Even Worser




It had been a while since my last humiliating experience at the cruel
hands of Lisa the Bitch. The school year was progressing well enough
without incident, although I couldn’t help but feel a little paranoid…
looking over my shoulder, wondering when the next time Lisa and her
“friends” would strike. A little paranoid, and yet, at the same time
excited with anticipation.


Today was Saturday, and for some reason I found myself recalling that it
was a Saturday afternoon when I had that infamous day at the water park.
Why were these memories coming back to me now, all of a sudden? What was
I doing thinking about my naked ordeal, when I should be concentrating
on my history report, here in the library? I was almost finished with
this hideous analysis of Jeffersonian Democracy. Just had to write up
the last of eight pages of my notes, and then I could go home and type
up the damn thing on my computer. Still, I was growing more
apprehensive. But what could possibly happen in this quiet, deserted
corner of the library?


And then, much to my surprise, I saw my best friend Alicia round the
corner of one of the shelves of reference books, heading toward my
table. What the hell was she doing here? Unlike me, diligently working
to finish my report, she would be waiting until the last minute to hand
hers in next Friday. I couldn’t even begin to fathom what she was doing
up this early on a Saturday.


“Hi, Erica,” she greeted me with a smile. Although, it seemed to me it
was a nervous smile.


“Um, hello, Alicia. I didn’t know you were going to be working on this
history project so soon, or else I would have asked you to come with me.”


My best friend looked to the side once, twisted one foot behind the
other leg. “Oh, well…I knew you would be here, and I thought maybe you
could help me. Mind if I borrow your notes?”


Before I could say another word, Alicia reached down and grabbed all
eight pages of my notes in her fist. Then she scurried back around the
corner of a looming bookshelf. Now what was that all about? She could
have at least pulled up a seat to keep me company. I would have been
happy to share my notes with her. But then… wait a minute… Alicia’s
topic wasn’t Jeffersonian Democracy! Why would she need to look at my


Annoyed, I forcefully pushed back the wooden chair, which scraped loudly
against the floor tiles. An old woman on the far side of the library
turned in my direction, then went about her business. I was perplexed by
Alicia’s behavior, and determined to find out what she was up to. Or at
least, get back my notes… I had worked very hard on them!

I marched myself up to the reference section, planning to confront my
friend about her ridiculous prank. Of course, who should I find waiting
around the corner but Lisa! And she was not alone…


“Well hello, Erica. Long time, no see. If you know what I mean.” I knew
exactly what she meant. She, the Evil Queen of Stripping, had been
witness to my embarrassing adventures at the water park. And then she
had single-handedly reduced my school clothes to shreds (well, the
overalls were Alicia’s) making me a laughing stock in front of my
classmates. I saw that Lisa had taken my report from Alicia, who was
standing there with a pitiful look on her face. No willing accomplice
was she, but must have been threatened somehow and put up to this. I’m
sure she tried to resist. Gee, she could have tried a little harder.
Lisa continued in her domineering, yet patronizing voice that so made me
feel like a little girl. “It seems you have gone and misplaced your
history report, Erica. Lucky for you, we happen to have found it before
it disappeared for good.”


“Yeah, eight pages… front and back!” said Carry, one of Lisa’s friends
standing on the other side of Alicia. “Holy freak, I was gonna only
write a couple of paragraphs!”


Then I noticed the lumbering hulk of Lisa’s big-jerk-boyfriend, John,
standing behind the three girls. “I guess she thinks she’s smarter than
the rest of us.”


Lisa just smiled that wicked smile of hers, and flipped her blond hair
over her shoulder. “So, Miss Smarty-Pants… or maybe we should call you
Miss Underpants… I guess you must really want these notes back. Looks
like it took a lot of time to put them together”


Yeah, I did want my notes back. Yeah, I did put a lot of effort into
that fucking report. But I did not like the tone of her voice, and I
certainly did not like where this was going.


“I propose a trade. On gradual terms, so to speak. You see, I will hand
over the first page of this report, if you will kindly remove your shoes
and give them to Alicia.”


I opened my mouth to protest, but I was silenced when I saw Alicia
silently mouth “I’m sorry”. She’s sorry! My history notes are being held
for ransom by the school’s most obnoxious bitch, and she’s sorry! Well,
what have I got to loose… I am not doing all that research over again.
Besides, how far could Lisa take this game of hers, here in a public


Resigned to my fate, outnumbered and realizing I was not in a position
to negotiate, I bent down and began to unlace my sneakers. “Do I get two
pages back for my pair of sneakers?”


Frosty silence was my response, which I took for a “no”. Without further
argument, I slid one then the other off my feet and kicked them toward
Alicia. I noticed that John had produced a red duffle bag, and he
instructed my only friend (so I thought) to put them inside.


“Very good,” Lisa said. “Here is the first page of your report, just
waiting to be polished and typed up to make a breathtaking introduction.
I can imagine the excitement you must have thrown yourself into when you
started this report. Bet I bet you never thought it would end like this.
Are you excited now?”


No, I wasn’t excited. I was mad, and a little afraid. But then, why did
I feel an all-too-familiar hardening of my left nipple?


Carry turned her attention toward me. “OK, Erica. You can go back to
your table now. I think you will find a surprise waiting for you, and
further instruction of how you can retrieve the rest of your report.”


I was frustrated, but anxious and curious as well, which sent a tremble
of butterflies fluttering inside my tummy. Slowly I turned around and
began padding softly back to my table. I must admit, I felt foolish
walking in my ankle-high white cotton socks. I almost slipped when I
reached the tiles floor and had to take a second to steady myself.
Coming to the table, I raised my head only to look up at the
dopey-grinning face of Henry, the boy I used to have a crush on. I don’t
know what I ever saw in him…


“Good morning, Erica,” Henry said sleepily. It looked like he had just
rolled out of bed, and hadn’t bothered to brush his hair. “I guess
you’re wondering what you have to do to get the next page of your notes.
Well, Lisa says you have to first give me your socks and then I can tell
you where she will be waiting for you.”


Disgusted, I glared at him. There was no point debating this dufus, I
knew well what was coming, though remained convinced this prank could
only go so far. Bending my left leg behind me allowed me to peel off one
sock, all the while burning a hole through Henry with my eyes. Once I
had the second sock off, I balled them up and threw it at his chest.


“Hey, don’t get mad at me! I’m not the one who wants your smelly socks.
They are kind of cute… you have such tiny feet.” Henry stuffed then in
his baggy pocket before continuing. “So anyway, Lisa says you should
meet her in the media section, and you can get another page of your
report back.”


Great, now I have to head over to where they keep the videos and DVDs
the library loans out, and I have to walk there in my bare feet! Well,
at least I won’t have another slip on the tile floor and land on my ass!
In fact, my bare soles were a little sticky on the cool surface, and I
was beginning to get damp in other places too. Quickly I started in the
direction of the media section, wanting to end this as soon as possible.
I had scarcely felt carpet beneath my toes, when I was intercepted by
one of the older librarians.


“Excuse me, young lady, but where are your shoes? Did you not the read
the sign in the lobby? Shirts and shoes are required at all times in
this public library!”


I looked down at my feet ashamed and mumbled, “Sorry, I, um… I was
working on a report all morning… I guess I kicked them off to get more

The librarian (with noticeably sagging tits) did not seem impressed.
“This is not your living room, young lady! I had better not catch you
running around barefoot again!”


“No… I’ll go put ‘em back on,” I replied meekly. The old woman sniffed
her disapproval, but then continued on her way in the opposite
direction. That left me free to hurry over to the Media Section and look
for Lisa.


“Over here, Erica!” Alicia whispered harshly, again luring me to my
nemesis. What could I do? I followed my friend’s beckoning motion over
to the shelves lined with VHS black cases. Expecting to hear Lisa’s
chiding laughter, I was taken aback at finding only Carry with the red
duffle bag.


“OK, Twinkle-toes, I guess I can let you have the second page of your
report. Furthermore, Lisa says I can even let you have the third page as
well. I’ll just need you to remove your pants.”


At this point, I must have been in a state of shock. I think I was still
a little shaken from being scolded by the librarian… God, that made me
feel like a child! And I was also thrown off balance at the prospect of
getting two pages back this time. At this rate, I should be finished
with these goons and back home before noon. Without considering my
actions, I pulled the light blue track pants down my legs, and stepped
out of them. Carry signaled for Alicia to pick them up and put them in
the bag, then she turned toward me with a mischievous smile.


“You did that just a little too quickly, Erica. I’m beginning to think
you like this.”


I looked at Carry for a moment like she was crazy, and then was startled
out of my shock when I realized I was standing there in my white,
high-cut panties! “Wait a minute,” I cried. “Let me have my pants back…I
can’t be seen in the library like this! How about I give you my shirt


“Sorry,” Carry laughed mockingly, “too late. Besides, you look so
vulnerable, so adorable in just your underwear. Well, Lisa said you can
find her in the children’s section if you want the rest of your report.
Or I guess you could just leave in your current state of…ah, undress.
Either way, you better hurry or you might catch cold.”


Oh my God! How was I supposed to walk over to the children’s section
like this? What if there are… children there! I mean, it is a Saturday
morning, so hopefully they’re still home watching cartoons. I guess I
really didn’t have any choice. Casting a scathing glance at Carry before
turning around, I then swallowed a lump of fear down my throat and
silently started toward my next destination.


I was very careful. I kept to the back wall of the library, where there
were mostly periodicals. Of course, and thankfully, it was deserted.
Silently I passed more rows of bookshelves, keeping my eyes and ears
pealed for anyone approaching. Just as I was nearing the multi-colored
carpet the marked the border of the kiddie section, I caught sight of a
stockinged leg emerging from behind one of the shelves. Much to my good
fortune, there was one of those book carts close at hand, and it was
stacked with volumes needing to be returned to their proper places. I
stepped behind the loaded cart, which only came up to about my waist.
This is one time I was glad I wasn’t very tall. From behind this
covering, you couldn’t tell I wasn’t wearing any pants.


“Hi,” a younger librarian said as she approached. Oh God, what if she is
coming to take a book off this cart! Or worse, what if she needed to
push the book cart to another section of the library? How would I
explain this to her! My heart was beating faster, and I subconsciously
began tugging the hem of my sweatshirt, as if that would help. And then
my hand moved lower, just enough to graze the front of my panties. What
was I thinking! A small moan escaped my lips.


The young librarian smiled, oblivious to my predicament, and turned the
corner around another bookshelf. That was close! I waited a few moments
to be sure she would not be returning in my direction. I had better get
moving, before I get myself all worked up…


“What took you so long,” Lisa demanded from behind a large crate of toys
where we crouched. “Well, I see you’re not wearing your little red
hearts underpants today.”


I guess you answered your own question, bitch (I thought to myself). The
fact that I am here in my underwear is why it took so long to make it
across the library! More respectfully, I asked, “Can I have the rest of
my report now?”


Lisa made a charade of considering for a moment, resting her chin in her
hand. “I’ll tell you what, Erica. I will give you page four, so you can
then return with half of your notes to the table you’ve been sitting at
all morning. There you will receive instructions on how to obtain the
rest. Of course, first I need you to hand over your sweatshirt.”


This was horrible! She was doing it again, slowly stripping me in a
public place! And she had not bothered me for such a long time. Damn, I
felt trapped. I mean, I still had my undershirt, so it’s not like I was
naked. But it was still embarrassing as hell. But frightfully arousing…


“My, is it getting chilly in here?” Lisa remarked, as I slowly pulled
down the zipper and shrugged off my matching light blue sweatshirt.
Through my thin white T-shirt, the prominent erection of my nipples
could be seen. “I guess you’re still not wearing a bra, huh? Suddenly
I’m in the mood for flapjacks… All right, then, off you go!”


With that last statement, the bitch reached out and snapped the front
elastic of my panties. This caused me to jump to my feet, I can tell
you! Good thing no one was paying any attention to us in the corner. But
now I had to trek all the way back to the reference section and the work
tables…hopefully to get the rest. The rest of my notes, and the rest of
my clothes. Right now, I wanted nothing more than to get out of here and
get to the privacy of my own room. And the last thing I was thinking
about was typing.


So I crept along the back of the library, clothed in only my T-shirt and
panties, hoping not to run into a soul! The journey seemed to take
forever, and what’s worse, I could feel myself getting wetter as my legs
rubbed together. This was definitely not good! Many times I had to pause
when I heard whispered conversations just around the corner, or the
sound of footsteps upon the tile floor again. At least I was making
progress, and came within eyesight of my original table. Henry was gone,
and now John was sitting there looking bored, his feet propped up next
to the duffle bag. He certainly snapped to attention when I silently
came into view.


“Hi, Erica. You look horny.”


Brilliant deduction. And could you say it any louder! Still, when I
spoke, it was with a small trembling voice. “OK, John…can I have the
rest of my notes now? Lisa said I could get the rest…”


“Wait, not so fast. First you have to put what you have on the table.” I
hoped he was talking about my notes. I needed to act quickly before I
was spotted standing here in my underwear! All right, so I placed the
four sheets of paper next to my pens and books and purse. John nodded
his approval, and then continued. “I want to see how horny you are. Take
off your shirt…”


What was wrong with me? As soon as he said the words, I could feel my
clitoris swell up, peeking out of its hood. Maybe I just wanted to get
this over with. I grabbed the bottom of my shirt with both hands,
pulling it completely off, revealing my modest bosom but oh so elongated
nipples. I could swear they quivered, ached and begged to be touched.


John was breathless for a moment, and then blurted out, “Wow! I’d say
those are two good indicators of how horny you are. I think that earned
you two more pages.”


The wise-ass placed two more sheets on the stack of loose-leaf paper.
Here I was, standing in the middle of the library topless, my panties
the only shred of clothing between me and complete, total nudity, and I
somehow managed to do the calculations in my head. “I still have another
two pages left… do you have them, John?”


“I think by now, Lisa should be among the non-fiction books. You can ask
her. I was told to stay here and watch your stuff.”


There were stairs just off to the side, that led down to a lower level,
where all the non-fiction books were kept. I crossed my arms over my
bare titties, searching all around for any onlookers. Amazingly, no one
was up to doing any research this morning. So I made a break for the
stairs, my feet slapping over the floor.


They were steps really, descending to a sublevel. As quiet as it had
been above, there seemed to be a stilled hush down here among the rows
and rows of shelves. I would have to peek between each aisle of books,
trying to locate Lisa and the last of my report, while hoping not to
startle any innocent library perusers.


Fortunately, I did not have long to look. Thank goodness for the Dewy
Decimal System or something, as the Bitch was sitting calmly on a
stepladder amid the 101 to 299 section. I approached her softly,
treading across the brown carpet, with one arm slung across my chest and
the other draped in front of my crotch, concealing my moist underwear.


“Oh, stop covering yourself,” Lisa chided. “You’ve got nothing to hide.
Certainly nothing up there!” And then she fixed me with a cold, dark
stare, holding her arm outstretched and palm upward. “Panties.”


Finally, here at this late stage, I managed to regain some semblance of
control. Although you wouldn’t know it from my throbbing nipples. I
shook my head, “I can’t… please let me keep them. Please let me have my
notes and clothes back.”


Well, that did it. Lisa stood up and took the last two pages of my
report between her hands. “Will you give me your panties, or shall I
tear up your masterful conclusion? And then you will be walking home
exactly as you are now… Miss Underpants!”


I was on the verge of tears now. I really didn’t want to strip naked for
Lisa. But I knew that look in her eye. I knew she meant what she said,
that she would follow through with her threats. Why was she being so
mean to me? Well, I did not have all day to ponder such things. I just
wanted to go home. Reluctantly, I slipped a thumb inside each side of my
underwear, slowly lowering the cotton fabric down my legs. They ended in
a crumpled pile at my feet, which I stepped out of, reached down and
handed them to my nemesis.


“Um, Erica… please move your hand away from your pussy. Oh my God…
you’re completely bare! I knew you were a little slut!”


It was true. My pubic hair had always been sparse, it was almost like
there was nothing there anyway. So one night I decided to shave off what
little I had. I instantly regretted it, because now I really did look
like a little girl. But it did make my solo performances more enjoyable,
and I never thought it would be on display like this, here in my public


“Please, Lisa,” I implored. My hand instinctively returned to my vulva,
tracing the outer lips. “If I don’t get my clothes back, I’m going to cum!”


She seemed to think this over for a minute. “Hmmm… maybe we can work out
a deal. Your panties earned you the seventh page of your notes. Now what
could we have you do for the last and final page? All right, I have an
idea. Wait here, and don’t go anywhere.”


Great, where the hell was I going to go? Here I was stranded in the
basement of my library, absolutely stark naked! Not a stitch! I think
this was worse than the water park, because that happened so fast, it
was like a blur. But this, this is lingering.. leaving me naked for any
stranger to wander down here and find me nude… nippples sticking out so
much they hurt, and my bald pussy glistening in the florescent lighting…

Over the sounds of my moaning and heavy breathing, I picked out the
voice of Lisa and Carry. I opened my eyes and saw John and Henry, and of
course, Alicia too.


“I can’t believe she shaved her pussy!” that was Carry, and her eyes
were as wide as saucers. “That’ll make it even easier to see her clit.”


Lisa the Bitch addressed me (notice how the boys were just speechless!)
in her commanding, bully voice, “OK, Erica, you heard her. Show us your


I nodded dumbly, beyond the point of caring, and spread open my lips.
Immediately atop the slit, my clitoris popped out in full view… it had
never been so erect, even I was amazed. Everyone gasped, before Lisa
made her final pronouncement.


“All you have to do to get back your report and all your clothes, is cum
in front of the five of us.”


Well, I don’t have to tell you, I was so worked up at this point, my
finger darted south and started rubbing with abandon. My other hand
reached up and twisted a nipple. I was so close to the edge, I fell to
my knees going at it furiously, heedless of my audience. At this point,
my face was on the carpet and my ass in the air.


“Hey,” Henry piped up in a sudden revelation. They’ll have to call this
place the /Pubic/ Library from now on…although, I guess that’s not
completely accurate.”


That dumb-ass remark did it. Hearing him talk about my hairless pussy,
even in jest, made me buckle as wave after wave of orgasm crashed over
me. I don’t remember if I had even stopped the last of my body
convulsions, when Lisa dropped the duffle bag next to me, and eight
pages of loose-leaf rained down upon my naked form.




After a while of recovering from this experience, my first public
orgasm, I sat up dazedly and began to fish through the bag for my
clothing. The first article I withdrew was one of my ankle socks. Not
being too particular, I pulled it on and then covered my other foot. I
was in the process of taking the next item out, when a shadow fell over
me. Looking up, to my horror I found the old librarian with sagging
breasts towering before me.


“Is this some kind of joke?” she demanded. “What kind of sense of humor
do you have, young lady! I warned you that I had better not catch you
barefoot in here. Well, you’re not barefoot, I’ll grant you…just


With surprising swiftness that belied her age, the librarian reach down
and grabbed my ear. What the hell! I hadn’t been treated this way since
I was in Junior High! As she gazed over my bare body, I could almost
hear her thinking… I sure look like I belong in Junior High.


“If you want to parade around in the nude,” she went on, even as she
began dragging me back upstairs, “you’ll have to do it outside my library!”


I was mortified and shocked to see how many people had suddenly showed
up. Where had they come from? Didn’t they have better things to do on a
Saturday! But that was the least of my problems. My tiny tits, bouncing
ass, and oh-so-pink pussy on display as I was marched past the check-out
counter, completely naked except for my white ankle socks, I thought
bitterly of my history notes that were left behind! I had better get an
A on this report!