I walked the halls of the concourse building at my college, the heels of my white open-toed shoes clicking on the floor. Checking the piece of paper I had been given by the Registrar's office, I confirmed that I needed to report to a classroom on the third floor. My friends had talked me into signing on as a mentor for one of the students from our local high school. I didn't really want to do it, because I'm kind of shy and nervous around new people, and I didn't know what to expect. But I was told it would look good on a future resume, which so far was kind of thin since my own high school graduation.


As I understood it, this was not an orientation meeting. These weren't Senior students who would be about to go to college. Instead, it was for tenth and eleventh graders, just to get them to start thinking about college. I was supposed to show them around, answer any questions they had. It seemed simple enough.


I reached the third floor, and quietly walked to the classroom I had been assigned today. It was a week before the semester started, so there were no classes scheduled. Entering through the door, I found two of my friends waiting for me. Carrie and Ashley smiled as they greeted me.


"You look nice, Erica," the art student, Ashley said.


My fingers self-consciously grasped the white fabric of the one-piece dress that came down to just above my knees. Ashley wore a black sweater and plaid skirt. With her auburn hair and black-rimmed glasses, she looked very cute. My friend from high school, Carrie, was standing with her thumbs hooked in the loopholes of her jeans. Her long curly golden hair had flecks of strawberry, and her hazel eyes twinkled.


"Thank you," I mumbled.


Carrie giggled and said, "No really, you look so smart and sophisticated. I'm sure you will be perfect to represent the school."


Then the taller girl crossed the floor, and snatched the official Registrar paper out of my hand. It was the only thing I was holding. So now I stood with my hands clasped in front, while absently lifting a bare foot out of my shoe.


"It's only the form that identifies me as a Student Mentor, and had the directions to report to this room," I explained. "By the way, how did you know I would be up here?"


Ashley peered over the rim of her glasses and said, "There is a bulletin board downstairs with your name on it. How do you think the high school student will know where to find you?"


"Oh, right…" I replied, and rubbed my arms.


Carrie, who knew me very well, laughed. "What's the matter, Erica? Are you feeling nervous… excited?"

*          *            *            *            *

I hurried out the front door of my house, seeing my friend Patricia parked on the side of the street. Dressed in a tight white T-shirt and snug denim shorts and sneakers, I bounced toward her car. My long black hair streamed behind me as I rushed forward. The door locks clicked open, and I slid into the passenger seat.


Before starting the car, Pattie looked me over. "What are you wearing, Boxie?"


"It's gonna be warm out," I answered, but clutched the T-shirt material that clung to my skin.


My friend shook her head. "You look like you are ready to go to the playground, not visit a college. No one will take you seriously."


"College guys!" I said excitedly as I shook her arm. "They'll be happy to see me, I bet."


With a huff and a sigh, Pattie turned the key and started to drive down the road. I really did appreciate her driving me this morning. If I had to go with my parents, they would never let me get away with wearing such an outfit. But I had this all planned out, since that day I signed up with the high school Dean of Students to visit the local college. I wasn't interested at first, until they explained we would be assigned a Mentor, and we would get to spend the whole day with them.


The ride was pleasant enough, and soon we were pulling onto the road that led to the college campus. Trees lined the streets, and some impressive looking buildings loomed in the distance. This was much bigger and nicer than my high school! I watched dreamily as we passed some people on the spacious lawns and walkways.


"Now the only thing I need to figure out…" I mused aloud, pulling on my bottom lip. "…is a way to lose all my clothes."


Pattie nearly slammed on the brakes in shock. "Boxie, are you crazy? Is this one of your stunts you are going to try to pull?"


"Come on, help me out," I whined to my friend. "Think of the hot college guys!"


Continuing to drive ahead she answered, "Sure, why don't you just take everything off right now, and I'll let you out."


"OK!" I giggled.


Reaching down, I pulled a leg onto the seat and started to undo the laces of my sneakers. Once both shoes were off, I slowly lifted my T-shirt. Peeling it up my body until my boobies bounced into view.


Pattie glanced over and scolded me. "Boxie… I was only kidding!"

*          *            *            *            *

I shuffled around the room a little, and then turned to Carrie. "Yeah, maybe. I guess. I mean, I don't know anything about this high school student."


"You'll be all right," Ashley reassured me.


The strawberry-blonde, however, suddenly got a familiar mischievous glint in her eye. She came forward, looking out into the hallway, and then closed the door. Carrie spun around, placing her hands on her curvy hips.


"Unless," my friend took a step near me, "Wouldn't it be wild if you met the high school student here in the classroom, you know…"


My eyes were wide, and before I could even comprehend what she was suggesting, my heart started beating faster. "No… what do you mean?"


Carrie looked over at Ashley and winked. "Take off all your clothes, Erica."


"What?" I gasped, bringing my hands to my mouth.


The precocious blonde persisted. "Think about it… how fun would it be to have some cute sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, completely unsuspecting, find you waiting around in your birthday suit!"


"No, Carrie…" I shook my head. "I couldn't. We would get in trouble, and, and…"


Ashley had slipped behind me, and was teasing the bottom of my dress. She was usually better behaved, but I think Carrie was having a bad influence on her. The art student pulled me close and hugged me from behind.


Placing her head next to mine she laughed, "Let's strip her naked right here!"


"Good idea!" Carrie giggled. "Erica, lift up your leg."


Before I could respond, the tall girl had closed the distance between us. I was caught in Ashley's gentle embrace. Carrie reached down and picked up my foot in her hand. She rubbed my calf a bit, and then slowly slid off the shoe I was wearing. Tossing it away, I heard it bounce somewhere across the classroom floor. I closed my eyes and moaned.


My toes now found the cool tiles, as Carrie released my foot and raised my other leg. She took off my other shoe as well, while Ashley undid the back of my dress. If I didn't do something quickly, these two were going to go all the way! I fought pack the urge to be submissive, and tried to take control of the situation.


"Carrie! Ashley! That's enough!" I gasped, and wiggled and squirmed. "I'm not removing this dress."

*          *            *            *            *

My T-shirt was bunched up under my chin, and I could see my nipples were already getting erect. It was kind of embarrassing to let Patricia see me aroused so soon. She knew I did this stuff every now and then for kicks and giggles, but did she know how turned on it made me? Also, I was truly amazed by my developing body and it was exciting to have other people see me for the first time. There was always an element of fear, wondering what they would think. That's why I had to try to be naked in front of a college guy.


"It's not a bad idea," I said to my friend. "Like, if I leave everything with you, then I won't be able to have second thoughts."


After I lowered my shirt, Pattie replied, "Oh right, and I suppose you are just going to stroll into a college building buck naked?"


"Yeah, I forgot I have to meet my Mentor in some stupid classroom," I acknowledged. "Didn't think that all the way through. I have to make it look accidental."


We pulled into the parking lot, and I saw many cars and students milling about. It was too big of a crowd for me to go streaking through. I needed to find someplace more private. After all, I didn't want people to get the wrong idea. My mind was just curious if a college-aged guy would appreciate the curves and form of my body.


My friend, however, felt the need to reprimand me. "Aren't you worried about getting into trouble? How do you know what this guy will even be like?"


"Yeah," I nodded my head. "I'll have to make sure I'm comfortable with my mentor first. Then, maybe while he's giving me a tour of the campus, I can let my shorts fall down."


Pattie raised an eyebrow. "You would let some stranger see your underwear?"


"I'm not wearing underwear today," I giggled playfully.


"Oh, Boxie! You're going to be in over your head!" she chided me.


We parked, and I pushed open the door, excitedly hopping out of the car.


"Wait!" Patricia called after me. "Put your sneakers back on, silly!"


Looking down, I wiggled my bare toes on the pavement. I turned around, and bent down so I could grab my shoes from the floor of Pattie's car. Pausing to glance over my shoulder, I thought I saw a few young men watching my denim-covered butt. This sent a thrill over my body, and I hurriedly pulled the sneakers onto my feet. I didn't bother to tie the laces.



*          *            *            *            *

Barefoot and wearing a cute white dress, I stood between Carrie and Ashley. They had released their hold on me, and given me some space to breathe. I tried to smooth down the light material, and make myself presentable. Fixing my shoulder-length brown hair with my hands, I lifted my chin and regarded girls.


"Now there will be no more of that foolishness," I said firmly. "I am supposed to be acting as an adult. I can't be running around some teenager without any clothes!"


Carrie only giggled, "Oh, little Erica sounds all grown-up!"


Ashley looked me over from head to toe. "Well, without her shoes, I doubt she'll be taller than her student."


"Come on, please?" Carrie was at it again. "It will be a riot to see the look on his face. Just go ahead and take off the rest of your clothes. You know you want to…"


Of course, beneath the white dress, I could feel my nipples growing longer. I arched up on my bare tiptoes, and closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I was determined to remain in control of the situation.


"No," I whispered. Then more forcibly, "No, I am not going to embarrass myself!"


Ashley reached for the hem of my dress and suggested, "Well what about your panties? You could meet the student without any underwear on, and no one would ever know."


Carrie raised an eyebrow, intrigued.


"I don't know…" I stammered and fussed.


"Then it's agreed!" our taller friend snapped her fingers. "Get 'em off, Erica."


I sighed, and figured this was the fastest way to get rid of these two. So after looking around shyly, even though it was just the three of us, I hiked up my white dress. I then hooked my thumbs into the elastic waistband of my panties and pulled them to the floor. Lifting my legs out of the material crumpled at my ankles, I kicked them across the room.


"Now can I have my shoes back?" I asked, blushing furiously.


Carrie grinned and first moved to retrieve my discarded panties. These she held up, and waved them in front of me triumphantly. I folded my arms and stuck out my tongue like a brat. We were always teasing each other this way. But at least my friend kept her promise, and brought my shoes over to me so I could slip them on my feet. 


After I was once more presentable, except for my lack of underwear, the two girls each gave me a kiss on the cheek for luck. Then they departed from the classroom.

*          *            *            *            *

I walked inside the large concourse building. This was supposed to be where a lot of the general classrooms were located. Of course there was another whole building just for science students, and I know we saw a lot more fancy looking places on our way up to the college. It was hard for me to imagine, since I was used to going to the same old one, boring high school building every day.


There were lots more students milling about here, and finally I found a bulletin board that had instructions for the day. There was also a list of all the mentors each one of us was assigned to. I located my name, Rebecca Carter, and ran my finger across the sheet.


"Eric!" I squealed to myself. "That's a cute name…"


I caught the room number on the third floor, and quickly hurried off to find the nearest staircase. Already, my mind was conjuring visions of what this Eric would look like. I pictured him tall and handsome, like a prince out of a fairytale. Licking my lips, I pulled the bottom of my T-shirt up, just enough to expose my bellybutton. This was gonna be so hot!


But as I began to climb the steps to the second floor, I was feeling more nervous. People passed me by, and I saw I was getting some questionable glances. Everyone was dressed nicer than me, even the students from my high school. I thought I recognized a few boys as I passed them in my denim shorts, and that made me self-conscious about my bare legs.


I mean, it was nice and warm outside. But I guess I wasn't really appropriately dressed for college. All the more reason I had to get out of these things as quickly as possible!


A plan started to formulate in my head. I would explain to Eric that I was uncomfortable about my attire, and I would ask him if he could pick up something more decent from the campus store. Meanwhile, I would strip down to nothing and wait for him to return. Of course, I would shyly keep my frontal nudity covered. But I might let him get a peek at my ass.


As I reached the third floor, my heart was a flutter. I walked past more young men and women, both college and other high school students. They all seemed to look me over from head to toe, some of them laughing. I was ashamed and growing aroused at the same time. At least this gave me an excuse to change clothes.  


Looking up, I saw the numbers on the classroom doors. Just a little further, and I stood before the room with the Mentor assigned to me. Or was it we high school kids who were assigned to the Mentor? I wondered how they did match us up.


Taking a deep breath, I entered the classroom.   


*          *            *            *            *


Just as I was about to open the door again, in walked a young lady, nearly knocking me over. She had long black hair and grey eyes, which I noticed because she was about as tall as me. But I also saw that she was busty in the chest, and had curvy hips as well as round bottom. I noticed these things because she was dressed in little denim shorts and a tight T-shirt. For some reason, I felt my own nipples harden.


"Excuse me, can I help you?" I asked, still conscious that I was not wearing panties.


The girl looked me over from head to toe, then answered, "Um… like, I'm from the high school and supposed to meet my college mentor here."


A bit of an attitude, I sensed, and I took a step back, placing my hands on my hips. "Well I am one of the college mentors, and I am supposed to meet my student here."


"Really?" the girl unexpectedly giggled. "For a moment, I thought maybe you went to my school. But I didn't recognize you…"


With a huff, I spun around and folded my arms across my chest. I think I was annoyed that this younger girl had bigger tits than me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw that she had a thumb hooked in the front of her shorts and was pulling on her bottom lip with her other fingers. One foot out of her sneaker, she was brushing her toes behind her other leg. I had to admit, she was cute.


"What's your name," I asked.


Now pulling her dark hair over her shoulder, she said, "My friends call me Boxie."


I wish Carrie hadn't taken the school documents away from me. That was where the name of the student was written. But I was pretty sure it wasn't Boxie.


"So where's Eric?" the girl suddenly asked me.


Surprised, I found myself turning my head to look around the room before replying, "Who's Eric?"


"You know, Eric," this Boxie persisted. "He is supposed to be my mentor, according to the schedule downstairs."


I shrugged my shoulders, since I really didn't know whom she was talking about. And then I made a connection. What were the chances she would arrive in this room looking for a person named Eric…


"Ah, what is your full name, Boxie?" I asked, following my hunch.


The curvy high school student giggled and answered, "Well I suppose if we must be formal, my real name is Rebecca Carter."


*          *            *            *            *

When I rushed through the classroom door, I was greeted by another girl, which took me by surprise. I figured she was a student like me, who had found herself in the wrong classroom. She was very pretty. But she was also dressed in a little white dress, all innocent like, and it made me feel somewhat dirty. Also, this attractive girl was slim and had slender legs. I suddenly felt self-conscious about my boobies.


Then she got all bossy on me. Asking me who I was and what I was doing here. Only half listening, I was more interested in finding out if my Mentor, Eric, was lurking around.


"Rebecca…" she said slowly after I gave her my full name. "Oh, now I remember! You are the student that I am supposed to meet! My name is Erica."


The young woman held out her hand politely, which I could only stare at in disbelief.


"Eric… Erica…" I mumbled, slowly starting to put things together. "Wait… you mean you really don't go to my school? Like, you're a college student here?"


Now it was her turn to giggle, a light infectious laugh, and she wrinkled her nose as she smiled. This girl was adorable!


"Yeah, kind of hard to believe," Erica answered modestly. "But you're not too far off, Rebecca. I did go to your high school, two years ago."


Now I reached my own arm out and gently took her hand. The moment our fingers touched, I was struck by a totally new revelation. This was Erica! The Erica who went to my school and I had heard so many wild stories about! The girl who turned out to be my inspiration to try so many stunts and risky adventures. And here she was standing right in front of me. This could be interesting!


"Wow, so you are really Erica," I found my self exclaiming when I could catch my breath. "I've heard so much about you!"


She folded her arms back over her chest, lifting one foot out of her shoe, and raised a feathery eyebrow. "Oh? And what did you hear about me."


"I heard that you were NAKED at graduation!" I took a step closer. "Like completely, totally, bare-assed naked!"


Erica seemed to blush, fussing with her dress. "That's not entirely true! I, um, had my graduation cap on…"  


 *         *            *            *            *


I felt my face flush, really my whole body, having to think about that embarrassing graduation day. Even though it was, what, two years ago? I wondered what else this girl knew about my high school days.


"You can call me Boxie," the black-haired teenager reminded me. "And… I think you should take off your clothes!"


Stunned, I took a few steps back, almost falling out of my shoes. That would have left me barefoot. And since I wasn't even wearing panties, I would only have one article of clothing left. I bit my lip nervously.


"Why does everybody keep wanting me to undress?" I mumbled.


The younger girl moved toward me, reaching out to rub my bare arm. Oh God, we were the same height! My eyes lowered to gaze upon her chest, and I found myself envious of her tits and developing curves.


Boxie giggled and said, "Probably because you are so cute! And I guess you have developed a reputation for running around in your birthday suit."


"A reputation?" I asked shyly, blushing again.


"Oh, yes!" Boxie cried with such enthusiasm, I could see her eyes were wide in adoration. "There are so many stories, Erica. You are really quite the legend. You simply have to get naked for me… right now!"


My heart was beating faster as I finally answered, "Right now? No… I… I couldn't. It's not what you think, Boxie. I'm very shy and kind of self-conscious about my body. The stories you may have heard are stuff that happened to me that I couldn't help. Now, we really should get started!"


With that I walked ahead briskly, brushing past the girl. I only stopped to turn around when I had reached the doorway. Watching Boxie, she crouched down with her back toward me so she could tie her sneakers. In that position, her denim shorts slipped down a little and I saw the crack of her round ass.


"Um, Boxie," I cleared my throat and called out. "You're not too disappointed that I'm your mentor instead of Eric, are you?"


The sixteen-year-old girl jumped to her feet and bounced over to join me by the door. "Eric who? Don't be silly, Erica… the two of us will have so much fun!"


*          *            *            *            *

We walked out of the classroom, and Erica accompanied me down the hallway. I couldn't believe my luck. I was so excited! For the past year, I had listened to rumors and whispered stories about this girl who went to my high school and kept playing these daring games. Although the way she described it, it was more her misfortune, perhaps pranks that people played on her. Or maybe she allowed these things to happen…


"So where are we going first?" I asked pleasantly.


Erica told me that she was taking me to the library, which was located in this building. I nodded my head as we approached the stairs. Glancing over at her, I realized that there might be some truth to the way she characterized her high school incidents. I mean she did have a bashful, nervous quality to her. Not at all like someone who would go willfully streaking in public.


Yet her soft hair that came down to her shoulders, her bright eyes and shy little smile, all hinted at secret playful personality as well. This was like a dream come true! I felt I could learn so much from her. Now I had never been much interested in female nudity, except for my own. But I was suddenly wondering what this young woman looked like underneath her dress. And I was dying to know what she thought about me!


The two of us descended back to the first floor of the college building. I noticed quite a few people watching as they passed us by. True, Erica was dressed nicer than me. But I thought we still made a cute pair. I decided to pretend she was my age, like we were both high school students walking around the college… unsupervised!


However, before I could let my imagination get the better of me, we had arrived at the entrance to the library. There were two automated glass doors that slid open as we neared. They didn't have anything like this back at our high school! Once inside, our feet found the beige carpeting and the doors closed behind us. It was much quieter.


"This is where we do our research assignments," Erica was explaining. "And, um, we have access to the Internet…"


I pretended to sound interested. "Mm-hmmm. So tell me, like, if someone wanted to do their work in privacy, where would be a good place?"


"Well, I guess the history section is pretty quiet," she answered, sounding as if she wasn't very sure.


With an excited giggle, I said, "OK… let's go there!"


The shoulders straps on her dress seemed so thin. I walked behind her, enjoying her slim figure and the way she carried herself lightly, as well as evaluating the clothes she was wearing. Cute shoes, too, I thought. Erica led me around some tables, deeper into the library. Soon we were lost among a maze of bookshelves of reference materials. Further back, we came to an isolated corner and saw there were some empty desks and chairs.


*          *            *            *            *

"Here we are," I said, kind of sarcastically since it was not all that exciting.


The history wing of the library was a good place to start, and as I expected, there were no signs of other students or professors. This was a large section of the building, and probably the history wing alone was half as big as the whole high school library. I gave Boxie a moment to take in her surroundings. It kind of reminded me the awe I first felt when I came to the college. As she slowly turned around, I admired her firm, round denim-clad bottom.


The young girl faced me again, pulling her long black hair over her shoulder. "Like, so what's up on the top shelves, all the way up there?"


My eyes followed the direction of her gaze, up to the rows lined with books that soared overhead.


"Um, I think those are books about the Civil War," I said, absently teasing the ends of my hair. "Or maybe the Revolution. I don't quite remember."


Boxie was a real fireplug as she pushed herself toward the bookshelves and started bouncing up and down on the toes of her sneakers. She had her arm stretched all the way above her head as she jumped, trying to slide out a book with her fingers. When she regarded me again with a perplexed expression, her T-shirt had ridden up quite a bit, leaving her bare stomach and cute bellybutton exposed.


"So how is anybody supposed to get those books?" the young girl asked. "Especially if they're only five feet tall like us!"


I looked to my left and right and answered, "I suppose one could stand on a chair. Or there must be a ladder around here…"


As if to make the point, I started to scurry about the corner, seeking any kind of footstool or something to climb the shelves. In a way, I was a little embarrassed that I brought this girl to the library, and I didn’t know where everything was. Then, all the way at the other end of the bookcase, I spotted one of those attached ladders with wheels. I hurried across the room in my little white dress to bring the sliding ladder back with me.


"Wow, that looks fun!" Boxie Carter squealed. "Like you could climb on it and have your friend push you across the shelves!"


My eyes wide, I admonished her. "Rebecca, no!"


"What about doing it… NAKED!" she grinned and stuck out her tongue.


Immediately, my heart started beating faster. I brought my hands to my mouth, and swiveled my head to check if anyone heard us. Or to see if anybody was nearby. Oh God, this girl was making me horny!


*          *            *            *            *

I had never seen anything like this ladder that had wheels on its bottom legs, and attached on a rail at the top of these huge bookshelves. At least, none that I could recall back at our high school. Maybe they had these things at the public library, but I didn't go there much. I strolled over to the ladder and casually ran my hand along the edge.


"So, have you ever been naked in a library?" I asked Erica in an excited whisper.


The slender girl blushed and she quickly looked over her shoulder, while plucking at the material of her dress. For a moment, I thought she was going to remove it right there! Then she stepped closer to me, her own hand holding onto the opposite edge of the ladder.


"You know, Boxie," she started slowly. "There was one time, when I was about your age…"


"Oh, tell me!" I squealed.


Lowering, her eyes, Erica answered, "I was working on a school report. And some girls who used to pick on me, came along and took my papers. She shared them with her friends before they scattered about the library. I had to search for these classmates, giving up an article of clothing for a few pages of my report."


"Did you get your report back?" I found myself almost breathless in anticipation.


Erica simply nodded her head. "Every page."


"Oh, um… so that means…" I was quickly getting a mental image. "Oh, wow! You had to give up all your clothes? Every last stitch you were wearing! How many kids from school saw you naked?"


Clearly Erica was embarrassed reliving the details of this story, which made her all the more adorable. "Well, there was Lisa and Carrie, and my own friend Alicia, as well as John and Henry…"


"John and Henry!" I nearly shouted. "You mean you got forced to undress in front of a couple of guys? That's hot!"


Erica fussed and lifted a foot out of her shoe, rubbing her toes behind her leg, and then continued. "Yeah, well… that's not all. They made me… oh God, this is so humiliating! They made me… you know, play with myself right there at the library."


I blinked, struggling to comprehend it all, and then giggled. "I think I would have had an orgasm in seconds."


*          *            *            *            *

We stood there for a few seconds, so close, only the bookshelf ladder between us. I don't know why I told this girl about the time Lisa had blackmailed me at the public library. But for some reason, it felt good sharing this with someone else. Up until now, only my small group of friends from high school knew about my exposure and masturbation, and we never really talked about it.


Suddenly, Boxie bounced past me, brushing my arm. I thought she might accidentally grab a piece of my dress and pull it right off me. Instead, she leaned on the shelf we were standing in front of, and looked up.


"You were going to show me what books are on the top shelf," the teenager reminded me. "Go climb up and get me one from the highest shelf!"


Lifting my head, I replied, "Oh… but I'm really not that good with ladders."


As I hooked a lock of hair behind my ear, Boxie told me that since I was her mentor, I had to show her how it was done. What if I had a big research paper, and the reference material I needed was all the way up there? It was odd, having her boss me around, but I had to admit, she was right.


"I don't think I can climb in these heels," I muttered, part of me still protesting.


Boxie giggled, "That's OK. You can take them off. I'll keep an eye on your shoes."


I sighed and folded my arms across my small breasts. Then, for the second time today, I prepared to be barefoot. I was able to wiggle my heel so that it slipped above the strap, and then pull out my toes as I had done previously. After removing the other shoe, I put my hands on the ladder.


How I repeatedly find myself in these situations, I will never know. I mean, I am scared of heights, or at least nervous. Yet I am always climbing trees or fences or… ladders! Still I did not want to disappoint the girl, and furthermore, I felt it was my responsibility as her mentor. So up I went in my white dress, fingers curled around the rungs and stretching up on my toes. At least this ladder was firmly secured to the bookshelf.


Reaching the top, I managed to select a book from the case. It was something about generals from the Civil War, which is what I had suspected was up here collecting dust. Daring to glance down past my shoulder, I was shocked to find Boxie… looking up my dress! Embarrassed because of my secret omission, I hurriedly descended the rungs. The book was cradled in one arm though, and I did not want to slip, so I could not climb down fast enough.


When I reached the floor, I arched up on my bare toes and Boxie grinned at me.


"You are so not wearing panties, Erica!" the girl giggled.


*          *            *            *            *

At first, I couldn't believe my eyes, when I glanced up at Erica climbing the ladder. Admiring her slender legs, my eyes wandered further up until I noticed bare butt cheeks. Sure enough, as she shifted her footing, I saw a glimpse of moist pink skin between her thighs. It was starting already, and I was excited!


"No underwear?" I pretended to chide her, raising an eyebrow.


She clutched that dumb book to her chest and said, "It's not what you think, Boxie! I mean, um…"


"Oh, I understand," I continued to walk around Erica.


It was great, the way she was blushing. A nice rosy pink that gave a glow to her otherwise fair skin. I sensed she trembled a little as I moved closer. For sure, my own heart was beating faster. But this girl was like a delicate leaf, or the petals of a flower. I wondered…


"So you don't have any shoes on right now," I teased.


Erica squeaked, "No!"


"And you are not wearing panties," I stated again. "Are you even wearing a bra?"


"No…" came her breathless whisper.


I thought for a moment, then placed my hands on her shoulders. "Then this dress is the only item of clothing you have."


Feeling playful, I slipped a finger beneath one of her thin shoulder straps, and pulled it off to one side. I heard her take a deep breath. It was almost like I was giving her a doctor's examination! Finding the delicate zipper at the back of her dress, I slowly lowered this. Now all I had to do was slide the other shoulder strap off, and the light material would glide down her body to the floor, leaving her bare ass nude in the college library!


"Boxie, please…" Erica whispered.


Suddenly, there were voices drawing near. It sounded like they were right around the corner. We both looked up, and then Erica spun around so that she and I were standing face to face. I felt hard nipples pushing through her dress, into my own big boobies.


"Ooooh," I responded, amazed by what I was feeling.


The voices became louder as we lingered by the bookshelf.


*          *            *            *            *

"We have to get out of here," I told the intoxicating teenager.


Without even thinking, I pushed past her, moving quickly away from the sounds of other men and women. The zipper at the back of my dress was still lowered, and I could feel the flapping material, the strap on my left side still hung off my shoulder. And I was still barefoot. Looking down, I paused and wiggled my toes on the floor, then I turned around.


"Boxie, my shoes!" I squealed.


But the girl already had them in her hand and giggled, "Don't worry, Erica, I'll take care of you!"


That remark sent a shiver through my body, sounding similar to one of Carrie's threats or sensuous promises. I nodded my headed, and waited for her to join me by my side. The two of us hurried around the bookshelves, nearly missing being caught by a group of college mentors and their high school students. We headed along the side of the library, taking a roundabout way back toward the exit.


For some reason, it felt cooler once we had passed through the doors and stood in the main concourse of the building again. There was a crowd of people, but no one seemed to notice us… yet.


"Can I… can I have my shoes back?" I asked, strangely seeking permission.


"Sure!" Boxie replied, cooperating, and dropped my heels to the floor.


As I carefully squatted, slipping my toes through the straps one foot at a time, I glanced over my shoulder and frowned. Standing straight again, I kept my back to the wall. Then I took the sixteen-year-old and pulled her close to me.


"Will you zip me up?" I whispered, blushing.


Soon enough the busty girl was squeezed behind me, I could feel her breath on my neck. I lowered my head a little, and pulled a lock of hair behind my ear. Then I realized, that I had left myself totally at the mercy of this unpredictable teenager. Boxie could just as easily pull the dress down all the way to my feet, leaving me exposed in front of… all these people! My arms were stiff at my sides and I clenched my fists.


I wondered if she could smell my arousal, knowing how horny I was. Could she tell my heart was racing?


Thankfully, the little delicate zipper began to pull up. Once it was fastened in place, she even adjusted the shoulder strap for me. I breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a twinge of regret. 


*          *            *            *            *

Once I got her dress back in place, I took a moment keep her close in front of me. This girl was turned on, no question. And I had to admit, I was pretty excited too, about ready to have a real adventure.


"Where to now, Erica?" I asked.


The slender young woman stepped to the side, and then glanced across her shoulder at me.


"Um, I'm not sure, Boxie..." Her eyes darted about the wide lobby of the building.


Placing my hand on her arm, I tested to see how far I could push her. "Well, like, is there someplace we can go… more private?"


Erica licked her lips and repeated, "More private. You know, there is always the Performing Arts Center. Not too many students will be checking that out, I bet."


"OK, that sounds fun," I giggled. "Let's go!"


Running a hand through her hair, Erica explained that the building for the Performing Arts was all the way on the other side of campus. I looked down at my sneakers. Certainly, I wasn't bothered by an extended walk.


"Think of all the guys that will see us," I teased, and rolled up the hem of my T-shirt a little so more of my belly button was revealed.


Erica stepped nervously forward in her heels and replied, "Most people don't usually notice me."


"Until you do something to attract more attention," I winked at her.


The young lady remained quiet. She didn't wear much makeup, but she was so pretty! Her features were delicate, her body sleek the way it moved under her light breezy dress. In contrast, I bounced along next to her, my butt so round and curvy in denim shorts and my boobies jiggling under my tight shirt. What a pair!


We exited the main building, into the bright sunshine. Erica took me across the lot where some cars were parked, letting off more students. Then we found a path and followed this, passing a lot of young men and women on foot. I don't know if I was supposed to be learning anything from this experience, but I realized how hot some of these college guys were! Erica dragged me along as we strolled beneath trees and then crossed a road that bisected the campus.


Past the main student parking lot, she told me, was the Performing Arts Center.


*          *            *            *            *

Up some old wooden steps I led the teenager, opening the doors to the stately brick building. Inside, we walked through a hallway and saw a piano in the corner. No one else appeared to be around. I tried to get back into the role of college mentor, explaining to Boxie that the arts were part of a well-rounded education, whether music or drama. But the girl quickly took my hand and pulled me toward some stairs.


"What's down here?" She asked enthusiastically.


I thought for a moment before answering, "Just some music classrooms and practice studios… and a performance stage."


"Oooh," Boxie squealed, "You mean like our high school auditorium?"


"Auctually, I don't think it is quite as large," I grinned. "This is for more intimate performances."


Tossing back her mane of black hair, Boxie put her hands on her hips and said, "I like the sound of that!"


And then she bounded down the steps, her sneakers squeaking on the tiled floor. I had to hurry to keep up. Following a winding corridor, I tracked her into the dark theatre area. Still, there was no sign of other students or any faculty from the School of Arts and Sciences. Turning up the lights confirmed the room was empty.


Boxie quickly found the front row of seating in front of the stage and sank into the cushioned chair. Strolling around, I told her this is where the drama club put on shows, or the various musical performance groups who played at the college.


"Yeah, yeah, I get that," the precocious girl waved off my lecturing. "But what I want to know, Erica, is how you look up on stage?"


"Me?" I stammered and blushed, never one to willingly draw attention to myself.


Nevertheless, my feet started moving toward the side steps and railing. I found myself climbing up onto the raised platform, gliding slowly over to the center of the raised platform. With my arms at my sides, I looked out across the rest of the dark room. And then I lowered my eyes to see Boxie in the front row smiling up at me.


"It's like you are back a graduation, isn't it!" she suggested.


I clutched at the fabric of my dress and mumbled. "Yeah, I guess…"


"Except, like, you weren't wearing that dress," Boxie reminded me.


 *         *            *            *            *

I realized that I had her right where I wanted her. Standing up there on the stage, like a slender flower, I watched Erica's eyes go wide and I think she trembled. It was an amazing reaction to watch. I've never had an older sister to look up to, and I wasn't sure what was going through her mind. She seemed hesitant, shy, maybe even fearful… but was also giving off some kind of vibe of longing. I think she was horny. Myself, I had to keep from sticking a hand down the front of my shorts! 


"Well, I did have my graduation cap," Erica squeaked, beginning to fuss with a shoulder strap.


"Really?" I giggled, trying to imagine the sight. Then I repeated, "But nothing else?"


No, the slim young lady shook her head. She took a step forward, right to the edge of the stage. Her head swung around, then forward again, eyes searching past me. We were alone in here. Was she checking to see that no one else was watching? Suddenly, I realized I was holding my breath. And so was Erica.


Both her hands reached up, as if we were playing Simon Says and I had said "Touch your shoulders". Her fingers found the thin spaghetti straps, slipping them down her arms. Then Erica moved her hands behind her back so she could reach that delicate zipper, which fastened her dress. I saw her shift her eyes and bite her lip nervously as she was concentrating. The room was so still, I believe I heard that little zipper pull all the way down.


In the next instant, the space of a heartbeat, Erica shuffled the white material and let the dress fall to her feet. I know she is not much taller than me, but her bare legs were long in proportion to her petite body, and I watched as she lifted them to step out of the discarded dress. It all happened so fast, I don't think either of us believed it. Erica lifted both hands to cover her mouth in shock. There she was, standing naked on the stage.


"Got pink?" I laughed and pointed at her.


Still breathless, Erica looked down and saw her totally shaved and completely visible pussy just sitting out there. Quickly, she lowered her hands to cover her crotch. It was adorable!


No longer able to stay seated, I got up and crossed over to the front of the stage. I whipped the dress off the floor so that I could examine it closer. Tossing it over my shoulder I gazed up at Erica.


"So, um, were you wearing your heels when you graduated?" I asked.


Poised with her hands cupped in front of her crotch, the college girl lowered her eyes and answered, "No, Boxie, I wasn't."


*          *            *            *            *

Already I was wiggling the heel of my foot out of the shoe. It was like she was making me reenact my embarrassing high school graduation, and I was going through the motions. My heels were soon off once I had lifted my toes free and lowered them to the hard wood floor.


Barefoot and completely naked!


"Put your arms at your sides," Boxie said sweetly.


Hugging myself, I looked down at her eager smiling face. I was supposed to be her college mentor. But now it seemed I was mentoring her about my body. Did she view me as some kind of role model or something? On the one hand, it was very flattering, but the position I was in was also humiliating. Slowly, I dropped my arms and closed my eyes, leaving my small perky tits poking forward.


"Turn around please," the young girl cooed, and I thought I heard a note of playful curiosity in her voice.


I did as I was told, and even stood up on my toes. This girl was seeing me naked for the first time. I had forgotten what a thrill it was. My nipples sprang out fully erect.


Behind me, Boxie said, "Oh my God you have such a cute little bottom, Erica! No wonder you run around bare assed so much!"


"Thank you," I replied, glancing over my shoulder, blushing. Secretly, I stroked my slit.


But then, the sixteen-year-old invited me to sit down on the edge of the stage. She told me she had a fun idea to share with me. I had to admit, I was interested. I mean, I was already fully nude, so what else could the two of us do? Scampering forward, I quickly sank to the stage floor. Rather than sit in a pretzel style modestly, I let my legs dangle off the side and leaned back on the heels of my hands. Now my nipples were poking toward the ceiling!


"Oh… oh, what are you doing?" I whimpered.


Boxie had taken one of my feet in her hands and was softly, innocently caressing. Her exploring fingers tickled and teased, running along my ankle and bare sole. She didn't know it, but I had discovered my feet were such an erogenous zone. I felt like I was already nearing the verge of an orgasm!


"You have cute little toes, too," Boxie remarked.


She then turned away, just as I brought a hand up to squeeze my breast and a gasp of pleasure escaped my lips. I was wet, and I'm sure that's not all the younger girl noticed.  


*          *            *            *            *

"Do you think I'm fat?" I asked Erica bashfully.


Now that I saw her without any clothes on, I was envious of her figure. She was slim and had a sexy narrow waist. Meanwhile, I was self-conscious of my curvy body. Sure, Erica's boobies were small, but her nipples were so long and pink. Like her slender bare legs all the way down to her perfect toes. And seeing her well-shaped bottom made me wonder about my own round ass.


Sitting naked on the stage, Erica answered, "Um, no… not at all. I wish I had your body when I was sixteen. What… what was this idea you had?"


I giggled, secretly pleased by new friend's admission. With Erica's dress in hand, I spun around and started to lift up my own T-shirt. When I had it completely over my head and off, I tossed the shirt on one of the seats in the front row. Then, crossing arms over my bare breasts, I turned to look over my shoulder.


Erica had slid off the stage and was now standing a few feet behind me. She ran a hand through her hair while her other arm dangled at her side. As I was learning more and more about my developing body, I also discovered interesting things about this young woman. Between her legs I detected a little pink flesh hanging down, her inner lips sticking out, her labia wiggling. God, that was hot!


"Boxie, what are you doing?" Erica asked nervously. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"


I grinned and said, "Let's switch clothes! I'll put on your dress, and you can have my T-shirt!"


Before she could reply, I was bunching up the white dress and pulling it over my arms and head. It was a tight fit, especially around the chest area, but then I was able tug the hem down to my waist. Now it was time to lose the shorts, and that would mean Erica seeing my butt for the first time. I was a little nervous myself, but determined to go through with this, I quickly popped open the button.


I shimmied the denim material down my legs, and bent over so I could pull the shorts off my sneakers. This gave the other girl more of a view than I intended, but I quickly stood up again, my bare ass bouncing. Stretching the dress even lower, I was able to cover up again, and the hem reached just above my knees. Still, it was very snug, and I don't think I had to zipper up. I left the thin straps off, so my shoulders were bare.


"How do I look?" I turned around to face totally naked Erica.


She watched me in disbelief for a moment and then replied, "That dress looks hot on you!"


"Thanks," I giggled, then reached out to poke her tummy. "Thanks for letting me have it."


*          *            *            *            *

I looked down at Boxie's finger resting gently above my bellybutton. A little further below, I know my clit was sticking out again. Lifting my head, I saw the sixteen-year-old with long black hair and stormy grey eyes smiling at me.


"Well, um, I'm only lending it to you… right?" I asked.


Boxie began walking around me, testing out the tight-fitting dress. "Sure, just like I am lending you my T-shirt, Erica!"


With that reminder, I took a few steps forward to the theatre seating. I picked up the shirt and held it to my face. It still had the perfume scent of the young girl, something sweet and intoxicating. I easily slipped it over my head, pulling my arms through the short sleeves. Although Boxie was bigger in the chest, I mean she had larger breasts than me, so the shirt hung loosely about my body. I looked down and blushed.


"Let me see how it looks!" I heard the other girl call from behind me.


"Uh… I don't think this will work," I said as I slowly turned around.


The hem of the shirt did not even cover my stomach. In fact, it just stopped above my bellybutton. This left everything else exposed, of course, including my bare pink pussy. Boxie skipped over and hopped in front of me. She did her best to try to tug the material lower, but this only caused my little bottom to bounce around.


Then she took a step back, staring directly at my crotch, and asked, "How often do you shave?"


I raised my eyes to the ceiling, embarrassed by the attention she was giving my pussy. "Every day. Now only some light stubble grows in, but I shave it all off, right away."


"Yeah, it looks really smooth," Boxie observed, crouching down to get a better look.


I shifted my legs further apart, showing more of my labia and clitoris. This was so humiliating, especially because I wanted her to touch it. I think she knew that is what I wanted, and she was now teasing me.


The girl continued to chat away while I stood there bottomless. "I have shaved a couple of times, but it's always itchy in a few days. And I kind of like my patch, you know? But, wow, Erica… you're like completely hairless!"


To make matters worse, my nipples were so erect, pointing out beneath her T-shirt. My hands clutched the edge of the shirt, and I lowered my eyes. A tiny drop of pre-cum started to form on my extended clitoris. 


*          *            *            *            *

Suddenly, the door at the back of this room opened up. I looked past Erica and saw light streaming into the previously dark corner.


"Um, is there another way out?" I asked the half-naked girl.


She seemed to be at first in a daze, but then looked over her shoulder, only to drop her hands in front of her crotch when she realized more people were coming into the room.


"Ohmygosh, no!" Erica gasped. "We're trapped!"


"Not yet," I giggled and took her by the arm.


It was no effort to pull her along, as the thin girl was light on her bare feet. I would almost say she came willingly, although she had no idea what I had planned. Neither did I, really, but this was too good of an opportunity to pass up! My heart was beating faster with excitement.


Down by the front of the stage, I quickly tugged Erica after me, hurrying to the other side of the room. It was not as well lit over here. Together, the two of us then crept along the side of the wall, while the group of other people was making their way down the opposite side. I couldn't tell how many they were, for sure, or who they were. Honestly, I wanted to stay around, and maybe chat with them. But I could tell Erica was nervous about her nudity. I mean, it was amazing how she kept her other hand cupped over her pussy the whole time.


Basically, we were moving toward the back of the room at the same time the others were moving forward. By the time they reached the stage, all Erica and I had to do was sneak across the row of theatre seating and then out the door. Hopefully, no one would see more than a silhouette of her bare butt as we slipped into the hallway once more.


"Boxie, wait!" she whispered close in my ear. "What about my shoes… your shorts?"


In the brightly lit corridor, I stopped to take another look at Erica. As if to emphasize her point, she stood with her hands clutched shyly behind her back, and the toes of one foot brushing behind her other leg. But it was the way she fretted nervously, her eyes wide and twisting her head to glance behind every few moments, which I found so cute! My T-shirt, while covering her boobies, did not extend very far. This left a whole lot of Erica on display, and I grinned. God, what she must be feeling right now!


Trying to look more serious, I folded my arms and said, "They will no doubt discover our clothes near the stage. We had better keep moving, before someone decides to investigate."


Erica was shocked and she squealed, "Keep moving? Where can I go dressed like this?"


*          *            *            *            *

As I waited for her reply, I moved my hands in front again, to fidget with the hem of the T-shirt. For some reason, the material, the only piece of clothing I was wearing, felt itchy on my skin. And underneath, my nipples were already long and hard.


Boxie, still facing me, started to walk backward slowly. Her curious sparkling eyes roamed up and down my body. I had no choice but to follow, arched up on my bare toes and locking my fingers together beneath my chin.


The sixteen-year-old girl smiled and teased, "Dressed like what, Erica?"


"In just your skimpy little T-shirt," I moaned. "Leaving my bottom and pussy, and bare legs and feet entirely exposed!"


Oh, just making me describe my embarrassing circumstances in spoken word caused me to feel incredibly horny! Somehow, I think Boxie knew this. She was acting bolder, and more experienced than me. I wondered if she had had sex yet.


"Well you are just going to have to be careful," the dark-haired teenager giggled. "Which way was the exit?"


I spun around, a little disorientated myself. Then I pointed my arm back in the direction we had come from. Boxie ran past me, slapping my butt cheek playfully as she went down the hallway.


"Oooh!" I gasped. Why did she keep teasing me like that? I called after her, "Boxie, wait for me!"


Now my feet slapped across the floor as I chased the precocious high school student. What would happen if I got caught running around the college Performing Arts Center like this? I was supposed to be the young lady's mentor! Finally, I caught up with her as she stood in the doorway of the building's entrance.


"Not going out there, are we?" I spoke softly as I moved within touching distance of her.


Boxie lowered her eyes, sucking on her index finger before she said, "It would be fun to go jogging around campus, so wild and free. But running in your dress is not so much fun."


My heart was beating faster, as a tense silence hung between us. "Um, you could give it back to me if you want…"


Pulling her long black hair over her shoulder with one hand, she used her other hand to wander down her body, tracing the curves of her developing body. My white dress fitting tightly on her, little was left to the imagination. What a yummy figure she had!


*          *            *            *            *

"Not yet, Erica…" I told my mentor sweetly.


Oh, this Erica was delicious! She was hot and bothered by being exposed in front of me, but loving it at the same time. Erica wanted me to get naked, I could tell. And I wanted to, as well. First however, I had to take that shirt away from her. I wanted to see her cute little boobies again and those crazy long nipples. And I wanted us to be seen. I mean, like what else is the point, right? 


I took a step closer so that her toes were pressed against my sneakers. The silk of her white dress that I was wearing rubbed her silky smooth pussy lips, which were completely unfolded. There was a quick intake of air. I reached out to tease a lock of her short brown hair.


"So, College Mentor," I said in a very naughty voice, "where could a couple of girls go to find some boys hanging out?"


"Boys?" I squeaked, helpless.


*          *            *            *            *

I was tremendously embarrassed, and could feel my ears blushing. In high school, I had not been around many boys, even though I had a crush on Henry. And since going to college, the only guys I had spent any time with were two Science graduate students, and Ty who worked at the golf course but was also in my English class. They had all seen me naked. But now I had to think where I could take Boxie to meet some young men. Somehow, I don't think she had the Science building or the English wing in mind.


"We could try near the tennis courts," I suggested.


*          *            *            *            *

Now that sounded appealing to me. "Tennis courts, huh? Have you ever played nude tennis, Erica?"


The slender young woman in front of me was blushing from head to toe, and I could feel her trembling as she replied, "No…"


"Hmmm… have you ever taken a tennis ball and rolled it over your bare body?" I suddenly found myself confessing like we were best friends. "I have, you know, like when I started masturbating. It's fuzzy, and tickles."


Erica's eyes widened, and I could see I had gotten the reaction I wanted. "Oh wow, Boxie, I have never done that. But you know what feels good? A raw carrot… mmm… inside…"


"That's kind of kinky," I giggled.


*          *            *            *            *

Suddenly, as if acting on impulse, Boxie Carter slid her index finger into my pussy! Rather than recoil in surprise, I felt my vagina muscles squeeze around her finger, urging her to push deeper.


"Oh!" I gasped, dropping my arms to my sides.


She wiggled it around a little, and then out of curiosity, pulled it slowly out and then back in again. Boxie continued to do this, sliding her finger in and out, watching me the whole time.


"Mmmmph!" I closed my eyes and started to lift my T-shirt.


And then the younger girl stopped. I held my breath, but there was no more playing. This allowed my orgasm to subside. When I looked at Boxie, she was wiping her hands on the dress with a grin, even blushing just a bit.


"I'm sorry," the girl explained. "I have never touched another woman's… you know. I wanted to see what it was like, and yours was so inviting."


That made me smile self-consciously, but I answered, "It’s OK, Boxie. It felt very good."


Then, just like that, the teenager bounded down the steps of the Performing Arts Center building. More carefully, in my bare feet, I followed after her. But only so far, as I looked around to see if anyone was watching.


"Come on, Erica, let's check out those tennis courts!" Boxie said enthusiastically.


I took a bashful step forward. "But… but those are on the other side of the student parking lot!"


Another three steps away from the building, and I was out in broad daylight, wearing nothing but a teenager's short T-shirt. The sun fell upon my lower back and warmed by bottom. Instinctively, I turned around to feel the sunrays tickle my pink pussy. Of all the times I have been stripped and forced to run around outside in my bare birthday suit, what I have enjoyed most was the beaming sun on my sensitive folds of skin.


Boxie called out behind me, "Then at least we will have lots of cars to duck behind!"


That was true, as I glanced over my shoulder to watch her skip further away. But she still had on a tight white dress and her sneakers. I was the one who should be hiding. So I bit my lip and lowered a hand to discreetly cover my shaved vulva. Then I continued to follow Boxie, my own bare butt bouncing playfully outdoors.


This was really too much!


*          *            *            *            *

This was so awesome! I had never seen so many cars filling a parking lot, certainly not back at our high school. To me, it meant there were still so many people on the college campus today. The heighten risk of getting caught added to the excitement. I looked over at Erica, who was squatting down next to me behind a grey SUV. She kept her balance on her toes, but in this position, her sexy pussy lips were dangling between her legs.


Erica looked up at me, her eyes wide from either fear or excitement. A glance at her chest showed that her nipples were poking out beneath the material of my T-shirt, She looked so great without any pants on, I figured she must be enjoying it.


"Um, that way," she said, pointing her arm over the front of the large vehicle.


"Ok, let's go!" I giggled.


I ventured further out into the parking lot, looked behind me, and saw that Erica still hesitated. Turning my head from side to side, I shrugged my shoulders indicating that there was no one around. Slowly, bashfully, the completely bottomless girl emerged from behind the SUV and scampered out into the open. She ran past me, but then ducked behind another car.


In this way, we continued, venturing through the lot until we saw a black chain-link fence rising high in the distance.


"Those are the tennis courts," Erica explained.


I took a moment to listen to the sounds around us, and then asked, "Do you think anyone is playing right now?"


Erica stood up on her bare toes, clasping her hands in front of her crotch. "I… I don't know."


"Well, let's find out!" I said and then ran forward eagerly.


"Oh, Boxie…"


I heard Erica call behind me, but I knew she would follow. She really had no choice. Since I had her dress, it would be up to me to decide when she would get it back. This was so much fun! I felt I was really learning a lot about college. 


After a few minutes, we reached the fence, and carefully crept along the perimeter. Erica stayed close to me, keeping her hand gently on my back or shoulder. I found that I was glad for the physical contact. Smiling back at her, I saw the young woman was still acting nervous, looking all around as we moved forward.


Then, peeking around the corner, I saw four boys from high school sitting on a bench.

*          *            *            *            *

I looked over Boxie Carter's shoulder, and spotted four boys hanging out near the tennis courts. There were marble benches along the clay path, and this is where they were seated. They looked like they could be sixteen or seventeen years old, I really wasn't sure.


"We can't go this way," I said, squeezing the arm of the girl in front of me.


Boxie turned around, standing very close and said, "Sure we can! I think I recognize these guys from school. Come on, it will be fun! Besides, I have a plan, if you just follow me."


"But…" I started to protest.


Then the black-haired young lady faced forward again, crouching a little as she sized up the other teenagers. While we remained hidden from view, I was mesmerized by her very round bottom, displayed shapely in my tight white dress. She then looked over at me and wiggled her finger.


Just like that, Boxie skipped ahead in her sneakers making a direct line for the benches. The boys did not notice her yet. If I hurried, I could duck down in back of the other benches before they saw me. Oh God, I hoped no one saw me!


Too late, as I gathered myself behind the curvy sixteen-year-old, she called out in a playful voice.


"Hi, boys!"


I immediately clutched her arms and drew even closer, rubbing my bald pussy against her butt. At the same time, the high school students stood up to acknowledge our arrival. They looked up and down at Boxie, and then past her as I peeked my face over her shoulder.


The young girl continued to walk forward, wiggling her hips. "This is Erica behind me. She's a little shy, and worried because we lost our college mentor. We're like totally lost."


"Yeah?" one of the high school boys asked, further evaluating us with his arms folded. "Well we ditched the guy we were given. He was so lame."


Another guy, wearing his brown hair long and unkempt, stepped closer and pointed at Boxie. "Hey, don't I know you? You're in my geometry class, or something."


"Uh-huh," Boxie gasped, pleased that he remembered her. I could feel her heart beating faster. "I'm Rebecca Carter. But you can call me…"


"Boxie!" I squealed, as she was about to move out from in front of me, losing her curvy developing body as my shield.

*          *            *            *            *

These boys were totally cute! I started to walk toward them to make further introductions, when I heard Erica call my name. She had a fistful of my dress, or rather, her dress that I happened to be wearing. Glancing over my shoulder, I lowered my eyes to see Erica's condition and smiled.


"Oh yeah," I said, turning again to my classmates. "I almost forgot. Erica had an accident, and lost some things as well. Maybe you can help us?"


They guys looked at one another, clearly not sure what to make of us. I don't think they got a good view of Erica yet, only her face. She is very pretty, so I'm sure these young men would be interested.


"What kind of things?" a boy asked us.


I returned to look at my friend, but she was frozen speechless, so I answered. "Her skirt. Um, we were having a bite to eat in the cafeteria and she got mustard all over it. We went to clean it in the bathroom, but, um, they were out of towels. So we went looking for some, and when we went back… like her skirt was totally gone!"


It was a horrible lie, and I felt myself blushing as I told the tale. I could only imagine what Erica was feeling. But I also felt naughty about the fib, which in turn made me a little horny in front of these guys.


"Wait, so she's been running around campus in her underwear?" another young man was trying piece it all together.


I waited a second, as Erica gripped me tighter, and then giggled, "Not exactly…"


In a bold move, I quickly shuffled to the side, stepping clear out of the way. Part of me felt bad exposing Erica like this, but I also thought it would be fun. To my surprise, she had amazing reflexes, and her hands shot down like lightning, hiding her bare pussy. I doubt they had time to see if she was shaved or not!


"Oh God," poor Erica murmured.


The boys stared in shock. Her hands were cupped strategically over her crotch, wearing nothing but my T-shirt that fell loose about her shoulders. She lifted a foot shyly, brushing her delicate toes behind her leg. Then they looked at me, standing in a tight white dress that hugged my body, teasing the ends of my long black hair.


Looking back at Erica, they asked, "You go to our school? Don't remember seeing you around…"


"Yes, I went…" the slender girl said quietly, then raised her voice, "um, I mean, I transferred to your high school."

*          *            *            *            *

Well, it is true that I went to the high school of these students, but that was two years ago. Still, I added the part about being a transfer student and they seemed to accept that explanation. And with the implication that I was in Boxie's class, they must have believed I was sixteen years old as well! I just hoped none of them decided to take a little walk around me. My bare ass was in full view.


"Looks like you lost your shoes, too, Erica." One of the boys pointed out. Maybe they weren't buying our story at all.


But then Boxie bounced forward, using her charms. "Of course, silly. It was such a mess… mustard all over the place. Erica had to wash up in the bathroom, and started to undress. That was when she noticed there were no towels left."


The more I listened to my teenage friend spin this tale, the more ridiculous it sounded. But there was no other obvious explanation why I was dressed in just a shirt. And I was certainly not about to tell them the truth. The six of us waited in silence, each wondering what would happen next. The pairs of eyes roaming over my legs and bare feet made me blush, and the boys enjoyed Boxie's figure as well.


"We can help you," the guy with brown hair suddenly said. "We can get you some sweatpants from the college bookstore."


"Oh, that would be so great!" I replied, breathing a sigh of relief. Taking a small step forward, I added, "This is kind of, you know, embarrassing."


The boys nodded in appreciation, and then one of them said, "But you have to do something for us first."


"What's that?" I asked.


I wanted to run a hand through my hair, though I dared not move my arms. They were all looking at me. All of them were staring, including Boxie.


"Go streaking!" the high school students suggested.


"What?" I nearly shrieked. "You want me to run through campus like this?"


"Not exactly," one boy answered, echoing Boxie from a moment ago. "Take off your shirt, first."


While the four of them laughed with each other, I was left blushing. "Guys, this is the only thing I'm wearing!"


"Then we have made it pretty easy for you," they teased.


*          *            *            *            *

"Streaking?" I gasped as soon as these boys made the request. "Awesome! Come on, Erica, you have to do it."


"I don't know…" the young woman bit her lip nervously.


The boys certainly were enjoying the sight of slender Erica standing there barefoot and bottomless. And the possibility of getting her totally naked was just so exciting! But she remained self-conscious, hesitating before making any move.


"Yeah, come on," one of the guys said. "You're not going to make it to the bookstore like that, are you? But we will go and buy you some spare clothes."


"If I take off my T-shirt first?" Erica leaned forward, clearly frustrated.


I clapped my hands and giggled. This was the moment I had been waiting for! Maybe the idea of me being excited about my friend getting stripped was also kind of hot. The four young men who went to my school looked over at me, and then turned back to the girl they thought was in our class.


Erica suddenly spun around, showing us her naked ass. The guys whistled and cheered. They were already enjoying the show. So was I! Then she crossed her arms in front of herself, each hand grabbing the bottom of my T-shirt that she was wearing. She shifted her legs so that they were shoulder-width apart, feet flat on the ground, and proceeded to peel the shirt up her body.


The white material twisted inside out, momentarily enveloping her head of brown hair. Then she pulled it off and dropped the T-shirt to the ground. Erica was naked from top to toes! We all saw her back and shoulders, her bare bottom and heels. The young woman turned her head to look at us. Her eyes were wide, arms hugging her body as she lifted a foot.


"OK, guys, I'm completely in the nude," she told us unnecessarily. "What do you want me to do?"


For a moment, we continued to watch her. The tennis courts were behind us. Past the other empty marble benches stretched the green campus lawn. A large white building with a dome was in the distance. Erica was standing out here in the middle of the day, totally not wearing any clothes! This was so great.


"You can start by running through the tennis courts," one of the boys said.


Erica slowly turned around, but by this time had her arms strategically placed. She kept her embarrassingly small breasts hidden, while lowering one hand over her pussy. Of course, I thought she looked adorable. But she was blushing bright red.


*          *            *            *            *

"The tennis courts?" I asked shyly.


Taking a deep breath, I started to walk forward. I dropped my arms to my sides, letting my erect nipples stick out. My clean shaved pussy was already nice and pink.


"One more thing," the brown-haired boy said as I moved closer. "Boxie has to go streaking with you!"


I stopped barefoot in my tracks. Immediately, I clasped my hands over my crotch. I didn't want them to see that my clit popped out with the sudden suggestion. Glancing over at the teenage girl, she stood with her mouth wide open.


"Wait… you want me to take off my clothes? Right now?" Boxie finally asked.


I hadn't seen her fully naked yet, and I wondered if that was why she was hesitating. Or maybe she was just surprised.


One of the boys replied, "Well if you really want to help your friend, I think you two should go streaking together."


Standing on my toes, I spoke up with what little authority I had, "Boxie… you don't have to do this. These guys…"


"No, I'll do it!" the young lady gasped as if even she had amazed herself. "For you, Erica."


The boys cheered and gave each other high-fives. Secretly, I stroked my pussy. We watched as Boxie slowly moved in front of one of the marble benches.


She looked around nervously, teasing the ends of her long black hair. "Um, OK…"


The busty sixteen-year-old girl slid her finger underneath of the spaghetti shoulder straps of the white dress I had let her borrow. She slipped the delicate ribbon down her arm, and then she did the same with the other shoulder strap. Boxie looked down at herself, and giggled.


"Oh my God, this is so embarrassing!" she cooed.


Spinning around, Boxie glanced over her now bare shoulders. She started to tug the dress lower, and with some effort, got it down to her waist. Her long black hair fell past her bare back, which meant that her round breasts had popped free. Now she continued to wiggle and squirm as she pushed the material down her curvy hips. First, the twin globes of her perfect ass came into view. She kept her legs together and bent at the knees as she slid the dress the rest of the way to her feet. Boxie carefully stepped out it, then picked it up and placed it on the bench.


*          *            *            *            *

All I kept saying to myself was, "Oh my God, this is so embarrassing!"


I stood there, showing them my bare butt, wearing only a pair of sneakers. Not even socks, I just had the sneakers on and nothing else! In front of me, I brought my hands up to my boobies. Unlike Erica, I had a patch of pubic hair that grew in like an upside down triangle just above my pussy.


"I'm ready to go jogging," I announced, kicking a foot up and looking over my shoulder.


Completely naked, Erica had her hands cupped over her hairless crotch. I turned halfway around, still covering my tits. The boys watched us, and I stared at my friend. I think she licked her lips. Was Erica horny? I know I was beginning to get aroused. I wondered if the boys were getting hard.


Finally, I dropped one hand to hide my pubic hair, while keeping an arm slung across my breasts, enough to cover my nipples. Facing forward, I jogged ahead to reach Erica. We were about the same height, but she was slim and sexy, while my butt bounced up and down.


"Come on, Erica!" I whispered excitedly to her. "The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get dressed again."


As if that reminded her of her total nudity, Erica looked down and gasped, "Oh!"


She then turned on her heel, and together we started jogging toward the tennis courts. At first, we shuffled forward, both covering our tits and pussies. Our bare bottoms were on full display. I couldn't help but look back to see the guys smiling at us.


"Oh God, they're seeing us, like, all nude!" I squealed.


Erica answered breathlessly, "At least you kept your sneakers on, Boxie. I'm entirely naked!"


I turned my eyes to her trim stomach and slender legs. "But you have such cute feet!"


Blushing, Erica mumbled, "Yeah, people seem to think that."


On all sides of us, a black chain link fence surrounded the tennis court. Beyond that there were more trees lining the campus grounds. We appeared to be concealed from anybody else watching. As we went further toward the white net, even the high school boys were no longer in view. Erica and I dropped our arms to jog more easily across the red clay surface. Overhead, the sun beat down on our bare bodies.


"What do we do if we run into more people?" I asked, bursting with curiosity.

*          *            *            *            *

Jogging fully nude across the tennis courts, my eyes went wide at Boxie's question. It was bad enough those teenagers who thought I went to their high school had seen me like this. The thought of others catching us naked would only add to my humiliation. I tried to focus on looking ahead, while my long erect nipples wiggled in front of me. There was more than one tennis court, and so it was entirely possible even more students might be waiting on the other side.


"I don't know," I answered slowly. "Let's just run the lap before anyone else sees us."


We ran past the second net, and I was straining to listen to the sounds above my beating heart. Next to me, Boxie's larger breasts were undulating deliciously. Plus, she was able to jog more easily because of her running shoes. When we got all the way to the edge of the fencing, I had to pause to catch my breath.


"Aw, do your feet hurt?" Boxie giggled.


With one hand gripping the chain links, I lifted up a foot and started to wipe my bare sole with my other hand.


"Um, it's OK," I mumbled. "I didn't step on a rock or anything. The court is a little warm. But it feels kind of nice."


The black-haired girl smiled mischievously and said, "Maybe you would feel better if I gave you a massage."


"Maybe if we were somewhere more private…" I replied.


Dropping my foot to the ground, I took a step closer to her. And then my clitoris was poking out of its hood. Boxie lowered her eyes and giggled.


"Are you gonna let the boys see your pussy?" she asked.


Quickly, I put my hand down to cover my crotch. "I don't think so. I mean, I don't want them to get any ideas. And they might start touching me."


Of course, that is exactly what I wanted, but I did not admit that to Boxie.


"Yeah, I'll keep myself covered, too," she said. "I guess we better head back, huh?"


I nodded, and the two of us began walking at a more leisurely pace back down the other side of the tennis courts. We each had our hands between our legs, while crossing arms over our boobs as we shuffled forward. More and more, I found it embarrassing and arousing to be forced into this position. At least Boxie seemed to be enjoying herself as she bounced along next to me.


*          *            *            *            *

Totally nude in broad daylight, and in an unfamiliar place! This was like such a new experience for me. Having Erica bare and bald at my side made this all the more fun. She really was a sexy little kitten. I never thought of other girls this way. But then, I was never around anyone like Erica. My heart was beating faster as we made our way past the nets. Of course, I was still excited about the boys seeing me like this!


"Hey, Erica," I said as I looked over at my friend. "What part of your body do you think these guys would like to touch most?"


"Boxie!" she gasped, shocked at the question and blushing. "How should I know… my nipples, maybe?"


"Yeah," I squeezed my own boobies in agreement. "Yours are nice and long."


"And succulent," I thought I heard Erica whisper.


Turning to her, I asked, "What was that?"


"Nothing!" she shot back, clearly flustered.


I giggled, "Like you're wearing."


Erica lowered her eyes to watch her bare toes as she stepped carefully along the court. "Boxie, when you keep talking about my nudity out here… well, you're making me horny."


"Really?" I arched an eyebrow, intrigued.


"I'm afraid I'm going to make myself cum in front of those guys," the young lady confessed.


"I can't wait to see that!" I laughed.


Secretly, I had been wondering how close she was to having an orgasm. I was pretty wound up myself, but still too excited about being undressed outdoors to do anything about it. Erica had been naked a bit longer than I had. Plus, she didn't even have shoes on.


We finally approached the edge of the black chain-link fence, and crept toward the opening. The two of us stayed close to each other, our bare bodies rubbing. We waited a second, then snuck out onto the campus grounds where the boys were hanging out by the marble benches.


Except, I didn't exactly see them right now.


"Um, hey, guys… are you still there?" I called out.


*          *            *            *            *

The four high school students were gone! I turned my head left and right, feeling the ends of my hair brushing my bare shoulders. Not a sign of any of them by the marble benches. And even worse, I did not detect my white dress, or Boxie's T-shirt!  I lifted my hands to my shoulders, letting my elbows cover my small tits, and hunched over crossing my legs.


As the younger girl moved in front of me, I watched her round bare ass. We would be in so much trouble if we got caught out here like this!


"Maybe they went to get your new clothes," she suggested, turning around to face me full frontal.


I took a moment to devour her curvaceous figure, the body I longed to have when I was sixteen. "Um, but why would they take the T-shirt… and my dress for that matter?"


"I don't know," Boxie suddenly giggled. "But it is kind of hot. I mean, tricking us and then leaving us naked! What's this feeling in my tummy?"


"It's humiliating," I told her.


Squeezing her big boobs, she replied, "Yeah… and it's turning me on!"


I watched as a blush spread over her skin. She was clearly embarrassed, yet at the same time, she squeezed her thighs together and closed her eyes. She was savoring the sensations that were still relatively new to her. For me, the feelings would never get old. I completely understood.


Arching up on my bare toes, I took a few steps forward. Then my eyes darted past Boxie and I caught a glimpse of movement beyond the campus trees. Someone was coming this way! Actually, it looked like a number of people emerging onto the path. I rushed forward and embraced the other girl.


For a split second, her large breasts crushed against my elongated nipples. Her patch of short black pubic hair tickled my hairless vagina. She opened her eyes and gasped, shocked that our faces were only an inch away from each other.


"Another group of students are on their way over here," I said, searching her stormy grey eyes.


Boxie twisted her head halfway around, and then pulled me closer. Our pussies continued to rub together. It was electric! My hands slipped to her waist.


"What do we do?" Boxie asked. "Run back through the parking lot?"


I shook my head. "Too risky."


*          *            *            *            *

Erica's toes stepped lightly on my sneakers. Our knees touched, and we were also touching, you know, down there. But we held onto each other for security, suddenly finding ourselves trapped without any clothes. Her eyes were wide and aware. Beneath her mop of thick brown hair, I imagined the young woman's ears perking up. She was immediately aware of her surroundings, aware of her total nudity.


I wondered how long she could hold out.


"Where do we go, then?" I turned to look over my shoulder again.


"Well we can't stay out here," Erica told me. "Let's make a run for the Student Center."


Utterly unfamiliar with the campus, I asked, "Where is that?"


"Um, across the street," she said, lowering her eyes shyly. "Just past the student residences."


It was apparent that she meant we were going for quite a bit of a run. With the very real possibility of being seen by more people. But it was better then getting caught standing out here.


"Oh, wow!" I breathed excitedly.


Erica lifted her hands to grip my upper arms. Our nipples brushed against each other, hers long and pink, almost like fingers teasing my own that were stubby and erect. I wished we could stay out here, exploring our bodies. I felt I could learn so much from her.


"Are you ready?" the college girl asked.


I ran a hand through my long black hair and nodded.


Erica slid past me, out into he open. At the same time, as we pulled apart, she dropped one hand to cover her pussy, and hugged her other arm across her chest. I would have done the same, but if we were going to be running across any distance, I had to hold my boobies with both hands to keep them from bouncing around wildly.


"It's not that far," she said, tossing her hair back as she looked over shoulder.


I watched the length of her slender legs as she took her first strides, little bare toes flying over the ground. Then I clutched my own breasts and followed after her. Erica's butt was amazing, I found myself thinking. Firm but playful, it was totally cute. And I loved how her pussy lips peeked in and out from behind as she ran.


"Wait for me!" I giggled.


*          *            *            *            *

The first group of people spotted us as we darted past the marble benches. I was fully naked from head to toe, and Boxie was in just her white running shoes. My eyes locked on those of another young woman who could have been in one of my college classes. Behind her trailed six or seven teenagers, boys and girls. At least I kept my tits and shaved pussy covered when I crossed their path.


"Hey! What the…" I distinctly heard the woman call out.


"Streakers!" one of the younger people cheered.


Hearing the plural "s", I cast a quick glance over my shoulder and watched Boxie jogging close on my heels. She kept both her breasts clutched in her hands. As her long black hair streamed out behind her, I imagine she was putting on quite a show.


"This college is awesome!" another impressionable high school student exclaimed.


We didn't have time to stop, but in a brief few moments, the two of us would reach one of the roads that bisected the campus. There, we would have to at least pause because we couldn't run out into traffic. When Boxie caught up with me, we shared a quick expression of "Oh my God!"


Thankfully, no one pursued us. The college mentor probably had her hands full and did not know what to do. Good, I figured. The more distance I could put between them and us the better. My toes found the edge of the grass-line, and I arched up, looking to my left and right. Boxie was jogging in place next to me.


Suddenly, a car turned off the intersection and onto the road in front of us!


Keeping my chest covered, I reached out my other arm and pointed, "There! Let's make a run for that building!"


I did not want to stand on the side of the street and wait for the car to pass, since they might slow down and ask what the hell we were doing without any clothes on. Acting quickly, I dashed buck-naked into the middle of the road.


"Come on, Boxie!" I called out, spreading my arms now for emphasis.


The blacktop of the road was hot on my feet, but it would only be for a few seconds. I heard the rubber of my friend's sneakers hit the ground, following after me. Together we crossed to the other side. No longer using my hands or arms, all my pink bits wiggled in clear view. My labia were dangling and parted during our run to find shelter. Even my nipples seemed to turn toward the sky, but there was nothing I could do about it.


Car horns honked as not one, but two vehicles drove behind our bare bottoms.


*          *            *            *            *

Somehow we managed to get over the road. I was still feeling the rush of those visiting students seeing me. It is possible they went to my high school, but I couldn't tell. And now a couple of cars had passed by, blaring their horns appreciatively. No time to stand around, Erica kept us moving toward a large brick building. Only when we rounded the corner of a high wall, did we take a moment to catch our breath.


I placed my hand on her shoulder and slowly ran my fingers down naked Erica's back. She was trembling, and I could feel her heart beating faster.


"Wow!" I whispered in her ear.


Erica was amazing to watch in action. I realized she was in full arousal now. Even as she spun around, her eyes were darting nervously in every direction. She kept touching her nipples lightly, and then lowering a hand to play with her pussy. But then, self-consciously, she would drop her arms to her sides, letting me look at everything. Her clitoris was sticking out, and because she has no pubic hair, it was easy to see!


"Do you want to cum?" I asked curiously.


"Yes," Erica said with honesty that shamed her.


Blushing all over, at the same time, she was as horny as I had ever seen another woman. And it was getting me excited, too! I held her hand, waiting to see if things would calm down.


"What is this place?" I inquired, noting the large bulletin board on the wall across from us.


Erica leaned her butt against the wall and answered, "One of the student residence halls."


"Oh, so like, there could be college students coming out here any minute?" Now my heart was beating faster.


"Well, if this was the middle of the week, the place would be crawling with students," Erica replied shyly. "But since it's a Saturday, I guess a lot of them went home for the weekend, or are just out."


I spotted a door and started to take a step in that direction. "Then let's sneak inside… maybe we can find something to wear!"


"I don't think that's a good idea…" Erica started to say, but I was already reaching for the building's entrance.


*          *            *            *            *

Boxie Carter, with her hips swaying and round butt jiggling, approached the door to the student Residence Hall. This was where Ashley and Christa had their dorms, but I didn't think they were here right now. Otherwise, it might not have been a bad plan to sneak to their rooms and ask for help. Then again, that would be so humiliating, and they were up on the fifth floor.


"Wait, Boxie," I called out, scampering over to place a hand on her bare shoulder. "Better let me go in first. I don't want to get you in trouble."


"Aw, you're so sweet, Erica!" the teenager giggled.


I brushed my body against hers, pushing past and opening the door in front of us. Just a little, enough so I was able to stick my leg inside and wiggle my toes. There was no reaction, so I stuck my head in and looked around.


The lobby appeared empty. Taking a deep breath, I walked totally nude into the building. I heard the door close behind me, and there was Boxie at my back.


"Hello?" the bubbly girl called out.


"Shhh!" I hushed her, bringing a finger to my lips.


Nearby, there sounded like a television set was on. A sports game, I think, as I could hear announcers and crowd cheering. Off the main lobby was another room, while along the wall we hugged were more bulletin boards and then the stairs that led to the upper floors.


"I'm going to poke around a bit," I told Boxie. "You stay by the door and keep an eye out."


When the younger girl nodded her head in understanding, I slowly crept backward across the lobby. While my eyes searched in all directions, to see if anyone else might be around or if there was an odd piece of clothing lying about, I reached my arm back to feel for the doorway. My other arm, I slung low, hand covering my pussy.


Behind me, the sound of the television set was growing louder. Definitely a baseball game they had on, as I could make out more of the announcer's details. Just as the program was going into a commercial break, I stepped heel first into a new room.


"Well look at you," said a male twenty-something-year-old voice.


Immediately, I turned around, hiding my small titties with my other arm. There were three guys sitting on a couch watching me. This was not some late night movie viewing going on, with the lights turned down and only the flicker of the television to illuminate the room. It was the middle of the day, and the lounge was brightly lit. They all saw I was naked.


*          *            *            *            *

It's like she was drawn to the noise of the television coming from the other room. Now, it didn't seem very hard to figure out if there were a game going on, there would likely be people watching it. So what, did Erica secretly want to get caught? That would be so hot!


I know she told me to stay by the door, but I just had to find out what was happening. Quietly, I moved my bare body across the room. Erica had already passed through the open doorway. I pressed myself against the wall and listened.


"Are you lost?" a young man asked.


"Um, ah," I heard Erica stammering and in my mind, could picture her squirming. "I was staying over my friend Ashley's dorm room…"


"Oh, yeah, I know Ashley," another guy said.


"You… you do?" Erica squeaked.


"Want me to call her?" he asked, perhaps offering to use his cell phone.


It sounded like Erica took another step into the room. "No! I mean… she's gone for the day. I got up late and was getting ready for a shower, um, and I thought I heard someone at the door. I guess I locked myself out. Pretty stupid, huh?"


"And you walked all the way down here?" A third guy laughed. "In your bare birthday suit?"


There was a pause, and then Erica answered, "Yup."


I got the distinct impression that the young woman had dropped her arms to her sides.


"Holy shit, you're pretty," someone said.


But then another of the guys suggested, "I guess you'll have to wait until Ashley gets back. Maybe you want to watch the game with us?"


Eavesdropping on the conversation, I was dying to find out what Erica would do. She was standing stark naked in front of three college guys! That had to be a huge turn-on. Would she get on the couch with them? She might spread her legs, or let them touch her, even play with her. I dropped my own arm and started rubbing myself.


"This is really embarrassing," I heard her soft, feminine voice, followed by, "Oooh!"


Suddenly, bounding down the stairs came more heavy footsteps. I turned my head.


"What the hell?"


*          *            *            *            *

I was standing in the middle of the room, facing the Plasma flat-screen television that hung on the wall. My hands were raised to my head, fingers entwined in my thick brown hair. The boys were seeing my neck, the supple curve of my spine down to my bare rear-end. I could feel their wandering eyes all over me. My whole body flushed with shame. What would Ashley think when she found out about this?


Then I heard Boxie's voice, closer than what it should have been.


"Um, hello," she giggled. "My name is Rebecca, but you can call me…"


"Boxie!" I gasped, suddenly remembering my responsibility.


I spun around, showing the young men my tits and pussy. Looking down, I gasped again, and then covered myself with arms and hands.


"I gotta go!" I squeaked, feeling helpless without any clothes on at all.


Not waiting for them to protest and try to convince me to stay, I turned toward the doorway that led back to the lobby. Still trembling, I fled the student lounge. My nipples were poking straight out, and so was my clit, which I wondered if the guys had noticed.


Outside in the lobby of the residence hall, Boxie was standing against the wall, with and arm covering her breasts and a hand between her thighs. There were two more college-aged gentlemen approaching from the staircase. Having dashed out of the other room fully naked, they turned their attention to me.


"Friend of yours?" one of them asked.


"Come on Boxie!" I said, grabbing her arm.


This caused her to lose her pubic shield as we ran toward the exit. In fact, with her other arm flailing at her side, her boobs bounced around wildly. Both our bottoms were on display as we crossed in front of the students. I had no doubt that the other guys emerged from the lounge to watch our embarrassing escape. Boxie's long black hair srtreamed behind her, and my own shorter locks playfully brushed my bare shoulders.


Once we were outside again, I looked into her stormy grey eyes. "This is getting out of control! I'm so sorry…"


Boxie's mouth opened, as she took deep breaths. Her body was blushing and her nipples were also erect. We stood for a second outside the building, looking at each other's naked bodies. I wanted to cum so badly. But there was no time to stop and risk getting caught again.


*          *            *            *            *

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" I gasped, placing a hand on my bare stomach.


Erica told me that she was sorry for what had happened. But truthfully, I didn't mind. It was so exciting! I wanted to masturbate right now. The strange thing was, I wanted to do it with Erica. Either in front of her, or watching her, or playing with her, while she did the same to me. It's hard to explain, but I was attracted to this girl. The more I thought about it, the more I blushed at having these naughty thoughts.


"Where do we go now?" I asked.


Erica pinched her long, pink nipples and said, "I still want to get to the Student Center."


"More students?" I replied, squeezing my own boobies. "The next college guy I see, I'm gonna jump and start rubbing myself on him!"


The slender young woman licked her lips. "I know. We need to get somewhere alone… I mean, where we won't be seen. I think the Student Center should be empty."


Now I knew what she meant. I raised an eyebrow approvingly as I looked at her cute body. Then I took a step closer, crushing my tits against her small boobies. My arms slip around her waist and cupped her bottom. Erica arched up on her tip toes and squeezed my ass.


"How close are we… to the Student Center?" I asked, our mouths less than an inch apart.


Suddenly, the door to the Residence Hall opened up. Erica saw this and pulled away from me.


"We can't stay around here!" she squealed in desperation.


Spinning around on her bare heel, the slender young woman dashed across the campus lawn. I didn't waste any time, but followed after, my eyes on her butt. Whether more guys had come out of the building behind us, I don't know. My boobies bounced freely in front of me as I jogged to catch up with Erica.


"There!" she pointed to a white building rising up further down the road.


The only thing was, there were more students congregating outside. Some were walking up the street. Still others sat on the marble benches that seemed to be all over this college. Erica ran onto the concrete pathway, her feet leaving the manicured grass, which must have tickled her toes. Either she didn't take the time to notice the people now in view, or she didn't care. My friend was determined to take us into this Student Center.


"Excuse me," I heard her squeak as her arms brushed past the first startled bystander.


*          *            *            *            *

The sight of two naked girls in broad daylight must have taken them by surprise. At least, I hope they were too shocked to do anything as I ran right into a small crowd of people in front of the Student Center. I kept my hands up, covering my elongated nipples. Glancing over my shoulders, I saw that Boxie did the same.


"Excuse me," I mumbled guiltily when I turned and brushed by a young man.


He looked older than the high school students who were on campus today, but younger than me. Maybe he could have been a college freshman. Then again, I hardly looked out of high school myself. I blushed from head to toe as I raced completely bare toward the steps.


"Hey!" someone called out.


Among the shouts of surprise, I heard also whistles and cheering and comments, both flattering and unflattering. I also heard Boxie's sneakers bouncing on the pavement as she pulled next to me. Together we ran for the doors, our bottoms exposed to the crowd.


"Hurry!" the sixteen-year-old girl urged me, although I knew she was enjoying this.


I pulled on the iron-wrought handle. It did not budge.


"Stuck!" I said as I tried to jiggle it. "Or locked…"


Boxie tugged on her long black hair. "Why would this building be locked?"


"I don't know! It's a Saturday," I turned to face her. "But they knew there would be visitors on campus!"


Slowly I turned all the way around, trying to consider our options. Facing forward again with my ass against the door, I arched up on my toes, and my fingers curled on the handle behind me. Half a dozen people looked up at my full frontal nudity. Boxie had also turned around, but she was smart enough to hang an arm over her tits, and hide her pussy with her hand.


Then, at my back, I felt the door move. It was pushing outward, being pushed open by someone leaving from the inside! I was not strong enough to stop the large door of the building. Boxie had enough room to step to the side. But I was forced to inch forward, my pussy uncovered and labia dangling for everyone to see. Over my shoulder, I saw an older gentleman emerge, perhaps one of the college professors.


My friend thought quickly, and moved through the door before it closed. She didn't bother to conceal her tits now as her busty chest bumped past the man. I turned around again and pressed my nude body against him as he walked into me.


*          *            *            *            *

It must have been an embarrassing collision. For both of them, I guess, but wondered if Erica secretly enjoyed the touch. The man was tall, maybe six feet, and pretty broad. He had a salt and pepper beard, and was wearing a dark suit. He looked like he could be a principal or superintendent. You know, like someone important. I don't even know what they call the person in charge of a college.


I was standing just inside the building, apparently in an otherwise empty hallway. Waving my hands, I excitedly urged Erica forward. For a brief moment, the man had his hands on her hips and stomach. It was very erotic. All I could see was Erica's bare leg wrapped around his. Her toes curled, the way they seem to do when she is being pleasured.


Then, just like that, she squeezed past him and slipped inside the door. I guess that was one advantage of not wearing any clothes, nothing to snag or get caught. Erica groaned with effort to pull the door shut, and I threw my arms around her waist to help her. She was quickly able to find the latch and lock it closed. That would buy us some time.


Still holding onto her, I rubbed my pussy on her ass. She released her grip on the handle on this side of the door, allowing me to pull her back a few steps. I leaned forward and whispered in her ear.


"Did you enjoy that?"


Erica didn't answer, but kept walking backward. This caused me to do the same, as I continued to hug her from behind. She needed me to guide her. The young woman clutched her hand over my forearm, and started to wiggle her butt on my crotch. In this way we moved backward down the building's entrance hall.


It was not long before I eventually bumped my own curvy rear into something. I looked over my shoulder and saw that we had reached another door, perhaps one that led deeper into the Student Center. The door was closed, and its fancy multi-faceted knob pressed against my lower back. Instinctively, I stood up on the toes of my sneakers, rubbing my bare bottom up and down over the doorknob.


Erica continued to push me backward, leaving me no choice but to allow this protruding object to touch my ass.


"Oh, Erica! The doorknob…" I moaned, and reached my hands up to squeeze the girl's small but perky breasts.


This seemed to shock Erica, causing her to stand up on her bare tiptoes. "Boxie… what are you doing?"


Her nipples were long and hard between my teasing fingers.


*          *            *            *            *

We had come to a stop at the end of the hallway. Beyond the door, there would be more rooms, hopefully just as quiet and empty. Boxie, who had stayed close to me the whole time, was now wiggling behind me. I had to admit, it was pretty sensuous. But then she lifted up her hands and started fondling my tits! My mouth opened and I stuck out my tongue, while brushing my foot up her smooth leg.


"What are you doing?" I gasped.


Boxie continued her gyrations and said, "The doorknob! You're pushing my butt against the doorknob!"


I then spun around, and grabbing her shoulders, turned her to face the door. Leaving her in that position, I lingered, running my hand through her long black hair and down her bare back. For a moment I paused to appreciate her bottom. Boxie had an amazing ass. It was like two perfect globes next to each other, just below where her waist narrowed. I cupped two handfuls of her cheeks and squeezed.


"Sorry," I giggled. "You can open the door now."


She did as I instructed, and together we pushed our way into a new hallway. It seemed safe for the moment, and we separated as the two of us jogged forward. My bare feet slapped across the floor, as the rubber of Boxie's running shoes squeaked. Finally, we reached a door that I was looking for. I paused, heart beating fast, listening if anyone else was around.


Boxie watched me standing there totally naked, arms dangling at my sides.


"Wow!" she giggled again.


I blushed the way I always do when I know someone is looking at me. Also, I was aware of what was likely to happen, once we passed through this door in the Student Center. This was the college health office.


Hooking back a strand of hair, I placed my ear to the door. There was no sound. My fingers curled around the steel doorknob, and it turned with a click. Quietly, I pushed it open. The room was dark.


"Come on," I whispered to Boxie, signaling her to follow me.


Once inside, I closed the door behind us. I fumbled for the switch on the wall, until the fluorescent lights flickered overhead. Across from us was a leather examination table. There was a desk and some chairs, too, as well as other things found in such a place like a scale. On one of the side walls, a window faced outside. Boxie hurried over to see if there was anybody lurking around this part of the building. 


*          *            *            *            *

"What is this place?" I asked Erica.


"It's the Health Office, silly," she replied. "Just like we have back at the high school. This is where the college nurse works."


I guess it was pretty obvious, with all the furniture and medical posters hanging on the wall. It's just that I didn't expect Erica to lead me here. But at least for the first time, we could stop running, it seemed.


"So, like, you've been here before?" I continued to inquire as I moved away from the window.


Erica nodded, and walked slowly over to a brown leather table.


"Before I started college, the nurse gave me a fully nude examination," she explained.


Noticing her face blushing, the tips of her nipples quivering, I said, "That must have been embarrassing. Was it a male nurse?"


"No, but it was an attractive woman," Erica said.


She then hopped up on the table. Her legs were sticking out, with her feet crossed at he ankles. Both hands were placed palm down on the leather as she swung her lower legs.


"Do you like boys?" I asked curiously.


Erica was a little flustered and teased the ends of her hair before she answered, "Yes, I do. It's just that, well, I really haven't had sex with a guy yet."


It was a startling admission to me. Of course, I hadn't either, but I decided not to tell Erica. Still, the fact that we were both innocent, sort of, made me feel closer to her. I walked toward the table and placed a hand on her thigh.


"Did you like it when the boys from my high school saw you naked?" I continued to question her.


"I did!" Erica replied right away. "But you know, some times if there isn't, you know, a guy around… a girlfriend's touch can be just as pleasant."


Smiling at the young woman, I realized how naughty and horny she was. Completely different from when we met earlier in the day. I watched as she scooted back on the examination table, then lifted her legs to lie down, stretched out fully. She was nude from head to toe, arms at her sides, nipples pointing up at the ceiling. Even I caught myself staring down at her body, thinking how yummy she looked.


*          *            *            *            *

I was lying on the examination table in the college Health Office, drumming my fingers on the brown leather. Not a shred of clothing on, I had everything out in the open. It was humiliating, but it could not have been more obvious that I was offering myself to the dark-haired young girl. And I was supposed to be her college Mentor.


"Boxie, make me cum!" I said breathlessly, arching my back.


The busty teenager knew what she was doing as she gently lowered her fingers to my stomach, causing me to curl my toes. She had complete control over me. She touched my warm skin and I separated my legs further apart.


Boxie then climbed onto the table, mounting the end by my feet, and crawled forward until she was kneeling between my knees. I heard something bounce to the floor, once, and then a second time.


"I've been wanting to get those off all day," she giggled.


Her sneakers! The comfortable running shoes she had been wearing, she had now just kicked off her feet. Boxie Carter was as naked as I was. I bucked my hips again, and she moved around so that she could lie on top of me.


This was hot! Her face was directly over mine, so close in fact, our noses brushed although we did not kiss. Boxie's large round breasts rubbed over my tall erect nipples. Then she started grinding her crotch into mine. Her bristles of pubic hair tickled my pussy. Finally, I lifted my slender legs to wrap around her body, my bare heels resting on her bottom.


"Oh! Mmmmm," I responded with pleasure.


In this position, the two of us continued to make love. It was hard to believe we had only met this morning. But somehow, she knew all about my stories and wild adventures, and now we were able to share one together. That drew us even closer. At this point, she was not bashful at all as Boxie played with my tits, kissing my stomach, as she worked her way down.


I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out was a gasp. I was going to tell her she didn't have to do this if she didn't want to. But I think she wanted to.


Pulling her long black hair out of her face, Boxie inched backward and placed her head between my legs.


I could feel an incredible rush of excitement throughout my body.


Boxie started to lick my pussy.


*          *            *            *            *

I had never done this before, but somehow being with Erica, made me feel comfortable. My head lowered until I had an up close view of her crotch. Using my fingers to manipulate and pull apart the lips, her pussy was soft and sweet. Very pink, and very aroused, when I brushed my thumb across the top of her vulva, her clit popped right out!


"Aaaah!" Erica squirmed and raised her hips as my tongue touched her sensitive folds of skin.


She tasted… good! I giggled, and began licking her some more. Soon, I had my hands on her thighs, my face in between, munching away. I kissed her down there, even inserting my tongue in her slit, and of course sucked on those sexy labia of hers.


"Mmmm… my clit! Rub my clit!" the college girl squealed.


I did as I was instructed, moving my arm so that I could now cup her pussy. I found that I could insert a finger, and still use my thumb to push her clitoris back and forth. It was big! And Erica seemed to enjoy that. Looking up at her, she was pinching and pulling her own nipples, in the middle of a wild orgasm.


"I'm going to cum, Boxie!" the girl shouted, simultaneously lifting her slender legs.


I continued to finger her as her hips and whole body convulsed. It was amazing! Erica started squirting, causing me to giggle and withdraw my hand. Her shaved pussy glistened. Then she flipped herself over, and it appeared that Erica was humping the examination table. She had one orgasm after another.


Wow, this girl wanted it bad!


After a few minutes, I waited for her to subside. Then I climbed forward again, crawling over Erica's naked backside. My own nude body pressed against hers, I brushed my toes along her legs, and our legs intertwined. Finally, she turned her head on the side. I leaned down and kissed her cheek.


"Mmmm. That was nice," she whispered.


With my hands, I softly pulled her hair back. Erica was so pretty. The two of us cuddled for a while longer, completely naked in the Nurse's office.


Slowly, I slid back down her body. I took a moment to squeeze her cute bottom, tempted to explore her from behind. Instead, I rolled off the table and stood barefoot on he floor. This way, Erica could get back up when she was ready.


I looked at her lying there, and softly stroked my own pussy. My other hand I brought up and squeezed my boobies. Erica raised her head and watched me masturbate.


*          *            *            *            *

Boxie stood there, naked from head to toe, and played with herself until she had a small orgasm of her own. I would have liked to make her cum myself, but I figured she was not ready for that yet. Thinking of this, I slid my legs over the side of the examination table, and stood up. I brushed a hand through my shoulder-length hair, the only hair on my body except for my eyebrows. Then I looked down, and saw a puddle of wetness on the brown leather.


"Oh my God, did I do all that?" I asked, somewhat ashamed about the evidence of my sexual release.


Boxie, just having finished her climax, answered dreamily. "Mmmm-hmmm. Like, how many orgasms did you have, Erica?"


"I… I don't know," I confessed, suddenly shy with my nipples poking straight out and my pussy opened like a flower. "Hurry, we have to clean it up!"


Fully nude, I dashed about the office, searching for some towels or anything to wipe down the table. Meanwhile, Boxie had found a sink and was wetting some cloths. I stopped to admire her round naked ass.


The teenager glanced over her shoulder and asked playfully, "What? Are you checking me out?"


I waited, arms dangling at my sides, while Boxie approached me with her damp towels. She then washed down my stomach, my legs, and inside my thighs. I had really ejaculated a lot. And it was so embarrassing to have her clean me up like this, all I could do was moan.


When I was reasonably dry again, I grabbed some towels and got to work on the examination table. It hadn't crossed my mind that we could be discovered at any moment, at how risky this afternoon had been. Together, Boxie and me tried to make the office look like we had never been here.


"What do we do now?" I asked the naked girl, hoping she wouldn't put her shoes back on.


Boxie remained barefoot and said, "There's a phone over on the wall. Do you think it makes outgoing calls… outside the campus?"


I looked past my bare shoulder to see the phone she was talking about. "Maybe. Otherwise it might only reach other college departments."


"You might have to turn yourself in," Boxie winked. "For being a naughty college Mentor!"


My eyes went wide at the suggestion, and I lifted my hands to hide my breasts.


*          *            *            *            *

I held the telephone in one hand and smiled at Erica. If I told her right there to walk back outside, to stroll buck naked into a populated area of the college, I think she would have done so. This girl was unbelievable! I think she was still horny! It was hot to think that after all she had been through, Erica would still look for ways to be humiliated.


But I was not going to put her through any more for today. I told her I was calling my friend Patricia to pick us up.


I gave my friend directions to the Health Office over the phone, telling her that it was located in the Student Center. At first, she was worried and asked if I was all right. I told Pattie that I was fine, but I didn't mention our condition. That would be a surprise.


"What's the longest you've ever been naked?" I turned and asked Erica.


The question seemed to shock the college girl, reminding her of her nudity, and causing her nipples to stick up toward the ceiling. She mumbled something about how she couldn't recall, maybe a day or so.


"Would you ever come back to our high school," I continued to pester her, "and lose your clothes in front of my class?"


As if considering, Erica flicked a long nipple up and down. "With you, Boxie?"


"I don't know. It would have to look like an accident," I told her. "But I really want to see you nude, in front of my teachers and other students. You know, since I never got to see the things you did when you were actually going to my school."


"OK, I'll do it," Erica eagerly agreed.


I giggled and said that I would give her my phone number once we got back to my house. Then we could work out the details for some future date. This would be so awesome!


We continued to share stories until my friend Patricia finally found us. The two of us jumped when she first entered the office. Erica and I would have been so dead, if it had been anyone else. As it was, I grinned and cupped my boobies while Erica stood with an arm across her breasts and her other hand covering her bald pussy.


Pattie only shook her head.