Matched Pairs


By Autumn Writer

© Copyright 2006, 2007




It was almost seven before the women strolled nonchalantly from the cabin.  The sun was still in the sky, but slowly surrendering to the night.  The men heard them rustling about in the kitchen before they came outside to join them.  They each wore a bathing suit with a long tee shirt over it and carried a glass of wine.  The men were on beer number three. 


“Getting hungry?” Fred asked them.  He saw an expectant look in Maggie’s eyes.  He guessed that it was related to her bathroom fib earlier.  Fred decided to not mention it.  He noticed Maggie relax when she guessed that Fred wouldn’t bring it up.


“Yes, I’m starved!” Pat exclaimed.


“Good!” replied Fred.  “I can see that you girls are in your suits.  Do you want to go swimming while the food is cooking?”


“We want to go swimming later,” Maggie answered with a deadpan look.


“It’s still warm out.” Pat stood and stretched herself luxuriantly.  “Does anyone mind if I take off my T-shirt?”  Without waiting for an answer she lifted the cotton shirt over her head and set it aside.  It was impossible for the men not to notice that she had selected her special ‘razor-cut’ bikini from the previous day.  Somehow her breasts managed to stay inside the cups, but it was not a picture of secure encasement.


Pat looked at Maggie, as if she expected some word or deed.  None came from her. “On second thought, I think that I will go down to the lake and get my feet wet,” she said. 

“Why don’t you come with me, Maggie?”


Maggie dutifully stood and hoisted off her tee shirt.  True to expectation, she wore the same red bikini that had been so successfully seductive the day before.


“C’mon!” squealed Pat and grabbed Maggie’s hand.  They scampered down the sloped toward the lake.  They must have felt Fred’s and Charlie’s eyes behind them, recording every little jiggle from every strategic place on the rear half of their bodies.


“Fred, your plan seems to be working out just right,” Charlie announced just before draining the remnants of his beer.




The food was simple, but good.  It wasn’t too filling, but no one was left hungry.  The women continued drinking wine, the men beer.  They drank slowly enough to keep from staggering and bumbling, but the alcohol was accumulating and suppressing inhibitions.  Pat and Maggie never bothered to put their T-shirts back on over their suits.  Fred and Charlie helped themselves to the view as they wished.  A few times Pat and Maggie bent this way or that to facilitate their exposure.


With the dinner dishes cleared everyone sat around the picnic table, leisurely working on their drinks. 


“Pat and Charlie saw us out in the lake last night,” Maggie revealed to Fred, but it was for all to hear.


Fred shrugged.  “It was one of those spur of the moment things.”


“I hope that you’re not embarrassed, Fred,” Pat interjected.  “I told Maggie about it while we out today because I wanted to let her know how inspiring it was.”


“I’m not embarrassed,” Fred answered.  “I’m just surprised that Maggie isn’t.”


“Maybe it’s the wine—but I’m not embarrassed at all,” Maggie said.  “Knowing that they were watching us is somehow…exciting.”


Fred turned to Pat.  “What do you mean by ‘inspiring’?”


The two women, at first, kept silent.  Charlie and Fred noticed as they traded furtive glances. 


“I can see that you want to say something,” Fred urged.  “What can be that shocking after what you’ve already said?”


“It’s not something that we want to say,” Pat explained, taking another drink of wine.  “It’s more like something that we want to ask.”


Charlie had gone into the cabin and produced another bottle of wine and a beer each for himself and Fred.  He refilled the women’s glasses. 


“Well, ask what you want to ask?”  Fred lifted his beer bottle.  He pretended to chug a good portion of it, but actually limited himself to a few swallows.


“It’s not really a question—more of a request,” Maggie blurted out.


“Make your request, then,” Fred’s curiosity was piqued, but he pretended frustration.


Pat sidled over to Maggie and whispered in her ear.  Maggie whispered back.  Pat took a deep breath to start speaking, but before she could utter a word, Charlie offered his two cents.


“Ladies, you will have to ask soon.  We have to turn in the keys by one o’clock tomorrow afternoon, you know.”    


“You’re not helping, Charlie.  I was just about to say something just when you interrupted.  Now, I don’t know if I can,” Pat scolded.


“When Pat and I were at lunch today we were talking about us swimming nude last night. We thought that it would be nice if all four of us could go swimming in the nude together tonight,” Maggie blurted out.


“That’s what you want to ask?  Just that?” Charlie asked.


“That’s it,” Pat said.


“That’s a big step.” Fred cautioned.  “We have to think this over.”  He casually topped of the women’s wine glasses.


“Nothing bad would happen,” Pat assured in her coquetted voice.


“Then, why do you want to do it?” queried Charlie.


“Just because it’s exciting, and daring and a little naughty,” answered Pat.  “It would be so sensual, and it would be such a nice finish to such a wonderful vacation.  It would be innocent fun.  We’re all adults; there won’t be anything that we haven’t seen before.”


“It’s not quite dark enough now.  It’ won’t be for almost an hour.” Fred declared.  “We can have a few more drinks and think about it until then.”


Pat took a sip of wine.  She looked down and saw that her glass was empty already.  She got up and got a refill and pranced out in front of the table.


“Maggie and I are nearly nude already,” she reminded them.  She thrust her hips from side to side to emphasize the point.  “It’s you men who are afraid of taking your clothes off!”


“I didn’t say that we wouldn’t—we’re just thinking,” Fred corrected.


“That’s what Fred’s afraid of,” Maggie said.  “Maybe Pat and I will go in all by ourselves and you two guys can stay here drinking beer.”  She downed the last swallow of her current glass of wine.


Pat sidled over to Charlie and sat on his lap.  “Please, Charlie.  Say yes.  You know that I would never do anything that you didn’t want me to.”


“What do you think, Charlie?  Should we let them see us naked?” Fred asked.


Charlie managed a shrug.  Pat was draped over him and he was preoccupied.


Fred stood up and threw off his shirt.  “Let’s go!  There’s no use wasting time.” 


Maggie was startled at the quick turn of events.   “What about waiting until dark?”


“Cold feet already?” Fred asked.  “If a boat comes buy just make sure any essential parts are under water.  No one’s going to stay around for long.”


Fred already had his suit around his ankles.  He stepped out of it and headed for the water.  A few moments later, Charlie did the same.  


The women watched as the men’s rumps flexed as they marched to the water.  They turned to one another, contemplating their next move.


“It looks like we’re going through with it,” Maggie said to her accomplice.


“Step One is done,” Pat agreed. “We still have a ways to go.  Do you think that we should strip here, like they did, or go down to the shoreline?  If a boat comes by, it might be a little embarrassing if we’re walking down the slope naked.”


“Do you really want them to get a close-up of us peeling off these wet suits?  It won’t be very flattering.  Let’s take a chance with the boats,” Maggie said.


“I’m with you.” Pat answered.  “Remember, we’re only halfway home.  We still have work to do.  If we want to end up in our bed of choice tonight we’ve got to stick to the plan and play it well.”


The two women quickly peeled off their wet bikinis.  The tops were first to go.  They were easy enough.  The wet material of the bottoms required more effort.  The decision to shed them at the remote point was the right one.  Once nude, the women glanced at one another.  After a quick swallow of wine they did a mutual check-out and nodded.


“You look fantastic!” Pat told Maggie.


“So do you,” Maggie reciprocated.


“Well, here we go,” Pat sighed.  “Good luck—see you in the morning!”


Without further words the two women strode side by side down the slope to the shore of the lake.  They cast their eyes about searching for offending boats and realized quickly that there weren’t any.  They locked their eyes on their husbands standing waist deep in the water waiting for them.  They slowed their approach to let the men get a good look.  They swung their hips from side to side. Their breasts jiggled a little.  The triangles of trimmed pubic hair always pointed directly down to the target in the center.   As they neared them, Fred and Charlie’s faces wore grins that reminded their wives of little boys about to gain access to the cookie jar.


Pat and Maggie stopped at the edge of the water.  The men were about fifteen yards out in water as deep as their waists.


“How’s the water, boys?” Pat asked in a sultry voice.


“C’mon in and find out,” the men answered in unison.  


“You mean you men want to make us girls wet?” she cooed back at them.


There was no answer; Pat glanced at Maggie, who said nothing, but looked nervous.


“Let’s go, girl!”  She grabbed Maggie’s hand and waded quickly out in the direction of the men.  When they were nearly within arms length, they dove under the water and glided at the men, their arms stretched out in front of them.  Charlie and Fred saw the groping hands aimed for their naked groins.  They deftly side-stepped the women.  Pat and Maggie surfaced next to their husbands.  They eased their wet bodies against them, rubbing their breasts against them, gave them a kiss and grabbed hold of their hardened members under the water.


“Isn’t this fun?” Pat asked, not expecting to be answered.   “Let’s go out deeper!”


Pat and Maggie let go of the men and turned and swam out another five yards.  The men followed.  As they did the women dove under the water.  Pat quickly surfaced in front of a male body.  She rose up quickly and hugged it.  She felt an erection and pressed her body closer, squeezing her breasts against him.


“Oh, I’m sorry, Fred,” she grinned at him.  “I thought that you were Charlie.”  She kept looking at him and grinning, pressing his hard organ against her belly.  She didn’t let go.  “Almost like old times, isn’t it, Fred?”  She spoke to him in her most seductive voice.  She let the words sink in, then released him and quickly swam away.  Fred stood motionless in the water, his mouth agape.


While this was happening, Maggie had surfaced next to her former husband.  The two of them watched Pat’s maneuver on Fred.  Maggie looked at Charlie, her lips parted slightly.  Charlie looked back.  Maggie reached her hand under the water and brushed Charlie’s hardness and then swam away to join Pat. 


“Come catch us!” Pat yelled.


At once the men swam after them.  Pat and Maggie swam away in different directions.  They measured the speed of the retreat carefully.  It was fast enough to create some separation, but sufficiently slow to allow capture with due ease.  When they observed that Fred chose to pursue Pat and Charlie swam in Maggie’s direction, they knew their mission was accomplished.


“It is like old times!” said Fred as he captured Pat and hugged her from behind.  Pat was surprised Fred was able to swim so fast, considering the hardness that she felt against her backside.


Pat spun around within Fred’s embrace.  “There were some good old times,” Pat purred.  “Sometimes I miss them.”  Fred absent-mindedly reached up and wrapped his hands around a plump breast.


“You haven’t lost much since I last held these,” Fred declared.


“Maybe—maybe not!” Pat teased.  “That’s my secret.”


About ten yards away Maggie and Charlie watched their partners flirting together in the nude.


Maggie stood facing them.  Charlie was in back holding her around the chest with a breast in each palm.  She pressed her cheeks back against his groin.


“Let’s go up to the cabin,” Fred called out.  “We have to talk about something.”


As if on cue, they all ran out of the lake and up the slope to the picnic table.  There were beach towels there, and they each grabbed one and started drying off.


“Something just happened down there in the water.”


“I’ll say!” Pat chimed in, panting.


“We need to talk about it.” Fred continued.


“Let’s do it over some drinks,” Charlie said, and retrieved another bottle of wine for the women and beers for the men.


 “I don’t see what is so wrong about it!” Maggie asserted.  “We’re all adults.  No one is being forced to do anything!”

“Don’t be so defensive!” Fred said.  “What I was going to say was that this has been building up all week.  It was bound to happen.”


Pat and Maggie were drinking harder and listening to Fred wide-eyed.


“Maybe you heard me say to Pat that it was like old times,” Fred continued.


“Ohhh, I’m so excited!” Pat’s energy caused her to hop up and down.  She was grinning from ear to ear.  Her breasts were jiggling.  Nearby, Maggie was panting in anticipation of what Fred was about to say.


As the four friend stood together in the nude, Fred made his proposal.


“If everyone is agreed, and it looks like we are, I would say that we should relive some old times.  We have to get it out of our systems before we go home tomorrow.  It will be one night of bedroom fun.  Tomorrow we’ll go back to normal.”


“I can’t wait!” gasped Pat. 


“I think that we should all have a drink on it together,” suggested Charlie.  “We have plenty of time left tonight and if anyone has second thoughts…”


“I suppose that you’re referring to me!” Maggie piped up.  “Well, I’m not backing out.  I’m just as horny as anyone here!”  Her words had feeling and a little alcohol slur.


“Let’s go, then.  Fill ‘er up.”  Then we can get on with it!” Pat was getting more excited and nervous.  She downed her glassful in one gulp.  She looked around and everyone was only half-finished with what they had.  She poured another.


Fred and Charlie sidled up to their borrowed mates-to-be for the night and threw their arms over their shoulders with their non-drinking hands.  They hugged the woman to their flanks and reached down to grasp a breast.  There was no kissing in front of their actual spouses.  That would come later.


Fred finished his drink.  “Why don’t you girls go into the bedrooms and get ready while Charlie and I lock up.  We’ll be in with you shortly.”


The two women obediently made their way into the cabin.  The men noticed that their steps were unsure and weaving, but that wouldn’t matter once they were in the backstroke position.


“They’ll want to get themselves ready before we come in,” Fred thought out loud. 


“They sure have had a lot to drink,” Charlie observed.  “I think that it loosened them up.”


After a reasonable wait it was time for the men to join their partners for the night.


“Good luck!” Fred called to Charlie.


“Don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do,” he answered back.




Fred entered Pat’s bedroom.  She had drawn the curtains, so the fading sunlight was blocked away.  All the lights were turned off.  He took the towel from his waist and tossed it aside.  On the bed, lying on her back was his ex-wife.  It was hard to see much in the darkness, but Fred knew that she was nude as he was.


“Sorry I took so long,” Fred said in a half whisper.  He offered no explanation.


“That’s alright!” Pat answered.  “I’ve been using the time to get adjusted.”


“Adjusted?” Fred asked.  “Do you mean getting used to the idea of swapping husbands with Maggie?”


“No, not that,” Pat moaned.  “I’m having a hard time getting my bearings.  When I laid down the room started spinning.  I had to close the curtains to stop the light from glaring in.”


Fred bit his lip to stifle a chuckle.  He took his place next to her on the bed and reached for a breast.  He let his hard penis press into her flank.


“I’ll help you take your mind off it.  Mind over matter.”  He kneaded her breast and rubbed his thumb over the nipple.”


“Oh, no—please.” Pat gasped.  “Just give me minute or two to get myself together.”


“You really are out of it,” Fred said sympathetically.  “You had so much energy just a little while ago.  What happened?”


“I think that I drank too much wine,” she moaned.


“Well, take your time and recover, then we’ll get to it,” Fred commiserated as he switched breasts.   


“Get to what?” Pat asked, sounding confused. 


“You know, do it, have sex,” Fred reminded her.  “Everyone agreed.  Charlie’s in the other bedroom with Maggie right now.”


“Oh, right, right,” Pat remembered.  Fred lowered his head to her nipple.  “Just give me a few minutes and I’ll be alright.  Then, we’ll do it.”  Her voice sounded distant.  Fred sucked a little harder and soon spread his attention to Pat’s other breast.  She weakly hugged his head to chest.




In the darkness, Fred lifted himself from the bed and inched his way to the bedroom door.  Before opening it he glanced back at the sleeping Pat.  He had draped a sheet over her.  He carefully opened the door the minimum amount to block as much light as possible and closed it silently.  He went quietly to a corner of the cabin living room where he had stashed a supply of clothing earlier and got dressed.


Charlie was already waiting for him, sipping a fresh beer.  Fred went to the refrigerator and served himself one.   


“You took long enough,” Charlie remarked.  “I’ve been out here for twenty minutes.  If I didn’t know better, I would think that you and Pat ripped off a quick one.”


“She took a while to get to sleep.  When I got in there her head was spinning.  She could hardly think about sex, let alone actually do it.  I just wanted to make sure that she was completely out before I left the room,” Fred explained.  “How’s Maggie?”


“Out like a light!” Charlie attested.  “She was practically out when I got in there.”


“I doubt that either of them will remember much,” Fred speculated.  “It will be interesting to see how much they do recall.”


“I have to say that your plan worked to perfection.”


“Yes,” agreed Fred, “but it’s not over yet.  They’ll start probing when they wake up.  Just stick to the story.”


“Do you have any regrets that we just didn’t go along and swap for a night?” Charlie asked.


“A few,” Fred admitted.  “But, I hate twenty-twenty hindsight remorse.  I think that it’s better this way.”


Charlie didn’t say anything.  He clinked his beer bottle with Fred’s to signal his agreement.


Fred finished his beer and slumped down in his chair and closed his eyes.  Charlie stretched out on the sofa.


“We’ve got a lot of work and driving ahead of us tomorrow.” he said.


“And I wouldn’t expect much help from the hangover queens,” Fred added.




At mid-morning the next day Fred and Charlie were hard at work cleaning the cabin and packing the SUV’s.  They had thoughtfully placed a bottle of aspirin on the counter by the sink in the bathroom and had a fresh pot of coffee brewed.  One of the bedroom doors opened slowly.  They glanced over and saw Pat shuffling to the bathroom.  They heard the water running, and brushing of teeth, and the sound of a sick person heaving.  Then the toilet flushed, the water ran again and the teeth brushing repeated.


After a while Pat emerged from the bathroom and stood at the doorway to her bedroom.  She eyed the two men as they worked, saying nothing, but her expression asked many questions.


Fred sauntered over to her.  He tenderly kissed her on the forehead.  “Just like old times,” he whispered.  He said nothing more and resumed working.  Pat remained silent, and went in to Maggie’s bedroom and closed the door.  After fifteen minutes the two women emerged from the lair.  Maggie stumbled into the bathroom and closed the door.  There she repeated Pat’s ritual in the privacy of the throne room.


As she forced herself from the bathroom Charlie embraced her.  “I always said that you give the best head in the world, Maggie.  Thanks for everything last night,” he said.  “Man, you get wild when you’ve had a few.”


Maggie instinctively raised her hands to her mouth; a look of shock and realization pouring out of her eyes.  She hustled back into her room.


“A few!” Maggie mumbled into her hands as she buried her face in them. 


Fred and Charlie looked at each other with smug satisfaction.  The women’s expressions told them what they had to know.   




Ten days passed since the two couples returned home from their week at Raquette Lake.  Maggie and Pat hadn’t spoken with one another since they climbed into their respective SUV’s as they departed the cabin.  There had been talk of stopping for an early dinner at the halfway point, but neither woman was very interested in food.


Pat called Maggie to invite herself over for coffee.


“Let me come over to your place,” Maggie answered.  “Fred has been working out of the house, now that his road trip is finished.  He’s writing orders and calling customers.  I want to talk to you, but I don’t want him around when I do.”


A half hour later the two friends were sitting at Pat’s kitchen table sipping on a cup of coffee.


“I was hoping that you’d call me,” Pat said.  “I was afraid that you were mad because of what happened.” 


“I’m not mad—and I did call but there was no one home and I didn’t want to leave a message on the tape that Charlie would hear,” Maggie answered.


“I’ve had to go into the school to fix up my classroom before the start of the school year,” Pat explained.  “How do you feel about what happened on that final night?”  Pat got right to the point.


Maggie shrugged her shoulders.  “I don’t remember a thing after I lay down on the bed.  You heard what Charlie said, but you couldn’t prove it by me.”


“What I meant to ask was: do you feel good or bad about having sex with Charlie?” Pat pressed harder.


“We agreed in the restaurant.  We went through with it.  We said what happens at the lake, stays at the lake.  I don’t know how I feel.  Fred hasn’t mentioned it,” Maggie explained.  “What about you?”


“I don’t remember a thing either.  I wish that after taking that big step we would have something to remember for our efforts,” Pat said.  “Would you do it again?”


“I don’t know.  I might after I talk with Fred.  If I ever do, it will be without the alcohol,” Maggie said.  “I might not remember being in bed with Charlie, but I sure remember the hangover the next day.  I still can’t stand the taste of wine.”


“What do you think really happened that night?” Pat wondered out loud.  Maggie looked at her with a befuddled expression.


“I asked Charlie about it,” Pat went on.  “He didn’t say much.  He just gave me those answers that aren’t really answers like he does when he doesn’t want to answer.”


“It’s his CPA training,” Maggie interjected.


“I do remember that those guys poured a lot of wine into us beforehand,” Pat reasoned.  “Considering our condition at the time, it must have been downright unpleasant for them to be in bed with us.”


“Are you saying that you think Fred and Charlie tricked us and never had sex with us that night?” Maggie asked.


“I don’t know,” Pat said.  “It sure looks suspicious.”


“They let us think that it happened when it never did!” Maggie gasped.


“Don’t jump to conclusions,” Pat cautioned.


“What do we do to them?” Maggie asked.


“Whether it really happened or not doesn’t matter,” Pat reasoned.  “Our husbands know now that we were willing to do it, and they got an eyeful of us skinny-dipping in the lake.  It will only be a matter of time before they come looking for round two.”


“Then we can get them drunk and trick them!” Maggie blurted out.


“Or maybe we’ll just finish what we started,” Pat answered.


And the beat goes on.

