Eddie, Jenny, Kathy, Brad, and Molly went to Sid's tackle shop the
next afternoon.  Eddie told Molly it may be boring for her, but she
insisted on going with her new friends.

"Hi, kids," Sid said as the group walked into the shop.

"Hi, Sid, nice to see you again," Eddie said.  The rest of the teens
said hi and Kathy introduced Molly.

"What do you guys need today?" Sid asked.  A phone call the day
before informed Sid of the shopping trip, but he wasn't supposed to
let on he knew.

"We're outfitting a seventy-five footer, Sid.  The boat doesn't have
a thing on her, yet.  We've helped design her and now we have to
equip her for fishing," Jenny said.

"Okay, what type of fishing are you rigging her for?" Sid asked.

"Almost anything.  The owner wants to do offshore trolling for
bills, dolphin, wahoo-you know, everything," Eddie said.  "We have a
list of some of the things we know the boat will need.  We want your
help with the things we're missing."

Jenny handed Sid the list.  He studied it for a few minutes and then
walked to the section with the rods.  "How about something like
this?" Sid asked as he showed the teens one of the midrange rods.

"The owner said he wants the best, Sid," Brad said.

"What's the difference?  They all look the same to me," Molly said
as she looked at the rows of rods standing in the racks.

"There are a lot of things that separate the best rods from the
others.  The way they're made, the quality of the materials, and the
workmanship are a few of them. Some manufactures use a lesser grade
of stainless in the guides and rollers.  They look the same, but the
inferior rods will fail in less time than the better ones," Sid

"What do you suggest, Sid?" Kathy said.

Smiling, Sid said, "I recommend going with Shimano.  We can put
together matched rods and reels.  In fact, my Shimano rep is here
today.  I'll get him so he can explain the system and the advantages
of using it."

Sid left the teen.  He returned a moment later with a man wearing a
shirt with Shimano embroidered over the left breast pocket.  "Kids,
this is Andy Nester.  He's my Shimano sales rep.  He came in to show
me the newest offerings."  Sid chuckled and said, "He came in to take
my money too."

Andy shook hands with the teens.  Once he completed introducing
himself, he led the group to the back of the store.  He began showing
the teens the new line of rods and reels.

Sid filled out an order form as the teens selected the rods and
reels they wanted.  Andy assured them he could have the equipment
delivered in a few days.  Eddie, Brad, Jenny, and Kathy thanked Andy
for the help.  They started talking to Sid about the other tackle
they wanted.  While they selected the items, Andy offered input.

"Andy fishes for Team Shimano," Sid said.

"Really, I've read about your team," Eddie said.

Andy chuckled and said, "I've read about you guys too.  You have
done very well in the tournaments you've fished.  I also know about
your involvement in the youth movement in some of the clubs."

"Thanks, we enjoy our club and getting kids our age involved in the
sport," Jenny said.

"Shimano is sponsoring a six day tournament this summer.  You kids
should fish it.  The tournament takes place over three weeks.  You'll
fish Saturday and Sunday each week and travel between the weekends. 
The tournament is held in three different ports," Andy said.

"Is it a money tournament?" Brad asked.

"Yes, the first place team will receive one hundred thousand
dollars.  The first five places pay," Andy said.  "Give me your email
address and I'll send you the information.  It's a pro tournament,
but I don't think you'll have any trouble qualifying."

Three hours after they arrived, the teens finished the order.  Sid
agreed to deliver the equipment to the boatyard the following week. 
The teens thanked Sid and Andy for the help.

"Are you going to fish in that tournament Andy talked about?" Molly
asked as she sat in the front passenger seat.  Kathy told her to sit
up front with Eddie.

"I don't know.  We'll have to talk to our parents.  Three weeks is a
long tournament," Jenny said.  "I'd love to fish it if we can."

The teens went to Eddie and Jenny's house to do their homework. 
They wanted to finish before the barbeque.  While they studied, Molly
glanced around the living room.  Eddie sat with his back against the
couch, his legs stretched out in front of him.  Jenny lay on her
stomach, her legs bent at the knees.  She kicked her feet as she
worked on math problems.  Kathy sat Indian style.  Her short skirt
rode high on her thighs, but she did nothing to try to conceal
herself.  Brad sat in the recliner, his legs hanging over one of the

Grinning, Molly thought about how nice it was to be with the group. 
While dating Lenny, he consumed most of her free time.  Molly knew
that if she and Lenny were in the house without parents, he would be
all over her.  Molly and Lenny had studied together, but seldom
finished their work.

Molly began to accept the fact she could be comfortable and not have
to worry about her modesty.  No one cared if her skirt hiked up, or
if her breasts showed when she leaned forward.  She also noticed she
wasn't unnoticed.  Molly saw Eddie looking down her top, but he just
smiled and winked.  Lenny would have had his hand down her top.

Mrs. Shockley came into the living room.  She said hello to the
teens and asked how long before they completed their homework.  After
everyone responded, she said she needed help in the kitchen as soon
as they finished.

Molly completed her assignments first.  She went to the kitchen and
asked what she could do to help.  Mrs. Shockley smiled and said, "You
can peel potatoes for the potato salad, Molly."

Molly grinned and took a bowl of potatoes to the table.  She sat
down and began peeling them.  Eddie's mom brought a bowl of radishes
over, telling Molly she could clean them when she finished the

While she worked, Molly watched Mrs. Shockley at the counter.  She
smiled, feeling as if she fit in.

Kathy came out to help.  She sat with Molly and began cleaning the
radishes.  The two girls talked about school and kids they both knew.

Sarah Waters came into the kitchen.  She greeted Mrs. Shockley and
then Kathy and Molly.  Sarah removed her jacket and rolled up her
sleeves.  Jenny came in and the woman all worked together.

By six o'clock, everything was ready.  Harry and Jack sat on the
patio with Brad and Eddie.  The grill was set up and ready to light. 
The women came outside to join the men.  A few minutes later, the
doorbell rang.

"That's probably my mom," Molly said.

Eddie got up and went to the door with Molly.  He greeted Mrs.
Durham and took the platter of cookies from her.

"We're outside," Molly said.  "Come with me.  I'll introduce you to

Molly introduced her mom to the other parents.  She couldn't help
grinning as the adults shook hands and exchanged greetings.

"Would you care for a drink, Laura?  We're having white wine, but I
have almost most anything you'd like," Harry said.

"Wine will be fine, thank you," Mrs. Durham said as she sat at the
table with the rest of the parents.

Harry went into the house, returning with a glass of chilled wine
for Molly's mother.  He sat at the table and smiled.  After a moment
of uncomfortable silence, Ellen spoke up.

"The kids told me Molly enjoyed fishing with them, Laura," Ellen
Shockley said.

"She must have, it's about all she talks about," Laura said.

The teens sat at another table, out of earshot from the parents. 
Laura sipped her wine and placed the glass on the table.

"I must say, your children are much different than any I've met
before.  They are very open and honest," Laura said.

Sarah chuckled and said, "Yes, to a fault sometimes.  There are
times I get way more information than I need."

"I was surprised to learn how much freedom they have.  Staying on
the boat kind of shocked me.  I have never thought about allowing my
daughter to spend the night with mixed company," Laura said.  Ellen
was about to say something, but Laura continued before she had the
chance.  "After meeting your children, I can understand why you allow
them to do it."

"It's all about trust and responsibly.  We trust our kids and they
have demonstrated they can be responsible," Harry said.  "The kids
can handle our forty-four foot boat as well as anyone I've met.  They
can also make good decisions."

Nodding, Laura said, "At first, after what Molly told me about the
weekend, I thought they were just a bunch of wild kids.  Once I met
them, I realized how off base I was.  I asked them some very pointed
questions and got very honest answers.  I hope some of that rubs off
on Molly."

"Thank you, Laura, that's a nice complement about the kids," Ellen

"Molly told me they wouldn't let one of the girls, Penny, lie about
staying at my house when she was really spending the night on the
boat with her boyfriend.  That takes guts," Laura said.

"It takes more than guts.  It takes the ability to think for
themselves.  We have a few rules; honesty is one of the biggest.  We
won't tolerate dishonesty.  That being said, we try not to put them
into a position where they feel they have to lie to us," Ellen said.

"Does that mean you don't care if they have sex or go skinny-
dipping?" Laura asked.

"No, we care about the kids and what they do.  When Jenny asked me
about sex, I told her she had to decide when it was time.  I also
told her she had to live with her decision.  If she wants to have
sex, she's going to do it whether I agree or not.  I just want her to
feel she can talk to me about it-and anything else.

"As far as skinny-dipping, I think a lot of kids their age do that. 
I know I did when I was a teenager.  If we told them they couldn't,
they would probably do it anyway.  The difference is they would feel
guilty about it rather than having fun.  It would also put them into
a position to lie.  It's a lose-lose situation so when they asked, we
said it was okay," Ellen said.

"Give me a hand with the grill, Jack," Harry said.  He felt the
women needed a few minutes to talk without men around.

"I can't remember seeing Molly so happy.  She has been bubbly since
spending the weekend with your kids," Laura said.  "I guess I made
some big mistakes before.  Molly was dating a boy I didn't care for
and I told her how I felt.  I think she may have had sex with him to
get back at me."

"Have you asked her?" Sarah said.

"No, not really.  The other night we talked.  It was the first time
it was a real conversation rather than me telling her something and
her defying me.  Molly said she gave in to the pressure Lenny was
putting on her, but I blame myself," Laura said.

"You can blame yourself if you want to, but I'd just let it go.  You
can do nothing to change the past.  The future is up to you.  We
don't know Molly very well, not yet, but she seems like a good kid. 
While we may not be what other people consider ideal parents, but
what we do seems to work for us," Ellen said.

Sarah nodded and gave Laura an abridged version of how she treated
Brad and Kathy.  She told Sarah that after she changed her ways, the
relationship with her kids changed too.  Sarah told Laura how she
quit trying to control the way Brad and Kathy dressed and relaxed the
unreasonable rules she attempted it enforce.  "Now my kids are my
friends too.  I advise rather than rule and it's wonderful," Sarah

Laura glanced at Molly.  She could see her daughter giggling and
having fun with her friends.  She thought about her teen years and
how hard things were for her.  Laura couldn't understand why she felt
so comfortable around Ellen and Sarah, but she did.  She didn't have
many friends and none she felt she could confide in.  Now, after
knowing the two women for less than an hour, she felt she could tell
them anything.

"I'm trying to protect Molly from making the same mistakes I made,"
Laura said.

"You can't protect someone from free will, Laura.  Trust me, I know
better than most.  You can provide support and love.  If you do,
Molly will probably make the right decisions," Sarah said.

"You two are giving me a lot to think about.  I want Molly to have
fun, but I don't want her to end up getting pregnant.  She's on the
pill, but I still worry about her," Laura said.

"As far as I'm concerned there are only a few reasons a teenage girl
gets pregnant.  The first is stupidly, not protecting herself.  Many
people think it's partly the boy's responsibly, but I disagree. 
Let's face it, horny boys can lack responsibility.

"Another reason is revenge.  I think some girls get pregnant to get
back at their parents.  As stupid as it sounds, I know it goes on. 
One of the biggest reasons a girl lets a boy knock her up is escape. 
She feels it's the only way she can get away from a situation she
can't handle," Ellen said.

"It was stupidly for me.  I was sixteen and I thought I was in
love," Laura said.

"Is Molly's father a part of her life?" Ellen asked.

"No, he sends a check once a month and he used to send Molly a
birthday card.  He hasn't done that in years."

Harry told the women the grill was ready for the fish.  The women
started to set the table and get the other food out of the kitchen. 
Kathy, Jenny, and Molly helped.  The meal was wonderful and Laura
commented on how much she liked the fish.  When Kathy said Molly had
caught the fish, Laura beamed.

"You have to try these cookies," Eddie said as he passed the platter
around.  "They're to die for."

Everyone raved about the fresh chocolate chip cookies Molly's mom
brought.  By the time everyone had their fill, the platter was almost
empty.  Brad and Eddie began clearing the table.  The girls went into
the house to rinse the dishes and wash the pots and pans.

"It's nice to see the boys helping with the dishes," Laura said. 
"Molly said that when she was on the boat, the boys did the same
things the girls did."

"Yes, as it should be," Jack said.

Once they finished with the dishes, the teens decided to go
swimming.  They went to Jenny and Eddie's bedrooms to change into

"You can wear any suit you want to," Jenny said as she opened a
dresser drawer.  Molly waited to see which suits Jenny and Kathy

When Kathy began putting on a thong bikini, Molly giggled and found
a micro suit for her.  Molly realized the bedroom doors were open
when she heard Eddie.

"Nice rack, Molly," Eddie said as he watched her from his room.

Molly instinctively covered her chest with crossed arms.  She
giggled, removed her arms and then shook her shoulders.  Eddie
laughed and went back to getting dressed.  Molly's reddened face
caused Kathy and Jenny to giggle.

"You'll get used to it, Honey," Kathy said.

Molly smiled and nodded.  Kathy gave Molly a hug, pressing her
breasts against Molly's chest.  After Kathy gave Molly a tender kiss,
the two girls finished putting on their suits.

"Do you want me to leave you two alone?" Jenny said with a giggle.

"No, but you could join us," Kathy said.

"Don't tempt me, I might," Jenny shot back.

The three girls laughed.  Eddie and Brad came into Jenny's room and
watched as the girls goofed around.  Once they were ready, the teens
went outside.  They jumped in the pool and began horsing around.

Molly's mom shook her head and said, "Why do the girls bother with
suits.  I don't think I've ever seen bikinis that small," Laura said.

"Actually, they usually don't wear suits.  I think they're wearing
them because you're here," Harry said.

"They shouldn't have to do things they don't normally do because of
me," Laura said.

"The kids aren't sure how you'd react.  They're being polite," Ellen

Laura nodded.  She watched her daughter frolicking with the other
kids and smiled.  It was easy to see how much fun Molly was having. 
Even when one of the girls' breasts popped out of their top, no one
acted as if it was a big deal.

"Do you have anyone special in your life, Laura?" Sarah asked.

"No one special right now.  I date two men, but there isn't anything
serious going on.  I haven't introduced either of them to Molly,"
Laura replied.  "I have been thinking about introducing her to one of
the men.  The other one, Bill, is just a very good friend.  If I were
to get serious with one of them, it would be Joel.  We've been dating
for several years."

"Do you know him from work?" Ellen asked.

Laura took a deep breath.  She had hoped her job wouldn't come up,
but now that it had, she had to make a decision.

"Well, I guess I know him from work.  He is a friend of the son of
the woman I take care of.  I care for an elderly woman and her
house," Laura admitted.

"Is Joel your age?" Sarah asked.

"He's thirty five, a year older than me."  Laura was glad no one
pressed her about her job.  "Joel has never been married.  We get
along very well and I know he wants to get serious, but I have always
hesitated.  I didn't want to bring someone into Molly's life."

"Why not?  You're entitled to your happiness, Laura," Jack said.

Laura chuckled and then said, "I was trying to protect my daughter's
virtue.  I felt that if she knew I had a relationship with a man she
would rebel.  I realize it was a silly thing to do.  Molly told me I
should date.  She also told me she would like to meet Bill and Joel,
even though she doesn't know their names."

"How about Bill?  Why don't you want to introduce him to Molly?"
Sarah asked. 

"That wouldn't work.  Bill's nice, but I don't what him to meet
Molly," Laura said.

Harry smiled and said, "Married?"

Laura's gasp was audible.  She could fee her face warm as her
embarrassment rose.  Not knowing how Harry knew, she simply nodded. 
Then, for a reason unknown to her, Laura felt compelled to tell the
people she'd met a few hours ago her secret.  The secret that caused
Laura sleepless nights.  While it began innocently, the relationship
took on its own life.

Not long after moving into her modest house with Molly, Laura met
Bill.  It was on a night she stopped for a drink at a neighborhood
bar.  She enjoyed his flirting and charm.  After several months, she
agreed to go out with him.  The dates became frequent and Laura
became sexually involved with him.  A year later, she found out Bill
had a wife and children.

Laura knew she should break off the relationship, but Bill was
always able to sway her.  He helped Laura when she needed money,
never asking for repayment.  Sex was good with Bill.  He never
promised to leave his wife and Laura never asked him to.  Over the
years, the affair cooled, but she still agreed to see him occasionally.

Harry, Ellen, Sarah, and Jack listened while Laura told them about
Bill.  She wiped tears from her eyes, wondering why she was able to
confess to virtual strangers.  By the time she was finished with her
story, Laura made a decision.  The affair with Bill had to end.

"I can't understand why I feel like I can tell you folks anything,"
Laura said.  "I have never told a sole about Bill."

"Laura, there is very little we haven't heard.  If you get to know
us better, you'll find we're not judgmental," Jack said.

A smile came over Laura's face.  "I would like to get to know you
better.  I don't have many friends."  She used her head to point
toward Molly.  "Molly is smitten with Eddie you know."

"Yeah, Kathy too," Sarah said.

"You know about that?" Laura said.

"Kathy told us about the relationship that is developing between
her, Eddie, and Molly.  They'll be fine, Laura," Sarah said.

"Molly asked if she could go to a tournament with your kids.  I
think I'll let her if it's okay with you," Laura said.

Ellen laughed and nodded her head.  "Molly is more than welcome. 
It's going to be crowded on the boat, but I have a feeling the kids
will work things out."

All of the parents laughed.  Harry said, "I think I should pick up
another airbed for them.  We have one, but with nine kids on the boat
they may need another one."

By the time the evening ended, Laura had a new outlook on her
daughter and herself.  She didn't want to leave, but she knew she
must.  Molly had school the next morning and she had to work.  Laura
accepted hugs from the other parents and promised to come back.

"Aren't they great, Mom?" Molly said with a giggle as her mom drove

"Yes they are, Honey.  I had a wonderful time tonight.  Molly, you
can go with them on the tournament if you want to."

"Thanks, Mom!  Did you have a good time talking with their parents?"

"You have no idea!  They are very special people, aren't they?"

"I like them.  I feel like part of the family when I'm around them. 
It's kind of funny, I've known them less than a week but it's like
I've known them forever," Molly said.

Smiling, Laura nodded.  She knew exactly how her daughter felt.

When Molly and her mom arrived at their house, Laura asked her
daughter to sit down.  She sat next to Molly and took the teenager's

"Molly, I feel it's time I told you about my boyfriend, or should I
say boyfriends.  I have been dating Joel for a few years and I really
like him.  He is a friend of Mrs. Caldwell's son.  He is very nice
and I think you'll like him," Laura said.

"Cool, Mom, I can't wait," Molly said.

"Honey, the other man I see, Bill, is someone you won't meet.  I'm
going to call things off with him this weekend."  Laura sighed and
then said, "Bill is married.  We've been having an affair for years."

Molly grinned and said, "Oh, like a fuck buddy?"  She slapped her
hand over her mouth when she realized what she said.  "Oops!"

Laura shook her head.  If Molly had said something like that earlier
that day, she would have been incensed.  Instead of being angry,
Laura began laughing.  She didn't respond to Molly's statement, but
she knew she didn't need to.

"Mom, tell me about Joel," Molly said.

"Okay, Joel is a year older than me.  He works as an attorney and
he's single.  Joel wants to make our relationship permanent."

"He's asked you to marry him?" Molly said.  Her voice filled with

"Yes, many times.  I have always told him I couldn't think about it
until you're grown and moved out of the house.  Molly, I didn't want
to bring him into our family while you were young."

Molly was about to tell her mom she would have accepted the man if
it made her happy, but she didn't.  Instead, Molly said, "That's
cool, Mom.  I guess you have your reasons.  As long as you're happy,
so am I."  Molly hugged her mom and began to weep.  "Mom, it isn't
too late for us."

Laura held her daughter tightly.  Molly hadn't asked a question, she
made a statement.  Laura couldn't agree more-it wasn't too late. 
They finally decided to go to bed.  When Molly went to her room, she
left the door open.  In the past, Molly was shy and kept her door
closed when she was in her room.  Now, she wanted to open her life
and the door was the first thing that she thought of.

Laura noticed Molly's door was open.  She paused to watch Molly pull
a long sleep shirt over her head.  When she saw her mom, Molly smiled
and said, "Goodnight, Mom.  I love you."

Nodding, Laura went to her room.  She flopped on her bed and cried
because she couldn't remember when there was so much sincerity in her
daughter's voice.

On Friday afternoon, Molly went home after school.  She did her
homework and then began to get ready for her date with Eddie.  Since
he asked her, Molly couldn't think of anything else.

Molly took a long shower.  When she shaved her legs, she also shaved
her vulva.  She never shaved there before and was very careful.  She
trimmed the red curls on her mons, forming a small triangle. 
Finished in the shower, Molly dried off and began fixing her hair.

The sound of the blow dryer prevented Molly from hearing her mother
come in.  Laura went to the bathroom, doing a double take when she
saw her naked daughter standing at the counter.  Molly saw her mom,
giggled and said, "Hi, Mom.  I'm getting ready for my date."

Laura couldn't help looking at her daughter's body.  Molly's breasts
stood proud on her chest.  Her waist narrowed and then her hips
flared.  Her bottom looked firm.  Laura realized her little girl was
a woman.

Moving behind her daughter, Laura took the hairbrush and blow dryer.
Molly stood still while her mom tended to her shoulder length
trusses.  Her red hair contrasted her tanned skin.  Unlike many
redheads, Molly's flesh wasn't fair.  She tanned instead of burning
when in the sun.

"How do you want it done?" Laura asked her daughter.  "Are you going
to wear it down, in a ponytail, or do you want me to braid it?"

"I want to wear it down, Mom."

Laura used the hairbrush, some gel, and the blow dryer to style
Molly's naturally curly hair.  When she finished, Molly thanked her

Molly went to her room to dress.  Laura went to the kitchen to fix
something for dinner.  In her room, Molly tried on several outfits. 
She felt giddy and indecisive.  Molly finally settled on a bra and
panty before she began going through her limited wardrobe.  She put
on a skirt and top, went to the kitchen and asked her mom what she

"You look cute, Molly," Laura said.

Molly giggled and went back to her room.  She wanted to look sexy,
not cute.  She changed her outfit.  Molly found a sundress she liked
and put it on.  When she showed her mom, Laura chuckled.

"That looks good too, but I think you should do something about the
bra," Molly's mom said.  "It doesn't look right with a halter-top

Molly removed the bra, redid the halter of the dress and asked her
mom if it looked better.

"Yes, you look very nice."  Molly was about to find something else
until her mom added, "You look sexy!"

Molly giggled and decided to wear the sundress.  She went to her
room to put away the clothing on her bed, clothing she tried on but
decided against wearing.  Laura came to Molly's room.  Once again,
she was surprised to find the door open.

"You can use my perfume if you'd like to," Laura said.

Molly followed her mom to her room.  Laura handed Molly a bottle of
expensive perfume Bill bought for her.  Molly put a little on her
wrist, rubbed her wrists together and smelled the flowery fragrance. 
Nodding, Molly put a dab behind each of her ears and another dab in
her cleavage.  Laura smiled and said, "You can keep it if you like it."

When Eddie arrived, Molly let him in the house.  He looked at Molly
and smiled.

"Wow, you look sexy!" Eddie said.

Laura chuckled from the kitchen.  She came out to say hi to Eddie
and tell the kids to have a good time.  Eddie sat on the couch and
visited for a few minutes before he led Molly to the car.  Eddie had
borrowed his mom's car for his date that night.  Laura watched from
the front door while Eddie opened the car door for her daughter.  She
smiled as she thought about the nights Lenny would blow the horn and
Molly would charge out of the house.

Molly giggled as Eddie pulled away from the house.  She offered
Eddie her hand and he held it while driving to the theater.  When
they arrived, he let Molly select the movie.

Eddie bought popcorn and sodas.  He and Molly went into the theater
and he asked her where she wanted to sit.  Molly picked two seats
near the center.  She sat next to Eddie and thought about the few
times she and Lenny went to a movie.

Lenny would always pick the movie and want to sit in the back of the
theater.  Molly told him she liked to sit closer to the big screen,
but he wasn't interested in what she wanted.  Once the move began,
Lenny would start pawing her.  He wasn't interested in the film.

When the movie started, Eddie put his arm around Molly's shoulders. 
She leaned close to Eddie.  They ate popcorn, taking turns feeding
the other, and drank their sodas.  Eddie didn't put his hand on her
breast or try to get under her dress.  They watched the movie.

Molly enjoyed the film and the feeling of Eddie's arm around her. 
He stroked her upper arm, but nothing more.  When the movie ended,
they left hand in hand.  Once again, Eddie opened the car door for
Molly.  She held her short dress so it wouldn't expose her when she
got in the front seat, not realizing she was doing it.

"That was a good movie," Eddie said.  "I enjoyed it."  Eddie didn't
normally like chick flicks, but he enjoyed being out with Molly.

"I thought it was great.  Thanks for letting me pick the movie." 
Molly was going to tell Eddie how Lenny would always pick the movie,
but didn't think it was necessary.  She wanted to forget about her
short relationship with Lenny.

"Where would you like to eat?  I'm not real hungry, but I could go
for a piece of pie or something sweet," Eddie said.

"How about going to the dairy bar?  They have great ice cream.  I
think they have pie too," Molly said.

Eddie nodded and headed to the small ice cream parlor.  They sat in
a booth and ordered sundaes.  While they waited for their desserts to
come, Eddie saw Penny and Walt come in.  He waved to them and said,
"Want to invite Penny and Walt to join us?"

Molly was about to say no, but changed her mind.  She got up, waved
to her friends and sat next to Eddie.  Penny and Walt came over and
sat across from them.

"Where's the rest of the crew?" Walt asked.

"Brad, Jenny, and Kathy are at my house," Eddie said.

Molly hugged Eddie's arm and said, "We're on our first date."

Penny gave Molly a strange look.  Then, as if the two girls could
read each other's minds, they went to the bathroom together.

"Okay, what's up?" Penny asked Molly.

"What do you mean?  Eddie and I are on a date.  He asked me out and
I said yes," Molly said with a giggle.

"That's cool.  What did you guys do?"

"We went to the movies.  You won't believe it, but he didn't try to
feel me up or anything."  Molly giggled again.  "Eddie even let me
pick the movie!"

"Wow, that's wild.  When's the last time you saw the movie?" Penny
said, remembering the times she had doubled with Molly and Lenny.

Molly shrugged her shoulders.  "I was sort of pissed at first, but
after a little while, it was nice.  I wanted him to try things."

"Oh well, the night is still young." Penny said.

The two girls went back to the table.  The four of them talked about
the fishing trip and the fun they all had.  When they finished their
ice cream, they stayed and talked for another hour.

"We've going to take off," Walt said.

"Okay, don't do anything we wouldn't do," Molly said and then she

Eddie paid the bill for his and Molly's ice cream.  They said
goodbye to their friends and went to the car.

"What would you like to do now?" Eddie asked Molly.

"Um, we could go to my house.  My mom is out tonight," Molly said.

Eddie smiled and drove to Molly's house.  He followed her in and sat
on the couch.  Molly turned on the radio and found a station she
liked.  She sat on the couch next to Eddie and leaned against his side.

Putting his arm around her shoulders, Eddie used his other hand to
turn her face to his.  He kissed her lips, letting the kiss linger
for a few moments.  Molly turned toward him, putting her arms around
Eddie's neck.  They began kissing in earnest.  Molly opened her mouth
and so did Eddie.  Their tongues tangled as the kissing intensified.

Eddie broke the heated kiss.  He started kissing Molly's neck,
causing her to moan.  When Eddie nibbled her earlobe, Molly tried to
move closer to him.  Eddie moved one of his hands to her breast,
massaging her on the outside of her dress.  After a half hour of
making out, they took a break.

Molly rested her head on Eddie's shoulder.  She held his hand
against her breast, enjoying his tender touch.  When Molly reached
behind her neck to undo the top of her dress, Eddie stopped her.

"Molly, I think we should wait.  I really like you, more than just
like you.  I want to make love with you, but not now, not tonight,"
Eddie said.

"Why not?  I want to make love with you."

"I didn't say I didn't want to, I do.  Just not now, okay.  If you
want to know why, it's because I think we need some time to get to
know each other better."

Molly pulled away from Eddie so she could look into his eyes.  She
wanted him to make love to her and wasn't satisfied with his answer. 
"What about what we did on the boat?  Didn't you like that?"

"Honey, I loved it.  It was fun and I want to do things like that
again.  What you, Kathy, and I did was great, but it was just sex.  I
want more than just sex with you.  Please don't get pissed at me, but
I want to wait," Eddie said.

Molly stared at Eddie and had trouble understanding what he was

"Molly, your friendship, and what I want in a relationship between
us, is more important to me than getting laid.  I know it would be
great, but the first time we make love, I want it to be wonderful."

"I'm over Lenny if that's what you're thinking."

Eddie nodded.  "This isn't about him, or anyone else.  This is about
us.  If we made love tonight, we might regret it.  I'm not willing to
take that chance."  Eddie pulled her close and hugged Molly.  "Honey,
I'm falling for you in a big way.  So is Kathy.  When we began this
three-way relationship, I was skeptical.  I didn't know if it would
work or not."

Kissing Molly, Eddie continued.  "Now I think it will work, I want
it to.  If we let our love develop, it will be special-as special as
you are.  Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I think so.  Eddie, I already love you and Kathy."

"I love you too, but don't you think our love can grow and become
stronger?  We have to be strong in order for this to work.  If we
aren't, jealousy will destroy any chance of the three of us becoming
what I think we all want."  Eddie pulled Molly onto his lap and
kissed her again.

Molly sat with her legs straight out, her side against his chest. 
Eddie stroked her hair and kissed her head.  Molly turned her head
and their lips met.  As the kiss deepened, Eddie began rubbing
Molly's leg at her knee.  She moaned into his mouth and wiggled
against him.

"I'm so horny I could die," Molly said as she let her legs open

Eddie kissed her and began to move his hand under her dress.  When
his fingers touched her vulva, Molly groaned.  Hooking his fingers
under the leg opening of her panties, Eddie stroked her sex.  Molly's
body jerked as she tried to increase the pressure.

Using his fingers on her labia and his lips on her mouth, Eddie
brought Molly to an orgasm.  She wiggled and moaned as her body
convulsed with pleasure.  When the feeling passed, Molly rested her
head against Eddie's shoulder.

Molly sighed and then giggled.  "I can't get myself off that fast. 
You have marvelous fingers."

"You have a very hot sexy pussy, Sweetie," Eddie said.

"Want me to do you?" Molly asked.

Eddie chuckled and shook his head.  "You already did.  I came in my
pants while you squirmed against my cock."

Molly moved off Eddie and gigged when she saw the wet spot on his
slacks.  They both laughed for a few minutes and then Eddie went to
the bathroom to clean up.

"I'm going to head home, Sweetie," Eddie said as he held Molly in
his arms.  "We're going to the boatyard tomorrow.  Want to come with

Nodding her head, Molly said, "Yes, I want to go with you.  What
time are you going to pick me up?"

"About nine.  Is that too early?"

"Nope, I'll be ready."

Eddie put his hand on Molly's butt.  He hiked her skirt and gripped
her cheeks.  Pulling her to him, he kissed Molly.

"You're a tease; you know that don't you?" Molly said.

"Yeah, I know, but you like it," Eddie said.

"No, I love it-I love you."

"Molly, please don't be too upset about tonight."

"I'm not upset.  You were right and I know it.  I just can't
understand how a boy can turn down getting screwed."

"I'm not a boy, Molly.  I'm a young man that cares so deeply for you
that I'm not willing to jeopardize our relationship.  I hope you

"I'm trying to understand, I really am.  Please be patient with me."

"No problem, I'll wait until we're ready."

"Eddie, you were right you know.  Thanks for not giving in and doing
something we may have regretted."

"Sweetie, that's what being a couple is all about.  We have to
depend on each other.  Being a threesome complicates it even more. 
Trust me; things will work out for us, all of us."

"I do trust you, Honey.  I'll see you in the morning," Molly said
and then she kissed him.

After Eddie left, Molly sat on the couch.  She thought about what
had transpired that night, and had mixed feelings about it.  Right or
not, she wanted to make love with Eddie.  Giggling she realized they
did make love, but they didn't screw.  How else could she explain how
she felt?

Laura came in shortly after Eddie left.  She parked down the street,
waiting until she knew she wouldn't catch them in a compromising
position.  Laura met Bill at the bar.  She told him it was over and
they could never see each other again.  He wanted to get together one
last time and offered to take Laura to a motel, but she told him no. 
In the end, they parted friends.

"How was your date with Eddie tonight?" Laura asked Molly.

Molly giggled and then gave her mom a detailed account of her date. 
When she reached the point that she and Eddie got to the house, she
paused.  Taking a moment, Molly decided to tell her mom about what

"Mom, I wanted to make love with Eddie tonight, but he wouldn't do
it.  He said we should wait," Molly said.

"He did?  That doesn't sound like a red blooded teenage boy," Laura

"Well, that's what happened.  Now, after I've had a chance to think
about it, he was right.  Maybe we're not ready yet.  Things are
somewhat complicated.  There are three of us involved in this thing."

"Yes, I keep forgetting about Kathy."

Molly blushed and said, "I'm not.  Mom, have you ever done anything
with another girl?"

"No, I haven't," Laura said.  She didn't tell her daughter she had
thought about it before.

"Well, I have to get to bed.  Eddie is picking me up tomorrow
morning.  We're going to the boatyard," Molly said.

"What are you going there for?"

Molly giggled.  "Eddie didn't say.  It doesn't matter though.  I
know I'll have fun."

Molly started to leave, but stopped and turned around.  "How did
thing go for you tonight, Mom?'

"Just fine, Honey.  I told Bill I wasn't going to see him anymore."

"When do I get to meet Joel?"

"Soon, Molly, very soon.  Joel is taking me out tomorrow night.  I
have a lot to talk to him about, but I think things will be okay."

"Does he know about Bill?"

Laura shook her head.  "No, but he's going to.  If Joel and I are
going to move forward, I want to make sure there's nothing in my past
he doesn't know about."

"What if he gets mad?"

"I have to take that chance.  I'm not going to lie to him, not
anymore."  Laura smiled.  "I learned that from you and your friends. 
Goodnight, Honey."

"Night, Mom.  I love you," Molly said.

Laura sprang out of her chair.  She hugged Molly and told her how
much she loved her.  Molly kissed her mom's cheek and then went to bed.

Molly was in the shower when Eddie came over to pick her up the next
day.  Laura invited him in to wait.

"I can wait outside with the rest of the guys," Eddie said.

"Nonsense, tell them to come in," Laura said.  "I have fresh coffee
and homemade sweet rolls."

Eddie waved to the others, telling them to come in.  After a quick
greeting, the teens sat at the kitchen table.  Laura told the rest of
the kids Molly was still in the shower.  Kathy grinned and went to
tell Molly they were there.

"Hey, girl, shake a leg.  We're waiting for you," Kathy said when
she went into the bathroom.

"Hi, Kathy, I'm almost finished," Molly said from the shower.

Kathy pulled the curtain back, giggled and said, "Want me to come in
there and wash your back?"

"Yes, but then we'd be late," Molly said.

Reaching into the shower, Kathy pulled Molly to the opening in the
curtain.  She kissed her and then giggled.  "If you don't hurry, I
won't be able to wait."

"Our boyfriend can.  Do you know he wouldn't screw me last night?"

"Yeah, we talked about it when he got home.  Brad and I were at his
house.  Don't feel bad, he wouldn't fuck me either.  I don't know
what's wrong with that boy," Kathy said with a giggle.

Kathy closed the shower curtain and left the room.  She returned to
the kitchen, found a towel and dried her arm.  "Molly will be here in
a minute," Kathy said.  She noticed the others were eating rolls and
asked for one.

Molly came into the kitchen with a towel wrapped around her.  She
wanted to know what Jenny and Kathy were wearing.  When Kathy was in
the bathroom, she hadn't noticed.  She saw the other girls were
wearing shorts and left.

"What was that all about?" Brad asked.

"Molly wanted to know what we were wearing," Jenny said.  "It's a
girl thing."

Brad and Eddie laughed.  They drank their coffee and ate the rolls
Mrs. Durham placed on the table.

"You should work in a bakery, Mrs. Durham.  These rolls are great!"
Eddie said.

"I used to work in a bakery, Eddie.  I worked in my family's bakery
when I was young," Laura said.

Molly came back wearing shorts and a tank top.  She hugged Eddie
from behind, kissing the top of his head.  Molly did the same to
Jenny, Brad, and Kathy before sitting down.

"Mom wants to know why we're going to the boatyard today," Molly said.

"We have a few things to do on the fishing boat.  Dad asked us to
come in today," Eddie said.

Mrs. Durham asked about the boat.  She told the teens she had never
been around boats.

"Why don't you come with us, Mrs. Durham?  We can show you the boat
and maybe the yacht Dad is finishing for our friends," Jenny said.

Laura shook her head, telling the kids she didn't want to interfere.
The teens told her she wouldn't be and finally convinced her to
follow them to the boat yard.  Molly's mom went to dress while the
teens finished eating.

"Molly and I will ride with you so you don't get lost," Eddie said. 
He tossed the keys to Brad.

The group left the house.  Before they got into the vehicles, Eddie
told Brad to go to the marina first.  Mrs. Durham followed the van. 
Molly realized where they were going and giggled.

Brad pulled into the marina and parked the van.  Molly's mom parked
next to the van and turned to Eddie.

"This doesn't look like a boatyard," Laura said.

"It's not.  This is where we keep our boat.  I thought you might
like to see it," Eddie said.

Laura followed the teens to the boat.  When Molly pointed to the
Lady Guinevere, her mom gasped.

"Oh my, I didn't realize your boat was this large," Laura said.

"Isn't it great, Mom?  Come on, you're going to love the inside,"
Molly said.

Eddie, Brad, Jenny, and Kathy allowed Molly to show her mom around
the boat.  Molly giggled and bounced as she showed her mom the salon
and galley.  Mrs. Durham shook her head in disbelief.

"Let's go below.  I want to show you the staterooms, Mom."  Molly
giggled, turned to her friends and said, "See, I'm learning. 
Staterooms are bedrooms, the head is the bathroom."

The rest of the teens waited while Molly showed her mom the
staterooms.  They chuckled at how excited Molly was.

"This is the stateroom we slept in, Mom," Molly said as she opened
the door to the master stateroom.  Molly opened one of the hanging
lockers.  "Isn't this great?"

Laura looked around.  She made comments about the guest stateroom
and then asked why her daughter didn't sleep in the room with two beds.

"Walt and Penny slept in here, Mom."  Molly giggled.  "They wanted
to be alone."

Laura nodded and chuckled.  Molly showed her mom the washer and
dryer before they went into the head.

"When everyone is getting ready, this place is busy.  It's so cool
that no one gets bent out of shape when you walk in and they're in
the shower," Molly said.

Molly led her mom back up to the salon.  They went outside and Molly
told her mom about the cockpit and fishing.  She grabbed Laura's
hand, pulling her up the steps to the flying bridge.

"This is where they drive the boat.  I got to drive last Sunday,"
Molly said.

Once the tour was completed, the group headed for the vehicles. 
Laura followed Brad to the boatyard.  On the way, Molly babbled about
the boat and the fun she had while she was out on it.

"One of these days you should come with us, Mrs. Durham," Eddie
said.  "We can teach you to fish."

"I don't know about fishing, but I would like to go for a boat ride
someday," Mrs. Durham said.

"No problem, we are moving when we fish.  We can do both at the same
time," Eddie said.

"Bring your bikini, Mom.  We can get some sun too," Molly said. 
"Eddie, when can we go?"

"I don't know.  We'll have to see what's going on," Eddie said.

They pulled into the boatyard and parked by the covered slips. 
Harry saw them come in and went to meet the teens.

"Hi, Laura, nice to see you again," Harry said.

"It's nice to see you too.  I hope you don't mind, these kids
wouldn't take no for an answer.  We went to see your boat before
coming here.  I'm impressed," Laura said.

"We like her.  The Lady Guinevere isn't huge, but she's
comfortable," Harry said.

"It looked huge to me."

"Come with me, I'll show you the boat the kids have been involved in."

Harry walked toward the covered slips.  He opened the door, holding
it for Laura and the others.  Laura looked up at the new fishing boat
and shook her head.

"That is a lot larger than I thought it would be," Laura said.

"She's seventy-five feet long," Harry said.  "Our boat is forty-four
feet long."

The group went aboard.  Harry showed Laura around the salon and then
took her up to the enclosed flying bridge.  Laura couldn't get over
the rich wood paneling.  She mentioned how beautiful the boat was.

Molly and the other teens took Laura below to show her the five
staterooms.  She looked into one of the heads and said, "This is
nicer than the house I take care of."

Molly giggled and said, "You haven't seen anything yet, Mom."  She
turned to Harry.  "Can we show her the yacht, Mr. Shockley?"

They finished looking at the fishing boat.  Harry led the group to
Tomiko.  They went aboard and he began showing Laura around.  Molly
followed, listening to Harry as he told her mom about the boat. 
Laura couldn't believe anyone could afford anything like the yacht.

"Mom, the owners are my age," Molly said as they climbed off the

Laura looked at her daughter and furrowed her brow.

"She's not kidding.  Four teenagers own this yacht.  The boys are
seventeen and their sisters are fifteen.  They're going to charter
her."  Harry chuckled and said, "Their parents helped them buy her."

Laura left after telling Harry thank you for showing her around. 
She said goodbye to Molly, asking if she knew when she'd be home.

"I have a date tonight, but I won't be out late, Molly.  Have fun
and I'll see you later," Laura said.

"Okay, Mom.  I don't know when I'll be home, but I'll call later,"
Molly said.

Laura left the boatyard after telling the rest of the teens goodbye.
Eddie asked his dad what was up with the fishing boat.

"The Coast Guard inspected her yesterday and it passed.  We're ahead
of schedule so we decided to start the sea trials today.  Jeri will
be here in about a half hour and we'll take it out," Harry said.

Jeri and April showed up fifteen minutes later.  The group went
aboard the fishing boat and Jeri fired up the big diesel engines. 
After checking everything in the engine room, Jeri went up to the

The workers untied the boat.  Jeri backed out of the slip, using the
transmissions and bow thruster to maneuver the boat in the narrow
canal.  While she worked, she explained what she was doing to the

Once the boat was in one of the larger canals, Jeri asked Eddie to
take over.  She stood by, watching him drive the boat.  When they
reached the Intracoastal Waterway, Jeri told Eddie to speed up.  They
made several runs, each about five miles long.  Running the boat at
different RPMs, Jeri recorded the results.

"This boat handles nicer than our boat," Eddie said.

"That's because of the stabilizers.  They help with tracking," Jeri

Eddie gave up the helm to his sister.  Jenny made several turns,
feeling how nicely the boat handled.  When the waterway allowed,
Jenny backed the boat up.  Over the next two hours, Eddie, Jenny,
Brad, and Kathy took turns operating the seventy-five foot boat. 
Eddie went up the tuna tower and ran her from there.  Brad joined him
on the tower and commented on how far he could see.

"Someday I'm going to have something like this," Eddie said.  "This
is so sweet!"

Eddie used the intercom to tell Jeri he and Brad were coming down
from the tower.  Harry came up and watched his daughter at the helm.

"There isn't a drop of water coming in from anywhere.  Should we
take her outside and see how she handles the ocean?" Harry said.

"If we get fuel we can.  The tanks don't have much in them," Jeri

"Let's take her to the gas dock," Harry said.

Jenny steered toward the gas dock where they moored the Lady
Guinevere.  When she approached the pier, Jenny asked Jeri to take

"The fuel inlets are on the port side, Jenny.  You take her in. 
It's just like your boat, only longer.  Eddie would you and Brad put
the fenders over the side please?" Jeri said.

Jenny listened to Jeri as she moved the boat closer to the pier. 
Jeri gave her pointers about using the bow thruster.  When the boat
came to rest along side the pier, Jenny giggled.  "That wasn't hard
at all.  You're right, the bow thruster makes it easier than our
boat," Jenny said.

It took an hour to fuel the boat.  The attendants used two hoses. 
Harry watched the pumps while Jeri kept her eye on the gauges.

"Stop at two thousand gallons," Harry told the attendants.  "That
will be fine for now."

"Two thousand gallons of gas?" Molly said.

"The boat uses diesel fuel.  She holds twenty-five hundred gallons,"
Harry told Molly.

"Wow, that's a lot of fuel," Molly said as she shook her head.

Harry laughed and handed the attendant a credit card.  He signed the
slip and they were ready to go again.

Eddie pulled away from the pier while Molly stood at his side.  He
took the boat out through the inlet and into the ocean.

"There are about four foot seas today.  This should give us a good
idea of how she'll handle," Jeri said.  "Once we're out a few miles
we put her though her paces."

For the next two hours, Eddie, Jenny, Brad, and Kathy took turns at
the wheel.  They ran into the seas, in the trough, and with following
seas.  Each time they ran the course, they changed the speed.  Jeri
noted the RPMs and the speed recorded in the GPS.

"Want to take a turn?" Eddie asked Molly.

"Um, I don't know.  This is so much bigger than your boat," Molly

"Come up on the tower with me.  You'll be able to see better," Eddie

Molly agreed.  She went up the ladder, hanging on tightly as she
went up the rungs.  Eddie stayed right behind her, encouraging Molly.
On the tower, Molly looked around.  She glanced down at the cockpit,
telling Eddie how far it seemed.

Eddie called down to the bridge to tell Jeri he was taking over.  He
stood behind Molly as she carefully steered the boat.  The rough seas
caused the tower to sway, but Molly gained confidence when she
realized she was safe.

"Head her for home," Jeri said over the intercom.

Eddie showed Molly the waypoint on the chart plotter's screen.  She
nodded and maintained a course.  Unlike many novices, she didn't over

Giggling, Molly said, "It would be fun to be up here naked."

"Go for it.  I'll hold the wheel," Eddie said and then he chuckled.

When they approached the inlet, Eddie took over.  He guided the boat
through the churning water and into the ICW.  Slowing the boat, Eddie
called down to tell Jeri he and Molly were finished on the tower.

Back at the boatyard, Eddie maneuvered the boat into the slip.  He
cut the engines and smiled.  "This thing is the bomb!  Hey, Dad, can
I have one just like her?"

"Sure, Son, as soon as you have the money," Harry said.

Eddie and Brad went through the checklist, shutting down the boat. 
They went to the engine room to check the oil and other fluids.  When
they came up, they stood around the cockpit with the others.

"Well, I think we'll be ready to deliver her a week early.  You kids
did a great job with the design.  I'm sure the owner will be
pleased," Harry said.

"I'm picking up the linens on Monday," April said.  "I'll make sure
everything is ready to go when the owner takes her.  I also have the
things for the galley."

"Joanne will be down next week to put the final touches on the
interior.  She has throw pillows and other things that will accent
the salon and the staterooms," Harry said.

"Are you going to buy things like shampoo and soap too?" Jenny asked.

"No, we'll let the owner take care of the personal items," Harry

The group left the boat.  They decided to get something to eat. 
After telling Jeri, April, and Harry goodbye, they all climbed in the