Chapter - Thirty

Startled, I jumped off Brad's lap, turned and saw my parents and the
Waters standing on the pier.  Mom was laughing, I sort of expected
that, but so was Kathy's mom and that surprised me.  Kathy had told
me many times her mom was strict.

"Um, ah," I stammered.  "Hi."

"Hi yourself, Jen," Mom said.  "We called and found out you guys
were back so we thought we'd come down and see how your fishing trip
was.  We also brought a couple of pizzas, if you kids are hungry."

One of the things my dad had taught Eddie and I was to always file a
float plan with the marina's harbormaster.  Each time we went out,
we'd call in on the radio and tell the harbormaster we were leaving
and when we should be back.  When we got back to the marina, we
called in and told the harbormaster we were in.  Dad said he called
and found out we were back.

Our parents got on the boat and Dad handed Eddie the pizzas.  I went
into the cabin, got some paper plates and sodas after asking who was
eating.  Mom told me she and the rest of them had had dinner earlier
and were fine.

I came back out and put the plates and sodas on the small table my
brother had brought out and sat down to eat.

"So, Kathy, are they okay?"  Mrs. Waters said, smirking.

"Is what okay, Mom?"  Kathy said.

"Eddie's tonsils, it looked like you were trying to inspect them
with your tongue," Mrs. Waters said, and then started to laugh.

"MOM!"  Kathy said, blushing right along with my brother.

"Well, it looked like you had your tongue half way down his throat
when we walked up," Mrs. Waters said.

Everyone began to laugh at Kathy and Eddie's expense.  They were
both red in the face, but laughed along with the rest of us.  After a
few more comments about what we were doing when they walked up on us,
our parents let up.

"Dad," Eddie said, "we've been talking and we would like to enter a
tournament.  We've all been working real hard and we think we're

"You do huh," Dad said. "You think you kids are ready to compete
against the people that have been doing it for years?"

"The only way to know is to try, Dad," Eddie said.

"Jack, Sarah, how do you feel about the kids fishing in
tournaments?"  Dad said.

"I think the experience would be good for them," Mr. Waters said.

"Where do they have these tournaments," Mom asked.

"All over, Mom," I said.  "I've looked at some of the sites on the
Internet and they have tournaments everywhere.  There are a lot of
them in south Florida, but they have them in other places too.  I
read about some in the Keys and even in places like the Bahamas and
South America."

"Really," Mom said.  "Which ones would you guys want to fish in?"

"The local tournaments for now, but if we get good, maybe some of
the other ones," I said.

Eddie and I told our parents about tournament fishing and how the
contests were held.  Kathy and Brad offered what they knew about it
and Mrs. Waters asked a lot of questions.

"Some of the tournaments last for a few days," Eddie said.  "Some
are only for one day."

"What do you think about all of this, Sarah?  Do you think we should
let the kids go off fishing for a couple of days at a time?"  Mom

Mrs. Waters took a deep breath and looked like she was thinking. 
Kathy's face turned from a smile to a blank stare.  I could see her
disappointment as she anticipated her mother's answer.

"Well," Mrs. Waters said as she took her husband's hand, "I'm not
really sure about this.  I don't know where the kids would stay if
they had to fish a tournament that lasted more than one day."

"We could stay on the boat, Mom," Brad offered.

"In that case, I wouldn't have any problem with it," Mrs. Waters
said.  "I just wouldn't feel comfortable if they had to stay in some

Kathy looked at her brother and then at me.  She started to smile
and said, "Really, Mom!  You wouldn't mind if we fished in the

All of our parents started to laugh as Mrs. Waters shook her head.

"No, I don't mind.  I think it would be good for you kids to find
out what things are like on your own for a few days," Mrs. Waters

Kathy jumped up, hugged her mom and said, "I love you, Mom, thanks
for being so understanding."

"I love you too, Kathy, I love you and your brother," Mrs. Waters
said.  "I know I haven't been the most understanding person to live
with, but that's changed now.  I finally woke up and found out I have
been too strict and too unwilling to let you and Brad grow up.

"Mrs. Shockley has shown me I can let go and not try to over protect
you kids.  That trust is something earned.  I have also learned I
can't stop you two from being kids and I'm no longer going to try."

"Your old mom is gone."  Mr. Waters chuckled.  "Your new mom is much
different and, if you haven't noticed, she is much more accepting. 
Now it's your turn, now you have to keep the trust you both have

"What do you mean, Dad?"  Brad said.

"What I mean is, no drugs, no drinking and no smoking.  Do want
you're asked and use common sense," Mr. Waters said.

"There's one more thing," Mrs. Waters said.  "Your father and I want
to be grandparents, but not right now."

"That goes for Harry and I too," Mom said.

I was in shock and I suspect my brother, Kathy and Brad were too. 
We all looked at each other and I tried to decide if I should say
anything or not.  It isn't everyday your parents all but say they
know you're having sex.

"I don't know what you kids have done and frankly, it's none of my
business," Mrs. Waters said, breaking the spell that seamed to have
overtaken the four of us kids.  "Just make sure you're ready and
willing when you do whatever you do.  Don't do anything you don't
want to and don't let anyone talk you into something you know is

It felt weird having the conversation that was taking place.  My mom
had told me most of the things Mrs. Waters was saying and I suspected
Mom had something to do with it.  It wasn't really uncomfortable,
just strange.  At that point, I was glad Kathy and I were kissing
each other's brothers and I wasn't in Eddie's lap.

"Okay, that's enough of that for now," Dad said.  "I have been
looking into this tournament fishing and found out there's a club you
kids can join.  They have meetings once a month and several
tournaments throughout the year."

"That's cool," Eddie said.  "When can we go to one of the meetings
and find out about it?"

"There's a meeting on Wednesday night.  I though all of us could go
and check things out," Dad said.  "We want to make sure you kids get
off to the right start."

It was getting late and Eddie, Kathy, Brad and I decided we wanted
to go fishing the next day.  Eddie asked Dad and he said it was okay
with him.  When Kathy asked her mom, Mrs. Waters said, "What would a
fishing team be without all of the members.  How about your homework?
Is it finished?"

"Not yet, Mom," Kathy said.  "I'll do it as soon as I get home."

We locked up the boat and left.  Eddie and I went home with our
parents, Kathy and Brad went home with theirs.  We agreed Eddie and I
would pick up Kathy and her brother the next morning,

Mom and Dad went into the living room to watch television and I
asked my brother to come outside.  We jumped into the pool and swam
around naked for a few minutes before we got out, dried off and sat
on the glider, wrapped in our towels.

"Eddie, do we need to talk?"  I asked.

"If you want to, Jen."

"You know what I'm asking about, don't you?"

"Yes, I know.  You want to know how I feel about what we did today,

"Yes, I do.  I want to know everything is still okay between you and
me.  I want to know you still love me and want to be with me."

"I do love you, Jen.  Not STILL love you.  I know what happened was
a little strange, but it hasn't changed the way I feel about you,
except to make my love stronger."

"How can kissing someone else make your love for me stronger?"

"Because of trust, Jen.  Because I know we can do something like we
did today and still trust and love each other.  Kathy is nice and it
was fun kissing her today, but it wasn't anywhere near what I feel
about you.  When I saw you and Brad, I didn't feel jealous or upset
because I know you love me."

"Was kissing Kathy exciting for you?  Did, do you want to do more
with her?  Do you want to have sex with Kathy?"

"Jen, remember how we decided we would just let things happen
between you and me?  How we didn't plan things and just went with the

"Yes, I do."

"I think we should do the same thing with Kathy and Brad.  If you're
asking me if I got turned on today, I did.  If you're asking if I
wanted to have sex with her today, well, I didn't really think about

"You're right, as usual, Eddie.  I agree we should let things just
develop as they may.  I got really turned on when I was kissing Brad,
but it was so different than the way I feel when we make love, or
even just have sex.  With Brad it was kind of fun, but just fun. 
With you it's fun too, but there is so much more."

"Jen, we're a lot different than most kids we know.  You and I are
lovers and so are Brad and Kathy.  Incest is not all that common, I
wouldn't guess, but for the four of us to be the way we are is just
strange.  The fact the four of us can be open and honest is a real

"Just think about it, we can make love or fool around when we're
with Brad and Kathy, or you and Brad can fool around while I fool
around with Kathy.  We can go out as couples, have fun and no one
will know anything is going on between you and me or Kathy and Brad.

"In reality, we have the best of two worlds.  Add in the fishing and
it's almost too good to be true.  So, if you want to know if I still
love you, the answer is yes, more than ever.  If the question is do I
want to have sex with Kathy, maybe.  If you want to know if it's okay
with me if you want to, or do, fool around with Brad, the answer is

"I love you, Eddie.  I can't imagine finding another guy, brother or
not, so understanding.  I will always love you more than anyone that
comes into my life.

We hugged and kissed for a moment, went into the house and went to
bed.  We had to be up early the next morning and I wanted to run
before we left to go to the boat.

When Eddie and I walked through the living room with towels wrapped
around our waists and our clothes in our hands, my mom chuckled.  She
asked us to sit down because she and Dad wanted to talk to us.  I
felt a little strange, so I put on my tee shirt and then sat on the

"I talked to your aunt Sally today," Mom said.  "She and Frank
aren't going to be able to come down for Thanksgiving this year, she
can't get the time off work."

"That's too bad," I said.  "I thought it would be fun to go on the
boat with them."

"Well, that's what we wanted to talk to you two about," Mom said. 
"We had planned on going back to the Keys, where we went last year at
Christmas, and spending a few days.  We wondered if you would mind if
the Waters came with us instead."

"I think it would be fun," I said.  "I think it will be a little
crowded on the boat though."

"Not really," Dad said.  "We have a room reserved near the marina. 
We were going to stay in the room with your aunt and let you kids and
Frank stay on the boat."

"That's fine with me," Eddie said.  "Brad and I can share the small
stateroom and the girls can have yours.  I think it would be fun. 
Maybe we can find a tournament to fish while we're there."

"Okay then, it's settled," Mom said.  "I'll let Sarah and Jack know

"Mom do Kathy and Brad know yet?"  I asked.

"No, we didn't want to say anything to them until we talked to you
and Eddie.  Mr. and Mrs. Waters know about it and want to go, but I
told them we had to check with you two first," Mom said.

"Have you told them about the beach?"  Eddie asked.

Mom laughed and said, "No, we haven't.  Do you think we should tell
them or let it be a surprise?"

I giggled as I thought about my reaction when I first visited the
nude beach and then said, "I think we should surprise them, Mom.  I
can't wait to see the look on their faces.  Can we tell Brad and
Kathy about the trip, you know, except for the beach part?"

"Sure you can," Mom said.  "I think they'd like to hear it from you

We talked about the trip for a few more minutes and learned Dad
planned on making the run down nonstop.  He told us he expected my
brother and I to have the route planned and programmed before we left.

"I want you two to plan two routes," Dad said.  "One on the ICW in
case the weather is bad, the other on the outside.  Plan on one fuel
stop too, we should be able to make it, but I would rather be safe
than sorry."

It was almost eleven when my brother and I finally got to bed.  I
wished I could sleep in Eddie's room so I could snuggle with him and
fall asleep in his arms, but we went to our own rooms.

We got up too late to run the next morning and decided we would try
to get the run in later that evening.  We picked up Kathy and Brad,
stopped at a fast food restaurant for breakfast and took our food to
the boat.

After eating we cast off and headed out for a day of fishing.  We
had only fished with the four of us a couple of times and needed some
practice before we fished in a tournament.

Once we were out of the marina, Kathy, Brad and I rigged the rods
and placed them into the holders so they'd be ready when we got out
to where we would start fishing.  Once the tackle was set, we went up
to the bridge to sit with Eddie.

"I love this almost as much as sex," Kathy giggled.

"Yeah, it's great," Brad said.  "I'm so glad you guys take us along.
When my sister first talked to me about the idea of acting like we
were all going together, I wasn't really all that thrilled.  Now we
are all going together and it couldn't be better."

I looked over at Brad and asked, "Would you feel the same way if we
didn't have the boat?"

Brad grinned at me and said, "Yes, I would.  After yesterday, I
can't think of two people I'd rather spend time with.  The fishing is
really fun and all, but you and Eddie are the best."

"I was a little surprised at how your mom reacted when she caught us
all making out yesterday," I said.  "From what Kathy has told me, I
would have never guessed she would have been so understanding."

"You could have knocked me over with a feather," Kathy said.  "It's
like we have a different mom all together.  She has gone from a bitch
to a really cool mom in sixty seconds."

"Jen and I had a talk with our parents last night," Eddie said. 
"They told us we're taking the boat down to the Keys for a week or so
over Thanksgiving break."

"You guys are so lucky," Brad said.  "It would be so cool to take a
trip like that and spend a week on the boat."

"It is cool," I said, fighting the urge to giggle.  "We had such a
great time last year.  We went swimming and fishing everyday."

"When are you guys leaving?"  Kathy asked, her voice filled with envy.

"In two weeks, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving," Eddie said. 
"We'll come back the Sunday after."

My brother and I changed the subject and we started to fish.  We
spent most of the morning working on our technique than actually
fishing.  One sail took our offering and we fought it, tagged it and
let it go.

By lunchtime, we had perfected reeling in the teasers and getting
them back out again as fast as we could.  Brad and Eddie talked about
what we should do if we hooked a double and who should do what.  I
asked if we should get another harness and my brother agreed it would
be a good idea.

The day was extremely hot and we decided to head into shallower
water so we could anchor and go for a swim.  I took the bridge and
headed towards shore, stopping in fifty feet of water and dropping
the anchor.

"Are we going to eat or swim first?" I asked.

"I'd like to go for a swim and then have some lunch," Eddie said. 
"I need to cool off."

"That sounds great, Eddie," Kathy said.  "I'll go get my suit on."

"Okay," I said.  "I'll be here waiting for you."

I pulled my tee shirt over my head and pealed off my shorts.  After
removing my bra and panties, I opened the transom door and jumped
into the water.  Eddie was right behind me and when he surfaced next
to me we looked up at Kathy and Brad.

The twins were standing at the stern staring down as my brother and
I, their mouths hanging open.

"Well, are you guys going swimming or not?"  I giggled.  "The
water's great!"

Brad looked at his sister and started to undress.  He jumped over
the side, surfaced and floated on his back.  Kathy giggled, whipped
off her clothes and jumped in feet first.

"Oh my God this is fun," Kathy said as she swam over to Eddie and I.
"I've never gone skinny dipping with boys before."

We all splashed around in the water for a little while and then
climbed into the cockpit.  Eddie took the freshwater wash down hose
out and rinsed the saltwater off each of us.

We kept towels in the locker under the steps to the bridge and I
grabbed one for each of us.  After blotting up most of the water on
my body, I pulled out the deck chairs and sat down, stretching my
legs out in front of me.

Brad sat across from me and I couldn't help glancing at his cock. 
He was semi rigid and I decided he was about the same size as Eddie,
maybe a little smaller.  I noticed Kathy peeking at Eddie out of the
corner of her eye and I grinned.

Eddie started to talk about fishing and how we had been rigging the
boat and it didn't take long before the tension eased.

I got up and asked Kathy to give me a hand making lunch.  We went
into the galley, took out sandwich fixings and began putting them

"I can't believe I'm running around naked," Kathy said as she spread
mustard on the slices of bread.

"It's cool, I love being naked."

"I've never let another guy see me before.  It's kind of exciting
and dirty at the same time."

Kathy and I took the sandwiches out and gave one to each of our
brothers.  We sat back down and ate as we talked about going to the
fishing club on Wednesday night.  When we were finished with lunch,
Eddie and Brad cleaned up and took the paper plates into the cabin.

"I'm so horny I could drag Brad into one of the staterooms and screw
his brains out," Kathy said.

I laughed and said, "Sitting around naked can do that to you
sometimes.  Maybe we should take both of them to bed."

"That sounds like a good idea.  Which room do you want, Jen?"

I thought for a moment and said, "Kathy, have you ever fantasized
about making love to Brad when someone was in the same bed or

Kathy blushed and said, "Yes, I have.  Sometimes I play with myself
when I think about it."

"Do you want to have some fun today?  What would you think about
seeing what it's like?"

"Oh, I don't know, Jen.  It's just a fantasy, I don't know if I
could really do it."

"Did you think you could go skinny dipping?"

"No, not really.  I was scared half to death."

I giggled and said, "Yeah, but after you did it, you liked it…didn't

"Yes, but having sex is different."

"Sure it is, but you'll never know if you don't try.  Look, we can
go to the master stateroom and see how it goes.  If either of us, or
our brothers, doesn't want to, Eddie and I will leave and go to the
other room."

Kathy was silent for a few minutes and then she asked, "How are we
going to get the guys into the stateroom?"

"I've got an idea I'm pretty sure will work.  Just follow my lead
and we'll see what happens."

"Okay, but I'm nervous as hell, Jen."

"So am I, but it'll be okay…I think."

"You think!"

I giggled got up and reached for Kathy's hand.  I kept her hand in
mine as we went into the cabin and walked through the salon.

"Kathy and I are going to go lay down and get cozy," I said.  "If
you need us, we'll be in the master stateroom."

I didn't wait for a reply.  I pulled Kathy down the three steps that
led to the staterooms and into the master.  After pulling the
bedspread and blanket off the bed, I jumped into the middle.  Kathy
sat on the edge and fiddled with her fingers, so I reached over and
pulled her onto her back.

"What are you doing?"  Kathy asked as I began to run my hands over
her boobs and tweak her nipples.

"I'm getting you ready for Brad.  If he doesn't come in here, I'll
just have you for myself."

Kathy was resting her head on my stomach as I lazily played with her
boobs.  She began to moan as I rolled her nipples between my fingers
and thumbs.

"Maybe the guys aren't interested," Kathy moaned.  "Right now, I
really don't care."

I saw Brad and Eddie standing in the doorway, watching my play with
Kathy's tits.  I smiled at them and they came in.  Eddie came to my
side of the bed and sat on the edge.  I let go of Kathy's boobs,
turned to my brother and reached for him.

It didn't take long before we were stretched out on the bed kissing
like mad.  I was making out with my brother and Kathy was making out
with hers.  The master stateroom had a queen-sized bed and there was
plenty of room for the four of us.

As our fooling around turned into passion, we would bump into one
another as we rolled around.  Eddie was on his back with me on top of
him as we kissed and touched each other.  Kathy and Brad seemed a
little reserved, so I started to kiss my way down my brother's chest.
I wrapped my hand around his cock and began stroking him as I
continued to lick and kiss him.

Kneeling between his legs, I lowered my mouth onto Eddie's penis and
slowly let it slide into my mouth.  I glanced up, saw Kathy watching
me and took my brother to the back of my throat.  After sucking
noisily on Eddie's cock for a few minutes, I moved up, and lowered my
pussy onto his member.

Kathy was on her back, next to Eddie and Brad was sliding his cock
in and out of her.  The sight of the other couple screwing next to my
brother and me was all it took to send me over the edge.

I cried out as my orgasm ripped though me and centered in my vagina.
I could feel my pussy convulsing around Eddie as I put my hands on
his chest and rode him as hard and fast as I could.  My brother's
cock started to pulse and I felt him filling me with his cum.  I
wasn't even aware there was another couple right next to us as we
climaxed together.  When I couldn't take anymore, I fell forward on
my brother's chest.

Looking over at Kathy and Brad, I saw them resting, both of them
looking sated.  I smiled at them and then kissed my brother.

"I think I'm ready for another swim," I said.  "It seems my pussy is
full of cum."

Kathy and Brad laughed and we all got up.  Kathy and I cupped our
hands on our crotches to keep from leaking on the deck and we waddled
to the cockpit, our brothers behind us laughing like crazy.

We all jumped into the water, swam around and I used my fingers to
clean myself.  After a few minutes, we got out, rinsed off with fresh
water and dried ourselves.

"Well," I said.  "We can go fishing, sit in the sun, go swimming or
go back into the stateroom and fuck some more."

"I choose number four," Kathy said.

I giggled and said, "One room or two?"

"One, there's no sense in having to wash two sets of sheets," Brad

We all went back in to the stateroom and began to snuggle.  This
time there was no tension or hesitation.  We giggled, talked about
what happened and fooled around, touching and kissing.

"How about a little dessert, Eddie," I said softly as I straddled
his body and inched my way to his head.

My brother put his hands on my hips and pulled me down to his mouth.
Kathy giggled, straddled Brad's face and lowered her crotch onto his
mouth and tongue.

Kathy and I were facing the opposite way, she was facing her
brother's feet and I was facing forward.  I looked at her, smiled and
she grinned back.

"Nothing quite like getting your pussy licked is there, Kathy." I
moaned as my brother's tongue rubbed my clit.

Kathy rolled her eyes and shook her head no.  I reached out, put my
hand on her boob and started to squeeze it.  Kathy gasped and sucked
in her breath as I pulled at her nipple.  We leaned closer to each
other and kissed softly, our tongues mingling in our mouths.

The combination of kissing Kathy and having my brother nibbling on
my clit caused my mind to go blank for a moment.  I lifted my pussy
off Eddie's face, turned around and straddled his body on all fours. 
My brother knew what I wanted and slid out from under me.  He knelt
behind me, slid his cock into my heated vagina and grabbed my hips.

Eddie began to slide in and out of me as I pushed back at his
thrusts.  I loved being fucked from behind and Eddie never
disappointed me when we did it that way.  The real difference today
was the fact Brad's rigid cock was only a foot from my head.

I felt Kathy's hand start to fondle my hanging boobs, looked back at
her and grinned.  I shifted my eyes from her to Brad's cock and back
a few times, groaning as Eddie kept up his steady pounding.

Without thinking, I reached out, wrapped my hand around Brad's penis
and began to stroke him.  His hips rose up into my fist and I
increased the pressure.  Kathy started to rub the back of my head as
I jacked her brother's cock.

I felt Eddie's hand leave my hip, looked back and saw him fondling
Kathy's tit.  Kathy and I smiled at each other and then she pushed my
head down towards her brother's cock.

I didn't resist as she guided my head closer to Brad's cock, opening
my mouth to take him in.  The sensation was beyond my wildest
fantasy.  I had a cock in my pussy and one in my mouth.  I took
Brad's entire member into my mouth and throat, fighting the urge to
gag.  When I felt Eddie pull out of my pussy, it was like I was half

Brad grabbed my head and moved it up and down his cock as I sucked
and slobbered on it.  I moved around so I was between his legs,
glanced up and saw Kathy sucking on my brother.

The whole room turned into a blur.  Before we were all spent, Brad
and Eddie screwed me, and Kathy.  I felt someone fill my mouth with
cum, I didn't know it was Brad until I opened my eyes and looked up. 
We all collapsed on the bed in a tangle of legs and arms.  It took
several minutes for us to regain our composure and sit up.

Without anyone saying anything, we all hugged, kissed and started to

"That was without a doubt the hottest I have ever been," I said.  "I
really need to cool off now.  Let's go jump in the water."

We all ran for the cockpit, joined hands and jumped into the cool
saltwater.  We came together and I kissed Brad and Kathy kissed Eddie
before we switched and kissed our brothers.

After climbing out and rinsing off, we flopped in the deck chairs to

"Well brother," I said.  "How is Kathy's cock sucking skills?"

Eddie looked at me, saw me wink and said, "Not bad, Sis.  With a
little practice she'll be as good as you."

"What do you think, Brad?  Is Kathy's oral abilities as good as
mine?" I asked him, trying not to laugh.

"Um, ah," Brad stuttered.

"Actually, I think we can all use some practice," Eddie said.  "Jen
can teach Kathy how to deep throat a cock and Kathy can teach Jen how
to do that thing with her pussy."

"What thing?"  I asked.

"Kathy can do something with her pussy that feels like she's using
her hand, only it's softer and hotter," Eddie said.  "You need to
learn how she does it, Jen."

"Hey, Eddie," I said.  "I have an idea."

"What's that, Jen?"  Eddie said, smirking.

"Let's take Kathy and Brad to the Keys with us and we can all learn
a few new things," I said.

"Shit, I wish our parents would let us go," Brad said.  "I don't
even care if we fool around or not."

"I think we should ask them, Brad," Kathy said.  "Would your parents
let us go with you, Jen?"

"I'm sure of it, Kathy.  In fact I'm positive your mom and dad will
let you guys go too," I said and then giggled.

"How can you be so sure, Jen?"  Brad asked.

"Because your mom and dad are going too," I said and then my brother
started laughing.

"WHAT!" Kathy said.  "You mean you two knew we were going and didn't
tell us."

"We told you guys," Eddie said.

Kathy sprang out of her seat and jumped on Eddie's lap she wiggled
her butt against him.  She began to kiss him and repeated, 'thank
you' over and over.  Kathy stopped smothering Eddie's face with her
mouth, looked at me and grinned.

"You guys are really nuts, but I love you both to death," Kathy said.

I got up, sat on Brad's lap and pulled his arms around my waist. 
When one of his hands touched my mons, I opened my legs and gave him
access to my sex.  Brad began to toy with the thin strip of pubic
hair that adorned my crotch and I leaned against him.

"How are eight of us going to sleep on the boat?"  Brad asked.

"Well, I guess our parents will sleep in the staterooms, Kathy and I
will sleep on the settee and you two guys can sleep on the flying
bridge," I said.

"That sounds cool," Brad said.  "We have some sleeping bags we can
bring for Eddie and I."

"There is another choice," Eddie said.  "We can sleep in the
staterooms and our parents can sleep in the hotel room my dad

"You jerk," Kathy said to Eddie.  "Why do you two keep teasing us?" 

Eddie tickled Kathy's ribs and said, "Because it's fun, but I'll
stop if you want me to."

Kathy reached between her legs and put her hand on my brother's
balls.  She fondled him and said, "You don't have to stop teasing us,
as long as we can tease you guys too."

"If you keep teasing me like that, I'm going to do more than tease
you," Eddie moaned.

Kathy got up, turned around and sat on Eddie's legs, facing him. 
She took his erect penis in her hand and began to slowly stroke him. 
Kathy took one of my brother's hands and put it on her boob, leaning
into him.

"What are you going to do to me if I keep teasing you, Eddie," Kathy
said seductively.

I felt Brad's fingers move lower and start to rub my sex.  Opening
my legs wider, I wiggled against his fingers and reached over my head
to rub his head.  Brad began to kiss my neck and put his finger into
my opening.

Moving around, Brad and my lips met and we kissed deeply.  I moaned
into his mouth, pushed my tongue against his and wiggled against his
hand.  Brad's cock pressed against my leg and I reached down and
wrapped my hand around his shaft.

I glance over at my brother and Kathy and smiled when I saw her
lowering herself on Eddie's cock.  Brad and I stopped kissing and
just touched each other as we watched our siblings.

"I want you to do that to me," I said into Brad's ear.  "I want you
to fuck me."

Brad lifted my off his legs and told me to face him.  I started to
climb onto his legs, but stopped and turned around so I could watch
Eddie and Kathy.  Reaching between my legs, I pointed his cock at my
pussy and sat down, feeling him slid into me.  I took one of Brad's
hands and put it on my boob and put the other between my legs.  He
massaged my tit, rubbed my clit and I slowly moved on him.

My eyes met Eddie's and we smiled at one another as we screwed our
friends.  My coupling with Brad wasn't the hot sex we enjoyed in the
stateroom.  This was different, more like when Eddie and I made love.
The feeling of Brad's cock in my vagina felt good and I was
thoroughly enjoying it.  We didn't rush or try to get off, we just
moved slowly.

The look on my brother's face told me he was enjoying what he was
doing too.  I had mixed feelings about what I was watching, realizing
neither of us was just having sex for fun.  I didn't feel the
closeness or love I felt when I made love to my brother, but it
wasn't emotionless either.  My body was tingling and my heart was
racing as I raised and lowered myself on Brad.

Eddie closed his eyes and leaned his head back.  I got up turned
around and impaled myself on Brad again.  I took his face between my
hands and started to kiss him, softly at first, but soon with heated
passion.  Brad gripped my ass and guided me up and down his member
while our tongues danced together.

When Brad's cock swelled in my pussy and I felt it pulse his semen
into me, I also came.  I leaned against him and held us tightly
together as our bodies began a spasm.  I cried out as my climax
peaked and my body shuddered against Brad's.

Off in the distance, I heard my brother's familiar grunts and
groans, noises I knew well from the times he and I had climaxed
together.  I couldn't help but smile when I realized my brother and I
were climaxing together, only with different partners.

The four of us came down just as we had started, very slowly.  I
melted against Brad and felt warm and comfortable as he moved his
hand over my back.  I wanted to look at Eddie and Kathy to see if
they were as sated as Brad and I, but I didn't.  I just remained in
Brad's arms and savored the feeling.

"It's a good thing our parents didn't find us like this yesterday,"
Kathy said from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder, saw my brother's cock still in Kathy and
said, "Right now, I don't really care."

We stayed together for quite a while before Kathy and I climbed off
Brad and Eddie.  Once again we jumped into the ocean and swam around
at the stern of the boat.  When we got out, Kathy and I dried off and
went to the head to shower and shampoo our hair.

While we were in the head I heard the engines start and knew my
brother was warming the boat for the ride home.  Kathy climbed into
the shower stall and I jumped in with her.  We shampooed our hair and
began to wash as we talked about what had just happened.

"Are we doing the right thing, Jen?"  Kathy asked.

"You felt it too, huh," I said.

"I sure did, that wasn't just sex, not for me, Jen."

"I know, I know.  It wasn't for me either.  It was wonderful and I
really liked the way I felt, Kathy.  I never thought I would have the
feelings I just did, not with someone other than my brother."

We finished in the shower, dried off and brushed our hair.  Kathy
helped me pull the soiled sheets off the bed and I put them in the
washer.  We sat on the bed and hugged each other for a moment.

"What do we do now, Jen?"

I thought for a moment and said, "I guess we just love them, Kathy."

"Can we do that?  Can we love both of them at the same time?"

"I don't know, but I'm willing to try if you are, if our brothers
are.  I don't want to stop doing what Eddie and I do together, but I
also have feelings for Brad.  I don't know if I love Brad, but I
definitely have feelings for him and in time I could end up falling
in love with him."

"Jen, I think I'm already in love with Eddie."

"It's not hard to do, you know, fall in love with Eddie."

We went to the small stateroom, got dressed and went out to see what
our brothers were doing.  Both of them had put on their shorts and
were sitting up on the bridge.

"Hi," I said to Eddie, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Eddie gave me a half smile and said, "You guys ready to go?"

"Yes.  Are you?"  I said.

Eddie nodded, pulled the anchor and we were underway.  My brother
drove slowly so I could go out on the bow and spray the dirt off the
anchor.  When I was finished and back on the bridge, he pushed the
throttles forward and sped up.

I could feel the tension on the ride back to the marina.  None of us
said much and it seemed my brother, Kathy and Brad were lost in their
thoughts, just like I was.  When we got back, we tied the boat up,
secured everything and headed home.

After we dropped Brad and Kathy off we went home and Eddie parked
the car in the garage.  We unloaded our things, put them away and
went into the house.  Mom and Dad were in the kitchen.  Dad sat at
the table and Mom was at the stove, fixing dinner.

Eddie said hi to our parents and went to his room.  I stayed in the
kitchen, helped my mom finish fixing dinner and set the table.

"How was fishing?"  Dad asked.

"It was good, Dad.  We spent a lot of time just practicing, but we
did catch one sailfish," I said.

"Did you tell Brad and Kathy about the trip to the Keys?"  Mom asked.

"Yeah, we teased them for most of the day and then finally told
them.  They were so excited I thought they were going to kiss us," I

Mom laughed and said, "I think they would kiss you two anyway. 
After what I saw yesterday, I'd guess they did."

I smiled and sat down to eat.  Mom called my brother and he came out
to eat dinner.  We told our parents about the things we practiced and
that we were looking forward to fishing in a tournament.

After dinner, Eddie went back to his room and I cleaned up the
kitchen.  Dad went into the living room, turned on the television and
started to watch a movie.

While I was washing the dishes, Mom came to the sink and picked up a
dishtowel.  She began to dry the dishes and put them into the
cupboard, where they belonged.

"Is everything okay, Jenny?"  Mom asked.

"Yeah, everything is fine," I said.

We finished the dishes and Mom asked me to sit at the table with
her.  She fixed herself a cup of tea and asked me if I wanted one.  I
told her no, took a can of soda from the refrigerator and sat at the

"Jenny, you are acting like you're upset about something.  Did
something happen today?"

I shook my head and took a drink of my Coke.

Mom just sat and looked across the table at me.  I could tell she
was waiting for me to say something.  My mom could always tell when
something was on my mind and she would usually wait until I was ready
to talk, never pressing me.  I guess she had waited long enough
though, because she started to talk.

"Jenny, did something happen you didn't want to have happen?"  Mom

I twisted my soda can on the table, starting at the red and white
printing and shook my head, no.

"Something is on your mind and, whatever it is, is bothering you. 
Listen, Honey, I know things can be confusing, especially at fifteen.
Live is hard enough, but as you get older, you have more experiences
to compare to, and things start to make sense.

"Falling in love is always a little difficult.  Your head gets
filled with all kinds of things and sometimes they are hard to
understand.  When you throw teenage hormones into the mix, well,
things can get down right convoluted."

I took a drink from my soda, nodded and forced a smile.  Mom smiled
back at me and went on.

"It's important to remember that no one is a mind reader.  No one
knows what you're thinking and you can't know what anyone else is
thinking.  If you want to someone to know what's on your mind, you
have to tell them.  If you want to know what's on their mind, you
have to ask.

"It is so easy to assume you know what someone is thinking, when you
are really off base.  That's how fights get started between two
people and how relationships are destroyed, sometimes before the
relationship ever had a chance to get started."

Mom took a sip of her hot tea and looked into my eyes.  I think she
was waiting for a response from me, but I wasn't quite ready to talk,
not yet.  How could I explain how I felt or what happened?  I
wondered how my mom could ever know complicated loving your brother
could be, especially when it included sex.

"There's something else, Jenny, the longer you wait, the harder it
is to make things right.  If you let things fester in your head, you
can twist them so far out of proportion it will drive you crazy. 
It's easy to start imagining things and reading things into it that
aren't there."

Mom looked straight at me and said, "Do you think you need to make a
phone call?"

"To who, Mom?"

"I don't know, Kathy?  Brad?"

"No, I don't need to call either of them."

Mom was quiet for a few minutes and then said, "I think your father
and I are going for a walk, we should be back in an hour and a half,
maybe a little longer.  You should do your homework."

"Okay, Mom, I'll get my work finished before I go to bed," I said.

Mom got up, went outside and stood in front of my dad.  He looked
into the house, stood up and walked away, holding my mom's hand.

I stayed in the kitchen, thought about what my mom said, and then it
dawned on me, she knew it was Eddie I was upset about.  Why else
would she have gone for a walk and told me how long she was going to
be gone.

Mom and I had talked in the past about my brother and me, she knew
we had fooled around, but she didn't know we were screwing; at least
I didn't think she did.  I wondered if she had figured out Eddie and
I had taken our relationship to the degree we had.  Now I was faced
with my brother being upset because I made love with Brad and my mom
knowing I was making love with Eddie.

I folded my arms on the table and rested my head on them.  I didn't
know what to do, or how to resolve my problem.  Eddie was mad at me,
my mom knew my brother and I were sleeping together, or at least I
thought she did, and on top of it, I really liked Brad.  I decided
there was only thing to do, call Kathy.

Kathy answered the telephone, much to my relief.  I told her about
Eddie and how he was so cold to me on the way home.  Then I asked her
about Brad and if things were okay between them.

"Just fine, Jen," Kathy said.  "Brad and I talked when we got home."

"Did you tell him about you and Eddie?  Did you tell him how you

"Yes, I told him.  I didn't tell him HOW much I cared for Eddie,
just that I felt like we are more than just friends."

"What did he say?  Was he pissed?"

"No, not at all, in fact, he said he understands.  He told me
something else, Jen, he told me he really likes you."

"Oh no, my life is getting so complicated, Kathy.  What am I going
to do?"

"Do the same thing you told me to do, Jen, love them both.  Have you
talked to Eddie yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Why not?  What are you going to do, wait until it's too late?"

"There's more.  I think my mom knows about Eddie and me, you know,
the things we do together.  She didn't say, but I can tell."

"Was she mad or something?"

"No, I don't think so.  After we talked she and my dad went for a
walk.  She told me that she and Dad would be gone for an hour or so."

"I think your mom wants you to talk to your brother and I think
she's right.  I know Brad and I both had things all twisted out of

"What do you mean, Kathy?"

"Jen, go talk to Eddie.  Tell him what you told me, tell him how you
feel about him.  Things will be okay."

I hung up with Kathy and went to my brother's room.  Eddie's door
was closed so I knocked.  He asked who it was and when I told him it
was me, he told me to come in.

Eddie was lying on his bed, his face buried in his pillow.  I sat on
his bed and took a deep breath.

"Eddie, why are you upset with me?"

When my brother rolled over and looked up at me I could tell he'd
been crying.  His eyes and nose were red and I could see a wet spot
on his pillow.  Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach because I thought
I had upset him so much and hurt him so bad.  He was my brother, my
love, and I was responsible for his pain.

"Oh, Eddie," I said as I started to cry.  "I'm so sorry.  I didn't
mean to hurt you.  If I would have known, I would never have even
kissed Brad."

Eddie sat up and looked at me like I had two heads.

"What the hell are you talking about, Jen?  I'm not mad at you, not
at all.  I'm mad at myself for what I did to you."

"You didn't do anything to me, Eddie."

"I had sex with Kathy."

"Yeah, and I did it with Brad at the same time.  I thought you were
mad at me!  I know we both did it with them before that, but…"

"It was different, right?"

I nodded.

"It was for me too, Jen.  I didn't expect it to be anything more
than just sex, but it was."

I started to smile and then I laughed.  "Sometimes you and I are so
fucking stupid I'm surprised we are able to do anything right.  I've
been going nuts thinking you were mad at me and you thought I was mad
at you.  The real fact is, we both liked what we did."

"I didn't want to like it with Kathy as much as I did.  At first,
when we first started fooling around in the cockpit, it was just fun,
you know, like we talked about before.  Then we started to kiss and
the next thing I knew we were doing it."

I moved closer to Eddie, hugged him and whispered, "I know, I know. 
I could see it in your eyes."

I pulled back so I could look at him and said, "I could tell you
liked it, Eddie.  It's okay though, Kathy really likes you a lot."

"I really like her too, Jen.  I feel so mixed up about this, I love
you and now I'm starting to really like Kathy."

"I think Kathy's falling in love with you, Eddie.  I know she is,
she told me.  We talked about you and Brad after we showered.  I told
her I really liked Brad too.  I'm not in love with him, not yet.  If
things keep going like they are…"

"If things keep going they way they are you might fall in love with
Brad, is that what you're saying?"

"Yeah, I guess it is.  Kathy and I talked about that too.  I told
Kathy we would just have to love both of you."

"Is that possible?  Can you love Brad and me at the same time, the
same way?"

"Eddie," I said softly, "I could never love anyone as much as I love
you.  The love I have for you is special.  I think I can love someone
else too, but never equally, you will always be number one."

"You're not upset or hurt about Kathy and me?"

"I know this is going to sound strange, but I'm glad you and Kathy
feel like you do about each other."

"You are?  Why?"

"Because it makes you happy and that makes me happy.  I love you and
want you to be happy, Eddie.  If I keep you from your happiness,
you'll end up hating me and I don't want that to happen."

"I love you though, I don't want to stop."

"Nobody is saying we can't love each other, but we have to be
realistic too.  We're both growing up and will want to date; we've
talked about it before.  We know someday we'll want to get married,
to have children and we can't do that with each other."

"I know, I've thought about it a lot lately.  As much as I love you,
I know someday we'll want families.  Are you sure you can deal with
me having a girlfriend?"

"I think so, as long as she doesn't hurt you.  If a girl ever hurts
you, I'll scratch her eyes out!"

Eddie laughed and said, "I bet you would.  Jen, are we still going
to be able to make love once in a while?"

I took my brother's face between my hands, pulled his mouth to mine,
kissed him and said, "You're damn right we can, anytime you want to. 
If I ever have a boyfriend that doesn't like it, he's gone."

"That goes for me too, we can do anything you want to, anytime you
want to.  I just hope Kathy will understand."

"I think she will as long as you do, Eddie.  We can't expect it to
be any different than what we want.  Kathy and Brad have sex with one
another and we have to accept that if we want them to accept the fact
we are, it's only fair."

"I have a feeling the trip to the Keys is going to be a lot of fun,

I giggled and said, "I'm sure of it."

Eddie and I were still sitting on his bed when our parents got back.
Mom stuck her head in his bedroom door and said, "Is everything okay?"

I smiled at her and said, "Perfect, Mom, just perfect."

"Good!  Now I think you two should get to bed," Mom said.

I grinned, decided to be a smart ass and said, "Okay, Mom, I'm just
going to sleep in here tonight."

Mom shocked me by calling my bluff and saying, "That's fine, dear,
just don't keep your brother awake with your snoring."

I got off my brother's bed, walked past my mom and said, "I don't

Mom chuckled, headed out to the living room and I went to me room. 
I took off my clothes, turned off the light and climbed into bed.  I
was restless as I thought about all the things that happened and had
trouble falling asleep.

My dreams of spending the rest of my life with me brother had
suddenly changed and reality set in.  I guess I knew, deep down, that
Eddie and I would never live as husband and wife, but the dream was
very real for a while.  Many a night I would hug a pillow, pretending
it was Eddie, and drift off to sleep.  Even though my brother and I
had only slept in the same bed together a few times, I loved every
time I woke up next to him.

I don't know how long I tossed and turned, trying to get to sleep,
but my head was so full of questions and scenarios I couldn't relax. 
I tried masturbating, an activity that would usually clear my head,
but that didn't work either. 

Finally, I got out of bed to go to the bathroom and splash some
water in my face.  I put on a short robe, tied it around my waist and
opened my bedroom door.  Standing in the small foyer, that tied my
brother's room and mine to the bathroom, was Eddie.

My brother smiled at me and I smiled back.  We just stood there,
staring at each other for a moment, neither of us saying a word,
until Eddie took me in his arms.  He pulled me to him and I melted
into his body, my arms circling his waist.  Our hug intensified and I
held my brother tighter as we began to rock slowly.

A familiar feeling overcame me, the feeling of love.  It was a
feeling I had grown very used to over the past months, a feeling I
only had when I was with Eddie, that is, up until earlier this day. 
I had a similar sensation when I was with Brad, sitting on his penis,
watching my brother having sex with Kathy.  I'm not sure whether the
feeling were because of being coupled to Brad, or seeing the look of
pleasure on Eddie's face.

At that moment, I knew the source of my feelings were from Eddie and
no one else.  I felt safe and warm in his arms, a feeling I never
wanted to end.  I was so lost in my thoughts I barely noticed my
brother gently guiding me towards his room.  When we reached the side
of his bed, he eased his grip on me, untied my robe and let it slide
down my arms to the floor.

Eddie pulled the covers back, picked me up and lay me softly on the
bed.  He climbed in next to me, took me back into his arms and we
spooned.  I felt his kisses on the back of me neck and his arm
tighten around me.

"I love you, Jen.  I will always love you, no matter what," Eddie

All of the tension in my body slowly drained out of me.  I held his
arm to my chest, moved as close to him as I could and fell asleep.