I woke up at four thirty, when the alarm went off.  Brad's arms were
around me and his firm dick was nested between the cheeks of my ass. 
The clock was close enough that I could turn it off without
disturbing Brad.  I took his arm, pulled it up to my boobs and held
it under them.

This was my favorite time.  I loved the feeling of being naked and
held in the morning.  There were many times, when I was alone, I
would hug my pillow and imagine it was Brad.

Kathy and Eddie were sound asleep on the airbed next to the settee. 
I looked at them and wondered if Brad and I looked as happy as they

Moving as carefully as I could, I rolled over so I was facing Brad. 
I reached between us, gripped his cock and as I lifted my leg, I
slipped it into me.  He groaned and pulled me to him, but didn't wake
up.  Wiggling, I felt his dick fill me.

Brad's eyes moved beneath his eyelids and he took in a deep breath. 
I felt him growing in me until his cock was fully erect.  The feeling
of him filling me, and his chest against my tits, was making me hot. 
When I started to kiss his cheek and nose, his eyes opened.

"Good morning, baby," I cooed as I started to move my hips.

Brad smiled, pushed his hips against mine and said, "I love you."

"I love you too, so much."

Brad rolled me on my back and began to move.  It didn't take him
long to start shooting his cum into my pussy.  I lifted my legs and
dug my heels into his butt as his cock throbbed deep inside me.  When
he was finished, he relaxed and covered my body with his.

I stroked the back of his head and kissed his shoulder.  "Did you
like that?"

"Yes, it was really nice.  Did you get off?"

"No, but that's okay.  You can make me cum later.  I enjoy it when I
make you feel good."

We lay together for a few minutes, Brad's cock still in me.  He
pushed himself up and rolled onto his side.  "I've got to piss, I'll
be right back."

"I'll go with you, baby.  I have to go too.  We can take a quick
shower together and then wake up the others."

Brad and I went to the head and took care of our morning
necessities.  We showered together and then dried off.  We remained
stark naked as we headed out to wake up Eddie and Kathy.

"Okay you two, time to get going," Brad said as he reached down and
pulled open the valve of the airbed.

Kathy rubbed her eyes, looked up and stared right at her brother's
dick.  She sat up and leaned forward, planting a kiss on his flaccid
cock.  "Mmmm, is this my breakfast?"

Brad laughed and replied, "Maybe later, we have to get going right
now.  It's a little after five."

I laughed as I watched and listened to them kibitz.  Kathy and I
still fooled around with our brothers, although it seldom turned into
full-blown sex.  Ever since I fell in love with Brad and she fell in
love with Eddie, the sexual activity with our siblings diminished. 
Eddie and I would still mess around, but it was usually oral sex when
we did.  Kathy told me she still liked giving Brad blowjobs and
having him eat her pussy.

After folding the sheets and blanket, I folded the settee back into
a couch.  Eddie was up and helping Brad work the remaining air out of
the airbed.  They rolled it up and stowed it in a compartment under
the other settee.  Kathy took care of the bedding and the temporary
bedroom was transformed back into the salon.

Kathy and I went to the staterooms and woke up the rest of our
group.  Kathy went into the room Cindy and Kevin shared and I went
into the master stateroom.  Frank and Erin were both naked and sound
asleep in each other's arms.

Reaching down, I shook Erin's shoulder.  When she opened her eyes, I
grinned and raised my eyebrows.  She giggled, sighed and nodded her
head.  Erin got out of the bed, woke up Frank with a series of kisses
and told him it was time to get up.

"I'm going to hit the head, Frank.  Hurry up so we can take a shower
together," Erin said as she pulled me by the arm.

Erin and I went into the head and she closed the door.  After using
the toilet, she got up and gave me a hug.

"We did it, Jenny.  Frank and I made love last night."

I nodded and said, "How was it?"

Erin held me close and put her head on my shoulder.  "It was the
most wonderful thing in the whole world.  He was so nice and gentle. 
I never knew it could be like that."

I rubbed her back, moved away and grinned at her.  "So he did okay,
did he?"

"Better than okay.  It was like I'd never done it before; you know,
like the first time."  Erin giggled and said, "And the second and the
third and the fourth…"

I laughed.  "Did you guys get any sleep?"

"Enough.  After we fell asleep the first time, I woke up and we did
it again."

"You two are going to be sore today."

"A little maybe, but it's worth it."  Erin looked at me and smiled. 
"I think I'm falling in love with your cousin, Jenny."

We heard Frank knocking on the door and asking if he could use the
head.  I left the head and went to get dressed.

We all put on the new outfits.  We chose the kaki, deciding to keep
the white for meetings and other occasions.  The weather report was
for a very warm day and we decided on shorts.

Brad went to the bridge to start the engines and Erin and Cindy
began setting out bowls for cereal.  I put on a pot of coffee for
Bert and helped get breakfast ready.

Kim and her dad showed up at twenty to six and called out from the
pier.  Frank went out and invited them in.

"Good morning, Kim, good morning, Bert," we said in unison.

"Morning," Bert replied as did Kim.

"Welcome aboard," Eddie said.  "Would you guys like some breakfast?"

Bert held up a bag and said, "I brought donuts."

"We're having cereal and juice," Eddie said.  "You're welcome to
join us.  Jenny put on coffee if you'd like some."

Kim glanced at her dad and said, "I'd like some cereal please, if
it's okay."

Eddie took out two more bowls and placed them on the table.  Bert
and Kim sat down and we all chatted while we ate.

"Help yourselves to the donuts," Bert said.

Frank and Kevin ate a donut, but the rest of us just ate the cereal.
Once we were finished, Frank and I began to take care of the dishes.

"Come on out and I'll show you guys around the boat," Eddie said. 
"You kneed to know where the PFD's and the fire extinguishers are."

Frank and I were left alone in the galley.  We washed and dried the
dishes and then put them away.

"Have a good night, Frank?"  I asked, knowing the answer.

Frank turned to face me, leaned against the counter and fiddled with
the dishtowel in his hands.  "Last night was wonderful, Jenny.  I
hope Erin liked it as much as I did."

"She said she did.  Erin told me it was great."

Frank blushed and diverted his eyes.  "I didn't really know what I
was doing and I think I came too fast."

I took Frank's chin in my hand, turned his face to mine and looked
into his eyes.  "Frank, I wouldn't worry about it.  Erin told me it
was like the first time for her too.  You have to understand she
didn't have someone that cared about her."

"What do you mean?"

"Making love isn't just about having an orgasm, Frank.  It's about
being intimate.  Sex is about getting off and it's okay to just have
sex, but when you make love with someone you really care for, it's

"It was definitely wonderful!  I really like Erin, I like her a lot."

"I know, I can tell.  You have the cutest smile on your face this

Frank blushed again and shook his head.  "Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, and I think it's cute.  I grinned so much after the first time
my jaws ached."

We both laughed and then finished up in the galley.  Frank and I
went out to the cockpit and found Bert and Kim talking with Eddie and
Kevin.  Kathy was on the bridge, getting ready to pull away from the

"How do you guys like the boat?"  I asked Bert and Kim.

"This is really nice; it's the first time I've been on a Luhrs.  We
have an older Post, a forty footer," Bert said.

"Would you like to see the rest of her?"  I asked.

Bert and Kim nodded and then followed me into the cabin.  We looked
around the salon for a couple of minutes and then headed below to the
staterooms.  After the quick tour, we headed back to the cockpit.

Kathy was pulling out as we stepped outside.  When Kim noticed Kathy
at the helm, she poked her dad.

"See, Daddy, girls can drive a boat," Kim said.

"I can see that, Kim.  It looks like she's been doing this for quite
some time," Bert said.

"Not quite a year yet," Eddie said.

Bert looked shocked and shook his head.  "I have a feeling this trip
is going to be enlightening, for both of us."

Frank, Kevin, Cindy and Eddie began to rig the rods for sailfish. 
We decided to try to find the school we fished yesterday and get some
points before going after the bigger fish.  Bert watched intently,
trying to see if we did anything different and asked several

Kim came over to Erin and me.  She asked about fishing and if it was

"Not really," I said.  "A year ago, we didn't know very much about
it at all.  My brother, Eddie, and I crewed on a charter last summer
and fished with a friend of the family.  Other than that, we do a lot
of reading and research on the internet."

Kim nodded and said, "I really like your outfits.  You guys look
cute in them.  Last night, it was cool to see your whole crew dressed
the same."

I looked at the jeans and tee shirt Kim wore.  She looked to be the
same size as the rest of us.  Looking at Bert, I saw he was busy and
I took Kim's hand.

"Come with me," I said.

I led Kim through the salon and down to the staterooms.  We went
into the master and I opened the hanging locker with the new outfits
in it.  I took out a blouse and a pair of shorts and handed them to

"Here, put these on, if you'd like to."

"Really!  I'd love to."

I was about to leave Kim alone to change when she said, "It must be
fun staying on the boat."

Although she didn't come right out and ask, I felt she wanted to
know how we slept.  "It's a little crowded, but we manage.  It can
get hectic in the mornings when we're all trying to get ready."

Kim removed her tee shirt and I glanced at her chest.  Her boobs
were full and covered with a white bra.  After she put on the blouse,
she unfastened her jeans and slipped then off.

"If I could stay on a boat with my boyfriend, I don't think we'd get
too much sleep."  Kim giggled as she pulled on the shorts and tucked
the shirt into them.

I laughed.  "How old is your boyfriend?"

"Sixteen, the same as me.  We've been together since the seventh

I nodded and Kim grinned.  She put her hands on her hips, cocked her
head and said, "I'm not a virgin you know!"

I laughed and said, "Okay."

We went out to the cockpit and Kim went to her dad.

"Look, Daddy.  Jenny let me wear this for today.  Isn't it cute?" 
Kim was giggling as she turned around and showed her father the

"You look very nice, Kim.  It was nice of Jenny to let you wear it,"
Bert said.

Kathy pulled out of the inlet, called down for everyone to hang on
and then sped up.  The boat came up on plane and Kathy trimmed it
out.  Eddie went to the bridge and sat with Kathy as she headed for
the first waypoint.  The rest of us began getting the rods ready so
we'd be prepared when we arrived.

Eddie leaned over the rail and said, "About a mile, you girls get
the first fish."

When the boat slowed to trolling speed, Cindy and I grabbed two of
the rods.  I started to feed the lure out, but stopped and called for

"Here, take this rod and let out line until I tell you to stop.  We
want the lure to be about fifty yards out," I said.

Bert came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "Isn't that a
conflict of interest?" 

I shook my head and kept my eye on Kim.  "I talked to the port
captain last night and asked about Kim fishing.  He said it was okay
as long as you remained impartial.  Can you treat Kim like one of us
and let her fish?"

Bert thought for a moment, nodded and said, "You do know she's never
done it before."

"We know, it's okay," I said.  "That's enough line, Kim; flip that
lever on the reel."

I moved behind Kim and pointed to the lever.  She flipped it and
said, "Sorry."

"Don't worry, just wind in some of the line.  You're doing fine,
Kim."  She smiled when I reassured her.

Kathy let Eddie take the helm and came down to help set the
outriggers.  Once all the lines were set, we stepped back to watch
the rods.  Because we were trying to target the small sailfish, we
opted use lures on all the rods.  We learned the day before the
juvenile fish were less wary and more aggressive.

Bert stepped next to his daughter and said, "Do you like this so
far?"  Kim giggled and nodded her head, keeping her eyes glued to the
tip of the rod she set out.

"I don't really know what they're up to, I've never fished like
this," Bert said.

Cindy and Kathy began to explain the rules to Kim.  Erin also
listened, making sure she understood the things we told her before. 
When Kathy told Kim that she was responsible for the rod she set out,
she froze.

"You mean you want me to catch a fish if one bites this rod?"  Kim
pointed at the rod in the holder.

"That's the idea," Kathy said.  "Just do what you're told and
everything will be fine.  We'll try not to sound bossy, but things
can get intense."

"I understand," Kim said and then began to stare at the rod tip again.

"We have marks!"  Eddie called from the bridge.

"My brother means he sees fish on the fish finder," I told Kim and
Erin.  "Stand ready and stay alert."

Kim looked back at me and began to ask, "Do you think we'll catch a…"

"FISH ON!" Kathy shouted and she grabbed the port rod.

Kim looked at Kathy, watching her pump the rod and wind at the reel.
She screeched and bounced on the deck as Kathy fought the fish.

"Fish on," I yelled, pointing at the rod Kim was supposed to be

Kim turned, looked at the rod and saw the tip being pulled down
toward the water.

I moved next to Kim and calmly told her to pull the rod out of the
holder and start reeling.  She followed my instructions, and began to
reel against the strong fish.  I glance at Bert and watched him as
his daughter struggled with her first big fish.

Cindy noticed the rod butt was pressing into Kim's stomach, grabbed
a harness and fastened it around her, being careful not to touch the
rod.  She told Kim how to hold the rod butt in the cup on the harness
and keep the tip up.  Kim was giggling and bouncing as the fish made
several strong runs.

Kathy's fish was at the stern and I went to help.  I tagged the fish
and Cindy cut the leader at the hook.  While Kathy went to the tackle
station and selected another lure, I went back to Kim.

The fish came up and danced on its tail about twenty feet from the

"Oh my God, did you see that?"  Kim yelled.

"Keep winding or you'll lose it," Brad said from the bridge.

Kim managed to get the fish to the starboard side of the boat and
Cindy tagged it.  I took the cutter and waited for the fish to settle
down so I could cut the leader.

When Brad yelled, "Fish on the port rigger," Erin grabbed the rod.

I was able to make a clean cut on Kim's fish and Bert checked the
leader.  I tied on another lure, told Kim to send it back out and
then went to help Erin.  Eddie was making a wide turn to go back over
the track we had fished and see if we could pick up a few more.

Once Kim had her line back out and the rod in a holder, she went to
her dad.

"Were you watching, Daddy?  Did you see me catch that big fish?" 
Kim was quivering with excitement.

"I sure did, you really did great," Bert said.

I went over to Kim and her dad.  "You did a real good job, Kim. 
Just remember to keep tension on the fish or you'll lose it."

Bert laughed and said, "That's a lesson I can use."  He looked at me
and smiled.  "You have no idea how hard it was for me to keep my
mouth shut.  I wanted to tell Kim what to do, but I realize you guys
had it covered."

Erin called for someone to help her.  The fish she was fighting was
close to the boat and almost ready to be tagged.  Kathy grabbed the
tag pole and stood ready as Erin pulled the fish to the stern.  I saw
the fish, went to the transom door and opened it.

I took a pair of pliers and said, "See if you can get it over here,
Erin.  I think I can get the hook out."

Erin walked over to me and continued to pull the fish closer.  When
Kathy tagged it, I grabbed the leader in one hand and gripped the
hook with the pliers.  One quick twist of the pliers removed the hook
and the fish swam off.

Kathy, Erin, Cindy, Kim and I traded places with the guys.  Kathy
took the helm and the rest of us sat down to relax and catch our

"So, Kim, I guess you like deep sea fishing," Cindy said.

"It's the best," Kim said and then she giggled.  "I think I'm wet
down here."  She pointed at her crotch.

Erin laughed and said, "You too, huh?  This is almost as good as sex."

Kim laughed and said, "Yeah, almost!"

We were all giggling when we heard Frank call out.  We went to the
rail looked over the edge and watched as Frank began fighting another
fish.  Just as Frank's fish broke the surface, two more rods went off
and the boys were fighting a triple.

"Let's go give them a hand," Cindy said as she started down the steps.

Kim, Erin and I followed, leaving Kathy at the helm.  Bert was
seated on the steps, watching the action and waiting until he was
needed to observer the tag and release of the fish.  I stood against
the bulkhead with the other girls, watching the guys work the three

"We'll probably lose one of the fish," I said.  "It's really hard to
land a triple."

We saw Eddie and Frank switch places, with Eddie ducking under
Frank's raised rod.  Kathy was trying to work the boat and keep the
fish from tangling the lines.  When Brad said his fish was close, I
went to tag it.

Bert tried to stay out of the way as I leaned over the gunwale and
pushed the tag into the fish.  When I backed up, Kevin pulled the
fish up by the leader and freed the hook.

"Clean tag and release," Bert said.

Before we were finished, we managed to tag and release the other two
fish, completing the triple.  We reset the lines and told Kathy we
were ready for another pass.

We stayed in the area for the rest of the day and caught twenty-two
sailfish and lost another four.  They were all small, but they were
still worth one hundred points each.  Because we used circle hooks
again, we received an extra fifty points per fish.  We lost one
hundred points because of a bad tag and cutting a leader too long,
but finished the day with thirty two hundred points.

I went to the bridge along with Kathy, Kim, Bert and Erin.  I took
the helm and headed to the marina and tournament headquarters.  The
rest of the crew stowed the equipment and cleaned the cockpit.

"Want to drive, Kim?"  I asked.

Kim nodded her head and said, "I'd love to."  She looked at her dad.
"He never lets me drive our boat."

Bert nodded and said, "Guilty as charged."

Kim took the wheel and I gave her instructions.  Like most people
that drive a boat for the first time, she had a tendency to over
steer.  Once she relaxed a little, she was able to keep the boat on

The rest of the group finished in the cockpit and joined us on the
bridge.  Eddie sat next to Bert and asked if anyone wanted a soda. 
As we replied, Eddie took cans of cold Coke from the refrigerator and
passed them out.

Bert pulled the tab on his can, took a long drink and put the can in
a cup holder.  He turned to Eddie and shook his head.

"I don't understand a couple of things, Eddie.  Why weren't there
any other boats around us today?"  Bert asked.

"I don't know, I guess they all went out after marlin.  We found
these fish yesterday and decided to try and locate them again today. 
We caught a few marlin yesterday, but the way things worked out, we
just stayed on the small fish," Eddie explained.

"The other thing I'd like to know is why you fished the way you did.
I've fished like that with live bait, but never with lures.  We've
always teased the fish up before sending the baits back," Bert said. 
"I must tell you guys, I've learned a lot today."

"When we were out here yesterday, the fish were hitting the
teasers," I said.  "It seems the younger fish are easier to fool."

Kathy showed Kim how to speed the boat up and adjust the trim-tabs. 
There was a stiff wind coming out of the south and the seas were up
from the morning, but the boat rode the waves well.  When the bow
came off one wave and hit hard, Kathy told Kim to back off a little.

Bert finished his paperwork and we signed it as we went in.  When we
reached the inlet, I stood up behind Kim and told her to slow down. 
She pulled back on the throttles and eased into the choppy water at
the mouth of the inlet.  I let her drive until we reached the ICW and
then I took over.

As I backed the boat into our slip, Eddie, Brad and Kevin stood
ready to tie her off.  Once the boat was secure, we headed to the
hotel to check in.

Mom, Dad and the rest of our parents were already in the meeting
room that was being used as tournament headquarters.  We went to
their table and said hello.  Kim started to follow her dad, but Eddie
caught her arm and pulled her over to the table with the rest of us.

"Looks like you kids are the first boat in," Dad said.  "How did you

Kathy and Brad took turns telling about the trip and the school of
small sailfish.  When Brad told him how many points we had, Dad

"That's great!" Dad said.

I glanced at Erin and smiled as I watched her tell her dad and
Cindy's mom about the day.  Her arms were waving as she tried to
convey the excitement of the outing.  Bert walked over to the table
and stood next to his daughter.

Mom looked up at Kim, noticed she was dressed like the rest of us
and said, "Did you have fun out there, Kim?"

Kim began to babble, telling Mom, and the rest of the people
anywhere near us, about getting to catch a couple of fish and driving
the boat.  She was so worked up, she couldn't hold still.  Suddenly
Kim's eyes got big and she said, "I've got to pee!"

Everyone laughed as she scurried away toward the restrooms.  Erin
and Cindy followed her, trying to stop laughing.

Bert turned to Eddie, Kathy, Brad and me.  His face was glowing and
he was smiling.  "I can't tell you how much it means to me that you
kids let Kim be a part of your crew today.  She could barely sleep
last night and talked my ear off until I finally made her go to bed."

"I think she had a good time," Mom said.  "If that last go around
was any indication."

"It was nice of you to let her dress like all of you too.  I'm sure
it means a lot to her.  Maybe she will be more interested in fishing
with me than chasing boys," Bert said, and then he chuckled.

"I wouldn't count on it, Bert," I said.  "Maybe if you invited her
boyfriend to go fishing too, it would help.  I know fishing with Brad
makes me happy."

A few of the other teams began to arrive in the meeting room.  They
found tables, got drinks and milled around.  When Kim, Erin and Cindy
returned, we went to get a hotdog and a Coke.

Jeff and Eric Lamar came up to us at the refreshment stand and said

"Did your day suck too?"  Jeff asked as he reached for a hotdog and
took a bite.  "I don't think I saw anyone catch a fish all day.  We
got them to come up, but they wouldn't take the bait."  Jeff took
another bite of his dog.  "How about you guys, any better luck?"

I nudged Erin and said, "You tell him, Erin."

Erin pushed her chest out and said, "We caught twenty two today."

The hotdog in Jeff's mouth came shooting out and landed on the
floor.  "Twenty two!  Did you guys fish for Dolphin and Wahoo?"

Kim giggled, and joined the fun.  "We caught sailfish."

"Bullshit!" Eric said.  "Nobody caught sails or marlin out there
today.  We talked to at least a dozed other boats and didn't hear
about a single fish."

Bert came over, took a couple of hotdogs and asked how everyone was
doing.  Jeff told him what we said and Bert began to laugh.

"They're not lying to you.  I was the observer on Lady Guinevere
today.  They caught twenty two sails," Bert said, confirming what
we'd told them.

Jeff and Eric shook their heads and then Jeff asked, "Where?  How?"

"We fished about three miles out and north," Eddie said.  "We found
a school of juvenile sailfish yesterday and found them again today. 
Once we were on them, we just stayed and fished until they shut down."

"We landed a triple," Kim said proudly.

"That's it," Eric said to his brother.  "Next time we follow them,
just like I said we should have today.  You never listen, Jeff."

We laughed and then went back to the table.  I invited Kim to sit
with us along with her dad.

"Eddie, did you have the camcorder setup today?" I asked.  He
nodded.  "Would you mind going to the boat and getting it?  Please."

"Okay, what do you want it for?"  Eddie asked.

"I just do, please get it for me."

"Erin and I will go and get it," Frank offered.

I giggled and said, "I don't think so.  I want it before the weigh
in is over.  If you two go, you may not come back."

Erin blushed and nodded.  "You're probably right, Jenny."

Eddie left and went out the door toward the boat.  We sat around the
table, talking about each of the fish we caught.  Kim joined in and
told us about how she felt when she was fighting her fish.

My brother came back and handed me the camcorder.  I flipped the
view screen out, turned it on and rewound the tape.  When I found
what I was looking for, I stopped the tape and turned the camera off.

At three o'clock, the port captain went to the microphone and tapped
on it to make sure it was on.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you all for coming to
our weigh in.  I've been talking to some of the captains, and the
report isn't as good as we'd have liked to hear.

"This is the fifteenth annual Greater Miami Open, sponsored by the
Miami chapter of the South Florida Billfish Club.  As many of you
know, this tournament is the only money tournament the club sponsors.
All of the proceeds go to the Children's Services to provide medical
assistance to those that can't afford it.  Over the past fourteen
years, the club has donated over two hundred eighty thousand dollars.

"Due to the success of today's tournament, that should be over three
hundred thousand dollars this year.  As a member of the board of
directors of Children's Services, I want to thank all of you. 
Without this great effort, many less fortunate children wouldn't be
able to receive the medical attention they need.

"Now, down to business.  We had fifty-six boats registered and of
those fifty-three fished.  Three of the boats dropped out due to
mechanical problems." The port captain looked down at a piece of
paper and then continued.

"It may be hard for some of you to believe and maybe not so hard for
others, but of the boats that fished, only fifteen caught fish. 
We'll start with fifteenth place and work our way to first as we
always do."

The port captain called off the name of a boat and announced they
had fifty points.  The captain of the team went up and received a
small trophy and a gift.

When the port captain reached tenth place, he said there were six
boats tied with two hundred fifty points each.  The group of captains
went up, received checks and trophies and then returned to their

We sat on the edges of our seats and listened as the next two places
were called off.  I didn't recognize the names of the boats or the
captains when they were announced.  I glanced at Kim and saw she was
as excited as the rest of us while we waited for the second place
boat to be named.

"In second place with seven hundred points is, Nate Johansson on
Reel Pretty," the port captain said into the microphone.

The screeches from our table were ear piercing.  Kathy, Erin, Cindy,
Kim and I all jumped up and bounced when we realized we won the
tournament.  Most of the people in the room were laughing and
watching our enthusiasm.  When we finally gained some composure, the
port captain asked for quiet so he could continue.

"Well, I guess everyone knows who took first place, Jennifer
Shockley on Lady Guinevere.  The crew of Lady Guinevere has three
thousand two hundred points, catching twenty two sailfish."

The room fell silent.  We waited for the port captain to call us up,
but a man went up to the stage and started to talk to him.

"What's going on?"  Erin asked.  "Why aren't they calling us up

"I think some of the other captains are lodging a protest," Bert
said.  "If any captain feels something was done that's dishonest,
they can request a review."

I looked up at the stage and saw about six men talking to the port
captain.  I turned to Bert and asked, "Will they ask you?"

"Probably, even though I signed the score sheet.  I've seen them
give the crew of a boat a lie detector test before," Bert said.

"Can anyone ask for a protest?"  Eddie asked.

I nodded and said, "In the rules it says anyone can file a protest,
but they have to put up money.  This tournament requires a one
thousand dollar protest fee.  If they lose the protest, they lose the
money to the winner of the protest."

Bert nodded and confirmed what I said.

"That sucks!" Eddie said.

Dad looked over and said, "Are you kids okay?"

"No, I'm pissed," I said as I stood up and picked up the camcorder
case.  "Dad, can you help me?"

Dad got up and followed me to the front desk.  We requested a
television be delivered to the meeting room and they said they would
take care of it.  Dad and I went back to the room and sat at our

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a formal protest.  The captains of
several boats have filed a protest against Lady Guinevere and her
crew.  Would the crew of Lady Guinevere and the observer assigned
please come up here."

We got up and headed to the stage.  I heard Bert tell Kim to wait,
but she refused, claiming to be part of our crew.  When we got to the
stage, the port captain and several other men gathered around us.

"Four boats have filed protests," the port captain informed us.  "We
need to find out if the results you submitted are in fact accurate."

While the port captain explained the process, someone from the hotel
came in with the television Dad and I requested.  With the help of
Eddie and Frank, the television was lifted on the stage.

"What's going on here?" the port captain asked.

"I think we can clear this up real fast," I said as I took the
camcorder out of the bag and went over to the television.

Within a few minutes, Eddie and I had the camcorder connected to the
television.  I took the remote, pointed at the television and turned
it on.

For the next half an hour, the entire room watched us catch fish
after fish.  I gave the port captain the remote to the camcorder and
let him forward past the pauses in the action.  As the tape played,
the port captain marked down the fish.  After reviewing the tape, the
protesters and the port captain talked to one another.

Going back to the microphone, the port captain called for quiet.

"Well, it seems the crew of Lady Guinevere has beaten the protest
and is our first place winner.  As all of you could see, the crew
caught the fish they said they did."  The man turned to us.  "I'm
sorry we had to go through this exercise, but we did.  I hope you all

We nodded and waited for him to continue.

"It gives me great pleasure to present this check for twenty
thousand dollars to the captain of Lady Guinevere and her crew.  You
have shown us all that fish can be found, even in the poorest of
conditions.  Jennifer, could you please tell us your secrets?"

The crowd applauded and I went to the microphone, using my hand to
wave the rest of our group up next to me.

"Thank you," I said.  "As for the fish, we found a school of
juvenile sailfish yesterday and did well with them.  Today, we found
them again and just stayed on them.  The fish were kind of small, but
we had a blast catching them."

I pointed to our group and said, "My brother and I started to fish
about a year ago and really liked it.  We took out some of our
friends and they found they liked it too.  The next thing we knew, we
were fishing in tournaments and doing pretty good.

"We are very lucky to have parents that support and encourage us. 
Our moms and dads are here, as they are at all the tournaments we
fish.  They pay for everything and I'd like to say thanks to them for
all they do.

"I, or should I say we, would like all of you to take your kids
fishing if they want to go.  While fishing in the tournaments is fun,
it's not as much fun as doing things with our parents.  We have
learned about responsibly, handling money and respect.  Our parents
trust us with the boat and let us take it out when we want to.

"The only thing I have to say to the kids like us out there is to
ask.  Ask to go fishing, ask to learn about the boat and ask to take
a boaters safety course.  Don't do anything to make your parents
distrust you.  None of us drink, do drugs or hang around with kids at
school that do those things.  We all get good grades and work hard to
keep up with our schoolwork.

"My parents taught my brother and me, trust is earned.  I always
thought they should trust us until we screwed up, but learned it
doesn't work that way.  Dad says that in real life, you have to work
your way up the ladder, not expect to be put there and hang on.  All
of us have had to prove we are able to operate the boat and stay out
of trouble.  That means doing what our parents tell us to do, whether
we like it or not.

"I heard about a youth group being formed at one of the clubs and I
plan on trying to do the same thing at our club when I get back. 
This is a great sport and we are the future.  The more we learn, the
better fishermen we become, and the better the chances of our clubs
have of growing.

"Thanks again, we all had a great time today.  I don't know about
the rest of our crew, but I'd like to give the protest money to the
Children's Services."  I turned around and everyone was nodding. 
"Then it's settled."

We took the oversized check and stood together holding it in front
of us.  Kim was standing aside so I grabbed her by the sleeve and
pulled her into the group.  There were several people taking pictures
of us, and one man with a big video camera.  We also received a
crystal trophy shaped like a marlin.

Before we left the stage, the port captain handed me an envelope. 
"This is your money, we pay in cash.  I'll walk you back to your
table if you want me too."

"That won't be necessary," I told him and then I called for Frank.

"Frank, put this in your pocket and don't let anyone take it from
you, there's twenty thousand dollars in there," I said.

Frank stared at me and then asked, "Why me?"

I giggled and said, "I saw what you did to those guys at Erin's
party.  I figured you would be able to take care of it if anyone

Frank nodded, took the money and put it in his front pocket.  We
milled around on the stage for a few moments while Eddie put away our

On the way back to the table, we were stopped and congratulated
several times.  When we finally sat down again, Nate came over and
sat with us.

"I told those fools to save their money," Nate said.  "I knew you
kids were on the level."

"Thanks," Eddie said.

Tom Gordon came over, sat next to Nate and started to laugh.

"You guys sure showed the other boats a thing or two," Tom said. 
"When did you kids start video taping your fishing trips?"

"A little while ago," Kathy said.  "We wanted to see what we were
doing wrong.  Eddie and Brad put in a bracket and we just leave it on
when we fish."

"Well, it saved your bacon today," Nate said.  "By the way, that is
a great idea.  I should put one on my boat so I can sell my customers
a video of their trip.  Now, tell me how you figured out where to
find the fish today and why you didn't tell me."

Brad and Eddie told Nate and Tom about what we did the day we
arrived.  They explained how we found marlin and caught a few before
heading in and locating the small sailfish.

"If you knew there were marlin out there, what made you go after the
juvie sails?" Nate asked.

"Brad saw the weather report and while it was going to be a nice
day, there was a low moving in," Eddie said.  "Someone told us not to
fish over deep water during a low and we decided to see if we could
find the sails again."

Nate began to laugh out loud.  "Sounds like that person should
follow his own advice.  I'd been on the marlin all week and I was
sure I would be able to catch them today.  I knew about the weather,
but decided to go after them anyway.  Bad move, very bad."

"You did okay out there," Eddie said.  "Good enough for second place
and ten grand."

Nate nodded and said, "Yeah, but I have to think about my
reputation.  How do you think it looks when my mates out fish me?"

"Looks good to me," I said and then I laughed.

Bert came over and stood next to Brad.  He waited until we stopped
talking to Nate and Tom and then said, "I can't thank you guys enough
for letting Kim be part of your crew."  Bert chuckled.  "She hasn't
stopped talking since she got off the stage."

"We're all glad she had fun, Bert," Kathy said.  "You should let her
fish with you."

Laughing, Bert said, "I don't think there's any way to stop her. 
She has already called some of her friends back home and told them
about today.  I have a feeling I'm going to be retaking boater's
safety this spring."

Kim came over and put her arm around her dad's waist.  "I need to go
back to your boat and change," Kim said.  "I left my clothes in the

"We'll be headed back soon," I said.  "It's been a long day and I
need a nap."

"How can you even think about sleeping?  I'm still so worked up I
don't think I'll sleep tonight.  I can't wait to tell my mom about
the day."

"I'm still excited too, but I know that when I lay down, I'll fall
asleep," I told her.

We hung around for another hour, talking to some of the other
fishermen.  The four men that waged the protest came over and
apologized.  We talked to them for a few minutes and shook hands with
them before they left.  Most of the teens stopped by our table to say

Mom and Dad told us about what was planned for dinner and what time
we needed to be back at the hotel.

Erin and her dad disappeared for a while.   When they returned, Erin
was all smiles.

We left for the boat and Kim and her dad came with us.  When we got
there, I took Kim down to the stateroom so she could change.  After
she was dressed in her own clothing, we went to the salon and joined
the rest of the group.

I took my brother, Kathy, Brad, Cindy and Kevin aside and talked to
them for a minute.  I asked Frank for the money, took it out of the
envelope and counted out nine piles of two hundred twenty dollars

"Here," I said to Kim and I handed her a share of the money.  "When
we win money, we take ten percent and split it with the crew.  This
is your share."

"I can't accept this," Kim said and she looked at her dad.

"Sure you can, you were part of the crew today," Eddie told her.

I saw her eyes begin to tear and she wiped them with the back of her
hand.  "You guys are the greatest!  This has been one of the best
days of my life."

"We're all glad you had a good time, Kim.  We enjoyed having you
with us," Kathy said as she went to Kim and hugged her.

Kim gave all of us hugs and kissed the guys on the cheek.  Her dad
chuckled as he watched and finally told Kim they needed to get going.
We exchanged email addresses and phone numbers and they left.  I
followed them out and waved goodbye as they walked away.

"There's a new fisherman," I said as I flopped on the settee.

We all relaxed in the salon, talking about the things that happened
at the weigh in.  Eddie sat on the floor and Kathy stretched out and
rested her head on his leg.  Cindy and Kevin went to the small
stateroom, telling us they were going to take a nap.  Frank was
laying on one of the settees with his head on Erin's thigh.

One by one, everyone but Erin and I fell asleep.  We chatted for a
while and then I said, "I'm exhausted.  I'm going to take a shower
and lay down for a while before dinner."

Erin nodded and I headed to the master stateroom.  I took off my
clothes, and went to the head and started the shower.  I was wetting
my hair when I heard the door open and Erin stepped in with me.

"Mind if I join you?"  Erin giggled.  "I'm getting used to this."

I laughed and leaned my head back.

"I liked what you did the last time we did this too."

When I looked at Erin, she was smiling and her eyes looked glazed. 
I took the shampoo, handed it to her and said, "Want to do my hair?"

Erin nodded and poured some of the shampoo into her hand.  After
putting the bottle down, she began to work it into my hair.  Because
of the difference in our height, Erin had to reach up to wash my hair.

As her fingers massaged my scalp, I put my hands on her hips and
held her.  She finished with my hair so we switched and I washed
hers.  The suds from the shampoo rolled down her chest and dripped
off her nipples.  Once her hair was foamed up, I let my fingers
follow the trail of soap.

Erin closed her eyes as I spread the suds over her nipples with both
hands.  I used my thumbs to rub her hard nubs and watched her face. 
Erin's eyes were closed and her lips parted.  When I applied pressure
to her nipples, she sucked in a deep breath.

"Does this feel good, Erin?"

Her head nodded and she smiled.  "Yes, very good."

"If you want me to stop, just tell me, okay?"

Once again she nodded, but said nothing.

I played with her boobs for a few minutes and then moved her under
the spray to rinse off.  I took the soap, lathered my hands and
handed her the bar.  She sighed as I began to wash her chest and
started to rub the soap on me.  When I finished her chest and back, I
took the soap and knelt down.  Starting with her right foot, I washed
up her leg, but stopped before I reached her crotch.

As I rubbed her thigh, she opened her legs.  I moved to her left
foot and started washing up her left leg.  Erin groaned when I came
close to her crotch and tried to make contact with my hand.  After
teasing her for a moment, I put one hand on her butt and slipped the
other between her legs.

Erin held my shoulders as I flattened my hand against her pussy and
rubbed her.  I didn't touch her clit except to quickly wash it. 
Placing my hands on her hips, I turned Erin around and then pushed
against her back, causing her to bend forward.

After soaping my hands again, I washed her bottom.  When I rubbed
her anus, she wiggled her ass against my fingers.  I let my fingertip
linger on her tight pucker for a few moments, rubbing around it. 
Erin was taking short sharp breaths as I pressed against her.

I stood up and rinsed the soap off her body.  Erin washed me, but
didn't touch me as much as I touched her.  I rinsed off and looked
into her eyes.  She smiled at me and I kissed her.

When my lips met hers, Erin's body stiffened.  When my tongue swiped
her lips, she opened her mouth and kissed me back.  We stood in the
spray, our arms around one another, and kissed until the water turned
cold.  I reached around her, turned off the water and opened the door.

Neither of us said a word as we dried off and then went to the
stateroom.   I pulled the covers back, climbed in and waited for Erin
to join me.  She hesitated, but finally got into bed next to me.  We
lay facing each other, staring into one another's eyes.  I felt Erin
was having second thoughts about being in bed with me, naked.

I reached up and stroked her cheek with my fingertips.  She closed
her eyes and breathed slowly as I stroked her face and watched her
reaction.  When I moved to her boob, she shivered.

Putting my hand on her shoulder, I rolled Erin on her back and then
on her side facing away from me.  I snuggled up to her back and put
my arm around her.  As I hugged her to me, I felt her relax.  Erin
pushed her butt back against me, took my hand in hers and kissed my
fingers.  I stroked her damp hair and kissed the back of her head.

Reaching down, I pulled the sheet over our bodies.

"Thank you for understanding, Jenny."  Erin sighed and scooted
tighter against me.

I kissed her neck and said, "It's okay, I know how you feel."

Closing my eyes, I started to drift to sleep.  Erin startled me when
she rolled over and faced me again.

"You may not believe this, but I really want to.  It's just I feel
like I'd be cheating on Frank if I did."

I planted a quick kiss on her nose and said, "I can go get him and
all three of us can fool around."

Erin chuckled and said, "I don't think I'm ready for that, not yet

"You know its just sex, don't you?  I mean if you and I were to mess

"I know, but right now it doesn't feel that way."

I was a little shocked, but understood.  I thought back to the first
time Cindy and I did anything together and how it felt to me at the

"Let's get some sleep, Erin.  We have to go to dinner in a couple of
hours.  We can talk about this some other time, if that is what you

Erin snuggled up to me, face to face.  I closed my eyes and tried to
fall asleep, but our closeness was making it hard.  I felt Erin's
hand slide down my back and come to rest on my butt.  I did the same
to her and pulled her against me, feeling her boobs crush against

The feeling of Erin's warm body against mine was wonderful.  She was
soft and I could smell the fragrance of her shampoo.  Something came
over me and my hand began to rub Erin's bottom.  I kissed her
shoulder and heard her sigh.  Wondering if she was asleep, I nuzzled
her neck and began to kiss her there.

Erin moaned and rolled onto her back.  I thought she was going to
move away from me, but she scooted closer.  The hand that was on her
bottom was now resting on her hip, very close to her sex.  I remained
still to see what she was going to do.

When Erin opened her legs, my hand moved between them.  I gently
stroked her inner thigh and she moaned again.  As I drew my
fingertips along her skin, Erin wiggled so I was closer to touching
her crotch.  I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy and moved
my hand against her.

"Are you sure?"  I whispered.

Erin answered me with a brief kiss.  Our eyes met and she smiled as
my hand stroked her pussy.  She reached between us and covered one of
my boobs with her hand.  I moaned into her open mouth and found her
tongue with mine.  While our tongues darted in and out of one
another's mouths, my fingers probed Erin's pussy.  I found her
opening and slid my middle finger into her slowly.

I kissed down to Erin's breasts and began to nibble on one of her
nipples.  She held my head and groaned as my finger moved in her wet
pussy and my teeth gripped her hard nipple.

"I want to taste you," I said as I kissed down her body and twisted
around on the bed.

Before Erin could stop or encourage me, I put my mouth over her sex
and parted her lips with my tongue.  When I began to poke at her
clit, she let out a sharp squeal.  Her juices flowed onto my tongue
and I lapped her eagerly.  When Erin began to rock her hips and push
against my mouth, I knew she was coming.

Erin stopped moving and her body went limp.  I kissed her pussy one
more time before sliding up and hugging her in my arms.

"Oh my God!  That was incredible, Jenny."  Erin's words came between
her gasps for breath.  She looked at me and asked, "Do you want me
to, uh, you know?"

I wanted her to return the pleasure I'd just given her, but realized
she was a bit unsure.  Shaking my head, I said, "Later, I'm tired and
want to get a nap before dinner."

We snuggled together with Erin spooned against my back.  Her arm
went over me and her hand cupped my boob.

"Thanks for doing that for me, Jenny.  Thanks for understanding too."

I wiggled against her, but didn't say anything.