“Hey, everybody… it’s little Erica’s birthday today!”


Lisa stood up in the middle of the room and made the embarrassing
announcement. I just put my head down and tried to bury my face in my
arms. We were in our morning study hall period, and the teacher had just
excused himself a few minutes ago. It was Lisa and myself, and ten other
seniors. We were told that we were old enough to be left unsupervised,
and he could trust us to continue our work. So then, why did Lisa pull
this childish prank?


True, it was my birthday. I had always looked forward to my spring-time
birthday, as it meant only a couple of more months of school. But this
year in particular, it was more like a matter of weeks, and we would be
finished with high school! That thought did have me giddy.


Carrie was also in this study hall with us, and I heard her say, “You
know, Lisa… I believe it is tradition for the young lady to receive a
friendly paddling on her birthday bottom!”


My eyes went wide, and my head jerked up, as I listened to muffled
laughter from the other students in the classroom.


“Yes, I suppose eighteen swats ought to do,” Lisa replied. “One for each


I watched as the bitchy blonde climbed out of her seat and walked up to
the front of the room. She passed by the blackboard and continued over
to the door, sticking out her head to make sure the coast was clear in
the corridor. Then she shut the door firmly and looked in my direction.


“Go on, Erica, you don’t want to keep Lisa waiting.” Carrie laughed from
the desk across from me.


Turning my head, I saw that the other boys and girls who were our
classmates, were starting to take an interest in the drama unfolding
before them. Few students were engaged in busywork, or utilizing the
period for its intended purpose. Not that anyone took academics very
seriously this late in the year…


Lisa folded her arms over her chest and started tapping her foot. “Come
on, Erica! Get up here so I can give you your birthday spanking!”


Well, don’t you know, she spoke with such authority and such a
commanding voice, I was finding it hard to refuse. Even though I was
mortified by the very suggestion, still, I couldn’t be sure what she had
planned if I didn’t cooperate. All eyes in the class were now upon my
slender form as I slowly rose from my seat. I guess this was all just in
the spirit of fun, and we seniors had been in a party state of mind
since mid-February!


I was dressed in white baggy shorts and a navy blue sweatshirt, as it
was still cool enough outside. And of course I had my sneakers and white
ankle socks. As I stepped around the chair and walked forward to where
Lisa was standing, I knew all the guys were checking out my legs.
Self-consciously, I tugged on the bottom of my sweatshirt, which I was
glad was not tight fitting.


“All right, Erica… put your palms up against the chalkboard, and stick
your butt out a little!”


Hearing Lisa talk about my ass in front of everyone made me blush. And
behind me, I could hear people chuckling or making crude comments. But
nevertheless, I reached out both arms so they were straight in front of
me, hands flat on the slate. I bent my one leg a bit, causing my bottom
to present an inviting target.


“Um, not too hard,” I tried to whisper. But nervous and excited, I said
it too loud, which only brought more laughter.


At my side, Lisa only smirked. Then she turned to face her audience and
I can only imagine she made some grand flourishing gesture. All at once,
I felt her hand playfully smack the backside of my shorts.


“One!” She said with all the enthusiasm of a game show hostess. Another
slap landed briskly on my cheek as Lisa called out, “Two!”


“Hey, Lisa…” someone yelled, “Isn’t it customary to deliver a spanking
with her shorts down?”


I shook my head, no, while remaining in my vulnerable position, while
Lisa mulled over this option. “Hmmm, that is a good point. Erica, I’m
afraid you’re going to have to drop ‘em!”


“But… but…” I stammered, unable to believe what I was hearing.


Lisa shuffled around so she was directly behind me. “Aw, what’s the
matter? You are wearing underwear today, aren’t you?”


“Yes,” I replied meekly. But that wasn’t good enough for Lisa.


While my arms were still stretched out as if holding up the wall with
the blackboard, the dominating senior smoothly reached around my waist
and began searching for the clasp on my shorts. From the view of
everybody still in their seats, it must have looked like she was riding
my ass! I wiggled a little, and moaned, but it wasn’t much of a
struggle. Pretty soon, her fingers popped open the button, then started
tugging the fabric down my hips.


“What was that?” Lisa mocked me, as she eased the shorts slowly down my
legs. “I guess we’re about to find out what kind of undies you picked
out this morning!”


Suddenly, she gave a firm yank and brought the material down to my
ankles. Oh my gosh! I had just been pantsed in front of my second period
study hall! This was so embarrassing… Lisa stood up and stepped to the
side to admire her handiwork. And that gave everyone a clear view of my
white little panties!


Oh, oh! I just remembered which pair I had picked out this morning. They
had a sheer front, so I dare not turn around now, or else people would
see my camel toe pussy. And the back was practically a thong… not a
scrap of material covering my butt cheeks! I don’t know why I put on
these skimpy things! I had just turned eighteen today, and I guess I was
feeling sexy. I never imagined I would be showing them off at school!


“Now where was I,” Lisa continued. And then I felt her hard slap land
soundly on my ass. “Three!”


There was something about hearing her bare hand hit the bare skin of my
ass that made this very arousing. And the feel was incredible, even if
it did sting a little. I could feel myself moistening down there, and my
clit was beginning to swell up. Lisa’s hand smacked my other cheek.




“Oh,” I gasped, even though I didn’t mean to. It came out a little too
much like a squeal of pleasure. My classmates would start to figure this
was turning me on! And then Carrie spoke up.


“Ahem… It just occurred to me, Lisa. Since today is Erica’s birthday…
maybe she should be in her birthday suit!”


My limbs went rigid in the front of the room, as the students erupted in
whistles and cheers. Gosh, I hoped the teacher didn’t come back in right
now, with my shorts down around my feet! But then, if he didn’t return
to take control of the class, there was no telling what Lisa might
actually do…


I felt her slip a finger inside the elastic band of my panties and snap
it against the curve of my hip. “What do you say, Erica? Do you want to
get into your birthday suit for us?”


“No!” I said, slightly turning my head to regard Lisa. “You can’t be
serious! We’re in the middle of school… there are a dozen students here!”


With hands on her hips, deadly serious, she said, “Take off your clothes.”


A hush fell over the room. There was a cough, then voices murmuring.
Someone asked if I would really do it.


“Absolutely,” Lisa declared. She was defiant, imperial, and not one to
be made a fool of. “Erica will take off everything I tell her to. She’ll
be totally naked, bare as the day she was born… if I say so!”


My legs trembled a little, and I couldn’t seem to make my arms work.
This was like a nightmare and fantasy all rolled into one.


“Now, strip!” the blonde commanded. Then she moved closer and put a hand
on my back. “Don’t worry, Erica, I’ll let you stay facing forward. So
you won’t have to give us a full frontal show.”


As if that was supposed to make me feel better! In the middle of
confused and conflicting emotions, Lisa told me to step out of my shorts
completely. They were loose and already bunched up around my shoes. So
finally, I shook and lifted one leg first, and then raised my other
foot. Once I was free of the material, Lisa reached down and took this
piece of clothing. It felt really strange to be standing up here, with
my back turned toward the class, in just my sweatshirt and underwear!


“Take off your shoes and socks…”


I bit my lip in frustration. Oh, this was really it! Very carefully, I
squatted down and started unlacing my sneaker. If I kept going, there
would be no stopping her! What if the teacher suddenly came back… unless
he left for the whole period, then we would be alone for another thirty
minutes. I reluctantly pulled the sneakers off my feet, hearing them
bounce to the floor. Dreading every moment of this, yet reveling in the
humiliation, I peeled off each of my socks.


Now I stood again, in my bare feet, feeling the coolness of the tiles. I
lifted one foot to my toes, giving the students in the front seats a
view of my naked sole. Lisa stood to the side, evaluating my form and
slender shapely legs.


With an elbow resting in one hand, tapping her chin with a finger, she
said, “I think you should remove that ugly sweatshirt next!”


Oh, my panties were getting really damp now! I nervously gripped the
edge of my sweatshirt in clenched fists. Underneath, I was only wearing
a bra, and this just as skimpy as my underwear. Fully erect at this
point, my nipples nearly pushed through the flimsy material. I lifted
the heavier fabric for a moment, and then fidgeting, I noticed that I
could stretch the shirt down further and effectively cover my bottoms…
more or less. Pulling it as far as possible until it just reached the
tops of my thighs, I looked over my shoulder at the other students.


Then I looked at Lisa with my brown eyes wide. “I can’t! I can’t do it…”


I held on to the sweatshirt tight using one hand, and lunged for the
classroom door. Pulling it open quickly, I then bolted out into the
hallway in my bare feet and panties. I looked around, but the corridor
was thankfully empty. Still, I tugged harder on my shirt so that it
completely hid my undies. I tried to ignore my lack of footwear.


Lisa was furious. Even as I started walking away, I heard her call my
name, standing just in classroom doorway. I could feel her eyes burning
into my back!


“Erica,” she hissed. “I’m not done with you! I’m going to track you
down, and strip off every last piece of your clothing, birthday girl!”


Oh my, she sounded rather determined! I could hear the uproar of the
other students’ laughter, and thought it would be best if I didn’t stick
around. Now, I wasn’t sure if Lisa would really come after me, but I
decided I should find a place to hide. My light steps took me around the
corner of the hallway, where fortunately, because classes were still in
session, the doors were closed. No one would see me as my bare legs
passed by… I really couldn’t believe I was wearing so little! A quick
glance over my shoulder showed that I wasn’t being followed. Then I
ducked into the girls’ bathroom at the end of the corridor.


“This is crazy,” I said to myself as I looked around at the empty
stalls. “What a way to spend your birthday!”


Running my fingers through my hair, I wondered desperately what I was
going to do. I supposed it was only a matter of time before Lisa came in
here and found me, and followed through with her threat. Maybe it would
be better if she stripped me naked in the privacy of the restroom,
instead of in front of a class full of students. But then she might take
my clothes and leave me here.


Well, before I decided what to do next, I realized that I needed to sit
down and have myself a pee. Entering one of the unoccupied stalls, I
dropped my panties to my feet. This made me shudder as it underscored
that fact that I wasn’t wearing any pants… or shoes, or socks! Lowering
my head, I watched my bare toes wiggle on the tiles of the floor. I
absently let my underwear fall off first one foot, then the other. Now I
was completely bottomless!


Of course, the irrational thought did cross my mind that I should take
off the rest of my clothes and beat Lisa at her own game. Maybe I would
streak the halls. Raising the bottom of the sweatshirt a bit, my hand
wandered down and touched my pussy. I pictured myself running through
the school totally nude. Oh, Oh… that would be so hot! But, yet, I knew
I wasn’t brave enough to do that on my own. Besides, I had turned
eighteen today… I was practically an adult! And adults didn’t do those
sort of sophomoric pranks, right?


As I finished my business and emptied my bladder, I suddenly remembered
that I had an exam in my next period English class! Damn, what was I
going to do now! I really couldn’t miss that test. And then I heard the
door to the restroom open, two girls entering and chattering away.
Quickly, I reached down and found my panties, pulling them back up my
legs. This was so embarrassing! Especially, as I didn’t want the girls
to see me without my shoes…


They must have stopped to check themselves in the mirror first. As I
waited nervously, I curled my feet around the base of the bowl. The two
girls continued to talk about some stupid teacher they had, and softball
practice after school. Finally, they went into the two stalls on either
side of me. I took that opportunity to get up and exit my own, and hurry
out of restroom without being discovered. 


Once I was back in the hallway, I made sure to pull the sweatshirt all
the way down so that I didn’t reveal my snug panties. Placing my arms at
my sides, I was relieved to see that, indeed, the navy hem came right up
to the tops of my thighs. Breathing easier, I still didn’t like the fact
that I was barefoot. But I couldn’t go back to the study hall classroom,
because I was afraid Lisa might take my shirt and bra! I then recalled
that my English professor didn’t have a class this period… that meant
his room might be empty! I decided I would try to sneak into the room
before it started, and wait for the next class to begin.


It was so quiet, I could hear my feet slapping across the floor, feeling
my bare skin lift from the cool tiles with each step. I was getting hot
beneath my sweatshirt! Finding the stairwell that led to the second
floor, I quickly climbed up the flights, aware that my sweatshirt was
riding up my body. And I really didn’t want to be seen from behind, on
account of my thong underwear!


I poked my head out of the alcove and saw that this floor was as
deserted and quiet as the one below. So I bravely stepped out into the
corridor and started toward the direction of the English classroom. But
when I turned the corner, there were a couple of boys at their lockers!
I hesitated for a moment, but then decided I had best act normal and
walk past them.


Well, of course, first I made sure my sweatshirt was back at a decent
level. And then I proceeded to march forward, my arms at my sides even
as my hips wiggled just slightly. I couldn’t take my eyes of these two
students, who appeared to be freshmen or sophomores. That’s because as I
approached, their combined gazes were locked on my eighteen-year-old
form. I watched as they devoured the sight of my slender legs,
completely bare all the way to my toes. Oh my gosh, I felt so naked to
be out in the hallway like this! I knew they were wondering, even
fantasizing, about if I had anything under my shirt. Licking my lips, I
realized I had better get to my classroom fast and calm down a bit.


The boys were speechless as I passed by them, and they made no comment
or curious remark. I suppose they might think that seniors are entitled
to walk around barefoot and fancy-free, especially a month before
graduation. It was rather satisfying to think I was being recognized as
an upperclassman for once, and the thought that I only had on my
underwear caused me to shiver a little.


All the way at the end of the corridor, just after the last lockers, was
my English Literature classroom. The door was open, but I could see the
lights were turned off. That was a good sign. Sure enough, I slipped
inside the room, which was otherwise empty at this point. I glanced up
at the clock… fifteen minutes until the next bell rang. The teacher
would probably be pleased to see I had arrived so early, and on a test day!


Finding a book from the shelves that lined the back of the room, I
seated myself at a desk also in the back and tried to look busy or at
least studious. Needless to say, I had a difficult time concentrating.
My butt cheeks had direct contact with the wooden chair, and though I
crossed my legs underneath, I couldn’t help but rub my toes behind my calf.


“Erica!” came the voice of my teacher walking through the door. “What a
surprise. I’m pleased to see you arrived extra early!”


I smiled to myself at his predicted declaration. “Um, yeah… I wanted to
be extra prepared.”


Suddenly I felt very flustered. I mean, here I was sitting with just a
baggy sweatshirt to conceal my underwear. I didn’t have my shorts or
shoes, or socks. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea…


“Well, don’t let me disturb you,” the teacher was continuing. “I only
wish the rest of your classmates were as conscientious as you!”


I only grunted, “Uh-huh…”


My head bent down, I pretty much had my face in the open pages of the
book, to hide my blushing. One elbow was propped up on the desk, the
hand teasing and twirling the brown tresses of my hair. But my other
arm… I secretly lowered, and began patting the front of my sheer
panties. While the teacher made his preparations for the test, writing
instructions on the board, my fingers were soon wandering inside the
delicate material. Getting more comfortable as I sat here in isolation,
I began pulling and rubbing my soft pussy lips. I bit my lip, willing
myself not to do this… but I was getting so aroused! The thought struck
me of removing my panties completely, and that caused my clitoris to
swell up fully erect. I now used my index and middle fingers to make up
and down motions above my slit…




And then the bell rang, bringing me to my senses, as I abruptly brought
both hands onto the desk. Oh my, had I just been about to masturbate in
a classroom alone with another teacher? I placed my hand to my chest,
feeling my heart racing. I must have looked pretty flushed, as I watched
the first several students file into the room.


“Erica, where are your shoes?” asked a girl who sat down behind the desk
across from me.

It then occurred to me that no one had to know I had worn sneakers and
socks this morning. If I had been wearing sandals or flip-flops, it
would be perfectly normal to go without any additional foot covering. I
took a deep breath, turned my head to face my classmate.


“Um… I had gym just before class, and I lost my flip-flops in the locker
room. I didn’t want to be late for the test…”


“So you ran all the way up here in your bare feet?” the girl asked,
amazed. Then giggling, she said, “Well, you have very pretty toes.”


For some reason, that made me feel very embarrassed. “Um… thank you.”


The exam was administered without further incident. It was a test on the
various literary works we had read over the course of the year, kind of
a summary of the characters and themes that were explored in this class.
I did my best to focus, so that I wouldn’t screw up. And in fact,
concentrating on the test actually made me forget about what I was, or
wasn’t, wearing!


When the period was over, the teacher had us place our papers on his
desk as we left the room. I didn’t even think about getting caught, I
just made sure my shirt was suitably adjusted and walked right up to the
front of the room. Upon turning on my heel, the teacher looked down and
frowned at me.


“Erica, why did you take off your shoes?” he said accusingly.


The other student was at my side and spoke on my behalf. “Oh, no, sir.
She never had them on! You see, Erica misplaced them in the locker room
before coming up to class.”


I blushed hearing the other girl lie for me. The teacher answered
dubiously, “Is that so! Well, I do appreciate your consideration of
arriving in a timely fashion, if not for inappropriate school attire.”


“I really wanted to do well on this test,” I whined, tugging nervously
on the end of my sweatshirt.


The other girl grabbed my arm and said, “Come on, Erica… I have gym this
period. I’ll walk with you back to the locker room, and we can look for
your flip-flops.”


With that, we were excused, although once we exited the room, other
students walking the halls stopped to point and laugh at me. At least my
friend was going to escort me to the gym area, so I wouldn’t be alone. I
think I would have died of shame if I were caught out here with everyone
staring at my bare legs and feet! Of course, I had no idea how I would
explain the situation once we got to locker rooms. Maybe the girl had an
extra pair of sneakers she could lend me…


We continued through the halls, and down to the ground floor, making our
way to the gymnasium side of the building. The two of us passed against
a crowd of students making their way to their other classes, and I was
very sensitive to the eyes scanning my lower body. A few more
mischievous hands tickled the sides of my legs. By the time we reached
the girls’ locker room, I was nearly out of breath.


“Hello, Erica!”


Oh no… Lisa stood in front of the door, her arms folded across her
chest. Instinct took over, and I turned around hoping to flee from the
blonde bitch. But the other girl who had seemed so helpful, had been
behind me, and I almost tumbled over her. Lisa moved quickly and
forcefully, taking a good handful of the back of my sweatshirt. With one
hand, she raised the fabric up my body, revealing my skimpy panties.


“Ha!” the girl from my English class laughed. “Looks like you lost more
than your shoes, Erica!”


Lisa snarled for her to go about her business and disappear into the
locker room. Then it was just the two of us, out here in the empty
hallway. I hoped no one showed up late for gym!


“You know, Erica, I still have to finish your birthday spanking. But not
until you are properly exposed…”


Using her other arm, Lisa reached underneath my sweatshirt and found the
clasp of my matching bra. Her fingers quickly undid the hook, while she
pulled me close against the front of her body. I couldn’t put up much of
a struggle, I was helpless as she yanked down my bra and pulled it free.


The release of the undergarment sent me staggering forward a few steps,
and out of Lisa’s clutches. I turned my head and saw her twirling it on
her finger. It then occurred to me that I was topless under my
sweatshirt, and I could feel my nipples spring out to rub against the
material. In fact, I now had only two articles of clothing left!


“Time to finish the job,” Lisa laughed, “and strip you completely naked!”


“No!” I practically shrieked, and I ran back down the hallway.


At this point, I wasn’t too concerned about my little white panties, but
just wanted to get away from Lisa. Luckily, I had a pretty light
schedule, and this was another free period for me. Although, even if I
did have a class, I didn’t think I could attend in this state. As I
continued to run through the now empty hallways of the school, I could
feel my elongated nipples brushing up and down on the inside of my
sweatshirt. It was driving me crazy, and my whole body started to
tingle. I needed to find some relief! Looking behind me, I saw that Lisa
did not give chase. Instead, it seemed like she was content to stalk me
for the remainder of the day.


My legs had carried me up to the third floor of the building, and here I
slowly made my way down the corridor that led to my locker. There was
another person up here as well, but luckily it turned out to be my
friend, Alicia.


“Whoa, Erica… you look like you’ve had a pretty wild morning.”


Slouching against the wall, I answered my friend, “It’s Lisa. She’s out
to get me. She’s determined to give me a special birthday spanking…”


Alicia giggled, “Oh, that’s sounds fun!”


“In my birthday suit!” I glared and crossed my arms over my chest.


“What… here? In school?” When I nodded, Alicia only shook her head. “You
mean Lisa is trying to take all your clothes? How far has she gotten…”


I lifted up one leg to offer proof. “She’s taken my sneakers and socks
and shorts. And just now, my bra!”


“Wow… at this rate, Erica, you’ll be nude by lunchtime!”


“Don’t say that!” I scolded my friend. “This is so embarrassing… what am
I going to do?”


Alicia gave the matter some thought. Then she snapped her fingers and
said, “The school book store! My friend, Debbie, works there this
period. We can hang out with her. Lisa will never think to look for you


“Um, OK…” I replied hesitantly.


I mean I suppose it sounded as good as any place to be. And we weren’t
likely to encounter that many students. Of course, this meant another
trip back to the school’s first floor, but then Lisa might be looking
elsewhere anyway. Alicia grabbed her bag and closed her locker. Then we
were back off down the hallway.


Walking next to me, my friend lowered her eyes and commented, “Your legs
are really smooth. You do a good job shaving, Erica! Are you still bald…
down there?”


“Alicia!” I expressed shock at the question. The topic, however, did
cause my pussy to quiver and twitch.


“Well, if Lisa has her way, I suppose the whole senior class will find
out how bare you are!”


And laughing, Alicia skipped down the stairs. I was a bit more careful
as I stepped lightly in my bare toes. I also didn’t want to make my
breasts shake up and down by engaging in strenuous motions. When I
reached the landing that opened onto the first floor, Alicia was waiting
for me. We continued walking in the direction toward the bookstore, and
there was an occasional student here and there. But I guess having a
companion with me took some of the attention off my strange appearance.
Still, I received a few odd stares.


“Hey, Debbie!” Alicia greeted her friend behind the counter. “You mind
if me and Erica chill out with you this period?”


The redheaded junior shrugged her shoulders. “Nah, it’s been pretty dead
this morning. Couple of dudes asked me to stash their cigarettes for them.”


Debbie then inquired as to why I didn’t have any shoes on. I told her it
was a long story. She then asked if I was naked underneath my sweatshirt!


“Of course not!” I answered indignantly. But her presumption was not far
from the truth.


Things were going fairly well for the remainder of the morning. I was
beginning to think I would have to venture into the cafeteria soon. That
was something I dreaded. But I could feel my tummy rumble, and it
wouldn’t be long before I was craving something to eat. I suddenly
remembered that Carrie shared the same lunch period with me. Maybe I
could hook up with her, and she could get me some food while I tried to
remain out of sight…


“Hey, ladies…”


My heart nearly dropped when I looked up and saw Lisa enter the small
bookstore. She sauntered over to the counter, and gave Alicia a wink.
She flashed a wicked smile at me, and then turned to the girl at the


“I need a three-ring binder for my history class,” she said imperiously,
laying her money on the counter.


The stationary supplies were stacked behind us. Debbie reached back to
get a binder for Lisa, when the bitch said that she wanted a red one.
The only red three-ring binder was on one of the higher shelves. Debbie
looked at the clock on the back wall, then looked back at Lisa.


“Look, the period is almost over, and my next class is all the way on
the third floor. Do you really need a red binder? I’ll have to pull out
that old rickety step-ladder, and I hate standing on it…”


The bossy blonde shut the younger girl up with a hand raised in her
face. “Oh, relax! I’ve already paid for the damn thing. Why don’t you
run along to your class, and let Alicia and Erica wait for the next
shift. Besides, Erica is better suited for climbing, since she doesn’t
have any shoes!”


“Oh would you?” Debbie turned to me with great joy in her eyes.
Apparently, she had often run late for her class because of her
bookstore duties, and she was eager for a chance to leave early. She
didn’t even wait for an answer. The bell rang, she grabbed her things,
and headed out into the hallway. “See you later, Alicia! Thanks, Erica!”


When it was just the three of us, Lisa ordered me to climb up the
stepladder and fetch her the red binder. She suggested that I do it now,
while students were changing classes, and before the next student store
clerk arrived. That made some sense, so I quickly found the folding
metal ladder and placed it in front of the shelf. Like Debbie said, it
was kind of unsteady. I could see how putting any extra weight on it
might make it collapse.


My toes curled around the first rung. Of course, I am not that tall to
begin with, so I had to climb onto the next step, and finally all the
way to the top of the ladder. Even then, I had to stretch up with both
arms just to reach the stupid binder! This caused my sweatshirt to ride
up my back… soon my bellybutton and stomach were exposed in the front.


Immediately, Lisa was behind the counter, and directly behind me. She
gently took the sides of my panties.


“Oh my!” I gasped, feeling her tease and tug the fabric. “Please, Lisa…
don’t do this! You’ve already taken the rest of my clothing!”


But Lisa had me trapped, and she was in no mood to negotiate. While I
stood frozen on the ladder, my arms high above my head, she very
deliberately pulled down my underwear. I blushed knowing my naked ass
came fully into view. Once the material reached my feet, Lisa took first
one ankle in her hand and methodically extracted the foot from my
panties. Then she did this with the other foot, taking my panties
completely off.


I was now totally bottomless. If I turned around now, Lisa’s mouth that
was so often twisted in a charming but condescending sneer, would be
level with my hairless pussy. I felt my lower lips begin to open, my
clit starting to peek out of its hood. Wow, I couldn’t believe that this
was sexually exciting me! Taking the new binder in my arms, I held it
tight to my chest while my legs very carefully navigated the steps down
the ladder.


When I reached the floor, I did turn around just in time to see Lisa
stuff my panties in her pocket. Nervously, I handed her the item that
she paid for, wondering if she was going to make another move on me. I
really had nowhere to hide and was completely at her mercy.


Instead, she started walking away saying, “Thank you, Erica. Alicia and
I have to be off to class. But I’ll be back to take the rest of your
things, before the end of the day!”


“The rest of my things?” I cried, clutching the end of my sweatshirt.
“But this is all I have! If you take my sweatshirt, I’ll be totally…”


I couldn’t bring myself to say it. I just watch as my best friend and
Lisa made their way out of the bookstore, and disappeared into the river
of students coursing through the hallway. Now what was I supposed to do!
My fingers gripped the sides of the navy blue fabric, and I tugged it as
low as possible until I was certain my poor little pussy was covered.
Still, this did nothing to prevent the trickle of my juices that ran
down my leg.


Suddenly two boys stumbled into the room. They looked like they were 15
or 16, pimple faced, but starting to sprout some fuzz on their chins.


“Hey… where’s Deb?” one of them with grungy looking hair spoke to me.


“Um… she left to go to class. I told her I would watch the store…”


The other boy huffed his displeasure and looked rather agitated. “Bitch!
I knew we couldn’t trust her!”


“Cool it, man,” the first guy chided his buddy. Then he turned to me,
still standing behind the counter. “Listen… We asked Debbie to stash our
smokes for us, cause our teacher has been busting our ass lately.”


“I’m sorry, I don’t think I can help…”


The other teen, clearly ready for his nicotine fix, slapped his hand on
the top of the counter. “Come on, man! She took our packs, said she
would hold on to them for us this period! She must have put them somewhere!”


I turned my head slightly, doing a quick scan to see if I could find any
packs of cigarettes stashed away. Truth be told, I was startled and a
bit intimidated by these two aggressive boys. And here I was, standing
bottomless behind the store counter!


“Behind you,” the first student said pointing, causing me to twist my
body and regard the shelves lining the wall. “I see something in between
those textbooks. Deb must have hid them up there…”


Up there? Oh gosh… I raised my head to see where he indicated. The shelf
wasn’t so high that I needed the ladder again, but without shoes, I
would still need to raise my arms. I thought about stalling, or making
some excuse… but I could see the second student fidgeting and looking
apprehensive. He must be going through withdrawal or something. I
figured, I had best get rid of the boys as quickly as possible.


Now that I looked more closely, I could just make out a couple of small
rectangular boxes wedged between two hard-covered books. I hadn’t
noticed them before. First, I used one hand to hold down my sweatshirt
while I lifted my arm to reach the cigarettes. My fingers just brushed
lightly against the pack. I looked back at the boys apologetically.


Oh, hell! I finally decided to stand on my bare tiptoes, and raise both
my arms to get the cellophane-wrapped contraband! Filthy habit, anyway.
I was more frustrated as I wanted to get out of here, but I was also
embarrassed about what they were about to see. I could feel the fabric
of the sweatshirt ride up my middle, and soon my entire backside was on
display. By the time I found the cartons, my only piece of clothing was
hiked up beneath my elbows. What a show!


I made sure to let the shirt drop all the way down once I stood flat on
my feet again. I even smoothed down the front and back with my hands, as
if that would make it seem like everything was normal. Then, blushing, I
turned around and slid the cigarettes across the countertop.   


The first boy stared for a moment, a bit slack-jawed. I thought I
detected a string of drool from the corner of his mouth. “Uh… thanks…”


The other boy just grabbed the cartons and stuffed them in his pockets.
He hurriedly turned to leave the school bookstore. Seeming rather
oblivious, I guess he missed my cheeky flash. I watched his friend slug
him in the arm as they passed through the open door.


“Dude! That chick didn’t have anything on under that shirt!”


Oh my gosh, I thought as I raised my hands to my mouth. What had I just
done? I hoped he wouldn’t spread the news that I was walking around
bottomless. In fact, I was completely naked, under this sweatshirt! But
the other boy appeared to be disbelieving, and I guess his friend might
start to think his eyes were playing tricks on him. I had a hard time
believing it myself. So when the two were gone, and the rush of students
in the hall had thinned out considerably, I slowly lifted the edge of
the shirt up to my bellybutton.


Looking down, I saw my bald pussy… outer lips bright pink and puffed
out. From behind the counter, I just had to lower my hand and touch the
sensitive folds of skin. Ooh, that sent a thrill through my body! I
nearly came on the spot!


“Hello there,” came the voice of someone entering the room. “Where’s


Wow… I jerked my sweatshirt back down fast, and so hard, I think I may
have torn it a little at the tops of my shoulders! Flustered I answered,
“She, ah… had to cum… I mean, go to class! I said I would look after the
store until the next shift arrived.”


“Oh,” said the geeky looking boy with blonde hair and glasses. “I don’t
recognize you…”


Recovering from the initial shock, I finally started making my way
around to the other side of the counter and replied, “That’s because I’m
not in your class. I’m a senior. I was doing Deb a favor.”


There was an awkward moment of silence as the Junior evaluated me. As
his eyes fell to take in the sight of my bare feet, my toes wiggled
under the scrutiny. “Where are your shoes?”


“Don’t ask… lost them in gym class.” I waved away any further inquiry,
waiting for the boy to step aside. Even though he was lanky, he was
still much taller than me, and I could not immediately get past him.


Pointing toward a section of shelves, he informed me, “You know, we do
sell gym supplies here.”


“Really?” my face brightened for a moment. “Oh, but I’m afraid I don’t
have any money on me.”


Suddenly, the teen’s eyes narrowed behind his thick spectacles and he
took a step forward. “Hey, now! How do I know you weren’t in here
stealing from the store?”


“What!” I said, appalled by the accusation. “That’s ridiculous. Look,
you can plainly see that I didn’t steal any footwear. Besides, I was
trying to help a friend… that’s the only reason I’m here!”


Folding his arms suspiciously, he proceeded to walk around me, closer to
the counter and the register. I stood frozen, and he did not take his
eyes off me. “Maybe I should report this to the Dean of Students. Maybe
you stuffed some money, or pens or paperclips in your pockets!”


“Please don’t,” I squeaked, keeping my legs tight together. Fidgeting, I
rubbed the front of one bare foot behind the calf of my other leg. “Oh
for crying out loud…”


I told him that it was quite impossible for me to have stuffed anything
inside my pockets. When he demanded to know why, I bit my lip in
frustration and looked over my shoulder. The hallway was empty. The bell
for next period had rung, so students would already be in their classes.


“Listen…” I whispered, trembling a little. “I can prove to you that I
didn’t take anything from the store. But you have to promise not to tell
anyone about this, OK?”


The 11^th grader nodded his head, as my fists clenched at the sides of
my sweatshirt. He waited for me to continue. Very slowly, I pulled the
material higher and higher. I closed my eyes, as I couldn’t bring myself
to see his reaction when my pussy came into view. Feeling the fabric
bunched up at my waist, I paused, expecting some kind of whistle or
crude remark.


“Well… you might still have something hidden under that baggy shirt!”
said the clever boy.


I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. I mean, here I was standing
with my clean-shaven privates on display, but I decided to lift the
shirt even higher. My hands curled tightly around the material, which I
brought up to just below my breasts. Now my entire abdomen was exposed,
and everything below! Still, he wasn’t satisfied and suggested that I
could conceal smaller items, if I was careful not to let them fall out.


At that moment, the humiliation of the situation, and the wrongful
accusation was just too overwhelming. I reached behind my head, and
grabbed the shirt at my back. I began to pull the material over my head,
and off my overheated body. The room must have been filled with the
musky aroma of my horniness. Placing the sweatshirt on the top of the
bookstore counter, I then took a step back, hands on my hips. It was
then that I realized, I didn’t have any clothes on at all!


My fingers immediately clasped over my bald pubic mound and I stammered,
“Look… I’m, like, really naked here. I mean stark naked…”


“Yes, I can see that,” the boy replied dryly. From behind the glasses,
his eyes devoured my nubile body. “I suppose it would be impossible for
you to hide any items from the store. Well, I just had to be sure, you


We stared at each other for a minute in silence as I shyly rubbed a foot
behind the other leg. And then it occurred to me, I was free to get
dressed now! That is, if you can call throwing a large sweatshirt over
your otherwise naked body, getting dressed… I turned around so that he
saw my butt, and numbly picked up the material. Once I had pulled my
head through the top and my arms through the sleeves, I shook out my
hair. Tugging and straightening the bottom edge of the shirt, I
proceeded to walk out of the bookstore.


“What? You’re just going to walk out of here like that?” asked Einstein.


But I only thought, oh my… he had seen me fully nude. And now I couldn’t
look him in the eye. I just ignored his question as I padded out into
the hallway. Good thing I was graduating next month, and would probably
never see the kid again in my life.


I figured it was about ten minutes into my lunch period. Silently, I
made my way toward the cafeteria, clutching both hands in front of my
chest… I was so nervous! I could hear the noise level increase, as I
drew closer, the sound of voices talking and shouting and laughing.
While my body was perspiring beneath the sweatshirt, my bare feet felt
cold as they slapped across the floor. Approaching the doors, I realized
I had to be very careful. If Lisa was in here, waiting for me, she could
whip my shirt off… and leave me naked in front of everyone! And then I
remembered that she and Alicia had class this period, so I would be
safe. Breathing a little easier, I entered the spacious room packed with


Immediately, I saw Carrie sitting at a table off to the side, in the
section where we Seniors usually sat. I raised my head in her direction
and she waved me over. Amid the snickering as I passed by others already
taking their lunch, I reached the bench and quickly slid my legs under
the table. My friend reached down and squeezed my knee.


“So, Lisa really seemed like she was out to get you this morning,”
Carrie said. “What a great trick… you should have seen the look on your


I lifted my friend’s hand back onto the table and pressed her fingers
urgently. “Carrie… it’s no joke! Lisa has already taken my bra and
panties! I don’t have anything on under this sweatshirt…”


The strawberry-blonde girl was silent for a moment, then said, “Really?
So you’re completely naked except for one baggy thing? Wow… that is so hot!”


“Come on, Carrie, you’ve got to help me,” I cried. “Go up and get me
something to eat, please.”


Carrie paused to look down at my bare feet and legs before replying,
“I’ll tell you what, Erica. I will help you. Since you obviously can’t
be carrying any excess items, I will lend you some lunch money, but you
have to get on line yourself. This, I want to see!”


“Um, well, OK…” I started meekly. “I am pretty hungry.”


Once she handed me a few dollar bills, I slowly lifted myself from
behind the table. Carrie took this opportunity to playfully raise the
back of my sweatshirt, to have a look with her own eyes!


“Sweet ass, Erica!” she teased.


“Stop it!” I whispered harshly, as I hurried to smooth the material back
down again.


I danced a few steps forward on my toes, away from Carrie’s naughty
fingers. Then I looked to make sure I was properly covered, the navy
blue hem just reaching down to my thighs. With the money gripped tight
in my hand, I bravely walked toward the front of the cafeteria. There
were more whistles and pointing and laughing. Now I really felt exposed!
But I thought the worst would be over once I stood in line. No sooner
had I taken my place and started shuffling forward, then someone else
got in line behind me.


“Is this a dare?” asked a boy standing so close, I could smell his
deodorant and feel his breath on the back of my neck. “Did your friends
dare you to walk up here without your shoes?”


He inched closer, even as I took another step forward. My goodness, he
was practically on top of my butt! I was afraid he might start touching
me, with exploring fingers. At the same time, I felt my nipples stiffen,
pushing straight out against the heavy fabric.


“You smell kind of musky,” he continued, leaning close as I hooked a
strand of brown hair behind my ear. “Are you even wearing shorts?”


I did not answer, but closed my eyes. Allowing myself to move when I
sensed the line shifted, drifting on the bare soles of my feet. I could
picture everyone in the cafeteria at their tables watching me, wondering
if I indeed had anything on under my sweatshirt. All this student needed
to do to satisfy his curiosity was grasp the edges and lift the material
higher than my hips. Then everyone would find out my secret. Imagining
myself up here with the shirt completely off, I could feel my shaven
pussy lips part, my clit growing erect.


“What will it be, flower girl?”


The throaty voice of the lady who worked behind the serving counter
interrupted my arousal. I looked around confused for a bit, then looked
down behind the glass shield that protected the food.


“I… um… let’s see. I guess I’ll just take a banana and a milk carton.”


Looking at me kind of disapprovingly, the cafeteria lady dumped the
piece of fruit onto my tray, along with a half-pint carton of milk. I
blushed furiously as she stared at my smooth, creamy legs and hurried
over to the register. There, I paid for my meager takings, and quickly
headed back over toward Carrie. With the tray held in both my hands, I
was helpless to prevent my shirt from riding up as I moved. I feared
that the bottom of my cheeks might be coming into view.


“Hmmm,” Carrie mused, picking up the banana once I was seated. “Were you
thinking of eating this, or feeling a little playful?”


I told her that wasn’t funny, taking it back and started peeling down
the skin. Although I had to admit, I was getting pretty horny. Just
sitting here completely bottomless in a room with all these students,
made me excited. I gulped down the carton of milk, then wiped my mouth
with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. Carrie could see the look in my eye,
sense my body tingling… I was fidgety and restless.


“Come on,” my friend announced, standing up and grabbing her books. “I
have an idea!”


Well, I didn’t know what she had in mind, but it appeared it would
involve leaving the cafeteria. I would be glad to get away from all
those staring eyes, which were only making me hotter! Leaving the tray
and empty carton on the table, I rose to my feet and began to follow the
taller girl.


We walked out into the hallway, where it was relatively quieter. Carrie
took my hand and started pulling me down the corridor. It was halfway
through the period, so classes would still be in session. But my friend
wasn’t taking me toward the classrooms on this floor. I soon realized,
we were approaching the health office!


“Didn’t you see Nurse Baker in the lunch room?” Carrie explained. “She
has monitor duties this period! It will be nice and safe inside her office…”


Sure enough, my friend brazenly opened the door to the Nurse’s office,
and flicked on the lights to show that the room was indeed empty. There
was a wide desk, a scale, some chairs and a brown leather examination
table. It was here that Carrie had me climb up and sit. My legs dangled
childishly, my toes unable to reach the floor.


“Let’s get this thing off you!” Carrie said, tugging at my sweatshirt.


“But… I…”


It was no use. My words became muffled as the material was lifted up my
body and smothered my face. In spite of my objections, I even found
myself raising my arms, so she could take the last piece of clothing off
me. Free of the hot, confining fabric, I ran my fingers through my hair.
I looked down at my entirely bare body, then back at a smiling Carrie.


“Oh my gosh!” I squealed. “I’m naked!”


Folding the sweatshirt, Carrie placed it aside and said, “But doesn’t
that feel so much better?”


Of course, it was true, the air did feel nice on my uncovered skin. But
I was little embarrassed because atop my small breasts, my nipples stuck
out and quivered. And in the back of my mind, I was afraid that someone
might find us in here at any moment.


“Now just lie down, Erica, and try to relax,” Carrie instructed.


I did as I was told, bringing my legs up so that my heels rested on the
leather table. With one arm as a pillow beneath my head, I let my other
hand fall on my tummy. I closed my eyes, but could hear Carrie walking
over to the end by my feet. When she ran a finger up one sole, I
shivered, but she didn’t launch into a full tickle attack. Instead, my
friend only teased between my toes, and then began rubbing.


“How does a nice birthday massage sound?” she asked in a soothing voice.


I could only answer with a kitten’s purr, “Mmmm…”


Carrie stood to the side and leaned over me as she squeezed and kneaded
my feet, calves, and lower legs. She was steadily working her way up so
that her fingers ran along my shins and knees, pressing gently. When she
reached higher, I spread my thighs apart, allowing her to rub them down
with her hands. Carrie then lowered my own hand to my side, so she could
continue her ministrations to my stomach. Using both her thumbs, she
palpated my abdomen, then smoothly traced circles around my belly
button. I arched my back, inviting her to play with my tits. Giggling,
Carrie obliged, cupping both my breasts then pinching and teasing each


And then her hand, which felt unbelievably amazing, snaked back down my
torso. Over my stomach, past my navel… down toward my sensitive nether
regions where she began stroking my pussy.


“Ooooh…. aaaahhh!” I moaned quietly.


My clitoris poked out of its hood, and Carrie manipulated the small nub
between her fingers. She rapidly had me on the edge of an orgasm, here,
in the middle of school, in the health office!


“Happy Birthday, Erica…”


“Where is Nurse Baker?” came the sound of a girl’s voice suddenly
entering the room.


My body froze, as I had just been ready to cum and start bucking my
hips. Carrie’s hands stilled my trembling legs, straightening them out
on the table. Then she turned around to face the intruder.


“The school nurse does not have office hours this period,” my friend
said in a stern tone of voice. “I am her Senior assistant, and I was in
the middle of this student’s sports physical.”


I tried to lay unmoving, although I was mortified to be caught nude like
this. My hands did discreetly clasp over my bald vulva.


“Oh,” came the other girl’s meek reply. “Well, we have our health forms
that need to be signed, so I guess we’ll have to wait until the Nurse
gets back.”


We? My eyes opened up wide to hear the plural pronoun used, and I tried
to turn my head so I could see just who had entered the room. But Carrie
was kind of blocking my view as she continued to address the younger


“Sure… you and your friend can have a seat over there.” Then turning
back to me, she said, “All right, Erica. You can slide off the table now.”


I tried to shake my head “no”, but soon Carrie had taken both my hands
in hers, and gently lifted my body to a sitting position. Keeping my
knees tight together, I swung my legs over the side of the leather
examination table. When Carrie took a step back, I slid my butt off the
edge, my bare feet landing on the floor with a smack. Instinctively, I
placed one hand in front of my wet pussy and held the other arm against
my breasts.


It was a good thing, because I finally saw who our guests were. Further
away, against the side wall when you first walked in, sat a girl with
glasses and blonde pigtails. And next to her, looked to be another
freshman… a boy whose eyes were as wide as saucers at the sight of my
eighteen-year-old bare body!


“OK, Erica, please lower your arms so I can finish the examination,”
Carrie said so sweetly, but not sparing me any embarrassment.


I felt humiliated, but I was also really turned on at that moment. As if
I was under some sort of hypnotic trance, very slowly, I began to move
my arms and hands out of the way. Swallowing a lump of excitement down
my throat, I could feel the tips of my fingers brushing the sides of my
legs, and I knew that I stood fully nude in front of two more students;
with everything exposed.


Carrie eyed me critically and said clinically, “Mm-hmmm… you seem pretty
fit, Miss.”


“Oh my goodness” the other girl finally piped up. “Should we be in here?
I mean, Brian shouldn’t see her without any clothes on…”


My friend had maneuvered herself so that she stood behind me, even
pushing me forward a little, and answered over my shoulder. “It’s all
right. Erica doesn’t mind. And we have to get this examination done today.”


Then Carrie cupped each of my butt cheeks and began fondling them
sensually. It felt really nice, I even spread my legs wider apart! While
she had her hands on my ass, the strawberry-blonde leaned close to my
ear and started whispering. She told me that I looked so cute, and that
she knew I liked being naked. She told me that she enjoyed showing me
off to other people, and it made me hot, too. Well, while Carrie spoke
softly into my ear and continued to rub my butt, I was getting more and
more aroused… my nipples stuck out so hard, they pointed toward the
ceiling. And my pussy was now like a blossoming flower, all the pink
folds of skin opened up and glistening. My clit poked out like a third


“Erica looks horny,” the boy student suddenly said aloud.


The girl sitting next to him smacked him in the arm. “Brian, that is so
rude! You should probably step out of the room… stop looking at her tits!”


Oh wow, this was too much! But at the same time, such an incredible
experience! I was ashamed to hear them talk about my nudity, yet I did
not bother to cover up. I was on the edge, wondering what Carrie would
do to me next. While I really wanted to cum, I didn’t want to do that in
front of two younger students. But if my friend even touched my pussy in
slightest, I knew it would set me off. Thankfully, she remained very
professional, and asked me to walk onto the scale.


Well, once I stood facing the wall, my profile exposed just how erect my
nipples really were. Part of me wished that Carrie would start flicking
them up and down, rolling the pointy protrusions between her fingers.
Instead, she pretended to adjust the weights and take my measurements.


Next, she asked me sit on the stool in the corner so she could take my
temperature. I mean, Carrie was really playing up the part of Nurse’s
Assistant! My bare butt hit the black leather seat, and by reflex,  I
placed my feet on the bottom circular rung, toes curling. I rested my
hands on my knees, with legs spread apart. Across the room, the other
two students had a clear view of my gaping pussy. Carrie leaned down and
placed the thermometer in my mouth, under my tongue. Our eyes met, and I
wondered how long she was going to make me remain in this position… my
juicy pink labia unfolded and clitoris sticking out.


Another minute went by, then Carrie looked at her watch and her eyes
kind of went wide. She pulled the instrument abruptly past my lips and
said, “OK, Erica, looks like you have a clean bill of health! No
problems here…”


I watched as she dumped the thermometer in the wastebasket, then
gathered up my sweatshirt. Understanding suddenly, this meant it was
time to go.


“All right, off to class!” Carrie announced even as she headed toward
the office door.


I jumped to my feet and started following after. And this meant, I would
be walking completely naked past the two students!


“Oh… but,” the girl said and watched me fast approaching. “Shouldn’t you
let her get dressed first?”


Carrie paused for a second, hugging her books and my only article of
clothing to her chest, and answered, “Let’s give her some privacy, shall
we? Erica can get changed in the girls’ bathroom…”


And before I knew it, she disappeared, and I was right behind her. We
were suddenly in the middle of the hallway, but I didn’t have any
clothes on at all! I took a few delicate steps forward, slapping my hand
over my bald pussy mound.


“You… you’re going to give me my sweatshirt, Carrie, aren’t you?” I
asked desperately.


The taller girl stood and held out the material in both hands at arm’s
length. “Of course, silly! Even though you are more adorable nude, I
don’t want you to get in trouble.”


And with a final laugh, she tossed me the shirt. I clumsily pulled it
over my head, rushing because I didn’t know how long our isolation on
this end of the school would last. Almost tearing the fabric as I pulled
it down, making sure that everything was concealed. I must have looked a
mess… hot and flustered, my hair out of place. My eyes lingered on the
sight of Carrie swaying her hips as she proceeded down the corridor, on
the way to her next class. She blew a kiss at me over her shoulder, and
then was gone.


Leaving me to stand alone in my bare feet as the bell to change classes
rang. I tried to clear my thoughts and think. It was just after my
normal lunchtime… I had sociology next. But I really didn’t feel like
sitting in another room filled with students. This time, I was wearing
so little. I was afraid I would be pushing my luck, and my series of
humiliations would only escalate. There was no doubt about it, I needed
to cool down and find a place to hide.


Making the turn around the corner, too late, I saw Lisa walking in my
direction. I turned, then spun around again, uncertain of which way to
run. The hallway was filling up with students as the dominating blonde
closed the distance between us. Finally I just froze, leaning back
against a set of lockers, trying to will myself to become invisible.
This was it… there were dozens of our classmates and underclassmen
coursing back and forth. They would all see me when Lisa reached out and
took off my sweatshirt. They would all see me naked! My legs trembled,
and I bit nervously on my fingertips.


“Hello, Birthday Girl…” Lisa sneered as she stood in front of me. She
placed one arm out, palm against the wall the way some guys do when
they’re chatting up a girl.


I gripped the edges of the oppressive fabric tightly and squeaked,
“Please, don’t!”


“Don’t, what?” she teased. “Don’t lift up your sweatshirt? Don’t take it
off completely? You know, you could have avoided all of this by just
following instructions earlier. But now, Erica, you’re in for a real treat!


“I have gym this period, and I want you to meet me outside. Go to the
softball diamond and wait for me in the dugout. Don’t even think of
disobeying, or so help me… I’ll drag your little ass into the lunch room
and strip you in front of the entire cafeteria!”


And with that menacing threat, Lisa released her hold on my shirt, which
I just realized she had curled into a knot at my bellybutton. Quickly, I
unfolded the front of the material and smoothed it down, looking around
to make sure no one had seen the brief flash of my crotch. Lisa was
already off to the other side of the building where the gym was, and I
had been given my orders. Thinking over the situation and circumstances,
and what it might have been, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.


Well, I had already decided that I was in no shape to go to my next
class. Some fresh air might even do me some good. I tried to be hopeful
about the whole thing, as the line of passing students thinned out.
Waiting a few more minutes to collect my thoughts, the sound of the
school bell rang again. Now that classes had resumed, I began walking
down the hall toward the exit that would take me to the sports field.


I made it to the doors without being discovered. Well, without any more
than a few curious glances from the people I hurriedly walked by. Not
wanting to further irritate Lisa and keep her waiting, I wasted no time
pushing myself outside, into the bright afternoon sunlight of early
April. Shading my eyes at first as I scoped out my surroundings, the air
did feel nice on my thighs and lower legs. My toes were warm on the
concrete steps that led away from the building. And so over the asphalt
pavement, my nubile limbs carried me until I reached the fresh-cut grass
of the playing fields.


Then it was just a matter of dashing toward the baseball diamond, the
one we girls used for softball. It was actually very quiet out here. I
guess the girls had not yet finished changing into their gym uniforms.
There was kind of a strange feeling standing out here by myself, and I
started having naughty thoughts. Like what would it be like to pitch to
the softball team in the nude. Or step up to bat without any clothes on!
But then I remembered that Lisa explicitly asked me to wait for her in
the dugout. So I walked in silence down the sidelines, blades of grass
tickling the soles of my feet. Down the steps I went, and found that it
was quite cool and shady inside here.


It was from this vantage point that I watched as a troop of high school
seniors, almost a dozen girls, marched toward the field. It didn’t see
any sign of the gym teacher. Some of them were carrying various items of
equipment… gloves, bats, helmets, and such. Lisa walked out in front,
idly tossing the large rawhide-stitched sphere up and down in her hand.


She was dressed in the red school uniform gym shorts, which fit snug
about her hips and thighs. Her legs were long and tan, ending in a pair
of slouch socks and sneakers. Her white top was tied off at the midriff,
probably against regulation, but showed off her sexy tummy. Lisa looked hot!


“All right, ladies,” the blonde called out as she took the pitcher’s
mound. “Since Ms. Hovorkova has a lot of end of the year paperwork to
do, I volunteered to run this class for her. And I have a little
surprise for us today!”


There was a moment of curious apprehension in the air, I even found
myself a little breathless. Everyone knew, Lisa was not someone to be
messed with, and she was capable of coming up with all sorts of devious


Looking upon the girls that were gathered about her, she continued.
“Today is my friend Erica’s eighteenth birthday. And right now, she is
over there in the dugout, waiting for her birthday surprise. So, Erica…
why don’t you come out here and join us on the field.”


I took a deep breath, starting to rise from my sitting position on the
bench, when Lisa made one more request.


“And leave the sweatshirt behind…”


Oh no! She had me trapped, and now she was going to embarrass me in
front of her gym class! I’m sure I knew some of the girls out there… I
still had to take other classes with them. But Lisa had given me my
instructions, and I knew it could get far worse if I did not listen. I
looked around for help, foolishly, but I was alone in the half-darkness
of the dugout.


Slowly, reluctantly, I began to lift the sweatshirt off my body. I felt
the rise of the material brush against my stomach and then my stiff
nipples. The fabric bunched up above my head, and I pulled it over my
shoulders… pulling out each arm one at a time. Completely off, I
clutched it for a moment against my chest, and then threw it to the
side. Now I wasn’t wearing anything! For a moment, I arched my back with
legs spread wide apart on the bench. My hand nervously ran through my
hair and shook it out a little. Then I stood up, my bare feet hesitantly
approaching the dugout steps.


“We’re waiting, Erica…” came the not too subtle voice of the dominating


Well, I climbed up the short steps… then walked bare-assed nude onto the
field. My arms were folded tightly across my small tits, so that I
clutched my elbows in opposite hands. There was nothing hiding my
bellybutton, my pussy, or any inch of my slim legs. I did not dare to
look at my female classmates as I approached, but kept my head bent
down, eyes locked on my toes moving softly over the grass as I placed
one foot in front of the other.  


“Oh my gosh, she’s naked!” one of the girls giggled.


I shivered as I passed by another who said, “That’s some birthday outfit…”


And there was more chattering and chuckles as I shyly made my way toward
Lisa. This was so embarrassing, being eyed critically and evaluated by
my peers. At least if there were some guys around, they might have
complimented my cute body. But then, that might have made me hornier!
Lisa told me to join her on the pitcher’s mound, in the center of the
baseball diamond under the bright sunlight. As I did so, my feet kicked
up some dust until I climbed the hill and had my heels resting on the
white rubber. I was facing the outfield, my ass toward home plate.
Wondering what would happen next, I clasped both my hands over my shaved


“Now then,” Lisa announced. “Earlier this morning, little Erica ran out
on me, before her special birthday spanking was completed. But we can
start all over, from the beginning, and I’ll let everyone take a turn!”


I couldn’t believe I was standing out here in the middle of my high
school sports field, stark naked! Suddenly, I felt the first swat hit my
bottom. Lisa also made the second slap, as my butt cheeks bounced, and
caused me to insert a finger into my pink slit.


“Ooooh,” I closed my eyes and moaned.


“Who wants to come next,” Lisa teased invitingly as she rubbed my ass.


I could hear one of the girls approaching, and suddenly my entire body
was tingling. Lisa’s contact with my bare skin had been electric, and
now I fully realized that other girls were going to be touching my body.
Biting my lip, I wondered if I would make it through this humiliating
ordeal before cumming in front of the entire gym class. It didn’t help
that my nipples sprung out erect and I silently began rubbing my clit. I
felt someone’s palm strike my butt, and the girl grabbed a handful and
squeezed before moving away.


When another girl came up and landed a smack, I spread my legs apart,
knowing that my pussy lips could be seen from behind.


“Do we have to spank her on the ass?” one of the gym students asked.


Lisa thought about this for a moment before saying, “I guess her whole
body is fair game. Erica, put your hands on your head…”


Damn! That meant I wouldn’t be able to secretly play with myself,
although maybe that was a good thing. Still, it also meant everything
would now be exposed, and would be a potential target! My hands slowly
separated from my crotch as I raised them to my head. Then I joined my
fingers once more, intertwining with locks of my hair, standing with my
legs shoulder-width apart. The girl skipped over to my side and gave me
a light pat on my tummy. She also let her lingering fingers trace a
circle around my belly button.


The next girl walked around until she stood square in front of me. I
opened my eyes to find her looking me up and down from head to toe.


“You’ve got cute tits, Erica,” she said pleasantly and proceeded to
playfully pull on my elongated nipples.


She continued to squeeze both my breasts and then reached around to give
me a slap on the ass. Then she joined the other three girls sitting
cross-legged on the grass. The next student followed and walked in front
of me where she cupped my bare pussy! Her fingers spread my outer lips
and fondled my labia…




“Oh my, she’s wet… I think someone is enjoying this!”


I was vaguely aware of another handful of students marching behind me,
each one administering more traditional spankings. But then another girl
stepped in front of me, placing her hands on my slender hips that flared
out with feminine grace. She had long black hair that she wore in a
topknot, and had a smattering of light freckles across her nose, and
sparkling grey eyes.


She moved in close and kissed me full on the lips, our tongues meeting
and dancing inside my mouth. A quick slap on my butt followed as she
said, “Happy Birthday, Erica.”


By this time, I was more than ready to explode! I closed my eyes and
lost myself to this world of ecstasy. While my hands clenched atop my
head, I was wild with anticipation wondering where the next set of hands
would touch me. My clitoris had swelled up and was poking at the girls.
Each time someone’s palm hit my nude ass, I bucked my hips a little
more. This was really it… I was going to have an orgasm right here on
the pitcher’s mound. And what was worse, in this heightened state of
arousal, I tended to squirt, so all the girls would witness my climax.


Suddenly, after another girl had spanked me, I heard Lisa call out,
“That’s eighteen!”


There was a round of applause and giggling, as I spun around confused.
Here I was, naked, with nipples and clit erect, and on the edge of a
massive orgasm. Keeping my hands on my head, my lean body practically
begging for someone to finish me off.


“Is there something you would like to do for us?” Lisa asked with an
evil smile, arching one eyebrow.


I turned around again, looking at the twelve girls in the middle of the
infield. Some of them were standing with arms folded, others were
kneeling or seated on the grass. Each watched me intently as if to see
if I would really masturbate outside in front of them, as if I were some
sort of exhibitionist slut! I felt myself blush… quickly I covered my
breasts and pussy with my hands.


“Please,” I said turning back to face Lisa. “Let me have my sweatshirt
and go back inside to finish…”


The blonde’s face darkened and she frowned at me. “No. I’m keeping your
sweatshirt, along with the rest of your clothes, unless you lie down
right now and cum! Otherwise, you can march your naked ass back into the
school and do whatever you need to do!”


I wanted to give in, I really did. But not in front of our classmates.
It had been almost two years since Lisa started teasing me and
embarrassing me in public. From some small part of me deep down inside,
I found a reserve of courage. I raised my chin and lowered my arms. Then
I began to walk totally nude off the baseball field. My hips even
wiggled with confidence as I headed toward the school, flaunting my sexy
eighteen-year-old ass.


Of course, my plan was to dash into the nearest girls’ bathroom,
masturbate wildly, and then hide out for the rest of the day. But as my
toes reached the edge of the grass, I thought I heard over my shoulder
Lisa say something.


“Don’t worry… I think by now, Alicia has pulled the fire alarm!”


“Wha-what?” I paused, spun around, not fully comprehending.


Considering my options, I decided to start jogging toward the building.
Indeed, soon enough I heard the dreaded clanging of the alarm bell! I
froze, I panicked… I watched as the side doors opened and a flood of
students came teaming out into the parking lot. That was it, I decided,
I was going home! I would deal with the consequences later.


But even as I ran in the other direction, there was absolutely no cover,
and someone yelled, “Holy Shit! That girl is naked!”


I streaked past the freshman biology class, as well as the marching band
that must have had their practice interrupted, and at least a dozen
other classes trying to file into some sort of organized line. First I
tried to keep one hand on my hairless crotch. But I found I needed both
arms pumping so I could run faster. Too late, I saw that I was moving
straight toward the principal, my sweet pussy lips flapping in the breeze!


I did not stop, but kept running past him, although I thought I heard
him mutter something.


“Damn senior prank!”


Well, at least he recognized me as a senior… I wondered if he enjoyed
the view.


Amid the rising commotion, the whistles and catcalls and other
unbelievable responses, I headed off the school property and began my
embarrassing expedition back to my house. It certainly wasn’t the first
time I had to run home naked, and I had learned specific routes to take
and side ways to go to avoid being caught.


Finally, when I reached my doorstep, I found the spare key and let
myself in. It was the middle of the day so I would have the whole house
to myself…




My older stepbrother and his buddies paused to exclaim, in the middle of
hanging up party decorations. Then he looked at me curiously and
remarked, “Um… you’re home early, Erica…”


“Eeek!” I screeched and dashed bare-assed down the hall where I locked
myself in my room. I flung my body face down on the bed, and slung an
arm between my legs so I could tickle my anus. I think I masturbated for
two hours.


What a way to kick off my birthday!