"We have decided you kids need to get a job to pay for your fishing,"
Harry said, trying his best to keep a straight face.

"Okay, Dad, I can apply at a few of the restaurants in town," Jenny
said.  Kathy agreed, saying she would too.

"Well, I was thinking about having you do something else, something
a bit more challenging," Harry said, glancing at his wife, Jack, and
Sarah.  "I have an order for a boat and need some additional help."

"Working at the boatyard, Mr. Shockley?" Brad asked.

"Yes, working at the boatyard with your dad and me."

"What are we going to be doing?" Kathy asked.  "Sweeping and stuff
like that?"

"No, I need you kids to help design a fishing boat.  I sold the
seventy-five foot hull I have in the shed.  My client wants a long
range convertible."

Eddie, Brad, Jenny, and Kathy just sat and stared at Harry.  After a
moment, Eddie said, "You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm not kidding.  It seems that this client has read about you
kids and feels you will be able to offer good suggestions for the
boat.  You will be working with my architects and engineers on the
design.  Eddie, I want you and Brad to concentrate on the
superstructure, the flying bridge and the cockpit.  Jenny and Kathy
will work on the interior.  I don't have much information on the
requirements yet, but I should have them in a few weeks.

"I think it would be a good idea to begin doing some research on
large convertibles.  Make sketches and notes so you're prepared when
you meet with the architects.  Once they have the drawings made, they
will create the blueprints for the engineers.  If this is something
you kids don't want to do, you have to let me know so I can make
adjustments to the plan," Harry said.

"I can't believe it!  I have a lot of ideas, Dad.  I don't have to
think about it, I'm in," Eddie said.  "The four of us are always
talking about what the perfect fishing boat would be like."

"Good, but I want you to remember that it's what the client wants,
not you guys.  We have to take their ideas and requirements into
consideration when we start the design.  I just found out today so I
don't have much more detail that that."

"When can we meet the client and get started?" Eddie asked, his
excitement making it hard for him to sit still.

"I don't know, Eddie.  As I said, they just agreed to buy the boat
today.  There are things we have to go over before we begin.  In the
mean time, learn as much as you can.  There are books in my office
and at the library that will help," Harry said.  "Use what you've
learned on our boat and the other boats you've been on.  Take the
best features from each one and see if they fit."

"Dad, do you have the original plans for the boat?  It may help us,"
Jenny said.  "How many staterooms are there going to be?  How about
heads?  How big is the salon?"

Harry laughed as he told his daughter to slow down and take a deep

"Mr. Shockley, how many staterooms can you put on a boat that size?"
Kathy asked.

"It all depends on the design, Kathy.  If you have large staterooms
three or four, if they're smaller, you could put six in the hull. 
From what the client told me, the boat is going to be for fishing,
not cruising.  I think they are more interested in function than
luxury.  I know you kids are excited, but you're going to have to be
patient.  Trust me, you will be busy before you know it," Harry said.

"I think you kids should get to bed, you have school in the
morning," Sarah said.  "Jack, we should get going too."

Jack and Sarah told everyone goodbye and left with Brad and Kathy. 
Ted and Clare left too, telling the rest of them they would see them
soon.  Jenny and Eddie went to their rooms to get ready for bed.

"Can you believe we're going to be designing a boat?" Eddie said as
he walked into his sister's room.

"No, isn't it great?  I can't wait to get started, Eddie.  You know,
we never found out if we were getting paid," Jenny replied as she
removed her clothes.  "I don't really care if we get paid or not, I
still want to do it."

Eddie sat on the edge of Jenny's bed, watching her move around the
room.  She was wearing a pair of burgundy bikini panties and matching
bra.  Jenny removed the bra, hanging it on a knob on her dresser. 
Turning toward her brother, she scratched the underside of her

"You and Brad have fun this afternoon?"

"Yeah, we did, how about you and Kathy?"

"We did too.  I kind of wanted all of us to fool around together

Jenny sat next to her brother.  She picked up her tank top, pulling
it over her head.  "Why?"

"So you and I could be together too, Jen.  I really miss being close
with you-I miss it a lot."

"I know, so do I, Eddie.  Why did we decide to stop anyway?"

"Got me, wasn't it you and Brad that wanted to be exclusive?"

"We thought we did, but I think we were wrong.  Brad and I talked
about it today.  He said he wanted to be able to have sex with Kathy-
I told him I understood.  Eddie, we all love each other and I don't
see why we can't go back to the way it was.  Brad and I still want to
be boyfriend and girlfriend, but we want to…"  Jenny leaned her head
against Eddie's shoulder.

"I'll talk to Kathy, Jen.  I like having sex with her, but I love
when we do it.  There has always been something there that I never
felt when I was Kathy, at least not as strong as I do with you."

"We're all screwed up, aren't we, Eddie?" Jenny said as she wrapped
her arms around her brother.

"Not really, we're just in love, Jen-there isn't anything screwed up
about that."

"I don't think so, but what about everyone else?" Jenny asked.

Eddie chuckled.  "Okay, everyone else is screwed up."

"Do you think Brad and Kathy are as confused as we are?"

"Truthfully, I think it may be worse for them, they're twins.  I've
read that twins share something special."

Jenny released her brother.  She slipped under her sheet, holding it
open for Eddie.  He removed his shorts, climbing in next to her. 
They kissed for a moment and then snuggled together, falling asleep
in each other's arms.

When she woke up the next morning, Jenny knew what she wanted and
what she needed to do.  She shook Eddie's shoulders, kissing him when
he opened his eyes.

"Get up, we have to go to school," Jenny said as she straddled his
body.  Sitting on his stomach, she leaned forward and kissed Eddie

"What's gotten into you?" Eddie asked.

"Nothing, but we don't have time to fix that right now.  I'm going
to take a shower, if you don't come in and wash my back, I'll never
forgive you."

"What about Mom and Dad?"

"I'd rather have you wash by back," Jenny said and then she giggled.
"I'll go tell them we going to shower together, they don't mind."

"You're acting weird this morning, Jenny!"

"So what?  Get up!"

Jenny went to the bathroom, striping her tank top off on the way. 
After using the toilet, she started the shower.  Eddie came in to
join her.  While they showered, Jenny sang.  Once they were finished,
Eddie and Jenny dressed for school.  Jenny picked out a short
sundress knowing how much her brother and Brad liked it when she wore
a dress or skirt.

"Morning, Mom," Jenny said as she skipped into the kitchen.

"Good morning to you.  Why are you in such a good mood this
morning?" Ellen said.

"I just am.  What's for breakfast?"

"I made eggs and bacon.  Your mood wouldn't have anything to do with
the fact your brother spent the night in your room would it?"

"Kind of, but not entirely.  You're not mad at me are you?  It isn't
Eddie's fault, I asked him to stay with me last night," Jenny said as
she sat at the table.

"No, I'm not mad-just curious.  Is everything okay between you and

"Yup, just perfect, everything is perfect!"

"Are you going to tell me what's up then?" Ellen asked.

"Yes, but you have to wait until later.  I have to do something
first.  Don't worry, no one is in trouble, Mom," Jenny said.

After breakfast, Eddie and Jenny left to pick up Brad and Kathy. 
When Brad got into the van, Jenny threw her arms around his neck. 
She gave him a kiss and then plopped into her seat.  Kathy noticed
Jenny's mood and asked why she was so happy.

"We have to talk, no, I have to talk and you have to listen," Jenny

"About what?" Brad asked.

"About us, all of us.  I think we're fooling ourselves and it has to
stop.  Brad, I love you and I know you love me.  I also know Kathy
and Eddie love each other.  The problem is I also love Eddie and I'm
not talking about like a brother.

"Brad, Kathy, did you two have sex last night?" Jenny asked.  When
she saw their reaction, she said, "I thought so.  Look, why should we
have to feel guilty when we do what we all love to do?  Why can't we
just have fun and make love with who we want, when we want?  I don't
know about you two, but I don't want to feel like I'm doing something
wrong when Eddie and I have sex."

Kathy got out of her seat and moved to where Jenny was sitting.  The
two girls hugged and then Kathy said, "Oh my God, you are so right! 
I do love Eddie, but I love Brad too.  I never wanted to hurt you or
Eddie."  Kathy giggled, pulled her head back and said, "How about you
and me?"

Jenny started giggling too.  She put her hand under Kathy's skirt
and then into the leg opening of her panties.  Kathy let out a moan
when Jenny's finger penetrated her.  Jenny fingered Kathy for a
moment before removing her hand.  Holding her moist finger in the
air, Jenny said, "Hmmm, it looks like Brad did some banking this
morning.  It seems he made a deposit!"  Jenny sucked her finger clean
and giggled.  "Yup, I'd know that taste anywhere!"

The four teens broke into laughter.  Kathy grinned, her face turning
pink from blushing.  After giving Jenny a quick kiss, Kathy returned
to her seat.  While Eddie drove to school, the four of them chatted
about the project that lay ahead of them.  They decided to get
together after school to begin placing their ideas on paper.

Jenny and Kathy met for lunch.  They sat at a table away from the
other kids so they could talk.

"I wanted to talk to you about Brad and me, but I didn't know how to
say it," Kathy said quietly.  "I'm so glad you said what you did."

"I'm glad you understand, Kathy," Jenny said.  "It isn't that I want
to have sex with Eddie all the time, I just don't want to feel bad
when I do.  To be honest, I want to cool things down for a while.  I
love Brad, but I'm not ready to be completely committed to the

"You're right; we're too young to be all tied down.  I don't want to
date anyone else, but like you, I don't want to feel that I can't
have a little fun too."  Kathy took a bite of her sandwich.  After
swallowing the food, she said, "I don't think Brad or Eddie will have
a problem with it, Jen.  As long as they're having sex, they'll be
happy-and so will we."

"So, are you going to tell me what happened this morning?" Jenny

Kathy giggled and said, "Brad bent me over the sink while I was
brushing my teeth.  He screwed me while I finished brushing."

"That sounds so cool!  You didn't care?"

"No, not at all.  I didn't even care that he didn't make me get off,
it still felt good."

"I'll have to try that, it does sound like fun," Jenny said.  "You
know what I've missed?  I miss the times all four of us fooled around
in the same bed."

"I think we should fix that, Jen.  Where are we going to go to work
on our ideas for the boat, your house?"

"We can go to my house.  I think we'll start going to the boatyard
once we get started.  I'm really looking forward to this."

"So am I.  Brad and I talked about it last night on the way home. 
Brad said we should check the internet and see if we can find some
floor plans for boats that size.  He said we can look at the boat
ads," Kathy said.

Finished with lunch, Jenny and Kathy left the cafeteria.  They went
through the remainder of their classes eager for the day to end. 
After school, Eddie, Brad, Jenny, and Kathy met at the van.  The
moment they got in they began talking about their ideas for the boat.
Eddie said he had made a few sketches.

When they arrived at Eddie and Jenny's house they grabbed snacks and
went to work.  Brad and Eddie sat at the kitchen table making
sketches and discussing what they thought would be the best design
while Jenny and Kathy searched the internet for sites where they
could get some ideas.

"Are we okay with what the girls want?" Brad asked, taking a break
from the drawings.

"Yeah, we're cool, Brad.  I think that we were putting too much
pressure on ourselves.  If we were to keep going the way we were, we
could have ended up hurting the girls or us.  Jenny's right you know,
it isn't about the sex, it's the guilt."

"I hope you still want to be with Kathy, I know I want to be with
Jenny.  I really care for her."

"You bet I want to be with Kathy!  We get along great and I love
having her for my girlfriend," Eddie said.

"How about Kim and Sally, what do you think of them?" Brad asked.

"They're both hotties!  I would do either of them if I had a chance."

"No shit, I wonder if Jack and Tom would be cool with all of us
fooling around.  We could really have a hell of a party, couldn't we?"

Eddie laughed and nodded.  "Who knows, they may be hip to it.  They
will be coming back down here in a month or so.  We should plan to go
fishing and spend the night on the boat."

"It'll be cool when they get their new yacht," Brad said.

"My dad said they might not to get to use the yacht that much, not
if their charter business is successful.  Besides, their yacht isn't
going to be very good for fishing, not for billfish.  They can fish
with us though."

Eddie and Brad went back to making sketches and talking about the
boat.  Jenny came out of the bedroom, hugged Brad and hung over his
shoulder.  "When you get a minute, Kathy and I have something to show
you guys.  We found a bunch of cool boats on the internet."

Jenny led her brother and Brad to the bedroom.  The two boys stood
behind the girls as Kathy started bringing up the sites she and Jenny
had found.  After looking at a half dozen boats it was obvious there
were many possibilities.

"This is fun, but we don't have a clue about what we're doing,"
Eddie said.  "I'm not saying we should stop, but until we have more
information from my dad, we have no idea of what we're dealing with. 
Maybe we can go to the boatyard tomorrow and take a look at the hull
and the original blueprints."

"Eddie's right," Kathy said.  "Why don't we do our homework and then
go swimming?"

The four teens went to the living room to study.  Jenny and Kathy
sat on the floor, giving their brothers peeks under their skirts
while they did their schoolwork.  Brad and Eddie sat on the couch,
trying not to be too distracted, but it was very difficult.

* * * * *

Jack and Sally sat next to each other on the plane.  Kim and Tom sat
in front of them and the adults were nearby, waiting for the plane to
take off.  They were on their way back to Michigan.  Joanne had
remained in Florida, along with Liz, to take care of the details of
the new home.  The two women would return home after approving the
drawings for the new building that would serve the yacht.

The trip had been fruitful for Tom, Jack, Kim, and Sally.  They all
had learned many new things and realized they needed to learn much
more.  Tom and Jack had copies of the manuals for the electronics. 
Jeri had told them to study the books so they would be able to
operate the equipment.  April told Kim and Sally to read a few books
on setting tables and other things that the crew would be required to

"Are you glad to be going home, Sweetie?" Jack asked Sally.

Shrugging her shoulders, Sally said, "I want to go home, but I don't
want to have to sleep without you next to me.  I've gotten used to it
and I don't want it to stop."

"I know, maybe we can ask our parents if we can stay together a few
nights a week.  I like sleeping with you too."  Jack leaned close,
kissing Sally's cheek.  "It's nice to have someone to snuggle with."

"At least you have Kim to cuddle with when I'm not there-and I have
Tom if you don't mind me sleeping with him once in a while."

"Frankly, I'd rather we slept together.  I'm going to see what I can
do.  You and Tom will be moving in soon you know.  We won't have to
worry about it then," Jack said.

Sally took Jack's hand, holding it with both of hers.  She leaned
her head against his shoulder.  "Jack, I love you."

"I love you too, Sal."

"When do you think we'll go back to Florida?" Kim asked as she
looked over the seat at her brother and Sally.

"In about five or six weeks I think, Kim.  Jeri will call if we need
to go down any sooner," Jack replied.

A flight attendant came by, telling Kim to put her seatbelt back on.
She turned around and sat down, fastening the belt around her waist. 
Tom put his hand on Kim's knee, rubbing her.

"I hope the guest house is ready when we go back," Tom said. 
"Staying in a hotel gets old."

Kim giggled and nodded.  "I want to be able to hang my bra on the
doorknob if I want to, or leave my jeans on the floor.  Having a maid
clean the room is nice, but it doesn't feel homey to me."

"Is that what I have to look forward to, underwear hanging on the
doorknobs and dirty clothes on the floor?" Tom said with a chuckle.

"Yup, I'm going to leave them where ever they land when you undress
me, Baby!"

Tom laughed and said, "I can live with that."

"What, my dirty clothes or getting me naked?" Kim asked.

"Both, Honey, I can live with the clothing, and I love getting you
naked.  Are you ready to go back to Mrs. Phillips' and start studying
again?  We have a lot of catching up to do."

"I guess so, I'm not really looking forward to all the work, but I
know we have to do it.  Do you think we'll go back to Florida during
spring break?  I think it's in March," Kim said as she twisted in her
chair so she could see Tom better.

"Maybe, I know Jack wants to go back pretty soon.  We talked about
it last night.  He said there isn't a lot for us to do, but he wants
to stay close to the progress.  I do too," Tom said.

Leaning close to Tom, Kim whispered in his ear.  "Baby, I hope you
move into our house soon, I've really gotten used to sleeping with

Tom gave Kim a quick kiss and said, "I have too.  You always have
Jack to sleep with until I move in."

"Yeah, and you have Sally!" Kim responded sharply.

"Take it easy, I was just kidding.  Are you telling me you don't
want to fool around with Jack anymore?" Tom asked.

"Not unless you're there-you AND Sally.  You made me fall in love
with you and now you're stuck with me."

Sally, hearing her name, stood up to look over the seat in front of
her.  "What about me?" she asked.

Kim giggled and said, "We were just talking, Sally."  Kim released
her seatbelt so she could kneel on the seat and talk to Sally without
the two passengers in the aisle seats hearing her.  "I told Tom I
didn't want to fool around with Jack unless you and he were with us,"
Kim whispered.

"Really?  I thought you'd want to-you know," Sally whispered back.

Kim shook her head.  "Not anymore, not since I found out what it's
like to be in love with Tom.  I would really like it if you and Tom
didn't do anything when you're alone either.  If we're together it's
okay with me though."

Sally grinned at Kim and nodded her head.  She sat down, leaning
against Jack.  After a moment, Sally noticed Jack was glancing down. 
She giggled when she realized Jack could see into her shirt.  Sally
hooked her finger in her shirt, pulling it away from her chest.

"Is that better?" Sally asked Jack, watching him grin.

"Yup, much better, Babe," Jack replied.

"You're so funny!  I'll get naked for you anytime you want me to you
know?" Sally told him.

"I know, but its sexy when I see into your shirt and stuff like that."

Sally hugged Jack's arm and said, "I love you so much!"

They landed in Detroit and once their bags were loaded on a cart,
they all went out to catch a shuttle to the offsite lot Don and Jerry
had parked their cars in.  Jack and Tom loaded the suitcases into the
back of the Lincoln Navigator Don had bought to replace the Suburban
the teens left in Florida.  Jerry and Sam loaded Jerry's car with
their bags.  Jack and Sally rode in the back seat of Jerry's car
because there wasn't room in Don's SUV for them.

It was just after three in the afternoon when the two cars pulled
into the driveway at Don and Marge's house.  The group removed the
luggage from the Navigator, taking it into the house.  Jerry and Sam
accepted the offer of coffee from Marge and went in.

"Do you want me to put our suitcases in the car, Dad?" Tom asked Marc.

"No, I want you to take them upstairs with Jack, Kim, Uncle Don, and
Aunt Marge's bags, Tom," Marc replied.  "Put your mom's and mine in
the recreation room."

Tom didn't know what was going on, but he did what his dad asked. 
Jack and the two girls helped carry the suitcases upstairs.  When
they entered the recreation room, Sally let out a screech.  What had
been the recreation room was now a large bedroom, void of the pool
table that had been in there.

"I think we live here now," Sally said as she looked around the room
at her parents' furniture.  "Let's go see what else has been done."

The four teens went to the guestroom that adjoined Kim's bedroom,
finding Sally's clothes in the closet and the dresser filled with her
things.  Tom's things were in the other guestroom.  Jack and Tom were
stunned, Kim and Sally giggled.  They headed downstairs to find out
what was going on.

"Are we going to live here now?" Sally asked her mom.

"Yes, we moved in before we went down to Florida.  We moved the
things we felt you'd need and put the rest of our things in storage
for now," Anne replied.

"Um, do we have to stay in the rooms where our things are or can we
change things around?" Sally asked, holding her breath while she
waited for her mom's answer.

"Leave things as they are for now, we'll talk later," Anne told Sally.

"Did you move everything?" Tom asked.

"Almost, we still have the exercise equipment and your darkroom,"
Marc said.  "We're having the basement worked on here to accommodate
our new arrangement.  You can go downstairs and see how far the
construction crews are if you'd like."

When they went to the basement, the teens couldn't believe how much
different it looked.  The once wide-open space had been divided into
several rooms.  The first room they went into was almost an exact
replica of the exercise room in Tom and Sally's basement, right down
to the mirrored walls and the television suspended from the ceiling. 
A door in the room led to a shower and changing room.  The pool table
was in another room, decorated to look like an old-time pub.

Tom opened the door to his new darkroom, commenting on how nice it

"We used to have some fun in your old darkroom, didn't we Tom?"
Sally said with a giggle.

"Used to is right!  If you want to have fun in your darkroom, you
can have it with me," Kim said.

"What's this?  Is my little sister getting possessive?" Jack said
with a chuckle.

Kim put her arm around Tom's waist, giggled, and said, "Yeah, what's
it to you?"

"Nothing, I just never thought you would ever be a one guy girl.  I
think it's cool," Jack told Kim.

"Does that mean our days of all of us fooling around are over?" Jack

"No, but I don't want to do anything with anyone unless Tom is there
too."  Kim giggled, glancing at Sally.  "At least with guys-right

Sally looked up at Jack.  He knew what she wanted and nodded his
head, giving his approval.  Sally grinned as she nodded her head.

Kim was about to ask Sally if she had to have permission to go to
the bathroom, but thought better of it.  Sally was happy with her
relationship with Jack and how she wanted to live was none of Kim's
business.  If Sally wanted to be submissive, it was up to her.

The four teens went upstairs.  Their parents were in the kitchen,
drinking coffee with Jerry and Sam.  Sam was talking about the
families' investments, stopping when he saw the kids.  Don told Sam
to go on.

"We should be able to finalize the purchase of the property next
week," Sam said.  "Once we own it, we can begin having it rezoned for
single-family homes."

Don noticed the teens' confusion.  "We bought some acreage north of
here.  We are going to develop it into a couple of upscale
subdivisions and build homes on it." Don told the kids.  "If
everything works out the way Sam thinks it will, we'll make a lot of

"How much property did you buy, Dad?" Kim asked.

"When we close on the last parcel, we'll have over three hundred
acres.  Our plan is to build about two hundred homes and a small
shopping center.  Sam has several businesses interested in leasing
stores," Don replied.

"We plan on building larger homes on half acre lots," Marc said.

"Are we going to move into one of them?" Sally asked.

"No, I don't think so.  We've been talking about what we want to do
now that we have the Florida house and the yacht.  It's one of the
things we want to talk to you guys about," Marge said.  "We want to
know what you'd think about spending summers in Michigan and the rest
of the year in Florida."

"We don't want you to make a decision yet, we still have a few
things to talk about," Anne said.  "I think we'll have a family
meeting in a day or two.  We have a few things to consider first."

"Like what, Mom?" Tom asked.

"Well, school for one thing.  You kids aren't ready to take your GED
tests yet," Anne said.

"Um, there's something I want to talk to you guys about concerning
the GED.  I want to graduate rather than taking the test," Jack said.

Sally moved closer to Jack, wrapping her arms around his right arm. 
She looked up, smiling brightly.

"When did you change your mind?" Don asked.

"I've been thinking about it since we met Jenny, Eddie, Kathy, and
Brad.  Jenny said something that got me thinking.  She said we
shouldn't quit the first important thing in our lives.  After
thinking about what she said, I decided she was right.  How can we be
successful if we start taking the easy way now?" Jack said.

Don glanced at Kim and Tom, noticing their surprised look.  He
looked at Marge, smiling when he saw her grin.

"I want to finish school too," Sally said.  "I'd like to go to a
real school, not be home schooled by Mrs. Phillips or anyone else.  I
miss school."

"Baby, you can go to a real school if that's what you want-can't
she?" Jack said looking at the parents.

"If course she can," Anne said, her voice cracking with emotion. 
"It's up to you what you and Sally do, Jack."

"How about you, Kim, do you want to go to school and graduate or
take the GED?" Tom asked.

"I don't know, what do you think?" Kim replied.

"I guess going to school wouldn't be bad.  I don't think any of us
realized what we'd be doing regarding Tomiko.  I kind of thought we
would be more involved with the charters than it appears we're going
to be.  The chartering is going to be more business than fun like I
thought it would be."

"The charter business will be fun, Tom.  So will just going out on
the yacht.  I still want to get my captain's license and learn to
operate Tomiko.  We can't get our licenses until we're twenty-one so
we'll have to be happy being part of the charters when we can rather
than actually running them.  Jeri is a good captain and we can learn
a lot from her-April too," Jack said.

"Well, I guess finishing school is a good idea.  Where would we go
to school?" Kim asked looking at her brother.

"I'd like to go in Florida.  I think it would be cool to go with
Jenny, Eddie, Kathy, and Brad.  They're really nice and we'd know
someone at the school," Jack said.

"What are you going to do for the rest of the year?" Marge asked.

"I wanted to talk to Mrs. Phillips and find out what our options
are.  The worse thing that can happen is we have to repeat the second
semester of this year.  Maybe we could get caught up, but we've
missed quite a bit because we've been studying for the GED," Jack

"I think you'd be surprised how much catching up you can do if you
kids put your minds to it," Marc said looking right at Jack. 
"Personally, I think you're making a wise choice."

"Dad, why did you guys let us decide to take the GED in the first
place?" Sally asked.

"We thought you kids should make the decision, not us.  None of us
were happy about it, but it wasn't really our decision to make. 
While we could have insisted you finish school, I think you've
learned a valuable lesson," Don said, answering for Marc and the rest
of the parents.

Sally, overcome with emotion, was unable to contain her excitement. 
She threw her arms around Jack's neck, repeatedly thanking him.  Jack
hugged her, holding Sally's quivering body to his.

"It looks like Sally is happy with the decision," Anne said with a

"I am, Mom, I'm very happy!  In fact, I can't wait to call Jenny and
tell her," Sally said.  Taking Jack's hand, Sally pulled him toward
the stairs.  "I'm going to go call her right now!"

"There's a phone here in the kitchen, Sally," Anne said, snickering
because she knew Sally wanted to be alone with Jack for a few minutes.

Sally didn't reply to her mom.  She continued toward the stairs with
Jack behind her.  When they got upstairs, Sally led Jack into his
room.  She took him in her arms, hugging and kissing Jack.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Sally said between kisses.  "You
are so good to me."

"I knew you wanted to go to school and I decided I would go too,

Sally gave Jack another kiss, using her tongue to pry his lips open.
She held him as tightly as she could while her tongue flicked against
his.  When she broke the kiss, Sally walked to the phone next to the
bed.  Sally dialed Jenny's number while Jack stood behind her with
his arms around her waist.

"Hi, Jenny, it's Sally," Sally said when Jenny answered the telephone.

"Hey, how are you doing?  Did you guys get home okay?" Jenny said.

"Yeah, we've been home for over an hour.  Our flight was great and
it's good to be here.  How are you guys doing?"

While Sally talked to Jenny, Jack moved his hands up to Sally's
breasts.  He massaged them through her shirt and top, kissing the
back of her neck.  Sally giggled, wiggling her butt against Jack.

"It's Jack, he's feeling me up," Sally said into the telephone. 
"The only problem is he's doing it on the outside of my shirt!"

Chuckling, Jack began unbuttoning Sally's shirt.  When he had all of
the buttons undone, Jack pulled her bra up over her breasts.  Sally
reached behind her, undoing the clasp of her bra.

Jack covered Sally's breasts with both hands.  She giggled, telling
Jenny what he was doing.

"The reason I called is to tell you Jack said we could go to school
next fall, to a real school.  He said he wants to go to school in
Florida-isn't that great?"

"Really, that's so cool!  I hope you guys can go to the same school
we do.  I can introduce you to all our friends."

"Ask Jenny if we can go fishing too," Jack said as he moved his
hands to the waistband of Sally's jeans.

"Jack wants to know if we can go fishing, Jenny," Sally said,
giggling again when Jack undid the button of her jeans.

"Hell yes!  We can go whenever you want to.  I can't wait to tell
Kathy, Eddie, and Brad the good news," Jenny said.  "Does that mean
you guys are moving to Florida?"

"I think we're going to be here in the summer and live down there
during school.  I don't really know yet.  How is that stud boyfriend
or yours?"

Jenny giggled and said, "Brad's fine.  We've decided to cool things
down for a while though.  I love him, but I don't want to be tied
down right now.  How about you and Jack?"

"We're great, I do what to be tied down-or up," Sally said giggling.

Jack worked Sally's jeans down so he could get his hand between her
legs.  He rubbed her crotch causing Sally to open her legs as far as
she could with her pants around her knees.

Jenny laughed and said, "You want to be tied up?  That sounds kinky,
and fun!"

"Doesn't it?  Well, I better let you go.  I think Jack wants
something," Sally said.  "I'll call you later-okay?"

"Okay, talk to you later, Sally.  Tell everyone I said hi," Jenny

Sally hung up the telephone.  She leaned over, supporting herself on
the bed.  Jack moved his hands up to the waistband of her panties,
pulling them down.  Placing his hand between her legs from behind,
Jack worked a finger into Sally's vagina.  She began to move, pushing
back against Jack's hand.

Jack fingered Sally for a few moments.  Removing his finger, he
stood her up and turned her around.  When he offered his finger to
Sally, she sucked it into her mouth.

"Mmmm, are you going to fuck me or just tease me, Honey?" Sally said.

"Just tease you for now."

Moving her hand to Jack's crotch, Sally rubbed his semi erect penis.
"Want a blowjob?"

"Later, we should go back downstairs right now," Jack said, and then
he kissed Sally.

Faking a pout, Sally pulled her panties and jeans up.  She removed
her bra before buttoning her shirt.  They went back to the kitchen to
see what was going on.

"I think Sam and I are going to get going," Jerry said.

"Why don't you two stay for dinner?" Marge asked.  "We can order
Chinese or something."

"That sounds good. Are you sure we won't be any trouble?" Jerry asked.

"None at all.  You two know you're welcome around here.  You should
call Liz and Joanne though," Marge said.

Jerry and Sam agreed to stay.  They called the hotel and talked to
their wives.  Jerry talked to Liz, handing the telephone to Sam when
he was finished.  After talking to Joanne for a few moments, Sam hung

"Our wives are checking out of the hotel.  They're going to stay
with Jeri and April for the next few days.  Jo said it will be better
than the hotel and put her closer to the projects she's working on,"
Sam said.

"That's a great idea," Anne said.  "That way Joanne can keep after
the workmen so they finish the guest house quickly.  She can also get
them going on the main house."

"Don't forget the yacht, Mom," Tom said.  "Mrs. Mitchell has a lot
to do on Tomiko too."

"Jo knows what she has to do.  I wouldn't worry about it, Tom," Anne
said.  "Okay, what are we going to order for dinner?  I'm getting

Marge took a menu out of a drawer.  She also grabbed a pad of paper
and pen.  Sitting at the table, the group began deciding on what they
wanted.  Marge wrote down the orders as they passed the menu around
the table.  Jerry offered to pick up the food when it was ready.

Once everyone had selected what they wanted, Marge called in the
order.  Jerry and Sam left a few moments later to pick up the food.

"Now, what do you kids have in mind for the bedrooms?" Don asked.

Kim, Jack, Sally, and Tom looked at one another.  Don chuckled and
said, "I see, if you want to change things around, its okay with us. 
I do want each of you to have your own room if only for appearance. 
Sally and Jack can share a bathroom and so can Kim and Tom.  Just
make sure you kids are ready for this."

Looking at Jack, Sally said, "Is that okay with you, Baby?"  Jack
nodded.  "I'm ready, Uncle Don."

"So am I," Kim told her dad.

"Good, now why don't you get started while Jerry and Sam are gone? 
I'll call you when they get back," Don told them.

Jack, Kim, Sally, and Tom went up to the bedrooms.  Working as a
team, the teens swapped the clothing into the rooms Sally and Tom
would call theirs.  They were about half-finished when Don called up
the stairs to tell them dinner was there.

Marge and Anne set the tables in the pool area.  The group sat down
and began to eat while talking about the trip to Florida.  Jerry
mentioned he was going to see if Liz would be interested in buying a
condominium so they could winter in Florida too.

Once they were finished with dinner and the leftovers were stored in
the refrigerator, the teens went upstairs to complete the move.  The
adults relaxed in the pool area while enjoying an after dinner drink.

* * * * *

"We can't thank you enough for inviting us to stay here," Liz told
Jeri and April as they put Joanne and Liz's suitcases in the guest
room of the apartment.

"No problem, we love having the company," April said.  "We can make
dinner or go out, it's up to you."

"To tell you the truth, I would rather have something homemade. 
Restaurant food is getting old," Joanne said.  "Liz and I can cook if
you don't want to."

"We can all help.  Let's open a bottle of wine and put something
together," Jeri said.

The four women went into the kitchen.  April removed the cork from a
bottle of chilled white wine, filling four glasses.  Jeri and Liz
stood in front of the refrigerator scanning the things on the
shelves.  They decided on a large salad with ham, cheese and hard-
boiled eggs.

They finished one bottle of wine before the salad was ready and
April opened another.  Once it was ready, the four of them sat at the
table to eat.

"I really love what you're doing with Tomiko, Jo," April said. 
"It's going to be beautiful when she's finished."

"Thank you, I wanted to accent what was there rather than make a lot
of changes.  The wood on the yacht is wonderful, it would be a shame
to hide it or change too much.  I just hope the Japanese theme will
be acceptable to the clients you hope to attract," Joanne said.

"I think it will.  It's going to be unique, that's something that
the clients will enjoy.  I think the kids are going to hire Yoshiro
as the chef.  Yoshi would be a great member of the crew and add to
the experience," Jeri said.

"How many more members of the crew will you have?" Liz asked.

"It will depend on the number of guests onboard, Liz.  If we have
four or six, we'll probably have two mates.  If there are more
guests, we'll have four mates.  We want to make sure we have enough
crewmembers to pamper the clients.  When someone spends the kind of
money our clients will be spending, they expect first class
treatment," Jeri said.

April chuckled and said, "Expect it, they demand it!  They want
their every whim catered too.  It isn't unusual for someone to want a
meal cooked in the middle of the night.  We have to be ready to
provide what they want."

The four women finished eating.  April and Joanne cleared the table,
rinsing the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.  Once they
cleaned the kitchen, Jeri suggested they relax in the living room.

"If we're staying in tonight, I'm going to get comfortable," April
said.  "If it doesn't bother you, Jeri and I usually lounge around in
our undies-or less."

April removed her top, shorts and bra.  She took her clothes into
the bedroom, retuning to the living room in her panties.  Jeri also
stripped down to her panties.  Joanne and Liz chuckled, joining the
two women.  They all sat on the couch, with Jeri and Joanne next to
one another, drinking wine and looking out the window at the canal
beyond the lush backyard.

"I can't wait until Tomiko is docked out there," Jeri said.  "This
is very exciting for April and me."

"I take it you like working for the kids then," Joanne said.  "I
know I love working with the two families."

"It's great for us too.  You have no idea how good they are to work
with.  April and I have put up with a lot of assholes in the past,
but these folks aren't anything like them.  We are looking forward to
running the yacht," Jeri said.

"I think one of the nicest things is that they respect what we say
and suggest," April said.  "So many owners make demands about things
they know nothing about.  They can make you feel like you're a peon
and like you're stupid.  I've never felt that way about any of them."

"Working with Jack, Tom, Kim, and Sally has been okay then?" Liz

"Those kids are so nice!  They know they don't know and they want to
learn.  I don't mind answering their questions because they're so
sincere," Jeri said.

April refilled the wine glasses.  Taking the empty bottle to the
kitchen, she returned with a full one.

"Kim and Sally are so cute!  I couldn't believe it when they became
excited about learning how to fold a napkin of all things.  Too bad
they aren't a little older," April said with a giggle.

"You dirty old broad!  You'd love to get your hands on those two
cuties, wouldn't you?" Jeri said.

"What can I say?  Like I said, they're cute-they're sexy too!" April

Laughing, Jeri put her right hand on April's thigh.  She rubbed her
for a moment before moving her hand between April's legs.  "I guess
you'll have to settle for me, Sweetie."

April playfully swatted at Jeri's hand, but opened her legs a little
at the same time.  "Behave, we have company, Jeri," April said.

"They know we're a couple."  Jeri leaned forward so she could see
Liz past Joanne.  "It doesn't bother you two if we fool around, does

Chuckling, Liz and Joanne shook their heads.  Jeri put her left hand
on Joanne's leg, stroking her lightly.  "Does this bother you?"

Joanne gripped Liz's wrist, lifting her hand away from her leg.  She
stood up, removed her panties, and sat down again.  Taking Liz's
hand, Joanne returned it to her leg.

"Now it doesn't bother me," Joanne said with a chuckle.

Laughing, Jeri moved her hand up against April's slightly splayed
crotch.  She stroked April's mons and said, "I guess it doesn't."

Liz chuckled, got up, and went over to April.  She wiggled between
April and Jeri, pushing Jeri's hand away.  The four women began to
touch each other, giggling while they explored.  After a few moments,
they took a drink from their wine glasses.

"I think you and April are over dressed," Jeri said as she placed
her glass on the coffee table.  She gripped April's panties,
chuckling as she pulled them down her legs.  "We need to fix that!"

"It would be nice to go for a swim," Joanne said.  "Is the pool
ready yet?"

"It sure is.  The pool company was here yesterday.  We can go down
if you'd like to," Jeri said.

Joanne got up, offering her hand to Jeri.  Glancing at Liz and
April, she said, "Are you two coming with us?"

Laughing, the four of them headed for the pool.  April grabbed
towels before leaving the apartment.  They jumped into the pool,
swimming in the refreshing water.  Joanne and Jeri moved into the
shallow water so they could stand with their heads above water.  When
Jeri took Joanne in her arms and kissed her, Joanne responded.

"Your husband is going to kill me if he finds out, Jo," Jeri said.

"No he won't.  Sam knows Jo goes both ways now."  Liz said as she
and April came up to Joanne and Jeri.  "In fact, both our husbands
know we were going to be having some fun."

"How do they know?" Joanne asked Liz.

"I told Jerry I was going to seduce you if you'd let me.  He laughed
and said he lost a bet to Sam," Liz said as she stood with her arm
around April's waist.  "Please don't tell me you weren't thinking the
same thing I was when we found out we'd be down here together for a
few days."

Joanne giggled.  "Well, I was really hoping we could."

"I didn't know you two were bisexual," April said.

"Neither did I until a few months ago.  Liz introduced me to it,
along with many other things," Joanne said.

"I thought your group was very friendly with each other," April said.

Laughing, Liz said, "That's an understatement!"

The women moved out of the water.  Jeri led them into the cabana so
they could rinse the chlorine off their bodies and out of their hair.
While in the shower stall, they took turns washing each other.  Liz
and Jeri washed one another while Joanne and April did the same. 
Once they were finished, they dried off before returning to the

"It's only eight o'clock, why don't we get dressed and go out for a
couple hours?" April said when the four women we back upstairs. 
"Jeri and I know a great little club I think you'd like."

Jeri giggled as she nodded in agreement.  It didn't take much
convincing to talk Joanne and Liz into going out.  The women dried
and styled their hair before getting dressed.  At April's suggestion,
Liz and Joanne wore mini skirts and tank tops.  Once they were ready,
Jeri called for a cab.  The women went down to the driveway, standing
together while they waited for their ride.

When the cab arrived the four of them squeezed into the backseat of
the car.  Jeri told the driver where they were going, sitting back
after she did.  The ride to the club took about fifteen minutes. 
Jeri paid the driver before leading the group into the small building.

Inside, Joanne noticed the other people.  There were men coupled
with men, and women with women.  She gripped April's arm, realizing
they were in a gay club.  The four women found a table.  April
ordered wine for the group and sat near Joanne.  When the disk jockey
began playing music, April asked Joanne to dance.

"I've never been to a club like this before," Joanne said to April
as they moved to the music.

"It doesn't bother you, does it?" April asked.

"No, not at all, April.  I think I'm going to have fun."  Joanne
moved her hand up and down April's back, pulling her closer.

"Do you and April come here often?" Liz asked as Jeri led her to the
dance floor.

"Not really, in fact, we haven't been here since we got the job with
Tomiko," Jeri replied, taking Liz in her arms.

"Well, I guess you don't have to worry about being hit on, do you?"
Liz asked with a chuckle.

"Not by men," Jeri replied.

While they danced, Jeri moved her hand down to Liz's bottom.  Liz
was about to react, but didn't when she noticed most of the other
couples were touching each other much like Jeri was touching her. 
She saw two men share a kiss as they danced closely.

"You're apt to see almost anything in here, Liz.  Don't be surprised
if you see two people getting very close, if you know what I mean."

"Are you telling me people have sex in here?"

"It's happened before-it isn't all that uncommon in this place. 
It's mostly kissing and touching, but I have seen some pretty wild
things before."

"Like what?" Liz asked.

"I've seen one girl put another on a table and go down on her.  I've
also seen two guys fooling around-you know, one guy giving another a
head job or a hand job in a corner.  After a while, you learn to
ignore it," Jeri said as she kneaded Liz's ass.

Giggling, Liz said, "If you keep that up, you might find yourself on
a table!"

"Not me, you're going to have to wait until we get home.  I'll do a
lot of things in public, but not that," Jeri said.  She giggled,
kissing Liz on the cheek.  "I know you're just kidding, Hon."

Jeri turned Liz around.  "It looks like April and Jo are getting
along, doesn't it?"

Liz watched Joanne and April kissing, their tongues obviously in
each other's mouths.  Joanne's hand was on April's breast while
April's hand was under the back of Joanne's short skirt.  Dancing
closer to Joanne, Liz bumped against her.

"Get a room you two," Liz said with a chuckle.

"Why, this is so much fun!" Joanne replied.

The women danced to a few songs, several of them fast.  While they
danced, their short skirts flipped up, exposing their butts at times.
Liz headed to the table to rest and the rest of the group followed.

"I haven't danced like that in a long time," Joanne said.  "I'm glad
you and Jeri asked us out."

"We don't have to stay real late.  Jeri and I have to be at work in
the morning," April said.

Liz was going to mention leaving time to fool around, but figured it
wasn't necessary.  Jeri ordered more wine for them, chatting with the
server when she delivered the drinks to the table.

"That's Todd and his partner Angelo," Jeri said, pointing at two
good-looking men.  "They work on a yacht out of Miami.  I captained
the yacht with them one time.'

"Wow, what a waste," Joanne said with a giggle.  "Those two are hot!"

"They are bi, Jo.  They're a lot like April and me, they prefer each
other, but they do go out with girls too.  I have been to a couple of
SF parties with them," Jeri said.

"What is a SF party?" Joanne asked.

Laughing, April leaned close and said, "Sport fucking, SF stands for
a sport fucking party.  It's where a bunch of people, a lot of them
strangers, get together for sex with no strings attached."

"You know, a few months ago that would have repulsed me-now it
sounds intriguing," Joanne said.  "Sometimes I think I was living in
a vacuum, at least since high school."

"You just had issues you had to deal with, Jo.  I wouldn't beat
myself up over them anymore.  You're not the same person you used to
be," Liz said.

"What happened?" April asked.  "I'm sorry; it isn't any of my

"That's okay, April, don't worry about it," Joanne said.  She told
April and Joanne about her life in high school and the changes after
marrying Sam.  When she told them about meeting the Graham and Lewis
families, April nodded while Liz giggled.

"We all have things in our past, Jo.  Some things are good, others
aren't.  No matter, we move on.  I would have never thought I'd end
up loving a woman like I love Jeri, but after a few bad
relationships, I was ready to try anything.  The last guy I was with
used to get off on hitting me," April said.

"I still like a nice stiff cock now and then, but I look to Jeri for
love and tenderness now.  I don't think I could ever feel for a man
like I do for her," April continued.

"It's different for me," Liz said.  "I like the sex with another
woman, but I would never leave Jerry.  He is a loving, understanding
man and I love him with all my heart."

"That sums it up for me too.  I love sex, with men or women, but Sam
is my soul mate and sex with him is the best," Joanne said.

"As it should be, Jo.  Do you know how few people can achieve a
relationship like that-not many?  It's hard for most people to set
aside petty jealousy and just enjoy life.  I know April loves me and
me alone.  I believe it in my heart.  I love her the same way and I
don't get all bent out of shape when we have sex with other people,"
Jeri said.

"That's good because if I have my way, April and I are going to get
very close tonight," Joanne said with a giggle.

Jeri put her hand on Liz's shoulder.  She pulled her close, kissing
Liz tenderly.  "I don't think that's going to be a problem, Hon,"
Jeri said.

Joanne and April got up to dance again.  This time, Joanne was much
more affectionate than the first time.  She ran her hands over April,
slipping one under her skirt.  When she realized April wasn't wearing
panties, Joanne giggled.

"You're a naughty girl, April," Joanne said.

"It's all for you, if you want it," April said in Joanne's ear.  "If
you touch me, you'll find out how wet I am for you."

Joanne glanced around before slipping her hand under the front of
April's skirt.  When she felt the heat and moisture of April's sex,
Joanne sighed.  "Mmmm, I can't wait until I get you home."

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do when you do?" April asked.

"I'm going to eat you until you scream out loud!"

"I think we should go, don't you?" April said with a chuckle.

April and Joanne went to the table, sitting down to wait until Jeri
and Liz finished dancing.  While they waited, Joanne and April kissed
each other.  April reached under Joanne's skirt, tugging at her
panties.  "You should get rid of these things, Hon," April said.

Giggling, Joanne slid under the table a little further.  She reached
under her skirt, removing her underwear while glancing around to make
sure no one was watching.  Joanne balled the panties in her hand,
handing them to April.  April took the garment, brought her hand to
her nose and inhaled deeply.  Grinning, she put the panties in her

Jeri and Liz returned to the table.  April told Jeri it was time to
go and that she should call a cab.  Jeri nodded and went to the bar
to ask the bartender to call a cab for them.

On the ride back to the estate, the cab driver kept glancing in his
rearview mirror.  April and Joanne kissed and touched like two teens
on a date.  When the driver pulled into the driveway, Liz paid and
tipped him.

On the way up the stairs, April followed Joanne, flipping her skirt
up so Liz and Jeri could see her naked bottom.  Liz laughed while
making comments about Joanne's lack of panties.  In the apartment,
the women began kissing.  They sprawled out on the couch as they
turned one another on.  The session became frenzied, and soon all
four were naked.

Jeri got up from the couch.  She took Liz's hand in right hand and
Joanne's in her left.  Without saying a word, Jeri led the two women
into the bedroom.  April followed, turning off the lights on the way.
After turning down the king size bed, the four women got on it.

"Do you guys want to share one bed or would you and April like to go
to the other bedroom?" Jeri asked.

"This is fine with me," Joanne said as she stroked Jeri's leg with
one hand and April's with her other hand.

Liz put her hand on Joanne's sex and said, "I guess we'll all play

"What me to get the toys?" April said.

Giggling, Joanne said, "Maybe tomorrow night.  I'd rather just be
together like this."

Jeri began kissing Liz while April kissed Joanne.  When Joanne began
moving down April's body, covering her with kisses, April told her to
turn around.