Chapter – Nine


The last few days of my aunt and cousin’s stay were fairly uneventful.  We went to the beach to swim in the ocean on Monday and I was allowed to bring Cindy with me.  She spent most of the day ogling my brother and cousin, making nasty little comments about what she’d like to do with them.


I wore my yellow bikini and Frank kept his camera trained on me most of the day.  I don’t know how many pictures he took, but it was a lot.


That night, after we dropped Cindy off at her house, we all hung around the living room.  At about nine o’clock, Aunt Sally said she wanted to go out for a drink and our parents left.  The minute they were gone, Frank and Eddie were at the computer downloading the pictures from Frank’s camera.


I stood next to my brother and watched as he plugged his camera into the computer and started the process.  He had to load some kind of software on the computer, but told us that it wouldn’t hurt anything.


After the camera was downloaded, we looked at the photos.  By the time we were finished, all of us were laughing.  Some of the pictures of me in my yellow bikini were pretty good, in my opinion.  Frank made a CD with the pictures for Eddie and me, and another one for himself.  After he finished, he deleted the pictures off the computer.


After my Aunt Sally and Frank left for home, things got back to normal.  Eddie and I were back in school, my dad was back to work and we found out my mom was looking for a job.  She told me that it wasn’t for the money; she was bored with staying home all day.


I still didn’t know if my brother knew what happened in the van that night, but he didn’t say anything and neither did I.  I did think about it a lot though and it was one of my favorite things to think about when I was in bed alone at night.


The Christmas holiday came and went.  My brother and I both received notebook computers along with new clothes.  Mom bought me a whole bunch of new underwear from the lingerie shop she now worked in.  The panties and bras weren’t anything like you’d find at a discount store.  Everything was very sexy and lacy.  My new bras were also a size larger.


As spring rolled around, Cindy and I tried out for the track team at school.  The first two or three weeks were grueling, but we both made the cut.  My long legs helped, I had reached five foot seven, making me a good candidate for running the hurdles.  I also was picked to run cross-country.  Cindy ran the shorter races, she wasn’t nearly as fast as I was, but she did okay.


I started getting up very early and running in the mornings, before it got too warm.  After a few weeks, Eddie decided to join me on my morning runs to help him stay in shape for soccer.  Mom had picked up a few sports-bras and Lycra running shorts for me.  I really liked the way the tight shorts hugged my body and the way the bras kept my boobs from bouncing too much.  Because Mom was able to order the things through her shop, she got a real good deal and bought me several sets.


One Saturday morning in April, Eddie and I had just finished our five-mile run.  We had gotten a late start and by the time we got back to the house, we were both hot and sweaty.  My brother ran into the back yard and jumped into the pool to cool off.  I knew that I should cool down first, but the water looked way too inviting and I jumped in after him.  We stayed in the pool for several minutes and then climbed out.


Eddie was out first and standing on the deck.  When I climbed out, his eyes opened as wide as I’ve ever seen them and his mouth dropped open.  I was a little confused for a moment.  That is until I looked at my chest, the place my brother’s eyes were glued to.


I had worn my white sports bra and shorts and they were wet and almost see-through.  My nipples and the dark skin of my areola were clearly visible through the skintight material, as was the hair on my pubic mound.  My brother and I stood staring for several moments, me staring at his surprised face, him shifting his gaze between my tits and crotch.


After what seemed like a very long time, I said, “Oops!”


Eddie broke out laughing and said, “Wow, Jen, I never realized that you had such a great body.”


“Um, thanks, I guess.  You’ve seen me in my bikini plenty of times, it’s smaller that this outfit.”


“Yeah, but it isn’t, um…”


“See-through?”  I said as I pulled the wet fabric away from my boobs.




By this time I had stopped dripping and decided to go change.  When I turned around, I was sure he got a real good look at my ass.


My afternoon phone call to Cindy was very interesting that day.  When I told her what happened, she couldn’t believe it.


“Yup,” I giggled into the phone.  “I might as well of been naked, he could see EVERYTHING!”


“What did you do?”


“What could I do, Cindy?  I just laughed it off.”


“Wow, he must have been really turned on when he saw you like that.”


“I don’t know, but Eddie spent a long time in the shower.”


We both laughed.


After we finished talking, I went outside to read.  Eddie came out a little later, sat on a chair near mine and wiggled around uneasily.  Finally he spoke to me.


“Um, Jen, I’m really sorry I stared at you this morning.”


I put my book down and said, “No problem.”


“It’s just that you looked so, um…”


“Naked?”  I giggled.


“Yeah.  I couldn’t help it.  I didn’t really mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”


I thought for a minute and then said, “I wasn’t.  It happened, no big deal.”


I could tell that my brother was uneasy about what happened so I tried to make him feel better.


“Look, Eddie, if it would have been the other way around, I would have stared too.  Actually, I’m flattered that I had that kind of affect on you.”




“Yeah, really.  I don’t get noticed at school by many boys and it’s nice to know that at least one boy thinks I’m, you know.”




I nodded my head.


“The boys at school notice you, Jen.  I hear them talking about you all the time.  They all think you’re hot.”


“Oh yeah, then why doesn’t anyone ask me out or anything.”


“Because they all know that if they mess with you, I’ll beat their ass.”


“Eddie!  Why would you do that to me?  I want to have a boy ask me out, you know, to a party or something.”


Eddie shrugged his shoulders.


“Look, I really appreciate you looking after me, okay.  I want to have my own life though.  I’ll make you a deal, you stop scaring off the boys and I’ll tell you if one of them messes up and then you can beat his ass, okay?”


Eddie laughed and said, “Okay, Jen, on one condition.”




“You fix me up with one of your friends.”


“I might be able to help you out there.  Do you have anyone in mind?”


Eddie said, “Cindy,” and my blood ran cold.  I didn’t know what to say to him.  I knew Cindy was interested in Eddie, but I wasn’t sure I could handle her going out with him.  I knew that we, Cindy and I, were only thirteen and going out wouldn’t amount to much more than sneaking kisses and maybe, just maybe a little touching, but Eddie and Cindy!


“I’ll talk to her if you want me to, but don’t get your hopes up.  Cindy’s dad is real strict and I don’t think he’d allow her to go anywhere with you.”


“Not even to a party?”


“I don’t think so, like I said, he’s really strict.  He won’t let her wear short skirts or use any makeup or anything.  The only time I can stay over at her house is when her dad is out of town.”


“Oh, that is strict.  It would really be great if you’d say something to her anyway.”


Over the next few weeks, my brother asked me almost daily if I had talked to Cindy.  I put him off, telling him Cindy and I really hadn’t had a chance to spend any time alone.  In reality, I didn’t really want to tell her that my brother liked her.  I thought that if things didn’t work out between them, I might lose a friend.  Finally, in the middle of May, I told Cindy.


Cindy and I had just gotten off the school bus and were walking toward my house.  She was going on about what a jerk her dad was being and how he still wouldn’t let her wear certain clothes.


“Cindy,” I said, interrupting her, “Eddie told me to tell you he likes you.”




“That’s what he said, but I didn’t want to tell you.”


“Why not, Jen?”


“Because I’m afraid that if you and my brother don’t get along, you and I won’t be friends anymore.”


“That’s silly.  We’ll always be friends.”


“That’s what I want, Cindy, but what if you and Eddie get into a big fight and then you don’t want to come over anymore?”


“I can see what you mean, but maybe it’ll work out for Eddie and me and then it won’t be a problem.”


“That’s easy for you to say, you wouldn’t have to be in the same house with a boy calling your best friend names.  Besides, I’m not sure I like the idea of you and my brother having sex.”


“What!  Why do you think I’d be having sex with him?”


“That’s what you keep saying.”


“Well, I might say things like that, but I’m not planning on having sex with anybody yet, except you,” Cindy said, and then she began to giggle.


I laughed with her, slapped her butt and said, “So, what should I tell him when he asks?”


Cindy thought for a moment and replied, “Tell him I’ll think about it, if he asks.”


“Oh, he’ll ask, he does every day.”


When I got home, I changed into shorts and a tank top.  I went into the living room, sat on the floor and began doing my homework.  About an hour later, my brother came home.  Eddie went to the kitchen, fixed himself a snack and came into the living room.  He sat on the couch, right behind me and began to eat.


“Did you talk to Cindy?”  Eddie asked.


“Yeah, I told her what you said,” I replied.


My back was to my brother and I didn’t turn around when I answered him.


“Well, what did she say?”


I twisted, looked at my brother and said, “She said she’d think about it.”


“That’s all?”


“Yup, she just said she’d think about it.  If you want to know anymore than that, you can talk to her yourself.”


“Okay, Jen, thanks for talking to her for me.”


I nodded and went back to my homework.  I had my history book open and a notebook on my lap.  My legs were folded Indian style and I was leaning over to read from the book and making notes.


“What are you wearing?”  Eddie said from behind me.


“What are you talking about,” I said, still hunched over my books.  “I’m wearing shorts and a top, like I usually do.”


“I mean under your shorts, what’s that thing?”


I reached behind me, ran my fingers along the waistband of my shorts and felt the back of my red thong.  The way I was sitting caused my shorts to be pulled down and exposed my underwear.


“My panties,” I said.


“It doesn’t look like any panties I’ve ever seen.”


“Just how many girls have you seen in their panties?”  I giggled.


“That’s not what I meant, Jen.”


“They’re called thongs,” I said, but I didn’t make any attempt to fix my shorts.


Eddie didn’t say anything for a few moments and then he said, “It looks like they’re in the crack of your ass.”


“They are.”


“Why would you want to wear underwear that go in your crack?  Isn’t it uncomfortable?”


“I wear them so I don’t have panty lines in my clothes, and no, they aren’t uncomfortable, not after you get used to them.”


“They look strange, Jen.”


I giggled and continued to do my homework.  I knew Eddie was staring at me, but I didn’t really care.  I felt all tingly knowing he was looking at my butt.


“Does Mom know your wear them?”


“Yes, Eddie, Mom knows.  She buys them for me.”


“Why do you even bother to wear them?  It doesn’t look like they cover anything.”


“They cover the important parts,” I giggled, enjoying the teasing.


“Do a lot of girls wear them?”


“I don’t know, some do I guess.”


“Have you ever seen any of the girls at school wear them?”


“Yes, in PE.”




“It doesn’t matter.  Why am I sitting here discussing girls’ underwear with you anyway?”


I didn’t turn around to look, but I’d have bet my brother was blushing.


“I don’t know.”


“Besides, haven’t you seen them in Mom’s catalogs?  I keep finding them in our bathroom.”


“I’ve seen some pictures, but I didn’t realize that thongs didn’t have backs to them.”


I was pretending that I was still doing my homework, but my mind couldn’t have been any further from history than it was.  I was really enjoying teasing Eddie and wasn’t going to stop until he gave up, or…


“Which pictures?”


“The ones in the books, you know.”


“Show me what you’ve seen and I’ll tell you if mine are like the ones in the book.”


I saw my brother dash by me, and head towards our rooms.  Instead of going into the bathroom, he went into his bedroom and came back with one of the catalogs.  I was going to ask him why he had it in his room, but decided that I was embarrassing him enough.  He stood at my side and flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for.  He pushed the catalog under my nose and said, “Like this?”


After looking at the pictures of the women in their panties and such, I shook my head.


“Nope, mine aren’t like any of those.”


Eddie searched for more pictures, showed them to me and I continued to shake my head no.  I knew the ones I was wearing weren’t in the catalog he had, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.


“I give up,” Eddie said in disgust.


“Aw, what’s the matter big brother,” I said in a squeaky voice.  “Are you getting mad?”


“No, I’m not getting mad, Jen.  I think you’re lying to me.  I don’t think this book has any pictures of the things you’re wearing.”


“You’re right, it doesn’t.”


“Then why did you make me go through those pictures?  You’re just being a brat!”


I started to feel sorry for teasing him so much.  Even though I was having fun, he wasn’t, not anymore.  My brother went back to the couch, sat down hard and began sulking.  I turned around and looked at him.  I could tell I’d upset him and I began to feel sorry for him.


“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad, Eddie.  I was just having a little fun.  Please don’t be upset with me.”


My brother didn’t say anything.  He just looked away and sat motionless on the couch.


“Why are you upset?”


“I’m not!”


“Yes you are.”


“I was just curious, that’s all.  It’s no big deal.  I don’t know anything about girls, let alone the things they wear.  Your panty things just looked funny and I wanted to know what they were.”


My heart started to race as I contemplated my next move.  I could feel my whole body begin to respond as I thought about showing my brother my thong.  I took a deep breath, unsnapped my shorts and lowered the zipper.  Eddie was still looking away as I lowered my shorts around my ankles.


“Eddie,” I said softly, “this is what they look like.”


My brother turned and looked at me.  His mouth fell open and his eyes got as big as saucers.  He took several short sharp breaths and glued his eyes to the lace front panel of my thong.


I was equally excited by my actions.  I slowly turned around, as sexy as I could with my shorts around my ankles, and let him see the back.  The thong has thin scalloped bands that went from the front to a very small triangle of lace in back.  The triangle pointed to the space between my butt cheeks and a thin strip of red satin material disappeared between them.


By the time I completed my turn, my vagina was throbbing with excitement.  I was really amazed at the affect I was having on my brother.  Then in another bold move, I pulled my top up over my boobs and let him see my matching bra.


Neither of us said a word as I stood in the middle of the living room with my shorts down and my top up.  I don’t know if Eddie realized it or not, but he reached down and pulled at his crotch as he gazed at me.


“A fashion show, I presume?”  I heard my mother say from the doorway that separated the living room from the dining area.


I screamed, pulled my top down and reached for my shorts.  As I struggled to get them back up, I heard my mom laughing.  After I had them zipped and snapped I turned to look at her.  I’m sure the look on my face was one of pure fear.  Eddie was as red as my underwear and it looked like he was trying to climb into the gap of the cushions.  Our mom walked casually into the living room, still laughing.


I stood frozen in my tracks as she approached.  Mom started shaking her head and told me to sit down.  I stumbled to the couch and sat on the edge at the opposite end from my brother.  Mom shifted her eyes from Eddie to me and finally stopped laughing, although there was a chuckle in her voice when she started to speak.


“First of all, you two aren’t in any trouble,” she said.


Both my brother’s and my sigh were loud enough that our mom started to laugh again.


“There isn’t any reason either of you should be ashamed of your bodies.  It’s natural for young boys to want to see a girl in her underwear, or even naked.  It’s just as normal for a young girl to want to be seen.”


I relaxed and shifted around so I could look at my mom as she talked.  She stood back far enough from the couch to see both my brother and I at the same time.


“You might not believe it, but you two aren’t the first siblings to play show and tell.  Your father and I aren’t stupid or blind.  We know that Eddie is constantly trying to steal peeks of you, Jen.  We also are very aware that you don’t do anything to discourage him.  Now, I’m not telling you two that you can run around in public naked, but, what happens in our home is our business.”


Mom sat in Dad’s chair and continued to talk.


“The only thing I’m going to tell you is that if other people found out, there could be trouble.  I’m not trying to frighten either of you two, I’m just telling you not to be blatant or talk about what goes on here, if anything does go on.”


My mom looked right at me and said, “Jenny, you look pretty funny with a nice tan and a white bottom.”


“MOM!”  I said.


“Well, you do, honey.”


“What am I supposed to do about it, lay out in the nude?”


“Well, I’m not too sure that would be a good idea, but you could get a suit that’s like your thong.”


“I could never go outside like that, Mom.”


“That’s up to you, Jen.”


“You wouldn’t be mad at her?”  Eddie said.


Mom shook her head no.


Eddie looked at Mom and then said, “Is it the same for me?”


“Yes, of course it’s the same for you, Eddie.  I don’t buy all that double standard crap.  I wasn’t kidding when I talked about it at the water park last year.”


We all chatted for a few minutes and then Mom dropped a bomb on my brother and I.  It wouldn’t have been so bad if Eddie and I weren’t sitting in the same room at the time, but we were.


“Another thing I want you two to know,” Mom said.  “There is nothing wrong with masturbating.  It’s perfectly normal and you should never be ashamed of the fact that you do it.”


I was shocked!  Not by what she said, but how she said it.  It was like Mom was talking about brushing our teeth.  Another thing that shocked me was the fact she didn’t say IF you do, she said THAT you do.  Mom and I had talked about it before and I’m sure she knew that I masturbated.  After cleaning my brother’s room with her for Thanksgiving, I also knew she knew about my brother doing it.


Eddie shifted around on the couch as he listened to Mom talk so bluntly.  I guess he felt like I did.  I did it, but it wasn’t something I went around telling everyone.  My brother seemed uneasy and I guess he wanted to shock Mom as much as she shocked us.


“Does that mean I can do it out here in the living room?”


Mom looked right at my brother and said, “Feel free to whack away, it isn’t anything I haven’t seen before.”


Eddie laughed and I quickly said, “Well it’s not something I want to see.”


Mom looked at me, winked and then said, “Any questions?”


My face must have been bright red after she winked at me.  I really did want to see it, but I wasn’t about to admit it, not in front of my brother.  I shook my head no and so did Eddie.


“Okay then, I’m going to go cook dinner.”


I followed Mom out to the kitchen.  I did have something I wanted to say to her, just not in front of my brother.


“Thanks, Mom,” I said.


“You’re welcome,” she replied, as if she knew exactly what I was talking about.


“Mom, did you ever do anything like that when you were young?”  I asked, knowing full well that at my age she was sexually active, at least to a point.


Mom laughed and said, “Yes, honey, I did.  Like I said you and your brother didn’t invent show and tell.”


“You didn’t have a brother though.”


“No, but there were plenty of boys in the neighborhood.”


“Like Daddy?”


Mom chuckled and said, “Yes dear, like your father.”


“Tell me about it.”


“Not right now, Jen,” she said.


I expected to hear something like, ‘when you’re older,’ but she surprised me again.


“I have to start dinner right now, we’ll talk some other time when I don’t have so many things to do.”


“Want some help?”


“No thank you, Jen.  I can take care of it.  Maybe you should go finish your homework.”


I agreed and went back out to the living room.  My brother was still sitting on the couch.  I think he was still in shock.


“Wow, I thought we were so busted,” I said as I sat back down on the floor.


“Me too!  I thought Mom was going to kill you.”


“Me!  Why me?”


“Because you were standing there in your underwear.”


“You were looking at me.  If anyone was going to get into trouble it would have been both of us.”


Eddie lowered his voice and said, “Are you going to start running around the house naked?”


“No, you jerk!  Are you?”


Eddie laughed and said, “Maybe.”


“Well, don’t do it when I’m around.  I’m not interested in seeing your thing.”


“I’ll bet you are, Jenny.  I’ll bet you want to see me as much as I want to see you.”


I didn’t answer him, I couldn’t.  My mind was in overdrive again and I was afraid of what I might say.  I went back to my history and didn’t talk about what happened any more that night.


School ended for the year and my brother and I were free for the summer.  We still got up early and ran every morning, but I didn’t jump into the pool in my running clothes, even though my brother tried to get me to.


Summers were always about the same for me, I was excited to be out of school for about the first two weeks, and then I started to get bored.  I had started riding my bike more, adding it to my running routine.  The workout I got improved the muscles in my legs and my stamina.  I would usually ride in the evening, after dinner.  Summer was hot in southern Florida and by the time we ate and I rested for a while, the heat was at least tolerable.


Eddie would ride with me sometimes, and so would my mom.  One evening, Mom and I were out for a ride.  We talked as we rode and I wasn’t really paying any attention to where I was going.  Mom was telling me about some new things they had received in the shop she worked in and that they added swimwear to their line.


We were about two miles from the house when it started to rain.  Mom and I turned around and headed for home, speeding up our pace.  I stood up and began to peddle hard as the rain fell harder.  As we rounded a corner onto our street, my foot slipped off the pedal and I came down on the seat hard.  I lost my balance and fell onto the side of the road, scraping my leg on the blacktop.


Mom stopped and came rushing over to me.  She helped me up, checked my leg and asked if I was all right.


“I think so, Mom,” I cried.  “I really hit the seat hard and my crotch hurts.”


Mom and I walked the rest of the way to the house, pushing our bikes.  It hurt so badly between my legs that I didn’t think I could ride anymore.  When we got home, Mom helped me get my bike in the garage and then helped me into the house.


When my dad saw my leg, he asked what had happened.  Mom guided me to her bedroom as she explained about the accident.  Once we were in her room, she told me to take off my shorts and let her look at my leg.  When I complained about my side, she told me to take off my top too.


Mom and I were standing in her bathroom, me in my blue flowered bikini panties and a matching bra.  She was cleaning the abrasions on my leg with a soapy washcloth as I squirmed and flinched.  Mom told me to lift my arm and she started to wash a small scrape on my side.


“Is she okay?”  I heard my dad say.


“Yes, she’s fine.  Just a little scraped up.”


I turned my head and saw my dad standing in the doorway of the bathroom, watching my mom tend to my wounds.


“Dad!”  I screeched and tried to cross my arms over my chest.  “I’m in my underwear.”


Mom laughed and said, “Hold still, I’m almost done.  Your father has seen a girl in her underwear before.”


“Not me!”


“He’s seen you in that yellow bikini you run around in, it doesn’t cover as much as your panties and bra,” Mom said as she finished washing my scrapes.


“That’s different!”


My dad just laughed and left.  I was red in the face and very embarrassed by what happened.  Mom wasn’t any help, she just continued to laugh and shake her head.


“What’s so funny?”  I asked my mom.


“You are, Jen.  You don’t care about standing in the living room showing your brother your undies, but you get all embarrassed when your dad sees you.”


“That was different, Mom.”


“If you say so.  I’m going to put some ointment on your scrapes, it might sting a bit.”


Mom put the ointment on me and it stung a lot.  I jerked away from her, but she didn’t stop until she was sure I was covered with the stuff.


“You don’t think there’s anything wrong with Daddy seeing me like this, do you?”


“No, Jen, I don’t.  Like I told you before, you shouldn’t be ashamed of your body.”


In a move that caught me completely off guard, my mom pressed her fingers against my mons.


“Does that hurt?”  She asked.


“Just a little, it’s more like a throb.  I hit the seat really hard.”


My mom slipped her fingers lower and I winced in pain.


“That really hurt, I sort of sting down there,” I told her.


Mom pulled my panties down and said, “Oh, oh, it looks like you ripped your hymen.  You have a little blood in your panties.”


I looked down, saw the blood in the gusset of my panties and began to cry.


“You’ll be okay, honey.  It’s nothing to worry about.”


“What do you mean there’s nothing to worry about.  I’m not a virgin anymore!”


Mom chuckled and said, “Yes you are, honey.”


“How can I be, my cherry is broken.”


Mom stopped chuckling and began to laugh as she pulled my soiled panties off one foot and then the other.


“Jen, just because your hymen is ripped doesn’t mean you’re not a virgin anymore.”


“It doesn’t?  I thought that when you got you cherry broken it meant you weren’t a virgin anymore.”


“No, being virgin isn’t a condition, it’s a state of mind, so to speak.  You can only lose your virginity by having sex with a man, and then only if he penetrates you with his penis.”




“Yes, dear, really.  I’m going to make an appointment for you at the doctors.  I think we should have you checked to make sure you didn’t hurt anything inside your vagina.”


Mom gave me a robe and told my to go put on my pajamas.  I left her room and headed for mine.  My dad stopped me before I could get through the living room.


“Are you okay, honey?”  Dad asked.


“I think so, Daddy.  Mom said she was going to call the doctor an make an appointment for me though, just to make sure.”


“I’m sorry I walked in on you, Jen.  I should have asked, but I was concerned.  I only wanted to make sure you weren’t hurt.”


“It’s okay.  I guess I kind of overreacted.”


Dad smiled and went back to reading the paper.  I went to my room and put on a pair of clean panties and my pajamas.  Once I was dressed, I took my mom’s robe back to her room.  She was still in the bathroom, putting things away.


“Mom,” I said, “can I talk to you about something?”


“Of course you can, you can talk to me about anything.”


“For the past few months, my periods have been kind of strange.  I never know when I’m going to start, and some months I don’t have one at all.”


“It’s probably because of how much you exercise; we can talk to the doctor about it.  Is it a problem?”


“Not really, I just don’t know when I’m going to have it and it can be embarrassing.  I used to know and could be ready, but now…”


“The doctor may be able to give you something to help regulate your periods.  We’ll ask.”


Two days later my mom took me to the doctor’s office for a check up.  The pain between my legs was gone, but my mom still wanted me looked at.  When I was taken to the examining room, Mom came with me, and before the ordeal was over, I was glad she was there.


The nurse gave me a gown and told me to get undressed and put it on.  The gown didn’t close in back and I was a little self conscious about it.  Mom continuously reassured me, but I was still nervous.  The nurse weighed me, measured my height and took my blood pressure.  After entering the information in my chart she told me to remove my panties, sit on the table and that the doctor would be there in a few minutes.


After she left, I reluctantly removed my underwear and jumped up on the table, letting my legs dangle over the edge.


The doctor came in, said hello to my mom and me, and picked up my chart.  After reading what the nurse entered he started my exam and asked me a few questions.


“You only weigh one hundred two pounds, that’s not much for a girl that’s five foot seven,” he said as he looked down my throat.


I couldn’t answer him because he had a tongue depressor half way down my throat.


“Lower your gown so I can examine your breasts, Jenny,” he said.


I looked at Mom and she nodded.  I reached behind my neck, untied the gown and lowered it to my waist.  The doctor squeezed and poked at my boobs for a couple minutes and then told me I could put the gown back on.


I sort of felt funny about having my boobs touched, good funny.  Other than me, Cindy was the only other person who has ever touched them, except for the two times Eddie did it and then I wasn’t naked, and it was a little exciting.


The doctor looked at my leg and side, telling my mom and me that everything was healing fine and there wouldn’t be any scarring.  Then he told me to sit at the end of the table and lay back so he could do a pelvic exam.


While I was repositioning myself, the doctor pulled some strange looking devices out of the end of the table.  He told me that they were called stirrups and then put my feet in them.  I couldn’t see real well, but he sat on a small stool, pulled my gown up to my waist and looked between my legs.  I felt his fingers poking around as he continuously asked me if it hurt.


The next thing I knew, something very cold was being pushed into me and I felt like I was being ripped in two.  Even though the doctor explained what he was doing, I wasn’t paying any attention to his words.  The exam only lasted a couple of minutes, but seemed longer.


“Well,” he said, “you have some bruising of your vulva and labia major, but nothing serious.  Your hymen was torn, but other than that, there’s no damage to your vagina.”


Mom told the doctor about my irregular periods and he agreed that it was probably do to the exercising.


“Is there anything I can take to make them regular?”  I asked.


“Yes, there is something, but unless it really bother’s you, I wouldn’t recommend it.  Not at your age.”


“Will the medicine hurt me?”  I asked.


“No, not really.  There are some side effects to birth control pills, but all in all they are very safe.”


I looked at my mom and said, “What do you think I should do, Mom?”


“It’s up to you, honey.  If not having regular periods bothers you, you can take the pills.”


“Why don’t we do this,” the doctor said.  “I’ll write a prescription for them and if you decide you want to take them after talking to your mom, you can have it filled.”


The doctor took a small pad out of his pocket and wrote on it as he finished telling my mom and me that I was in great shape.  He told me he’d like me to gain a little weight, but other than that everything was good.


On the way home, Mom told me some of the pros and cons of taking the pill.  Her last statement really floored me.


“…and you won’t end up pregnant,” she said.


“I’m not planning to do anything that will make me pregnant right now,” I said.


“I didn’t plan to do anything that would make me pregnant either, Jen, but the one time I did, I got your brother for a present for my seventeenth birthday.”


“You only did it once?”


“Jen, it only takes once!”


She told me about what happened with her and my dad, leaving out the details.  By the time we got home, I found out that she and my dad had gone to the beach, gotten carried away and she ended up pregnant.  The story didn’t scare me, but it did make me think.


For the next couple of weeks, I was unable to play with myself.  Whenever I touched between my legs, it hurt.  I used a mirror to inspect my pussy and could see the dark bruise that had spread to my inner thighs.  As the pain subsided, I began to rub myself again, but not like before.  I wouldn’t try to put my finger in my vagina, settling for the feeling I got when I played with my clit and rubbed my labia.


Cindy started to spend a lot of time at my house and soon, she and my brother were talking to each other.  As summer progressed, so did the relationship between Eddie and Cindy.


One August afternoon, almost two months after my accident, Cindy was over and we were out at the pool.  My brother was off with his friends for the day, my parents were working and we had the place to ourselves.  Cindy had bought a bikini almost like my yellow one and kept it at my house so her father wouldn’t see it.  Hers was black with purple stripes and she looked really cute in it.  Cindy’s chest had started to fill out and while her boobs weren’t as big as mine, they weren’t just little bumps anymore.


Cindy and I had fooled around a few times, but we were by no means lovers.  Our experiences were mostly mutual masturbation and a little touching.  We hadn’t done anything together since well before I fell on my bike and I was feeling a little horny.


One of the things I had begun to notice is that when I masturbated, I was still avoiding any penetration, and while it was really good, I felt empty.  The feeling was deep in my vagina and it started to concern me, although I really didn’t know why I was concerned.  I still was able to bring myself great orgasms, and at times, I felt like I was going to faint, but there was just something missing.


Cindy and I pulled a couple of lounge chairs over to an area that was blocked from our only neighbor’s view.  My dad had a wooden fence put up that spring and it made our large backyard very private.  We stretched out on the lounges and lay on our stomachs.  I reached around behind me and pulled my suit bottom into my butt crack, exposing my now tanned cheeks.


“I sure wish I could do that,” Cindy said.  “I’d love to have a tan like you do.”


“Why don’t you,” I said.  “Nobody’s around to see your ass.”


“If my dad ever found out, he’d kill me.”


“How is your dad going to see your butt, Cindy?”


“I don’t know, he might though and I’d be grounded until I was eighteen.”


“That sucks!  I couldn’t live like that, not being able to do anything.”


“Yeah, it does suck.  I wish my parents were like yours.  Your mom and dad let you do anything you want to.”


“Not really, I get to do stuff because I don’t do bad things.  I don’t run around like Mary Jo and get myself knocked up.  My mom and dad trust me and I don’t plan to do anything to make them stop.”


“Yeah, Mary Jo is in a world of shit.  I heard her mom is sending her away and she has to give up the baby.”


“Really, I don’t know if I could do that, you know, give up a baby.”


“I don’t plan on getting pregnant, Jen.”


“Neither do I, but I doubt that Mary Jo planned for it to happen.  I heard that she only did it with that guy once.”


Cindy giggled and said, “I guess once is all it takes.”


“Guess so.  If I decide I want to do it, I’m going to have my mom get me birth control pills.”


“You’d ask her to do that?”


“Sure, why not.  My mom doesn’t want to be a grandmother any more that I want to be a mom.  Besides, I already have a prescription from the doctor; he gave it to me to help with my periods.”


“Wow, Jen, are you going to get the pills?  What’s wrong with your periods?


“Ever since I started to exercise so much, my periods have been unpredictable.  Some months, I don’t even have one.  The doctor said that birth control pills would help by regulating them.  I don’t know about getting the pills though, I haven’t decided.”


“That might explain why I missed a couple of periods during the track season.  When I missed my first one, I thought I was pregnant, but I knew I couldn’t be because I’ve never done anything with a boy.”


I laughed and said, “You’re silly, Cindy!  I know that someday I want to have sex, and I don’t want to get knocked up when I do.  I’ve been thinking about asking Mom to get the pills for me.  Mainly to help with my periods, but…”


“Well, the first thing you need to do is find a boyfriend.  If you don’t have one of those, you can’t get pregnant.”


“Too true, how are things going with you and Eddie?  He doesn’t talk to me about you very often.”


“Okay, I guess.”


“What do you mean?”


“He hasn’t even tried to kiss me yet.  We talk and even hold hands, but that’s it.”


“My brother is very shy, Cindy.  Give him time and he’ll come around.”


“I hope he hurries, I’m getting impatient.  I want more than a friend that’s a boy.  I want a BOYFRIEND!  How about you, Jen?  Is there anybody you like?”


I rolled over onto my back, pulled my suit bottom into my crotch and then removed my top.  I had been sunning topless when I was alone for a couple of weeks and my boobs were as tan as the rest of my chest.  Cindy also rolled over, looked at me and removed her top.


“Screw it!  If I get caught, I get caught,” she giggled.


I laughed and glanced at her.  Her boobs were flattened against her chest, but her nipples were standing up.  Reaching over to her, I teased one of her nipples and she giggled.


“I don’t really know any boys that I want to hang around with, not yet anyway,” I said as I toyed with her boob and nipple.


I loved the way her nipples felt and reacted to my touch.  I pushed the little nub around with my fingertip, and watched as her areola crinkled up.


“If you keep that up, I’m going to attack you, Jen.  You’re making me really hot.”


I was feeling a little frisky, so I sat up, leaned over and licked her nipple as my hand slid down her tummy and into the bottom of her suit.  I played with her pubic hair for a moment and then moved my fingers lower as she spread her legs.  I could feel the moisture of her pussy as my finger parted her lips and moved up and down her labia.


After rubbing her for a minute and sucking on her nipple, I stretched back out on my lounge.


“You’re a tease, aren’t you?”


“Yup, do you mind?”


“No, the only thing that I mind is that you stopped.”


We giggled for a few minutes and then went into my room.  After pulling the bottoms of our suits off, we jumped onto my bed and began to fool around.  Cindy and I were lying with our heads opposite one another, touching each other’s pussy.  Cindy slipped her finger into me and I noticed it didn’t pinch like before.  It was the first time since the bike accident that a finger had entered me.


As out play progressed, I told Cindy to put another finger in my pussy.  She asked if I was sure and I told her yes.  When I felt her add another finger, I started to rock my hips to drive them deeper.  The feeling of being stretched was wonderful and within minutes, my orgasm began.  I thrashed around on the bed as Cindy pumped her fingers in and out of my convulsing vagina.


When I finally collapsed and lay panting from the best climax I had ever had, Cindy stared at me.


“What was that all about?  Didn’t it hurt?”  Cindy asked.


“No, it felt wonderful!”


“I thought your pussy was going to break my fingers, it clamped down so hard.”


Once I regained my composure, I told Cindy about ripping my hymen when I fell on my bike.  I also told her about the doctor’s visit and the pelvic exam I received.


“So you’re not a virgin anymore?”


“Yes I am.  Mom said the only way to lose your virginity is to be fucked.”


“She said that!”


“Well, she didn’t say fucked, but I know what she meant.”


“Did it hurt when you broke your cherry?”


“It happened when I fell off my bike, everything hurt!”


Cindy shifted around, put her face between my legs and pulled my labia open.  After looking for a minute, she kissed my sex and then sat up.


“It doesn’t really look different,” she said, picking a couple hairs off her tongue.


“I know, I looked at it with a mirror.  What’s wrong?”


“You’re getting too hairy down there, I got some in my mouth.”


“It sucks!  I have trouble keeping my bikini from looking like it has a beard sometimes, I’ve been thinking about shaving.”


“Really?  All of it?”


“Not all of it, just enough so it doesn’t show when I have my bikini on.”


“We should do it to each other, Jen.  I’d like to have mine shaved too.”


I agreed and the two of us went into the bathroom.  Cindy shaved me first, leaving a thin patch of hair just above the beginning of my slit.  When she was finished, I did it to her, but she didn’t want me to shave her anywhere except her mons.  She thought that if her mom ever saw her, she’d get into trouble.


I took a pair of scissors and clipped the hair that remained on my moms.  When I was finished, my pubic hair was only about a quarter of an inch long.  Cindy and I both rubbed our crotches with lotion and then put our suits back on.  We went back to the pool and jumped into the water.


“I wish we could swim naked like we did at my house,” Cindy said as we rested along the edge of the pool.  “That was a blast!”


“Yeah, it was fun.  We could probably do it here sometime, I don’t think my mom would care.”


“Your mom probably wouldn’t, she’s so cool!  What about your dad and brother?”


I laughed and said, “I’m pretty sure they would like it.”


“I’m sure they would, but you wouldn’t do that, would you?  You wouldn’t swim naked around your dad and brother.”


“I don’t know, Mom says that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my body,” I giggled as I put my hands under my boobs and jiggled them.  “I think I’ve got a good body.”


“You do, and if your tits get any bigger, you’re going to be top heavy.”


“My tits aren’t that big, Cindy.  They’re only B cup.”


“That’s a lot bigger than my little boobies, they’re barely an A.”


“Mom thinks that I’ll be a C someday, like her.”