Worse: The t-shirt - Part 1

One week had passed since my ordeal at the library. I had to walk home
completely naked that day and was seen naked probably by more than a
hundred people. I still get a shiver when I think about that. All the
people on the street pointed at me and made all sort of comments. I even
heard a little boy yell: "Look mum! That little girl is naked! I was
probably twice his age and he called me a little girl! Anyway, I managed
to run home without getting caught. Some people tried to grab me,
probably to help me but I felt too humiliated already to ask for
assistance. When I was back at home, I had to hide in a bush on the
other side of the street because my parents were home and I couldn't
bring myself to enter the house naked. That would start a conversation I
don't want to have with my parents. They finally left the house to run
some errands and I could sneak in the backyard and find the safety key
that we hide there (I won't tell you where!). I spent most of the
remaining of the weekend in my bedroom, sometimes crying, sometimes
masturbating. At school the following week, the word quickly spread and
everybody knew I had stripped naked at the library. Lisa's popularity
seemed to increase because of what she did to me, and I knew she
wouldn't stop there. She was having too much fun! And even if I was
scared to go to school, a part of me was waiting for the next ordeal!
And then it happened... again...

It was on a Tuesday. I was late. I overslept and woke up in the middle
of a weird dream where I was walking naked in the school and everybody I
knew was there looking at me, laughing at my expenses. My pussy was
really wet but I didn't have time to shower before going to school.
Besides, on Tuesday I start the day with two period of gym. It would be
pointless to take a shower before gym! I wiped my pussy with toilet
paper and quickly dressed for school. I ran to school and reached the
sport hall. I went to the change rooms and my classmates were all almost
ready. I quickly changed while everyone already walked out of the change
room. I saw Lisa looking at me with a little smile. I was alone in the
room when I was ready. I quickly went to the toilet before joining the
others. On the way there I heard the coach telling the girls we would
start outside the building because the cleaning staff wasn't finished
inside. She sometimes makes us run around the building. I reached the
toilet and quickly made my business. I went out and met the coach.
"Erica! What are you waiting for?"
"I had to go to the toilet."
"Well you'd better run fast and catch up with the others! They are
already around the corner!"
I took off running and reached the corner. I turned around it and
stopped. Lisa and Carry were there! They were obviously waiting for me.
"That's a nice outfit you have" said Lisa.
I was wearing navy blue shorts and a long white cotton t-shirt that
almost covered the shorts. If I was standing, you couldn't see them.
"Do you wear something under that t-shirt?" she asked while lifting it
around my waist.
"Stop it!"
I was about to catch her hand but Carry caught both my arms and held
them behind my back.
"You know, with a t-shirt that long, you don't really need those short!"
She caught the waistband and pulled them down! Oh god! She had pulled my
panties along with the shorts of course! My t-shirt was hiding my pussy
because she had let it go to pull my short down. She asked me to lift my
"No way!"
I started to struggle but Carry was really strong. Each time I tried to
move she pulled harder and it hurts! Lisa started to tickle me and I was
soon moving my legs around to try to escape my ordeal. It was all she
needed to pull my shorts and panties completely off!
"There! Much better, isn't it? You'll be better that way with the warm
She took of running with my shorts and panties and Carry joined her. I
was completely stunned! She just stripped me completely below the waist.
I was only wearing a t-shirt, shoes and socks! I was glad I choose to
wear a t-shirt that long! I was covered to just below my buttocks. I
pulled on it and started to walk around the building. I had to reach the
changing room to get my clothes. I thought that if I was slow enough,
the others would not wait for me and head inside. That way I could sneak
back inside and reach the changing room unseen. I would just have to
make up some excuse for the coach...

I turned the last corner and gasped. They where all there at the other
end of the wall, waiting for me with the coach!
"Erica! What are you waiting for? This is not a walk!" shouted the Coach.
I hesitantly headed to them, still walking.
"Run I said!"
Oh god. I pulled the t-shirt on both sides and ran slowly to them. I
could tell the coach wasn't happy about me but I think I managed to hide
my nakedness. I could see Lisa, Carry and some other girls looking at me
with knowing smile though.

The coach led us inside and I tried to head to the changing room. The
coach spotted me and asked me where I was going. I told her I was going
to the toilets and she scolded me:
"You already went before running! Stop trying to test me and come with us!"
I had no choice but to follow them. Here I was, about to follow my gym
class wearing just a t-shirt! And from the looks I got, I suspected half
the girls already knew it! I was holding the t-shirt down while I
walked. The coach made us start a game of volley-ball. I usually like
that game but this time it was horrible. I knew I couldn't lift my arms
because my t-shirt would be lifted around my waist. I kept missing easy
balls I pretended I didn't see coming. The coach wasn't happy and kept
yelling at me but what could I do? I was so ashamed of the situation I
didn't notice Carry asking the coach if she could go to the toilet. She
left and came back five minutes later, winking at Lisa.

When the period was over, I walked to the change-room with the other
girls. I usually put my clothes in a locker, but I didn't do it today
because I was late and wanted to go to the bathroom. I had left my
clothes on bench. When I came back in the change-room, I couldnt find my
clothes! They were all gone! All I could find was my bag! Oh no! They
stole all my clothes! I started to look around the change-room.
"What's up Erica? Missing something?" asked Lisa.
"My clothes! They're all gone!"
"Didn't you put them in a locker?"
"No! I was late. I didn't have time..."
"The building is open, you know! Anybody could have come in this
change-room while we were playing volley-ball!"
She was right, of course! But I knew it was one of her prank. I kept
looking everywhere while the girls showered and dressed. I was alone in
the change-room when the coach came in.
"What's your problem now?" she asked with a stern look.
"Somebody stole my clothes!"
"Really? Didn't you put them in a locker?"
"No I didn't... I was late and I thought no one would come in..."
"Well, you are obviously wrong! And I can't do anything for you! I think
you'll have to go to class in you gym clothes..."
"What? But I'll be in troubles with the teachers! They won't accept me
in their classes dressed like this!"
"Why not? You girls sometimes wear shorts and miniskirts that show a lot
of legs. I don't see where the problem is!"
The problem was that I wasn't wearing shorts! But I didn't want to point
that out to her, of course.
"I know! I'll write a note explaining why you are dressed like this. If
another teacher gives you trouble, you'll just have to show it."
She left and came back 2 minutes later and handed me a piece of paper. I
read it and it said:
"Erica had all her clothes stolen this morning during her P.E. class.
Please excuse her indecent clothing."
It was followed by her signature. I cringed at the "indecent" word. She
couldn't be closer to the truth!

I reluctantly left the sport hall and headed to the school building with
my bag. This wasn't good! Was I really heading to class wearing just a
t-shirt? My legs were working on automatic while my mind was trying to
tell me to stop. This couldn't be happening! I was half naked! If one
teacher saw it I would be dead! I know Lisa and Carry know about my
(un)dress state, and I know they already told other girls from my class.
I can assume they would tell everyone they meet! I was probably already
the laughing stocks of the whole school! What I needed was to find a way
out of school and back to the safety of my house where I could dress
again. Or maybe find something to wear before that! But I couldn't stop
myself. I had this piece of paper that would give a good explanation to
any teacher who would wonder about my attire (provided that they don't
see I'm not wearing shorts or panties!).

I knew I would be terribly humiliated, embarrassed to walk in school
like that, but my body was out of control. My pussy was soaked and I
could feel my juice leaking on the inside of my thighs. My nipples were
pushing really hard against my t-shirt. I put my hand behind the hem of
the t-shirt and touched my clit, right there in front of the school
building. I came on the spot! Could you believe it? This was the biggest
orgasm I ever had (and I already had big ones before!). And it wouldn't
stop either! I was biting in my bag to avoid screaming. I could feel
juice running down my thighs! I fell on my knees and had to wait for
like an eternity for my orgasm to subside. I then had to wait for
another eternity to catch my breath back. Wow! That was intense! The
reality of what just happened struck me. I felt so ashamed. But I was
still very horny! Maybe even more than before!


I looked at the windows of the building and didn't see anybody looking.
Apparently, nobody noticed. I was lucky on that one. I pushed the big
door and walked inside the building. I had to clean myself before going
to class. My legs were soaked! I felt like I was dripping on the floor.
I didn't know my pussy could produce so much juice! No one was in the
hall and I quickly reached the toilets. There was nobody inside. I put
my bag down and took some toilet paper in a stall. I then went in front
of the sink and used the paper to absorb all the juice from my legs and
pussy. I had removed most of the juice when I heard the door open. A
girl I didn't know came in and sneezed. She looked exactly like my dad
when he is allergic to something in the air. Her eyes were red and her
nose was running. She sneezed again.
"Oh god! Cad I use dat paper? I really deed to blow by dose!"
She grabbed the paper I held in my hand, sneezed one more time then blow
her nose with it. She then used it to pat her face all around her nose.
I couldn't believe it! She was putting my pussy juice all over her face!
I was glad her nose was running, because she would have smelled it. The
whole room smelled like pussy, and now her face too!
"That paper is wet! What's this?"
"Water!" I stammered.
"Oh OK. Thank you anyway! I don't know what's in the air today, but I'm
allergic to it!"
"Yeah, I noticed..."
"It always happens when it's hot like today! Sneezing makes me hotter, too!"
While she said that, she patted her face with what she believed was
water, but was my pussy juice!
"Wew! I feel better." she said while she dumped the paper in a toilet
bowl and flushed.
She walked out of the toilets and I was speechless. I hope nobody would
smell my pussy juice on her face!

I walked out of the toilet and walked to my classroom. It was my Spanish
class. I already was half an hour late. I was shaking all over in front
of the closed door. I couldn't believe what I was about to do. I was
going to enter the classroom wearing just a t-shirt, sockets and shoes,
knowing full well that probably all my classmate already knew about my
attire. A shiver ran down my spine and I felt my pussy trickling with
juice again. I should have taken toilet paper with me. I grabbed the
door handle with my shaky hand and opened it. I stepped in and looked
up. Everybody was looking at me. And judging by the smiles on everyone's
faces, they all knew! The teacher wasn't smiling though.
"You are late! And this is not a good way to dress to attend school!" He
"I had all my clothes stolen, this is my gym wear." I answered, giving
him the note.
He read it quickly then looked me over, paying extra attention to my thighs.
"Well I suppose you don't have a choice then. Take a seat." He said,
never pulling his eyes away from the top of my legs.
I suppose he was trying to see what I was wearing under my t-shirt. If
only he knew!

There was only one place left and it was in the front row. Of course,
Lisa was just behind. I dropped my bag on the ground then pulled the
chair and sat down, keeping my legs well together. My t-shirt was so
short I couldn't sit on it. I could feel the cold seat under my naked
butt cheeks. I pulled the t-shirt on my laps to cover the more I could.
I felt behind me and it just reached the seat.
"Erica, since you are late, you'll do some reading. Take your book."
I bent to take the book in my bag. I heard laughter behind me and
quickly straightened up. I just showed my butt to the people behind me!
Oh god! Why did I come in this classroom like that? I didn't know what
to do. The teacher was looking at me with a questioning look.
"Do you have trouble finding your book?"
"What? Oh no...Its OK"
I bent down again and opened my bag. Everybody behind me was laughing
again but I had no choice. With my trembling hands I had trouble getting
the book. I had trouble remembering what I was looking for as well! I
was so ashamed! What was I thinking about? I'll never survive this
ordeal! I finally caught the book and put it on my desk. I had trouble
breathing by now.
"Right! You finally got it! Now please open it on page 253." said the
I opened my book and found the page. There was a text in Spanish.
"Read the text loudly and pay attention to pronunciation."
I had to breathe deeply a couple of time to catch my breath back. When I
started to talk, my voice was trembling.
"Louder!" said the teacher.
"Yeah! We can't hear her back there!" said some guy at the back.
"Make her go in front of the class!" said some girl.
"Good idea! Get up and come here with your book." said the teacher.
I got up avoiding carefully to spread my legs in front of him in the
process. I walked to the front of the room with my book and stood just
near the teacher's desk.
"Now read loudly."
I cleared my throat and started to read. I felt every eye on my body. I
was so nervous I thought I would faint. My pussy was burning, my juices
were running down my thighs and I feared the teacher would smell it! My
nipples were poking at my t-shirt too! I felt like I was about to cum
right then and there!

I tried to concentrate on the reading and made a poor job of trying to
pronounce correctly. Whenever I looked at my audience, I saw everybody
looking with big smiles. Even the teacher was smiling. Did he know
something was up? Maybe my nervousness gave me away. He probably didn't
guess I was half naked right there in front of him and the whole
classroom, but I couldnt be sure. I certainly wasn't going to ask him
anyway. When I finished reading he told me to go back to my seat. The
friction between my slippery thighs almost made me go over the edge. God
I felt so hot! I sat down on the cold seat and tried to stay still while
the teacher made someone else read another text. I tried to think about
something else but it was not easy. When you are sitting half naked in a
classroom full of students, it's not easy to think about anything else!
My pussy was leaking on the chair and I knew the next person to sit
there would have my smell on his clothes! But I didn't have anything to
clean it and I didn't care anyway. My main concern was not to cum! I
wasn't moving but I could feel an orgasm coming! The more I tried to
fight it back, the stronger the feeling became. And suddenly there it
was! Right in the middle of my classmates, I had and orgasm! Without
even touching myself! I had to bite my tong to avoid screaming. But I
couldn't avoid breathing heavily and moaning. My eyes were closed the
whole time but I knew everybody was looking at me. The guy who was
reading had stopped and nobody was talking. When I was finished cuming,
I opened my eyes and the teacher was looking at me with a shocked face.
"Are you OK Erica? What happened?" he asked.
"I... I just bit my tongue really hard..." I stammered.
"Really?" he asked with a raised hair brow.
"Yes... It hurts a lot..." I answer.
I wasn't lying. I really bit my tongue and it hurt! I could taste blood
in my mouth.
"Well, be careful! You'll have to wait until lunch to eat something if
you are hungry..." he replied, like it was the funniest think in the world.
My classmates laughed, probably because they really like to make fun of
me. The teacher asked the boy to keep on reading.

Before that I was wet, now I was drenched. When I moved, I could feel
myself slipping on my chair. I was sitting in a pool of my come. My
butt, pussy and thighs were full of it. I heard Lisa whispering behind me:
"Was it good? I'm surprised you didn't scream!"
Oh god, she knew exactly what happened. Then I heard her talk louder to
the teacher.
"Could we open the window? There is a bad smell in here!"
"It smells like fish!" shouted someone.
With that, everybody roared with laughter. The teacher seemed unphased
and went to the window to open it. I felt so humiliated! They had to
open the window because of my smell! The smell of my pussy! Because I
just had an orgasm! How could it be worse than that?

When the bell rang to announce the end of the period, I had to bend down
again to get my bag. I did it quickly but I knew from the whistles and
catcalls behind me I just showed my ass again. I got up and looked at
the chair. It was full of juice! I was too. I could feel it running down
my legs. I could feel my t-shirt sticking to my ass too! I had to clean
myself quickly. I walked out of the class surrounded by my classmates.
When I was in the hall, someone made me trip and I felt face first on
the floor. I was so surprised I didn't realize right away that my
t-shirt was around my waist. Everybody around me roared with laughter. I
got on my feet and pulled my t-shirt down. I pushed thru the crowd to
head to the toilets. I felt a hand on my ass but it was quickly withdrawn.
"Eeeek! It's all wet and sticky!"
With that, they laughed more.

I ran down the hall. I wanted to hide and cry. I didn't know where I was
heading, but I just wanted to go away from my classmates. I turned a
corner and bumped into someone. I looked at the person and gasped. It
was the principal! He was looking at me with a stern look.
"Look where you go young lady! You almost knocked me over!"
I would probably have if he wasn't that fat (of course I didn't tell him
that!). He was probably more than twice my weight. He was really big too
and I felt like a little bug in front of him.
"And what are you wearing?" he asked while looking at my legs.
"My gym clothes." I quickly answered while giving him the note I got
from the coach.
He read it and looked at me again.
"You had all your clothes stolen? Why didn't you put them in locker?"
"I was late; I didn't have the time..." I answered shyly.
"Well I guess you had it coming then! Next time, come on time... and
lock your stuff! Did you have valuable things stolen apart from your
clothes?" he asked.
"No, only my clothes."
"OK then... Go to your next class." he said while he gave me the note back.
"Mister! May I please go home to fetch new clothes?" I asked.
"If I remember well, you already have a warning because you missed
school last month..."
"Yes sir."
"Then I'm afraid I'll have to refuse."
"But sir, I'm not really meeting the dress code..."
I didn't know why I said that. A little voice in my head was yelling:
"You're looking for troubles!"
"I know. But I know you didn't do it on purpose too. And I can see you
don't like it. It will serve you as a lesson to remind you to come on
time and take care of your clothes."
I couldn't believe it! He was asking me to spend the day in school
dressed like that as some kind of punishment! Of course he didn't know I
didn't wear anything under my t-shirt. I suppose he would have changed
his mind, but I didn't want to tell him!

The principal walked away and I just stayed there in shock. The minute I
saw him, I thought I would be in trouble. I was right but not in the way
I thought! He just told me I had to stay all day like this in school! I
guess I really had it coming! The adrenaline rush I had when I saw him
had somewhat cleared my mind. I realized I was deeply in trouble! It was
only a matter of time before a teacher notices I'm half naked. I know
that could get me expelled. And with all my classmates knowing about my
predicament, it didn't help. I knew from the previous period they
thought my situation funny and weren't going to help me. But would they
turn me in? I suppose they wouldn't do it because that would end their
fun, but I'd have to be careful.


I walked to my next classroom. The teacher wasn't there yet, and half
the room was still empty. I walked to the back of the room under the
stares of those of my classmates who were already there. Those were not
the same I had in my class on the previous period. We are not always
with the same people in class because of what orientation we choose. I
sat down and felt the cold chair on my bare butt. Immediately, some guys
ran to me.
"We heard some gossips about you... Is it true?" asked one of them.
"Are you naked below the waist?" asked another one.
"If it is true, you are the coolest girl of the school!" said another
one enthusiastically.
I was speechless. What could I answer to those guys?
"I think it's true. If she were wearing short, we would see them when
she sits! Look, we can almost see her buttocks on the side!" said the
first guy.
They all bent to have a close look at the side of my butt. I was red in
the face but didn't know what to do. I couldn't pull my t-shirt lower
and they were right. My butt was directly touching the chair and my
t-shirt was too short to completely hide it in this position. I was
confused about the guy saying I was cool, because I was half naked.
Would he think that way about any half-naked girl, or was it the fact
that I was half-naked at school? I was way too embarrassed to ask
though, and their intense staring didn't help to make me relax.

The teacher came in and the guys reluctantly left me alone. I was glad I
didn't have to tell my story to the teacher this time as he didn't see
me. From his point of view, I looked decent enough. He could only see
the upper part of my body and the people in front of me helped to hide
my naked legs (amongst other naked things). I was just hoping the
constants turning heads of guys (and girls) trying to get a look at me
wouldn't attract his attention. Fortunately, he spent most of the time
sitting at his desk, getting up sometimes to write something on the
board. When the bell rang, I felt relieved to see him leaving, yet I
dreaded to be alone with my classmates. I gathered my things and got up.
The guys were once again around me.
"Come on! Show us what's under that t-shirt!"
"Yeah! I heard you have a cute hairless pussy."
"Can we see it?"
Curiously, they were all pressing me, but they didn't touch me. These
were gentlemen compared to those who grabbed me in the hall. But I still
felt really embarrassed and certainly didn't want to lift my t-shirt!
They were insistent though and surrounding me. I didn't know how I could
walk away if they didn't let me go. I considered doing what they asked
and felt my pussy tingling.
"Would you let me go if I did it?" I asked.
"You've got our word!"
"We could even protect you on your way to your next class if you want!"
I didn't expect that much. I supposed this was my fan club! Even if they
basically wanted to see my pussy, they were keeping their hands off of
me, and it was kind of cool. They were looking at me like I was some
kind of goddess and I could feel my pussy growing wetter just because of
the attention I was getting. It was the first time I felt like I had
some kind of control on the situation. I dropped my bag on my desk and
grabbed the edge of my t-shirt. All the boys were looking expectantly. I
was so nervous my hands were shaking. But I was even more excited than
before. I never thought of showing my body to someone intentionally, but
I found out at that time it was a huge turn on for me. I slowly pulled
my t-shirt up to my navel. I think none of the boys were breathing by
now. I wasn't breathing either. I never showed my body to a boy
(intentionally, I mean...) and here I was flashing 7 or 8 boys in a
classroom. They seemed all entranced by the sight. I looked down and saw
my smooth pussy. My lips were swollen and my clit was poking. The boys
probably noticed that too, but none of them made a comment. I was about
to drop my t-shirt when one of them spoke:
"Could we see your tits too?"
They were all looking at my face expectantly. I looked around nervously.
We were alone in the room and one of them had closed the door. I slowly
lifted my t-shirt until it was bunched under my chin. I half expected to
see them mocking my small tits, but they just look with lust in their
eyes. My nipples were long and hard. After like an eternity, I dropped
my t-shirt down. The boys were all looking at me with huge grins.
"That was so cool!" said one of them.
"You are really cute!" said another.
"Thank you very much! You made my day" added another one.

I was speechless. I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. True to
their word, they escorted me to my next class. It was my last period
before noon. I thanked the boys and they thanked me in return, then I
walked in the classroom. Something tells me I'm going to hear from them
again before the end of the day. I sat down in the middle of the class.
All my classmates were looking at me with knowing smiles and I still
felt deeply embarrassed, but I was so excited from what just took place
with the boys. They showed interest in me, but not to make fun of me. I
was still amazed at my own boldness. I just lifted my t-shirt completely
for them! The teacher came in and started his class. My thought kept
drifting to the boys though. I thought about the way they admired my
body. I then imagined myself having sex with one of them. I never had
sex. I wonder what it would feel like. I was so horny I wanted to feel
something in my cunt. I bent forward and put my hand in my laps then
discreetly reached my pussy with my fingers. I was in another world, I
was so hot. I didn't care I was in a classroom anymore. My finger grazed
my pussy lips and I shuddered. I moved my finger lightly along my lips.
It felt so good and I had to concentrate hard not to moan. I pushed my
finger between my lips. My face must have been deep red. I was panting.
I was close to the edge. I had to stop before I cum again. Each time I
was too close, I stopped. But after one or two minute, my hand kept
coming back to work. I was lost in another world. I kept myself close to
orgasm for the entire period. I have absolutely no idea what the teacher
talked about. I only suppose my classmates knew what I was doing, but I
wasn't really aware of my surroundings. When the bell rang, everybody
got up and I thought it was my chance. The chairs moving on the ground
made a lot of sound and I pressed my clit with my finger. It was like
pressing the red button that starts an atomic explosion. I came really
hard. I moaned and maybe screamed. I'm not sure. I came so hard I passed
out. When I woke up, I was still sitting on my chair with my face on the
desk. I still had one hand between my legs, and my t-shirt was around my

I looked around me and most of my classmates were looking at me. Oh god!
I just humiliated myself again. They were all laughing. Thankfully, the
teacher had left immediately and didn't know what happened. I heard all
sort of comments.
"Did you enjoy your class, Erica?"
"If you need some help, I can give you a hand..."
"I never thought you were that kind of girl!"
"Yeah! That was a good show!"
I got up on shaky legs and pulled my t-shirt down. How could I do that?
I touched myself in the class! I was becoming a big slut! I tried to
walk but my legs were too shaky. One boy came to my side to help me
walk, but I soon felt his hand on my butt under my t-shirt. Another boy
came on the other side and soon his hand was on my other butt cheek. I
felt too weak to protest and soon I felt one of them reach between my
legs. His fingers touched my pussy and I jumped. It was so sensitive! He
tried to put his finger in my pussy roughly but it was painful for me.
That drew some force back in me. I tried to push their hands away but of
course, they were much stronger than me. I was lucky one girl decided to
help me:
"Hey guys! You're practically raping her! I know she's a slut, but I'm
not sure you should do that." she said.
The boys stopped moving their hands.
"Look at her! She's begging for it." said one of them.
"She's trying to push your hand away!" replied the girl.
The boys removed their hands. I suppose they didn't want to be charged
for sexual assault or something. If there weren't so many witnesses, I
suppose they wouldn't stop. But I was happy it ended there. I didn't
want to be groped or raped by a bunch of boys. This would be a little
too intense for a first sexual experience. I quickly walked away under
my classmates stares.


It was lunchtime but I didn't feel like eating at the cafeteria. I
thought I'd humiliated myself enough for today. But I didn't know what
else to do. I desperately wanted to go home and change. But I was stuck
in this school. I don't know why, but I considered it ten times worst to
tell a teacher about my clothing problem, than to have all my classmates
teasing me about it all day. It was probably because talking to a
teacher would be some kind of active behavior, while pretending it was
no big deal and stay at school was more of a passive behavior. That's
me. I'm a passive kind of person. I let events take the control of me
and I don't do anything to avoid it. I don't like that part of my
personality, but I couldn't do anything about it!

I headed outside when I saw Alicia in the hall. When she saw me, she
just freaked out!
"Oh my god! Erica, tell me you are wearing something under that
t-shirt!" she said.
I didn't say anything and looked at the ground while my face turned red.
"I can't believe it! What happened? How come you haven't been expelled
yet?" she asked.
"Can we go somewhere else?" I asked, looking nervously at the people
surrounding us.
They didn't seem to listen, but a lot of them were looking my way.
"Did you eat something?" asked Alicia.
"Not yet. But I don't feel like going to the cafeteria..."
"I see! I'll go and grab us sandwiches and we'll go outside find some
quiet place to talk." she said with a smile.
"OK, I'll wait over there."
I waited in the hall while she went to the cafeteria. I felt every eye
in the hall on me and tried to act nonchalantly. Alicia was back ten
minutes later, but it was like an eternity for me. I was lucky nobody
tried to mess with me. We walked outside and found a quiet place. Alicia
sat on the grass, but I was a little scared of what I'd show if I sat on
the ground. I decided to kneel, but it was weird to feel my heels under
my naked buttocks. And I could tell from the look on Alicia's face that
she could see my pussy between my legs. The position wasn't really
comfortable and I thought I wouldn't show more if I sat down. I shifted
my legs on the side and sat my naked butt on the ground. I tried to pull
on my t-shirt while I put my legs in front of me. I could feel the grass
on my butt skin. I could even feel it on my pussy! It was really weird.
I had to keep my legs on the ground in front of me. I couldn't cross
them or lift them without displaying my pussy.

"So... tell me what happened? Is it Lisa?" asked Alicia.
She was smiling. She was probably enjoying my discomfort. I told her
everything: How Lisa and Carry stripped me, how they took my clothes,
how I went to class like that and had orgasms during class. How I
displayed my body to my new "fan club". How I even masturbated in my
last class. She seemed completely stunned. She was just looking at me
with her mouth agape. She finally found her words and asked me questions.
"Why didn't you tell the coach they stripped you?"
"I didn't dare... Everybody was looking at me so I pretended nothing was
"But why didn't you tell her later when you were alone?"
"I don't know. She would have thought I was crazy if I told her I spend
the class bottomless."
"She would be right!! You should have asked to go home or something to
get other clothes!"
"I can't miss school! I already had a warning!"
"So what? You'd have one or two hours of detention! Is it worse than
spending the day half naked in school?"
She had a point. I should have thought about that. I didn't know what to
"Maybe it is worse. Maybe you like being half naked! Maybe you think you
are lucky to have that note from the coach..." said Alicia with a
mischievous smile.
"No! I don't like it! It's embarrassing! Humiliating! It's..."
"No! Well ... not really... I don't know!"
I started to cry. Alicia sat next to me and hugged me.
"Don't worry. It's OK. I know you like it. That's why you had those
orgasms. That's why you lifted your t-shirt for those guys. But it's OK.
I don't care. You're still my friend..."
I cried on her shoulder before realizing I had lifted my knees. My pussy
was on display again, but I was beyond caring now. I had to figure out
my feelings. Was I really the exhibitionist Alicia was describing? I
know my body reacted strongly, but I still felt embarrassed. This wasn't
me. I never dress sluttish; I always wear decent clothes, except when
someone stole them or rip them. I couldn't say I enjoyed being in school
half naked, even if I enjoyed it sexually. How could my body react so
differently from my mind?

We discussed about that while we ate our sandwiches. I wasn't really
hungry because my stomach was upside down or something. Alicia seemed to
understand what I was feelings.
"You know, I think all this happened because you discovered your sex
side when you were exposed naked," she said.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you told me you are a virgin... Are you still a virgin, by-the-way?"
"Well, yes I am...." I blushed.
"So I suppose you never considered yourself as a 'sex' person. That is,
until you were exposed at the water-park, then at school and at the
library. You discovered you attracted a lot of attention. By being nude,
you become a 'sex' person. A whole new world opens up for you. You
discovered that part of your personality by being nude in public, and
every time that happens again, your body answers to it sexually."
"Well I understand that, but it doesn't explain why I don't like it,
while I feel... you know... hot when I'm naked..."
"That's normal! You never liked to expose your body, you don't really
like it. You are always hiding it behind conservative clothes. But by
doing that, you completely denied the 'sexual' part of yourself. She
"Well... That makes sense... But what can I do about it?" I asked
"You are faced with a simple choice. First solution: you could try to
regress to your old self and repress any 'sexual' side of your
personality. I don't recommend this because of obvious problems in your
future love life. If you happen to have one..."
I could see what she wanted to say. Sex is an important part of life, I
couldn't deny it anymore.
"Second solution (the one I would recommend): you have to accept that
part of your personality and try to reconcile with your body. People
like to embarrass you by looking at you because they can feel that's
exactly what you are trying to avoid."
"How could I do that?" I asked.
"Well, you obviously need to do something about your clothes. And you
should act more casually about exposure. I bet you never took a shower
with the other girls in the locker rooms."
I blushed. She was right. I always tried to wait for everybody to finish
before I go to the shower. Sometimes, I didn't take a shower because I
hadn't enough time. I had to use a lot of perfume to mask my
transpiration smell.
"You almost never wear skirts too. The few times I saw you in a skirt,
it was a long one that went down to your ankles. Your legs are great!
They deserve some attention! And your shirts! You always button them up
to your neck! You need to breathe! You don't even own a v-neck t-shirt!"
I blushed more. She was right again! I always try to hide my body.
That's probably because of my small breast. I'm always scared that
someone would notice I'm not wearing a bra too. My mother played her
part in this...
"That's how I always dressed, and I don't think my mum would like me to
wear short skirts or open shirts..." I said weakly.
"Oh come on! Don't tell me your mother is the one in charge of your
clothing! You are sixteen! It's high time you step up and stop wearing
what your mother wore when she was your age! This is the 21st century!"
I was almost crying by now. Her words were hitting me hard. But she was
right. I always followed my mother's advices in what I should or should
not wear. But her advices were outdated! I was at loss for words.
"Look, it's not that big a deal... All you need is to find your freedom.
Your mind has been influenced by your mother, while your body has other
needs. All you need to do is reconcile your body and your mind."
"How can I do that? I can't run around naked until I get used to it, can
I?" I said with tears in my eyes.
"Of course not! That would be a little too far. Even if you are not
really that far from it right now!" she said while looking down.
I looked and gasped. I was so concentrated on our conversation I forgot
I was half naked. I had crossed my legs and my pussy was completely on
display! I quickly straightened them on the ground again, and pulled on
my t-shirt. Alicia giggled.
"That's OK. It's not the first time I see your pussy, you don't need to
be shy with me. In fact, it may be a good exercise for you. Nobody is
close to us, so you are safe. Just relax and show it again."
"You can't be serious!" I replied, shocked.
"Of course I'm serious. Your pussy is cute, and I already saw it several
times now. You have no need to hide it from me. You need to accept your
body, remember?"
"Yes but..."
"No buts! Well not now anyway... It's your pussy I want to see! Not your
butt." she said giggling again.
God I feel bad about this. But she is right. Nobody could see anything,
except her, and she already saw me naked. I slowly lifted my knees and
spread my thighs. Alicia was looking at my crotch with a big smile. I
spread my legs wider, until my pussy lips were slightly pulled apart. I
could see I was really wet inside. Alicia must have been thinking about
the same thing I suppose.
"Good! That didn't kill you, did it?" she asked while looking me in the
eyes again.
"Well I suppose no..." I said while I slowly closed my legs again.
"Stop that! Keep your legs open! You need to breath and your pussy too,
by the look of it!"

I kept my legs apart, while we discussed about my clothes. She kept
looking at my pussy every now and then and I felt weird. I don't feel
sexually attracted to Alicia or any girl, at least I think so, but I
felt it strangely exciting to get that kind of attention from her.
"You know what? We should go shopping. I'll help you find clothes who
match your real personality." she said.
"Well that would be great." not really able to concentrate on anything
else than my exposed, wet and gaping pussy.
"What about tonight? We could go to the mall after school!" she said
"Tonight? I don't know if my parents would like me to go out on a week
"Well you can tell them you come to my place to study. You could even
spend the night in my house! My parents won't be there, they are leaving
tonight for a 5 days trip."
"I don't know... I'll have to call my parents to ask them. But it would
be great. I didn't want to come back home dressed as I am now!"
"Yeah, you'll have something to wear, since we are going shopping for
clothes! Here, you can use my cell phone to call your parents."
I called my mother at work and told her I was going to spend the night
at Alicia's home to study. She seemed OK with it and told me to behave.
Alicia was happy and so was I. But it was distracting to talk with her
and with my mother on the phone with my pussy on display like that.

We kept chatting until the end of lunch hour. When time was up, we got
up and walked back inside. I felt more relaxed, but I was still horny
from my display in front of Alicia.
"I'm going to my class. We'll meet here at the end of our classes, ok?"
she asked.
"OK, no problem."
"By-the-way, I really like your shaved pussy! It is so cute!"
She left me and I looked frantically around to see if anybody had heard
her last comment. A lot of people were looking at me, but it was
probably just because of my attire. I quickly walked away and went to my
class. I only had two periods in the afternoon, and nothing bad
happened, except the fact that I was really horny all the time. At least
I didn't cum in class this time. I didn't really listen to what the
teachers were talking about, though.


After my last class, I met Alicia at the exit. We walked away and she
told me her mum would pick us up and drives us to the mall. I started to
"I can't go to the mall like this! We have to go back to your place. I
need to borrow you something to wear!" I shouted.
"Why? You spent the whole day in school like that. I don't see why you
couldn't go to the mall like that too. Besides, we're going there to buy
clothes, so you'll have something to wear soon..."
I didn't want her mom to see me like this, and I felt really bad about
walking in the mall half naked! She was definitely crazy! I was about to
refuse when her mother pulled up. Alicia ran to the car and opened the
passenger door. She entered the car and I weakly opened the rear door. I
sat down and tried to put my legs together inside. This was really bad.
I've known Alicia's mother for years. She is a friend of my mother.
"Hi Erica!" She said.
"Hello." I replied weakly.
"My god! That's a sexy outfit! Did you go to your classes dressed like
"She got her clothes stolen during her gym class! That's her gym
outfit." said Alicia.
"Oh I see. I hope you didn't loose too valuable clothes!"
"Well, not really... Those were old clothes." I answered.
"I certainly understand why you need to go shopping then!" She laughed.
Fortunately, she didn't seem to notice I was bottomless.

She dropped us in the parking lot and Alicia said her goodbyes for the
weekend since her parents would be gone for their trip when we go back
to her place. I said goodbye too, while pulling on my t-shirt. When the
car left, I had a sinking feeling. I was half-naked, on a parking lot in
front of a mall. And I was about to walk inside with my so-called beast
friend! How could it be worse? Alicia didn't want to leave me the time
to think about it. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the entrance. My
knees were shaking and I felt like fainting. I only had my t-shirt, my
socks, my sneakers and my purse! When we passed the doors, I stopped
dead in my tracks! God was this mall crowded! There were people
everywhere! I was holding onto the hem of my t-shirt with both hands
like my life depended on it. I don't know why this felt much worse than
at school. At least I was in a familiar surrounding there. Here, I felt
like I was in a completely public place. Anybody could walk by and see me!
"Stop pulling on that t-shirt! You'll tear it!" Said Alicia.
I looked at her with pleading eyes. This was too much for me.
"Look, if you keep trying to hide and act like there is a problem,
people will notice you. You just have to act naturally. Just let go of
your t-shirt and walk with me. There's nothing to worry about. Your
t-shirt is long enough to cover you, as long as you don't bend or squat,
of course!" She said.
Maybe she was right, but I didn't know how I could possibly act
naturally! I was naked! She grabbed my hand and I reluctantly let go of
the t-shirt and followed her.

She made me walk without entering any shop at first, to help me relax,
as she said it. I didn't feel relaxed at all. I was sometimes looking at
the ground to avoid stares, sometimes looking around me to see if a lot
of people were looking at me. And they were! I could see a lot of people
looking at my legs. I suppose they were trying to figure out what I was
wearing under the t-shirt! If only they knew...

Alicia dragged me in front of a lingerie shop.
"One very important part of sexy clothing is the underwear." She said.
I looked at her with an expressionless face.
"I saw what you wear, and it's not sexy at all! You need to get rid of
those printed white-cotton granny panties! Come with me..."
She grabbed my hand and led me inside. We were surrounded by sexy lacy
underwear. She led me to a wall full of hanging panties. She focused on
a display of thongs. She asked my size and took a few of them. She then
led me to the changing room. There were two rooms closed by a curtain on
the back wall of the shop. I entered one of them and looked at the
thongs Alicia chose for me. Those were sexy things! First, I took one
white simple model. It was a simple white triangle in front, and a
string in the back and on the hips. No lace on this one. I pulled it on
(I didn't need to remove anything first!). Alicia asked me to show her.
I pulled the curtain open.
"You should remove your t-shirt! I don't see anything!" She said.
I wanted to close the curtain but Alicia was holding it. Besides, I'd
have to open it to show her anyway. I quickly grabbed my t-shirt and
pulled it over my head. I dropped it in the room and waited for Alicia's
approbation. She looked at me from head to toe.
"Nice! That's sexy! Turn around."
I turn my back to her.
"I like that! The string is really hidden between your butt cheeks, it
almost looks like you are naked!" She said.
Then I froze in terror. Another voice talked.
"Do you need help?"
It was the saleswoman! I didn't move while Alicia talked to her.
"Well... We are looking for something sexy for my friend here." said Alicia.
"Well you certainly found something sexy!" She answered.
"Turn around!" said Alicia.
I slowly turned around until I was facing them. The saleswoman was
looking at my small tits with a smile.
"Maybe you are in the wrong shop here. There is a children's clothing
shop over there where you could find something more of her age..." She said.
I felt completely humiliated. This saleswoman looked to be about 20,
very good looking in a nice dress. She obviously thought I was a little
girl! Alicia was smiling.
"Well she looks a little younger that she really is, and I don't think
they'll have anything sexy in that shop."
"That's true, but why does she need to look sexy?" asked the woman.
"We want her to look older, and more attractive! Her classmates always
make fun of her because of the way she dresses..." said Alicia.
"I see... Well as long as you pay, there's no problem." said the woman.

I felt like a little girl because of the way they were talking about me
like I wasn't there. And I wasn't allowed any modesty either! I was in
plain view of the whole shop. Luckily, there didn't seem to be anyone
else in the shop now.
"Do you have anything that would look sexy on top of that?" asked Alicia.
"Well... With her small breast, I don't think a Wonderbra could do any
wonder. A push-up needs something to push up, if you know what I mean!
But we have maybe some padded bras that could probably fit. I'll go and
see what I can find."
"Why don't you try another thong?" asked Alicia when she was away.
I wanted to close the curtain, but she was still holding it. No one was
around so I thought I could do it quickly. I don't know why I didn't
dare to ask her to let go of the curtain! I think I felt too weak to
talk. So I turned my back to her and dropped the thong to my feet and
stepped out of it. I picked it up then took the next one. It was a black
lacy one. I quickly put it on and turned around.
"Wow that is sexy too!" Said Alicia.
She was right. The front was lacy on the edges and completely
see-through and the back was nothing more than a string. This was as
decent as naked.
"Try the last one." Said Alicia.
I again turned my back to her to remove it. Once I was naked and bent
over to pick it up on the ground, I heard the saleswoman coming back.
"Here! Try this on!" She said.
I quickly turned around and put the thong on the chair. I was mortified
to be seen completely naked, and bending over too! I shuddered at the
display I just gave to her. She had a big smile and was presenting a bra
to me. She clearly wanted me to take it without letting me the time to
put panties on first. I took the bra and tried to put it on. It was the
first time I was wearing a bra and I had troubles with the hook at the
back. The saleswoman came to help me and hooked it. She then put her
hands on the cups and adjusted it. It was weird! The bra was cute, but I
didn't fill the cups, even though they were small and padded. It looked
like I was wearing my mother's bra. The cups were not touching my
nipples and I could see them when I looked down. The saleswoman and
Alicia laughed.
"I don't think she can wear this! She certainly doesn't need it!" said
the saleswoman.
"Don't you have anything smaller?" asked Alicia.
"Not really... What she needs - if she really wants to wear a bra - is a
sport bra. But I don't even think I have something in her size. You'll
have to look in the children's shop!"
I felt mortified by her comments. She must have thought I was a little
girl trying to look older.
"A sport bra wouldn't look sexy. We need something else..." said Alicia.
"Well, a bra is not mandatory to look sexy! Especially with very small
breast." she said with a quick glance to my chest.
She walked over to a rack just outside the changing rooms area. She
grabbed a black see-thru camisole and held it in front of her.
"This looks sexy regardless of the bust size." she said.
"Oh yes! That looks good!" said Alicia.
She walked to the saleswoman and took the camisole from her hands.
"Come here Erica! You should try this on."
I walked to her still thinking about the humiliating words of the
saleswoman, not realizing I was walking in a shop wearing only a bra! I
held my hand to take the camisole, but she withdrew it.
"You need to remove that bra first, Erica!" she said with a grin.
I looked at her with big eyes. What game was she playing? I just wanted
to get this over with so I reached in my back to unhook my bra. Of
course I couldn't do it. The saleswoman told me to turn so she could
help me. I turned around and at exactly the same time, three girls about
18 to 20 years old walked inside the shop. They stopped dead in their
tracks when they saw me. I tried to turn around to go back to the safety
of change-rooms, but the saleswoman was already holding the back of my bra.
"Stop moving or I'll never manage to remove it!" she scolded me.
I looked at the ground while she unsnapped my bra then let it slide down
my arms. I wanted to cover myself but had to let go of the straps. I
heard the girls gasp and laugh. They were probably surprised to see how
flat my chest was.
"Lift your arms above your head." said Alicia.
I lifted my arms. I was almost crying. But I was so horny! Alicia put
the camisole down my arms and down my torso. I put my arms down and
breathed deeply. Apparently I didn't breathe since I saw those girls. My
heart was beating so fast! I looked down at the camisole and gasped. It
was completely see-thru. I could see my very hard nipples as clearly as
if I was naked, and it went down to my waist, leaving my butt and pussy
completely on display. I turned around to face Alicia and the
saleswoman. Of course I showed my butt to the three girls by doing this
but what choice did I have?
"Wow! That' great! You look good! It's really classy!" exclaimed Alicia.
"Oh yes it is. I believe some of our customers wear that as a top to go
dancing in clubs." said the saleswoman.
"Really?" asked Alicia with too much interest to my taste.
"Yes, but they wear a black bra underneath to look decent of course! So
that wouldn't work with our girl here, since there is no bra that would
fit her, except from some sport bra from the children's clothing store..."
"Well, it would be indecent if she had something to hide!" said Alicia.
"That's right... But I doubt she's old enough to go dancing, anyway!"
"Not yet but we sometimes have parties at friend's houses..." said Alicia.
I looked at her. She couldn't expect me to go to parties wearing that!
But the smile on her face told me otherwise. Why do I consider her as a
"You have to buy it, Erica!" she told me.
"Well... OK, why not..." I managed to say.
"Do you have other things to propose us?" asked Alicia to the saleswoman.
"Well, we have some nice nighties that would look nice on her. Come this

She walked past the three girls in the direction of the door. Alicia
took my hand and pulled me. We followed her and I could feel my whole
body burn in shame when I walked past the three girls. They were openly
staring at me with big smiles.
"Hey little girl! Can't find your way back to the changing room?" said
one of them.
They all cracked up laughing, including Alicia and the saleswoman! I
felt like dying. I kept walking, pretending I didn't hear. We stopped
near the nighties. We were just near the door. I wasn't really in plain
view from the outside, but anybody passing by and looking at the right
moment could see me! Fortunately, nobody seemed to be looking that way.
The saleswoman took one silky white nightie and showed it to us.
"Oh that looks nice! You have to try it on, Erica." said Alicia.
I didn't like the sound of that. She grabbed the hem of my camisole and
lifted it. I had given away every hope of modesty by now so I lifted my
arms until she removed it completely. I then went to take the nightie to
quickly put it on, but the saleswoman was removing it from the clothes
hanger. She took like an eternity before she could handle it to me. I
was so nervous I had troubles putting it on. She took it and proceeded
to dress me. I was mortified. Not only did I look like a little girl, I
was treated as one too. When she had it on me, I looked down. I have to
admit it looked good! It was a little see-through, but really not as
much as the camisole. It was lacy on the cleavage and on the bottom, and
there were two slits on the sides that went up to the waist. If I had
been wearing panties, they would have been visible.
"You look good!" said Alicia.
"Yes she does!" said the saleswoman.
Even the three girls behind seemed impressed by how it looked on me. I
managed to smile and I twirled to show it well. I was glad to have the
attention since I didn't felt naked this time. I started to relax some more.
"I think I'll buy it." I said.
"...with the camisole and the two thongs!" added Alicia.
"Well... yes..." I replied.
I wasn't really sure about the camisole and the thongs, but Alicia was
insistent and they did look good.
"OK, give me camisole and the nightie and I'll go check them and put
them in a pack for you." said the saleswoman.
She grabbed the hem of the nightie and pulled it up and off of me before
I had time to think. I was completely naked in the shop and she walked
away with the nightie and the camisole. I walked in the direction of the
changing room and had to walk past the three girls who hadn't moved yet.
When I was at their level, I heard someone gasp behind me. I turned
around and there was a middle age couple standing at the entrance
looking at me in shock. I turned around and quickly went to the safety
of my changing room. When I was inside, I couldn't resist the urge and
stroked my clit with one hand and put one then two fingers in my pussy
with the other hand. I came in less than one minute, biting my lip to
avoid screaming. When I was finished, I heard Alicia on the other side
of the curtain:
"If you are finished, you could give me the thongs so I can give them to
the saleswoman." she said.
Oh god! She certainly heard me moan! I took the thongs and opened the
curtain to give them to her. She was looking at me with a big smile. She
took the thongs and winked at me.
"Don't take too long in there, we still have other shops to visit." she
She walked away and I quickly closed the curtain because I could see the
three girls and the couple still looking my way. I don't know if they
heard me, but they certainly saw I was still naked. I had to sit down to
calm down my nerves and get my breath back.


Once I was calmed down, I put my t-shirt back on and took my purse. I
took a deep breath and opened the curtain. Somehow, the three girls and
the couple seemed even more shocked than before. It was like this was
worse than being naked. I guess they are right. It's probably worse to
walk around half naked in a big mall than to walk around naked in a
little shop. I walked to the cash register. Alicia and the saleswoman
were waiting for me. I paid for my new underwear and took the bag. It
was expensive, but I had some money since I had worked during the holiday.
"Thank you very much. Come back whenever you want!" Said the saleswoman
with a big smile.
We walked out of the shop under the stares of everybody. I walked fast
to go away as quickly as possible. Alicia followed me and caught my
"Hey! Wait! Where are you running?" She asked.
"I just want to go away from those people! They saw me naked!" I told her.
"Yes and?"
"And I don't want to see them again! That was terribly humiliating! You
have no idea..."
"But you liked it! I heard you in the change-room!"
"Yeah... I know..." I mumbled.
She was right. I did enjoy it, but it was humiliating anyway!
"Let's go to that shop! They have a lot of clothes!" Said Alicia.
I followed her inside. It was a very big shop with clothes for men,
women and children. My mother used to come her with me because the
clothes were cheap but of good quality.

I followed Alicia as she led me through the clothes rags. We were
heading to the children's department! Alicia stopped and looked through
the clothes.
"I know we are trying to make you look sexier, but with your stature, I
think it's here we will find something that fits you..."
She was right; my clothes always look oversized on me. But I couldn't
say I was looking forward to wearing children clothes. Alicia was
looking in the tops. She already had some in her hand. She then grabbed
my hand and led me to the change-room area. It was a big area for the
whole shop. Men, women and children went there. You had several cubicles
closed by a curtain. I took the tops Alicia had chosen for me and
entered one. I removed my t-shirt and tried the first one. It was a
tight blue tank top. It was made of thin cotton and you could see the
shape of my nipples. It reached to my waist and that left me naked below
the waist. I pulled lightly on the curtain and put my head outside to
call Alicia. She was outside the area, looking at clothes. I called her
name but she didn't hear me. I called louder and she heard this time,
but other people heard too and looked in my direction! Alicia came over.
"How does it look? Show me!" She said.
"Well, I can't come out... I'm half naked!" I whispered.
"You don't need to come out! Just open the curtain!" She said.
She then grabbed the curtain and opened it completely, leaving me
completely exposed and speechless. I knew it wasn't a good idea to go
shopping with her! I just hope there's nobody I know here. I looked
around and a lot of people were now looking in my direction with
different reactions. A lot of people looked shocked (mostly mothers or
women with their husbands), some looked really interested (mostly men),
and some were just laughing (mostly children, and lonely women). Alicia
of course acted like nothing was unusual and made comments on my top.
"You look good! You should wear tight clothes more often. It looks good
even though you have small tits!" She said.
I didn't answer since I was still speechless.
"Try the second one! It's my favorite!"

I quickly closed the curtain and took a deep breath. I didn't even
notice I wasn't breathing the whole time! I removed the blue top and
took the other one. It was much smaller! I put it on and looked in the
mirror. It was a light yellow tank top that leaves the belly uncovered.
It looked like a sport bra! My hard nipples were pushing very hard again
the thin material and you could even see their color thru it. Alicia
didn't wait this time and opened the curtain. I gasped and just looked
at her, unable to move. I don't know why, I didn't even try to cover
myself. I think she was slowly having me get used to be exposed naked in
public. Everybody was still there looking at me and I was trembling from
"Wow! That's sexy! You should definitely buy this one! You look hot!"
She nearly screamed.
God is she trying to attract everyone's attention? I guess now everyone
in the area saw me! She made me try some others tops the same way.
People seemed to wait casually for each of my apparitions. One girl even
came to make comments on my tops. She was probably just finding an
excuse to see me up close, but she acted like Alicia, focusing on the
top I was wearing and discussing with her of how I looked.
"I like that one. The deep cleavage looks good on her..." She said.
"Yes but it is maybe too loose for her..." Said Alicia.
"That's all the fun! Could you bend over, please?" She asked me.
I looked at Alicia who just nodded. I slowly bent over and the loose top
I was wearing parted with my chest, giving both of them (and probably a
couple other people) a good view of my small breast.
"Oh yeah! I like that! I know what skirt would look good with that!
Don't move, I'll be back" Said Alicia.
She left and I was suddenly alone with this girl I don't even know.
Everybody around was still looking at me, wearing nothing but a loose
top that leave everything below my belly button completely on display. I
wanted to close the curtain but the girl had other thoughts.
"I'm Sarah, by-the-way." She said while she shook my hand.
"I'm Erica..."
"Nice to meet you! Is that girl your big sister?" She asked, referring
to Alicia.
"No, she's my friend."
"Oh! OK... Are all you friends much older than you?" She asked.
"No, most of them are my age..." I answered.
"You are a cute little girl anyway." She said.
"Thank you..." I answered.
Then I understood! She thought I was much younger than Alicia! Of
course, I was trying children's clothes and with my shaved pussy and
little tits, she must have thought I was 10 to 12 years old. I didn't
dare tell her I was really 16! What would she have thought about me!
Alicia came back with a skirt.
"Here! Try this on!"
I took it and quickly put it on without bothering with the curtains. It
was a really short black pleated skirt. I looked in the mirror and it
looked really good. I never wear skirts this short, but I liked it.
Alicia and Sarah seemed to like it too.
"My god you look so cute!" Said Sarah.
"Oh yes she does!" Added Alicia.
I felt good to be completely dressed (except for underwear of course). I
took some poses in front of the mirror.
"You shouldn't put your t-shirt on the ground, you'll get it dirty!"
Said Alicia, pointing to my t-shirt.
I had indeed dropped it on the floor. I bent over to pick it up and
heard Sarah and Alicia gasp. I turned around with my t-shirt in my hand
and looked at them. Their smile told me long about what I just showed them!

I removed the skirt and the top and put my t-shirt back on. I ended up
buying two tops and the skirt and we left with all my new clothes in
bags. It was weird walking around with bags full of clothes while
wearing only a t-shirt. I wanted to tell Alicia I wanted to go change in
the bathroom, but I don't know what stopped me. I just followed her
around the mall and we stopped in different shops. We visited music
stores and other things like that. I really didn't have a lot of money
left after what I already bought. I told it to Alicia and we decided we
had already bought some fine items and we decided to head to the food
court. I thought about my purchases and sighed. I actually bought
underwear, one skirt and two tops. That's not really what I had in mind
to replace the clothes I lost at school and at the library, but I
suppose that'll do for now. We found a free table and Alicia sat down. I
looked at her nervously and she raised an eyebrow with a little smile.
"I think I'll ... I mean I should ... I'd like to go to the toilet and
put something more decent on... I don't want to sit here in my
t-shirt..." I said, lowering my eyes.
"Oh Come on! You spent the whole day dressed like that! Just sit down!"
She said.
I sat down, nervously holding onto the hem of my t-shirt. Alicia asked
what I wanted and went to the counter to order our food. I felt really
nervous sitting alone dressed like that in the middle of a big mall. I
desperately wanted to put some of my new clothes on, but at the same
time, I desperately wanted to rip off my t-shirt and masturbate right
then and there. But I didn't do anything; I just waited for Alicia to
come back with our food.

When we were done eating, I told Alicia I wanted to go to the toilet.
She just grabbed my bag and said she'd keep them while I went there. I
suppose she wanted to be sure I I'd stay in my t-shirt and nothing else!
I looked at her with pleading eyes, but she just raised an eyebrow.
Nothing was said, but I knew I couldn't negotiate with her. I
reluctantly went to the bathroom and did my business there. I resisted
the urge to masturbate and came back to where Alicia was waiting for me.

She suggested we visit one last shop before going back home. I followed
her into this big sport shop. She led me to the swimsuits area.
"One thing you definitely need to change is your bathing suit! Your
suits are not good." She exclaimed while looking around her.
"What's wrong with my suits?" I asked.
"A one piece bathing suit isn't sexy at all! You need a bikini! The only
time I saw you wearing something sexy in a pool was at the water park!"
She said, blinking at me.
I blushed, thinking about the day I went in the water park wearing
nothing but white cotton panties, then loosing them in a pool.
Meanwhile, Alicia was looking at the bikinis for girls.
"There is no point looking into the adult stuff, we wont find a top that
fits you..." She said.
I didn't answer and looked nervously at what she was finding. She found
one thing that look like a bunch of string and some pieces of materials
hanging on a clothes hanger. She handed it to me and told me to try it on.

I went to the change room and walked in. It was in the middle of the
shop and closed with a double door like in a saloon. You can see the
head and the feet of the people inside. I removed my t-shirt and took
the bikini. I looked at the tag. It was for 14 year old girls! I had
troubles to untangle all the strings, but managed to get the bottoms on.
It fitted very well. It was light yellow, tied at the sides. The front
and the back didn't cover as much as I'd like to, but it did looked
fine. I had more troubles with the top. There were two triangles of
material and a lot of strings, but I couldn't find the right way to put
it on. Alicia asked me if I needed help and I told her I did. She opened
the door wide and I looked in shock. One salesman was behind her. She
obviously new it because she stayed out of the way to allow him to look
at me. She asked me what was wrong and I showed her the top. She took it
and tried to put it right, but she just messed it some more. The
salesman saw that and came to help us. He tried to help Alicia, but I
could see he was just enjoying the view. They finally managed to get it
right and the salesman held it and told me to come out so he could help
me put it on. I didn't have time to think because Alicia pushed me to
him. I stood in front of me while he told me to put my arms up. He took
his time to tie the string around my torso. Then he pulled the cups on
my tits, brushing them in the process. They were rock hard and I
couldn't suppress a moan when he did that. He then tied the string
behind my neck and took a step back to take a good look. I dropped my
arms and looked down. The cups were too big! I could see my nipples as
the material parted from my skin. The salesman came behind me, telling
me hed try to adjust it. He reached in front of me and grabbed my
nipples thru the material. I gasped and he apologizes, telling me he was
just trying to pull the material on my chest. He did that and tried to
tie the knot tighter, but it wouldn't fit! He then untied both knot and
took the top completely off me, saying he was going to find a smaller
size. I just stood there topless with a grinning Alicia. There were
several other customers looking at me, pretending to look around in the
shop. The salesman came back with a smaller top. This one was for 12
years old girls. He again put it on me, grabbing and brushing against my
nipples several times in the process. This top fitted better and I
looked good like that. Alicia told me so and I decided to buy it. I
thought I'd better find a job because this was going to cost the last
little money I still had. I went into the change room to remove the
bikini and put my t-shirt back on. I then went to pay for it.

It was getting late, so we left the mall. Alicia's house was not far. We
had to walk five minutes. It was pretty windy and I had trouble keeping
my t-shirt down with my hands full of bags. I attracted a lot of
attention on the way. I got whistles, horns and probably every head
turning in my direction. We finally made it to her house and I let out a
sigh of relief when she let me in.


We went directly to her bedroom to put all the stuff we bought. This has
been a very stressful day and it was the first time I could really relax
since the morning. There was nobody except Alicia, and I began to feel
comfortable being exposed to her. She asked me if I wanted to take a
shower, and I gladly accepted. The stress made me sweat, and I could
tell some area between my legs could use a wash too! Alicia showed me
the bathroom next to her room, and I stripped off my t-shirt and walked
in the shower. It was good to relax under the water, and I enjoyed that
peaceful instant. When I turned off the shower and walked out of the
shower, there was no towel. I called Alicia and she brought me a small
hand towel. I toweled myself, and then looked around for my t-shirt.
Alicia told me she took it in her room. I tried to put the towel around
myself but it was way too small. Alicia told me I didn't need it and she
walked out of the bathroom. I dropped the towel and followed her,
figuring I'd put my t-shirt back on in her bedroom. When I was in the
hall, I saw Alicia walking to the stairs.
"Let's go down watch some TV!" She said.
"Just a minute... I'll put my t-shirt back on..." I said.
"Well, I put it in the washing machine since I was doing the laundry. I
thought you'd appreciate it..."
"Oh thank you... I'll put something I just bought then..."
"You don't need to bother with clothes, you know. It's just the two of
us! Come on..." She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stairs.
"But... but..."
I didn't know what to say. Of course it was the two of us, and she
already saw me naked (I was actually naked in front of her at that very
moment, actually!). But the thought I was about to walk around naked in
her living room seemed scary. I've been there often with her parents
around and even if I knew they wouldn't be there, I was reluctant.
Alicia didn't let me time to think about it though and I was soon
walking down the stairs. Once we were in the living room Alicia let go
of my hand and I just stood there. I don't know why but I remember
thinking it was almost as bad as walking around in school half-naked.
Now that I think back, it wasn't that bad I suppose. But this was like a
family environment, and I felt out of place being naked there. But I
fought those feelings and walked to the couch while Alicia went into the
kitchen to fetch us some drinks.

When I sat down in the cold leather couch, I looked around and gasped.
The curtains were wide open! The light was on and I knew there were
several houses across the street where people could have had a good view
of my naked body. I looked and saw some lights on but I could see
anybody looking. Of course if someone had switched his light off, I
couldn't see anything. I shuddered at the thought of some old pervert
staring at me from his bedroom window. I didn't dare getting up to close
the curtains because it would mean giving a full frontal view to anybody
who was looking. There was probably nobody, but I didn't want to take
the chance. I was giving a good side view right now, but with my arms
crossed, nothing was really on show, except the unmistakable fact that I
was totally naked in Alicia's living room! Alicia came back with two
glasses of ice-tea and casually sat next to me (not between me and the
window!) and handed me my glass. I took it and asked her if she could
close the curtains.
"Why? Are you afraid to get sun burnt?" She asked playfully.
Damn, she would give me no respite!
"Well... I don't really want to give your neighbors a show!" I said weekly.
"You already are! But I doubt they're looking. Besides, the curtains are
a bit tricky to close. Last time I did it, they fell from the window and
it took an hour to my mother to put them back on. She told me not to try
using them again, and I certainly don't want to try!" She said.
"But I'm completely on display! What if one of your neighbors looks in
our direction?"
"Relax! I'll soften the light."
She walked to the switch and softened the light. The room was darker now
and I suppose you couldn't see much from outside except silhouettes. I
slouched in the couch and sipped my ice-tea while Alicia switched the TV
on. There was some variety show and I soon relaxed. I pulled one foot on
the couch and that gave Alicia a nice view of my pussy. I didn't do it
on purpose, but I noticed her taking a glance then smile. I thought
about putting my leg down but thought what the hell! She already saw my
pussy several times! She couldn't tell I wasn't relaxed with my body in
front of her, now!

The variety show ended and Alicia flipped through the channels. It was
getting late and we had school the day after, so we decided to go to
sleep. I followed Alicia to her bedroom. She left me there and went to
the bathroom to change. This was funny! She was the one telling me to
relax with my body and she wouldn't change in front of me, even though I
was completely naked in her bedroom! She came back wearing a silky white
nightie that looked good on her.
"Could I borrow you some sleepwear?" I asked tentatively.
"Oh! Dont worry about me, you can sleep in the nude, I won't be
offended!" She answered with a smile.
"Well... I don't usually sleep naked; I'd rather wear something... Maybe
I could wear something I bought!"
"I think you'd better not. Those are all new and clean. You'd better
keep them for good occasions! Don't worry; you'll be OK like that. It's
for your own good, you know?" She said with a serious look.
She was again trying to get me to accept my body. Well I already spend
the evening nude; I could as well sleep like that.
"Well OK then, I'll sleep nude..." I said reluctantly.
"Cool!" She nearly jumped, clapping her hands.
I don't know what was so good in having me sleeping in the nude, but she
seemed to like the idea. I started to wonder if she was a lesbian or
"Now there's the bed problem. We could sleep together in my bed but it
would be pretty tight! As you see, it isn't a twin bed."
Now I really started to wonder! She must have read it in my eyes because
she immediately tried to reassure me.
"Hey don't worry! I don't fancy you. I don't think it'd be a good idea
to sleep together. That's what I was trying to say!" She said laughing.
"You could either sleep in my parents bedroom, or on the couch
downstairs. Come with me." She grabbed a blanket from her cupboard and
walked out of her room. I followed her in her parents' room.
"Oh crap!" She exclaimed.
I looked at the bed and understood her exclamation. Her parents had left
plenty of clothes and other stuff on the bed. Apparently they were in a
hurry when they left and didn't have time to clean up the mess.
"Don't worry, I'll sleep downstairs..." I said.
I was really tired from the day anyway. I could have slept on the ground
if there was no other choice. This day had been full of events and I
felt drained emotionally.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Absolutely! I'll be OK..." I said, grabbing the blanket.
"Good night then."
"Good night!"

I walked downstairs and it felt weird being alone and naked there. I
mean I already came here a lot of time, and talked to Alicia's parents
in this living room. But here I was, completely naked. If only they
knew! I carefully avoided switching on the lights since I couldn't close
the curtains. I lay down on the couch and tried to sleep. The other
times I had been exposed in public, I ended my day with a big
masturbation session but I didn't dare doing that in Alicia's living
room. The image of what I did that day filled my mind though and I
couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what I looked like walking around
in school dressed in only my t-shirt. Then I thought about how I have
been exposed while shopping with Alicia. Even spending the evening naked
with Alicia was something to remember. I felt so horny I really couldn't
sleep. The blanket was way too hot too and I let it down and got up to
grab a drink in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and switched the
light on without thinking. I went to the sink and poured a glass of
water. I sat down at the kitchen table and drank my water. This was
weird. I felt the cold plastic of the chair under my butt. I remember I
came here last week and sat on this same chair to talk to Alicia's mom
while Alicia was doing some chore. I shivered imagining myself sitting
here naked talking to her. Then I gasped when I realized the curtains
were open here too. With the lights on, I was in plain view! But I
relaxed when I remembered there was no house with a direct view into the
kitchen. Still I switched the light off and looked outside. The kitchen
was on the rear of the house and there was a glass door leading to the
garden. There seemed to be a light breeze outside and I still felt so
hot. I opened the door slightly to let some fresh air in. It felt good
on my skin, but I still felt hot. I opened the door completely because
nobody could see me anyway. I then took a step outside. I felt free and
horny as I looked around me. I was completely naked outside! The last
times it happened to me, I wasn't in control and it had been humiliating
but this time it was different. I felt in control even if I didn't
really choose to spend the night naked. This time I was alone and nobody
was looking at me. I took some steps in the garden and appreciated the
soft tickling of the grass under my feet. I couldn't walk too far from
the house because I would be in direct view from the windows of Alicia's
neighbors. By staying near the house, I was pretty much out of view for
them, unless they bent at the window to look at me. Which they probably
would do if they knew I was here naked but thank god, they didn't knew!

I finally came back inside. I didn't felt refreshed at all. If possible,
my little escapade outside had made me even hotter! I came back to the
couch and try to get some sleep because I had school the day after. I
spent hours turning, sweating and trying to think about something else
then my nudity but it was to no avail. I was too horny to sleep, but I
couldn't bring myself to masturbate in Alicia's living room! Every time
I considered it, I looked around me and felt ashamed. There were picture
of the family on the wall. This was definitely not the right place to
bring myself off. But I desperately needed it! It was probably 4 or 5 in
the morning when I finally drifted in sleep. I remember dreaming I was
going to school wearing only my t-shirt again. Only this time the
t-shirt was shrinking. I was walking in the hall and I could feel it
uncover the bottom of my butt cheeks. Soon, my pussy came into view too.
By the time I had reached my locker, I was naked below the waist. A
large crowd had gathered and was staring. I could feel myself dripping
with excitement. I opened my locker and took some stuff then closed it.
I turned around and looked down. The t-shirt was barely covering my
tits. I walked thru the hall and with each step the t-shirt kept getting
smaller. Soon, my nipples were uncovered and the t-shirt had almost
disappeared. I came to my classroom and walked in and I was completely
naked. All my classmates and the teacher were looking at me and that's
when I had a big orgasm. I came like crazy while my classmates where
"Erica! Erica!"
My orgasm seemed to last forever and I was screaming. I felt a hand
grabbing my arm.
"Erica! Erica!"
It was Alicia's voice. I opened my eyes and saw her face looking at me.
I was back in her living-room and I just had a huge orgasm in front of her!
"Are you OK?" She asked.
I was completely breathless.
"Hu? Yeah... I... just had a nightmare..." I tried to explain.
"A nightmare? Seems like a not-so-bad one to me!" She said with a big smile.
I looked down at myself. The blanket had fallen on the ground. My legs
were spread and my right hand was on my pussy. My fingers were full of
my juices. There was no way I could hide the nature of my dream! I sat
down and tried to grab the blanket to cover myself but Alicia took it first.
"It's high time to wake up sleepy-head! You can fix yourself a breakfast
in the kitchen."
She walked away with the blanket and went upstairs.

I walked to the kitchen, washed my hands and fixed myself a bowl of
cereal. I felt really hungry. I blushed when I saw the garden thru the
glass door. I would dare walking outside now in plain daylight without a
stitch of clothing. Alicia came down and fixed her breakfast. She was
already dressed in a blouse and jeans.
"My god you look terrible!" She said.
"I know! I couldn't sleep. I don't know why..." I answered.
I felt like I hadn't slept at all. This was going to be a very long day.
"Do you want some coffee to wake you up?" She asked.
"Oh yes thank you!"
She fixed me a cup of coffee and I drank it.
"Damn! It's time to go! I'll go and fetch my bag..." Said Alicia.
I followed her upstairs to grab my bag and dress. When I was in her room
she handed me my bag.
"Wait! I have to dress! I can't go to school naked!" I shouted as she
was running to the stairs.
"Oh shit you're right! I forgot you were naked. Quick, we'll miss our bus!"
She came back and went to the bags containing the stuff I bought the day
before while I put my socks on. She opened the first bag she found and
took what was inside. It was the silky nightie.
"Lift your arms!" She said.
I quickly lifted my arms and she put the nightie on me. She handed me my
"Quick! Put them on!"
I put them on without thinking.
She then grabbed her bag and gave me mine and pulled me out of the room
then down the stairs.
"But... But..." I mumbled.
I couldn't go out like this! This was not a dress! It was supposed to be
worn as nightwear! Or underwear! It was lacy and see-thru! And the slits
on the sides! You could see my skin up to my waist!
"Quick! We have to be at the bus stop in three minutes!" She shouted.
We were soon outside running to the corner of the street. I was
completely stunned by Alicia's actions. Did she plan this ahead? The bag
with this nightie was the one were my panties were too. Why didn't she
give me one pair? And why didn't she wake me up earlier if we were so
late? I didn't even have time to wash and I could feel my thighs were
coated with my juice from the huge orgasm I had this morning. I could
feel the front and the rear part of the nightie lift with each step I took.

The bus was at the bus stop when we arrived and we just had time to hop
in before the doors closed. I looked down at myself and gasped. This
looked like the begining of another terribly embarrassing day!!!