Chapter – Twenty-Two


My mom’s voice woke me the next morning at five o’clock.  I rolled over and pulled the sheet over my head, but she grabbed it and uncovered me.


“Come on, Jenny, it’s time to get going.  Tom will be here in a half an hour and you need to be ready to go.”


“Okay, Mom, I’m getting up,” I groaned as I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.  “Where’s Eddie?”


“He’s in the galley having breakfast, your brother has been up for a while.  He’s all excited to go fishing.”


I got out of bed, went to the head and took a quick shower.  After getting dressed, I went out to eat breakfast.  Tom was also at the table and I was glad I had not come out in my underwear or some other form of undress.  I sat down and picked up my juice while Mom slid a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me.


“There’s no wind,” Tom said.  “It’s a little cool this morning, but we should have a good day out there.”


“Is it too cold for shorts?”  I asked.


“It is for me,” Tom said.  “The weather report is for a warm day, but not until later.”


I finished my breakfast and helped my mom with the dishes.  Dad went out and started the boat and Eddie and Tom went to start getting the rods ready.


“You can go too,” Mom told me.  “I’ll finish up the dishes.”


I thanked my mom and went to the cockpit to help setup the tackle.  Tom took his time and explained everything he was doing as Eddie and I each worked on another fishing rod.


Mom came out, told us to have a good time and headed for the Gordon’s boat.  My brother and I tended the lines and Dad pulled out of the slip.  By the time we were out on the ocean I was a little chilly and went below to put something warmer on.


I came back wearing the warm up suit that I had worn the day my brother first touched my boob.  When he saw me, I grinned and he smiled back at me.  We went up to the bridge with Dad and Tom and listened to Tom tell us about locating fish.


“Watch for birds,” he said.  “Sometimes you will see them feeding on baitfish.  When you get close to where they’re diving into the water, watch the sonar for the schools.  The big fish have to eat and they will follow the baitfish.”


I saw a group of birds off in the distance and pointed to them.  Tom told Dad to head that way and we started to watch the sonar screen when we got close.


“See that,” Tom said pointing to a dark spot on the screen.  “That’s a school of bait fish.”


When an inverted V appeared, Tom said, “That’s what were looking for.  That’s a fish!”


My brother, Tom and I hurried down to the cockpit and grabbed the rods.  Tom yelled instructions to my dad as he maneuvered the boat.  Once the teasers were in the water, Tom went back up the bridge so he could see what was going on behind the boat.


“Jenny, grab the port rod and free-spool the real.  That fish is coming fast,” Tom yelled.  “Eddie, you start bring in the port teaser.”


My brother and I followed Tom’s instructions and then I heard him yell, “Jenny, lock the reel and set the hook, he’s eating it!”


I flipped the lever on the reel, began retrieving line and when I felt it get tight, I pulled back on the rod sharply.  Suddenly the reel began to scream as the fish made a run.  Tom yelled, “fish-on” and told Eddie to clear the other lines.  My brother grabbed the starboard teaser and began to crank the reel as fast as he could.


“Put the belt on your sister,” Tom said.  “This is a good fish.”


Eddie grabbed the belt, put it around my waist and buckled it.  I asked him to help me out of my jacket and he pulled the zipper down.  Placing the butt of the rod in the holder on the belt, I let go of the rod with one hand so my brother could pull my jacket off.


Once I was free of the jacket, I began to try and wind some of the line back onto the reel.  Tom was telling me what to do and telling my dad how to drive the boat in an effort to keep up with the fish.


When the sailfish came out of the water and danced across the surface on it’s tail, I stopped cranking the reel and stared at it.  It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen on the water.  I heard Tom yell at me and I started to crank the reel again.


The fight went on for a half an hour before I was able to gain on the fish.  He would jump, tail walk across the water and then disappear again.  I glanced around the cockpit and saw that my dad was next to me.


“Where’s Eddie?”  I asked as I pulled back, wound down on the fish and then pulled back again.


“He’s driving the boat,” Dad said.


I looked up at the bridge and saw my brother standing with his back to the helm, driving the boat.  His hands were behind him and on the controls as he followed Tom’s instructions.


The fight lasted another twenty minutes or so and then Tom came down to the cockpit.  He asked Dad to take over the boat so he could teach Eddie how to tag the fish and then cut it free.


Eddie stood waiting with the tag-stick in his hand as Tom grabbed the leader with his hand and pulled the fish towards the back of the boat.


“Stay alert, girl,” Tom said.  “You always have to be ready in case the fish makes another run.  Keep the line snug, but don’t pull it out of my hand.”


I watched as Tom pulled my fish to the surface and looked down at the dark figure in the blue water.  The fish was about six feet long and Tom said it would weigh over eighty pounds.  Eddie tagged the fish when Tom told him to, right where he was told to put the plastic tag.


“Do I have time to take a couple of pictures?”  Eddie asked Tom.


“Sure, but hurry,” Tom said.  “We want to get this fish revived and set free as soon as we can.”


Eddie darted into the salon and returned with his camera.  He took a couple of the fish and then ran up to the bridge so he could get a few with me holding the rod.  After he had taken the pictures, he cut the line and Tom pulled the fish along side the boat.  He held the big fish by its long sword and worked it into the moving water.  As soon the fish was revived, Tom released it and it swam away.


I was still vibrating when Tom leaned against the side of the boat and nodded.


“That was as good a job as I’ve ever seen from two new fishermen.  You both did everything just right.”


My dad has set the autopilot and came down with the rest of us.  He gave me a big hug and told my how proud he was of my brother and I.  We talked about the things we had all done and Tom pointed out a few things that we needed to do the next time we had a fish on.


Dad went back up to the helm, turned the boat around and we ran back to the place we had hooked the fish.  He set up for another pass and my brother and I got the rods ready.  Once the lines were in the water, we all rested and I began to reflect on the fish I just caught and released.


My brother took the next fish and fought it for about fifteen minutes before it broke off.  Tom told us once again about drag and letting the fish take line when it wanted to make a run.  I had one break off also, but all and all it was a very successful trip.


By the end of the day, we had caught and released six fish.  Eddie and I each took turns and on the last fish, Tom just watched until the fish was at the back of the boat.  He told my how to grab the leader and pull the fish to the stern as my brother held the rod.  Tom tagged the fish, but had me revive it before letting it go.


Dad started back towards the marina while my brother and I put away the rods and tackle.  Tom stayed in the cockpit with Eddie and I, teaching us about tackle care and making sure we rinsed everything off with freshwater.  When everything was stowed away, we all went up to the bridge and sat down for the remainder of the ride back.


Once the boat was tied up, my mom and Mrs. Gordon came over and asked about the fishing trip.  My brother and I took turns telling her how much fun we had and how much we learned, interrupting each other as we talked.  Mom and Mrs. Gordon laughed at our unbridled enthusiasm as we prattled on and on.


“If Tom hears you two, he’s going to want to adopt you.  Our son liked fishing, but he was never this excited about it,” Mrs. Gordon said as she laughed.


Eddie and I took out the mop and hose and then began to wash down the boat.  We hadn’t had a chance to clean her before fishing.  After we were finished forward, we started on the cockpit, asking my mom and Mrs. Gordon to leave for a few minutes.


With the boat clean, my brother and I went into the salon to see what plans there were for dinner.  Mom told us we would stop on the way home and to get changed, so Eddie and I went to our stateroom.


I decided to take a quick shower before getting dressed and took my things into the head.  While I was standing under the warm spray, Eddie came in and went to the sink.  I could see him through the glass doors and when he looked at me, our eyes met.  I giggled and crouched down, as I covered my boobs with arms and my crotch with my hand, acting shocked that he was staring at me.


Eddie opened the shower door and put his hand behind my head.  He pulled my mouth to his, kissed me quickly and then released me.


“You’re a nut, Jen,” he said.


I stood up straight and resumed washing myself as my brother stood and watched.  Once I was finished, I stepped out into the towel Eddie held open for me.


“Mom and Dad are going to catch us in here if you’re not careful,” I said as I wrapped the towel around my wet body.


“They went to the Gordon’s boat to look at the things Mrs. Gordon and Mom bought.”


“Oh really!  Do you think we have time for me to thank you properly for the name you gave the boat?”


“No, I think they’ll be back too soon for that, Jen.  Maybe later.”


I hugged my brother, grabbed him between his legs and said, “It won’t take long.”


“I don’t want to just have you do that to me, I want to be able to take our time and really enjoy it.”


I knew what he was saying, but I still just had to tease him a little.  I continued to rub Eddie, feeling his cock getting hard against my hand.


“Oh don’t worry, I’ll enjoy it, no matter how long it takes.  I always enjoy it when you’re in my mouth.”


Eddie pulled away from me and left the head shaking his head.  I giggled for a minute while I dried myself and then began to wonder why my brother didn’t want to fool around.  It wasn’t like we had never done anything like that before, I had given him a quick blowjob more than once and he always seemed to like it when I did.


I went to the stateroom, got dressed and went to find my brother.  He was up on the bridge, looking at the chart plotter and pushing buttons on the device.  I sat down next to him and watched as he pulled up some of the stored waypoints and deleted the ones we no longer needed.


“Is there something wrong, Eddie?”


“No, Jen.  There’s nothing wrong.”


“Then why didn’t you want to fool around?”


Eddie turned to me and smiled.  “I do want to fool around, Jen, but I want to make love with you, not just have sex.  I don’t want us to get caught and end up in trouble, that’s all.”


“Does that mean you don’t want me to fool around anymore, you know just sex and like that.”


“That’s not what I mean at all.  I love it when we do things like that, but I just like it better when we can start kissing and let it lead where it goes.  Jen, don’t take this the wrong way, but I like to hold you and kiss you as much as anything else we do.”


“I do to, I just like to get a little frisky once in a while.”


Eddie chuckled and replied, “I like it to.  Have you ever though about why you like to do that, you know, just play with me or give me head?”


I nodded and said, “I guess I like it because it feels so sexy and kind of nasty.  I also like it when there’s a chance of getting caught, it makes it exciting for me.”


“Are you turning into some kind of exhibitionist or something?”


I giggled, pulled my top up and flashed my tits at my brother.  I wiggled my shoulders a couple of times before pulling my top down and laughing.


“I guess that answers that,” Eddie said, as he laughed at me.


Our parents came back to the boat and we left for home.  We stopped at a family diner on the way, had dinner and then went to our house.  Mom listened to the answering machine, made a few notes and then went to her room.  Dad and my brother unloaded the van and brought the things into the house.


Eddie was up early the next morning, waiting for me to go for our run.  I dressed, grabbed my weights and we headed out on our morning trek.  After completing our course, I went to shower while my brother made us breakfast.


After we ate, Eddie jumped into the shower and after he finished, we left for school.


“One more week of school and we’ll be out for the summer,” I said as we walked to where the bus would pick us up.


“Yeah, I can’t wait,” Eddie replied.  “I hope we get to do a lot of fishing this summer.  I had a blast on Sunday.”


“Me too!  I really loved catching those big fish, although I can feel it in my shoulders today.  It’s a lot of work!”


“Yeah, but it’s worth it.  You sure look intense when you’re trying to reel one of those big sails in.”


“Maybe we can look at the pictures after school today, I don’t have track practice anymore.”


“Sounds good to me, I’m all finished with soccer for the year too.  Now we can concentrate on fishing.”


The bus pulled up and my brother and I got on.  We moved to the back and sat in a seat in front of Cindy and Kevin.  I looked back, saw them holding hands and smiled.  Cindy winked at me and started to ask about my weekend.


Eddie turned around so he could see Cindy and Kevin and started to tell them about the fishing trip we went on.  Kevin kept repeating ‘you lucky fucker’ and Cindy slapped his leg every time he used the F word.


When we arrived at school, Kevin and Eddie took off and Cindy and I stopped outside the door to talk.


“It seems like you and Kevin worked things out, Cindy.  Did you two talk?”  I said.


“Yeah, we met at the park on Saturday and worked everything out, Jen.”


“So, I guess he’s okay with not touching you yet.”


“Well, after we talked and I told him about being scared, he said he understood.  We started to make out and the next thing I knew, I was putting his hand on my boobs.”


“What!  I thought you said you told him you were scared to do that.”


“I was, but after Kevin told me he would never do anything I didn’t want to do, I wasn’t as scared anymore.  He’s a real good kisser and I got so turned on, I just decided that I wanted him to feel me up.”


I giggled and asked, “So, how was it?”


“It was great!  Almost as good as you are when you touch my tits.  He’s a little too rough, but with practice, I’m sure he’ll get better.  It’s kind of funny; once I let Kevin touch my tits, I wondered why I waited and what I was scared of.”


I could relate to what she was telling me, but I couldn’t comment.  For a fleeing moment, I wished I had a boyfriend I could talk to my friend about.  I loved my brother and would never do anything to hurt him, but I also felt left out.  Cindy continued to babble on about her and Kevin as we walked to our lockers, but my mind was off somewhere else.  After getting things squared away in my locker, Cindy and I headed for our first class.


All during class, I couldn’t help thinking about the things I’d miss by not having a boyfriend.  Other girls got to go to parties and things like that, but I wouldn’t be able to, not with a date anyway.  I had heard other girls talking about the things that go on at some of the parties and while they never said there was out right sex, there was always a lot of making out and kissing games.


By lunch, I decided my brother and I needed to talk about our future together and try to come up with a plan we both could live with.  When I saw Eddie sitting at our usual table with Kevin and Cindy, I began to rethink my decision.  He was smiling as he talked to Kevin and his bright blue eyes sparkled.  I could feel my heart begin to race as I approached and when he smiled at me, I felt butterflies in my stomach.


I put my books on the table and went to the serving line to get my lunch.  When I returned, my brother’s eyes led me to a seat next to him.


“I was just telling Kevin and Cindy about what a great fisherman you are,” Eddie said.


I grinned, sat down and said, “Fisherwoman, you’re the fisherman in the family.”


“Whatever.  I was telling them that after we learned how to catch those big fish without Mr. Gordon’s help, we could take them with us.  I’ll be fifteen in October and I think that Dad is going to let me take the boat out alone.”


“Alone?”  I said between bites of my food.


“You know what I mean, Jen.  Without Dad being there.”


I grinned and nodded.


I rode home with my brother after school and we both changed into comfortable clothes when we got to the house.  I put on one of my leotards and a skirt, planning on working out later.  Eddie put on a pair of running shorts, but no shirt.  He went to the kitchen, fixed a snack and brought it into the living room.


“Can we look at the pictures after you’re finished?”  I asked.


“Sure,” he mumbled with a mouth full of food.


I went to his room, got his computer and brought it back to the living room.  I plugged it in, to save the battery, and turned it on.  My brother finished his snack, took his plate to the kitchen and then went to his room to get his camera and the USB cable so he could download the pictures onto the computer.


Eddie sat on the floor, his back against the couch, and completed the process of transferring the pictures.


“I’m ready,” he said.  “Come over here and sit down.”


I knelt beside him and waited for him to start displaying the photos.  He spread his legs, turned his knees out and patted the floor.  I sat between his legs, leaned back against him and he put the notebook computer on my lap.


Eddie reached around me and started to display the pictures of the fishing trip one at a time.  We talked about each one, making comments about what was going on.  My brother used one hand on the computer and put his other hand on my stomach, rubbing me lightly through the shear material of the leotard.


His touch was gentle and warm.  I could feel myself becoming excited as he stroked me and talked quietly.


After we had gone through the photos a couple of times, he went onto the Internet and did a search on billfish.  We sat there for over an hour looking at the different sites and reading everything we could find about fishing for billfish.  His hand never left my body and when he began to fondle my boob, it was no different than when he was rubbing my stomach.


Eddie wasn’t trying to turn me on with his touch, but it was having that effect.  I squirmed against him as his fingers moved lazily on my breasts, down my tummy and back.  Every once in a while, I would feel him kiss the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.


The leotard I wore had an open neckline, exposing my chest just above my breasts.  My brother would trace the edge of the garment, his fingertips against my bare flesh.  Even though I was excited by what he was doing, I was enjoying the feeling of closeness even more.  Any thoughts of discussing the things I had thought about earlier went out the window.  I was more than content to be right where I was, in my brother’s arms.


Everyday after school we would repeat the things we had done.  Me sitting on the floor between Eddie’s legs and both of us reading all we could about fishing.  I didn’t wear the leotard again, opting for a looser top that my brother could get his hand under and touch my bare flesh.


It wasn’t until Friday afternoon that Eddie did something that was the least bit sexual.  He was tracing the lacy cups of my bra with his fingertips when he gripped the clasp and unfastened it.  My bra opened and his hand covered my boob, massaging it firmly.  Eddie moved his palm over my breast, teasing my nipple until it was hard.  His hand moved to my other boob and he did the same thing.


I don’t remember what we were looking at on the computer at the time, but when my brother started to cover my neck with soft kisses, I didn’t care.  After he had me squirming against his chest, I put the computer on the floor and turned in his lap.  My legs went over his left leg and our mouths met.  The kiss started out very passionate and grew in intensity as our tongues moved in and out of each other’s mouths.


I wanted to tell him how I felt, how much I loved him, but when his hand slid up my leg and cupped my sex, all I could do is moan.  The next thing I knew, he was tugging my shorts down my legs.  At some point, he had unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper down, but I didn’t notice when he did it.


Once my shorts and panties were lying on the floor, Eddie pulled my top over my head and tossed it aside.  His mouth went to my boob and I held his head against me as he sucked on my nipple.  His left hand moved to my crotch and I opened my legs as far as I could when he started to rub my swollen labia.  I could feel my juices trickling down to my anus as his finger parted my lips and entered me.


It had been over a week since my brother and I had done anything together, anything sexual.  We had kissed and he spent hours touching me, but never took me where I needed to go.  I was always left to finish what he had started in my bedroom before I went to sleep for the night.


Today was going to be different.  I knew that there wasn’t going to be any empty feelings when we were finished, I knew that Eddie was going to make me climax and the first one was on its way.


I reached between us and began to rub his very hard cock.  He helped me remove his shorts and my fingers went around him immediately.  His cock was as hot as I ever remembered it and it throbbed in my hand.


Eddie removed his mouth from my breast and pushed me on my back.  He knelt next to my naked body and started to kiss his way to my crotch.  When I felt his warm breath bathe my vulva, I lifted my bottom off the floor and tried to make contact with the source of the warm breeze.  My brother’s tongue darted out and found my clit as his finger moved slowly in my pussy.  I moaned out loud and gripped his cock firmly as my first orgasm consumed me.


My brother gazed into my eyes lovingly as his finger probed my contracting vagina.  He shifted slightly, his hips close to my head and buried his face between my legs.  I could hear his noisy slurping as he sucked my flowing juiced out of my pussy and into his mouth.  My body twisted and turned on the floor as he pushed his tongue into my pussy as far as he could.


Sliding his hands under my ass, Eddie gripped my cheeks and pulled my sex to his mouth.  I felt him move above me and when I opened my eyes and looked up, his cock was right above my face.  Tilting my head back, I pulled his rigid member to my mouth and took it in.  My tongue swirled around the bulbous head, collecting his fluids and then I put one hand on his butt and pulled him down.  I felt his cock against my tongue and then it hit the opening of my throat.  I gagged a little, but fought the reflex as the vision of my dad’s penis gong into my mom’s mouth filled my head.


If Mom could take all of my dad’s big cock, I should be able to take my brother’s.  I tried to concentrate on what I was doing, but Eddie started to nibble on my clitoris and my mind went blank.  I could feel myself gagging as my brother began to hump his hips, sliding his cock in and out of my mouth and throat.  He wasn’t rough, but the feeling was new and within a few strokes I was getting used to it.


Eddie continued to lap at my sex and probe my vagina with his fingers.  I had never felt so stretched and figured he must have had two fingers deep inside me.  My orgasms began to run together and I was writhing around like I was possessed by demons.  By now I had both of my hands on my brother’s firm ass and I was pulling him down and engulfing his entire cock.  He seemed to get a feel for the rhythm I wanted and would pull up when I relaxed my grip on his cheeks.


Each time I pulled him down, his balls slapped my eyes and nose.  I applied some suction as he pulled his penis out of my mouth and then I took a deep breath around his thick shaft, before I pulled him back into my throat.  My brother’s animal like grunts sent strong vibrations into my body as his mouth covered my over-heated pussy.


Eddie groaned out, lifted his head and I felt his cock swell in my throat.  His first strong surge of cum went directly into my throat and I had to push his hips up with my hands to keep from feeling like I was going to drown.  When half of his spewing cock was out of my mouth, I wrapped my hand around it to keep him from pushing it back into my throat.  I wanted to taste his cum and I wouldn’t be able to if he was sending it straight into my stomach.


I was moaning as his penis sent the last of his seed into my mouth.  I had swallowed once, but had to do it again so that I would get every last drop of his offering.  Once he was drained, he rolled onto his side, taking me with him.  I still had his softening cock in my mouth and hand, unwilling to relinquish it.  Eddie had just filled me with more semen than he ever had before, even the first time I gave him a blowjob, but I wanted more.


Placing my hand on his hip, I pushed Eddie onto his back and straddled his body.  I sucked on his deflated member until I felt it begin to respond and grow.  My brother put his hands on my hips, pulled my pussy to his mouth and drilled his tongue into me.  It was my turn to grind against his face and take control.  I used my hand and mouth on his cock and pressed my crotch into his face.


I heard him mumbling something, but couldn’t understand him.  He slid his hands along my sides to my hanging tits and gripped them firmly, rubbing my overly sensitive nipples with his thumbs.  The sensation triggered another climax and I groaned around his now throbbing shaft.  With my hand wrapped around his cock, I moved it in unison with my bobbing head and brought him off again.  His discharge was nowhere near the first time, but I still had to swallow twice to get it all.


Once his ejaculation ceased, Eddie pushed me off him.  I lay next to him on the floor, my body covered in perspiration and my breathing labored.  Neither of us spoke for several minutes as we tried to regain our composure.  When I was finally able to speak coherently, I said, “That was great, thanks.”


Eddie rolled onto his side, slid down so our mouths were aligned and kissed me.  His tongue moved over my lips and into my mouth and I could taste myself on him.


“We better get cleaned up before Mom and Dad get home,” I said.


“They are out with the Gordon’s tonight, Jen.  We have all night.”


I sat up, looked down at my brother and said, “When did you find out that they were going out?”


Eddie laughed and said, “Mom left a note.  I guess you didn’t see it.”


I giggled and knew that he had planned to do this when he found out that we would be alone.  I stood up, grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.  Still holding my brother’s hand, I led him out the back door and to the pool.  We jumped into the water together and wrapped our arms around each other as soon as we surfaced.


“What do you want to do about dinner?”  I asked my brother as we stood in neck deep water holding each other.


“I thought you just had dinner,” he giggled.


“Naw, that was just a snack.  I’m getting hungry for something else.  I’ll have your big cock for dessert, if you can get it up again.”


Eddie grinned, nodded and said, “I love you, Jen.”


I melted in his arms and said, “I love you too.  I love you more than I could ever possibly tell you.”


“I will be able to get my dick up again for you tonight if you want it, I haven’t cum all week.”


“You mean you haven’t jacked off or anything.”


“Nope, I’ve been saving it for you.”


“Well, I have to admit that I didn’t show the same restraint, I’ve been playing with myself every night.  Having you hold me and touch me like you have all week made me way too horny.  Why did you do that?  You know, not jack off?”


“I wanted to know if how I felt about you was what I thought it was or just sex.  I decided to abstain and see what happened.”


“Well?”  I said, almost afraid to hear his response.


“I realized that I was really in love with you, Jen.  Not as a brother, not for sex, but the real you.  I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have you like this, a girlfriend that I get to live with and be close to everyday.  I still don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, but for now things couldn’t be better for me.”


I was crying.  I felt bad and ashamed for thinking about going out with someone else just so I wouldn’t feel left out.  The thought of going to parties and playing the games that went on was no longer important.  What was important was the fact that my brother was in love with me and I was in love with him.


We stood in the cool water for a while, just hugging.  It felt wonderful to be in his arms and feel his strong body against mine.  As I cried tears of joy, Eddie gently stroked my back and whispered into my ear, telling me how much I meant to him.  If my brother would have said that he wanted to be inside me, I would have willing offered my virginity to him.


I relaxed and said, “Let’s go in and have something to eat, Eddie.”


Eddie and I remained naked while we ate the leftovers I warmed up for us.  After eating we did the dishes and then went to the living room to watch television.  My brother sat on the couch and I stretched with my head on his leg.  Eddie slowly stroked my side and I made small circles with my fingertip on his inner thigh.  The show that he selected didn’t interest me so I rolled onto my back.


I put both of my arms over my head and gripped his leg as I stared up at my brother.  His hand was still lightly rubbing me, but now he was touching my belly.  I wondered if it would be like this between my brother and me, so close and so much in love.  I didn’t want to think about the future or what it may hold for us.  I sighed, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


When I woke up, I was cradled in my brother’s arms and he was carrying me.  By the time I realized what was going on, he was putting me on my bed.  Still half asleep, I gazed up at Eddie and saw him smile.


“What’s the matter, Eddie?”


“Nothing, it’s after two in the morning.  We fell asleep on the couch.”


My head cleared and I said, “It’s a good thing that you woke up before Mom and Dad got home.”


Eddie grinned and replied, “I didn’t, Mom woke me up a few minutes ago and told me to go to bed.”


I sprang up and said, “Are we in trouble?”


“No, should you be?”  I heard my mom say from the doorway as she walked into my room.


“I guess we fell asleep, Mom,” I said.


“I could see that, Jen.”


Eddie said goodnight and left for his room, leaving my mom and me alone.


“You’re not mad because we weren’t dressed?”


Mom chuckled and said, “That would be a little hypocritical of me now wouldn’t it?  I was the one that took you two to the nude beach and told you and your brother it was okay to be nude after all.”


I nodded and blushed.  Mom was right, but it still felt a bit weird being caught sleeping naked with my brother.  I laid back down, pulled my sheet over me and Mom sat on the edge of my bed.  She rubbed my back and then pulled a few strands of hair out of my eyes.  Mom was quiet for a long time as she looked down at me.


“Is everything okay, Jen?”


I nodded.


“I know that these are very difficult times for a young girl.  I want you to know that I understand and that you can talk to me about anything.  Jen, there is nothing wrong with feeling like you do about Eddie.”


I was shocked at my mom’s statement.  Did she know what my brother and I had been doing?  Was she going to be mad?  Were Eddie and I going to get into trouble?


My face must have shown my dismay.  Mom started to smile, leaned over and gave me a hug.  After a moment, she got up and said, “Goodnight, Jen.  You better get some sleep if you want to go fishing with Mr. Gordon tomorrow morning.”


“Really!  Tom said he’d take us out again?”


“Yes he did, honey, now get to sleep.”


Mom left, pulling my door closed behind her.  I was confused about what she said about Eddie and I, but I was also excited about going fishing.  It didn’t take long for me to fall back to sleep.


The next morning, Eddie came into my room and woke me up.


“Hey, Jen, time to get going,” he said.


I sat up, holding the sheet over my naked body, and asked, “Did Mom say anything to you when she found us sleeping on the couch together?”


My brother grinned and replied, “She didn’t.  After you fell asleep, I got up to go to the bathroom.  When I came back, I covered you up and sat in Dad’s chair.  That’s how she found us.”


I got out of bed and giggled.


“That was close, we’d better be a little more careful in the future,” I said.


“Yeah, now get ready, we have to go.”


We had another great day of fishing.  My brother and I learned a lot more about fishing for billfish and boat control.  I did a lot of the driving and learned how to control the boat while facing the stern.  Tom stayed with me on the bridge, while my dad and brother fought a marlin, and told me what to do.


That night we stayed on the boat and went out again on Sunday.  It was the last day we’d be able to fish with Tom.  He and his wife were leaving for New York on Monday and wouldn’t be back until the next fall.


After fishing all day Sunday, we all went to dinner.  My brother and I thanked Tom for the lessons and told him we looked forward to the time we’d all be able to go again.  We went home after dinner and went to bed.