
Well, now you know why I have settled in Japan and 
have no intention of leaving. The main reasons are 
Megumi, Sammy, Chiyoko, Hiroko, Natsuko, Sachi, Maki, 
Yuki, Ayako - and all the other sweet girls I haven't 
told you about. And of course all those yet to come, 
their sensuality just breaking out of its secret bonds 
and preparing to blossom till it is ready for me to 
enjoy - and till they are ready to learn what I can 
teach them. 

You see, I am a teacher. I earn my living as a writer, 
but my vocation is teaching girls how to enjoy and 
develop their sexuality. I don't teach beginners: a 
girl should start by experimenting with others of her 
own age, girls and then boys. It may seem harsh to say 
that an angelic looking girl on the brink of her first 
sexual experience should give herself to the clumsy 
fumblings of boys brought up on sadistic _manga_ 
cartoons, rather than be gently introduced to pleasure 
by a thoughtful older man - like me, for instance. But 
that is how her first stirrings of lust should be 
developed and trained, and to think otherwise is 
self-serving sentimentality. After these first 
powerful experiences she will find her way soon enough 
to me and men like me. Nor do I instruct girls who are 
already embarking on their careers. They will pick up 
the finer and more sophisticated points of sexual 
perversion easily from the managers of the clubs and 
studios where they work, or from their many lovers and 

I teach the ones in between. They will have had 
several years of sexual experience with school-friends 
and, if they are lucky, a few beatings from strict 
teachers to awaken their dormant masochism in all its 
growing beauty. They will have begun to develop the 
_faza-kon_ or father complex which delightfully 
attracts sexy Japanese girls, longing for fathers who 
are never home, to older men. They will have been 
approached by talent scouts from the studios and clubs 
of the Japanese sex industry and may already have 
posed for cameras and audiences, discovering how much 
they enjoy shyly displaying their delicious nudity and 
giving themselves to be fucked in public. And they are 
looking for someone to help them make sense of all 
this chaos of sexual experiences and desires. If I am 
lucky, that someone is me. 

Somewhere inside themselves they already know what 
they want. All I have to do is help them see it. When 
they leave me, they will understand their specialist 
desires, and will know that pursuing them openly, with 
no sense of shame or guilt however unusual and 
perverted they may seem, is their birthright as sexual 
beings. For the girls in this book, those desires 
include an exhibitionist love of public nudity and 
sex, and a masochistic lust for bondage and whipping. 
My work is to make sure that, having recognised these 
desires in themselves, they know how and where to 
fulfil them. Maybe there are girls whose sensuality 
lacks these elements, but if so I have not met them. 
Not in Japan, at least. 

Perhaps there are also girls who have never felt, 
however secretly, the wish to be part of the sex 
industry. All my girls certainly dream of that, even 
if for some it remains a dream. Most long to be 
strippers, bargirls, topless or nude waitresses, "AV 
idols" as the Japanese call the stars of pornographic 
videos ... maybe they have already, when I meet them, 
taken the first step onto the ladder, perhaps by 
demurely volunteering at a strip-club's "amateur 
night". Of course even a successful career in the sex 
industry is short: the pressure of pretty young 
newcomers clamouring for their chance is so great. But 
it obviously gives a girl ample opportunities to marry 
well and enjoy a comfortable retirement, the admired 
companion of a wealthy politician or businessman and 
enjoying discreet affairs with lusty young men or 
visits to "host" bars. It would be a very strange girl 
who passed up the opportunity of a few years of 
constant, well-paid public sex followed by a 
comfortable life of leisure and pleasure. 

When I see a former girl of mine, happily and 
deliciously nude at a strip show, waitress club or 
private sex-party, I do not claim acquaintance with 
her and she is too discreet to acknowledge me. But it 
makes me very proud to think I helped her acquire the 
sexual self-confidence which took her into a career 
where she has been so successful and fulfilled. 

The Japanese sex industry is so different from that of 
Western countries. How wonderful it would be if we had 
something like the army of Japanese girls who see 
their work as a respected and enjoyable career 
offering independence and sexual satisfaction. What a 
shame our sex-workers so often lack the special 
quality of the professional Japanese girl. I call it 
her "3S": she is always Sexy, Sweet and Sincere. 


[Coming Next: Volume 05 of the Megumi Stories: 

For complete series so far see 