back at you two for every evil thing you have done to any kid at this school.  When I’m done you’ll never again pull one of your pranks or threaten any student.  And I’ll say it again, your best option is to turn yourselves in.”
Noah and Ethan had expected blackmail, not punishment.  They were caught off guard by her response and weren’t sure what to do.
“I’ll give you until the end of school today to decide,” Madison said.  “If you don’t turn yourself in or tell me that you accept my method, then I’ll give the pictures I took to Mr. Sheppard.  Just think; I’ll get the reward.”  She turned and walked away from them without giving them a chance to ask any questions.
They came to her as she was finishing lunch.  “Okay,” Noah said, “we’re not going to turn ourselves in.  We’ll go for whatever you have planned.  Tell us about it.”
“I just want to tell you again that my way is not the easiest way.  You’ll regret making this decision later.  Are you sure?”
“Yes!” said Ethan, getting tired of hearing her repeating herself.  “Just tell us what we have to do.”
“Let’s go to the photo lab.  We can talk there.”  She led them to the room and went inside and locked the door behind her.  The room smelled of chemicals and since both boys were already feeling stressed the smell made them feel slightly sick.
“My plan consists of five steps, each worse than the one before it,” she said.  Then, noticing the look on the boy’s faces, added, “None of them involve pain.  You can turn yourselves in at any time.  You’ll probably do that rather than go through all five steps.  Fail to follow my directions at any time and I’ll turn in the evidence and collect the reward.”
“Okay, so what are the five steps?” Noah asked, wanting to get this over with.
“You’ll only learn of the next step when you’ve completed the one before it,” Madison said.  “The first step is the easiest of course.  I want you both to take off all of your clothing and each of you masturbate the other to orgasm.”
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Ethan said.  He actually blushed.  “Do you even know what that word means?”
“I’m not kidding, and you only have until my next class starts.  If you’re not done by then I turn in the pictures.  And yes, I do know what masturbate means.  Girls have health in eighth grade too.”  She stood there staring at the two boys.
For all they had expected, neither boy had planned for this.  They stood dumfounded.
“Time is passing.  You have about twelve minutes,” Madison said, this time smiling.  “I told you my way wasn’t the easiest.”
“Do you really have copies of the pictures you took of us?” Noah asked.
“I do, and I will turn them in unless you complete the first task or turn yourselves in.”
Noah and Ethan looked at each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move.  Finally, Noah shook his head but began unbuttoning his shirt.  Ethan followed by pulling his shirt off over his head.  Without looking at each other they both continued to strip.
“Shoes and socks too,” Madison said as they got down to their boxers.  “I want you completely naked for this.”
With great reluctance, the boys completed the process, removing their boxers last.  Their shame was written all over their faces.
“Uh, can’t we like, just do it ourselves,” Ethan asked, hoping not to have to touch Noah’s dick.
“No.  My instructions were quite clear.  You do each other.”  Madison was in heaven.  Both boys were nearly identical in appearance down there.  They each had just a light covering of hair above their dick and on their balls.  Each was about four inches long and circumcised.  She couldn’t wait to see them with an erection.
With even greater trepidation, Noah reached his right hand out to Ethan’s groin, feeling for his dick without looking at it.  He began to gently squeeze it.
Ethan looked down at Noah’s hand, feeling the heat from it on his dick.  He reached his left hand over and started massaging Noah’s dick.  He felt his dick responding and became even more embarrassed.
As Madison stared both boys began to get erections.  They each shifted from squeezing to rubbing the dick in their hand.  Neither of them had felt a hand other than their own on their dick since they were little boys, and each privately enjoyed the sensation.  As the rubbing continued, each gradually approached climax.
Ethan felt Noah’s dick twitch in his hand and heard him take a deep breath.  Noah’s hand stopped moving as he reached the final stage before shooting.  He bent his legs slightly as the first burst of semen shot from his dick, followed by three more as Ethan’s hand kept up the pace.
Once Noah was done, his hand started stroking Ethan’s dick again.  Ethan dropped his left hand and stood there as Noah stroked him to orgasm.  “Ah, ah, ahhhhhhhh,” he said loudly as he began to shoot his load.
Madison was thrilled beyond belief.  She knew what was going to happen, she had seen drawings of an erect penis, but she never expected to watch two of her classmates do what Ethan and Noah had just done.  She couldn’t wait for results of the next step.
“Okay, you’ve now completed the first step,” she told them, “and with very little time to spare.  Your next step is much harder—you must get five girls from this school to sign a form stating they saw you naked.  They can be from any grade as long as they attend this school.  Oh yeah, each of you has to have different names on the forms.  I’ll give you three days to get it done.”
Without waiting for the boys to dress she unlocked the door and left the room.  The boys quickly locked it behind her and dressed again.  Neither one said anything to the other until after they were dressed again.
“Shit, how the hell are we supposed to get girls to sign a form saying they saw us naked?” Noah asked.  “Why would any girl sign a form like that?”
“I think we’re actually going to have to let them see us naked,” Ethan said, blushing from the thought.  “But I don’t know how we’re going to do it without getting into a lot of trouble.”
They hurried to their next class, getting there just as the bell was ringing.  About half way through the class Noah passed a note to Ethan that read, “I think I have an idea.”
They didn’t get a chance to talk until after school.  Noah explained his plan.  “We tell a bunch of girls that we have a bet to see which one of us they think looks the best naked.  We get them to sign the slip as judges.  Then all we have to do is strip and let them vote.”
“What happens to the loser?” Ethan asked.
“Nothing!  Why does something have to happen?”
“Because you said it was a bet.  One of us has to lose the bet, and the girls are sure to ask what happens to the loser.”
“Hell then, you come up with a better idea!” Noah said angrily.
“I didn’t say it was a bad plan, we just need to be able to answer the obvious question.”
By the time the school bus reached their stop, Ethan still had no idea better than Noah’s.  But he did have an improvement.  “First, we have to tell them no cameras and no cell phones.  We don’t want any pictures of us out there.  Second, the girls who vote for the winner get to stay and watch the loser beat off.  The girls who voted for the loser have to leave.”
“You’d beat off in front of a bunch of girls if you lost?” Noah asked.
“We just did something worse,” Ethan said, “although it was just one girl.  But we have to come up with something believable as a bet.  Besides, I’m cuter than you, I’ll probably win.”
“We’d have to find someplace to do it,” Noah said, warming to the idea.
“Your basement.  There’s nobody home after school except you and your brother and we can get rid of him easily enough.”  Noah had an eleven-year-old brother named Brayden and they had scared him off several times in the past.
“You really think we can do this?  And remember, she said every task is worse than the one before it.”
“Are you thinking of telling the police we did it?” Ethan asked.  “Because if you are, say ‘boot camp in Alaska’ out loud, cause that’s where we’ll be headed.”
“No, I’m not giving in.  It’s just that, uh, I’m kind of scared.  And it will keep getting worse.  What else will we have to do?  I’m not even sure she really has copies of the pictures.”
“I know, I’m scared too.  I think that after this step we’ll have to continue no matter what she makes us do.  If she really does have pictures, think how bad it would be to go through with posing naked for girls and then still end up in a boot camp in the wilderness.”
They both agreed to think about it over night and unless they came up with a better plan to try and get it done the next day.
Neither of them slept well that night and when they met at the bus stop either one had a better idea.  “One thing I didn’t think of,” Ethan said.  “If we do it at your house, the girls will have to be from our bus route.  We can’t expect girls from the other side of town to come over.”
They looked at the other kids waiting for the bus.  There were five girls, two of them Ethan’s sisters and three others.  “I don’t think I could do it with girls from right next door,” Noah said.  “And I’m sure you don’t want to do it in front of Sydney and Paige,” he said, referring to Ethan’s sisters.  “How many other girls ride our bus?”
“I don’t know, but here it comes.  We can count when we get to school.”
Not counting the five at their bus stop, there were fourteen girls on the bus.  But some got on blocks away from their stop.  Also, half of them were in the sixth and seventh grade.  “Do you want girls from our class or younger girls there,” Ethan asked.
“I don’t know,” Noah said with frustration.  “The ones from our class we know better, but that’s both good and bad.  And the sixth graders might run home and tell mommy.”
“And I just thought of this—what happens when we tell a girl what we want and she says ‘no.’ Kids are afraid of us and they’re going to think it’s a trap.  Or a girl might tell her parents too.  Or her friends.  This could get out of control really fast.”
“We have to be careful who we ask.  Only ask girls we think will come and watch, even if they are younger.  Man, this is going to really suck.”
“If we do it at your house we have to convince most of the girls on our bus to come,” Ethan said.  “Maybe we shouldn’t exclude the girls from right around our houses.”
“Or your sisters,” Noah said.  “Or we have to do it somewhere in school.”
“There’s no way Sydney or Paige is seeing me naked,” Ethan said.  “Maybe we could do it in the development room.”
“Too small, we’d never fit ten girls in there.  But that gives me an idea on one of the girls to invite—Madison.”
“What about a girl’s rest room?  Maybe we could get someone to keep any other girls from coming in somehow.”  Ethan was getting more nervous as they discussed all the details and steps involved.  And the three-day clock was ticking.
“You know, once we start asking girls it’s not going to be a secret.  We’re going to have to do it as soon as we have ten girls.  If we delay, there’s going to be a lot more than ten girls there.”  Noah was also thinking about how they were going to come up with a plan and execute it in three days.
“You have a good point.  What if we talked to one of the girls just before they have gym class and told her to let us in at the end of the period.  We’d have to move fast, but we could do it.”
“The eighth grade has gym after lunch, then seventh grade.  The sixth grade is last period,” Noah said.  “I’d rather do it in front of the seventh grade than either of the other two.”
“My sisters are in eighth and sixth grade.  That only leaves one choice for me—seventh grade.  We’d have to cut class or make sure we could leave early.  And we’d have to tell the girls to change as fast as possible to give us enough time.”
“So we’re going to do this today?” Noah asked.
“Unless we come up with a better plan before lunch,” Ethan said. “There is one problem though; Hailey Scott is in seventh grade.”  Haley lived across the street from Noah and was one of the girls they both agreed they didn’t want to strip in front of.
“We have to do this, and this is the best plan we’ve got so far.  I wish she wasn’t there, but unless we come up with a better plan by the end of lunch we have to go for it.”  Noah’s hands were actually shaking and all they had done was make a plan.  He wasn’t sure if he could really go through with it.
“If we do it, we have to get in there and strip as fast as we can.  We can’t afford to waste any time worrying about modesty,” Ethan said.  He was just as concerned with the plan as Noah was.
By the end of lunch they still had no better plan.  They didn’t pay any attention to their fourth period teacher, and when the bell rang they hurried to the entrance to the gym.
“Hailey, got a minute?” Noah asked when their neighbor got there.  She didn’t trust them, but curiosity made her approach them.
“Ethan and I have a bet going and we need your gym class’s help.  We need to know from you girls which of us you think looks better naked.”
“As interesting as that sounds, I don’t think any of the girls in my class have seen either of you naked.  I did once if that helps.  You were both about five then.”
“If you girls get dressed as fast as possible after gym, we’ll be by the locker room door.  You let us in and we’ll strip so you can vote,” Ethan said.  He could feel his ears burning.
“If this is a trick to get into the girl’s locker room,” she began.
“No trick.  We wait here until you open the door.  All of you should be dressed.  We just need to settle the bet.”
“What happens to the loser?” Hailey asked, getting more interested in the idea.
“You’ll see when you choose a winner,” Noah said.  “Talk about it and we’ll be waiting right outside the door before the end of class.”
Ethan and Noah walked towards the boy’s room where they were going to wait out the period.  They both felt sick, thing of all that could go wrong.
With fifteen minutes to go in the period, they quietly moved to the entrance to the locker room.  Ethan knocked once to let them know they were there.  The door opened immediately.
There were eighteen girls in the class and each of them had the same expression on their face.  Ethan and Noah entered the room and quickly began to remove their clothing.  “Take a piece of paper and write your name on it, and then write ‘I enjoyed seeing blank naked,’ putting one of our names down in the blank,” Noah said as he undid his pants.
The girls began giggling as more of the boy’s bodies were exposed.  As the last article of clothing came down the girls all moved in to get a good look at the two thirteen-year-old boys.
“Okay, hurry up and vote,” Ethan said.  But the girls didn’t have a deadline and they were all trying to get a good look.
“Come on, you have to vote,” Noah pleaded, looking at the clock on the wall.  “We have to be done before the bell rings.”
Finally the girls started to write and handed the papers to Hailey.  She put them in two piles and then counted each pile.  “By a vote of twelve to six, we declare Noah to be the best one.”  The other girls cheered.
Noah began dressing.  “What happens to Ethan,” Hailey asked.
“I have to stand here until the bell rings,” Ethan said.
“No, you’re supposed to, ah, no, that’s right.  Just stand there,” Noah said, realizing too late what Ethan was trying to get out of doing.
“You’re lying!” Hailey said.  “What was the real bet?”  She waited for an answer.  “We’ll throw you both out of here naked unless you tell us the real bet,” she said when nether one answered.
Ethan looked at Noah and shrugged his shoulders.  “He has to jack off,” Noah said.  And the girls who voted for him have to leave with me, they can’t watch.  Only the girls who voted for me can stay.”
There were moans and groans as Hailey called out the names of the six girls who had to leave.  Ethan kept watching the second hand go round on the clock.  Finally it was just him and twelve girls.  He went to work on his cock, but the shame of doing it in front of so many girls made it difficult to get it hard.  He was almost there when the bell rang.
“I’ve got to get dressed,” he said desperately.
“He didn’t do it,” complained one of the girls.  “It’s hard, but he didn’t play with it enough.”
“I agree, but we need to go to our next classes,” Hailey said.  “But he still shouldn’t get off scot free.”  She opened a locker and said, “Push him in here.”
Ethan struggled but it was twelve against one and he soon found himself in the locker.  The door slammed shut.  Then he heard a girl ask, “What should we do with his clothes?”
“Put them in here,” Hailey said.  Ethan heard another locker door close from somewhere in the row behind him.  He tried to open the door but the girls were holding it closed.
Then he heard other girls coming in to the locker room and knew the sixth grade class was arriving.  His sister Paige was in this class, so he knew there was no getting out now.
The girls sat around chatting until the next bell rang, marking the beginning of their class.  Locker doors started being opened, and Ethan grabbed the latch lever on the locker he was in just in time to keep a girl from opening it.  Thinking the locker was jammed the girl move to another.
“Hey, what are these doing here?” a girl asked.  “There’s a bunch of boy’s clothes in here.”  There was a lot of movement and then Ethan heard Paige say, “Those are my brother’s clothes.  He wore them to school today, which means he’s somewhere in school without them.  And he’s not getting them back until he gets home.”
Ethan heard lockers being closed and locks being put on them.  The girls, now in their gym clothes, headed out to the gym.  Ethan came out and opened every locker that didn’t have a lock on it, but his clothes weren’t in any of them.  He knew they were locked in his sister’s locker and that she’d take them home with her.
He looked around for anything to cover himself with, but there wasn’t much.  He found two small towels.  Apparently the girls didn’t take showers after gym any more frequently than the boys did.  He had to tie the towels together as neither one reached all the way around his waist.
As the end of class approached, he got back into the locker he started out in and hung on to the latch to make sure no girl could open it.
After the girls left, he came out and again searched for clothes, but they were gone.  Making sure the towel was covering him as much as possible; he slowly opened the door and looked out into the gym.
As soon as the door opened a crack, Noah pulled it open.  “What happened,” he asked Ethan.
“My sister took my clothes,” Ethan said.  “How the hell am I going to get home like this?”
“You can’t stay in the school or the janitor will find you,” Noah said.  “And we can’t walk home, it’s too far.  Maybe if we hurry we can get the front seat on the bus.”
“Wearing nothing but a towel?” Ethan asked.  He thought for a minute, but Noah’s idea was the best he could come up with.  “Give me your shirt and boxers.”
They had let the locker room door close and now it couldn’t be opened without a key.  Moving fast, Noah kicked off his shoes and dropped his pants and boxers in one motion.  He separated them and pulled his pants back on while Ethan pulled the boxers up.  Then he took off and handed his shirt to Ethan.
“We’ve got to hurry,” Ethan said and they both ran towards the buses, Ethan struggling to keep the towel from falling off as he ran.  They ignored the laughter and cheers as they pushed through the kids boarding buses and got on their bus.
The bus driver looked at them and said, “I don’t even want to know” as they passed.  The front seats were already occupied by sixth graders.  Noah though about kicking them out but decided not to create a scene.  He pushed Ethan against the window in the second row and sat down next to him.
As the rest of the kids boarded the bus Ethan and Noah were subject to laughter and teasing, which only got worse when Paige boarded and sat behind them.  The ride home seemed to take twice as long as normal.
When they reached their stop Ethan and Noah got off the bus first and ran to their houses, both hearing their neighbors and siblings laughing at them, a situation they had never been in before.
The next day Noah handed over the voting sheets to Madison.  “These aren’t exactly what I said,” she said, watching the fearful reaction on the boy’s faces when they thought she might reject them, “but I guess they’ll do.  Besides, I’ve already heard about it from a few of the girls who were there.  I think you two are going to be the talk of the school for quite a few weeks.”
That wasn’t what they wanted to hear, but it was too late now.  “What’s the next step?” Ethan asked fearfully.
“I want notes from four boys who attend our school that says you performed oral sex with them.  I believe you boys call it a blow job.  And it doesn’t count if you each do it to the other.”
“Oh, come on, please!  We can’t do that; everybody will think we’re queer.  Can’t we do something else?”
“Yes, of course you can!  I’ve told you all along that you should give yourselves up.  My punishment is far worse than what would happen if you admitted your crime.”  Madison looked at the fear on their faces.  “But if you want to finish my punishment than you have to bring me the four signed statements.  Oh, and I will probably ask the boys if you really did it.  If they say you didn’t, that you paid them to sign or threatened them to sign, then I won’t count it and you’ll have to come back with eight signed notes.”
Noah and Ethan wouldn’t even look her in the face and disgust and fear was written all over their faces.  She had never imagined seeing these two like that and was already satisfied with her achievement.  But she wasn’t going to let them off her hook.  “Since it’s only four boys, I think you can have it done by the end of school tomorrow.”
“No, we need more time to plan how to do it,” Noah said as Madison walked away.
She turned her head back and said, “You don’t need to plan it at all, just do it.  There should be plenty of boys here willing to give you a chance to complete this step.  Just ask them.”
“Damn, how the hell are we going to do this,” Ethan said.  He rubbed a tear out of his eye.  “We should have turned ourselves in right from the start like she said.  But after what we’ve been through now we have to continue or it was all done for nothing.”
“But each step is worse than the one before it.  What could be worse than this?” Noah asked.  “Doing pushups in the Alaskan snow is starting to sound better all the time.”
“Except that we would be expelled so we would have to come back here and repeat eighth grade.  And we’d be on the receiving end of every joke and prank for the entire year.  I’d rather go through it here and move on.”
Noah thought about it for a few seconds.  “Actually, I might not come back.  My parents are talking about military school.”  That prospect sounded like a punishment that would last for years.  And it would separate him from his best and only friend.
They headed off to class, each one trying to figure out how they could do something so gross, so horrible, and so humiliating.  And have it done in the next thirty hours.
They met at lunch, sitting away from other kids as much as possible so they could talk about it.  But talking was hard as kids dared to come forward and say something about their naked contest yesterday.  Kids who would have never dared to talk to them just a week ago were now teasing them.  It surprised them how quickly Madison had changed their lives.
“One thing I think we can agree on—we aren’t going to do it to anybody in our grade,” Noah said.  Ethan nodded his head in agreement.  “I personally lean towards sixth graders because they’re less likely to shoot.”
“I agree, except I just can’t see myself asking an eleven-year-old to let me suck his dick,” Ethan said.  He shuddered as he thought about it.
“Some of them are twelve,” Noah said, as if that would make it better.  “Maybe we could ask the nerds or brainyacs.  They don’t have a lot of friends they could tell, and nobody would believe them anyway.”
“You know, that’s a good idea.  And even though it sounds gross, we both know a pair of dedicated nerds,” Ethan said.
“You mean Justin and Brayden?” Noah asked.  Justin was Ethan’s brother.  He was in seventh grade but was twelve; Brayden was Noah’s eleven-year-old brother.  “I don’t know about doing it to my brother.”
“I do your brother, you do mine.  And we ask them to invite one of their nerd friends over.  It’s better than asking some random kid we know nothing about.”
“Well, if that’s our plan then we have to talk to them today at school so we can do it tonight.  Otherwise we’re going to have to do it at school tomorrow and I really don’t want to do it here.”
It was getting close to the end of the school day and they still didn’t have a better plan so they sought out their brothers.
“Why do you want us to bring a friend over tonight?” Brayden asked.  He and Justin had learned long ago not to trust their brothers.
“Look, just do it or else,” Ethan said, reverting to his bullying nature hoping it would scare his brother into complying with his orders.
“Or else what?” Justin asked.  “Maybe me and Bray will go visit our friends at their house and you guys can do whatever you have planned without us.”
“No, we’re not going to do something to you, we’re going to do something for you,” Noah said.
“Yeah, like we believe that!” Justin said.  “Tell us what’s up or we won’t be there.”
Noah and Ethan exchanged looks.  “We’re going to have to tell them eventually,” Noah suggested.
“Yeah, but I didn’t want to say it at school,” Ethan said.
“Just tell us,” Brayden said.  “And you’d better be telling the truth or I’m telling mom about you being naked in the girl’s gym class yesterday.”  He saw the fearful look in his brother’s eyes and knew he had him.  “Everyone knows about it.  Except mom.”
“We’re being blackmailed,” Noah said softly.  “We’re going to give you guys and one of your friends a blow job.  We have to or we get screwed big time.  So it’s a good thing for you.”
“Yeah, right, like we really are going to fall for that,” Brayden said.  He looked at Justin and asked, “Who would you invite over for a blow job?”
“You know, I think they’re telling the truth for once.  Look at them, they’re almost shaking.  But why just one friend when we could invite a bunch of kids over.  Cooper Thompson, Jayden Bowers, Tom Fields; I’d bet we could get eight or ten kids to come.”
“No, no, just four.  That’s all we have to do.  And Cooper and Jayden are in fifth grade—it has to be kids from our school.  They’re too young,” Ethan said, his fear becoming very visible.
“Cooper is the same age as me,” Brayden said.  “And besides, if you’re being blackmailed, we don’t have to follow the rules.  If you want us there then you do it to everybody we invite.”
There was no negotiating with them and Noah and Ethan didn’t want to start over, especially after telling their brothers about it.  They reluctantly accepted their brother’s conditions.
It was decided it would be done in the family room at Noah’s house since there wasn’t anyone home after school except for him and Brayden.  Noah and Ethan were told to wait in Noah’s room until everyone else was there.
Brayden and Justin came in with towels to use as blindfolds.  Noah started to complain but when Bray threatened to leave he gave up and allowed his brother to wrap the towel around his head.  Then they were delivered by their brothers to the family room.
“Get down on your knees and put your hands behind your backs,” Justin said.  One of them quickly tied their wrists in place.  “We don’t want you to see us, so you’ll do it blindfolded,” Justin said.
“And since you asked us first, me and Justin will go first,” Brayden said.  He pushed his dick up against Noah’s mouth.
“No, I’m supposed to do it to Justin, not you,” Noah said, trying to keep his brother’s dick out of his mouth.
“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll get a chance.  None of our friends have to be home anytime soon and mom doesn’t get home for hours yet.  Now suck it!”  Bray grabbed his brother’s ears and pushed his dick into his mouth.
Noah and Ethan lost track of how many times they sucked a dick.  They knew they each did their own brother, and Noah knew he sucked Cooper Thomson’s dick because Cooper couldn’t stop giggling and laughing while his dick was in Noah’s mouth.
About half of the boys produced cum, and traces of it were hanging off of Ethan and Noah’s chins when it was finally over.
“Now for the great unveiling,” Bray said as he and Justin removed the blindfolds from their brother’s eyes.
Noah and Ethan didn’t want to look, but they had to.  They were still kneeling with their hands tied behind their back.  Facing them were eleven boys.  The worst was Tony Braid and Greg Wielder, two neighbor boys who went to their school.  There were also four boys from the neighborhood who attended the elementary school.
Of the remaining five boys, there were two from sixth grade, two from seventh grade, and to Noah and Ethan’s horror, one from eighth grade.
“Thanks for the happiest hour of my life,” Carl Strob said.  He was in the same grade as Ethan and Noah.  “See you in school, suckers!”  One by one, the boys got up to leave.
“Wait a minute, we need you to sign a statement saying we did this,” Noah said.  But the boys just laughed and continued to leave.  Finally, there were just five of them left—Brayden, Justin, Cooper Thomson, Jayden Bowers, and Tom Fields.  A ten-year-old, two eleven year olds and two twelve year olds.
“We’ll sign your precious forms,” Bray said with a sneer.  “On two conditions.”
Noah and Ethan waited without asking.  Bray wanted to make them beg, but he was too happy with himself to hold back.
“First, you’re going to suck all of us again, as soon as we recover.  And second, you’re going to tell us who’s blackmailing you and Justin and I will give the forms to him.”
Resigned to their fate, Noah knew they couldn’t argue.  He also knew that nothing would ever be the same when it came to dealing with his brother.  “It’s a girl, not a guy,” he said.
“Madison Taylor,” Ethan said.
“A girl is making you do this?” Bray asked.  “That’s just too cool.  I don’t know what she has over you, but it must be a lot.”
After another humiliating round of giving blow jobs to their brothers and neighbors Ethan and Noah were finally untied.  They had to trust that their brothers would really deliver the signed statements to Madison.  Once again, they slept very poorly that night, and were dreading going to school the next day.
Madison was waiting for them the next morning.  “Your brothers are so cute,” she said.  “And they had so many questions too.”
Noah and Ethan had a good idea what questions their brothers had asked and hoped Madison hadn’t given too many details.  “Did they give you the forms like they said they would?”
“Yeah, but two of the boys didn’t count because they don’t go our school.”  Madison once again loved the fear she saw in Ethan and Noah’s faces.  She paused long enough to thoroughly enjoy the moment.  “But they told me who else had been there.  I’ll bet you’re going to get a lot of grieve from Carl Strob, but that’s your problem.  But I’ll accept their word that you did it.  So you must be wondering what the next step is going to involve.”
She didn’t tell them, forcing them to ask.
“You’re almost done, just two steps to go.  Your brothers will tell you what you have to do tomorrow at the bus stop.  You have to do it on the morning bus.”
“But they’ll lie and make it worse than what you told them,” Ethan said.
“That’s your fault for picking on them their whole life.  I told them what to do and you’ll have to trust them.  Or maybe you can buy some mercy from them.  They told me how much they loved having you at their mercy.  Almost as much as what you did.”  With a laugh, Madison walked away.
That night at home, Noah and Ethan had some private time with their brothers that was used to beg not add to the punishment Madison had proscribed to them.  And each submitted to further humiliation by once again bringing their brothers to multiple orgasms.
“Here’s what you have to do,” Brayden said to his brother and Ethan.  They were standing at the bus stop a little apart from the other kids.  “You both sit on opposite sides of the bus in a window seat.  No matter who sits next to you, you will remove all of your clothing and put it under the seat.  Madison was very clear that you had to be naked.”
Bray paused, enjoying the look of horror on his brother’s face.  “That’s not the worse part,” he said.  “You tell them the next part,” he said to Justin.
“This is going to be so funny to watch,” Justin started.  “You have to jack off all the way to school, but you can’t shoot until we pull in to the drop off area.”
“Come on guys, don’t make us do that.  We could get expelled, or even arrested,” Noah said.  He couldn’t imagine getting naked on the bus, let alone jerking off in front of anyone who cared to watch.
“Most of it is what Madison said,” Justin said.  “The rest we made up.  But you were both so good last night that we aren’t going to do all the stuff we had planned.”
“Yeah, you guys don’t know how much the blow jobs saved you,” Brayden added.  “Here comes the bus.  Have a nice ride.”  He and Justin walked along, eagerly anticipating their brothers’ total humiliation.
With shaky legs, Ethan and Noah boarded the bus.  The center rows were mostly empty and they took seats as far from other kids as they could, one on each side.
To complete Noah’s horror, Ethan’s eleven-year-old sister Paige took the seat next to Noah, and he knew that Justin must have told her what was going to happen.
As the bus started moving, Noah sat there until Paige said, “I’m waiting.”
He was so nervous he could see spots before his eyes and thought he might pass out.  He actually wished he would pass out, maybe it would save him from what he was about to do.  He heard laughter and looked over to the other side of the bus and saw Ethan removing his pants.  Ethan already had his shirt off.  Noah followed suit.
Paige turned her head to look at her brother, and then looked back as Noah removed his boxers, leaving him completely naked.  Other kids, mostly girls but also a few of the younger boys had changed seats so they could see what was going on.
This time, Noah was hard even before removing his boxers.  But before he could start rubbing his dick, Paige reached over and put her hand around his shaft.
“I hear if you make stuff come out of your thing that you lose,” she said to him.
“Please don’t,” Noah said.  Her hand felt good and he could tell that he wasn’t far from squirting.
“Do you promise to come and see me this weekend and let me touch you as much as I want?” she asked.
“Yes, I promise, now please stop doing what you’re doing.”  He felt the bus slow down as it approached the next stop.  He wondered how the kids getting on would react when they spotted two thirteen year old boys naked and jacking off.
“If you don’t keep your promise I’ll tell Madison and she’ll make your next step even worse than it already is going to be,” Paige said as she released Noah’s dick.
Noah knew then that Madison had told Bray and Justin what the next step was going to be too.  As kids boarded the bus he tried to use his hand to cover his groin but Paige told him if he didn’t rub it she would.
Looks of total surprise were on the faces as the kids at every stop boarded the bus.  The noise was much louder than normal but the bus driver ignored it and followed his route.  Noah had to fight to keep from shooting several times until finally the bus pulled into the school and he was able to let it go.
“That was interesting,” Paige said, getting up from her seat.  “I can’t wait to watch you do it again.”
Noah reached under his seat and found his clothes.  Everything was there except his boxers.  He dressed quickly as all the kids who were seated behind him filed passed, each making a rude joke or comment to him.  As the last ones passed by, Brayden sat next to him while Justin sat next to Ethan.
“You’re lucky we went easy on you.  We were going to throw your clothes out the window.  Have a nice day now.”  Bray and Justin got up at the same time and headed towards the front of the bus.  Ethan and Noah were the last ones off.
By noon their underpants had somehow ended up inside the trophy display case in the main hall.  It seemed that every kid in school knew what they had done.  And the bathrooms were even worse.  Even sixth graders would wave their dicks in front of them and ask, “Do you want to suck mine?”
Ethan and Noah knew their lives were ruined.  At the end of the day Madison said she’d be over on Sunday for the grand finale.
On Saturday, Noah went next door to Ethan’s house, hoping Ethan would accompany him for Paige’s time, but Ethan reminded him of how he had been alone in the locker room and that Noah was going to have to face this himself.
Paige heard them talking and told Noah to go out behind the garage.  He got there and found four of Paige’s girl friends all waiting for him.  Paige told him to strip and they got started.  They didn’t get bored with him until way after lunch time.
Noah went home and made a sandwich before calling Ethan over.  Both boys hung around in Ethan’s room the rest of the day, dreading what tomorrow would bring.
Madison didn’t show up until late in the afternoon.  “You will want to shave your pubic and underarm hair before Wednesday,” she said to them.
“Is that the last step?” Noah asked hopefully.
Madison laughed.  “No, not hardly.  But if you do then I’ll make sure things go easier for you.  If you don’t then you’ll be on your own.”
“The last step is simple.  Wednesday at lunch you’re going to go across the track and into the woods between our school and the high school.  Somewhere in there somebody is going to come up behind you and blindfold you.  My recommendation is that you don’t struggle and don’t try and see who it is.  That way you can tell the truth when people ask you who it was.  They are going to tie you up, again, don’t fight them and don’t try and figure out who they are.  Any questions?”
Noah had one.  “This is the last step?  Then the pictures get destroyed?”
“This will be the end.  If you do what I’ve told you then you will have the pictures in your hand by Thursday and you can destroy them yourselves.  And I won’t tell anyone I saw you destroying Mr. Sheppard’s car either.  You’ll be done.”
The boys didn’t have any more questions, so Madison left.
“The place she’s talking about, have you ever been there?” Ethan asked.
“Just once.  There used to be paths back there, but now it’s all overgrown with weeds and brush.  Normally, nobody would find us back there, but I suspect Madison has made arrangements to ensure we’re found.”
Shaving turned out to be a little harder than they expected.  Since neither boy had facial hair, they had never tried shaving before.  And both of their fathers used electric razors, which didn’t want to cut through hairs longer than whiskers.  They solved it when Ethan learned that his older sister, Sydney, had a razor.  They borrowed it and completed the job on Tuesday.
When the boys woke up Wednesday morning they were apprehensive about what was going to happen to them but at the same time they were eager to have it over and done with.
When they got to school they learned the full nature of Madison’s plan however, and it was far worse than they had anticipated.  There was an assembly just before lunch where the principal announced that the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth grades were going to work together on a project to rebuild the trails between the middle school and high school so they could be used for nature studies.  Any student that didn’t want to help could stay in school and study.  It was not expected that very many students would stay behind.
“Shit, shit, shit!” Noah said.  “We’re going to be seen naked by every kid between the ages of ten and fifteen.”
“We can’t back out now, we’re so close to being done,” Ethan said.  “But it sure is going to be a long afternoon.  And it’s going to be even worse since we shaved off our pubic hair.  I hope Madison keeps her word and it will be worth it.”
At lunch time the boys headed into the area as Madison had directed.  “Remember, don’t look back even if we hear someone behind us,” Noah said.
It was only a few minutes after he said it that they did hear sticks breaking as people ran up behind them.  The temptation to look was nearly too strong to overcome, but neither boy did turn back.  Strips of cloth were pulled over their eyes and tied behind their heads.
Hands grabbed theirs and led them through the brush.  After a short journey they stopped and their shirts were pulled over their heads.  Then they were pushed forward into a chain link fence.
Their arms were pulled to the sides and plastic ties used to bind them to the fence.  Then they each felt hands at their pants and within seconds pants and boxers came down and were pulled off over their feet.
Their legs were spread to the sides and tied off to the fence with more plastic ties.  Then their dick and ball’s were pushed through the fence and a plastic tie secured their balls to the fence.
They heard giggling and laughter and both boys knew instantly who had ‘captured’ them—Justin, Brayden, Cooper Thomson, Jayden Bowers, and Tom Fields.  Part of the bunch they had given blowjobs to just a few days before.
Something cold was applied to their backs; it took a few seconds before they realized that the younger boys were writing something on their backs with magic markers.  Then it grew quiet.
Noah and Ethan were stuck here until someone else came.  They felt bugs land on them and knew they were feeding mosquitoes, but there wasn’t anything they could do about it.  And they had to hold their groins against the fence or the tie around their balls took hold.
They had no idea how much time had pass before they heard the sounds of someone coming through the brush.  Then they heard the voices and both boys immediately recognized the voices as four kids from their own grade, two boys and two girls.
“What they hell?” Greg Wielder said.  “Hey you guys, come and have a look at this.”
A few seconds later and they could hear giggling from the girls.  “Looks like the mighty Ethan Drake and Noah Randal have gotten into a bit of a problem,” JJ McKnight said.
“Should we untie them?” Chloe Wentworth asked.  “How come they don’t have any hair around their things?”
“Hell no, we should just leave them there for everyone to see,” JJ said.
“But there’s going to be little fifth graders out here too,” Hailey Smith said.  “Some of them might, you know, be a little curious.”
“Everyone, even the grade school kids, hates these two.  Somebody put them here for us to find and laugh at, and I say leave them.  I’m going to go and tell the others what we found, you guys can start clearing brush,” Greg said.
“You’ll have to be careful with that picture,” JJ said.  “If you share it you’ll get in trouble for sure.”  Now Noah and Ethan knew that their predicament was being preserved in one of the girl’s cell phones. 
As if it couldn’t get any worse, both boys were getting boners.  They felt the fence shake and the ties around their balls pulled them up, making the girls laugh.
“Somebody wrote on their backs,” JJ said from behind them.  “We’re being punished because we’re bad,” he read.  “You want to watch me spank them?”
The girls giggled again, but Chloe said no and JJ left them alone.
As the day dragged on, dozens, perhaps hundreds, of kids came by to look, sometimes touch, and always laugh at the two former bullies.  Noah and Ethan had no idea how many kids saw them.
And some decided that a bare backside was too good a target to ignore so quite a few of the kids did spank them, leaving them hot and sore and wishing they could rub.
The other side of the fence was just as bad.  Hands rubbed their dicks, causing them to shoot several times.  The first few times, although very humiliating, at least felt good.  But after several times they had nothing left to shoot and the rubbing was making their dicks sore.
Then the crowds of kids started to thin out until finally they heard somebody say, “They’re over here Mr. Sheppard.”
A few minutes later the blindfolds were removed and three teachers (all men, fortunately for the boys) and Mr. Sheppard were there.  Unfortunately, all of their siblings were there too.  Ethan’s sisters Sydney and Paige and his brother Justin along with Noah’s brother Brayden got credit for ‘finding’ them and bringing the adults in to rescue them.
“Who did this to you?” Mr. Sheppard wanted to know while the plastic ties were slowly cut with a pen knife.
“We don’t know,” Noah said.  “They snuck up behind us and blindfolded us right away.”
“It sounded like big kids though,” Ethan added.  “High school kids most likely.”
“Why do you think they did this,” one of the teachers asked.
“I don’t know, I guess everyone is kind of mad at us for all the stuff we’ve done,” Noah said.  “I think we got what we deserved.”
“A lot worse than if they had told you or their parents,” Ethan added.  And he meant it too.
“Any idea where your clothes are?” another teacher asked.
“We don’t have any idea,” both boys answered.
“Sydney, maybe you and Paige should go back to school.  I’m sure Ethan and Noah feel bad enough right about now,” Mr. Sheppard said.  “Justin, you and Brayden start looking around and see if you can find their clothes anywhere.”
Finally the boys were freed from the ties and a few minutes later their brothers found their pants, but not their boxers or shirts.  Noah and Ethan put them on, grateful for any covering.
“I’ll notify the police and…” Mr. Sheppard began.
“Mr. Sheppard, we’d really rather you didn’t do that.  We would just have to tell the story repeatedly, and we really have no idea who did it.  It would just be more embarrassing,” Noah said.
“Yeah, I agree,” Ethan said.  “I just want to go home.  This was revenge for something we did, or everything we did, and nobody is going to admit they did it.”
“But I have to, it’s…”
“We understand,” Noah said.  “But if you asked every kid who was out here today if they saw us, I’ll bet every one of them will say they didn’t.  Involving the police won’t make any difference, but a police report will just make it more embarrassing for us.”
They couldn’t face the kids on the bus that day and even though it would be a three mile walk home shirtless, they both agreed to walk.  Just before they left the school Madison handed them a note.
Ethan read the note aloud to Noah.  “There is a thumb drive hidden in the potted tree just outside the principal’s office.  The copies of the pictures I took are on it.  I want the thumb drive back after you delete the pictures.”
They returned to the school and when nobody was looking they quickly recovered the drive.  “Was it worth it?” Noah asked as they walked home.
“Well, we’ll never be able to bully anyone ever again in this town,” Ethan said.  “But now it’s done.  The punishment would have gone on for years if she had given the pictures to Mr. Sheppard.  So yeah, I think it was worth it.”
Noah wasn’t so sure, but it was too late now.  He knew they still had to live with their brothers somehow.  How do you expect a younger brother to respect you after this?  All he knew was that revenge sucked.

(End of File)