Celestial Reviews 94 - June 26, 1996

Note: Many people have expressed interest in the 801 in my AOL address.  
I used to reply that I tried to get just plain Celeste but that was 
already taken and the computer suggested Celeste801.  Nobody believes 
that story, so here's the real reason.  We’ll approach it backwards, 
which is a lot easier to understand.

1.  First, you SUBTRACT 666 (the number of the Antichrist) from 801, 
which gives you 135 

      (801 - 666 = 135)

You subtract, of course, because most sex stories are GOOD, not EVIL 
(hence, subtract 666).

2.  Then you ADD 69 (the most popular number in sex stories) to 135, 
which gives you 204.

      (135 + 69 = 204)

You add, of course, because most of the stories I review ARE sexy.

3.  Then you subtract the value corresponding to all the Roman numerals 
in Celeste.  C and L are the only Roman numerals, and CL is 150.

      (204 - 150 = 54)

The reason for doing this may be obvious to you, but I consider it to 
be a secret.

4.   After C and L have been removed, only E E S T E are left.  There 
are 3 E’s, and E is the Fifth letter of the alphabet.  Three times five 
is fifteen.  In addition, S is the 19th letter of the alphabet and T 
the 20th.  Nineteen plus twenty equals thirty-nine.  If we subtract 39 
from 54, we get (incredibly enough) 15.  

Fifteen is exactly the number of stories I put on my Top Fifteen 
Stories List each month.  

More importantly the digits in 69 add up to 15.  

In addition, at the time I started writing these stories 15 was the 
record for the number of times my husband and I had engaged in sexual 
activities that gave at least one of us an orgasm within any single 
week  (a seven-day period, not necessarily Sunday through Saturday, 
which would have yielded 12 and ruined this whole computation.  
However, if we count only occasions when we BOTH had an orgasm during a 
continuous sexual encounter, the seven-day record would have been 12, 
which {now that I think about it} was set on December 12 somewhere 
around midnight during the 12th month of our marriage.  I think you can 
see where this line of reasoning is going.)

So that’s why I’m Celeste801.  This wouldn’t work with any number other 
than 801. 

Second Note: I have received more stories than I can possibly deal with 
in this issue.  Look for the following stories to be reviewed in the 
next issue: “Composition in Cream and Chocolate” by Mary Anne Mohanraj, 
“Gravity” by Mark Aster, “A Hot Summer's Night” by Ann Douglas,  
“Dorothy Does Oz” by Shelby Bush, “My Heart Of Steel Is Like Putty In 
Your Hands” and “Supergirl Breaks the Mold” by Tooshoes,  “Debby’s Dark 
Lust” by Vic S., “The Intergalactic Adventures of Ebeneezer Spooge” by 
Keith A. Buckley & Jim D. Sizemore, and even more (I hope!)

- Celeste

      “Yang Reception” by Wollstonecraft (ritualistic orgies)
              10, 10, 10
      “Shower Buddies” by Stone Wolf (humorous sexual
            escapades) 10, 10, 10
      “A Supergirl Arises From The Abyss” by Tooshoes 
            (sci fi romance) 10, 9, 9.5
      “Double Trouble” by RC (threeway sex & hypnosis)
            10, 9.5, 9.5
      “Test Ride” by Joe Parsons (motorcycle sex) 10, 10, 10
      “American Airlines Cockpit” by Mary Anne Mohanraj
            (mile high sex) 10, 10, 10
     *“Scarlett’s Cove” by Ann Douglas (hot lesbian romance) 
            10, 10, 10
      “The End of Grieving” by Tabercil (romance?) 9.5, 9, 9
      “The Enema Bandit” by Play Doctor (humiliation) 7, 5, 5
      “Roadside Park” by Lisha White (outdoor sex) 8, 7, 7
      “Discovery” by Skeeter379 (ff romance) 10, 9, 9
      “Leia in Her Cell” by Gregory Fairbanks (sci fi
            torture) 5, 6, 6
     *"Home Improvement: Hot Tub Hijinks" by Jay-P. (Teen 
           celebrity sex) 9, 8, 8
     *"Home Improvement: Molly's Muff" by Jay-P. (Adolescent's
           dream comes true) 8, 8, 8
      "Home Improvement: Caught" by Jay-P. (Teen celebrity
           sex) 8, 9, 9.5

* = Repost of a previous review (because the story has been 
      recently reposted.)

“Yang Reception” by Wollstonecraft (an285729@anon.penet.fi). The term 
“yang reception” refers to the female feat of actively receiving 
essence from the passive male - or so the Guru says.  The heroine of 
this story has for many years studied the teachings of Guru Tsu, and 
she has recently had the great honor of moving into his commune.  At 
the Common she works her way toward blissful perfection through 
ritualistic penetration of her vagina six times daily.  The people at 
the Common are a happy lot, joyfully sharing their fluids both 
individually and communally and even helping to lick one another clean.

Even the conversations of the people at Common are couched in 
ritualistic significance:  “Do you want to take my conduit within you, 
to draw from me the spiritual in substance?  Will you sup from my body 
to take nourishment for your soul?" Roughly translated, this means, 

Birth control is simple: “Even if your faith is weak and you cannot 
accept the male's spiritual offering, thus creating the ovum within 
you, if your partner's faith is firm, there will be no sperm in his 
seminal essence.   There can be no impregnation, no conception, no 
childbearing.  Just as there will for you be no aging, no 
deterioration.  No death.  And, without the aggression borne of 
frustration, a new age of peace and love.  You will be part of the 
vanguard that ushers in this new age for humanity."  Not a bad deal.  
In other words, as long as you have Faith, you can fuck all you want; 
and won’t get pregnant.  Our heroine and almost all the other initiates 
deliver babies within nine months after their initiation; but they 
recognize this as a freak coincidence - a simultaneous imperfection in 
the faith of both the male and female partner in one of the several 
thousand copulations that each person experienced in the preceding nine 
months.  No harm, no foul.  They’ll just have to try again.  {I don’t 
know what they do with the babies.  Nobody seems to have time for 
mundane tasks like changing diapers or teaching kids to read; so I 
suppose maybe they sell the kids.  Guru Tsu’s must get his revenue 

I guess this story is really silly - Ooops!  There I go, giving an 
indication that I am not myself a True Believer.  It was fun to buy 
into the Yang theory for the duration of the story.  The author does an 
excellent job of consistently presenting Guru Tsu’s beliefs.  May his 
yang be well received!

Ratings for “Yang Reception”
Athena (technical quality): 10
Venus (plot & character): 10
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 10

“Shower Buddies” by Stone Wolf (an582016@anon.penet.fi).  I normally 
don’t like to review multi-chapter stories until all the parts have 
been posted.  Sometimes the authors don’t even bother to finish the 
stories, and then my readers will feel cheated.  In addition, a story 
that begins well may end badly, or vice versa.  I decided to make an 
exception with this story.  Even though only two chapters have been 
posted and even though the author says that no actual sexual contact 
will occur until “at least chapter 3,” I think you’ll want to know 
about this one.

The basic premise of this story is that there has been a fire in the 
women’s dorm and the displaced coeds have with little forewarning been 
relocated into one of the men’s dorm.  Our protagonist first notices 
this when he is in a naked, semi-comatose, early-morning stupor in the 
shower, asking to borrow shampoo from the person in the adjacent stall.  
His body language sort of embarrasses him as he tries to be polite and 
recover from his faux pas when he discovers that the guy he is talking 
to is an attractive girl.

This story reminds me of an X-rated script for a high quality sitcom.  
For example, I can imagine this being a plot for “Friends” or “The 
Single Guy.”  The story is extremely well written; the characters are 
refreshingly wholesome; and the story is redolent of realistic details 
of college life - like showers that make funny noises and guys that 
don’t use fabric softener for their towels.  I am eagerly looking 
forward to more of this story.

Ratings for “Shower Buddies”
Athena (technical quality): 10
Venus (plot & character): 10
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 10

“A Supergirl Arises From The Abyss” by Tooshoes 
(tooshoes@ix.netcom.com).  Kara was sent to earth as a survivor from 
her planet (actually an asteroid) at the moment her culture and all her 
friends disintegrated. She was greeted on earth and taken under wing by 
none other than Clark Kent, who had made a similar odyssey several 
years earlier. Enrolled as Linda Lee as a student at Metropolis 
University, she is having trouble getting along on earth.

To mask the effect of her unfamiliarity with American culture, Clark 
advises Kara to pass herself off as Hungarian - an idea plagiarized, no 
doubt, from either George Bernard Shaw or Henry Higgins.  The story is 
quite interesting; sort of like a high quality comic book with sexual 
activities as a natural part of the plot.  This is the first of four 
connected stories - four that I know of; there may be others.  The plot 
has obvious possibilities: what sort of things - both emotional and 
physical - will happen to a woman with super powers who approaches an 
American college campus as a foreign culture.  This series has the 
potential to be really good, but I’m going to save a really high rating 
until I’ve seen more.

Ratings for “A Supergirl Arises From The Abyss”
Athena (technical quality): 10
Venus (plot & character): 9
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 9.5

“Double Trouble” by RC (74734.271@CompuServe.COM).  What’s a guy to do 
if he has two girlfriends, both of whom are intelligent, attractive, 
sexy, fun in bed - everything a guy could want?  Well, since I know 
this author’s work, I suppose the guy could get the two of them 
together, encourage them to have sex with each other, and hope they 
would let him join them occasionally.  Actually, my prediction was 
close - very close; but I didn’t think of the possibility that one of 
the women would be a hypnotist.

Ratings for “Double Trouble”
Athena (technical quality): 10
Venus (plot & character): 9.5
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 9.5

“Test Ride” by Joe Parsons  (jmp@cyber-mall.com).  This is a story 
about motorcycles and sex.  As the bumper sticker says, “Motorcyclists 
spread their legs when they do it.”  Or even better, “Motorcyclists 
like something hot between their legs.”  Cyclists differ from English 
Teachers, who do it with style, and Federal Express Couriers, who will 
absolutely and positively do it overnight - and bakers, who knead it 
daily.  Ironically, motorcycles have no room for such sophisticated 
aphorisms on their bumpers, and so these proclamations invariably 
appear on the bumper of the owner’s automobile.

Reminded of his biker past by a cyclist bumper sticker, the man in this 
story stops at a German motorcycle dealership, where Inge, the 
statuesque salesperson, offers to let him take a test ride.  Inge is 
the sort of person that gives the double entendres to the bumper 
stickers I mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

In my distant past I had an early boyfriend who owned a motorcycle.  I 
used to call it his hog.  I broke off the relationship, largely because 
he was interested primarily in something hot between the legs, and I 
wasn’t ready for that yet.  As I read this story, I came to a better 
understanding of his viewpoint.  For example, I used to naively wonder 
why he didn’t have a larger seat if he wanted me to ride double with 
him; and I honestly believed there was no such thing as handbars for 
the second rider.  I WAS naive, wasn’t I?

This story verifies one bumper sticker: “Cyclists do it off the road.”  
In addition, “Cyclists can change speeds while doing it.”

This is a sexy story.  Even if you aren’t a cyclist yourself, you’ll 
probably enjoy this story.  If you’re a motorcycle freak, you’ll 
probably love it.  This was an outstanding story by an author who does 
it in really novel ways!

Ratings for “Test Ride”
Athena (technical quality): 10
Venus (plot & character): 10
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 10

“American Airlines Cockpit” by Mary Anne Mohanraj 
(moh2@midway.uchicago.edu).  Two college girls (one straight, one bi) 
are on their way to England for the Christmas holiday.  They’re bored, 
and one of them is afraid of flying.  What can the other girl suggest 
that might relieve boredom and get her friend’s mind off her 
acrophobia?  The solution lies in a trip to the cockpit, where they 
learn the true value of automatic pilot.

The FAA - the organization that tells pilots when and how to do it - 
would like me to make it clear that pilots do things like this only 
under the relatively rare circumstances when sexy college girls enter 
the cockpit in mid-flight, do a striptease, and ask to test the pilots’ 
instruments.  The author does an excellent job of creating ambiance 
with informal banter that makes this a really delightful story.  This 
author has a whole collection of her stories on the Web at 

Ratings for “American Airlines Cockpit”
Athena (technical quality): 10
Venus (plot & character): 10
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 10

*“Scarlett’s Cove” by Ann Douglas (AnnD55@NYC.Pipeline.Com). This story 
centers around the visit of two friends to a Caribbean Club Med type 
resort that caters to lesbians and bisexuals.  Although both women are 
lesbians, they are not habitual lovers - just friends.  After some 
preliminary fun, Jeanette finds that Arlene has entered her into a sort 
of charity bachelor auction - the other women will bid to have Jeanette 
for their date for the evening.  I think I have told you enough about 
the story.  It’s a hot plot with hot sex.  I might add that Jeanette is 
a high school teacher and many of us often wish we could touch our 
favorite students the way she does - but somebody might take that 
comment the wrong way.

Ann writes many different kinds of stories, and I enjoy them all; but 
this story is a good example of what Ann does best: an interesting and 
sexy plot woven into an exotic environment embellished with accurate 
information about varied cultures.  In addition, the author enriches 
the narrative with sexy flashbacks and side plots that heighten the 
tension and allure of the main storyline.

As I have said many times before, although I suspect that all sensible 
women would enjoy sexual activities like those described in this story, 
I myself have never engaged in full genital lesbian or bisexual 
activity.  However, after reading this story, my defenses have begun to 
crumble.  If by some chance I would ever be bereaved of this wonderful 
guy that humps me on demand like Mark Aster’s studly hero and then 
found myself on an exotic Caribbean island with a beautiful, rich 
former student who was professing her love for me after purchasing me 
for an exorbitant price in a charity auction - well, I might give it a 
thought.  Hell, I think I’ll give it a thought right now!

I’m reminded of the words of my daughter, who every year proclaims that 
“this is my best birthday ever.”  This is the best story ever by Ann 

Ratings for "Scarlett’s Cove"
Athena (technical quality): 10
Venus (plot & character): 10
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 10

“The End of Grieving” by Tabercil (an636956@anon.penet.fi).  The man 
lost his wife in a traffic accident several months ago, and he has been 
living in a depressed, almost catatonic state since the funeral.  His 
daughters realize they have to do something to snap him out of it, and 
so the girl who looks most like her mother disguises herself to look 
even more like the mother and comes to his bedside while the other two 
girls look on.  The idea is that Dad will be surprised, cry his eyes 
out, and have a good talk that will enable him to rejoin the real 
world.  Instead he fucks his daughter till they both come in screaming 

The premise is interesting and the sex is extremely hot. Aside from 
several proofreading errors, my only complaint was that I think the 
premise was overdone a little.  Gentle, loving sex I could understand 
more easily; but Dad winds up with his entire fist up his daughter’s 
ass - something that he had never done with his wife and an action with 
which his daughter would presumably be unfamiliar.  Then when the 
lights come on, the father and daughters simply kiss, verify that Dad 
has undergone a complete cure, and agree that they have to do this more 
often.  Both Oedipus and his mother had more difficulty than this when 
a parallel situation arose in their own lives.  {By the way, I’ve 
always thought that Oedipus suffered from a serious case of confusion.  
He was an adult man who accidentally married his own widowed mother, 
who was past childbearing age, and had become king as a result of the 
wedding.  Under the circumstances, when he discovered his error, he 
should simply have said, “Holy shit!  I’ve married my mother!  How 
about that!”  But things are not that simple in Greek mythology or in 
daytime soaps.}

To put it another way, the most likely outcome in real life for a guy 
who would undergo this experience after never previously even 
contemplating sex with his daughters would be to say, “Omigod, what 
have I done?!”  The present ending would make sense only if we either 
(1) had a lot more information to set up this ending or (2) already 
bought into incest as a really great lifestyle that is often suppressed 
by silly taboos.

I think the author wanted to write about (a) an interesting situation 
and (b) the hottest anal sex possible.  I think it might have been 
better to separate the two - reasonably good but not necessarily super-
hot sex in this story and the super-hot anal sex in a different story.

I’ve gotten sidetracked and have spent more time on the negatives than 
the positives of this story.  Overall, this was a very good story - 
with room for improvement.

Ratings for "The End of Grieving"
Athena (technical quality): 9.5
Venus (plot & character): 9
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 9

“The Enema Bandit” by Play Doctor (playdoc@digitals.com).  The guy has 
severe emotional problems dealing with non-subservient women.  There’s 
a bitch in his office who seems to be interested in equality for women 
and garbage like that.  She smokes, cusses, goes off on vacations 
without her old man, and other radical things like that.  So the guy 
decides to teach her a lesson.  He gets a key to her house, sneaks in 
when her husband is gone for the weekend, and watches from the closet 
as she undresses and goes into the shower.  After sizing her up and 
noticing how good she looks, he pounces on her as she opens her closet.  
After binding and gagging her, he takes her rectal temperature, gives 
her an enema, and inserts a butt plug.  Then he ties her onto the 
toilet and jerks off on her tits.  Finally, he wipes everything clean, 
sticks a cigarette in her mouth, gathers his own stuff, and leaves.

That’ll teach her.  Goddam woman’s libber!  The author says he wrote 
this to get rid of some frustration.  I hope it worked.  As a safety 
valve it may have been useful; as a story it’s lacking a major chunk of 
a plot.

Ratings for "The Enema Bandit}
Athena (technical quality): 7
Venus (plot & character): 5
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 5

“Roadside Park” by Lisha White (lishawhite@aol.com). Paul and Karen 
have been without sex for an unspecified “long time.”  They are horny 
and have gone to the woods in a park to have sex.  Paul has brought 
along his handcuffs.  They have a long, lingering fuck in the woods - 
actually a couple of fucks.

Although the sex was abundant and explicit, it wasn’t focused.  The 
story contained unnecessary repetition and details that didn’t need to 
be there.  For example, Paul eventually decides to “save the handcuffs 
for another time.”  That’s fine, but why mention them at all.  It seems 
likely that the author intended to use the manacles in the plot, then 
realized story line was getting unwieldy and decided to omit the cuffs, 
but neglected to go back and delete the reference.  This was by no 
means an awful story; the author should simply make a better attempt to 
get to the point more efficiently.

Ratings for "Roadside Park"
Athena (technical quality): 8
Venus (plot & character): 7
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 7

“Discovery” by Skeeter379 (skeeter379@aol.com).  This is the author’s 
second story on a.s.s., and it’s very good.  Two women work together, 
but their working relationship is going to end.  They go out to 
celebrate; and the one who is bisexual is self-conscious because she 
lusts for the other and knows that the feelings are not reciprocal.  
Surprise!  The other IS interested; they make passionate love; and 
there is a promising future in store.

The story is well written.  What the author could add would be some 
nuances to the plot.  From almost the beginning of the story I was 
easily able to predict what was going to happen.  Since the narrator 
stated that she was surprised, it would have been a good idea to share 
more of that surprise with the reader.

Ratings for "Discovery"
Athena (technical quality): 10
Venus (plot & character): 9
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 9

“Leia in Her Cell” by Gregory Fairbanks (kaneda@email.unc.edu).  I 
remember the evening we first took our children to see a “Star Wars” 
movie.  My husband approached me in bed later that night wearing a mask 
and breathing heavily while he talked - a poor imitation of Darth 
Vader: “Princess Leia will tell me where the rebel base is, or I’ll 
fuck her brains out!”  “The force be with you!” I replied, as I seized 
the initiative and quickly got him into a half nelson - if only I knew 
what a half nelson was.  With all it’s wonderful special effects, the 
most glaring flaw in the “Star Wars” movies was that nobody ever raped 
Princess Leia.  Sure; she was a princess, and it might make sense to 
give her special treatment.  But the minions of the Evil Empire were 
willing to kill her by compressing her in a trash compactor, for god’s 
sake!  And the bad guys were the very incarnation of evil.  Why 
wouldn’t they rape her?  Well, because it was a children’s story, of 

In this story Princess Leia meets her adult fate.  The bad guys treat 
her with an interrogation droid.  Actually, the two guards modify the 
droid to make Leia orgasmic rather than loquacious; and in doing so 
they also seem to have removed much of the grammar from the story.  The 
modified droid has just thrust its dildo tentacle several times into 
the body of the ecstatic princess and has injected a sticky red fluid 
into her pulsating body when - oh, no!  The bastards are torturing ME!  
The story is “to be continued”; and the misguided author has written 
only the first part.

Ratings for "Leia in Her Cell”
Athena (technical quality): 5
Venus (plot & character): 6
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 6

*"Home Improvement: Hot Tub Hijinks" by Jay-P (an96917@anon.penet.fi).  
As I've said before, I enjoy sex stories about fictional celebrities, 
because they make it possible to actually picture the persons involved, 
without doing any real harm to anyone.  This and the next two are 
reviews of parodies of the "Home Improvement” television series.  They 
have recently been reposted as Himp1, etc.  As far as I could see, the 
present set of repostings does not include what I consider to be the 
best “Home Improvement” parody, which is “Jill’s Story” by Ann Douglas.  
Perhaps Ann will repost that story.

In this first story we can picture Randy and Brad Taylor (sons of Tim 
the Tool Man and his wife Jill) fooling around with their little 
girlfriends in the hot tub while their parents are away.  By knowing 
something more about the personalities of Randy and Brad from the 
television series, I was easily able to apply this additional 
information to the story and enjoy it more.  A nice story.

Ratings for "Hot Tub Hijinks”
Athena (technical quality): 9
Venus (plot & character): 8
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 8

*"Home Improvement: Molly's Muff" by Jay-P (an96917@anon.penet.fi).  I 
normally get turned off at the very idea of an older woman seducing a 
little child; but this one really does sound like a 12-year-old kid's 
dream.  And besides, they wear seat belts when they drive to the hotel.

One piece of irony:  The woman in the story says that she knew Randy 
was not really 32 years old (as he claimed on the BBS), because he made 
spelling mistakes that would get past a spellcheck - like "their" for 
"there" - but which an older person would notice  A few paragraphs 
later, Randy notes that "her cunt was harrier" - instead of "hairier."  
You can look that one up in your unabridged Funk & Wagnalls.

Now that I've convinced you I have a college education, I'll return to 
the story.  It was well written and enjoyable.   They had four orgasms 
apiece in about 45 minutes.

Ratings for "Molly's Muff”
Athena (technical quality): 8
Venus (plot & character): 8
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 8

"Home Improvement: Caught" by Jay-P (an96917@anon.penet.fi). Randy (age 
12) and his girlfriend Beth hurry home from school and start 
copulating.  Little brother Mark (age 10?) catches them in the act and 
threatens to tell on them.  Since this story is part of a literary 
tradition that does not have Randy already fucking his mother, Randy 
and Beth resort to bribery: they promise to show Mark what they have 
been doing if he will promise to keep his mouth shut.  Mark 
conditionally acquiesces.  After a cursory examination of the available 
anatomy, Mark asks for a demonstration.  Randy and Beth comply.  Then 
Beth, who is the brains of the twosome, hits upon the idea that if she 
can get Mark actively involved, he won’t be able to squeal without 
implicating himself; and so she encourages him to jerk off while they 
fuck.  He does; they do; and he doesn’t.  A good time was had by all.

Ratings for "Caught”
Athena (technical quality): 8
Venus (plot & character): 9
Celeste (appeal to reviewer): 9.5