Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. (g* b* Mg g*+b* anal ped) In the morning we woke up in our nightgowns, in our own beds, with sunlight streaming through the window as if the previous night had never happened. Vi finished packing her bag and sat on the edge of the bed. "You're so lucky you get to stay here all weekend. I hate having to go home to my parents' on weekends. They just ignore me. I bet you have so much fun." "I don't know, Vi. I'm the only girl here. It's boring without you. Mostly I just read." "Well now I know you're gonna get to go play with the priests while I'm stuck at home." I stood at the window and watched all the girls being picked up by their families; after waving down at Vi, I sat down on my bunk and fretted. What was gonna happen now? After reading for a little while I went down to the cafeteria and walked into the back of the kitchen. I got one of the sandwiches the cooks leave for us. I saw some of the boys who stay the weekend laughing and poking at each other in the yard. There are more of them, but they are older and they don't invite me to play with them. When I got back to my room I found Father Nocita sitting on my bunk. He said, "I have a job for you today. You are going to be a very good girl and help me with something." He stood up and started walking off. I followed him wordlessly, not bothering to ask questions. We were walking over to the classrooms and I noticed that the group of boys weren't over by the bleachers anymore. Outside the door, Father looked me over, then pulled out a long black scarf. He blindfolded me and said, "This is for your protection as well as theirs." He took me by the hand and led me into the class. I don't know who was in there, because they all quieted down at the sight of Father. He said, "Class, we have a very special guest today. I ask that you act like mature young adults and pay attention and give her your utmost respect. This is not a game. This is preparation for when you are older and have families of your own." Father said, "Arms up" and I obeyed. He pulled the jumper up over my head and I heard a collective gasp. And then I felt his hands at my panties. He whispered, "Very good. Just hold perfectly still." He pulled down my panties, and I stepped out of them, one leg at a time. He lifted me up on the desk and sat me at the edge. he whispered, "Spread your legs for me, that's a good girl." I felt my face flush hot, knowing there was a roomful of boys seeing me up there naked, legs open, exposed to them all. Father said, "Boys, I have found the magazines you hide under your mattresses and I have no doubt that each and every one of you has natural curiosities about girls, well maybe except for you, Jones, but that is another matter entirely." I felt Father's hands on me as he pulled my lips apart and explained all of the parts. My clitoris fluttered each time he brushed it, explaining to the boys how they must pay it special attention, but to be gentle. To my horror, I felt myself getting wet. Father felt it too. He slid me down so I was lying on the desk, knees in the air, legs apart. He told the boys to line up. He instructed them to come have a closer look. He told them I had consented to having them touch me, and not to be shy if they were curious. I tried to sit up at that, and felt Father's strong arm rest itself on my little chest, holding me down. "Such a good girl" he whispered. The first few touches were tentative, almost scared, and I felt more embarassed for the boys than I did for myself. But then a few of the boys started getting very aggressive, roughly forcing their fingers inside of me, driving them in deep, until sometimes Father had to say, "That's enough. Move along." Hand after hand groped at me until I lost count. I lay back, feeling nothing but the hard wood desk, and the groping probing fingers. When I tried to shift around, Father would gently set his hand on my chest, reminding me to stay in position. Afterwards, Father picked out a group of boys, "You lot stay. The rest of you may go. Now not a word or there will be serious consequences." I heard the gathering of books and the shuffling of feet, then the doors being locked. All of a sudden it felt like there were a million hands all over my body, touching me everywhere, stroking me, penetrating me, rubbing me and pinching me. I let go and surrendered to the sensation. I felt my legs being pushed apart and felt Father Nocita's now-familiar pelvis pushing against me. The boys quieted down. Father must have been gesturing or looking at them or something. He entered me more gently then usual, rhythmically changing his position and I imagined he was demonstrating this for the boys. I heard him say to them, "Go ahead. Yes. You too. It's only natural." As Father's rhythm increased, the pinching and grabbing hands became more feverish. I felt the first spurts of cum hot my stomach. One of the boys said to another, "Eww! You got it on my hand!" Father admonished, "Respect!" But all of the hands quickly pulled away from me. Out of the line of fire? Father drove his cock into me, harder and harder, and I felt the next hot stream of cum across my chest, a long, thin line all the way across my body. I felt a cock rubbing against my cheek as the warm, viscous fluid ran down my face and dripped from my jaw. Then another, spurting on my belly, and another, hot and thick. Finally there was a loud moan and cum coated my chest entirely, in one big messy pool. Father was fucking me frantically now, and he shooed the boys away. Just as I thought Father was about to explode, he stopped. He gently pulled out of me and untied the blindfold. He smiled and me and gave me a peck on the lips. "That will give them something to think about, eh?" I smiled back at him. And then I saw him take out the oil. He pushed my legs back very far so me knees were almost touching my face and started rubbing the oil on my rosebud. I squirmed, and he said, "You are going to take it in the bottom. That's just the way it is." I shook my head, and he said, "Don't pretend to have any shame left. Let me ask you something, do you know how many hands were on this cunt today?" I shook my head no. "Do you know how many fingers were inside of you?" "No" "Do you know whose fingers were inside of you?" "No" "Do you know whose cum you have all over your body?" I shook my head no, flushing with shame. "Do you know what that makes you?" I shook my head no "That makes you my little whore. My babywhore. And whores take it in the bottom. My whores take it in the bottom. And you, Carmen, are my whore." "Now.." he paused. "Take in a deep breath and let it out slowly." I did as told, and as I exhaled he slid one greased finger into my virgin anus. I winced and he used his other hand to rub my clit. "Good girl..." he started sliding it in and out "" I started to enjoy it, and he smiled at me knowingly. "See, I know what the little girl needs. The little babywhore." Father said, "Now before it dries, I want you to rub that cum all over yourself. I want to watch you rub it into your chest." I stuck my hands on my chest and it was tacky and slimy. I started rubbing it in, and Father poised his cock at the opening of my anus. "Now, squeeze your nipples very hard and take a deep breath." Before I could even breath out, he slid his cock into me, and I think he was surprised by how far it went the first time. We both were. I saw stars and I pinched my nipples hard as the tears started to stream down my face. Father started chanting. "That's my good girl, my good little whore, such a good girl for me, just like that, that's how I like to see my baby." I bit my lip and tried to hold back the tears. He said, "You didn't rub the cum into your cheeks, little girl. Now rub it in, let that cum mix with your tears and coat your pretty face. I like my baby covered in cum, like the little slut she is. I want you to feel it dry on you, and for it to make you remember what a whore you are. My whore. For my use. For me to use however I please." As he talked, Father was gently stroking in and out of my ass and rubbing my clit, until finally he started rubbing real, real fast and I couldn't hold it in any more. "Yes," he said, "That's the way. That's my girl." I screamed and I screamed. I gushed all over, all over his pelvis and his cock, all over myself. I never came like that before, ever. Father grunted and pushed, and I felt the strange sensation of the warm cum squirting into my ass as he pushed hard and held himself there. He stayed there, inside of me, until he was completely soft. Then he pulled out and laughed a little. He said, "You are a treasure." He picked me up, and said, "Now off to the showers with this messy little girl." The boys showers were just down the hall. I guess he knew it was safe, but I was in a daze. I didn't know where I was or who might see. I didn't care. Father stood me up on shaky legs as he checked the water temperature. I felt like a doe standing up for the first time - like Bambi. It made me laugh and Father looked down at me quizzically. He soaped up a washcloth and set me under the water. He cleaned himself off first, then soaped up another cloth. As he scrubbed me, he said, "Now I know you are mine. And I know where I can take you. We won't need to do that again. From now on you are mine and mine alone. None of the boys will see you again. None of the priests are to ever touch you again. You are mine." And as the warm water ran down the drain, it was as if it was washing away my sins, washing away everyone and everything that came before. I felt fresh and clean. I clung to his neck as he dried me off and dressed me. He carried me all the way back to my dorm and set me down on the bed. He looked deep into my eyes, and said, "Mine." I said, "Yours" and he walked quietly down the back steps.