Harvest of Expectations

Autumn Writer

© Copyright 2013


Chapter 4 — Time of Reckoning


September 1973


Jim had learned over the years that there times when he would do things and have second thoughts afterward.  When that happened he would think over what he should have done and faced up to the consequences of his own acts.


“Thunderpussy is sure mad at you,” Rich told him as he slurped down a cup of coffee. 


He stretched and the muscles in his shoulders pressed at his tee shirt.


“She came storming in to her apartment just as Chelsea and I were starting to relate to one another.”


“I can’t say that I’m surprised,” Jim answered.  “Maybe I can talk to her…”


“Don’t bother,” was all Rich would say.


Jim knew that he’d disappointed a lot of people.  Rich was the obvious one, who had set up the whole encounter with Ashley.  He had left with Chelsea thinking that he’d solved Jim’s problem once and for all.


Of course Ashley was most disappointed of all.  She’d had Jim in her sights and he, somehow, gave her the slip at the last moment.  She had to accept that Jim would never be comparing his lovers to her for the rest of his life.


“Can’t forget Chelsea.”


Ashley’s roommate and understudy had long been eager to slip between the sheets with Rich.  But, Ashley was a very competitive person and always seemed to seize the moment before Chelsea could make her move.  Chelsea must have thought that her big chance had finally arrived and then been snatched away from her. 


The final person was himself.  If he had carried through he would be making breakfast for Ashley that very moment.  His problem would have been solved (and then some).  He wouldn’t be waiting for Rich to get back on his case for squandering his best opportunity to join the ranks of the initiated.  After all, Ashley wasn’t so bad—and he had stood a good chance at experiencing that tongue thing that Rich spoke about.


“Sorry I messed things up,” Jim said before Rich could finish off his coffee.  “I’m sorry about you and Chelsea, too.”


“Don’t be sorry about that,” Rich replied with a big grin on his face.  “After Ashley burst in she told us the whole story.  Then, we had to console her.”


“Console her?  What do you mean by that?”


“You know,” Rich said, “help her get her equilibrium back, get her straightened out.  It took a lot of consoling.  It turned out that she could only be consoled in the nude.  Chelsea and I were already nude.”


“I think I’ve got the picture,” Jim said.  “So, it was Rich Garland to the rescue.”


“It’s not how I planned it,” Rich went on, “but sometimes a man’s got to adapt, and I know just how to do that when things need to get done.”


“Well, it looks like everyone’s getting laid but me,” Jim sighed.


“It’s your problem now,” Rich answered.  “I tried my best.  You’re going to have to work it out for yourself.  In the meantime, I didn’t get any sleep last night, so I need you to make me another pot of coffee.”


“Then, you’re not mad?” Jim asked as Rich marched down the hallway toward the bathroom.


“No, not really,” he answered over his shoulder.  “I think I pushed too hard.  My way might have worked, but it didn’t.  You need to work things out for yourself your own way.”


Jim dumped out the old grounds and spooned some new ones in the percolator. 


“So, I was right after all.”


He plugged in the coffee pot and then raised his arms to stretch.  He reached for the ceiling—he reached hard.  Perhaps it was something beyond the ceiling.  It was difficult to tell.  He put his arms down and his body felt relaxed and comfortable.  A stretch of the body or soul was always good for a person’s own comfort, inside or out.


Rich came out of the bathroom and made his way to the coffee that was just finishing and poured some into his cup.  He was blowing away the steam rising from the surface, sipping in some the hot liquid.


“I’m going to invite Hildy to come down for the Colgate game,” Jim announced.


“Sounds fine to me,” Rich replied.  “Are you going to take her to the fraternity party, too?”


“I think so, at least for a little while.”


“Up to you,” Rich said.  “I don’t know if that’s what I would do.”


Jim understood what Rich meant.  Post-game parties at the frat lodge were for young men trying to make time with cute sorority girls, rock bands with oversized speakers and cute sorority girls competing with each other.  The parties didn’t attract many receptionists and fifth year students.


“I see what you mean,” Jim said.  “It wouldn’t look right to go to the game and then skip out on the party.”


“What do you care what it looks like?” Rich answered.  “The younger guys would be worried about what things look like to you, if there was any justice in this world.”


So often, Rich had the answers.


“But, there is seldom justice,” Jim said.  “I’ll keep up my end and worry about the rest later.”


Rich nodded and bent down over his coffee.  Jim knew that soon he would be sprawled across the couch catching on his lost sleep from the night before.  It was the Sunday before Labor Day.  Classes would be starting in two days.  Jim decided to go to the campus bookstore and hunt for his textbooks.  He began thinking about his first class, Advanced Thermodynamics.  He had an idea for his Final project, too and would stop in to see his advisor after class.


As he was driving down the hill toward the campus he thought about what he would plan for Hildy’s visit.  It would be important to get things just right.  The thought crept into his brain that she might not come.


“We’ll put it to the test.”


If not, perhaps reconciliation with Ashley would be in order.  He knew how she would make it hard for him, but in the end she would give in.  They didn’t call her Thunderpussy for nothing, and what was the use of having a nickname like that if you didn’t trade on it?  Perhaps the aborted coupling would make Ashley twice as eager to please.   And, maybe he would get in on that tongue thing after all.


As he stopped at a light he chased the thought away.


“I’m pretty sure that Hildy will come.”




Hildy was late—by just a little.  Jim began pacing, just the same.


“Maybe she got lost trying to find the place.”


“Would you relax?” Rich scolded.   “She’s only fifteen minutes late.  And, if she can get on the right road, that Rustmobile of yours out in the driveway is sure to guide her in.


“I suppose,” Jim said, “but I hate to think of spending all of yesterday cleaning up the apartment and then getting stood up.”


“It was two hours,” Rich corrected, “and the place needed it.  I was beginning to think the Health Department might condemn us.  Now, stop pacing.  You’re making me nervous.”


Rich was waiting for Hildy to arrive.  After saying ‘hello’ and a few minutes for pleasantries he intended to disappear and leave the apartment to Jim and his date.  He planned to go the game, of course, and had a pair of tickets but no date, so he had some work to do. 


“Hello, anyone home?”


It was Hildy.  She bounded down the terrace steps outside the apartment.


“In here, Hildy,” Jim yelled back as he was scrambling for the door.


He hadn’t seen her for over three weeks.  He knew he was being silly, of course, but wondered if she looked the same as she had when he saw her in August.


“I hope she didn’t change her hair or something.”


Women got a little crazy when it came to things like that, in Jim’s experience, and three weeks apart could make for a lot of changes.


He finally caught sight of her.  She was smiling and Jim felt better.  She hadn’t changed her hair, and he liked that, too.  What he saw behind her he didn’t like.  It meant complications and his careful plans cast awry, failure.


“I brought Darlene with me,” she said. 


Jim braced himself.  He had nothing against Darlene.  He only knew her a little.  He knew she was Hildy’s best friend, and that was fine.  The only question was, ‘Why Darlene now?’


“Hi, Darlene; nice to see you.”


They went inside where Rich was waiting.  Jim introduced Hildy and Darlene.  He could see that Rich was surprised at how tall Hildy was.  Rich was six-two, making Hildy almost as tall as he was.  He was looking at her, and Jim could tell in other times and circumstances Rich would be thinking certain thoughts.  Jim noticed Rich turning his attention to Darlene.


Darlene could hold her own in the looks department.  She wasn’t as tall as Hildy, by far, nor as slender. She had a pleasant face and wavy chestnut hair, which she tied back.  Her buxom figure had a way of saying ‘come on in’.  


“Let’s give them the tour,” Rich said.


It was a short tour: bathroom, bedroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, end of tour.  Jim suggested they go outside so he could show them the view of the town below and the University across the valley.


“Do you mind if I use the ladies’ room first?” Darlene asked.  “It was a long drive.


She didn’t wait for an answer, but made her way down the hallway.  Hildy stepped outside with Jim.  Rich stayed in the kitchen.


“See the stadium over there on the slope on the right?” Jim asked.  “That’s where we’ll be in about an hour.”


“My parents insisted that I bring Darlene along,” Hildy explained without waiting for the question.


“We have a baby-sitter?” Jim sneered.


“Not a baby-sitter,” Hildy insisted, “more like a chaperone.”


Jim could tell that Hildy was upset.


“I’m sorry, Hildy,” he said.  “I didn’t mean to snap at you.  It’s just that…”


“I understand,” Hildy said, “but that’s not all.  They made Darlene and me get a motel room.  I have to show them the receipt when I get home.”


“Receipt?  Is that what they think of you?  I would have told them to take a hike.”


Hildy’s lip was quivering.  She was trying not to cry.  Jim knew he had gone too far.


“They’re my parents,” she mumbled.  “They might not think much of me, but they’re my parents, just the same.”


Jim put his arm around her shoulder.


“It’s alright, Hildy.   Let’s just forget it for a while.  Right now I’ve got to get a few things arranged that I wasn’t expecting.”


“Like what?”


“For starters, we need three tickets to the football game, and I have only two.”


“I knew this would go all wrong,” Hildy blurted out, and this time he thought that she was really going to cry.


“Don’t worry.  Rich has an extra ticket that he’s not planning to use.  I’ll buy it from him.”


They went back inside the apartment.  Darlene had emerged from the ladies’ room by that time.  She and Rich were in the kitchen talking and laughing.


“Jim, this is perfect,” Rich said as Jim and Hildy walked through the door.  “Darlene’s going to use my spare ticket to the game.  After the game we thought that we’d stop at the frat lodge for a drink or two and then come back here and grill some steaks.”


“Perfect!” Jim agreed.  “Where are your seats?”


“Section H-5.  What about you?”


“C-3.  It looks like we’ll have to split up when we get to the stadium and meet up at the frat lodge later.”


“Fretloje”” Hildy asked with that confused look that he’d seen before.


“I’ll explain later,” Darlene said.  




Some people thought that Jim was too serious when he was at parties.  They told him that he should have more fun.  He tried, but it wasn’t always easy.


Jim parked in the fraternity’s parking lot and left his car there and he and Hildy walked the half-mile to the stadium.  It beat paying for parking in the stadium lot, with an after-game traffic jam on the side.  Better yet, it was the perfect setup to pop into the house for an after game drink and then make a quick escape at the right moment.


Jim and Hildy did meet Darlene and Rich at the gate after the game and they walked down the hill together.  As they ambled down fraternity row they could hear the delighted squeals of co-eds as fraternity brothers from the various houses chased after them.  Their own House was not far off.  As they approached a little closer it became apparent by the noise that the after-game party was already under way.  It didn’t matter that Campbell had won, which was usual when they played Colgate, the after game parties had their own life.  Jim was unsure that he wanted to go inside but he wanted to give Hildy the total football weekend experience, so he took her inside just the same.  Rich and Darlene were stopping in, too.


The parlor furniture and carpet had been moved aside to prepare for the band that would arrive later.  The bare hardwood floor made the house even noisier that it would have been.  In the foyer there was a set up of a beer keg and a punch bowl with some punch glasses inverted on a white tablecloth.  The brothers and their dates, and also some as yet unattached co-eds and brothers were milling about carrying fresh drinks.


 “What’s in the punchbowl?” Hildy asked.


“They’re called ‘Silver Moons’,” Jim explained.  “Vodka, grapefruit juice and confectioner’s sugar.”


“What proportion?” Hildy asked.


“Depends who’s making it.”


“I think I’ll pass,” Hildy said   “Can I have a beer instead?”


Jim drew two beers from the keg.  As he looked around he saw Ashley and Chelsea standing together in a corner drinking Silver Moons.  He surmised that they weren’t yet attached for the evening, although that was sure to change after the band started. 


“That girl is looking like she knows you,” Hildy said when Jim handed her the beer.


Sure enough, Hildy was referring to Ashley, who was giving Jim the eye, but not in an admiring way.  It had been three weeks and Jim had thought that Ashley would have gotten over her disappointment. 


“There are things that some people never get over.”


“Hildy, it’s a fraternity house.  I know everybody.”


“Well, she’s looking at you like she doesn’t like you—or maybe she doesn’t like me.”


Ashley and Chelsea started whispering to one another and giggling.  Then they made faces that appeared to mock an unknown entity. 


“I think they’re making fun of your date,” Hildy said.


Of course, it was true.  If he confronted them they would only deny it—after making a scene. 


“No, I don’t think so,” Jim said.


Every time he told Hildy a little white lie it backfired on him, and this little lie had backfire written all over it. 


“I know they’re a lot prettier than me,” Hildy said, “and smarter, too.  I guess they’ve got their reasons.


“C’mon, Hildy, you’re starting to sound like your father—and he’s given me enough trouble today already.”


His answer seemed to placate Hildy, but he wondered if it really did.  He looked around the crowd to see if he could find Mr. Barker and his wife.  He was the fraternity adviser and usually attended the post-game mixers.  He always tried to say ‘hello’ to him because Mr. Barker had done a lot for him in his early years at the school.


Rich and Darlene walked up to them. 


“We better get moving.  We need to stop at the grocery store on our way back out to the apartment.  It’s going to be dark soon.


“I was looking for Mr. Barker.  Then we’ll get going.”


“The Barker’s didn’t make it,” Rich said.  “Out of town commitment.”


“Then I guess that we’re outta here.”


Jim looked over his shoulder as they left.  Ashley was still in the same corner with Chelsea.  He saw her mouth an expletive and then shake her fist at him, he thought, or possibly some other hand gesture..


“She really needs to get over it—and soon.”


He turned away from her and caught up with Rich and the girls.  Soon they were on their way back to the apartment.




Anytime Jim squandered an opportunity to accomplish his mission he felt bad, but he had started to find that it was sometimes difficult to determine what his mission really was.


Rich and Jim’s landlord had an outdoor barbecue pit built in the back yard that he let them use.   Even though the autumn air had turned chilly the fire was hot enough as they crowded around it.  The old landlord even came down to say ‘hello’, which was probably his way of collecting a free beer, which Jim and Rich attributed to a quid pro quo for using the barbecue.


At any rate the landlord was a good guy and he was nice to their dates.  Everyone was hitting it off rather well and Jim found himself almost glad that Hildy brought Darlene along.  She turned out to be more of a live wire than Jim would have expected a chaperone to be. 


After they finished dinner and dishes they were deciding what to do with the rest of their night.


“We could go down to the frat lodge for a while and see what’s happening at the party,” Rich said.


No one said anything at first.


“You’re kidding aren’t you?” Jim asked.


“I felt I had to ask it out of loyalty to the fraternity,” Rich answered.


“We could play some music and have a few drinks right here,” Hildy said.


So it was decided. 


“I’ll take care of the music.  Rich, you pour the drinks.”


Jim decided to skip The Moody Blues, remembering that album with the unfortunate experience with Ashley several weeks before.  He scrolled through the stack of LP’s.  First Dimension, Beautiful Day—they were good, but not quite right.  After a couple more flips he hit the jackpot: The Association.  Their dreamy harmonies and lyrics were a bit too sappy for Jim’s taste, but, they would do the job.


“This and a couple of drinks will get Hildy in the mood.”


The disk hit the turntable and Rich handed a drink to Hildy and then one to Jim.  Darlene was already working on hers.


“I thought we would have something special,” Rich said after everyone had their drinks.  “Beer would be too heavy after a big dinner.”


Jim couldn’t tell what was in the small glass in the faded light.  He thought at first it was from the bottle of scotch.  He raised it to his lips.  The liquid sent fumes into his nostrils and he liked them.


“That’s not scotch,” he said, before he had even tasted it.


“It’s cognac,” Rich said.  “It’s from my father’s private stock.”


“He gave it to you?” Jim asked.


“He would have if I’d asked him, but he wasn’t around when I was packing.”


Jim looked at the two girls who were sipping away and not paying attention to the conversation between Jim and Rich.


“I brought these snifters, too.”


“Can’t drink cognac without a snifter,” Jim agreed.


“Oh, I like it,” Hildy said.


“You can feel the fumes before you even sip any of it,” Darlene added.  “I’m going to have some more.”


She found the bottle on the kitchen counter and poured a refill.  She claimed a seat on the sofa, took in some more of the fuming liquid and then leaned back and closed her eyes as the music played.


“I love this group,” she said in a dreamy voice.


Rich took the seat on the sofa beside her.


“I love this group, too,” Hildy said.


There was only a single sofa, so Jim spread a blanket out on the carpet on the other side of the living room.


“We can sit together on this,” he said, and Hildy slipped off her shoes and eased herself down.  She set her drink on the floor alongside the blanket.


“And we can lean back on these,” Jim said.


He had found some cushions from a couple of easy chairs   He put them in place and Hildy eased back.  Jim sat next to her.


Jim put his arm around Hildy’s shoulder and she relaxed against him.  He turned his face toward her and kissed her on the forehead.  Hildy purred a bit, so he kissed her again on the lips.  Hildy hugged him around the waist.


“This is nice,” she said in a low voice.


Jim had to agree and they stayed like that, occasionally shifting to be more comfortable, exchanging a kiss or a caress from time to time.  In between, they would sip on their snifters of cognac.  It was a strong taste, so a small amount at a time was all they needed.  The drinks would last a long time.  


Jim couldn’t see Rich and Darlene on the sofa from the angle he was at.  They were quiet at first.  Jim figured that they were getting better acquainted.  After a while, he heard some muffled sounds from time to time and then Darlene tried to stifle a giggle.


“Hey Jim,” Rich said after several more minutes, “Darlene just told me that their motel room has a fantastic painting of Elvis on the wall.  We’re going to go and check it out.”


Darlene giggled again.


“I’ll leave you the cognac,” he added.


In a less than a minute Rich and Darlene had departed on their art appreciation project.


“I guess we’ve got the place all to ourselves,” Jim said.


“Good guess,” Hildy replied. 


She started laughing and Jim could see that the cognac had a relaxing effect on her.  He retrieved the bottle from the coffee table in front of the sofa and refilled their snifters.


“Want to move to the sofa?” he asked.


Hildy shook her head. 


“I like it right here,” she said.


Jim took his place alongside her again and shifted his weight to be more comfortable.  Hildy took another swallow of her cognac.  He leaned over close to her.


“Things worked out pretty well this weekend,” he said,


He turned on his side and put his arm around her.  He nudged her so that she would slide down further on the blanket and would be flat on her back.  She did as his nudges suggested and when he dropped down to kiss her she didn’t resist him— although she seemed less relaxed.


At first, her rigidity served to reinforce his image of her physical tone.  He looked forward to the moment that he would actually have his hands and eyes on it, unfettered by clothing, and she would feel his own strong body as they pressed skin on warm skin.  But as he surveyed her he noticed that she seemed less happy than when they were cuddling to the music with an occasional kiss.   


“It’s her first time, she’s probably nervous,” Jim explained away the change to himself.  


He was nervous, too, but less than what he would have expected.  It was all working out so well.  He thought about how it had been so right to wait until the setup could be perfect, like it was at that moment.   He’d been so wise to pass up his chance with Ashley, tempting as it had been. 


All the parking lots and seats of Plymouths and Pontiac Catalinas seemed so second rate and, to his credit, he had avoided them.  Even Hildy’s father’s attempted machinations of a separate motel room had worked in his favor.  If Darlene hadn’t signaled the green light to Hildy, then nothing ever would.


“Timing is everything,” he thought in self-congratulation.


His remaining task was to get Hildy ready.  He would be patient.  He would be slow and thorough in bringing her along.  The music would help.  The third disc had already dropped onto the turntable.  Soon, he thought, she would be as hot and wanting as Ashley had been, except that it would be his artwork on Hildy’s canvass that would elevate her to that point while Ashley put her own self there. 


He liked it more this way.  There would be the right moment when he would whisper that they should retire to the bedroom where he’d put fresh, clean sheets on the bed that morning and hidden his package of Lubricated Trojans in the drawer of the nightstand.


All that was necessary was more patience. 


“I know what you’re expecting,” she said without warning as he ended a long kiss and began caressing her bare arms.


He said nothing.  He knew what she meant, and she was correct, of course.  He wondered if a polite denial might be in order—a chance for her to convince him to carry through what they’d already started.  Before he could utter the little white lie he stopped because he remembered how he regretted each little untruth he told her.


“The time is right,” he answered.  “Rich and Darlene won’t be back.  I’ve got protection in the bedroom.”


“I can’t,” she replied.  “I should have told you.  My period started on the way down here this morning.  We had to stop at a gas station so I could take care of it.  That’s why we were late.  I’m sorry.”


Jim didn’t answer.  It was hard to believe that everything could have been set up so well, and then gone so bad.  It wasn’t her fault, of course, and he wanted to be angry for not warning him earlier, but he could not force himself to be angry with her.  He just let out a big breath to let her be sure of his frustration.


“I’m sorry,” she repeated. 


She sounded as though she might be getting upset, but Jim didn’t say anything.


“I could take off my blouse and bra,” she offered.  “At least you’d get something.”


It was a tempting offer.  It would be First Base—or maybe Second Base.  It would be better than a strikeout, and he’d never seen or touched her breasts. 


“That’s okay, Hildy, it would be like dumping out the ice cream and eating the cone.”


He felt her laughing under him and he knew he had decided the right way.


“That’s an interesting way to put it,” she said. 


She took a swallow of her cognac.


“Something always seems to get in our way,” she continued.  “It’s not fair.  I know you expected something different…”


“Hildy, all I expected from you is that you would be here with me and be the beautiful, sweet person that you always are—and you have truly done that.”


The final record ended and the turntable clicked off, distracting them for a few seconds.


“That was a nice thing to say,” she countered, “but if you really meant it you would have said it when I first told you.  I know that you had something else in mind.  It’s okay; I understand.”


Ouch!  Those little white lies were stinging him again.  It was his own doing, not hers, for they were his own little lies.


“But it was a nice thing to say,” she said.


Her forgiveness didn’t make Jim feel any better, for he asked himself what he might have done to earn forgiveness. 


“Hildy, you’re right,” he confessed, “but it’s what I should have said and that’s what I say now and I mean it, if you can accept that.”


She reached up to him from where she was lying.  She put her hand around the back of his neck and drew him down to her.  Jim relaxed and settled down next to her.  They settled on the floor, embraced, being with one another.


Jim wondered if there was a point to it all—foreplay with no end design.  But he was enjoying it, just the same.  He noticed that when they kissed her lips had become soft and pliant.  They were warm and he felt the muscles of her face and lips relax.  She opened her mouth to him and she tasted sweet like the cognac that was still on her tongue.  He liked the way her legs and back and arms had become loosened as though she had convinced herself that she had no need of any defense.   


They molded together,, lying on their sides, faces touching.  Hildy’s skin was warm.  Jim felt warm, too, and not just on his skin.  They said no words, but she made little purring sounds from time to time that became more insistent at any instance he attempted to pull away from her.  It wasn’t the result Jim had expected not long before, but it occurred to him that he was glad to be where he was.


After a little while she lifted her top leg over and around his.  Jim could not think of a way to get pressed against her any closer.  They stayed there, floating wherever a tide or gust of wind might take them.  There were no sails, no rudder taking them to any destination, in particular. 


After a while Jim noticed that Hildy’s breathing had become deep and regular and she had ceased pressing her lips against his.  He drew himself out of her arms with great care so as not to wake her.  She looked comfortable enough, so Jim went into the bedroom and came out with a heavy blanket that he put over her.  She didn’t even stir when he did it.


He poured himself another cognac and sat down next to her and watched her sleep.  He could tell that she was dreaming, but what about?


Perhaps it was the painting of Elvis and what Darlene and Rich were up to at the motel, but he doubted it.  Was it about what might have been, or what had been?  Did she think that she was still in his arms?  He was regretting having gotten up from their sleepy embrace but he didn’t know how to re-engage without waking her.  He wondered if it was an experience that they might recreate at a later time, or if it could happen to them only once, and if so, should he be grateful or sorry that it was over?


He watched as her body floated up and down with the rhythm of sleep.  As he sipped his cognac he heard his voice speaking in his head.


“Hildy, one day  we will make love to one another at a time ay and place that we will choose, without regret or guilt or shame or fear of being found out.  It will be ours and it will be right for us to have it.