Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Back at the cabin, Jim thought about his choice of spells for the next day. Instead of the sleeping enchantment, Jim took the time to study the charming spell twice as much in the morning. He found that by taking extra time with one spell, he could cast it more than once- but at the expense of variety. Driving back into town, he stopped in the small grocery store and gas station that served the residents in a dozen miles range. At the counter was a younger girl, and in a back office was her father, the owner. The girl was not very attractive, Jim had sized her up months before and discarded interest. She was probably in her late teens, and had a poor complexion. Her oily skin was dotted with the redness of adolescent acne. She had brown eyes, and dark brown hair to match. Her hair was pulled tightly back in a pony tail which reached about shoulder length. She was wearing an obviously well worn t-shirt that just as obviously could not contain a very well developed bust. On the whole she was skinny, probably fairly boney beneath her clothing. But now, Jim was drunk on Power. He smiled at her as he walked inside the store, and began browsing the aisles. She smiled back, revealing lines of slightly crooked teeth. Then she darted a furtive look towards her father to see if he was observing. She waited a few moments and then softly asked if she could help him with anything. Jim smiled, thanked her, but maintained he was just browsing. From the back of the store, Jim muttered the words of the charm and made the proper gestures. When the last sign was traced in the air, and the last word escaped his lips, he caught the girl's eye. She was staring at him, smiling. She walked over. She was about five and a half feet tall, and her skinny upper body was matched with boyish hips and skinny legs that barely filled the ass in her jeans. Jim introduced himself as Bill, and she said, "I'm Alison. God, Bill, this may sound crazy, but I feel like I've known you forever!" Jim smiled- it had worked. Jim asked Alison to introduce him to her father, and she instantly agreed and went to go get him. In her absence, Jim prepared his second charm spell. A stocky, squat man emerge from the backroom with a scowl on his face. Jim finished the enchantment and channeled the spell onto him. The scowl evaporated. Within minutes, Alison and her father, Mitch, were chatting with Bill as though he were a member of the family. Jim asked if he could take Alison out for lunch, and if Mitch would mind the counter until their return. "I should have thought of that myself!" Mitch commented, plucking a twenty from the cash register. "It's on me, you two have fun and I'll see you this afternoon." In Jim's truck, plans changed. Jim drove back to his cabin, suggesting they picnic instead. Alison was in wholehearted agreement. As they drove they chatted about all manner of things. Alison was not an especially bright girl, but she was happy to make conversation with her close, and trusted friend Bill. Jim grinned, and directed the conversation from insignificant small talk to matters of increasing personal nature. Alison continued to answer without any hesitation, supplying Jim with information about the area, her failure to go to community college, the lack of employment opportunities in the area, gossip about friends, neighbors, and even her family. Jim decided to press even further. "So, Alison, are you still a virgin?" Jim queried, glancing at her with a gentle smile. She hesitated a moment, blushed deeply, and shook her head. Jim smiled broadly. "So, when did you lose it?" She looked away, her faint smile changing to a downcast look. Jim waited. He heard her sob, and then heard her faint reply. "When I was twelve." Jim arched his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh yeah? That seems kind of young." He watched her nod slightly in agreement. "Who was your first?" He asked quite bluntly. The silence in the truck changed to her gentle sobs. Jim was very curious now. "Bill, can we talk about something else?" She asked hopefully. "No, Alison, I think its best if you tell me- we're friends, right?" She smiled and nodded, and then burst into tears and deep sobbing. They were parked at his cabin now. He waited, and was about to prompt her again, when he heard the answer. "Mitch did it to me." Jim understood. As the emotional dam burst, she relayed the whole story. Mitch had a habit of drinking, and one night he became heavily intoxicated. She was too young to understand why it happened, but Mitch woke her up after midnight and had her clean up a spot of milk in the kitchen he blamed her for spilling. On her hands and knees, she rubbed the floor until it was spotless, and Mitch's lustful eyes caught sight of her panties underneath the baggy night shirt she had been wearing. He fell onto her right then and there, raping her on the kitchen floor. The next morning, all had not been forgotten. Mitch walked in on her in the bathroom, and raped her again as she showered. Since then, Mitch used her as his personal whore several times a week. She had no idea of what to do, other than take the abuse. Once, she thought she could tell her teacher, but Mitch's sexual abuse robbed her of the esteem she needed to even take that step. In school, her homely looks never warrented a second glance by most boys, and she felt as ugly inside as she was told she was on the outside. Eventually, she resigned herself to the idea that she had always been a whore, and that it was only by letting Mitch use her as one that she would be loved. Jim was not revolted by the story. In fact, it aroused him. He was revolted by Mitch, and by the incest, and not attracted to Alison at all, but he was drunk on the Power which may such intimate knowledge pour from this girl's mouth. In fact, he was quite literally aroused by the Power, and his cock pressed hard against his jeans. Jim needed to know exactly how the charm affected people, and what they would do. "Alison," he said, "I love you. I think you are beautiful. I think Mitch is a terrible person. He doesn't love you- and you know that. I think you know how much I care about you. And I know that you love me. I want to marry you. I love you so much." The words rocked the girl like a wrecking ball would a condemned building. She sobbed uncontrollabley, and leapt into his arms. He held her until she stopped crying and fell asleep in his arms. When she woke, he kissed her. She responded immediately, with a passion that startled him. Within minutes, he had her nude and impaled on his cock. She rode him with an intensity that almost scared him. Nude, she had small tits, likely A cups. Her breasts were small enough to be almost pointy, with quarter sized nipples that seemed slightly too large for smallness of the mounds they topped. Jim wondered if she's grow into them as he thrust himself as deeply as he could into her. She had a series of orgasms that he knew were real, and left her a quivering mass, which he pounded until he came inside of her. After they were done, he rested with her lying on top of him. Only three hours had passed since he cast his spell, but much had changed. Jim had the girl wait at his cabin. He instructed her not to touch or read anything, and knew she would obey him without question. He returned to the grocery store and greeted Mitch. The girl may have been a fluke, and Jim wanted to know how far his influence would reach. Jim asked Mitch for a loan. Mitch insisted on it. Jim asked Mitch to mention the loan to no one, Mitch agreed solemnly that such an arrangement was between gentleman. Jim told Mitch that Alison had eaten something that disagreed with her and was taking some rest. Mitch shrugged and remarked that it happened to the best of us. Jim told Mitch that the only way he could redeem his soul would be if he confessed to the police about his sexual deviancy. Mitch was crushed. He knew in his heart that his new friend Bill wouldn't steer him wrong. He picked up the phone to call the police. Mitch grabbed his hand. "Tomorrow," Jim suggested, "after you make that loan to me, and sign over everything to your daughter." Mitch's shoulders slumped. Of course tomorrow, for after all Bill knew best and was to be trusted implicitly. Jim returned to his cabin and informed Alison of Mitch's sudden conversion experience. Alison was astounded. Her joy, confusion, fear, and grief kept her in bed the rest of the day. Jim brought her back to her house, and went to the store the next day. Mitch was there, and placed a brown paper sack on the counter when Jim entered the building. Five thousand dollars, all in cash, and all for his friend Bill. Bill suggested maybe the loan would make a better gift, for Bill would use the money to help others the way he had Mitch. Mitch cried, and nodded vigorously. At Jim's suggestion, Mitch prepared a written statement, containing all the facts of his history of abusing Alison, as well as a detailed account of the other girls and women he had ever victimized. And there was a horrificly long list. Mitch went to the bank and a lawyer, and started the process to transfer every material possession he had into Alison's legal holdings. Mitch, at Jim's suggestion took up residence in a motel and ceased communication with his daughter. Two weeks later, with everything arranged, Mitch turned himself into the police. Jim stayed out of sight, arranging everything by phone conversations with Alison. With his suggestion and support, she went to the police and made a statement. With Mitch's signed confession, her statement, and their investigation, it was all over quickly. Of the list of names Mitch submitted, several former victims stepped up and added their testimony to damn him. When the information went public, Mitch had to be transferred from the local jail to a regional lockup for fear of reprisals. Jim believed the charm wore off or broke his hold over Mitch, who attempted to reverse his position about a week after his confession to the police- but by then it was too late. Alison had obviously remained under Jim's spell- but Jim knew he needed to be absolutely sure of the how and why his Powers worked. Jim suggested and guided Alison through closing up her affairs in the area. He told her to tell anyone she came into contact with that she was leaving the area for an indefinite time. Alison had no real friends in the area, and her only family had been her father, so few people heard her story. Alison believed that her new friend and lover, Bill, was going to whisk her away from all of this horrible mess. She diligently obeyed his suggestions as if they were her own best ideas. After her house was cleaned and locked up, the grocery store inventory liquidated and boarded up, and her father's vehicle sold, Jim picked her up in his truck in the middle of the night. His plan was to make her virtually disappear. Alison was staying at Jim's cabin, keeping it clean as per his request. She agreed that she had been in figurative bondage for many years, and Jim suggested that he could help her heal those old emotional wounds by an unorthodox therapy. Jim suggested she wear very real steel handcuffs and ankle shackles, manifesting her emotional bondage with tangible restraints. She did not understand, but knew he had her best interests in mind and agreed. Jim had her put them on herself, and then he placed a metal collar around her neck and put her on a connecting chain to an anchor in the wall that ensured that even if she tried by every position possible, the only thing she could reach was the bed in which she slept. And so he kept her at night, and when he was away. Jim set up a second bed on the other side of the cabin, where he slept. Jim continued his studies, and kept careful watch on her. The spellbook was filled with notes about not only the way to cast the spells, but uses, effects, and dangers to watch for. Jim read that the charm effected people differently, that the stronger and sharper the mind the quicker the spell was broken- but that weaker minds may stay trapped for a minimum of several weeks or stretch indefinitely. Alison's mind did not appear strong enough to break the spell easily. Jim continued to introduce degrading and humiliating suggestions to her, all of which she accepted as the best course of action to take. He had her doing daily exercises of hundreds of pullups, stomach crunches, and hours of jumping rope. He had her plucking out all of her body hair below her neck with a pair of tweezers. He had her eating from a dog's dish, and forbade her to speak. He continued to use her sexually, and began a routine of anal sex. He purchased a digital video camera and recorded her masterbating, being penetrated by innumerable objects, and having his cock stuffed into her every hole. Jim kept himself out of the films, except for his penis which he wrapped in an opaque condom. As long as he introduced an idea to her couched in terms of his love and concern for her, she conformed to his every wish and desire. Jim bought her a wide variety of hygeine products and had her pay special attention to keeping her face washed and cleansed to reduce her acne problem. Her homely looks were never going to disappear however. Then, one day, it stopped. It was obvious to him that she had come out of the spell. When he woke in the morning, she was curled up in the fetal position on her bed and crying. When he asked what was wrong, she began screaming at him. The shame and horrors of the past two months she had endured no longer made any sense to her. Bill was the Devil. Jim laughed at her. She was nude, hairless from toe to crotch to nape of neck, shackled and chained, how could he not laugh. The Power to dominate was his. He cast the charm again, and she apologized profusely, unsure of what strange idea she had to blame Bill for anything. Bill was her friend and savior. Jim laughed, and had her suck his cock. He pinched her nose, pumping as hard as he could into her face, her gag reflex sucking his penis deep inside her throat until he climaxed on her face. She'd be under his control for at least another month without chance of breaking his Power over her.