Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Tentative title: War, Love and Partnership. Part 1: War Keris wiped blood and offal from her helmet's visor, peering out onto the battlefield. Her horse snorted, stomping on the entrails of the dead and dying, pushing them into the thick mud of the battlefield. The air screamed as the archers let loose with another volley. Longbow bolts tore into the air, then dove for the enemy lines. Soon, though, it would not be enough. Already, she had reports of Montaire's mounted cavelry, in full armor, advancing on their position. She knew her troops, though ragged mercenaries culled from a thousand shattered armies, could handle Desalle's legions here, the re-enforcements were another matter. The archers were running low on ammunition. Enemy salvos had killed many longbowmen and Montaire's approach was a surprise. /Nonagression treaty my tail/ thought the wolfmorph as she motioned to her lieutennants. "Keep an eye out for Hecht and his signal. He's our third hand. If he can't stop the re-enforcements from arriving, we'll have to retreat behind Calavar ridge." Smacking their fists against their armored chests, they rode to their lines and regrouped their men. Another salvo sailed into the air, whisteling as signal arrows followed their deadlier cousins. In the distance, a line of troops fell, tumbling down the high ground into the valley filled with blood and bodies. "Dammit, Hecht. Send the signal..." *** In the cover of the tall grass, Senvar waited. Dabbing his gloved finger in a small pot of vegitable oil, he smeared the translucent juice against the joints of his laquered armor. No squeaks, nothing could be heard. He had to be silent. Until the screaming began. Hours before, they watched Montaire's army cross the boarder, heading for the clearest path to the main battle. While he marched, Hecht and his men worked. Hiddin within the tall grass, they strung lengths of wire so tightly pulled, they cut skin as surely as a blade. Lengths of grass desguised pits filled with spikes and specially designed crossbows hid themselves in the shrubs, ready to fill the entire plain with bolts. Then, they sat and waited for the screams to begin. The triggers were set so the entire troop formation was within the plain before the traps exploded around them. In a flash, bolts designed to puncture armor cut into hundreds of men, sending them screaming. Those who ran impaled themselves and their horses in the pit traps, or sliced their throats as the whip-wire sailed through the air on rocky weights, decapitating man after man. Senvar knew his task in particular. He'd been placed in the front by Hecht for a very specific reason. As he peeked over the grass, his eyes focused on Montaire, the canine-morph's regal muzzle poking free of his half helmet as he slashed as a tangle-chord. Senvar's crossbow joined with his hand as he raised it, aimed, and fired. One shot. One kill. The bolt speared the general through the eye. Diving into cover again, he reloaded and searched the field for another officer. Three more fell to his bolts, and as the leaders crumbled into the bloody soil and trampled grass, so did the army. Hecht strode towards him through the carnage and shouted, "Fire the signal skywards. Then ride to the main army and tell them we'll be marching on Desalle's backside in six hours." Senvar nodded, saluted, and strode from the high grass to the woods beyond. Climbing the tree they'd fixed with a look-out post days before, he removed the signal arrow from his jacket and reached for the longbow he hid in the branches of the tree. Knocking the arrow, he raised it skywards, and fired. The signal arrow spun through the air, holes in the head whistling as it streaked through the air. At an appointed height, it hovered, its speed and the pull of the land balancing just long enough to trigger the magically impregnated crystal within. A flower of explosive purple light filled the sky. The signal sent, he descended the tree and quickly mounted his horse. General Hecht had left a wrapped gift for him. He grasped the salted bundle and streaked for the battle. *** When the signal blossomed in the sky, Keris nearly howled for joy. Drawing her lieutennants close, she prepared for another assault, smelling the nervousness pouring for Desalle's troops. The signal was not one of theirs, and certainly did not herald the arrival of re-enforcements. Unfolding a spyglass, she peered at Desalle's encampment, hidden beneath sharpened trees, stained red with the blood of her troops. Soon, Desalle appeared from the barricade, surveying the field with two lieutennants. Wishing she could strike at him from this range, she simply watched. The rear ranks suddenly broke, disgorging a lieutennant with a white bundle in his hands. The size of a ripe summer mellon, he handed it to Desalle. Even from here, she could see the young Wolf'Morph's body shaking with fear. Desalle unwrapped it and froze, as if it contained the eye of Sados himself. One of his lieutennants dropped his sword. Keris lowered the eyepiece and said, "Attack. Now." "Yes! And, General, one of General Hecht's men has arrived..." "Show him in..." Wreathed in black, laqured armor and covered in a thick mixture of blood and mud. "Are you satisfied with the work?" he said, voice rasping through the armor. "Very," she said. "General Hecht will be happy to hear that. Do you have any messages for me to convey to him?" "Just one," she said, eyes narrowing. "Tell him if he doesn't end up dead, then we've won." Two hours later, as she sat astride her horse, watching the last of the opposing army caught between her troops and Hecht's men, she almost felt sorry for them. But, for the most part, she felt sorry for herself. Because, as her eyes tracked the clouds of flies rising from the sun-baked corpses littering the ground, sorry was all she felt. Part 2: Love. It was nearly noon when Keris reached the cave, though you'd never know it from the sky. Dark storm clouds piled up overhead, like a black tent stretched over the mountains. A broad-shouldered wolf-morph, her gray fur couldn't betray the years creeping up on her, though the aches in her scars did. It was going to be a hell of storm. Keris dismounted, cursing the ache in her bones. She led her horse into the cave, tying him to a worn wooden post. She removed his saddle and the packs, fumbling in them for a stub of candle. It was darker than all the hells further on into the cave, and with the storm coming up, she wanted to be as far from the mouth of the cave as possible. By the time the wind began to howl outside, She had set up camp in the far back of the cave. Her bedroll had been laid out beside the small pool in the back, and a small fire had been built, with a large pile of wood beside it. As she warmed her hands by the fire, wiping stray drops of heavy, black rain from her armor, her notched ear picked up something at the cave's front. In a flash, her hand went to the crossbow on her horse's saddle and aimed it, armed and waiting, at the cave's mouth. Another crossbow slowly entered the firelight, followed by a young and bedraggled Coyote. Handsome boy, no notches in his ears. His armor was odd but familiar. Laminated with some kind of varnish and laid in strips instead of plates. His eyes brightened. "Major Keris, ma'am? It's Senvar. I served under Hecht yesterday, before he got speared." The coyote smiled and his eyes twinkled, but the crossbow never faltered. Keris grunted, and gestured with the crossbow. "Under, eh? One of his saboteurs... Sit, damn it. And it's not major anymore. Not as of three days ago," she said. When the war ended, the bodies had been couted, and the irregulars discharged. " I'm just another merc now. And put that damn cross bow down before your arm gets tired." Senvar nodded and lowered the crossbow, quickly disarming it and stowing it on his own horse. He tied the beast up by hers and said,"You've survived more battles than I. I owe you that much respect." He seated himself by the fire and removed his cloak, revealing a barrage of hidden throwing knives. Those he striped away as well, peeling off his armor. "I'd suggest you get out of that soaking armor as well. Can't be good for the wounds..." Keris arched a brow, "And what would you know about wounds, with that pretty face of yours? Why don't you make yourself useful, and start dinner for us both." He smiled. "Dinner. Good idea." He rummaged through his saddlebags for cookware. "And I keep my face unmarked by healing my wounds properly, instead of letting them get infected." Keris finally unnotched the bolt, and lay her crossbow down beside her sleeping roll. Her plate armor took longer to remove than his, the numerous buckles resisting her stiff fingers. She gritted her teeth, refusing to show frustration or curse in front of this whelp. "Need any help?" he asked as he unstrapped the rest of his armor and tossed it on the horse,chest naked. A few light scars covered him but, all in all, most appear to be healed and vanishing. The fur covering them was soft and slightly damp. His nipples were raised against the wash of cold. Keris grunted. "Leather straps are wet. I'll manage." She was damned if she'd ask a cub for help. She'd been fighting battles since before he was weaned. She finally got the armor off, and stripped off the padded jerkin and tunic beneath. Keris was careful to avoid looking at Senvar. Nude to the waist, her fur was coarse with age, though softer on the belly. Gray grizzled with white, patches of it ran in the wrong direction, marks of scars now vanished beneath her coat. Her breasts were small and high from the brief glimpse he got. Then Keris pulled a knee length black tunic from her pack and shrugged it on before turning back to the fire. Removing a slab of salted beef from a sealed leather sack, he began to slice it with a knife and place the strips in the pan. His eyes danced to Keris's figure and he says, "Care for some roots I dug up? The locals call them potatoes. They're quite good when fried in beef juices..." He let the beef sizzle while he striped away his leg armor and boots. The wet leather of his pants, though covered in protective oils, clung tightly to him. The long bulge of his sheath stood out in sharp detail. His eyes climbed all over Keris' tunic. Keris grunted letting her eyes rest on Senvar's form. "I'll try anything once." Her expression was unreadable, as she watched him,showing no signs of shyness in looking him over. "I've got some tea in my pack. That will round out the meal." She got a battered tin teapot and a tripod out of her pack, and filled the pot with water. She leaned over next to him as she arranged the tripod and pot over the fire. Slicing the potatoes thinly, he let them fry over the beef, occasionally turning them over with the tip of his knife. "The leather must be chafing. I know mine does when it dries..." he says, looking to her breeches. "You can hang them to dry. We're soldiers. Modesty isn't something we're allowed on the field." Keris grunted. "And not like I've got anything to tempt a cub like you, eh?" She stripped of her leather pants and boots, hanging the out to dry. The fur around her sex was well trimmed, keeping it free of armor but allowing her labia full visibility. "Going to be stiff in the morning. Hope you had enough sense to pack a change." Senvar speared a bit of beef and munched heartily on it, eyes peering deep into Keris'. She seemed to ignore him, however, as she used a thin dagger to stab herself a piece of beef from the pan. She added the tea to the pot, giving it a few minutes, before pouring them both a cup. "You do yourself a disservice, Keris," he says, sipping the tea."You're quite attractive." He spears another bit of beef and slowly chews on it, it slowly. "And I did pack a change. But... I trust in the integrity of my own fur." Another pause and a long sip of tea. "Here. Take off your coverings and I'll prove to you you're still beautiful." Keris snorted. "Prove t' me you're blind you mean. Or you're a hell of a liar." She ignored him, continuing to eat pieces of beef between sips of tea. "Or are you that hard up for cash already? Gambled away your pay?" "No, my pay is quite safe..." He rose and walked over to Keris's side of the fire, leaving his empty tea cup on the ground. His eyes burned slightly, like an ember from the fire. "But I hate seeing beautiful women deny the truth...take off the covering." An odd energy radiated from him. It glowed along his arms and chest and bare feet. Keris froze at the change in him. This... was wrong. Her instincts screamed at her to run, and run now. With the lightest of touches, he caressed her muzzle, eyes burning and hypnotic. "I can hear your heart. It's thumping wildly. Are you afraid?There's nothing to fear from a young whelp like there?" Keris leaned into his touch, nuzzling at it almost despite herself."No... No reason to be afraid..." And she wasn't. She felt something warm begin to glow down in her belly, and she started to peel off the tunic. How long had it been since her last lover? Did ones she had to pay for count? If a young cub wanted to make love to a woman old enough to be his mother... why not take advantage of it? None of it would matter if they ever met in the field... Her body was very fit, the lean muscled body of a fighter, but most would not call her beautiful. Her fur was coarse, and beginning to go white with age. It refused to lay down sleekly, patches and stripes of fur growing in every direction, legacy of a lifetime of scars. Where the fur thinned over her breasts and belly, you could see the scars themselves, white areas of tight, shiny skin. If someone was kind, they could perhaps call her handsome. Eyes still meeting hers, his hands slid down her shoulders,caressing the fur with an odd delicacy. "All of it," he whispers into her ear, breath hot and cloying. "All of it. Take all of it off." Keris slid off her briefs, leaving herself naked before him. The soft tangle of hair at her loins was already damp. She leaned forward to caress his chest, feeling the young softness of his fur, the lean muscles beneath."I want you...." her voice was a harsh whisper. His hands slid to his own breaches, undoing the leather strips holding them shut. Slowly bit by bit, they fell open. Soon the soft fabric slid down his legs. From the waist down, his body matched the rest. Muscular legs, strong fur only lightly scarred.. From his pelvis, his sheath blulged and slowly the red shaft of his sex rose and bobbed. Heady, earthy scents covered them both, filling the air and clinging to their fur. He kicked a bedroll open and said, "Lie down..." Keris growled softly, nipping once at his shoulder before laying down. Her eyes devoured his body hungrily as she stared at him without shame. Senvar kneeled over her, the tips of his incisors lightly pulling at the skin around her muzzle and throat. His finger traced along the edge of her collar bone, finding a trail between her breasts, moving with the swirl of the fur there. "You want me?" he said, nonchalantly, as if he had a century or two to toy with her. " should want yourself first." His hands went to hers, clasping them. Bringing them to his mouth, one by one, he licked and sucked each finger before placing them over her breasts. "Feel them...massage them...I want you to know what it feels like when someone takes your delicious breasts in their hands and teases your nipples..." Moving her fingers as if they were his, he began to stroke her breasts with her own hands. Keris trembled with pleasure, her eyes half closing at the sensation. Her nipples grew taunt, and her breathing quickened. He slid her hands downwards, over her muscled stomach and down to her mons. His fingers guided her fingers between her dripping lips. "There. Massage yourself. You're hungry down there. Are you hungry?" Keris moaned softly. "Yesss..." Her fingers caressed her clit, playing over it, stroking and rubbing it. The scent of her musk mingled with his, filling the air. He bent his head and kissed her, tongue flowing over hers like honey. "Ask me to devour your tits, then..." Keris returned the kiss passionately, her free hand reaching up to caress his back. "Devour my breasts... make love to me, Senvar..." She tried to pull him down to her, her eyes watching him eagerly. Senvar simply took her hands and pressed them to her sex. "Don't stop on my account." Lying down on his side, he kissed her once more. His strong leg swung over hers, pinning them to the ground. Slow trails of warm kisses flowed down her body to her nipples. Chucking, Senvar nipped at one tit with the edge of his teeth before dripping his tongue on it, then pulling the erect flesh into his mouth and sucking it. Keris growled softly, her eyes closing completely. Her fingers worked frantically at her clit, her body tensing, arching. She snarled in frustration, her fingers working faster as she fought for release. Growling, Senvar shifted his weight, letting his body rest against her. The throbbing of his sex against her thigh was as loud as the thunder outside. His mouth worked the other breast, torturing it with pleasure and kisses. One hand continued to work her fingers against her clitoris, lightly plunging them into her sex. "Good," he whispered. "Very good." A growl was Keris's only reply as she trembled against him. She turned her head to bite down on his shoulder. Senvar turned the planned bite into a searing kiss before he plucked at the skin of her neck with his incisors. His fingers pressed her finger into the growing soft wetness between her legs, spreading blue fire along her hips and thighs. Then, a pause and Senvar pulled away. Fingers reeking of her musk, he took her muzzle in his hand and knelt before her head, erection screaming upwards to the sky. "Still hungry, eh?" His hands pressed her nose against the stiff,wet member. "It's your turn to devour me." Senvar's voice reverberated through the cave, sending ripples down their fur. A small drop of clear liquid welled at the tip of his sex and dripped down the length. Keris trembled, and lapped at the salty drop. A moan escaped her throat as she licked her way to the tip of his member. Her mouth opened, and she gently took his throbbing cock inside, her tongue swirling around it as she whimpered like a cub. Shuddering, Senvar's hips gyrated, thrusting the thickening member deeper into her mouth. Warmth swirled with warmth as the head bumped the back of her throat. Keris gagged slightly and tried to pull away, but her head was held fast. Her breaths rattled from her snout, nostrils flared. Then Senvar roughly removed his cock from her mouth. "No more of that..." he said, chest heaving. "Not now anyway." Keris shivered beneath him... She licked her lips, her head held helplessly between his hands. "Senvar... please... fuck me..." Her fingers plunged in and out of her sex dripping with her juices, her thighs soaked. Licking her ears he whispered to her, "On all fours. Lift your tail and show me how hungry you are..." His heart thundered, out pacing the storm outside. Rivulets of milky liquid ran down his shaft and his tongue sought out the soft scruff of her fur. "Show me..." Keris whimpered as she removed her hand from between her thighs. Shakily she sat up, then moved onto her hands and knees. Her tail lifted, showing her dripping sex, the lips swollen with her lust. The thick, musky scent of her arousal filled the hair like a drug. Senvar shivered, the nakedness of the desire that hung in the air like incense surprising him. Hands shaking he caressed her flanks and bent his head beneath her tail. His tongue flickered from his muzzle, lapping at her with long, thick strokes. Now covered with her scent, he nibbled his way along the length of her tail until he kneeled behind her. Letting her tail slip under his arm, he rubbed the length of his sex against her lips, hands massaging her back. "Yes?" he asked, body shuddering like a teapot closed too tightly, about to explode. Keris shivered. "Enter me... enter me now, please..." She rocked back against him, trying to take him into herself, growling softly with frustration and need. "Don't tease me... please... I can't take anymore." Nibbling her back fur slightly, he whispered, "As you wish," and plunged his length into her. A shudder danced along his body as he felt her warmth and wetness surround him. Tightening his belly and hips, it was all he could do to keep from spilling himself inside her at that very moment. Panting, his hands moved to cup her breasts, palms rasping against the nipples as he drew her up onto his lap. The head of his shaft plunged further into her as Keris' weight settled onto him. Tongue seeking her ears, fingers lightly pinching her nipples,he slid one hand down to her pulsing clitoris and began to stroke it.One finger sliding along the small pearl there, slipping inwards until it met his shaft, then sliding out again. Keris shuddered, her clit throbbing under his touch. Suddenly her back arched, her whole body tensing as her tight, hot folds convulsed around his length, milking it. A wordless scream of pleasure escaped her throat as she climaxed, joining the thunder of the storm outside. Unable to resist the sudden warmth tightening, clenching him Senvar's cock swelled and filled every small space within her heartbeats before blue waves of searing pleasure toppled him. Body convulsing, hips thrusting without care or conscience, his member opened up, spraying bolt after bolt of hot seed deep inside her. The world became a fury of heat and light as red and orange snow flooded his vision. All he could hear was his heartbeat moving in time with hers and the muscles in his pelvis, contracting in time with, their cries of pleasure. Keris shuddered, then collapsed, laying face down on the bedroll. She could feel Senvar's weight pinning her, his breath warm on the back of her neck, his member still within her. She gasped for breath, wondering what had possessed her to do this. His own breath still rattling in his chest, his sex empty and growing slack, Senvar slipped himself from her very reluctantly. Straddling her, he gently turned Keris' over and looked into her eyes before kissing her deeply then lying against her. "I hope you enjoyed this..." Keris held Senvar gently, almost as if afraid he would break. "I did... But I am almost afraid to ask why. Has it been that long since you had a woman?" Her tone made a jest of it, almost laughing. But the pain in her eyes was very real. Senvar toyed with a swirl of fur on her belly. "Why? Because the moment I saw you in your armor, charging the field I thought you were the most beautiful women I'd ever seen..." His eyes met hers for moment and he kissed the hollow of her throat. "When you took the armor off, I knew I was right. I'd be out of my mind if I passed up a chance to make love to you." Keris grunted. "You're either crazy, boy, or blind... I'd bet on crazy." She didn't push him away though, instead she caressed him gently, her hands tenderly exploring. She softly nuzzled at his throat,murmuring "It's going to be a long, cold evening.... and a colder night. We'll be warmer piling our bedrolls together." "I'll go get them," he said, pausing to kiss her before walking tote horses. His fur almost shimmered, glowing in the half light of the dying fire. Soon another bedroll curled on the floor beside the unexercised and a thick blanket joined. Senvar lingered at the cave mouthful moment, humming to himself, before returning to her embrace. "I took the liberty of setting a small alarm at the cave mouth. Just in case someone decides to interrupt us." His hand slid against her belly beneath the woolen blankets, then moved to cup her breasts. The act was almost comforting. Soon, heat from his body flowed across to hers and a small cocoon of warmth grew beneath the blankets. Keris sighed in pleasure, wrapping her arms around the younger man and caressing his back. "What ever possessed you to take this trail through the mountains? Most of the mercs are still back in Overstone spending their bonuses." "Well, while the others are drinking their bonuses I was hoping towhead over to Dellvale, across the range," Senvar said, curling his tail around hers. "There's an excellent knife smith there and steady work guarding caravans." He pauses, sliding his hand across a nipple. "The fact that you were heading this way as well was no small enticement,too..." Keris shook her head. "So you headed this way on the chance of work in Dellvale? Into the throat of a storm? She nipped at his throat lightly. "You're as crazy as I am." He smiled and slid down a bit, nose pressing against her nipple, cooling and stiffening it before his tongue lapped at the sensitive rise. "What can I say. I'm crazy. But I'm crazy for you..." Keris hissed softly with pleasure, letting her nails scratch lightly at his back. "Truly crazy... but maybe the world could use a few more crazy people in it." She rolled over, playfully trying to pin him down. Senvar rolled with the tumble, bringing her atop him but pinning her body against his by grasping her waist tight and entangling her legs. Their fur snapped and crackled with electric contact. "Mm mm...A most pleasant position," he murmurs, lapping at her breasts. "A most pleasant position indeed..." Keris found herself surprised into a laugh, and her eyes halftone pleasure. She stroked his hair softly, relaxing at the feeling of his mouth on her breasts. "Travel with me as far as Dellvale. Safer than traveling alone." Her voice seemed to make it more of an order than question. "Of course, madam Keris," he said, voice muffled by her fur as he spoke between laps of the tongue. "I had no intention of doing otherwise." He gazed up at her eyes and said, " shall we spend the rest of the night?" Keris murmured, "I think you've already guessed." She bent to caress him, pulling them both under the blankets. Part 3: Partnership. As light broke over the cave's mouth, Senvar sat atop a flat stone, watching Keris sleep. He'd slipped from the bedding, pulling on his shirt and boots with the utmost reluctance, then set to sharpening, preparing the horses and getting breakfast cooked. Outside, the faint mist was all that remained of the storm clouds. From the smell of the air, it would be a nice day. /A good balance,/ he thought to himself as he watched her. /We form a good balance/. Even now the urge to sneak his muzzle under the covers and awaken her with a few well placed strokes of the tongue. But he watched instead, blanket half covering her. Keris opened her eyes and stretched, inhaling the smell of breakfast. She gave Senvar a half-amused, half-accusatory look. "You let me oversleep." She rolled out of the blankets, stretching the soreness out of her muscles before going over to her packs and pulling out an old, worn set of clothing. "I let you sleep," he said, shaking his head. "Besides, it's only moments past dawn. I doubt the revelry officer will be about to wake us considering he decapitated and trampled..." Senvar watched her dress before reaching for his own bedraggled clothes. "I hope wren's eggs are to your liking..." Keris chuckled. "Something that's not smoked, salted, or boiled to tastelessness? I'll love it." She shrugged into her padded tunic, and gave her armor a baleful look. "I'll give your armor a good buffing when breakfast is done and cleaned up," Using a flat throwing knife, he flipped over the omelette he was cooking cooking and let it sizzle. "I left the sharpening and cleaning of your weapons to you." Keris chuckled, "Are you auditioning for husband or squire?" She checked her weapons over, cleaning them on the principle of it, and sharpening one knife that she wasn't quite satisfied with. Taking the pan off the fire, he quickly sliced the omelet into sections. The knife blurred in his fingers, his dexterity turned from lovemaking to a deadly display. "There you go. Pick a slice." Keris grinned, a flash of white teeth. "Show off." She pulled outermost, and began eating neatly off the tip. "Oh," he says, munching down on a slice, "You didn't mind me showing off last night." He smiled in that sweetly playful way only coyote's seem to manage. He pulled on the laminated leg bucklers of his armor, strapping them into place as he ate. "Oh, and there's a bit of tea still left." Keris looked at the pot. "Oh, so if I didn't wake up feeling that something had crawled into my mouth and died, you wanted to make sure that I could enjoy the experience." She finished the last of her eggs, and drained the dregs of the pot. "Actually, I find that if it's cold enough and you add a bit of sugar it tastes quite nice." He motionedd to his own cup then glanced outside. "The alarms are untripped and the roads should be fairly solid soon. When do you think we leave?" Keris began burying the ashes of the fire. "As soon as possible... Have no way of knowing how much of the road washed out last night...this could prove to be a very muddy day. And there are no camps as good this one between here and Dellvale." It didn't take her long to put on her armor, and saddle up her horse. For some reason she was not really looking at Senvar, lost in her own thoughts. For his part, Senvar had already snapped his armor into place and mounted his horse. The cave was cleaned and, aside from a rustle of free dirt, appeared empty. A light tunic covering his throwing knives anodizing from sight, he reigned in his horse and says, "Where you lead, I'll follow." His eyes seemed distant, as if watching the trees to see which way the shadows moved. Keris lead the way, her eyes moving constantly. In some places the trail was all right... in others they rode through water and mud which which could drown whole devisions. More than once, Keris gestured for them to dismount and walk the horses for a distance. Throughout it all, she never spoke a word. In a small clearing just before a patch of tall grass, Senvar paused, startling Keris' horse a bit. He glanced over the grass,watching it fade into another cops of woods. "We should either go around this or get up a tree to look for trails in the grass..." He rubbed his chin. "A favorite outlaw trick is to hide trip wires and traps in the tall grass. When travelers forged through them, they'd topple men from their horses and kill them... Another glance to Keris. "Should I go aloft and look?" he asked."Or is this not what is bothering you?" Keris growled softly. "Too quiet... There should be shepherds, goat herds... not so much as a track. Go up and see what you can find..." Senvar nodded...then froze. In a blur of motion, two of his throwing knives flew from his fingers and straight into the grass,followed the gurgled cries of men dying. One rose above the green, a knife briefings skull dead between the eyes. The hilt was visible, but the blade was well seated in the brain case. "Trees!" he bellowed, raising his crossbow and letting an arrow fly. Keris growled with rage, raising her crossbow. Three well placed bolts flew throught he air, then she dropped it, drawing her sword as the band of bandits approached. Metal screamed against leather as Senvar withdrew his sword, a curved and wickedly sharp creature. Placing his back against Keris, his eyes darted around to the bandits appearing from the wood and the grass. "I see five. Three in the grass, two in the wood," he snarled,placing his back against Keris' for protection. Two knives appeared in his hands. "What's the plan? I hate stand up fights..." Keris bared her teeth. "I'll try to make it short then..." With al oud cry she spooked the horses, sending them running in two directions. The bandits gave a yell, and two of the tried to grab the reins of the horses. Keris used the distraction, leaping at the man in front of her, her sword swinging down in a vicious arc. Not one for roaring death cries, Senvar let loose with his throwing knives. One caught a bandit in the throat, the other in the right knee. Stepping forward, the shining edge of Senvar's sword whistled as it decapitated one of the bandits. The hobbled one blocked his slash just in time, but Senvar rolled with it, eyes jumping to Keris and the horses. Keris's mare reared, dragging her reins from the hands of a bandit. She came down again with her hooves lashing at the bandit, knocking him down and trampling him. Senvar's horse, with pig iron hooves, reared up and knocked the sword from a bandit in stolen Caledonian armor. Sparks flew as metal struck metal and the bandit abandoned the horse, diving for Senvar with a serrated short sword. Keris turned, meeting the sword in a perfect counter. She stared bandit, her face a cold mask. Their leader, and the most skilled fighter among them, was good. "Senvar... get the horses..." Keris missteped, her guard open a bit on her left. The bandit swung towards the opening, intending to gut her. He found the end wide edge of Senvar sword instead. The bandit's insides fell to the ground with a wet slurp. Wiping the last remains of a bandit's intestine against a leaf, he whistled into the air. His horse did her mare. The mare, normally wild and unfriendly to strangers, nuzzled him as he whispered to her. His hand lightly stroked her mane. Slashing the last bandit into small pieces, Keris turned to see Senvar and her horse. She watched, slightly incredulous, as her war-horse lapped at Senvar's hand. /Seems he does that to all the women he meets.../ The twin horses hooves trotted through the remains of the bandit crew, mud and entrails squelching under the weight. "Shall I go check the grass for traps?" Senvar asked. Keris grunted. "Yes... and watch out... there could be more of them." She watched Senvar move off with a slightly disbelieving look. Keris shook her head, inspecting the horses carefully for any signs of injury. Vanishing into the tall grass, Senvar became a blur of motion. Aside from the rustling of the grass in the wind, it was silent. Until several sharp whip cracks cut the air. Chord of some kind could be seen flying through the air from various parts of the grass, leading all the way to the edge of the field and the low grass that began near the second stretch of woods. Moments later, the stalks of tall grass toppled under Senvar's sword. Cleaning plant blood from it, he sheathed the blade and moved toilsome. "I've cleared all the traps. Nothing sophisticated. And I chopped us a path to the next stretch of woodlands. There's also a creek up ahead. Deep one." He patted down his horse, checking it for wounds. "The horses fine?" "Yes, but they'll need cleaning up... as do we, for that matter."She lead her horse towards the rough path he had carved. "Even with the delay, we'll make Dellvale tomorrow. I'm well known to the gem merchants guild there." "Oh?" Senvar looked up from his careful examination of the bandit's bodies. He hefted a few sacks of loot, cut from their belts with a knife as he retrieved his weapons. "Well, we might be able to return these as well...I prefer not to hang on to bloody jewels." Keris nodded and, almost as an afterthought she added, "'S easy to find work for two as it is for one." A smile crossed Senvar's face as he bowed. "I'm honored that you would consider me worthy enough to fight with you. Now, may I ask your assistance in chucking these bandits to the side? Road hazards and all..." Keris grunted and nodded. She and Senvar dragged the bodies,tossing them off into the underbrush. They made a good thump when they hit the ground. Liquid diamond. The creek had to be made of liquid diamond. Nothing else could have sparkled the way it did in the noon sun. Keris sighed, and led her horse to the edge of the creek to drink."If we press on, we'll make Dell vale just before noon tomorrow... if we follow the road. It will mean a dry camp t' night though." "Think we've got enough time for a quick bath? I'm afraid I've got bits of bandit in my fur and I don't want the files to get at it," Senvar said, sitting on a flattened rock, scooping handfuls of water into his muzzle. Keris grunted. "Good idea to clean our armor as well. Don't want them mistake us for the bandits." She began to peel hers off, keeping away eye on the woods. "Tomorrow night, an inn with hot baths." "Yes, hot baths indeed," he said, skinning off the slats of lacquer. The boots went next, followed by his shirt and pants. Only two daggers,one strapped to each leg, remained Stretching, Senvar plunged into the creek.It was deep, hip height at it's lowest point, but after the heat adaptor the bandit's blood, it felt good on his fur. Dunking his head beneath the surface, he swam for a bit right uptake and surfaced again, shaking himself off. "Come in. Anyone approaches and I'll have a knife in their throat before they can blink," he said, eyes shimmering with the water. Keris chuckled, shedding the last of her clothing and joining limited water. "You sure you aren't an otter in disguise, cub?" She ducked her head under the water, letting the stream carry blood and sweat away. "No," he said, curling around Keris beneath the surface. His hands quickly found the rise of her breasts, caressing them. "I just enjoy the water. Now, be a good girl and let me scrub you down..." Keris gasped at the touch, melting into it. "If you wish to... Don't any objection...." Her eyes half closed with pleasure at his caresses, her body slowly relaxing after the tension of the earlier battle. Growling, teeth nipping at her cheek, Senvar turned her to face him and lapped at her muzzle. Even in the chill of the water his sheath released his member, pressing against her belly fur. Shudders, of cold or passion it didn't matter at this point, traveled along their bodies. "Thank you," he said. " your legs so I can scrub you down there." "Yes," she whispered back, tongue raking across her cheeks and jaw, tasting the edges of her canines. He slid a finger along the lines of her sex, following the curve into the depths of her warm velvet cavern. All the while, Keris kept thinking, /Maybe this partnership won't be so bad after all./