A Night Out

"Sammy," I said as we lay in bed together after about 
a week of frustratingly insufficient activity, "if I 
don't get properly fucked soon I shall go mad. I love 
what you do to me," I added, suddenly noticing her 
disappointment, "but it's not enough - is it?" 

"No, it isn't," she agreed sadly. 

"Tomorrow," I said firmly, "you and I are going out. 
We are going to find some men, and we are going to get 
ourselves comprehensively fucked. I have a whole week 
of lost time to make up, and it is going to be one 
tremendous evening." 

"Are you sure you're ready for that, Megumi?" she 
asked anxiously. 

"I'm sure that if I don't I'll forget how to do it, 
it's been so long." She giggled. "And I'll tell you 
another thing," I continued, "my instinct tells me 
that one of the men we pick up tomorrow will be the 
one who will finally take your darling little 

"Oh, do you think so, Megumi?" she asked eagerly. 
"I've been dreaming of it so much recently, I'm sure 
I'm ready for it! Feel how excited it is." 

I reached behind her and pressed a fingertip lightly 
against her anus. It gasped and for the first time let 
me in a little distance before thinking better of it 
and pushing my finger firmly away. 

"You're ready," I said. "Gods, I wish I were a man and 
had a cock to fuck you with!" 

But I hadn't, so I did the next best thing. Snuggling 
deep down into the bed I licked and sucked her 
arsehole till she begged me to stop, and then sucked 
and licked it some more. At last she wriggled onto her 
back and my tongue made the tour of her juicy cunt and 
her cute little clitoris poking its nose up from the 
upper corner of her slit - not forgetting to visit her 
tiny pee-hole and enjoy the drops of warm, salty piss 
she was too excited to control. And when I had 
finished she did it all over again to me. 

It was afternoon before we pulled some clothes on and 
walked over to the studio. In the costume department 
Matsumoto-san greeted us with her usual boisterous 

"So, how have you two been?" she cried. "Recovered 
yet? Let's have those skirts up, or off - I want to 
take a look." 

Neither of us had bothered with underwear so it was a 
simple matter to roll our skirts up to our waists and 
lean forward a little, while Matsumoto-san examined 
and petted us. 

"Sammy's back to normal," she declared, "but Megumi, 
you still have traces of Mr O'Malley's cane. He did 
lay it on hard, didn't he?" 

"Yes indeed," I sighed, happily remembering, "it was 
lovely. Almost as good as Mr Otani." 

I suddenly remembered that Sammy and I did not 
normally talk about what her father and I got up to on 
our evenings together. She never seemed to mind about 
our relationship, but I could not bear the thought 
that she might become jealous. I changed the subject 

"Anyway, we both think," I said firmly, "that we're 
ready at last to go out and get some sex. I'm taking 
Sammy to Wilhelmina's tomorrow night. She's never been 
there, and it's time she did." 

"Just for her education, is it then?" asked 
Matsumoto-san with a cynical smile. "Nothing to do 
with you getting laid too, I suppose." 

"_Everything_ to do with that," I said, refusing to be 
deflected. "So, _dear_ Matsumoto-san, can you please 
find us the sexiest, shortest, tightest _bodikon_ 
dresses ever made?" 

Wilhelmina's was a disco in Akasaka. It is closed now, 
the victim of Tokyo's remorselessly varying fashion, 
but in its day it was _the_ place for young people to 
be seen at - especially Office Ladies, out flaunting 
their bodies and their aggression after a hard day 
respectfully serving tea to their male betters. A 
whole fashion came into being to meet the standards 
expected at Wilhelmina's: low-cut, tight, revealing 
dresses with the shortest imaginable skirts, known as 
_bodikon_, Japanese English for "body-conscious". 
Underneath you wore, if anything, only g-string 
panties or thongs, known in Japanese as "t-back" from 
the way they looked from the rear, and pronounced for 
some unknown reason "tay-back". Add a pair of high, 
spike-heeled shoes, and a girl was ready for one of 
the most arousing evenings to be found anywhere on the 
Tokyo sex scene. 

We were quite early - too excited to wait till the 
evening really hotted up before making our appearance 
- and the big room was only two-thirds full. It was 
dominated by the famous platform. A newcomer would 
expect it to be used for some kind of show, but at 
Wilhelmina's we girls _were_ the show. That is, the 
really choice ones among us were. The platform was 
policed by self-appointed regulars, and you did not 
climb up there unless you were wearing one of the 
sexiest _bodikon_ dresses in the place, and were ready 
to dance provocatively and aggressively. Otherwise you 
would soon find yourself elbowed off. 

There was still a bit of room on the platform and no 
one objected as I claimed a place on it. Sammy and I 
obviously belonged together in our tiny, skin-tight 
dresses, mine in slinky white plastic material and 
hers in shimmering gold, identical except that I had 
chosen to come without panties while she was wearing a 
matching gold t-back; but she was clearly less 

"Who's your _gaijin_ friend?" asked the girl next to 
me disdainfully. 

"My partner," I said firmly, joining in the vigorous, 
high-kicking dance. "We belong together." 

Her face brightened. "Oh, _rezu_ couple are you? 
That's brilliant!" 

"Sometimes," I replied. After all, we were only 
temporarily lesbian for lack of alternatives. "But 
tonight we're looking for men." 

"From _that_ lot?" she asked scornfully, gesturing at 
the audience. 

Most of the people at floor level were girls, who 
normally left their offices earlier, but I knew they 
would soon be outnumbered by voyeuristic men. As we 
spoke a middle-aged _sarariman_, already slightly 
drunk, pushed his way with a group of friends to the 
front of the crowd where they could look up our 
ultra-short skirts, and see if we were wearing panties 
or not. My new friend scowled at him, but he only 
grinned more stupidly. Encouraged by his mates he 
pulled his wallet from his back pocket, extracted two 
Y10,000 bills and held them out to her. Taking careful 
aim, she stepped forward and with her next high kick 
caught him firmly on the chest, then straightening her 
leg so that the tall, metal-tipped spike heel would 
have stabbed him if his friends had not dragged him 
away in time. He fell back into their arms, looking as 
if her punishment had made him come in his pants. 

"Filth!" she said. "We come here to please ourselves. 
We sell ourselves to men like that during the day, 
treating them like Gods in their offices. That's 
She gestured angrily at them as she continued her 
vigorous, aggressive dance. They grinned happily, 
dreaming I could guess of being tied up, beaten, 
trampled, pissed on by such a girl. It was strange: 
treating our lords and masters like that should have 
given us a sense of power, but since that was what 
they _wanted_ us to do to them, somehow they won. As 
usual. Still, I admired the girl's spunk. 

"That's right!" I said. "Here we do what we like." 

I glanced at Sammy on my left, excitedly picking up 
the rhythm of the dance. The girl had spoken so fast, 
and with so much vulgar slang, that she could not have 
understood. It was strange to think that next Monday 
this virago would be obediently serving such men in 
her pretty, pastel-coloured office uniform - all the 
more subservient for having worked out her aggression 
this evening. She was speaking to me again. 

"Now, there's a man I might choose for tonight!" she 

I followed her gaze and suddenly recognised someone I 
knew. He was an American called Bob Williams: we had 
been lovers for a few weeks last spring before Sammy's 
father had come back into my life. He was a 
journalist, commissioned by American magazines to 
cover the Tokyo nightlife and sex scene. During our 
time together we had jointly written a long piece 
about my life so far, and he had helped me understand, 
and explain, why group sex and being whipped and 
displaying myself nude before an audience were all 
such an important, and natural, part of my sexuality. 
He was supposed to be getting it published for me: it 
was high time I asked him what progress he had made. 

Suddenly I remembered something else about Bob. He had 
been an excellent lover in all respects but I had 
especially enjoyed the way he fucked my arse. (And 
there had been one memorable occasion when he had tied 
me up and whipped me gloriously for hours till I 
fainted, but that was too exciting to recall just 
now.) He had not been the first to take my arsehole - 
my adored Mr Otani had done that - but I thought how 
gentle and yet fulfilling he had been, allowing me no 
escape but always conscious of my needs. Here was the 
man I should offer Sammy to! I seized her by the arm. 

"Look, Sammy! See that man there? The _gaijin_? He's a 
great friend of mine! You must meet him." 

Quickly we scrambled off the platform, pursued by my 
new friend's indignant cries of "Bitch! He's mine! 
Call yourself a _rezu_? You're no friend of ours!" 

"Hello, Bob!" I was saying already. "Remember me?" 

"Megumi!" he cried. "Of course I do! I thought that 
was you up there, and I was just thinking how nice it 
would be if we could meet up again this evening. 
How've you been?" 

Without waiting for an answer he took me in his arms 
and I stood up on tiptoe as he kissed me, his hands 
caressing my naked bottom through the tight skirt of 
my dress. As soon as I could pull apart from him 
sufficiently, I introduced Sammy. 

"Hello, Sammy," he said, holding out his left hand 
while his right continued to arouse me, "you from the 

"Yes, I'm American," she said. "Mostly, that is." 

"Been here long?" 

"Just a few weeks. I'm sharing with Megumi for a 

"That's great!" 

"Got any plans for tonight, Bob?" I interrupted 

"Depends," he said. "How about you two?" 

"Look, Bob," I interrupted, "I know this sounds as if 
we're in a dreadful hurry, but the fact is, for 
various reasons to do with my studio - you remember I 
worked for Marucho? Well, I still do - anyway, neither 
Sammy nor I have had a man for about a week, and we 
came here hoping ..." 

"Found anyone yet?" he asked teasingly. 

I had never propositioned a man as blatantly as this - 
not off-screen, that is. But why not? It was what we 
had come here for, and Bob was an old friend. I 
thought of the things he might soon be doing to me, 
and my heart beat fast with excitement. 

"Well, when I saw you here, and remembered how good 
you always were to me, then I thought, well, if you've 
got no other plans tonight ... maybe, you know ..." 

"I see," said Bob, "and here I was planning an early 
night ..." he yawned realistically. By now his free 
arm was firmly round Sammy's waist, and he bent down 
to kiss her. She smiled up at him happily. "Still, if 
you need my help, always pleased to oblige ... maybe I 
could call up some friends, make a party of it?" 

"Where can we go?" I asked firmly. "You live nearby, 
don't you?" 

"What about here?" asked Sammy, daring. "Would anyone 
notice, or mind?" 

"Well, darling, no not here, and yes they would," said 
Bob. "It's a funny thing about Wilhelmina's: you're 
allowed to do just about everything short of actual 
fucking, but if the management catch a couple really 
having it off, they're barred. Don't know why, 
something to do with their licence, I guess." 

I was wriggling my bottom encouragingly against his 
erection. I could see that his left hand had already 
found one of Sammy's tits. 

"Megumi was telling me about a strip-club she knows 
where they have Amateur Nights ..." Sammy was 
suggesting hopefully. 

"But you're giving me a good idea," he went on, 
ignoring her. "Why don't I take you to the Paradise 
Club? We can do anything we like there, and this time 
on a Friday there's usually quite a swinging crowd."

[Next in Part 16: Chapter XVI: Paradise]

For complete series so far see 