My stepbrother Robert and I were going to be spending some time together, as we agreed to help paint inside my grandmother's house. She lived at a stately old home on a large property, that hadn't been fixed up for a while. The house itself was a Victorian, so it was at least a hundred years or older.


I should clarify that Robert, again, is my stepbrother and the son of my father from a previous marriage. It was my father's mother that we were helping, so I guess that would make her my step-grandmother as well. I never got to see her much, and didn't really know her. For that matter, she was off vacationing in Europe and we wouldn't even be meeting this time. Robert and I would have the whole house and property to us. 


My brother was a couple of years older than me, and in fact he was just out of college. We rarely had a chance to hang out together, since high school it seemed. I was always running around with my friends and he had his own social circles. Now the two of us could catch up a little. That was good, I guess. But I suddenly started feeling nervous once we were in his car and heading off for his grandmother's house.


She lived about two hours away, which meant this could be a long awkward drive. I was dressed in white overalls with a cute pink shirt underneath. The pants came down to just above my calves, leaving my lower legs bare. I had sneakers on, but wasn't wearing any socks. Remembering how I looked in the mirror that morning, I thought it was a pretty cute ensemble. Now I shifted my gaze to Robert as we drove in silence, and then stared straight ahead again. I was wondering if he thought I looked cute.


My stray thoughts wandered, as I recollected that he had already seen me naked twice. Not something simple like a quick flash pulling on a top or changing out of a swimsuit; but he had seen me completely, totally nude from head to toe and under very embarrassing circumstances. Both times had been in my senior year of high school. Once when I had just turned eighteen, and again right after graduation. Both times, after Robert had seen me without any clothes on, I had run to my room and masturbated. I had secretly fantasized about him watching me.


My mind and emotions were getting all confused now. I don't know if my body had developed much since then. I had always been slim, and smooth. Smooth as in, not a hair on my body beneath my eyebrows. My breasts were small and perky sometimes, with long nipples when I was excited. And I had an adorable little bottom, or so some friends had told me. But the burning question inside me was… would Robert be curious about what I looked like now, two years later? I shifted uncomfortably in the passenger seat next to him.


"Hey, Erica, what's wrong?" he turned his head and asked.


I crossed my legs and fussed and sighed, before stammering, "Nothing!"


"All right, kiddo," he replied, using his affectionate nickname for me. "Just put on some music. We will be there in no time."


And so we turned on the radio for some background distraction. At least he let me pick the station. This helped me relax a bit. Soon I was able to take my thoughts off those embarrassing moments of the past. I could look forward to working with him and just having fun, while helping our grandmother.


We approached the property from a quietly meandering road. There really was a lot of privacy out here. The closest neighbor on either side could not be seen from the house. Robert drove up the long driveway and parked the car. As we both got out, I walked around to the back so I could take some of the paint cans.


"I already brought over some of the other supplies we need," he explained.


Nodding my head, I had the handle of one can in my grip, while Robert carried two. From the size of the house, I figured we were going to need a lot more. Then for some reason, an unrelated memory from my high school days came back to me. Walking next to my stepbrother, I blushed and lowered my eyes.


Robert caught my sudden shyness and grinned, "What?"


"Well…" I started slowly, bouncing the can of paint against my thigh as we climbed toward the house. "I was just thinking… remembering… there was a time I was naked in the high school auditorium."


Shaking his head with a laugh, Robert said, "Yeah, I know. Graduation. I was there, remember?"


Actually, I was shocked to find myself sharing this even as I continued, "No… I'm not talking about that event. There was another time…"


"Another?" now it was his turn to act shocked.


I bit my lip as the two of us approached the front door. "Once, when I was maybe sixteen, we all got called down to the auditorium for an assembly. It was like the entire sophomore class. My friends Alicia, Carrie… and Lisa were there."


"And what happened?" Robert asked, holding the door open to let me through.


"They started teasing me," I told him truthfully, "and they got me in trouble. The teacher, Mrs. Green, I think…"


My stepbrother chuckled, "Yeah, I remember her. Go on, kiddo."


"Well, she scolded me, and told me to sit still. I was so embarrassed. But she told me to sit absolutely still, and not to make any noise. The girls took advantage of the situation, and with the lights down, started to undress me!"


Robert ushered me into a spacious room, where all the furniture had been moved out. He put down the two heavy paint cans, and I did the same. I noticed that there were white sheets laid out over the hardwood floor in preparation. There were more cans of paint against a wall, as well as the brushes. It looked like we would be all set to begin. I wondered if I should drop the subject.


"So, then what," Robert finally asked. "I mean, they just were messing with you and unbuttoned your shirt or something?"


Strolling around the room, I saw there would be a lot of space to work in. Two doorways on opposite sides led deeper into the house. And I think around the corner, I spotted a large spiral staircase. I paused, and glanced over my shoulder.


"No, no… they started by taking off my shoes," I told him. "But I couldn't do anything about it. So then they peeled off my socks…"


At this point, I crossed my legs, and stepped one foot on top of the other. Pushing down, I was able to pop my heel out of the sneaker. Slowly, I lifted my foot out completely, and then kicked off my other sneaker. I twirled around, standing up on my bare tiptoes to face Robert.


"So you were barefoot, Erica," his gazed lowered to look at my pretty feet. "Just like you are now…"


I nodded my head and replied, "But the girls didn't stop! They took off my skirt next, and then my blouse… leaving me sitting in the auditorium in just my underwear!"


My last words came a little breathless, and I could feel my heart beating faster. Oh my God, did he expect me to provide a demonstration right here, as part of telling the story? I didn't think I could go that far. Undress right now in front of Robert? I mean, I kind of wanted to, but I couldn't. I realized I had better finish this up before things got out of hand.


Waving my hand dismissively, I continued, "Yeah, well… the girls made me take off my panties, and Alicia who was sitting behind me, unclasped my bra. Once they pulled it off, there I was… sitting buck naked in the auditorium surrounded by a hundred students. Pretty stupid, huh?"


Robert was quiet for a moment before he smiled, "It must have been pretty wild. Your friends are crazy…"


I lowered my eyes bashfully, clutching my hands behind my back. What I didn't tell him was that after I was nude, I had played with myself and had an orgasm. But I think he knew I was embarrassed about the episode. Although I'm sure he sensed there was more that I was not telling. Oh God, now I was making myself horny!


"Um, I guess we should stop wasting time," I mumbled and pointed my chin at the paint cans.


The young man in his mid-twenties shook his head and laughed, as if my little story had been a mere diversion to keep us from doing any work. He moved past me and found one set of cans. Popping the lids, Robert began the mix the colors together until they were a creamy butterscotch. I watched as he stirred the paint, almost mesmerized by the smooth languid circles.


"All right, kiddo," he said handing me a brush. "Start over on that side, but don't paint too close to the door."


I said that I understood, and then with brush in hand, skipped barefoot across the room. It wasn't until after I started, that I noticed Robert had picked out a wall on the opposite side to begin with. He was keeping some distance between us. I turned to face him and pouted, then stuck my tongue out at him like a brat.


It was probably good that we didn't work too close together, so I could keep my mind on my work. On the one hand, I was a little annoyed as if he didn't appreciate my company. Then I thought how humiliating it would be if he knew my secret thoughts. But finally, as I continued to paint my side of the room, I was feeling more and more playful.


After about an hour, we had made some good progress. I had reached the edge of the open doorway, leaving a half a foot of space as I was instructed. In this way, I was able to put down my brush and touch my fingers to the unpainted wall as I leaned forward into the next room.


"Hey, Robert…" I called out. "Where do these stairs lead?"


The young man, busy working, looked over at my slender form hovering in the doorway. "Where do you think they lead? Upstairs! There are some old rooms up there, but they are unused. Grandmother can't be bothered to climb stairs anymore."


"Oh," I answered softly. "OK… do you think it's all right if I have a look?"


Now Robert put down his paintbrush. "Come on, Erica, stop fooling around. There's nothing up there… just old, empty dusty rooms!"


"Then I won't be but a moment!" I giggled and ran through the doorway. 


As my feet slapped over the wooden floors, I reached the staircase and paused. Would he follow me, I wondered. After waiting a moment, I lifted my leg and began to climb the winding steps. They took me high onto the second floor, and Robert was right. It was pretty empty and quiet up here. There was hardly any furniture at all. Just an odd end table shoved against the wall, and the occasional old-fashioned lamp, which I could trace my fingers around.


Walking more slowly, I stayed close to the balcony. This house must contain so many memories, I thought. Maybe I could make a few memories of my own today. My hand absently played with the buckle on my overalls, even unfastening it. This allowed me to swing the strap lightly as I paced the deserted hallway.


I had the sudden idea to strip naked, and then walk back into the room downstairs. I would act all innocent, and see if Robert noticed. That made me giggle to myself. Of course he would notice! He would see my small perky tits and erect nipples, as well as my completely shaved pussy…


"Oh my God, what am I doing?" I said as I shook my head. "This is nonsense!"


Banishing these thoughts, I proceeded to turn around, preparing to stroll back down the staircase. Getting naked in front of Robert might have been a fantasy of mine, but it didn't mean I would act on it. My hand came to rest on the ornate handrail at the top step.


Then I was struck by an alternative thought. Perhaps it was a bit much for me to go bare-assed nude in front of the young man, but maybe I could try the next best thing. I hurried back to the side and peered over the balcony. No sign of Robert come looking for me. I then quickly unsnapped the other button of my white overalls, and let the top half fall to my waist.


Since I wasn't wearing any shoes, it was easy for me to let the pants drop the rest of the way down my legs, and just walk out of them. With my overalls lying crumpled on the floor, I grabbed the bottom of my pink shirt and pulled it up, completely over my head. I wasn't wearing a bra today, so I was now topless as I let the article of clothing slip to the ground. Before I could change my mind, I immediately tugged on my panties, lowering them to my feet, and then stepping out of my underwear.


For a brief second, I savored my secret nudity. Robert had no idea I was standing up here in my bare birthday suit, and the realization was delicious! However, I promptly retrieved my overalls and began to pull them onto my legs. I gave a little jump when I tugged them up, the seam of the material making contact with my hairless crotch. Finally, I brought the straps over my bare shoulders and fastened the buttons.


"There!" I breathed in satisfaction.


Then, before I could change my mind, I bent down to scoop up my panties and shirt. I couldn't believe I had been wearing so little today. And now I was wearing eve less! It was as though my body was acting on impulse, as I dashed down the hallway into a side room. Across the floor I crept until I came to a window that faced outside. Using the two pieces of clothing to protect my soft hands, I was able to push against the wooden frame and lift up.


I poked my head outside, enjoying a clear view of the expansive property. The sky was bright blue and the fresh air was pleasantly warm. And then I tossed my shirt and panties out the window! They floated on the breeze as the items were carried gently away from the house and drifted toward the ground. I had only a vague idea where they landed.


So now I was dressed in my white overalls… and that was it!


Rubbing my arms a little, I turned around and walked out of the room. The straps felt good on my bare shoulders. Of course, in front, they only marginally concealed my nipples. I would have to be very careful how I walked. Although, I had a feeling my small tits would be peeking out quite a bit. At least the rest of my bare body was decently covered. Excitedly, I wondered how long it would take Robert to figure out I hadn't on any underwear.


By the time I returned to the upstairs hallway, I was growing slightly nervous. I mean, I hoped I didn't push this too far, or let things get out of hand. My bare toes found the top step of the winding staircase, and I slowly made the descent. About halfway down, I stopped and bit my lower lip. Oh God, my nipples were so erect, and my pussy tingled. He would know I was horny. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then continued. 


Finally I made it to the ground floor. Hopefully, Robert wouldn't be upset that I had disappeared like that. I figured I would just quietly return to my paint can and brush, and continue working like nothing was different. It was kind of like a game, as long as he didn’t get too close.


As soon as I walked through the open doorway, the young man called out.


"Oh, there she is!" he said, laughing.


I took two more steps into the room, and then saw there was another young gentleman with him. This guy looked to be about Robert's age. He had a painter's cap on his head, turned backward, but I thought I saw tufts of blonde hair above his ears. I immediately stopped dead in my tracks and started blushing.


Robert waved me over, and then turned to his friend. "Gus, this is my little step-sister, Erica…"


The other twenty-something-year-old guy began walking toward me, with his hand extended in greeting. I arched up on my toes, instinctively trying to appear taller, then glanced anxiously over my shoulder. Oh, why had I discarded my other clothes completely out of the house! I trembled, fearing my secret would be revealed all too soon. And then I held out my hands in protest, before he could get near.


"Wait!" I cried out. "I, uh… you know, been painting and I don't want to get paint on your hands…"


He stopped, as I had requested, but then gave me a little wave. "Hello, Erica. I'm Robert's friend, Gus."


"Nice to meet you," I said, blushing at the young man.


Robert must have caught this and added, "Erica is kind of shy… sometimes."


Gus only smiled warmly and pointed at the open paint cans by the doorway. "Well, it looks like you got a head start on me. But pretty soon, I will be making a mess, too. Maybe then we can shake hands."


My nipples were rock hard and my pussy twitched beneath my overalls.


"Sure," I said softly.


And then he turned around to join my stepbrother, gathering up supplies. In this way he walked back across the room, allowing me to breath a sigh of relief. Hopefully he would keep his distance by painting over there. I don’t think he had come close enough yet to notice my topless state under my shoulder straps.


So finally I turned my back to the boys and prepared to resume the work I had started earlier. Picking up a brush, I moved on to the next wall and began applying the paint in broad strokes. I tried to keep my mind focused on the job, but it wasn't easy.


Behind me, I could hear Robert and Gus talking about the room and how to get the best coverage, how many coats of paint it would take, stuff like that. Their male voices filled my head, reminding me of my femininity, if that makes any sense. In other words, I was self-conscious of being the only girl around these two guys, and it made me feel a little vulnerable. Perhaps my own body betrayed me as my nipples pointed up, fully erect. Occasionally I would graze one with a finger and it made me moan.


Still, I listened to every word between the young men. There conversation drifted to sports and work and other subjects that occupied their lives. It was like I had already been forgotten. Although I suppose that may have been a good thing. I didn't want to draw attention to myself.


Suddenly, Gus called out across the room, "Hey, Erica, what year in high school are you?"


"High school?" I replied in shock, and then turned around to face my stepbrother and his friend. "Didn't Robert tell you? I graduated two years ago! I'm in the second year of college!"


So upset about the accusation of still being in high school, I almost marched over to slap him in the face. But I didn't take too many steps forward because my small breasts started bouncing, and my long nipples quivered. Instead, I just glared at Gus.


"Hey, I'm sorry!" he shrugged his shoulders apologetically. "I didn't know… you look like you could be… you look young, that's all."


Next to him, Robert laughed. "Yeah, Erica's sweet and innocent."


Oh God! Why didn't he just tell him that I had no pubic hair! Well, not that he knew. Except the last time my stepbrother had seen me naked, he saw that I shaved my pussy. Oh, I was getting myself flustered all over again. And I was doubly embarrassed because what Robert said was true. Despite everything I had been through, I was still a virgin. My ears turned bright red, and I was about to put down my paintbrush and leave the room.


"Hey, kiddo, where do you think you're going?" Robert called after me.


Even though I wanted to be left alone, something in his voice compelled me to stop. I had already ditched him once today, so I suppose walking away would just be irresponsible. Standing up on my bare toes, I looked over my shoulder.


"I have to go out back to the garage and find a ladder," he explained. "You stay here and keep painting with Gus."


Now I spun around again, clutching my hands in front of my chest. "Oh, but I could go and look for the ladder…"


Robert shook his head, "It will be pretty big, and I don't think you could carry it by yourself. Besides, I don't want you to wander off."


The last part he said with a wink, before turning to leave the room. I heard his footsteps down the hall and eventually leading him out of the house, the door opening and slamming shut. Just like that, I was alone with Gus. I mean he seemed like a nice guy, although I had only met him this afternoon. But if he was one of Robert's friends, I guess it would be safe.


In awkward silence, the two of us resumed painting the walls, working on opposite sides of the room. Finally Gus spoke up, inviting me to paint along the section where he and Robert had been.


"Um, that's OK," I said. "I'm fine over here."


But the young man only laughed, "No, seriously, Erica. You can be putting a coat on this wall, and as it dries, I'll paint the second coat."


I had no intention of moving, although my toes curled in excitement. Oh, how I wish I had been wearing shoes and socks right now! I pretended to ignore him.


"Or I can just start on the second coat over there," Gus continued. "Where you were painting earlier."


"Suit yourself," I mumbled, trying to sound uninterested.


I listened as he picked up his paint can and walked over to my side of the room. Part of me wished that Robert would hurry back. Part of me wished he would take a very long time. Feeling kind of warm, I cleared my throat. I realized I was using my brush on just one spot, over and over again.


And then Gus stood behind me, his hand reaching over to gently take my wrist. In this way, he guided the paintbrush, making long slow strokes. He put his other hand on my waist, easing me down until I was in a crouched position, as we painted lower to the floor. Then he pulled me up again.


"There, that's better," he said softly. "You see... the paint is applied much more evenly."


"Mmm-hmmm," was all I could answer, somewhat dazed.


My free hand, the one that wasn't holding the paintbrush, absently strayed toward the button on my overalls. My eyes were closed, it's like I forgot where I was or what I was doing. In this way, I unbuttoned the left strap, and let it fall off my shoulder.


"Well, you certainly came dressed comfortably," I heard Gus chuckle.


"Huh?" I gasped, my eyes fluttering open.


I looked down, and saw one bare tit sticking out with a very long nipple.


"Oh my God!" I blushed, embarrassed. "I didn't mean… it's not like… I had a shirt on, but…"


Gus smiled and laughed again. "It's OK, Erica. I saw before that you weren't wearing a shirt beneath those overalls. Since you have small breasts, it's really not that noticeable. I figured you dress like that quite often..."


"Small breasts!" I blurted out, angrily and blushing furiously.


The young man held up his hands in defense, saying, "Well, yeah, they are kind of on the small side. But don't get me wrong... they look nice. And, um, you have cute feet, too."


"Oh God," I murmured, closing my eyes.


My knees felt weak, as my arms hung at my sides. I almost dropped the paintbrush. Desperately curious, I wondered what other parts of my body he liked. For a moment, silence returned between us. I could smell him close to me. And then I heard the front door bang open.


"Hey, Gus! Give me a hand with this!" I heard my stepbrother Robert calling out.


Just as I opened my eyes, I watched his friend turn around and quickly head out of the room. I was left standing there, pondering our encounter, thinking about the possibilities. My overalls were still being held up by only one strap, as I did not adjust the other one. When the boys came back, hauling the ladder into the room, I only raised a hand to hide my exposed nipple. And I thought to myself how Gus must have seen it fully erect.


Robert and his buddy struggled to carry the ladder close to the wall on the side. Not so much because it was heavy, but the thing looked like it might fall apart. The ladder was probably twelve feet tall, and made out of creaking wood. Each rung was sanded and polished smooth, cylinder shaped, almost like rolling pins. But the edges seemed to be worn, making me wonder how steady it would be to climb.


"I don't know, are you sure about this?" Gus was expressing his concern.


Robert continued evaluating the worth of the ladder, then said, "Well how else are we going to paint up there by the molding?"


I watched the two young men debate the issue. Truthfully, I had no idea how stable it was, but I did have doubts of my own. Then the guys turned to look at me standing in the corner.


Gus snapped his finger saying, "Erica could do it! She's light enough, I bet the ladder would hold her..."


"What?" Robert and I exclaimed at the same time.


"No offense, kiddo," My stepbrother assured me and then turned to his friend, "But Erica is kind of... accident prone."


"I am not!" I stamped my bare foot on the floor. "But I am a little scared of heights..."


Gus folded his arms and grinned like a little boy. He did look good in his tight T-shirt. I took a small, hesitant step forward.


"No way! It's too dangerous," Robert protested.


But his friend was eyeing me, drawing me closer. "What do you say, Erica? Think you can do it?"


I stopped about halfway toward them. With one hand over my heart, I could feel it beating faster. Although the real reason was that I was hiding an exposed breast. And now my tummy fluttered, my legs trembled. 


"You want me to go all the way up there?" I started slowly. "And paint... how am I going to do that?"


Gus inclined his head toward the opposite side of the room, and told Robert to go get the hook-pole. When my stepbrother turned in that direction, I scampered over on my toes until I was in front of Gus. I then faced the ladder, placing both hands on the rung that was eye level. The overall strap that had been unbuttoned, fell to my side.


"Now what?" I squeaked.


What happened next sent a thrill of electricity through my body. Gus placed one hand on my bottom, and finding a clean paintbrush, inserted it bristles down into my back pocket. I had forgotten these overalls had back pockets. They were closed tight, and the young man had to really work the brush in, as I wiggled my ass. But once it was in place, the brush was secure and would not fall out until I pulled it out. Maybe I was just horny, but there was something sexual about all of this.


And then I realized that as he was standing behind me, Gus must have gotten a good look down my back. He would have seen that I wasn't wearing panties... I think he saw my crack!


Robert's friend leaned close and spoke into my ear," I think you should start climbing, Erica."


Immediately, I raised one bare foot to the bottom rung. Putting my weight on it, the ladder did indeed hold. So then I grabbed the rung above my head and pulled myself upward. Just a few feet off the ground, I turned my head to look over my shoulder, and watched my stepbrother approach with the long metal pole that had a hook on the end.


"We will pass up the paint can to you," Gus was explaining. "You don't even have to take the can. Just dip and paint..."


"All right," I mumbled and continued my ascent.


As I mentioned, I really was kind of scared of heights. I don't know why I was doing this stupid thing. My hands gripped the rungs more tightly as I climbed higher, lifting each foot one at a time. I clutched my body to the ladder, pressing close as I pulled myself toward the top.


And as Robert mentioned, I am a bit accident-prone. Or at least it seems that way. You see, the front of my overalls had two buttons, just beneath my breasts. The shoulder straps each ended in a thin metal loop that hooked over these buttons. Of course, I already had one strap undone, hanging uselessly at my side. In fact, each time I climbed higher, my nipple was rubbing against the rungs, being flicked slowly up and down. It felt incredible. But so occupied was I with this situation, I did not notice on my right side, a nail that was partially banged into the ladder.


When I pulled myself up, nearing the top of the ladder, the head of the nail slipped under the clasp of the shoulder strap. It snapped the loop right off the button in one motion, even as I climbed to the next rung. The result was that the strap lifted up, and fell behind my arm. Before I realized it, both of my little tits were sticking out, and the top half of my overalls were hanging from my hips. Add the weight of the wide paintbrush in my back pocket... and gravity took effect at once.


The white overalls started sliding down my smooth slender legs. I had no shoes on, or anything else, to catch the fall of the material. Besides, I was already midway stepping up to the next rung, as I pulled myself higher. I was probably ten feet off the ground. As I lifted my toes away from the ladder, the pants dropped completely off one leg.


Not even dangling for a second. My other foot reached for the rung I was standing on, pulling right out of the overalls that now descended to the floor. I stood there, quivering, my toes curled around the wooden rung. My fingers curled on the rung in front of my face.


Fully naked on the ladder... my stepbrother and his friend watching me from below!


I managed to peek over my shoulder, enough to look past the curve of my back and supple behind. The boys were staring up with faces of astonishment. I think my whole body started blushing. And then, Robert pounced on the overalls that had fallen off me, picking them up in amazement.


"Erica, where are your clothes?" he called out.


Next to him, his friend Gus washed a hand over his mouth and replied, "Looks like you're holding them."


But Robert only shook his head. "Erica, come back down here."


"No!" I answered in a small voice.


"Seriously, Erica, you can't stay up there," my stepbrother repeated. "Come on and climb down. We'll hold the ladder steady."


"But I'm... nude," I foolishly stated the obvious. "And... and... you will see me."


However, the boys just stepped to the ladder, one on each side. Robert and Gus took firm hold with both their hands, waiting for me to start my descent. I can't believe this had happened, so fast, and like this! I took a deep breath. Slowly I lowered one leg, one very bare leg, aware of my nudity from my toes all the way to my buttocks. If climbing up the ladder with one bare tit sticking out had been incredible... I couldn't describe the sensation of climbing down completely naked! And I couldn't cover up at all because I still needed both hands to cling tightly to the rungs. At least they were only seeing my backside, for the moment.


As my legs moved and separated, it occurred to me that if they looked up, they might see more intimate parts. My pussy lips were puckered out and moist, offering maybe even a glimpse up my vagina. The thing was, because I was still frightened about the height, I was in no hurry to get back down. My foot would lower and hover just above the next rung, allowing a lingering, teasing view of slender form. Although I was the one who felt like I was being teased.


Finally, my toes touched the  sheet on the hardwood floor. I found myself between the two young men, and staggered backward, cupping both hands over my pussy. The way they had discovered my secret lack of clothing, made me want to die of embarrassment. Robert folded up the overalls and slung them over his shoulder, pointing an accusing finger at me.


"So where are the rest of your clothes?" he asked again.


"I don't know!" I answered, and then made the humiliating confession. "I threw my shirt and underwear out of an upstairs window..."


Meanwhile, Gus had found my sneakers and dangled them playfully in front of me. I bit my lip, and then gingerly reached out an arm. Still, I remembered to keep one hand over my shaved vulva.


"No, Erica," my stepbrother moved between us. "You will not get these back until you find the rest of what you were wearing today. I suggest you go outside and start looking for your stuff."


"Not a single thing?" I gasped, with my eyes wide and innocent.


Robert glanced at his friend, as if asking if it would be all right with him. "Listen, kiddo, I don't care if you spend the rest of the day naked. This is what you get for playing around."


I sighed, and turned around slowly, showing the boys my bare butt. Hugging my body tight, I looked over my shoulder, pouting. Then I told my older stepbrother that I understood. Sufficiently scolded, I walked out of the room without a shred of clothing.


My immediate thought, after the initial shock had worn off, was to go back to the room upstairs to see if I could find where my clothes had landed. Once I was out of view of the boys, I was able to relax my pose, dropping my arms to my sides. Now I jogged up the wide staircase, my little tits bouncing deliciously. By the time I reached the second floor balcony, I stopped to notice just how erect my nipples were.


"Oh..." I moaned, tracing a finger down my stomach and around my bellybutton.


Trying to stay focused I padded down the hall and into the empty room in the corner. The last time I was here, at least I had on my overalls. I crossed the floor and walked all the way to the open window. Sticking my head out, the breeze up here felt nice on my face and bare shoulders. Scanning the property below, I could not detect any sign of my pink shirt, or the light wisp of my panties. I guess I would have to do a ground level search.


Returning to the head of the staircase, I paused to consider my options. Since there was a lot of privacy surrounding the house, that shouldn't be such a problem. Robert and Gus would still be about the place, but I figured they would stay in the room painting. Unless they went on a break at some point, or found a window to spy on me. How voyeuristic! I closed my eyes for a second, picturing me prancing around the yard in my birthday suit. My stepbrother and his friend watching in secret...


Gliding down the stairs, I ran a hand along the old mahogany banister. As I neared the floor, I discovered that the steps were not so wide that I couldn't place a hand on each railing to either side of me. In order to do this however, I also had to stretch my slim legs wide apart. With a bare foot hanging off the right and left side of the broad step, this left my pink labia to dangle out in the open.


At that moment, Gus came walking around the corner, gulping a bottle of water. Our eyes met and we both froze. Unfortunately for me, I remained in this rather revealing position. We just stared at each other, or rather... I stared at him staring at me, if that makes any sense.


Finally he lowered his bottle, and asked, "Did you find any of your clothes yet?"


I wrapped my fingers tightly around the railings, feeling my butt cheeks clench, and answered in a husky voice, "No... not yet."


The young man was drinking in the sight of my full frontal nudity. He was seeing my pussy for the first time, clean shaved, and succulent lips just sitting out there, waiting to be fondled. The longer I stood like this, the harder it was for him to stay a polite gentleman. I guess I couldn't blame him.


With a sudden smile, he said, "Good. It would be a shame to cover up such a pretty flower."


And he reached out with one hand to lightly touch my pussy. It made my toes curl, and my body quiver. He didn't make contact with my clitoris or insert a finger or anything like that. It was just a brief, gentle brush, acquainting his touch with my sensitive folds of skin. It felt absolutely amazing!


"Mmmph," a small whimper escaped my lips, and I was quickly on the verge of orgasm.


But then I heard Robert calling out, approaching from the other room. For some reason, I was afraid to let him catch his friend playing with me. Oh, my nipples were sticking straight out, and there was just no way of hiding from Gus how turned on I was. I had to get away from here, or else I would lose control completely. 


I hopped onto the floor and dashed around the opposite corner. This led me to a new hallway, a part of the house I hadn't been to before. Keeping close to the wall, I inched forward until I found a side door that opened back outside. I wasted no time rushing into the fresh air, stark naked.


This was such torture! My own stepbrother was keeping me from getting dressed. And his friend was keeping me horny. And then I understood Robert's intention. He wanted me to go off somewhere by myself, so I could masturbate and release all my pent up sexual excitement. That was actually rather sweet of him. Always looking out for his little sister.


Well, I walked further away from the old house realizing here was my chance. I could find a nice spot on the property, perhaps under a tree, or just lie down in the grass. Then I could make myself cum, and finally begin to calm down. I paused, turning around to look back at the house. Raising one hand, I stroked my chin in thought, while resting the fingers of my other hand lightly on my tummy. A cool breeze blew over my body, tickling my privates.


"I'm not ready to orgasm yet," I said to myself.


Even though in truth, I could go off with the slightest touch, I decided instead to look for my clothes. So I started to walk around the property, imagining my nude body was in view for anyone gazing from a distant window. Still, I did not hide or cover up, but made a slow and deliberate search for shirt and panties. Too bad there weren't any neighbors close by, I giggled. Although part of me was also relieved, as the privacy made my task all the more easier.


From the outside, I wasn't quite sure I could locate the room from where I had tossed out my things. And it was entirely possible the two articles of clothing were blown about and scattered across the yard. I didn't really want to go around the front, because even with the long driveway, there was a very real possibility of being seen from the road. Boldly, I made my way around the side of the house until I could see Robert's car.


"Oh my gosh!" I gasped, covering a hand over my mouth and pointing.


Down at the bottom of the driveway, I spotted a piece of pink material fluttering on the ground. Now how did it blow all the way out there? But it had to be my T-shirt, since there was no other source of pink on this side of the property. Then I lowered my eyes to look at my smooth pussy, and blushed.  


Cupping a hand over my pubic mound, I slung an arm over my perky breasts and jogged across the front lawn. Suddenly, I was very self-conscious about my nudity, even crouching down as I reached the car. Just in time, too, as I watched a truck or a van rumbling down the normally quiet street. I hoped the boys didn't schedule any deliveries!


My heart was beating faster now, with realization setting in that I was squatting outside totally bare. Robert and Gus might even have a little fun and lock me out of the house! Quickly, I glanced behind me and rubbed my shoulders. Listening for the sound of any other vehicles or other people about, I decided to make a run for it.


Scampering barefoot all the way down the driveway, I discovered that my shirt had been whipped into the middle of the road! There was a house on the opposite side of the street, which I seemed to only notice now as I tiptoed out in the open. Oh God, they could be watching me! I bashfully lowered an arm to pick up the T-shirt between my fingers. Just then, a car rolled onto this section of the road. Honestly, Robert and I hadn't seen a soul on our way up here. Where were these people coming from?


I didn't have time to put on my top, but clutched the shirt in a fist as I spun around and dashed back toward my grandmother's house. Nearly stumbling as I reached the driveway, there was a loud beep from the car as it drove past me. I was blushing furiously at the thought of a stranger catching me bare-ass nude.


Shaking out the shirt, I found it wasn't that dirty. It hadn't gotten ripped or torn, either. So now I slipped it over my head, stretching the material down my chest and elongated nipples. But it was a cute and tiny little thing, coming down to just above my bellybutton. I took a deep breath and sighed, briefly scanning the front lawn of the property.


There was no way I would be able to find my underwear. The only reason I got my T-shirt back was because the bright pink color stood out. But if I could convince Robert to return my overalls to me, then I would be decent again. I still had not masturbated. I hoped he wouldn't be disappointed or angry with me. Nervously, I walked bottomless up to the front door.


Once inside again, I shuffled down the hall the way we had originally entered, only this time with my bare butt wiggling and hands clasped over my pussy. Stepping into the spacious great room, I saw my stepbrother and his friend still at work painting. I arched up on my toes, waiting for them to notice me.


"Hi Robert, hi... Gus," I finally spoke.


The two young men turned to regard me. Their eyes wandered from my pretty feet up my claves and knees and smooth thighs. They saw me standing in the doorway, with only my hands to hide my hairless crotch. I could feel my clit poking out.


Robert put down his paintbrush and said, "So it looks like you found your shirt, Erica."


"Yeah," I mumbled and walked slowly into the room.


Gus, seeing my shirt for the first time today commented, "It looks nice on you."


I lifted a hand to tease a lock of hair, while trying to maintain some modesty. "At least I have something on. Now do you think... can I have the rest of my clothes?"


The boys look at each other, as if considering my request. My eyes were drawn past them to the corner of the room where I thought I saw my overalls folded neatly and my sneakers placed on top. Robert whispered into his friend's ear, sharing a private conversation. Then my stepbrother walked across the room to collect my things.


However, to my surprise, he only picked up the sneakers before turning back in my direction! About halfway toward where I stood, Robert bounced my shoes to the floor and they landed at my feet.


"Since you only came back with one article of clothing," Gus explained, "we decided you can't have everything back."


I touched one of the sneakers with my toes, and then looked back at the two young men. "Oh, um, well... I wish you would let me put my pants back on!"


The two of them only grinned. I guess it's what I deserved. But this was so humiliating, being disciplined by my stepbrother in front of his friend. And asking permission to get dressed again made me feel very embarrassed. I crouched down, and then lowered myself to sit bare assed on the floor. In this way, I fit the sneakers snugly on my feet. With my legs separated as I sat on the floor, I'm sure they caught more than a glimpse of my pussy. But there was nothing I could do about it.


Finally I stood back up again, reaching behind me to brush my exposed little bottom. A pair of sneakers and a short pink T-shirt... that's all I was wearing! I waited to see what would happen next.


Robert had a clean paintbrush in his hand and with this he walked over to me. "Here you go, Erica. Time for you to get back to work."


My eyes went wide hearing his instructions. In shock, I dropped both arms to my sides. At the same time, erect nipples pushed out from beneath my shirt. This was too much! They wanted me to continue painting... bottomless?


"But... but..." I stammered helplessly.


Robert gently lifted my hand by the wrist and placed the brush between my fingers. "That's right, kiddo, get your butt over there and back to work!"


I could see he was serious, though not at all upset with me. He was just letting me deal with the consequences of my foolish actions. Like a good older stepbrother. So I stepped across the room with my free hand between my legs. I half expected a slap on my ass. But the boys were well behaved, and nobody touched me.


Let me tell you, it was not easy painting while keeping one hand over my pussy! It did not stay there very long. I kept glancing over my shoulder, fidgeting, knowing my butt was being watched. Even worse, I was conscious of my excited labia unfolded and hanging down between my legs. When Gus came over to switch paint cans, I had to take the handle with my free hand. I walked to the next section of the wall with my pussy lips parted and visibly on display.


We finished the second coat of paint after a few more hours. Luckily my stepbrother and his friend were in fact serious about their work, and did not spend much time teasing me. I had to admit, the three of us did a good job, even despite my condition. It was just turning dark out when we called it a day.


"All right, Erica, it's time for us to go home," Robert announced.


I looked over at my overalls still folded neatly in the corner, and then I looked over at Gus standing off to the side. No one made a move to gather my discarded clothes. I'm really not sure what Robert had in mind. He didn't say I wasn't going to get them back. All I knew is that it would be a long ride home, nearly two hours.


Finally, I got up the nerve to approach my stepbrother and asked, "Would... would it be all right if Gus drives me home tonight?"


Robert rubbed his chin in thought, and then looked at his friend. The blonde-headed young man only shrugged his shoulders, said it would be no trouble. Again, Robert considered for a few minutes as I waited anxiously in the middle of the room. He then walked over to his friend and pulled him off to the side. I watched as they had another private conversation, certainly out of earshot from me.


At last, Gus came over dangling his keys in one hand. With his other, he took my fingers and led me toward the door. Of course I kept one hand discreetly covering my bald crotch. I looked back over my shoulder and said goodbye to my stepbrother.


Robert laughed and said, "See you in the morning, kiddo..."


Leaving the house, the early evening air caressed my legs and bottom. It felt really good to be out here like this! Still, I couldn't believe I was about to get into this guy's car dressed in only a T-shirt and sneakers. But I was incredibly horny, as you can imagine. Besides, if Robert didn't think it was safe, he would have never let me go along.


Gus had his car, a black sleek sporty type, parked on the side of the property. It was just off the driveway, and I had not noticed it before. He clicked the electronic locks, motioning me to climb inside. The upholstery was gorgeous, as my legs and backside made contact with the brown leather seats. I waited for Gus to get behind the wheel, my heart beating faster.


He started the engine, which purred with smooth efficiency. The sound made me stretch my legs and arch my back a little. Folding my arms behind my head, I sat with my lap completely uncovered. The interior was dark now, with only the various blue or red lights illuminating the driver's display.


Pulling out onto the road, we sped off in the direction leading back to my town. For a while, we did not encounter much traffic, either oncoming or approaching behind us. It seemed like it was just the two of us out here, and the initial silence we shared was nice.


After a few more minutes, I turned and asked Gus, "What did my stepbrother tell you before we left?"


"Are you sure you want to know?" he glanced over at my slender form in the passenger seat and grinned. "It might be kind of embarrassing."


Lowering an arm so that I could trace a finger around my bellybutton, I smiled back. "That's OK, I've had a kind of embarrassing day today, you know?"


"All right," the young man chuckled. "Your stepbrother cares very much about you, Erica. He just told me to be careful. And he told me... not to have sex with you."


I almost bolted upright, hearing the confession. "Oh really! You know, I am in college, remember? I think I'm old enough to decide whether or not I want to get lucky!"


"Yeah, I know, it's not that I was presuming anything," Gus stammered apologetically, which was kind of cute. "Robert just reminded me that you are still sweet and innocent, and I kind of agree."


Opening my mouth, I found I didn't know how to respond. I was still a virgin, that was true. I shut my mouth and didn't say anything. After a few minutes driving down the highway, I quietly kicked off both my sneakers.


"Gus?" I asked in a small voice.


I think he could pick up the scent of my musky feminine aroma as he answered, "Yes... Erica?"


"Gus, I've removed my sneakers and I am completely barefoot now..."


Robert's friend continued driving, keeping his eyes on the road, but answered, "You really do have pretty feet. I like your cute little toes."


That made me giggled, and in fact I reached down to rub my lower legs. The carpeted floor mats were delightful. I then sat back up, bringing my hands to the bottom of my short T-shirt. Taking a deep breath, I waited to see if Gus would try to stop me. Slowly, I pulled the material higher, all the way up to my chin. My small tits stuck out, with extended nipples. I sat forward a little so I could tug the shirt over my head, tossing it behind into the back seat.


"I'm naked again," I said with breathless anticipation. "Did Robert say anything about not touching?"


I wish I could say that I behaved like a lady on the ride home, or acted like a good girl. But I was so horny, that I just couldn't help myself. I'm ashamed to admit, I sat there nude in the passenger seat, teasing and flaunting my body completely on display. I closed my eyes, and spread my legs apart.


Gus pulled over to the side of the road, and asked me to get out of the car. I did so without question. We were on a stretch of the highway without many building close by, just woods to the left and right. It was peaceful and quiet as I stood on the edge of the cool pavement not wearing any clothes. Still, it felt like other cars could drive by any moment, or a police patrol car. I dangled my arms at my sides as my stepbrother's friend walked around and pulled me under a bright light.


He touched every inch of me, I think. I was delirious with pleasure as he fondled my nipples and kissed my lips and neck. Gus was wonderful with his hands, caressing my stomach and bare bottom. He knelt down and licked my pussy while I ran my fingers through his hair. And then he gently lifted me to the hood of his car, where he took my foot in his hand and sucked on my toes. It didn't stop there, as he placed me in other positions and touched my most sensitive areas.


Finally, he began playing with my clitoris, right there in the open on the side of the highway! It didn't take long for him to finger me to multiple orgasms, making me cum as I squirted and cried in ecstasy. My body convulsed with the release I had sought for so long today, and Gus held me in his arms. We climbed into his car's back seat and cuddled, before I eventually fell asleep.


The next day, Robert told me that Gus was going to be moving away, which is why he didn't want me to get too attached. That's my stepbrother, always looking out for me. I was a little sad to hear the news. But the memory of our drive home, brought a sweet smile to my lips.