Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. This is a story that I put together a long time ago, and never really finished. Here it is: 1. Informed
 It's funny how you can go most of your entire "life" without knowing the truth.
A few weeks ago I turned 16, and my mother sat me down and told me (and I paraphrase this):
"Katsu, son, I know you're a big boy now, so you can handle it when I tell you that I need to explain some things to you. First off, the reason why you have an Asian name and this is a Caucasian family is because I am not your real mother."
This was a lot more shocking then than it is now.
She continued to tell me that her father was obsessed with keeping it in the family, so he would have intercourse with his daughters on the day they hit puberty. Oddly enough, my mother was an early bloomer, and hit at the age of eight. After a while of trying, though, she could not produce the child her father was wanting. However, all this trying did make her into a walking child nymphomaniac. At the age of nine, she gave birth to a son; me. Childbirth was hard, but they managed to pull it off with modern medicine. Unfortunately, that son was to a white friend of her father's, so the son was banished from the family. That is how I ended up here.
My "mother" (I'll call her Deb from here on out) said that it was time for me to return home due to my age and the fact that my grandfather had recently died. She also told me that she made up a letter with more in it that I could read on my way back to my true home. 2. Trip
 This is where I finally got the chance to thumb through the letter that Deb wrote. As it would seem, my mother finally had two other children by my grandfather, a boy and a girl. The boy is 12 and the girl is about 7, they are not even sure, it is rumored that they couldn't keep track of her with all the other fucking.
Deb also tells me to not worry, that even though this may seem very bizaar, she is still a wonderful mother, and she treats the children very nicely. She says that my mother (Ayume) is a very well-known and loved individual, and that she no longer has sex with random men, but she told Deb directly that she was still a nympho.
This is all in the letter.
Ayume is only 25, which is extremely young for a mother of three.
I know it seems that I am very nonchalant about this, but that is only because it is sometime after all this happened. At the time I was shocked out of my mind at first. 3. Arrival and Lunch
 Upon my arrival, I got off the train and onto a bus which took me directly to the house.
I got off the bus after they pulled up the small 2 story house, and as I walked to the door and the bus drove off, a beautiful young woman walked to the door to greet me. She was about five foot, eight inches, probably about 125 pounds. She smile and reached out to me as I leaned in a hugged her. When our bodies come in contact, I noticed her firm, breasts, which were probably about 36 Cs. 
As all this ran through my head, I couldn't help but feel disgusting, but as this was the first time I had ever seen this beauty, I felt that it would be okay to casually look at her. What was odd is that she smiled as though she noticed me doing so.
Her hair was dark and semi-long. Her smile was beautiful, much like her face, which was riddled with Asian gorgeousness. 
She smiled and kissed me on the cheek, saying "Welcome home, son," as she pulled me into the door. This pleased me because it proved that she flawless in the English language.
"The kids are still at school," she told me, "why don't you have a seat on the couch. I am fixing some lunch as we speak."
I opened my mouth to ask what it was, still a little nervous to meet my real mother, but she cut me off quickly with an answer.
"Chicken," she said.
I sat there uncomfortably waiting for lunch to finish preparing, and she called me into the dining room when it was ready, and sat across from me as I ate.
"I know how it is to meet someone new and know you'll be around them for a while, so I will start the conversation."
This is where she and I caught up on the current situations in one another's lives. She told me all about the kids and what was going on with their lives, as well as hers. Well, all except for one part, but I will save it for later. 
On the other hand, I told her about my life, and what I had been doing recently. Not really much to share, but I said what I could and what I needed to. 4. Remainder of the Day
 After lunch, I felt much more comfortable with my mother. It was almost like we had known one another for my entire life, even though we had just met that very day. 
She had me go rest on the couch while she got everything ready for the kids to come home.
This is when I fell asleep and went into the deepest sleep I had been into for a long time.
During the sleep, I felt so disgusting. I kept thinking of my mother and how beautiful she was. I dreamt of her shedding her clothes to me and baring that light skin of hers to me. I dreamt of those luscious breasts and round hips and ass.
I woke up in a cold sweat, feeling very odd and confused. A bit disgusting, too.
"Ah, just in time." My mother told me as I woke up. "I went ahead and prepared the kids a separate dinner. I figured you and I could sue a little more time to talk, so I made us something different."
"Did I miss meeting them?" I asked.
"Of course you did, silly. It's nearly 8 o'clock, they're upstairs doing their homework. You can meet them later."
I nodded a bit and she kissed my forehead.
Dinner was something you'd expect a married couple to have. Well prepared meatloaf (normally I do not eat it, but this had something distinctly Japanese to it... it was very tasty) and wine. I asked her if she knew that I was too young to drink wine, and that is when she said, and I quote "There's a lot o things that go on here with people who are too young."
I smirked at the remark, not quite sure what she meant by it.
It was about half way through dinner when she asked me something I didn't really expect to hear.
"How many girlfriends have you had in the past, son?" she asked me.
"I don't know, two, maybe three," I replied.
"I see... did you love any of them?"
"Sort of, I guess. I don't think it was a very strong love, but I did."
"Well, son. I love you more than any other mother could ever love her son, you always remember that, okay?" 
I nodded a bit and smiled.
She looked at me and smirked, then without shame or hesitation, she asked "How many of them have you fucked?"
I almost choked on my food. 
"One of them, I replied. Just one."
"I see. Was she good?"
"She was alright, could have been a lot better."
"Well, maybe she just needed more experience," my mother said. "I have a lot of experience."
"R...really?" I asked, not sure if I should even try to be in the conversation.
"Yeah, I've seen my share of cock. Done some pretty sick stuff, too. Loved pretty much every moment of it."
"That's... that's great. It's good that you enjoyed it."
"It sure is. How about I tell you some of the things I have done... maybe that will help you a little bit."
"Sure, whatever," I replied. I had to admit, I had some idea of what to expect. The scary part is, as much as I didn't want to, my thoughts kept going back to the dream, and my pulse kept rising.
"Well, of course I have had it in the cunt... I love it in the ass, I don't know what it is, but I am really sensitive there."
I nodded uncomfortably and continued eating.
She went on to mention things about bathrooms, but she said that she wouldn't go into too much detail, and then the part that got me the most occurred.
"And of course, I will always have these guys," she said as she called out. "Tetsu, Natalie! Come here for a moment!"
My eyes widened as down the stairs bounded two naked children, Tetsu, the boy first, his penis tapering to his mid thigh, followed by Natalie, the 7-ish year old girl.
My mother waved them over and they sat on her lap, each taking a turn to kiss her passionately on the lips.
I watched in awe. Quite aroused, but still in awe.
"Tell big brother how much care I take of you," my mother told them.
Tetsu spoke up, "Mommy makes sure to suck my cock very frequently, and even sometimes she lets me fuck her, but she says my dick is still too li--"
"Shhh, shh, that was good, Tetsu," my mother says, stopping him.
"What about you, Nat?"
"Mommy makes sure she laps my cunny very often... she says it will make a nice hole one day for a lucky man. She also loves to play with my little butt hole. She said that, too will be nice and dirty for whoever wants it."
"And that's not even half of it, my mother tells me as she kisses the kids again and sends them off to bed.
"You can join in as soon as possible," she tells me.
"I..I don't know, you're my mo--" she cuts me off.
"I thought I'd hear that. So what if I'm your mom? You going to let some taboo stop us from the best sex of our lives? I wouldn't. Now I know that I'll have to make the first move..."
I smiles a little, knowing deep down this is what I really wanted.
"Fell free to go on to bed or whatever, I will be sure to clean up."
I dismissed myself from the table and headed up to my room and began to unpack and settle in.
I then got my clothes and went to the bathroom for a shower.
As I walked in, I immediately noticed how small the room was. The shower was the size of the showers in a trailer, but I figured I could make do.
As I stripped down, my thoughts wondered to my hot mom and my pulse started to rise.
Just then, as I became more aroused, and my penis began to swell, I heard something behind me that sounded like someone pull thing their finger from their mouth, and before I knew it, my mother's finger was lodged, knuckle deep into my anus.
"How's this for a first move?" she asked.
I moaned and sighed in surprise, "Wh...Wow..."
She smirked and wriggled her finger around inside me.
What a way to start a first experience.
She pulled it out slowly and popped it into her mouth, moaning "Mmmm, tasty," under her breathe.
She put it back in and repeated the same routine, only this time she forced it into my mouth. I let my tongue lash around my mother's finger, licking off and savoring the taste of the sweet and sour finger. I tuned to her and she smiled at me very motherly, and she brought her lips to mine. We pressed our mouths together as I sucked on her bottom lip, nibbling lightly before letting my tongue explore her mouth wildly.
I let my hand wander up her nightie and rubbed her inner thigh.
As we continued to kiss passionately, I moved my hands to place one hand on either of her butt cheeks and squeezed them firmly, toying with them.
My mother gently pushed me back onto the toilet and told me to relax.
"Mommy is going to make her big boy feel super special," she said to me.
I watched as my mother wrapped her luscious red lips around my penis, engulfing it with her head. I closed my eyes and laid my head back as she bobbed her head, letting her moans become muffled around my shaft.
She picked her head up and smiled at me, little strings of spit still clinging to my dick.
"How about we take this a bit further?" she grinned and suggested.
"Whatever you want, mommy."
She smiled a bit and lifted the bottom of her nightie and started to raise it over her head. With every inch, she revealed more and more. He nicely, mostly shaven pussy was swelling and moist, and her firm, large breasts shook a bit as the nightie came off. Her body was slender, but stacked at bother her chest and he hips. Beneath her arms, a small, but considerable amount of hair.
"Sorry if I have hair in some places that some girls don't... Being a mom it's hard to keep up with everything, and there's just some places I'd rather not shave... Besides, your brother and sister think it's kind of sexy," she said with a wink and a motherly smile.
"At least I know I can agree with them on that," I told her.
She leaned in and kissed me passionately on the lips. "How about the full tour?" She asked.
Before I could answer she stood up and did a 180, and started massaging her wonderful buttocks. 
"Have at it, baby, I love ass play."
I smirked and began to feel up her ass. She bent over.
"Are you ready, darling?"
"For what...?"
"You'll see." She spread he ass cheeks and reveals her glorious pink and brown hole. Surrounding the puckering portal, a ring of brown. The sweet stench that poured out was one of the best I have ever smelled in my life. The hair around her hole was matted down by the brown.
"Like it, baby? I haven't cleaned down there in weeks," She said.
"Like it?" I asked. "I fucking fell in love with it."
"Good, you can get used to it," she replied.
I leaned in and lapped at it, shoving my tongue in and out of her asshole. She moaned as I reached around with my other hand and toyed with her clit. As I licked, the hair around her holes became clearer and cleaner, and I licked even more.
She moaned. "I love ass play. You have no idea..." 
I grinned, "I'm loving this, too."
She turned and looked down at me. "I only have one rule, she said."
I gave her a look as to say "yes?"
"If you get to do something with my asshole, I get to do something to yours."
I asked her what she meant.
"Simple things... fingering, licking, things like that. Nothing you won't love."
I nodded in agreement, and buried my nose back within her cheeks.
She pulled away slightly and smiled at me. I gave her a questioning look as she turned and sat u on the sink, me still on my knees.
"What're you...?" I asked.
She motioned me over, and was I waddled on my knees, my rock hard cock swaying between my legs, so leaned back and propped herself up on her arms, lifting her legs high in the air so her sphincter was exposed.
I leaned forward and wrapped my mouth around my mother's brown-streaked-pink opening.
She grinned and simply said, "Suck."
Following her orders, I felt her sphincter give way and open up. From it, against my tongue, I could taste the strong, bitter sweet flavor. I grazed the end of it gently before I let it side into my mouth. Once I had a bit, I bit it off.
"Don't let the rest of it hit the floor," mom told me. "Then it will get dirty."
I laughed, muffled by the brown chunk in my mouth as I pushed the remains back into her with my thumb.
I stood up and leaned over her there on the sink. He eyes gazed up at me longingly.
"Come on. You have the right idea, my sweet baby boy."
I leaned over and with her shit still in my mouth, I kissed her deep, and I kissed her passionately. We rolled the shit between our tongues for a while, then with my hand, I rubbed the head of my dick against her soft anus, going in circles to smear the brown.
She moaned into my mouth as he shared our delicious kiss, and I slowly pushed my cock into her shitty ass. As I pumped, I could feel the rest of her load inside her. The hard spots scraped my penis, the soft ones formed around it warmly. We both moaned while I pumped, our lips still planted firm against one another's.
During all of this, she reaches around to the back of me, and begins to rub my asshole again, as I pump. I thrust back once, and her finger is inside me. Twice, and two fingers. I moan as she does this, even louder than before. With her other hand, she grabs the base of my cock and pulls it from her. As she does this, she wraps her fist around me and slides it towards her, collecting all of her shit in her hands, then going back to her hole to catch some more that began to come out when he removed me. With she pulled her other hand around, and it, too was full of scat. Mine, this time. 
She pushed what we shared with the kiss down my throat with her tongue, and smiled a brown smile. "Don't just leave me hanging, baby. Let me feel my son's cock in that ass again."
I shoved myself back into her, and with her hands, she began mixing out shit together until it was one ball. She licked her lips seductively and slipped the ball between them, part of it still hanging from her mouth. I leaned over and put my mouth around the other half, and we did with it like we did with the previous one, only this time, it was both ours. Mother and son's. Our shit, shared together. It tasted better than any food I had ever eaten before.
It was at this moment, there smeared with our shit, sweaty and fragrant, I ejaculated into my mother's ass. We both swallowed bits and pieces of the ball and threw our heads back. I moaned a bit, as did she, and I let out my final thrusts, launching the last of it into her.
She gazed lovingly at me. "I love you, son."
I told her that I loved her, too.
I pulled my dick from her and dropped to my knees again, wrapping my lips back around her hole. Again, I sucked, getting out what I could. Shit, cum, whatever, and I swished the mixture in my mouth as I stood. Mommy laid her head back with her mouth gaping wide, and I spit it in. She swallowed eagerly, and then kissed my lips.
"That was wonderful," I told her.
I nodded.
"Son," she told me, "that was barely the beginning of your life here.
For a while, we were quiet while we washed our faces. We would occasionally lick spots that we missed from one another's faces, which caused a giggle, but we were relatively quiet.
"Are you empty?" she asked me.
I shook my head, no.
She put the plug in the sink and point at the basin. "Just leave it there for now." 
I gave her a puzzled look. "Why?"
"I'm not sure, yet, but we will find a purpose for it."
She sat back up on the sink and let got of what was left in her; a mixture of dark shit and pearly cum. I took my turn afterwards.
She dipped her finger into it like icing on a cake and sucked it clean.
We kissed goodnight, and headed to the same bed, still nude, for the night.