We Always Do It For Real 00




[If you have collected the whole of Volume 01 of this 
series you may like to have the "Prelims" file, 
containing the Contents page and the Introduction.]



I      Introduction to Megumi 

II     A Tour of the Marucho Film Company 

III    What Happened on the Sixth Floor 

IV     Dinner, and Afterwards 

V      Breakfast for Two 

VI     What Happened at Roido-san's Party 

VII    How it all Began 

VIII   Megumi's Vocation 

IX     An Application for Employment 

X      Megumi Celebrates 

XI     Part-Time Work 

XII    Megumi Begins her Career 

XIII   Megumi and her new Boss 

XIV    Mr Otani 

XV     Under Contract 

XVI    Mr Otani Again 

XVII   Plans for the Future 

XVIII  An Invitation to Dinner 

XIX    Megumi Attends a Wedding 

XX     Megumi Transfigured	 


Megumi and I have had enormous fun writing this book 
together. Megumi wrote a lot of it, while I polished 
and edited her work; and when she was tired of that 
she talked, and I did the writing. There were many 
interruptions. I don't know which of us was more 
aroused: Megumi through remembering, or I through 
listening to her. Let's just say it was a very active 
and mutually pleasurable collaboration. We hope our 
readers will enjoy the result. 

Some people - not Japanese or foreigners living in 
Japan, they know better - have asked whether the tale 
we have to tell is literally true. Well, I must admit 
we have changed names, including that of Megumi's 
studio. But let me promise you that Japan is full of 
girls like Megumi, eagerly exploring their sexuality 
and always ready for new experiences. The Japanese 
pornography industry is second in size only to that of 
the United States; and one only needs to compare the 
two countries' products to see at once that Japanese 
models and actresses are enthusiastic, sincere, 
genuine and thoroughly enjoying themselves. Many young 
girls are delighted, and in no way ashamed, to earn 
pocket-money from their developing sexual 
attractiveness, and if you visit the area round 
Shibuya Station in Tokyo at the right time of day you 
will certainly see, as Megumi describes them, the 
talent-scouts on the look-out for new recruits and 
checking out home-going schoolgirls. Again, it is 
certainly true that companies like Marucho are flooded 
with applications from girls longing to be porn 
actresses, many of them well-educated girls from good 
families. The companies are delighted to employ them: 
there is plenty of room in the market for videos and 
photos showing the elegant nudity of young _ojo-san_ 
or "princess" girls, or the plump cuddliness of the 
_kawaii_ or young sweetheart type. The industry caters 
for all erotic tastes, even if the main demand is and 
always will be for the mass of material depicting 
cheerful and experienced girls who love fucking on 
camera and whom we all enjoy watching so much. 

We say that once a girl has discovered the pleasures 
of displaying herself nude and being fucked before a 
camera or a live audience she becomes addicted to 
them. This is based on close observation (not to 
mention Megumi's own personal experience). Many girls 
who leave the industry, for example on marriage, 
cannot keep away from it and soon return. They may 
have lost their footing in the studios, but there is 
another part of the Japanese sex industry - the 
discreet sex-clubs, nude hostess bars and "escort" 
services - which offers plenty of opportunities for 
young, bored housewives neglected by hard-working 
husbands. There are many tales, "urban myths" I 
suppose one should call them, about young wives 
working in such establishments serving their own 
husbands - who fail to recognise them. 

Traditionally Japanese girls have been taught, as soon 
as they are old enough to understand, that the purpose 
of their sexuality is to give pleasure both to 
themselves and to men. The distinction between sex as 
pleasure on the one hand, and sex after marriage on 
the other as a means of continuing a family line 
through bearing children, has been clearly maintained. 
Today mothers and aunts are less uninhibited about 
this than they once were. Much more influential 
however are the young people's magazines, intended for 
girls as well as boys, which feed growing imaginations 
and promote the endless stream of young Adult Video 
(AV) "idols" as role models. There are even magazines 
devoted only to strippers, with glamorous shots of the 
stars posing nude or in minute costumes before their 
adoring audiences. Many beginners have been inspired 
by these demonstrations of the command a nude girl can 
exert over a room full of men - a theme we explore in 
this book. All this guarantees that Japanese girls and 
young women will continue to be enthusiastic 
participants in pornography and public sex. 

The only thing that makes Megumi different from many 
other Japanese girls is that she has concentrated so 
single-mindedly on turning her sexual fantasies into 
reality. In this she shows the admired Japanese virtue 
of devotion to her vocation and constant determination 
to improve. As a true professional she is dedicated to 
making people happy, and her wish is that through our 
book she will make you happy too. 

She is still under twenty. She has done so much 
already to develop the beauty of her sexuality. We end 
this book with a description of one of our sessions 
together. But that is not the end of Megumi, or of our 
relationship - as we hope one day to show. 

- Bob Williams 

Tokyo, 1998

Note to ASSTR edition

The main action of this novel is set in 1992/93, around
the time of Megumi's 18th birthday. So if you find the
technology described a little old-fashioned - videotape
rather than DVD, 35mm photography rather than digital - 
that is why.

- BW

[Next in Part 01: Chapter I: Introduction to Megumi] 

For complete series so far see 