Chapter- Twelve

We found a place to stay for the night and Dad pressed a button on
the dash to lower the anchor.  Once the boat was secure, we went into
the cabin and I helped my mom fix dinner.  Eddie took one of the rods
out of the locker and went out to the cockpit to fish.  Dad had
bought bait from the marina and put it into the live well.

After dinner, we watched television for a while and then Mom said it
was time for bed.  We were going to start early the next morning and
it had been a full day.  Mom and Dad went into the master stateroom
and closed the door.

My brother and I were left to decide where we were going to sleep. 
I yelled through my parents' door, asking them what we should do and
Dad told me to work it out with Eddie.

I slipped into the small stateroom, took off my bikini and put on a
short pajama top and a pair of panties.  I went back out to the salon
and asked Eddie where he was going to sleep.

"I want to sleep in the stateroom," he said.  "You can sleep on the
top bunk and I'll sleep on the bottom."

"I'm not going to sleep in the same room as you, Eddie.  I'll just
sleep out here on the couch."

"That's fine with me, Jen.  Do whatever you want to."

Eddie left and I got a blanket and pillow out of the cabinet under
one of the settees.  I fixed a bed on the other settee and climbed in
for the night.  As I lay there trying to fall asleep, I was aware of
every little noise.  After an hour of tossing and turning on the
uncomfortable bed, I got up.

I went to the stateroom that my brother was sleeping in, stepped
inside and closed the door.  While the door was open, I noticed that
my brother was on his side, facing away from the door.  I was going
to climb up into the upper bunk, but it was covered with clothes and
our bags.  Finally, I lifted the covers and got into bed with my

The bed was so much more comfortable than the settee and I quickly
began to dose off.  I was startled when I heard thunder and saw a
bright flash of lightening through the smoked cover of the vent in
the headliner.  I unconsciously rolled onto my side and put my arm
over my brother's body.

The storm continued and the thunder rumbled outside the boat.  I
didn't like storms and being on the boat made it worse.  When a
bright flash of lightening lit up the cabin and was followed by and
loud rumble of thunder, I moved closer to Eddie.

My brother moved, but he didn't wake up.  I had my body against his
back and felt safe being close to him.  I moved my arm to get
comfortable and froze.  My hand came in contact with my brother's
penis and it was hard.

I don't remember everything that went through my head in the seconds
that followed, but I do know I didn't move my hand away.  I knew that
what I was doing was wrong and I should pull away, but for some
reason I couldn't.  Instead of moving my hand away from my brother's
crotch, I curled my fingers around his rigid shaft.

My heart was pounding against the inside of my chest so hard I
though I would wake Eddie.  I could feel his cock react to my touch,
jerking against my fingers.  Eddie was wearing boxers and before I
knew it, my fingertips were in the fly and touching bare flesh.

Eddie's penis was hot to my touch and felt like hard living rubber. 
I got a little braver and slowly moved my fingertips along the length
of his shaft.  I was feeling my own excitement and knew that my
panties were getting wet as I played with his cock.

What happened next took my sexual education to a higher level.  I
had masturbated, messed around with Cindy and even watched my parents
have sex, but nothing could compare to how I felt when Eddie rolled
onto his back and his penis came out of the fly of his boxers into my

Everything went into slow motion for me.  I knew I was rubbing his
cock, my fingers wrapped completely around it, but it didn't seem
like it was me doing it.  As I continued to stroke him, Eddie's butt
began to lift off the bed and move his cock in my hand.

Suddenly, I got scared and started to pull away.  I was afraid of
what my brother would do or think if he caught me jacking him off. 
As I loosened my grip, I heard him groan.

"Please don't stop, Jen.  Please keep doing it to me."

I was floored to know he was awake and knew what I was doing.  I
pulled my hand away and quickly moved away from him.  Another flash
of lightening lit the cabin and I saw his hand where mine just was,
moving up and down his cock.  To this day I don't know why, but I put
my hand back and whispered to him.

"Let me do it, Eddie.  Just tell me what to do."

I could hear my words, but I wasn't sure I was saying them.  I
gripped his penis again and began to slowly move up and down again as
he moaned.  He whispered to me, telling me to grip him tighter and
move faster.  The lightening continued and I caught glimpses of my
hand on his cock.  When he began to move and groan I knew he was
going to squirt his stuff like I'd seen him do that day in his room.

His cock began to throb and swell in my hand as I kept up my steady
motion.  My brother put his hand over the tip of his penis and then
he erupted, sending his cum up against his hand.  His semen dripped
down onto my hand, but I didn't stop what I was doing.  After a
couple of minutes, he grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away.

The whole ordeal only lasted about five minutes or so, but it seemed
longer.  Neither of us said anything as we lay together, both of us
with cum covered hands.  In the darkness, I put my hand to my face
and smelled his semen.  It wasn't at all offensive, so I stuck out my
tongue and tasted it.

At first, the taste was a little pungent.  Kind of salty, but not
nasty like I thought it might be.  I collected a little more with my
tongue and savored the taste as I tested the texture.  I decided that
it wasn't bad at all and could see why my mom liked my dad's cum in
her mouth.

I finally gathered enough nerve to get out of bed and go to the head
to wash what was left off my hand.  My brother got up too and went
with me.  We still hadn't said anything to one another.  Standing in
front of the sink, we washed our hands, dried them and went back into
the stateroom.

After the door was closed, Eddie turned on the light and began to
clear off the top bunk.

"I'll sleep up here so you can have the bed," he said.

"You don't have to, you can sleep down here tonight," I told him.

Eddie nodded, turned off the light and climbed into the bed.  I got
in next to him and stretched out on my back.  I could hear my brother
breathing as he lay next to me and I put my hand on his arm.

"Did I do it right?"  I asked him.

"Oh yes, Jen.  It was the best."

"Can I ask you something, Eddie?"


"Do you remember last year when we were coming home from the water


"Were you awake when you put your hand on my boob?"


"Did you like it?"

"Yes, I liked it a lot."

"I did too.  Why haven't you ever tried to do it again?"

"I was scared.  I thought you'd be mad at me for doing it to you."

I thought for a moment, took his hand and guided it to my breast. 
When I felt his fingers close around my tit, I sighed and said, "I
wouldn't have been mad."

Eddie massaged my boob for several minutes and then a got braver.  I
was so turned on that I felt I had to have an orgasm and knew I
couldn't touch myself with him there.

"Eddie, would you please do something for me?"

"What, Jen."

"Would you rub my pussy?"

"I don't know how.  I've never done anything like this before, in
fact, I've never even kissed a girl."

I pulled my top up and took his wrist.  I moved his hand to my
crotch and put it on my mons, outside my panties.  As he started to
rub, I opened my legs and felt his fingers go lower, rubbing my
vulva.  Eddie kept rubbing my wet panties and I humped against his

My climax was quickly approaching and my movements became erratic. 
I twisted around, covered my brother's mouth with mine and pushed my
tongue against his closed lips.  He didn't move his mouth for a
moment and then I told him to relax.  Eddie opened his mouth
slightly, my tongue slid in and I clamped my legs on his hand as I

After my body stopped quivering, I relaxed my legs and let my
brother remove his hand.  We continued to kiss for several more
minutes before we both drifted off to sleep.  During the night, I
felt his hand on my boob and I covered his hand with mine.  I fell
back to sleep with Eddie's hand gripping my breast.

My brother's hard cock, pressed against my butt, woke me up the next
morning.  I got out of bed, went to the head and when I came out, met
my mom in the hallway.  She was wearing a baby-doll pajama top, but
was naked on the bottom.  She smiled at me, asked me how I slept and
then went into the head.  I went out to the salon and started to fold
the blanket that I had left on the settee.

I was putting the blanket and pillow away when my mom came into the
salon.  She had put on a pair of panties, but was still wearing the
sheer top.  When she stepped in front of a window, I could see her
boobs through the thin material.  Mom was humming as she made coffee.
I tried to look nonchalant, but I don't think I did a good job.

Mom put on a pot of coffee and asked if I wanted anything.  I shook
my head no, and kept watching her.  For some reason, I felt she knew
that my brother and I had slept in the same bed.

"Mom," I said.

"Yes, Jen."

"Am I in trouble?"

"No, honey.  Why would you think you were in trouble?"

"Well, last night I couldn't sleep out here so I went into the
stateroom and slept in there."

"I know."

"How do you know?"

"I got up during the night and checked on you and your brother.  I
saw you two sleeping together in the bed."

"You're not mad at us?"

"No, not at all.  You two looked cute all snuggled up together."

I could feel the heat in my cheeks and then my mom chuckled.  She
went about fixing breakfast and didn't say another word about what
had happened.  I didn't know if she had seen my brother's hand on my
boob or not.  If she had, she wasn't saying anything about it.

Dad came into the salon, wished me good morning and poured a cup of
coffee.  He sat down at the table, sipped his coffee and looked up at

"Did the storm scare you last night, Jen?  I know you don't like
them," Dad said.

"It scared me a little, but I was okay," I replied.

Eddie walked into the salon and sat at the table.  My mom brought
over glasses of orange juice for him and me, put it down and said,
"Jen had her brother to protect her last night, Harry."

"That's good, I wouldn't want my little girl to be scared," Dad
said, grinning at my mom.

Eddie almost choked on his juice and looked right at me.  I shrugged
my shoulders and smiled.  Dad said he was going out to check the boat
after the storm and my mom followed him, still dressed in her pajama
top and panties.

"What the hell is going on around here this morning?"  Eddie said.

"Mom knows we slept in the same bed last night; I think Dad knows

"How did Mom find out?"

"She got up in the night and looked in the room."

"Oh no, I hope she didn't see my hand on your boob.  Are we in

"No, we're not in trouble.  I don't know if she knew you were
feeling me up, but if she did, she hasn't said anything about it."

Eddie looked at the door to the cockpit and then back at me.

"Are you upset about last night, Jen?"

I moved next to my brother, kissed him and said, "No, not at all.  I
think it was wonderful.  In fact, I can't wait until we can do it


"Yeah, everything we did and more."

"Do you want to, you know…"

"No, I don't want to do that, Eddie.  There are some things I'm
curious about though.  There are things I want to learn about."

"Like what?"

"I'm not going to tell you, but we'll learn together, if you want to."

"I don't know, Jen.  We could really get into trouble fooling around."

Our parents came back in and I moved before they could see how close
I was sitting to my brother.  We ate breakfast and then we to got
dressed.  Mom and Dad closed the door to their stateroom and I pulled
Eddie into ours.

My brother was dumbstruck when I stripped and put on my bikini in
front of him.  I told him to hurry and watched as he quickly changed
into his shorts.  I paid close attention to his cock when he took off
his boxers, noticing that it was hard.

"Is it always like that?"  I asked.

"Not always, Jen, but after seeing you naked, I got excited.  I
can't help it."

"That's okay, I think it's cute when it sticks out like that."

My brother finished getting dressed and we went out to the cockpit
before our parents came out of their room.  While we waited for our
mom and dad, Eddie took out a mop and began to clean up the boat.  It
didn't look dirty to me, but he said Dad wanted it cleaned everyday. 
I pulled the hose out and helped my brother swab the cockpit.  We
worked our way along the portside of the boat, Eddie moping and me

When we got to the foredeck, I had to change hoses and went back to
the cockpit to put the hose I had been using away.  I pulled the
foredeck hose out of the small locker it was stowed in and moved
toward my brother.

Eddie was standing motionless, staring down.  I walked up beside him
to see what he was looking at.  When I looked down, I saw our parents
in their stateroom through the hatch.  Mom was on her knees and had
our dad's cock in her mouth.  I pulled Eddie away and told him it
wasn't nice to spy on them.  He just looked at me and nodded his
head.  We avoided the area around the hatch until our parents came

Dad went up on the bridge and started the engines while Mom came
forward to see what we were doing.  She told us that we were doing a
good job of cleaning the boat and pointed to a spot we had missed. 
When she walked past the hatch above her stateroom, she paused and
then went up to where my dad was.

After we were finished cleaning the boat, my brother and I put the
things away and went up to the bridge with our parents.  Once we were
underway, my dad asked if I wanted to drive the boat.

I took the wheel and followed my dad's instructions as we moved
through the water.  He told me how to adjust the speed, make sure the
engines were synchronized and how to read the chart plotter.  After
about an hour, I was feeling comfortable.  I stayed behind the wheel
until we were near the place we would get fuel.  Dad took over and
guided the boat into the fuel dock while the attendants helped from

At lunchtime, Mom and I fixed the meal and took it up to the bridge.
Dad turned on the autopilot and we ate lunch while we were underway. 
After lunch, my mom and I went below to clean up the kitchen.  When
we were finished, she went to her stateroom to put on her bikini.

Mom came out wearing the scanty suit without the skirt.  She grinned
at me as she walked past me and went outside.  I decided that I
wanted to wear my new bikini too and went to put it on.

When I came back up to the bridge, my dad whistled at me.  Eddie's
mouth fell open when he saw the back of the suit and my naked bottom.
Mom and I went to the foredeck and stretched out in the sun, while my
dad and brother watched from above.

Once we moved out of the ICW and into open water, Mom removed her
top just like she said she was going to do.  I couldn't help staring
at her and she smiled when she saw me looking at her.

"Jen, you can take yours off too, if you want to.  Where we are
going there will be a lot of topless women and it's perfectly

"What about Dad and Eddie?"

"Well," Mom chuckled, "they're going to look at ours or the other
women's tits.  I'm not trying to make you do anything you don't want
to do.  If you want to leave your top on, that's just fine, but I
don't care if you want take it off."

"Okay, thanks."

I kept my top on for the rest of the trip down to the Keys.  When
Mom and I decided to get up, she put her top back on and we went up
to the bridge to see my dad and brother.

By the time we got to the marina that we were going to be staying
at, it was getting dark.  Dad pulled the boat into a slip and Eddie
and I helped tie it up to the pilings.  Once everything was secure,
Dad plugged in the shore power and we got dressed for dinner.

The restaurant Dad picked was really nice.  We sat on a porch and
watched the people walk by as we dined on fresh shrimp and crab. 
After dinner, we all went for a walk though the small town.  Most of
the businesses were bars and loud music poured out into the street. 
We went into one of the bars and sat at a table.

There was a band playing on a small stage and the place was packed
with people.  The server came over and took our orders.  She came
back with mixed drinks for Mom and Dad, and sodas for my brother and

"They have to be out by nine o'clock," the server told my dad. 
"Things can get pretty wild in here."

Dad nodded and the server left.  We had our drinks, left that place
and went back to the boat.  Our parents told my brother and me that
they were going to go back out for a while and that we shouldn't stay
up too late.