I woke to the feeling of Brad’s hand between my legs.  When I opened my eyes, I saw him smiling at me.


“Morning, Little-bit.”


I squirmed against his fingers, moved closer and kissed him.  “Morning.”


“Are you ready to get going?”


“Mmmm, maybe in a minute.”  Brad slid a finger into me and moved it in and out.  “Nothing like waking up to a nice finger fucking.”


I reached for Brad’s cock and curled my fingers around his shaft.  As we played with each other, I glanced over my shoulder at Frank and Erin sleeping on the airbed next to us.  Frank was on his back with Erin’s head lying on his chest.  The covers were down to their waists and I could see Erin was still topless.


Brad’s thumb brushed my clit and I quickly returned my attention to him.  We kissed softly and I wiggled against his hand.  Eddie’s voice broke my mood when he yelled for us to get up and get going.


Reluctantly, Brad and I separated and I sat up.  Brad got out of bed, kissed my forehead and walked to the head.


“Time to get up you two,” I said as I nudged the airbed with my foot.


Erin rolled toward me, looked up and grinned.  “What time is it?” she asked sleepily.


I glanced at the clock in the galley and said, “A little after six.  Time to get going.”


When Erin sat up, I saw she was still wearing the bottoms to her pajamas.  She stood up, stretched her arms over her head and then twisted her body at the waist.


“Is that bed comfortable?”  I asked.  Erin nodded.  “Better wake up Frank, it’s going to get busy around here real fast.”


Erin leaned over, shook Frank’s shoulder and told him to wake up.  Frank groaned and tried to turn away, but Erin shook him again.  After a couple minutes, Frank sat up and rubbed his eyes.


I grabbed Erin’s hand and led her to the head.  We took turns using the toilet and I started the shower.  I stepped into the shower and Erin followed me, giggling.


“How did things go last night, Erin?”  I started to shampoo my hair.


“Wonderful, Jenny, just wonderful.”


I giggled and asked, “Did you two…?” Erin shook her head.


“Frank and I just kissed and touched.  Jenny, he made me cum with his fingers.” We switched places and she began washing her hair.  “It was so nice; I didn’t feel any pressure to do anything.  He was so gentle and it was the best.  It was the first time I ever had an orgasm.”


“Like it?”  Erin nodded and a big grin formed on her face.  “I hope Brad and I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable.”


“Not at all.  It was a little strange at first, you know, watching you two doing it, but it didn’t bother me.”  Erin started to cover her body with soap.  “Frank has a nice big dick.”


I laughed and said, “I thought you said you guys didn’t do it.”


“I used my hand.”


We finished in the shower, turned off the water and stepped out to dry.  While we rubbed towels over ourselves, Kevin came into the head and stood in front of the toilet.


“Sorry, couldn’t wait any longer,” Kevin said.  He finished and left.


Cindy was the next to come into the room.  “Morning.”


“Good morning, Cindy,” Erin said.  “Did you sleep well?”


Cindy laughed.  “Yeah, what little sleep I got was good.  Kevin was crazed last night.”


I giggled and said, “He was a little horny, was he?”


“He was a lot horny, but so was I,” Cindy said.  “I even blew him.”


“I thought that made you sick,” I said.


“Not last night.  I decided to try it again.  This time I didn’t think about it and just did it.”  Cindy snickered.  “I might even get used to the taste of that stuff.”


Erin giggled and then said, “I think Jenny likes it, at least that’s the way it looked to me last night.”


Cindy laughed.  “From what I hear, she could live on Brad’s cum.  Kevin told me Brad and Eddie tease him about it.”


“Why?”  Erin asked.


“Because they’re getting their cocks sucked and Kevin wasn’t, but that’s going to change.  I may never be a cum queen like Jenny or Kathy, but I am going to keep my guy happy.”


“Did Kevin return the favor, Cindy?”  I asked.


“Oh yeah!  He sure did,” Cindy said and then giggled.


Eddie came into the head and got into the shower.  While he was washing, Kathy joined him.  Cindy, Erin and I went to the master stateroom to get dressed.


“I wonder what it’s like outside?”  Erin asked.  “I don’t know what to wear.”


“Do you have a warm up suit or sweats?” Cindy asked.  “It’s usually cool first thing in the morning.”


Erin shook her head.  I took one of my nylon warm up suits out of a hanging locker and handed it to Erin.  “You can wear this, Erin.” I said.


“Thanks,” Erin said as she put on her underwear and then the warm up suit.  She zipped the jacket up to her neck and tugged at the bottom.  I giggled, pulled the zipper down part way and stepped back.


“It isn’t going to be that cold.  Besides, you want to keep Frank interested, don’t you?”


Erin nodded and smiled.  “Do you think he likes me?”  Both Cindy and I nodded.  “I really like him, I like him better than any boy I was ever with.  He’s the first guy that didn’t just grab at me and try to get into my pants.”


“Is there something wrong with Frank?  I mean, he is in bed with a cute girl and doesn’t try anything?” Cindy said.


Erin laughed and said, “He is so sweet, Cindy.  I had to put his hand on my boob so he’d feel me up.  Then, I had to take off my top.  I think he was really embarrassed, at least at first.  After we watched Jenny and Brad for a minute, he loosened up.”


“That would do it!  Like watching a porn video,” Cindy said.


“Shut up, Cindy,” I said.  “We were just making love.  What were you doing with Kevin?”


Cindy cocked her head, flipped her hair and started to laugh.  “Sucking and fucking!”


Kathy walked in the stateroom and said, “Who’s sucking and fucking?”


“Cindy and Kevin,” I said.


“So what’s new?  How was your night with Frank, Erin?” Kathy asked.


“My cousin is still virgin, if that tells you anything,” I said.


“I knew he was a nice guy,” Kathy said.


“He’s more than nice, Kathy,” Erin said.


We finished dressing and went up to the galley.  Erin and Kathy said they would make breakfast so Cindy and I sat at the table and chatted about the upcoming day.  We heard the engines start and knew the guys were out on deck.


Erin made omelets while Kathy made toast.  When the food was ready, I went out and called the boys.  We all sat around the table and ate.  Erin’s omelet was good, but not a good as the ones my aunt made.


“Okay, let’s get going,” Eddie said.  “We’ll do the dishes, you guys take the boat out.”


The four of us left the galley and went outside.  Cindy and Kathy tended the lines and I went up to the bridge with Erin.


“I’m having a wonderful time, Jenny,” Erin told me as she watched me turning on the electronics.  “You guys are so much fun.  I can’t believe you guys talk about sex like you do.”


“We only talk like that among ourselves, Erin.  What we do and say never goes any further.  No one talks about what we do to anyone outside our little group.”


“I remember you telling me.  I won’t ever say anything, not that I have that many friends.”


“What about the other kids at the party?  I thought they were your friends.”


“They are, sort of.  I like them, but I could never talk to them like I can talk to you guys.”


Kathy yelled up and said the boat was untied and I put her in gear and pulled out of the slip.


“We’re going to need fuel when we get back,” I said.  “There’s probably enough for tomorrow, but I don’t want to take any chances.”


Erin sat in the seat next to me, put her feet up on the chair and wrapped her arms around her legs.


“Jenny, are we going to get a chance to go swimming today?”


“We can if it’s warm enough.” I was a little confused by Erin’s question.


“Um, if we do get to go, do you think you guys will go skinny dipping?”


I laughed and said, “Most likely, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”


“That’s the thing, I want to.  I want to try it—at least once.  You guys keep telling me I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do, but like you said before, how will I know if I don’t try?  Jenny, I got the message and really believe you guys.”


I laughed and realized I was sounding like Mom.  “Okay, I won’t tell you again.”


“Thanks!  Can I ask you about something else?  Something I saw last night.”  I nodded.  “How do you do that; you know, get Brad’s whole dick in your mouth?”


I shrugged and replied, “I just can.  I gagged the first few times, but I learned to relax and swallow so it goes into my throat.”


Erin grinned and nodded.  “I don’t know if I can do that.”


“Do what?” Cindy asked as she came up to the bridge.


“We’re talking about sucking cock,” I said.  “Erin was asking how I can take Brad’s cock into my throat and I was telling her.”


“Oh, I can’t do that.  I’ve only done it a couple of times and I only let Kevin put the end in my mouth.  I just keep my hand wrapped around him so he doesn’t go too deep,” Cindy said.


Kathy came up and joined in our conversation about oral sex.  As we talked about what we liked and disliked, Erin listened intently, asking questions when she didn’t understand something.


We got close to our first destination and I asked Kathy to tell the guys.  She went down to the cockpit to let them know.


“They’re ready whenever we are,” Kathy said when she came back up.


“They’re always ready,” Cindy said, laughing.  “How about fishing?”


We laughed and agreed with Cindy’s comment.  Erin leaned close to me and said, “I wonder if Frank is ready?”


I giggled and asked, “Are you?”  Erin nodded.  “Then go for it.  I’m afraid you’re going to have to take the lead with him, Erin.  My cousin is so scared of making you upset; I don’t think he will try anything.”


Our first waypoint was only a half mile away so I slowed the boat, switched on the trolling valves and set the autopilot.  Kathy yelled down and the boys started setting the lines.  Eddie was lowering the port outrigger when Kathy saw a fish come up and called to Brad.


Frank sent a bait back to the fish and fought the small sail to the back of the boat.  Kevin tagged it, pulled it in through the transom door and removed the hook before sending it back into the water.


The action proved to be fast and furious as we worked a school of juvenile sailfish.  We switched places with the guys, taking turns hooking, tagging and releasing the small fish.  At one point, we had a triple on and only lost one of the fish.


By the time the fish turned off, we tagged and released eight sailfish.


“That would have been twelve hundred points,” Kevin said.  “We need to keep this spot in mind for tomorrow.”


Eddie went below and returned with the information about the tournament.  We all sat on the bridge and listened as my brother went over the rules.  It was getting warm so I removed my warm up jacket and sat in my bra.  Kathy also removed her top, but she wasn’t wearing anything under it.


“It says that we can fish for Dolphin and Wahoo in addition to billfish,” Eddie said as he read from the flyer.  “The Dolphin and Wahoo are worth seventy five points and an extra twenty five for circle hooks.  The bill fish are the same as always.”


Eddie looked up from the paper and said, “Maybe we should try to find some Dolphin in case we can’t find any sails or marlin tomorrow.”


“I think that’s a really good idea,” Brad said.  “It never hurts to be prepared.”


I glanced at Erin and Frank.  They were sitting next to one another on the portside of the bridge.  Erin’s jacket was unzipped, but still on.  When our eyes met, Erin and I grinned at each other.


“During the tournament only one person can touch a rod,” I said to Frank and Erin.  “Whoever grabs the rod has to land the fish.  No one can touch it in any way.  You can help put on the harness, but that’s it.  When you tag a fish, the tag has to be above the lateral line and behind the gills.”


“How about when you cut the line?”  Erin asked.


“You have to cut the leader within three feet of the hook.  When we get the rods ready, we will mark the leader with a marker so we know where three feet is,” Brad said.  “Sometimes it gets hairy when we have a fish on and we’re trying to release it.  If we’re not careful and cut the leader too long, we lose points.”


Frank leaned forward and said, “That’s cool to know, but you guys already know the rules.  I don’t think Erin or I will be fishing during the tournament.”


“Oh yes you will,” Cindy said.  “These guys give everyone a turn.  If you’re on the boat, you fish just like the rest of us.”


Eddie took the helm and headed in towards shore.  “Let’s see if we can find some Dolphin and Wahoo.  We can keep a couple and have fresh fish one night.”


As the boat moved through the water, we sat around and talked about some of our past tournaments.  Erin removed her jacket and so did Cindy.  When we reached the place Eddie wanted to try, Kathy, Cindy, Erin and I went to the cockpit to change the lures.


We were trolling into what wind there was and it was hot in the cockpit.  Kathy was the first to remove her pants, followed by Cindy and then me.  I also took off my bra and was wearing only my thong.  Eddie slowed the boat and we began setting the lines.  Once we were set, the four of us settled back to watch the rods.


I glanced at Erin and grinned when I saw she was down to her panties like the rest of us.  I asked if we should go put on our suits, but everyone shook their head no.


When the first fish hit, Erin took the rod and began to reel it in.  Kathy gaffed the Dolphin and we put it in the fish box.


Eddie spotted a large mat of floating weeds and was fishing along the edge of it.  We caught a few more Dolphin and several Wahoo.  The guys all stayed on the bridge and watched us, letting us catch all the fish.


“You’ve got to love watching a bunch of naked girls fishing,” Kevin said as he leaned over the rail and looked down at us.


“We’re not naked,” Cindy said.  “We still have our panties on!”


“Close enough for me, you guys still look sexy and hot,” Kevin quipped.


“I am hot,” Kathy said.  “We should go for a swim and have lunch.”


Kevin turned around, talked to the other guys and then leaned back over the rail.  “Pull the lines, we’ll head in and anchor.”


We reeled in the lines, stowed the rods and yelled up to Eddie we were ready to go.  Eddie sped up and headed toward shore.  He found a place in about four feet of water and stopped the boat.  I could hear the anchor being lowered and then felt the boat come to rest.


The guys came down from the bridge and joined us in the cockpit.  Brad came over to me, put his arms around my waist and pulled me to him, kissing me tenderly.  Before long, we were all coupled up, kissing and hugging.  I glanced at Erin and Frank and smiled as they kissed one another.


I stepped back from Brad, and said, “Let’s go swimming, sweetie.”


Brad undressed and then opened the transom door.  He jumped in the water.  I got towels, then followed him.  Within minutes, the rest of the group joined us.  We all splashed around and swam around the stern of the boat.  We stayed in the cool water for about twenty minutes and then climbed back onto the boat.


Kathy took the freshwater wash down hose and began to spray the saltwater off our bodies.  We each grabbed a towel and dried off before going inside to make sandwiches.


Kathy, Cindy, Erin and I sat on the settees while the guys made lunch.  We ate and then went back out to get some sun.  Erin asked Frank to put sun block on her and told him to make sure he covered the white parts of her body with extra.  Kathy and I spread towels out on the deck and stretched out to relax in the warm sunlight.


Cindy and Erin also lay next to us while the guys sat on the gunwales.  The sun felt good on me and I rolled onto my stomach to warm by back.  Brad, Eddie, Kevin and Frank all sat on the starboard gunwale and talked about the morning fishing.


“Well?”  I said to Erin.  “How do you like skinny dipping?”


Erin giggled and said, “It’s great, Jenny!  I love being naked and I’m not the least bit embarrassed.”  She looked at the guys and smirked.  “I love the view too.”


I laughed at Erin and nodded.  “Looks like a dessert tray to me.  Maybe I should go over there and have a snack.”


Kathy and Cindy were listening to Erin and I talk and they started to laugh at what I said.


Erin looked at me and said, “Right, like you’d do that in front of everyone.”  I nodded and giggled.  “Bullshit, I dare you!”


“Oh no, you shouldn’t have said that, Erin!” Kathy said as she laughed.  “Never dare Jenny to do something like that.”


“Why?” Erin asked.


By the time Erin finished, I was on my way over to Brad.  I knelt between his legs, took his cock in my hand and covered it with my mouth.  After bobbing my head a few times, I sat back and smiled up at Brad.


“I don’t believe it,” Erin said.  “She really did it.”


Kathy and Cindy both laughed and Cindy said, “Told you.”


Erin shook her head.  “Would you guys do that?”  Kathy and Cindy nodded.  “You guys are crazy.”


“So, what’s your point, Erin?”  Kathy said as she moved to her knees and shuffled to Eddie.


I glanced back and saw Cindy going to Kevin.  She knelt between his legs and looked up at him.  Within a couple of minutes, the three of us were fondling and kissing our boyfriends’ dicks.


Frank was sitting next to Brad and seemed to be a little put off by our antics.  I glanced up at my cousin and saw him force a thin smile.  His eyes widened and when I noticed Erin next to me, I knew why.


Erin rested her arms on Frank’s legs and reached for his erect cock.  She stroked him and turned to me.  We smiled at each other and Erin whispered, “I want to.”


I giggled and took Brad in my mouth as my hand moved on his shaft.  I watched Erin out of the corner on my eye as she leaned forward and kissed the head of his member.  Frank let out a muffled yelp and his legs jerked as Erin covered his glans with her mouth.


Releasing Brad’s cock from my mouth, I watched as Erin took the end of Frank’s dick between her lips.  She moved her head slowly and a little more of my cousin’s dick disappeared.  When I heard Erin gag, I put my hand on her back.


“Take it easy, Erin.  Relax, breath and don’t try to take too much at first,” I whispered.


Erin nodded and went back to what she was doing.  I was torn between sucking Brad and watching Frank and Erin.  On the other side of me, Kathy was giving Eddie a slow blowjob.  Cindy was sucking on Kevin, keeping her hand wrapped around his cock so he didn’t go too deep.


When I heard Erin say, “Am I doing it right?”  I looked over and saw Frank nodding his head.


I wanted to tell Erin there was no such thing as doing it wrong, but I didn’t.  Brad put his hand on my head and pushed me toward his cock, but I continued to watch Erin and Frank.  I used my hand to jack off Brad, but my attention was on the couple next to us.


Erin continued to use her mouth and hand on Frank.  She was able to get over half of his cock in her mouth before she gagged and had to back off.  I noticed Frank’s legs begin to quiver and one of his feet begin to bounce on the deck.  I wondered if he was going to warn Erin that he was getting close.


“Erin, I’m going to cum,” Frank said in a low throaty voice.


Erin nodded her head and I saw her cheeks pull in as she increased the suction on his cock.  Frank’s body stiffened and I watched Erin’s cheeks relax and her eyes open wide.  She coughed and pulled back.  Frank’s cock shot cum on her face and she opened her mouth to take him back in.  When Erin sat back and looked up at Frank, I went back to Brad.


When all the guys were finished, Kathy, Erin, Cindy and I went back to our towels and stretched out.  The guys jumped into the water, leaving us alone for a few minutes.


“Wow, that was so cool,” Erin said, looking at me.  “I think I could get used to doing that.  I want to learn how to get it all in my mouth, like you and Kathy do.”


I giggled and said, “It looked like Frank wasn’t going to warn you, Erin.”


“He did, but I was ready anyway, as ready as I could be,” Erin said.  “I guess I did okay for my first time.”


“You did really good for your first time, Erin.” Cindy said.  “The first time I did it, I puked.”


“It surprised me, but it didn’t make me feel sick, not at all,” Erin said proudly.  “Someday maybe I’ll be as good and Kathy and Jenny.”


Kathy laughed and said, “Well, you know, practice makes perfect.”


Erin nodded, giggled and said, “I plan to be perfect, as perfect as I can be in the short time I have left with Frank.”


“There are other guys around, Erin,” I said.


Erin got a serious look on her face and said, “Not for me.  I’ll wait for Frank to come back.”  Erin smiled and whispered, “I’m really falling for him.”


“He’s falling for you too, Erin,” Kathy said.  “Have you ever watched the way he looks at you?  That boy is in love!”


We were lying on our backs and chatting when the guys climbed back onto the boat.  They rinsed off, dried themselves and sat on the ends of our towels at our feet.  Brad rubbed my legs, pulled them apart and moved his head between them.  Before he kissed my pussy, he looked up and said, “Your turn.”


The guys returned the favor, kissing and licking us until we all were groaning out loud.  I glanced at Erin and watched her body convulse as Frank worked on her pussy with his tongue.


After we were sated, it was our turn to jump into the water and cool off.  The four of us girls stood close to one another and giggled.


“This has been a day of firsts for me,” Erin said.  “It’s the first time I ever went skinny dipping, sat around with a bunch of guys naked, gave a guy a blowjob and had my pussy eaten.  All in all, this has been one of the best days on my life—so far.”


“What do you mean by, ‘so far,’ Erin?” Cindy asked.


Erin giggled and said, “Well, if I have my way, Frank is going to lose his virginity tonight.”


We all laughed.  “Are you going to tell him or make it a surprise?”  I asked.


Erin thought for a moment and said, “I’m going to surprise him.”


“That’s cool,” Kathy said.  “Do you want to sleep in one of staterooms tonight, so you two can be alone?”


“Maybe, I’ll let you know,” Erin said and then she smiled.  “Jenny has been there for everything else, maybe I’ll just sleep on the airbed like last night.”


We giggled and got out of the water.  Once we were rinsed and dry, we all decided to get dressed and do some more fishing.  After a few more hours of fishing, we headed into the marina.


Eddie stopped at the gas dock and topped off the fuel.  He put the boat in the slip and we secured it.  After washing the boat and putting everything away, we went to the hotel to see if our parents were there yet.  Eddie went to the front desk, asked about our parents and the clerk gave him the room number.  Eddie went to a house phone, called the room and talked to Dad.


“Our parents will be down soon,” Eddie said.  “They said to wait for them here in the lobby.”  He chuckled and added, “Dad sounded out of breath.”


“Maybe he and Mom were having a little fun,” I said.


“Maybe, I heard a lot of laughing in the background,” Eddie said.


“Do you guys always talk about your parents like that?”  Erin asked.


I laughed, shook my head and said, “Not always.”


We found a place to sit down and waited for our parents to come down.  When we saw them, we all got up to greet them.


Erin’s dad and Cindy’s mom were holding hands as they walked toward us.  I was a little shocked to see Aunt Sally walking next to a strange woman.  Mom and Dad were laughing and making jokes with Kathy and Brad’s parents.


“Hi kids,” Aunt Sally said.  “I’d like you all to meet Maria, Maria Lopez.”


I said hello to the woman and smiled at her.  She was very pretty with short dark hair and almost black eyes.  Maria was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt that showed off her ample breasts.  Frank also greeted her and shook her hand.


“Hello, Maria, pleased to meet you.  This is Erin,” Frank said as he put his arm around Erin and moved her closer to the woman.


“Hi,” Erin said.  “I’m Frank’s girlfriend.”


Suddenly there were several pairs of eyes staring at Erin.  Frank, Aunt Sally and Erin’s dad all seemed a little shocked when they heard her say what she did.


“Are you having a good time, Erin?” Ted asked.


“I’m having the best time ever, Dad.  We caught a lot of fish today,” Erin said.


Mr. Riley smiled and said, “That’s great, honey.  Can I talk to you for a minute?”


Erin glanced at me and nodded.  She and her dad walked away and stood talking out of range for any of us to hear.  I kept glancing at them to see if I could tell if Erin was in trouble, but when they hugged, I knew things were okay.


“How about some dinner?” Dad said.  “We’ll need time to get ready for the meeting tonight.”


“Sounds good to me, Uncle Harry, I’m starved,” Frank said.


We went to the restaurant and were seated at four tables close to each other.  I made sure I was sitting next to Erin and when I got a chance, asked, “Is everything okay?”


“Yeah, Dad just wanted to tell me he and Cindy’s mom were staying in the same room.  He wanted to tell me before anyone else did,” Erin said.  “I told him about sleeping with Frank last night for the same reason.”


“Did you tell him about skinny dipping today?” I asked and smiled when Erin nodded.  “What did he say?”


“He wanted to know if I had fun.  I told him it was a blast and he should try it,” Erin said.  “He said he’d like to, but he thinks he would be too embarrassed.  I told him he’d get over it.”


We giggled and drew attention to us.  Kathy and Eddie asked what was going on and Erin said she’d tell them later.  I looked over at Aunt Sally and noticed she was very close to Maria.  Leaning across Erin I asked Frank, “It looks like your mom is having a good time.”


“I’m sure she is,” Frank said.  “I’ve known about her preferences for some time now, I’m just a little shocked she decided to come out down here.”


“Does it bother you, Frank?” Erin asked.


“No, it doesn’t; not at all.  I’m kind of glad she is having a good time and doesn’t feel like she has to hide,” Frank said.  “She never really goes anywhere when we’re home.”


Erin grinned and said, “Maybe your mom will want to move down here.  Wouldn’t that be great?”


Frank nodded and said, “I don’t think that will ever happen.  She has a good job and everything back home.  You’re right though, it would be great.”


We ordered and ate dinner.  Mom and Dad told us they would meet us at the captains’ meeting and we went back to the boat to get ready.


“What is everyone going to wear?”  Erin asked as we headed to the staterooms.  “I didn’t really bring anything fancy.”


“Don’t worry, Erin,” Kathy said.  “You’ll be fine.  We’re going to have to hurry if we don’t want to be late.  I have to do my hair and stuff.”


“This is going to be interesting.  Eight kids and one bathroom, oops, I mean head,” Erin said.


“There won’t be any problem,” Kathy said.  “It’ll just be cozy, that’s all.  You just can’t worry about closing doors and having any privacy.”


Erin started to laugh and said, “Let’s see, I was naked most of the afternoon and I had sex in front of you guys.  I don’t think getting dressed is going to bother me, not anymore.”


Eddie and Frank came into the stateroom and asked who wanted to shower first.  Cindy told them we should go first because we had to do our hair and we took longer.


“Okay, but you better get going,” Eddie said.


Kathy and Cindy ran to the head, pulling off their clothes as they went.  They jumped into the shower and began to wash while Erin and I brushed our teeth and waited.  Once the shower was free, Erin and I got in and started to shampoo our hair.


“Did you know your aunt was gay, Jenny?”  Erin asked.


“No, not really.  I’d heard that she was bisexual, but I never saw her with another woman,” I replied as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair.  “Does it bother you?”


“No, not at all.”


Erin and I changed places and she stood under the spray to rinse her hair.  I began to rub the soap on her back and she looked back at me.  When I looked out into the head, I noticed Kathy and Cindy were gone.  Erin stood motionless as I moved my hands over her.  I began to wash her butt and she glanced back at me.


I took a deep breath and slid my hands up her side, covering her breasts with suds.  Erin went stiff for a moment, but then leaned back against me.  I massaged her boobs, toying with her hard nipples.  She let out a low moan and I kissed her shoulder.


When I heard Eddie yelling for us to hurry, I removed my hands and we finished in the shower.  Erin and I stepped out and I yelled out that the shower was free.  While Erin and I dried off, Frank came in and got into the shower.


For the next half hour, we all took turns in front of the mirrors.  Once we girls had our hair fixed, we went to the master stateroom to get dressed.  Erin took out a matching black bra and panty set.


“You should wear white undies,” I said.  “Those will show through your clothes.”


“I was going to wear a denim skirt and a black tank top tonight,” Erin said.


I opened the hanging locker, took out one of the new white outfits and held it up for Erin.  “I thought you might want to wear this, like the rest of us.”


“Really!  I’d love to,” Erin said.


All four of us dressed in the white short-sleeved shirts and matching wrap around skirts Mom gave us before we came down.  The skirts were short but really cute.  The blouses fit well, with darts in the right places to accent our boobs.  The guys put on matching shirts and slacks.


“Ready to go?” I asked.  “We all look great!”


We headed for the hotel and found the large room the captains’ meeting was being held in.  Our parents were already there, waiting at a table.  Mom saw us and waved.


“We saved this table for you kids,” Mom said, pointing at a table next the one where she and the others were sitting.  “Those new outfits look good on you, does everything fit?”


“They’re great, Mom,” I said.


Erin went to her dad and told him about being able to dress like the rest of us, and how much it meant to her.  She was holding my arm as she giggled and talked.  Cindy’s mom asked us to turn around and told us how cute we all looked.


We all sat down and then Eddie asked if we wanted drinks.  Brad and the other guys went to the bar and brought back sodas for us.  People started to come by our table, stopping to say hello to us.  Nate and Tom Gordon stopped and talked for several minutes before moving on.


The port captain went to the microphone and asked for silence so he could start the meeting.  The room became quiet and he greeted everyone.  He said there were fifty-six boats entered in the tournament.  After going over the rules, he asked if there were any questions.


One man stood up and asked about boundaries and the port captain said there weren’t any as long as you left from the ports listed in the rules.  Another man asked about the scoring and the port captain went over the value of each fish.


When he was finished answering questions, he asked for the drawing drums.  A couple of guys rolled two tumblers up on the stage and began turning the handles, mixing the contents.  One drum contained the names of the boats and the other had the names of the observers.


After drawing the name of a boat, the port captain pulled out the name of an observer and announced it.  When the name of the boat was announced, the crew stood up so the observer could find them.


When the port captain said, “Lady Guinevere,” we stood up.  He pulled out the name of our observer and said, “Bert Thompson, you’re on the Lady Guinevere.”


I strained to see the man the port captain named.  When I saw a man walking toward us, I waved.


We all scooted our chairs together to make room for the man to sit down with us.  When he got to our table, we noticed he had a girl about our age with him.


“Hello, I’m Bert Thompson and this is my daughter, Kimberly,” the man said.  “I’m glad to be assigned to your boat, I’ve heard so much about you.”


We all took turns introducing ourselves and then we introduced our parents.  Bert’s daughter said she liked to be called Kim and we all said hi to her.  They sat down with us and began telling us about themselves.  We learned they were here from Fort Myers, staying at Kim’s grandparent’s house for the holiday.  Bert belonged to a fishing club in his hometown and decided to volunteer as an observer to get out on the water for a day.


“Do you like to fish?”  Erin asked Kim.


Kim shrugged her shoulders and said, “I don’t know, my dad doesn’t let me fish.  I like going on the boat though.”


“That’s not entirely true,” Bert said.  “I’ve asked you to go before and you always said it was dumb.”


We all laughed at the face Kim made at her dad.  “We think it’s fun to fish,” Kathy said.


The port captain finished matching boats and observers.  He wished everyone good luck and then got off the stage.  Music started and people got up and started to mill around.  We chatted with Bert and Kim for a few more minutes, telling him where the boat was so he could find in the morning.


“I’ll see you guys in the morning,” Bert said.  “Kim and I are going to go say hello to some people I know.”


“See you later,” Eddie said.


“Do you guys think we should ask Kim to come along tomorrow?”  Cindy said.


“I don’t care,” Brad said.  “I think it would be nice to ask her at least, even if she doesn’t want to go.  What do the rest of you think?”


We discussed Cindy’s idea and agreed that we would ask Kim if she’d like to go out with us.  I told everyone to hang on and got up to find the port captain to see if it would be against any of the rules.


After finding out that there was no rule violation, we went to find Bert and his daughter.


“Bert, Kim, can we talk to you for a minute?”  Cindy said.


“What is it, ah…”


“Cindy.  We wanted to know if Kim would like to go out tomorrow.”  Cindy said.


“Really!” Kim said.  “On your boat with you guys?  Daddy, can I go?  Please.”


“We checked with the port captain and he said there was nothing in the rules that would prevent her from going,” I said.


Bert smiled, turned to his daughter and said, “Do you really want to go?”


“Are you kidding, Daddy!  Do you know how jealous the kids at our club will be when they find out I went out on the Lady Guinevere?  They’re going to die,” Kim said.


“Looks like we’ll both be there tomorrow,” Bert said.  “Thank you for asking Kim to go.  She and the other teens back home are always talking about you guys.”


“What?”  Eddie said in surprise.  “How do they know about us?”


“Are you kidding?” Kim said.  “Our club is talking about having a youth tournament because of you guys.  We read about you, and your wins, in the club news letter and asked the club president if the club would let us start a youth division.”


Bert looked at his daughter and said, “When did all of this happen, Kim, and why didn’t I know anything about it?”


“A bunch of us got together at the Christmas party and then Bobbie Wilson asked Mr. Roberts if we could start the youth group.  He said he would take it to the board and let us know.  I didn’t say anything because we didn’t know if the board would approve it,” Kim said.


“Well, if you kids would talk the parents, we might be able to help,” Bert said.


Kim raised her eyebrows and asked, “Would you have listened to me?”


“Maybe, give me a chance,” Bert said.


A fast song started and I grabbed Kim and pulled her onto the dance floor.  All of us began to move to the music and soon a few other kids joined in.  By the time the song ended, there were about twenty teens out on the floor.  We all went to the bar and ordered sodas.


While we stood around, the other kids began to talk to us and tell us that we were the reason they were there.  We learned they became interested in fishing after hearing about our success.  Several of the parents stopped by our group and thanked us.  One man took Brad and me aside and told us we were responsible for turning his son’s life around.


“My son was starting to hang around with the wrong crowd,” the man told us.  “After he read the article about you guys in the sport fishing magazine, he asked if he could fish on my boat.  Ever since then, his grades are up and he is more interested in fishing than getting in trouble.”


“I’m glad to hear he’s enjoying it,” I said.  “Is he here with you tonight?”


The man called for his son and a cute boy walked over to us.  When he saw me, he stopped and stared.


“Wow!  You’re Jenny, right?  The captain of Lady Guinevere?” The boy was stuttering.


“Yes, nice to meet you.  This is Brad, my boyfriend,” I told him.


The teen extended his hand and Brad shook it.  We talked for a moment and asked if he wanted to meet the rest of the crew.  He nodded and we went over to where we’d left the others.  The kid and his dad shook hands and said hello to everyone in our group.


Several more kids our age stopped to say hello.  Some of the parents also came over and talked with us.


“We better go see what our parents are doing,” Kathy finally said.


The eight of us went to our parents’ table and asked what was going on.  They told us about the people that stopped to say hello.  It was getting late and Dad told us we should get some rest for the tournament tomorrow.  Our parents walked outside with us to say goodnight.


We all stood close and chatted for a moment.  Erin’s dad put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side.  Ted smiled and said, “You kids really made me feel proud tonight.  Asking that girl to join you tomorrow was a very nice thing to do.”


Aunt Sally was standing next to her friend Maria and nodded.  “I think Bert stopped at our table at least four times to tell us how much it meant to him to be able to spend the day with his daughter.”


After a few minutes, Dad said, “Goodnight kids, don’t stay up too late.  We’ll see you at the weigh in tomorrow afternoon.”


We all told our parents goodnight and then left for the boat.  Once inside the boat, we all flopped on the settees and relaxed.


“That was really different,” Erin said.  “I can’t remember meeting that many people at one time.  It was like being a rock star or something.”


“No shit,” Frank said.  “I didn’t know you guys were famous.”


“We’re not, Frank,” Eddie said.  “Just because we know some of the other fishermen doesn’t make us famous or anything.”


“I didn’t realize there were going to be so many kids our age there,” Cindy said.  “There were a lot more than last time.”


“Did you hear what Kim said about her dad’s fishing club?  They’re talking about starting a youth division,” Brad said.


“I heard that.  It’s all because of you guys,” Cindy said.


“It’s because of all of us, Cindy,” Eddie said.  “The more kids that go to things like this, the more kids will want to.  I talked to one girl that said she never wanted to go before because there was nobody her age to hang around with.”


Kathy stood up, undid her skirt and removed it.  After placing it on the settee, she removed her blouse.  “I’m going to get comfortable.”


“It looks like you already are,” Brad said.


Kathy grinned and said, “I want to hang these up so they don’t get dirty.”


Kathy headed toward the passageway to the staterooms and Cindy, Erin and I followed her.  We all undressed and hung up our outfits.  We put on the things we were planning to sleep in, making comments about the fact that our bedclothes wouldn’t last long.


“Do you and Frank want one of the staterooms tonight, Erin?”  Kathy asked.  “Eddie and I will sleep in the saloon with Brad and Jenny.”


“I don’t want to put you out, Kathy,” Erin said.


Kathy giggled and said, “I’m tired tonight and I don’t think I’ll be putting out.  You and Frank sleep in here, Eddie and I will be fine.”


Erin nodded and thanked Kathy.  “I’m going to wait here, would you please tell Frank I want to see him.”


“Okay, Erin,” Kathy said.  “Just make sure you two get some sleep.  Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”


Erin giggled, said, “I promise I won’t keep him up too late.”  She climbed into bed naked, pulled the covers over her and said, “Night, see you guys in the morning.”


Kathy, Cindy and I went back out to the salon.  The guys were sitting where we left them, talking about the tournament and how they planned to run our program.  I went to Frank, leaned close to his ear and told him that Erin wanted to see him in the stateroom.


Frank stood up and asked, “What does she want?  Is everything okay?”


“Everything is fine, Frank.  I think she wants to straighten something out,” I said, trying not to laugh.


“Okay, I’ll be right back and help with our bed,” Frank said as he walked away.


“Somehow I don’t think he’ll be back,” Kathy said.  “Let’s set up our bed, Eddie.  You and I are sleeping out here tonight.”


Kathy, Eddie, Brad and I made up the airbed and the settee.  My brother turned off the lights and sat on the airbed with Kathy.  Brad stretched out on the settee and I rested my head on his stomach, looking at Eddie and Kathy.


“All of this attention is really cool,” Kathy said as she lay down and placed her head on Eddie’s thigh.  “I never thought the other fishermen would treat us so nicely.”


Eddie ran his fingers through Kathy’s hair and asked, “Why not?”


“I guess it’s because we’re so young.  All of the other captains and crewmembers are much older than we are,” Kathy replied.


“Maybe now, but it seems to be changing.  Did you notice how many kids there were tonight?”  Brad said.  “I think it’s great that there are more kids our age.  I felt a little out of place at the past meetings.”


“I saw how many kids were there.  I think I talked to most of them,” I said.  “When that man told Brad and me about his son, I felt really great.”


“What man, Jenny?”  Kathy asked.


Brad told Kathy and Eddie about what the man told us about his son and how the kid changed after reading about all of us.


“That’s so cool,” Kathy said.  “It’s too bad more of the parents aren’t like yours, Jenny.  Not everyone has the use of a boat like you guys do.”


I felt Brad’s hand move under my tee shirt and fondle my boob.  I wiggled against his fingers, looked up at him and grinned.  “Want me to take it off?”


Brad nodded and helped me pull the shirt over my head.  I snuggled my head back on his tummy and started to rub his crotch.  “Maybe that will change,” I said.  “If more of the parents give their kids a chance, they may see that they are capable of operating a boat and fishing on their own.”


Kathy and Eddie shifted around on the airbed.  While my brother stretched out on his back, Kathy took off her top and panties.  She tugged Eddie’s boxers off and rested her head back on his thigh.


“What do you plan to do with that?”  I said as I giggled and pointed at Eddie’s hardon.


Kathy began to stroke his shaft and said, “I haven’t decided yet.  Maybe I’ll get him all hot and bothered and then go to sleep.”  She looked up at Eddie and grinned.  “Is that okay with you, baby?”


Eddie put his hand on Kathy’s cheek and traced his fingertips down to her boob.  He tweaked her nipple and moved his hand between her legs.  From where I was lying, I could see his fingers probe her pussy and clit.


“That’s that fine with me, Kathy, but turn about is fair play.  If you’re going to tease me, I’m going to do the same to you,” Eddie said as he began to finger her.


“You two can do what you want to do,” I said as I sat up and removed my panties.  “I want to make love to my sweetie and get some sleep.”


I tugged Brad’s shorts down his legs and tossed them on the deck next to my clothes.  I threw my leg over his hips, took his dick in my hand and guided him into my already wet pussy.  Brad gripped my butt and moaned as I lowered myself and engulfed his cock.  We squirmed around to get comfortable and I began to ride him slowly.


Turning my head toward Kathy and Eddie, I smiled and said, “Night guys, see you in the morning.”


Eddie was kneeling between Kathy’s splayed legs, moving his cock in and out of her.  “Night.”