Eddie, Walt, and Brad went to the cockpit to get the rods ready. 
Jenny sat at the helm and watched for other boats.  They were getting
close to the area they had caught the sailfish and marlin in the day

"I can see why you guys like fishing so much.  It's beautiful out
here in the morning," Molly said.

"We love everything about it," Kathy said.

"I really want to thank you for letting me stay last night.  I had a
great time," Molly said.  "I still feel funny about sleeping with you
and Eddie though."

"Why?  No one did anything except sleep," Kathy said.  "Well, I
guess Eddie did feel you up."

Molly blushed while the other girls giggled.

"That's my brother for you.  Eddie can't keep his hands off a nice
set of boobs," Jenny said.

"I still can't get over how causal you and Kathy are about boys and
sex," Penny said.  "I am getting comfortable being naked though.  I
noticed that after a little while, you forget about it."

"Being naked is fun for us.  We don't think of it as being sexual
when we're just hanging around.  At home, we swim naked all the
time," Jenny said.

"Yesterday was the first time I went swimming naked," Penny said.

"Just remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to,"
Kathy said.  "We want to have fun on the boat.  We don't want anyone
to feel like they have to do anything."

"I didn't feel like I was being forced.  That's what made it fun for
me," Penny said and then she giggled.  "It made it fun for Walt too."

Molly moved to the rail.  She looked down, watching the guys rigging
the fishing rods.  When Eddie looked up and smiled at her, Molly felt
her stomach flip.  Kathy noticed Molly.  She went to the rail and
stood next to her.

"Are you okay, Molly?" Kathy asked.

Molly nodded, but didn't stop watching Eddie, Brad, and Walt.

"You're not upset about the joking around, are you?"

Molly shrugged her shoulders and said, "I can't tell when you're
serious and when you're joking."

"Joking mostly.  We don't take many things too seriously," Kathy said.

"Not even Eddie?"

"Molly, I love Eddie.  I love Jenny and Brad too.  We all get along
great and have a blast because of it.  You were in a serious
relationship with Lenny.  From what you've said, you felt smothered
and that he was taking advantage of you.  None of us feel that way
about each other."

"I always thought that when you were with someone you didn't mess
around with other guys," Molly said.

"If that's what you want.  Frankly, I'm not ready to feel tied down
yet.  If I want to go out with another guy, I don't want to feel like
I'm cheating.  I don't want to feel guilty."

"Do you feel the same way about Eddie?  Would you get all pissed if
he went out with another girl?"

"Not if it was what he wanted.  If he did it to try to hurt me, I
would be upset.  If he told me first, I wouldn't.  I wasn't kidding
when I told you I would share Eddie.  I know he feels the same way."

Kathy put her hand on Molly's back.  Rubbing her gently, Kathy said,
"Don't get all worked up about it.  You just broke up with your
boyfriend.  I think you need some time to think and decide what you
want to do.  Molly, you're more than welcome to hang around with us."

Molly felt tears forming in her eyes.  Turning to Kathy, she sighed.
Kathy surprised Molly by taking her in her arms and hugging her. 
Molly broke down and cried on Kathy's shoulder.  After a few minutes,
Molly lifted her head.

"I just met you and the others, but I feel like I've known you for a
long time.  You guys have a way of making me feel so welcome," Molly

"You are welcome to hang with us," Kathy said, repeating herself. 
"Shit, you're even welcome to sleep with Eddie and me."

Molly giggled and said, "I may take you up on that.  Next time, I
might attack Eddie."

"How about me?  Don't you want to attack me too?" Kathy said with a

"You never can tell."

Kathy moved one of her hands to Molly's bottom.  She put her other
hand on the shocked girl's breast.  Kathy kissed Molly while fondling
her butt and breast.  When Kathy released Molly, the two of them

"That was the first time I've been kissed and felt up by a girl,"
Molly said.

"Hope I didn't shock you too much."

"Kathy, it shocked me, but I have a feeling that if I hang around
with you guys I'll learn to just go with the flow.  I've been shocked
so many times the last two days that I'm getting numb."

"It's only been one day and a few hours.  You have a lot of time
left today," Kathy said.

Jenny slowed the boat.  In the cockpit, Eddie, Brad, and Walt
deployed the teasers.  Within a few minutes, they were on their first
troll.  Jenny had spotted a flock of seabirds diving in the water. 
She steered a course toward the birds, knowing there would be a ball
of baitfish near.

"You should go down so you can catch a fish if we hook-up," Kathy
said to Molly and Penny.

"I'd rather see Walt catch the first one if no one minds," Patty

"You're falling head over heels for Walt, aren't you, Penny?" Molly

Giggling, Penny said, "I think I already have.  Being with him
yesterday and last night has really made me realize how much I like
Walt.  The biggest thing is I'm not scared anymore."

"What were you afraid of?" Jenny asked from the helm.

"I don't know.  When we went out and parked, I was afraid he would
try things I didn't want him to.  We've had a chance to talk.  Now I
know he won't.  Walt promised he wouldn't try to do anything I didn't
want to do.  I believe him," Penny said.

"That's so nice.  I wish more guys were like that.  It sucks when
you feel pressured," Molly said.

Nodding, Penny said, "Walt never pressured me, but I was afraid he
would.  It wasn't until we talked that I knew he was sincere.  Now,
when we do it, we're going to share our virginity-he's not going to
take mine.  I didn't know, but he is a virgin too."

"Does that mean you two are going to go all the way?" Molly asked.

Penny grinned and nodded.

"When?" Molly asked, her voice cracking with excitement.

"I don't know.  When we're ready."  Penny giggled.  "When we have a
place we can do it other than in the car."

"Why don't you take him to the stateroom right now?" Molly said with
a giggle.

"Um, I have to get on the pill first.  Walt said he has condoms, but
I don't want to use one.  Not the first time we make love.  Now that
I've-we've decided, we can wait until the time is right."  Penny
blushed and giggled.  "We have other ways to take care of being horny."

"God, I wish I was as smart as you, Penny," Molly said.

"You can't go back, but you don't have to dwell on the past," Kathy
said.  "You'll get over what happened and move on, Molly.  The
important thing is to learn from our mistakes."

Molly giggled and said, "You're right!  I'll be damned if I'll let
some guy fuck me just because he says he loves me."

"That's right, Molly.  Next time, fuck because it feels good to you
and because you want to," Jenny said.  "Fucking is just as good as
making love-better sometimes."

Molly laughed.  "If someone would have said something like that to
me two days ago, I would have been pissed.  Now I believe it.  Why do
we make sex such a big deal?"

Kathy and Jenny laughed.  "We don't," Kathy said.  "We have sex for
two reasons.  Because it feels good and because we want to."

"What about making love?  Isn't that important to you?" Penny asked.

Jenny smiled and said, "Making love is very important to me, but you
don't have to have sex to make love.  Brad and I love to cuddle and
kiss.  To me, that's making love.  Having sex just adds to it."

Penny thought for a moment and then smiled.  "You're right!  When
Walt and I were snuggling last night, it felt as good as when we were
doing other things."

Kathy noticed Molly was blushing.  Kathy put her arm around Molly
and said, "You don't have to be embarrassed about last night."  Kathy
pulled her tighter to her side.  "You don't have to be embarrassed
about this morning either."

"There's a fish following the starboard rigger!" Kathy yelled as she
pointed at the water.

Molly and Penny stared at the water.  When Molly spotted the fish,
she let out a shriek.  She started bouncing and realized Kathy's arm
was still around her waist.

Penny watched Brad show Walt how to feed the lure to the fish.  When
the fish took the lure, Walt set the hook.

"Hey, Kathy, are you trying to seduce Molly?" Jenny said and then
she laughed.

Kathy let her hand drop to Molly's butt.  She gave Molly a squeeze
and said, "Yup, I sure am.  She's cute, isn't she?"

"Yeah, I'm jealous," Jenny said.

"You two are nuts!" Molly said, but she didn't try to move away from

"Yeah, but we're hot and sexy so we can get away with it," Jenny said.

"You and Kathy seem to have a lot of sex," Penny said.

"Not really.  I mean if you think about it, we do many other things
too.  We've been on the boat since Friday night.  Eddie and I only
screwed once and that was only for forty five minutes," Kathy said.

"Forty five minutes!" Molly said with a gasp.

"Yeah, I know.  It was a quickie," Kathy said.

"Shit, if Lenny lasted five minutes it was a long time.  He only
lasted that long if it was the second time he got off," Molly said.

"That can be fun once in a while.  Sometimes Eddie will jump me and
do it in five or ten minutes," Kathy said.

"This was every time!  That jerk would bounce on me, come and then
tell me how good he was," Molly said in disgust.

"You have to teach them how to last.  You have to slow them down. 
Giving a guy a blowjob first helps too," Jenny said.

Penny giggled and said, "I noticed it took Walt longer the second
time last night."

"Did you two get any sleep?" Molly asked.

"We got a few hours.  Walt and I talked a lot last night too.  We
found out things about one another we didn't know.  It was so nice,"
Penny said.

Walt fought the fish to the back of the boat.  Brad tagged it and
then Eddie managed to wrench the hook out of its mouth.  When the
guys began resetting the lines, Kathy asked Penny and Molly who was
next.  Penny and Molly went back and forth for a moment.  In the end,
Molly went down to the cockpit.  Penny had convinced her she wanted
to spend some time with Walt.

Kathy went down too.  She took Eddie's arm, telling him she needed
help getting drinks.  When she and Eddie were in the cabin, Kathy
took him in her arms.

"I love you, Baby," Kathy said and then she kissed Eddie.

"I love you too."

"Molly is still embarrassed about what happened this morning.  She's
also smarting over her breakup with Lenny.  Honey, I think she has a
crush on you," Kathy said.

"Okay, I'll make sure I don't flirt with her," Eddie said.

"Um, that's not why I'm telling you.  I think she needs you to flirt
with her.  Molly's putting on a good front, but I think she needs to
feel needed."  Kathy giggled.  "I've been trying, but I don't think
she wants a girl right now."

"Molly is bi?"

"I don't know.  She said she's never been with a girl before, but I
think she may like to try it."

Eddie gave Kathy a hug.  "Can I watch?"

"Sure, maybe you can join in."

"Hmmm, new blood.  Sounds good to me," Eddie said.  "Look, I'll feel
Molly out.  I won't push it, but if she's receptive to some flirting,
I'll give her some."

Kathy moved her hand to Eddie's crotch.  She rubbed him through his
sweatpants and giggled.  "Are you going to give her some of this?"

"What are you trying to tell me, Kathy?  Is there something going on
between us I don't know about?"

"No, Honey.  I'm just letting you know that if you want to broaden
your horizons, I understand.  I love you.  I hope you know that.  I'm
just willing to have us explore a little if the opportunity arises."

"You're telling me to have sex with Molly?"

"No.  I'm telling you that I love you and that I'm willing to share
you.  It's not just Molly, with anyone.  Eddie, we're still young. 
We don't know what our future holds.  I don't want to end up married
and wondering if we did the right thing."

"You and Jenny have been talking, haven't you?"

"Jenny and I talk all the time.  If you're suggesting we've been
talking about you and Brad, you're right.  No matter what happens I
think we'll still love each other.  I know I'll always love you.  I
don't want you to miss out on life because you feel held back by me."

Eddie and Kathy hugged and kissed for a few moments.  Smiling, they
went to get sodas for the rest of the group before returning to the

Before they went through the hatch, Eddie stopped Kathy.  "Baby you
are the greatest girl a guy could ever hope for.  I don't know what
the future holds either.  If you feel you want to, what did you call
it?  Expand your horizons, the same goes for you too.

"I love you and I'm also willing to share.  The only thing I want is
for us to talk-like we just did.  If we can agree on things, our love
won't suffer."

Kathy and Eddie went out to the cockpit.  They handed out the cans
they carried and then Kathy went up to be with Jenny.

Penny and Walt stayed in the cockpit.  Walt leaned against the
gunwale while Penny snuggled her back against his chest.  He circled
her waist with his arms, holding her to him.

Kathy sat next to Jenny, handing her a soda.  She stared out over
the vastness of the blue ocean and thought about what she had done.

"I just let Eddie go," Kathy said to Jenny.

"What!  You broke up with him?" Jenny responded in surprise.

Kathy told Jenny about the conversation she and Eddie had.  When
Kathy finished, Jenny smiled.

"Brad and I have talked about that too.  We agree we're open to new
experiences and other people.  Does what you did have anything to do
with Molly?" Jenny said.

"Yes, partly.  It isn't just Molly though. I'm tired of feeling
guilty when Brad and I fool around.  We talked about this before, but
if we limit it to our brothers, we're only fooling ourselves.  If
we're going to be less serious, it has to be with everyone.  Doesn't

"Yeah, I guess you're right.  Does this mean you're going to start
dating other guys?" Jenny asked.

"No, but I'm not going to feel guilty when I think a boy is cute, or
if he turns me on.  If the right guy asked, I might go out with him."

Jenny giggled.  "Do you have anyone in mind?"

"Not really, but I think Tom is cute."

"He's with Kim."

"I know, but one never knows, does one?" Kathy said with a smirk.

Kathy and Jenny continued to talk.  Brad came up and mentioned that
no one was spotting for fish.  Kathy went to the rail and stared at
the water.  A few minutes later, she saw a shadow.

"There's a fish chasing the port teaser," Kathy yelled down to Eddie.

Eddie grabbed one of the rods with a lure on it.  He gave it to
Molly and began coaching her.  While telling her what to do, Eddie
put his hand on her back.  Molly hooked the fish and the fight was on.

While she tussled with the sailfish, Eddie helped her into the
harness.  He wasn't the least bit cautious about where he touched
Molly.  Molly didn't care where he touched her.  During the fight,
Eddie paid attention to Molly.

"Don't pull back too hard, you'll hurt your boobs," Eddie said.

"Maybe you should use your hands to protect them for me," Molly said
with a giggle.

"I don't want to get slapped."

"I didn't slap you this morning when you were feeling me up."  Molly
laughed and then screeched as the fish jumped.

"Kathy is going to be mad at me for flirting with you," Molly said.

"I don't think so, but I'll stop flirting with you if you want me
to," Eddie said.  "Reel down, pull back."

Molly brought the fish to the stern.  Brad tagged it and then Eddie
removed the hook.  He told Molly that they cut the line on larger
fish, but he could get a hold of the smaller sailfish.

The group fished until noon.  They hooked two additional fish,
giving Penny and Walt a chance to fight and catch them.  Kathy
suggested they head in so they could swim and have lunch.

Eddie, Brad, and Walt reeled in the lines.  While they cleaned the
tackle and put it away, the girls sat on the flying bridge.  Kathy
took the helm so Jenny could go down to the head.

"Would you like to drive, Molly?" Kathy asked.

"I'll try.  I've never done it before."

Kathy held the wheel while Molly slipped into the helmsman's seat. 
She told Molly not to grip the wheel too hard and not to over steer. 
After a few minutes, Molly relaxed.

"Are we going skinny dipping again today?" Penny asked Jenny when
she came back up to the flying bridge.

"If you want to we can.  We'll anchor where we were yesterday,"
Jenny said.

Kathy showed Molly how to follow the chart plotter to their
destination.  Once they arrived, Kathy told Molly to put the boat in
neutral.  When the boat stopped coasting, Kathy dropped the anchor.

Brad and Eddie pulled out the deckchairs while Kathy shut the boat
down.  The girls came down from the flying bridge to join the guys.

"It's much warmer when we're closer to shore and not moving," Penny

"It feels good to just sit here," Molly said.  "This is so much fun!"

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I going for a swim," Brad
said as he stripped.  He went to the transom door and opened it. 
Glancing back, Brad jumped in.

Eddie and Kathy were next to jump into the refreshing water.  They
swam to the bow so they could stand in the shallower water.  A few
moments later, the rest of the group joined them.

The teens began to frolic in the cool water.  Kathy whispered to
Molly and they went after Eddie.  When they caught him, Kathy grabbed
Eddie from behind.

"Let's make an Eddie sandwich," Kathy said to Molly.  "Grab him!"

Molly hesitated for a moment.  Kathy encouraged her so she hugged
Eddie from the front.  Molly and Kathy pressed Eddie between them. 
The play wasn't sexual.  It took Molly a moment to realize they were
just having fun.  Eddie managed to squirm away.  Laughing, he moved
toward Jenny and Brad.

Penny and Walt had been off to the side watching the others play. 
They hugged and kissed one another while commenting on what was going
on.  Finally, they moved closer and joined in the fun.

Brad began splashing.  Eddie dunked Kathy and then went after Molly.
Moving behind her, Eddie grabbed Molly around the waist.  When he
swung her around, her wet body slipped in his arms.  Eddie's arms
slid up to Molly's breasts.  He paused for a moment, squeezing her
breasts with his arms before throwing her under.

The teens decided to get out of the water.  They swam to the stern
and climbed onto the swim platform.  Once they were in the cockpit,
Brad used the hose to rinse off saltwater.  One at a time, they
turned so Brad could spray them.

Jenny passed out towels.  They dried themselves and relaxed in the
deckchairs so the sun could finish drying them.

"We should make lunch," Eddie said.  "I think it's the guys' turn."

"Yes it is," Kathy said.

Brad, Eddie, and Walt went to the galley to make sandwiches.  They
worked together and had lunch ready in a few minutes.  Brad told the
girls and they came in.

After eating, the girls cleaned up while the guys watched.  They
talked about the morning's fishing and how much fun they were having.

Penny and Walt blushed when Penny told the others they were going to
take a nap.  Brad and Jenny teased them, telling Penny and Walt to
make sure they got some sleep.

Penny took Walt's hand and led him to the guest stateroom.  The
moment she closed the door, they were in each other's arms.

The rest of the group went outside to sit in the sun.  Jenny and
Brad began fooling around.  They excused themselves and went to the
master stateroom.

Suddenly Molly felt like she was interfering.  She shifted nervously
in her chair, glancing at Kathy and Eddie.  When Kathy noticed, she
smiled at Molly.

"Um, you two can go in too.  I'll stay out here," Molly said.

"Don't be silly, Molly.  The only way Kathy and I are going to go
fool around is if you join us," Eddie said with a big grin.

Kathy giggled and said, "Maybe we should leave Eddie out here."

Molly blushed, but she also thought about what Kathy said.  She had
been thinking about what it would be like with another girl since
Kathy began teasing her about it.  When Molly felt a tingling in her
vagina, she realized the idea didn't offend her.

Taking a chance, Kathy got up and sat on Molly's lap.  Before Molly
could react, Kathy kissed her.  Molly's mouth opened in shock, but
she moaned when Kathy's tongue slipped in.  Holding the back of
Molly's head with one hand, Kathy held the kiss.  She moved her other
hand to Molly's breast, massaging it.

When Kathy broke the kiss, she noticed how Molly was breathing. 
Kathy gave her another kiss and then whispered in her ear.

"You liked that, didn't you?" Kathy said and then she nibbled the
startled girl's earlobe.

Molly blushed, but nodded her head.

"So did I.  If you tell me to, I'll get up."

"What if I don't tell you to get up?" Molly said.

"Then I'm going to kiss you again.  That or I'm going to take you
into the salon.  Molly, it's up to you," Kathy whispered.

Kathy glanced at Eddie.  When she saw his erection, she put her
mouth back to Molly's ear.

"I think we're exciting Eddie," Kathy whispered.

Molly looked at Eddie and gasped.  "Um, it seems we are."

Kathy gave Molly another kiss.  She removed her mouth from Molly's
and stood up.  Extending her hand, Kathy pulled Molly out of the
chair when she took it.

Kathy gave Molly a reassuring hug.  "Should we invite Eddie or do
you what it to be just us?"

Molly took a deep breath.  "Invite him," Molly said softly.

While leading Molly into the salon, Kathy used her head to signal
Eddie.  He smiled and followed them.

Kathy sat Molly on the settee.  She sat next to her, putting her arm
around her shoulders.  Molly didn't resist when Kathy pulled her into
a kiss.  Eddie stood watching for a moment.  He sat on the other side
of Molly and began stroking her hair and back.  After a moment, Kathy
turned Molly's head so Eddie could kiss her.

Molly felt her body warming while Eddie searched the inside of her
mouth with his tongue.  Kathy's hands roamed over Molly's body.  She
fondled the girl's breasts and then lowered her head to suck one of
Molly's nipples.  Molly moaned and arched her back.

Kathy ran her fingertips over Molly's stomach.  She began to stroke
her mons, causing Molly to suck in a deep breath.  Eddie continued to
kiss Molly while Kathy played with the tuft of pubic hair on Molly's

"You can stop this anytime you want to, Molly," Kathy whispered in
her ear.

Kathy waited for a response.  When Molly didn't remove her mouth
from Eddie's, Kathy slid her hand between Molly's legs.  She toyed
with her labia, feeling the heat and moisture.  Kathy slid off the
settee.  She knelt on the deck, placing her hands on Molly's knees.

Kathy applied pressure to the insides of Molly's knees and Molly
opened her legs.  Kathy kissed Molly's thighs, working her way to her
crotch.  When she felt Kathy's tongue on her vulva, Molly broke the
kiss with Eddie.

Throwing her head back, Molly let out a groan.  Eddie watched Molly
for a moment.  He smiled when he saw the look of lust on her face. 
Molly put her hand on the back of Kathy's head.  She ran her fingers
through Kathy's hair and began to pant.

"Oh my God, Kathy!  That's so wonderful," Molly babbled.

Eddie leaned over.  He took one of Molly's nipples between his lips
and began to suck and nibble the rigid nub.  Kathy used her finger to
penetrate Molly while she flicked her tongue over her clit.

Molly moaned, begged, and wiggled as Kathy and Eddie continued to
drive her lust to a level she had never experienced.  Molly didn't
think of who was doing what.  She was nearly delirious and unable to
think clearly.

Eddie massaged one breast while suckling the other.  He kissed his
way up Molly's chest.  Eddie planted wet kisses on her neck and then
moved to Molly's mouth.  When their lips met, Molly slammed her mouth
against Eddie's.

Molly's orgasm was so intense she found it hard to breath.  She
chanted incoherently as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through
her quivering body.  Molly's stomach muscles rippled and her vagina
contracted around Kathy's probing fingers.  The climax ebbed, only to
rise again.  Molly yelled into Eddie's mouth while her fingertips
raked his back.

Molly's body went limp.  Eddie gave her one last tender kiss before
leaning back to see the look on her face.  Kathy kissed her way up
Molly's overheated body.  She kissed her lips and then sat next to
her.  Molly's flushed body heaved with her labored breathing.  Her
breathing was a series of gasps with lulls while she held her breath.
Eddie and Kathy held her while Molly recovered.

Once she had regained some of her composure, Molly put her arms
around Kathy and Eddie.  She turned her head from side to side,
kissing each of her new lovers' lips.

"Are you okay?" Kathy asked in a low throaty voice.

"What did you do to me?  I have never felt like that before," Molly

Kathy giggled and said, "Does that mean you liked it?"

"Oh yes!  Thank you." Molly said.  She kissed Kathy and then she
kissed Eddie.  "Thanks to both of you."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have
something to take care of.  I think Eddie needs some relief," Kathy
said as she slipped to the deck.

Molly watched Kathy take Eddie's penis between her lips.  Kathy
lowered her head, taking most of his member into her mouth.  Molly
kissed Eddie.  She began kissing his chest and then joined Kathy on
the deck.  While Kathy bobbed her head on Eddie's erection, Molly
fondled his testicles.

Gripping Eddie's shaft with her hand, Kathy offered the slick member
to Molly.  Molly kissed the glans.  She opened her mouth, feeling
Eddie's penis glide over her lips.  For the first time, Molly didn't
feel uncomfortable having a penis in her mouth.

Kathy and Molly took turns giving Eddie a blowjob.  Molly couldn't
take in as much of his penis as Kathy could, but Eddie didn't mind. 
When the two girls began sliding their lips up and down his shaft at
the same time, Eddie tangled his hands in their hair.

Kathy and Molly kept their mouths moving up and down Eddie's penis. 
When they reached the tip, their lips met in a brief kiss.  Kathy
wrapped her hand around Eddie's shaft, pumping him with her fist. 
Molly and Kathy kissed his glans and each other at the same time
while Kathy jacked Eddie off.

Eddie let out a groan.  Kathy knew he was close and warned Molly. 
Undaunted, Molly kept her mouth on the glans.  When Eddie began
ejaculating, Molly and Kathy opened their mouths to capture his semen.

Eddie stopped spurting his come.  Kathy took his penis in her mouth,
sucking it for a moment.  Molly kissed his shaft until Kathy removed
her mouth.  When his penis was exposed, Molly clamped her lips around
the head.  She swirled her tongue around the rubbery glans, savoring
the feel and taste.

Kathy pulled Molly's head up.  She leaned close, kissing Molly and
swapping the semen in her mouth with Molly.  The two girls broke the
kiss.  They swallowed and then giggled.

"Thanks girls, that was great," Eddie said.

"Yes it was," Molly said as she got up.  "That was the first time I
really enjoyed giving head."

Kathy sat on one side of Eddie while Molly snuggled against him on
the other.  Eddie draped his arms over their shoulders, pulling the
two of them close.

"Give a minute to recover and I'll take care of you, Baby," Eddie
said to Kathy.

"Um, I think that's my job," Molly said.  She giggled and crawled
across Eddie.  Molly kissed Kathy tenderly.  "You'll have to tell me
what to do."

Eddie moved so he could watch Kathy and Molly.  Molly began to kiss
Kathy and rub her breasts.  She started to move down Kathy's body and
Kathy told Molly to slow down.

Molly and Kathy hugged, kissed, and touched each other.  They became
lost in one another, forgetting that Eddie was watching them.  Kathy
guided Molly, showing her what she liked.  Molly complied, kissing
and touching Kathy.

Kathy put her hands on Molly's shoulders.  Molly knew what Kathy
wanted and moved to the deck.  Kneeling between her legs, Molly
looked up at Kathy.  Kathy opened her legs.  Molly gazed at Kathy's
vulva for a moment.  She leaned in and gave Kathy's sex a tentative
kiss.  Kathy gently stroked Molly's head.  She ran her fingers
through Molly's damp red hair while Molly became used to what she was

Molly swiped her tongue over Kathy's labia.  When she tasted the
tangy juices that escaped the puffy lips, Molly realized it didn't
taste offensive.  Molly had heard about girls that tasted themselves,
but she had never garnered the courage to do it.  Now she wondered why.

Kathy's moans and wiggling hips encouraged Molly.  She became
determined to give Kathy the pleasure she had received.  Molly
inserted one of her fingers in Kathy's vagina.  She used her tongue
to lap at Kathy while her finger sawed in and out.  Kathy tangled her
hands in Molly's hair.  She humped her hips, rubbing her sex against
Molly's face.  A few moments later, Kathy's orgasm rocked her.  Molly
felt empowered and stabbed her tongue into Kathy's vagina.

When Kathy fell back, Molly kissed all around her sex.  She licked
her vulva, collecting as much of Kathy's juices as she could.  Molly
moved up to Kathy's mouth and the two girls shared a kiss.

Sated, the three of them relaxed on the settee.  Molly snuggled
against Eddie's left side while Kathy snuggled against his right
side.  He put his arms around the girls, holding them snuggly to his

Molly's mind reeled with the events she had participated in with
Kathy and Eddie.   For the first time, she felt completely satisfied,
sexually, and more importantly, emotionally.  She felt wanted, not
used.  She felt no guilt about any part of what she had done.

Eddie's arm cramped, causing him to jerk.  Kathy and Molly woke up
and asked what was wrong.

"My arm cramped," Eddie said.  "I'm okay now.'

"Why don't we take a swim?  I need to rinse off-I'm all sweaty,"
Kathy said.

Molly followed Kathy and Eddie outside.  They jumped in the water,
swimming around behind the boat for a few minutes.  When they climbed
out, they felt refreshed.  Eddie rinsed the girls.  Kathy took the
hose and did the same for Eddie.

"That felt great," Molly said.

"Yes it did, I'm ready to go again," Kathy said with a giggle.

"Have fun, I need more rest," Eddie said.

"Bullshit, I know you could do it again," Kathy said.

Kathy and Eddie laughed.  Molly blushed.  She was getting better,
but Molly wasn't as comfortable with the open talk about sex that
Kathy and Eddie were.

"So, Sweetie, how did you like eating pussy?" Kathy asked Molly.

Molly felt her face and chest heat up as she buried her face in her
hands.  "Have you no shame?" Molly mumbled.

"Me?  Nope, none at all," Kathy said.  "If I was ashamed, I wouldn't
do it."

Molly looked up.  "I'm not ashamed.  It's just that I'm still
getting used to all of this.  I'm still getting used to you guys." 
Molly giggled and then said, "Um, I liked it, Kathy."

"Liked what?" Jenny asked as she and Brad came out of the cabin.

Kathy looked at Molly.  When Molly realized Kathy wasn't going to
say anything, she did.  "Having sex with a girl," Molly said coyly.

Jenny grinned.  "Yeah, it's great!"  Jenny sat in one of the
deckchairs and glanced at her brother.  Eddie winked at Jenny.

Brad went up to start the engines.  Eddie went to the flying bridge
with Brad.

"You and Kathy had a threesome with Molly?" Brad said.

"We messed around, no one got fucked."

"Jenny and I had a talk about all of us.  She told me Kathy said you
can go out with other girls," Brad said.  "Jenny and I agreed to the
same thing."

"It's weird, but when I think about it, it makes sense.  I love
Kathy and I don't want another girlfriend, but it's nice not feeling
tied down.  Like I said, it sounds weird," Eddie said.

"Not to me, buddy.  I happen to agree with you.  You know I worship
Jenny.  I think our relationship is going to get even better now. 
I'm not looking for anyone, but I won't feel like shit when Kathy and
I screw around now."

"What happened with Molly wasn't a big deal.  It wasn't something we
all haven't done before," Eddie said as if he was justifying what

"That may be true for you and Kathy, but how about Molly?  Shit, she
just broke up with Lenny and a day later, she's having sex with you
and my sister.  How do you think she's going to take it if you two
treat it like it's no big deal?"

"I haven't thought about it.  Shit, you're right.  What am I going
to do?" Eddie said.

"You're going to have to play it by ear, Eddie."  Brad chuckled. 
"Who knows, it may be my sister that has the problem, not you.  Then
again, it could be both you and Kathy.  The good news is Molly is a
hottie.  If you end up with another girl, you could do a lot worse."

"Come on, be serious, Brad."

Bran put his hand on Eddie's shoulder.  "Eddie, I'm as serious as a
heart attack!  You had better watch close.  I know you'll hate
yourself if you hurt Molly-it's just the way you are."

"I will.  I need to talk to Kathy, don't I?"

"It wouldn't hurt," Brad said.

Brad pulled the anchor.  He turned the boat around and headed out of
the shallow water.

"Where do you want to go?" Brad asked.

"I think we should call it a day.  I have homework and we have to
wash down the boat," Eddie said.  "I'll go down and get some clothes
for us.  I'll let the girls know were headed in too."

Eddie went to the cockpit.  He told the girls about heading in. 
Jenny asked him to knock on the guest stateroom and let Penny and
Walt know what was going on.

Walt and Penny were coming up the steps when Eddie walked into the
cabin.  He told them to get dressed because they were heading back to
the marina.

Penny giggled, hugged Walt's arm and said, "Darn it, I'm getting
used to being naked."

"I'm already used to you being naked," Walt said.

"I'm used to you being naked too, Sweetie," Penny said.

Eddie grabbed shorts and tee shirts for him and Brad.  When Eddie
went up to the flying bridge, they got dressed.  Brad drove the boat
to the marina, backing into the slip.  Eddie and Walt tied the boat
to the pilings while Brad shut it down.

"We're going to wash down the boat," Eddie said.  "You girls may
want to go inside or on shore."

"We're going to clean the inside," Kathy said.

It took the teens an hour to clean the boat.  Eddie divided the
fish, giving everyone some of the fresh meat.  Once the boat was
secure, they left.

Eddie followed Molly to her car.  Before she got in, he gave her a
hug and a chaste kiss.  "I hope we didn't do anything that will make
you not want to see us again," Eddie said.

Molly hugged Eddie as tightly as she could.  "Not at all, Eddie.  I
hope we can all get together again soon.  I had a great time.  I'll
never forget any of it.  Eddie, I know what we did wasn't anything
more than the three of us having fun."

Eddie had to think about what Molly said for a moment.  He kissed
her forehead and said, "Molly, it was more than just having fun to
me.  I like you and, while I'm not going to break up with Kathy, I'd
really like to have you as our friend.  Why don't we just see what
happens.  I don't want any of us to make a snap decision that we may

"About being friends?" Molly said.

"No, about not being friends because we didn't talk about it first. 
I'll see you in school tomorrow."

Molly fought back the tears that were forming in her eyes.  While
Eddie held Molly, Kathy came over.  She joined the hug, causing Molly
to lose it.

"How can I ever thank you guys for being so understanding?" Molly
said as she sobbed softly.

"You don't have to, Molly," Kathy said.  She giggled and kissed
Molly on the cheek.  "However, if you feel you must thank me, I know
how you can do it."

Molly looked at Kathy.  Kathy licked her lips, sending the girls
into a fit of laughter.

"I'm going to hold you to that, Kathy," Molly said.

"Good.  We have to go.  I'll talk to you later," Kathy said.

"Kathy, would you mind if I called you guys?" Molly asked.

"I'd mind if you didn't, Molly.  You can call any of us anytime you
want to.  We get together at Eddie's to swim during the week.  We'd
love to have you join us," Kathy said.

After hugging and exchanging kisses, the three of them separated. 
Kathy and Eddie went to the van while Molly got into her car.  They
waved and pulled away.

Eddie dropped Walt and Penny off at Penny's house.  After agreeing
to get together again, they left.

"Do you want to go home or to our house?" Jenny asked Brad and Kathy.

"Why don't we go to your house?  Our parents are probably there,"
Brad said.

When they got to Eddie and Jenny's house, they saw Mr. and Mrs.
Waters' car in the drive.  Eddie parked next to it and the teens got
out.  They took their clothes and the frozen fish in the house.  The
parents were in the backyard, sitting around a table.

After a brief greeting, the kids told their parents about their
weekend.  Harry and Jack told their children that they worked on
Saturday.  The men told their children about the progress on the
fishing boat and the yacht.

"We have a few things we want to add to the fishing boat," Eddie
said.  "We're planning to stop at the boatyard after school tomorrow."

"As long as it doesn't involve any major changes," Harry said.

"Nothing major.  We want to add an intercom from the bridge and the
tuna tower to the cockpit.  We also want to add a fish cleaning area
to the tackle station and bait prep," Brad said.

"We're going to do our homework.  When is dinner?" Sally said.

"We'll have dinner at six.  I'm making lasagna, salad, and garlic
bread," Ellen said.

The four teens went in the house to do their schoolwork.  After an
hour, they finished.  Kathy sat next to Eddie on the couch while Brad
and Jenny sprawled out on the floor.

"Anyone want to go for a swim?" Jenny asked.

"I'll go with you, Baby," Brad said.

"We'll catch up with you," Eddie said.

Brad and Jenny went outside to go swimming.  Eddie turned to Kathy
and took her hand in his.

"Did we screw up today, Honey?" Eddie said.

Kathy smiled and said, "No, not as far as I'm concerned."

"I would hate it if we hurt Molly."

"Well, that's up to us, isn't it?  I don't know what's going to
happen, but I agree with you, I don't want to hurt her." Kathy said. 
"Do you want to know what I'd like to see happen?"

Eddie nodded.

"If I had my way, we would become three.  That is if Molly would be
down for it.  I love you, Eddie.  I don't want to break up.  I have a
growing feeling for Molly.  I think Molly is falling for you."

"Complicated, isn't it?" Eddie said.

"It could be.  It could be fun too.  You are a great guy.  It's easy
to see why a girl would fall for you.  I know I did.  I have always
had a thing for girls.  You know that.  I think we need to talk to
Molly and see what she wants.  Who knows, she might not want anything
to do with us other than being friends."

"True.  We are making plans that include someone that might not want
to be a part of it.  We'll talk to her when we get a chance.  What
ever we do, we shouldn't take too long to do it."

Kathy and Eddie began kissing.  They spoke softly, professing their
love for one another.  After a few moments, they went outside to be
with Jenny and Brad.

That night, after the Waters had left, Jenny took Eddie outside. 
They sat on the glider and enjoyed the cool night air.

"What are you and Kathy going to do about Molly?" Jenny asked her
brother.  "You two should have known better than to do what you did."

"We didn't force Molly to do anything, Jen."

"No, but you didn't do anything to stop it either.  You know she was
vulnerable after breaking up with her boyfriend.  If I didn't know
you and Kathy better, I'd say you took advantage of her."

"That wasn't our intent.  We were just kidding around and one thing
led to another.  Kathy and I gave her several opportunities to say
no.  Besides, we just had some fun.  I didn't screw her."

Jenny giggled and said, "Sometimes you can be so naïve.  Didn't you
pay attention to how Molly acted around you?  That girl is so smitten
it's almost funny."

"Kathy and I are going to talk to Molly as soon as we can.  We have
an idea to present to her."

"Can I ask what your idea is?"

"Um, Kathy thinks we could become three."

Jenny snickered.  "Well, that would solve one of Kathy's problems,
wouldn't it?"

"You mean her being bi?" Eddie said.

"Yeah, that's what I mean.  I like fooling around with Kathy
occasionally, but she wants more.  I can't give her anymore than I
have, or do.   Kathy wants a relationship that is as emotional as it
is sexual.  For me, it's just sex."

"I hope I don't lose Kathy to another girl."

"No chance of that."  Jenny giggled and rubbed Eddie's crotch.  "She
would never give up cock-your cock.  No, she just wants a girl she
can snuggle with when it suits her."

"Is that fair to Molly or any other girl?" Eddie said.

"It is if they both agree.  Kathy and I have talked about it.  She
knows I love her, but she also knows I can't give her what she wants.
Maybe Molly can-if Molly wants to be involved in a relationship like

"I have a lot to think about, don't I?"

"It seems you do.  Who knows, maybe Molly will wake up tomorrow and
chalk it all up to a great time."

Eddie and Jenny picked Brad and Jenny up the next morning.  Jenny
sat in back with Brad as she normally did.  Eddie parked the van and
they headed for the building.  Before they were half way across the
parking lot, Molly came scurrying up to them.

"Morning, how are you guys today?" Molly said.

"Great, how are you, Molly?" Jenny said.

"I'm doing well.  I had a nice talk with my mom last night.  She's
happy I dumped Lenny.  I think she's almost as happy as I am about
it.  Mom says thanks for the fish," Molly said.

The teens walked toward the building.  Penny and Walt joined the
group, greeting everyone.

"Walt, did you get pictures of me with my fish?" Molly asked. "I
don't know if Lenny is going to give me the ones he took."

"I have some.  I can also get them from Lenny if he doesn't give
them to you." Walt said.

"Thanks, Walt.  Penny, did your mom say anything about you staying
on the boat?" Molly said.

"Not really, but she did say something when I asked her if I could
go on the pill," Penny said and then she giggled.

"What did your mom say?  Did she go nuts?" Molly said.

"Surprisingly, no she didn't.  You won't believe it, but Mom said
she thought I was being responsible for asking," Penny said.

Walt beamed.  "When are you going to the doctors?"

Penny playfully smacked his arm.  "Mom said she would take me this
week, you horny devil!"

"You have to wait six months before the pill is effective," Kathy
said, trying to keep from laughing.

"Really?" Walt said, his face showing his disappointment.

"She's teasing you, honey.  We don't have to wait six months," Penny

"You are so mean," Molly said to Kathy.  "You can do it a lot sooner
than that, Penny.  What did your mom say about staying on the boat?"

"Like I said, Mom and I had a nice long talk last night.  She asked
if I did anything while I was on the boat.  I told her I slept in the
same bed as Walt," Penny said.

"No way!  What did she say?" Molly asked.

"You won't believe it.  She said she was glad I was honest with her.
After that, we talked for hours.  I have Jenny and Kathy to thank. 
They're the ones that wouldn't let me lie to my mom," Penny said.

While the group stood at the entrance waiting for the bell, Erin
came up to them.  She saw Molly and said, "Hi, Molly.  I didn't know
you knew these guys."

"I know them from school.  I went fishing with them this weekend,
Erin.  Are you a friend of theirs too?" Molly said

"Yeah!  Frank is Eddie and Jenny's cousin," Erin said.  Erin giggled
and said, "Molly and I are cousins.  Her mom is my dad's sister."

Molly looked at Eddie and laughed.  "Small world, isn't it?"

"No kidding, Molly," Kathy said.

"Erin, I dumped Lenny this weekend," Molly said.

"It's about time.  I never thought you guys were good together.  He
has a big mouth," Erin said.

The bell rang, signaling the start of classes.  The teens all said
goodbye and agreed to get together at lunch.  Before Molly walked
away, Eddie told her he and Kathy wanted to talk to her.  Molly
gasped, but when Eddie smiled and winked, she felt better.

Molly was waiting outside the cafeteria when Kathy and Eddie came
down the hallway.  They went in, got their meals and found a table
that was out of the way.  Kathy had told Jenny that she wanted to
talk to Molly and that they wanted to be alone for a few minutes. 
Eddie sat with Jenny and Brad, watching for a signal from Kathy.

"Is everything okay?" Molly asked.  "You two aren't mad at me are

"No, we're not mad.  Everything is fine.  We felt we should talk
though," Kathy said.  "Molly, how do you feel about what happened

"I'm okay with it.  I feel very lucky that you two included me,"
Molly said, but Kathy could tell there was more.

"What about what you and I did?  How do you feel about that now that
you've had a chance to think about it?" Kathy said.

Molly blushed.  "Um, I liked it-I liked it a lot."

"How about what you did with Eddie.  What we did with him?" Kathy

Once again, Molly blushed.  "I liked that too.  I liked snuggling
with you two afterwards too.  What are you getting at, Kathy.  Is
Eddie mad?"

Shaking her head, Kathy said, "No, he's not mad at you or me.  We
want to make sure you're not upset."

"Kathy, what are you trying to say?" Molly asked.

"It's kind of hard, but here it goes.  Eddie and I talked about us
last night.  By us, I mean the three of us.  Eddie likes you and so
do I-we like you a lot.  Eddie and I want to know what you want."

Molly shrugged her shoulders and pushed her fruit salad around with
her fork.  "I don't know what I want, Kathy.  Yesterday you and Eddie
showed me how good sex could be.  You also showed me how great
friends could be.  I don't have much experience with guys.  Lenny is
the only boy that I really did anything with and that turned out to
be a disaster.

"Lenny never made me feel like you and Eddie did.  He never gave me
an orgasm-I don't think he cared enough to try.  You and Eddie made
love to me.  To you it might have been sex, but it was much more to
me.  No matter who I'm with from now on, I will compare them to you

"Would you do it again?  I mean with Eddie and me?" Kathy asked.

"I'd do it in a heartbeat!  Not just for the sex.  Although that was
amazing, but for everything else you two did.  You treated me like
I've always wanted to be treated.  I felt like I was a part of
something.  Eddie was patient with me when I was fishing.  You were
open and honest.  What more could anyone ask for in a friend?"

"Molly, I'm bisexual.  I like girls almost as much as I like boys. 
I really loved being with you yesterday.  Not just when we were
fooling around, but all day.  When we were in bed together, I wanted
to be next to you.  When we were on the flying bridge, I wanted to
kiss you more than anything.  Jenny and I have fooled around, but I
want more.  I want some emotional connection too.

"Eddie and I have a proposition for you.  If you think we're nuts,
tell me and I'll never mention it again.  Please hear me out before
you say anything-okay?"

Molly stared at Kathy, nodding her head slowly.

"We want you to be with us, Molly.  We want us to be three.  I love
Eddie.  I don't want to break up with him.  He doesn't want to break
up with me.  We both like you and we want to…"

Molly began to cry.  She took a drink of her milk and tried to
compose herself.

"If you're asking me if I want to be with you and Eddie, as a
girlfriend to both of you, my answer is yes.  Last night I couldn't
think of anything else.  I tried to figure out a way to tell you and
Eddie how I feel.  No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find the
words.  I figured you two would think I was sick if I suggested
something like that.  I don't have to think about it, Kathy.

Kathy smiled.  She glanced at Eddie and waved him over.  "This is
for Eddie and I, isn't it."

Molly giggled and said, "Yes, we can include Eddie too."

Eddie came over to the table.  He stood at the end, looking between
Kathy and Molly.  Kathy giggled and said, "You didn't bring your
food, don't you want to eat lunch with our girlfriend?"

Eddie chuckled.  He looked at Molly, retuning her smile.  Nodding
his head, he went to get his tray so he could finish eating with
Kathy and Molly.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Kathy said, "She said
yes, Honey."

"That's wonderful, Molly," Eddie said.

Molly grinned.  Leaning in, she said, "I have a question.  I have a
million questions, but for now, just one.  Um, will it always be the
three of us?"

"Probably not, Molly.  I know Kathy is going to want to spend some
time alone with you.  I know I'll want to spend time alone with each
of you.  For now, we'll play it by ear and see how it goes.  This is
new to all of us.  It's going to take some time to sort things out. 
The most important thing we can do is be honest.

"There are going to be times we're going to disagree.  We have to
make sure we keep our lines of communications open so we can avoid
misunderstandings.  We have to understand when one of wants to be
with another.  If I tell you I want to be with Kathy, it isn't
because I don't care for you.  If you tell me you want to be with
Kathy, I will know it isn't because you don't care for me.

"We are going to have to work very hard.  We are going to have to
deal with our friends too.  I doubt most of them will understand.  It
isn't about what our friends want.  This is between the three of us,
no one else.  If we can all agree on that, we can make it work.  If
any of us start getting jealous, it could destroy the relationship
between all of us."

Kathy giggled and said, "See why I love this guy?"

"Yes, I certainly do.  I see why I'm falling for you guys too.  No
matter what, you look at life as an adventure.  You seem willing to
try anything without fearing how other people will react.  That takes
bravery.  I have spent far too much time worrying about what other
people thought about me.  It's time for me to start doing things
because I want to, not because I think it's what someone else wants,"
Molly said.

Tears of joy ran from Molly's eyes.  She wiped her eyes with her
napkin and took a deep breath.

"I want you to meet my Mom.  I want to meet your parents too.  I'm
not going to hide, not anymore.  I think that my mom has only met two
or three of the boys I've dated.  Can we do that?  Meet each other's

"We wouldn't have it any other way, would we, Kathy," Eddie said.

"Nope, we sure wouldn't.  I don't know about your mom, but I know my
parents will accept the fact we're together, Molly," Kathy said. 
"Not just the three of us.  You and me too."

"My mom's just going to have to accept it or die with it.  I'm not
going to be something I'm not in front of her either," Molly said. 
"Can you two come over tonight?"

"We have to work after school.  We can come over after we're
finished," Eddie said.

"Cool, I'll call you after I talk to Mom.  Maybe we can all have
dinner," Molly said.

The bell rang so the teens had to end their conversation.  Eddie put
his arms around Kathy and Molly.  As they walked out of the room,
Jenny and Brad gave them a thumb up.

After school, Eddie and Kathy met Molly in the parking lot.  They
talked for a moment and Kathy agreed to call Molly after work.  The
three gave each other kisses before going their separate ways.

When Brad and Jenny got into the van, Jenny asked how things went at
lunch.  On the way to the boatyard, Kathy and Eddie told their
siblings about the conversation.

Kathy finished telling her brother and Jenny what she, Eddie, and
Molly talked about at lunch.  Jenny shook her head and said, "I
really hope things work out for you guys."

"Thanks, Jenny, we hope it works out too," Eddie said.