Alarms began going off at five fifteen.  Jenny crawled over Brad,
giving him a kiss before she climbed out of bed.  She went to the
head and then down to the crew's quarters to get the clothes out of
the dryer.  Jenny went back to the staterooms and began opening
doors.  She woke anyone that was sleeping.

"Okay you two lovebirds, up and at'em.  We have to get going," Jenny
said as she placed Penny and Walt's things on the bed.

Penny sat up, rubbed her eyes and smiled at Jenny.  "We're up.  Walt
and I will be ready in a few minutes."

"Cool.  Did you two sleep well?" Jenny asked.

Penny giggled and got out of bed naked.  She winked at Jenny and
said, "We had a wonderful night."

"We even got some sleep," Walt said as he sat up.

Jenny laughed and left the room.  She went to Eddie's stateroom and
woke the sleeping trio.  Brad came in and started chuckling.  Eddie
got up and walked into the head.  Kathy and Molly sat up and said,
"Good morning."

The teens showered and dressed.  Jenny made coffee for anyone that
wanted a cup.  At six o'clock, they headed to the house for breakfast.

Molly, Penny, and Walt were shocked when they walked into the
kitchen and saw Mr. Graham in his boxers and a tee shirt.  They were
stunned when Marge came in wearing a tank top and panties.  When
Molly's mom came around the corner dressed as Marge was, Molly gasped.

"Um, Mom, what are you doing here this morning?" Molly said as she

Laura smiled and said, "We stayed last night.  We all partied a bit
too much so Marge asked Joel and I to stay so we didn't have to drive
home.  I decided to get up and make an apple strudel for you, kids. 
We went shopping yesterday and I picked up what I'd need."

Laura pulled a tray out of the oven.  She placed it on top of the
stove so the four strudels would cool.  Molly walked over to her mom
and kissed her cheek.

"What was that for?" Laura asked her daughter.

"For being the best mom in the world, that's what.  I can't believe
what I'm seeing," Molly said.

"Then I would have floored you last night."  Laura chuckled and
moved closer to Molly.  "We all went skinny-dipping.  You were right,
it's a blast!"

Molly giggled and shook her head.  She walked to the table and sat
with the rest of her friends.  Kim and Sally brought cereal, milk,
and bowels to the table.  The teens filled their bowls and began to
eat.  Laura cut the strudels, placed the slices on a plate and took
them to the table.

Anne, Marc, and Joel came into the kitchen.  They joined the other
adults at the counter, and ate strudel and drank coffee.  They talked
about the impromptu party and the fun they all had.

Don placed a box on the table.  "These came for you, kids," Don said.

Jack opened the box and began pulling out the contents. 
"Sunglasses?" Jack said.

"They're polarized sunglasses.  Andy dropped them off yesterday but
I forgot to give them to you, kids," Don said.

Jack passed the box around the table so each of the teens could take
a pair of the sunglasses and a neck strap.  When everyone had a pair
of glasses, there were still several left in the box.

"We have six pairs left.  We can keep them on the boat for our
guests," Jack said.

The teens finished eating.  They rinsed their dishes and put them in
the dishwasher.  After saying goodbye, they left for the boat.  While
walking toward the boat, Kathy put her arm around Molly's waist.

Molly giggled and said, "I know, I know, I'll get used to it!  I
can't remember my mom running around the house in her undies, even
when we're home alone."

"She looked happy, Hun," Kathy said.

"Mom looked like she was walking on air.  She told me they went
skinny-dipping last night."

"Wait until our parents take her to a nude beach," Kathy said as she
pulled Molly closer.

Laura watched her daughter and Kathy.  She smiled, knowing how happy
Molly was lately.  Her only concern was what would happen if the
bubble burst.  Sarah came over to Laura and sat down.  She put her
hand on the woman's arm and chuckled.

"They're cute together, aren't they?" Sarah said.

Laura nodded her head.  "It's still a little hard for me, but Molly
is so happy."

"There are worse things in life for kids their age.  We have never
had to pick them up at the police department.  They all get good
grades, and when they're on the boat, we know where they are," Sarah

"Molly never really got into any trouble, but I worried when she
went out with her last boyfriend.  I had a strange feeling about that
boy.  Know what I mean?"

"Not really, but I understand.  Since Brad and Kathy started hanging
around with Jenny and Eddie, I haven't had to worry.  Now they have
new friends and I think it's going to work out for them.  Kim, Sally,
Tom, and Jack are a lot like our kids.  They're polite and don't get
into trouble," Sarah said.

"They better not get into trouble.  I'll tan their hides if they
do," Marge said.

Laura chuckled and then said, "I'll bet you would too."

The women sat at the table drinking coffee.  Don and Marc stood at
the counter with Joel and sampled the strudel.

"This is very good, Laura.  You have a knack for baking," Don said. 
He took another bite of the flakey pastry.

"It comes from the years I spent in a bakery, Don.  I love baking,
but don't get to do it as often as I used to.  Molly and I can only
eat so much of it," Laura said.

"You can come over and bake for us anytime you want to," Marge said.
"I guess we'll have to start working out like our kids if you do."

The adults heard the engines of the boat.  They gathered at the
large windows to watch the kids pull away.  Laura felt Joel's arm
around her waist.  She glanced up and smiled when she saw Molly and
Sally untying the lines.

"I still can't believe how rapidly Molly changed," Laura said.

Joel pulled Laura closer to him.  "It seems her mother has changed
too.  For the better I might add," Joel whispered.

The adults watched the boat pull away from the seawall.  They
cleared the table and then headed back to their bedrooms.  None of
them felt it was necessary to be up that early.

On the boat, Eddie helped Tom move the boat out into the canal.  He
gave Tom instructions on how to maneuver using the transmissions and
the bow-thruster.  Jack stood next to his cousin and listened.

"That was good, Tom.  You'll learn to make smother transitions with
practice.  It takes time to get the feel of any boat," Eddie said.

"It's different being enclosed.  I think it would be easier with an
open flying bridge," Tom said as he guided the boat toward the right
side of the channel.

"I know it is.  When we had the side curtains up on the other boat,
it was different from when the bridge was open.  The boat doesn't
respond any differently, but it feels strange.  We thought about an
open flying bridge for this boat, but decided having an enclosed
bridge would make it more versatile.  It's better for running in bad
weather," Eddie said.

Sally came up to the bridge with a carafe of fresh coffee and three
cups.  She placed the coffee on the chart table and filled the cups
for Tom, Jack, and Eddie.

"Here you go, Tom," Sally said as she handed her brother a cup.

Tom turned his head, kissed Sally and said, "Thanks, Sis."

Sally giggled and gave Jack his coffee.  He gave her a kiss when he
thanked her.  When Sally gave Eddie a cup, he kissed her too. 
"Thanks, Sally," Eddie said and then he chuckled.

Sally snuggled against Jack and said, "Do you guys need anything

"No, we're fine, Baby.  Thanks again for the coffee.  What's
everyone else doing?" Jack said.

"We're getting the rods ready.  Jenny and Kathy are showing us how
to rig again," Sally said.  "If you're all set, I'm going to go back-

Jack gave Sally a hug and told her to go.  She giggled, bounced down
the steps and went to the cockpit to resume what she had been doing.

"What's the plan for today?" Brad asked as he and Walt came up to
the bridge.

"I think we should practice getting the lines out and using the
outriggers," Eddie replied.

"Are we going to use lures or live bait for the tournament?" Brad

"The rules say we can use either.  I guess it would be a good idea
to use live bait," Eddie said.

"We should get some so we can teach these guys how to rig them."

"You're right, Brad, we should," Eddie said and then he told Tom
where to head so they could buy bait.

"Do you ever catch your own bait?  Jeri showed us how to throw a
cast net when we were down here before," Jack said.

"We've never tried catching our own bait.  It's hard to throw a cast
net from a large boat," Eddie said.

"Jeri used a center console boat when she did it," Tom said.  "Do
you think we could use the Zodiac?"

"I don't see why not.  We'll have to buy a cast net.  We don't have
one," Eddie said.

When Tom was close to the boat where Eddie and Brad bought bait, he
told Eddie to take over.  Eddie shook his head and coached Tom.  Brad
and Jack went to the cockpit to wait.  Tom managed to get close
enough so the man on the boat could throw Brad a line.  With the two
boats securely attached to each other, Eddie went down to talk to the

Jenny turned on the water to the bait tank while Eddie negotiated
with the man for baitfish.  Once they agreed, Eddie began placing the
fish in the tank.  Brad paid for the bait and thanked the man.

"Ahoy there!" the teens heard as they prepared to pull away.  "I
thought I recognized Little Bit on that boat."

"Hi, Nate, how's it going?" Jenny yelled back.

Nate motored closer to the Lady Guinevere.  Brad tossed him a line
and pulled Nate's boat along side.  After placing fenders between the
boats, Nate and Brad secured them.

"Where in the hell did you kids get this boat?" Nate asked as he
stepped aboard.

"This is the new Lady Guinevere, Nate," Eddie said while shaking the
man's callused hand.  "Nate, these are our new team members, Jack,
Sally, Tom, and Kim.  They're from Michigan, but they're moving to

Nate shook hands with the teens as he glanced around the cockpit of
the boat.  He made himself at home and began opening cabinets and
drawers.  Brad and Jenny stayed close to Nate, telling him how they
helped design the boat.

Jenny and Brad took Nate on a tour of the boat and then they all
returned to the cockpit.  Nate checked out the fighting chair and
then said, "You kids taking her down to the Bahamas for the

"Yes, we're heading out to practice right now," Eddie said.

"Hmmm, you ever fish out of a chair?" Nate said as he turned around
and waved his hand toward the fighting chair.

"Not yet, but we plan to if we hook a big fish," Kathy said.

"Well, you better get some practice in the chair.  It's a lot
different from fishing with a harness.  Have you read all the rules
for the tourney yet?" Nate said.

All but Jenny shook their heads.  Nate chuckled and said, "I should
have known Little Bit had read them.  When you fish, the one that
hooks the fish is the only one that can touch the rod until you tag
the fish.  No one can help or touch anything.  A mate can touch the
leader, but not the rod, reel, or line.  So, if you plan to use the
chair you had better learn how to get in and strap in by yourselves.

"You should also learn how to fight a fish from the chair.  You use
your legs and back as much as your arms."

"We'll practice, Nate," Eddie said.

"Good.  You can use a bucket to practice with if you want to.  Tie
one to a line and use it for drag while you get into the chair.  It
isn't as good as a fish, but it will give you an idea of how it feels.

"This is about the nicest convertible I've ever been on.  You kids
did a great job laying her out.  I'd hate to know what something like
this would cost," Nate said.

"We don't know how much it cost to build.  Dad didn't tell us,"
Eddie said.  "Did you hear we have sponsors?"

"Yeah, I heard.  Just don't let that corporate money change the way
you fish.  You kids have a knack for it.  Sometimes sponsors will
want you to do things their way-don't!  If they don't like the way
you fish, dump them.  I think you kids can earn enough money fishing
that you don't need them," Nate said in his gruff voice.

"We won't let it affect the way we fish, Nate," Kathy said.

"No, I don't suppose you will.  Well, I have to get going.  I have
to get my boat checked before I head south," Nate said.  "You kids
take care and have fun."

Nate climbed onto his boat.  Brad untied the lines and pushed him
off.  The teens waved as Nate pulled away.  The guys went up to the
flying bridge and the girls stayed in the cockpit.

Jenny told Kim, Sally, Molly, and Penny that she and her brother had
worked for Nate. She also told them how much they had learned.

"Nate sounds tough, but he's a real sweetheart," Jenny said.  "Eddie
and I learned so much from him."

"When are we going to start practicing?" Molly asked.  "I want to
learn everything I can."

"We'll start when we get out in the ocean.  You guys are going to
really love rigging the live bait," Kathy said.

"What can we do until then?" Molly asked.

"Why don't we go over the different rods and reels?  I think I know
what each one is for, but I want to be sure," Kim said.

Jenny held up one of the rods.  Sally identified it and said what
type of fishing you used it for and why.  While Jenny held up each
type of rod and reel, Kathy moved behind Molly.  She put her arms
around Molly and kissed her neck when she explained the use for one
of the stout roller rods.

Molly turned her head and kissed Kathy tenderly.  The two girls
hugged one another and shared a few light pecks.

"I'm going in for coffee.  Does anyone else want some?" Penny said.

"I do.  I'll help you," Molly said.  She kissed Kathy again and
followed Penny into the cabin.

"How are things going with you, Kathy, and Eddie?" Penny asked Molly
as they fixed coffee.

"Wonderful.  You think I'm weird, don't you?" Molly replied.

"It's different, but if you're happy I guess I'll get used to it.  I
can't believe Kathy lets you have sex with Eddie."

"She doesn't let me, Penny.  Eddie can make up his own mind.  Kathy
and I make love too and it doesn't bother Eddie."

"What's it like?  I mean making it with a girl?" Penny asked, her
face turning red from blushing.

"It's nice, very nice.  It's way different than making love with
Eddie.  Kathy is so soft and tender.  You should try it someday."

"Um, I don't think so, Molly.  I have no interest in it and it
doesn't do anything for me.  I guess sex is better with Eddie than it
was with Lenny then?"

"Penny, Lenny didn't know the first thing about sex or making love. 
Neither did I.  It is so much nicer with Eddie and Kathy."

"Walt and I are getting better," Penny said and then she giggled. 
"I wish we had more time together so we could practice."

"You might not believe me, but just being with Eddie and Kathy is
almost as good as having sex with them."

"I like being with Walt too, but I love having sex with him."

Molly and Penny giggled.  They took the hot coffee out to the
cockpit, passed out the cups and went back for theirs.  Jenny called
up to the flying bridge on the intercom and asked how long before
they would be ready to start setting lines.

"We'll be ready in about twenty minutes, Jenny.  Jack is at the helm
and I want him to get comfortable going under a couple draw bridges
before we head out," Eddie said.

Jenny acknowledged her brother and sat down on the mezzanine seat. 
Sally sat next to Jenny and leaned back.

"This is going to be great, isn't it?  I can't wait for the
tournament," Sally said.

"I'm looking forward to it too, Sally," Jenny said.

"How are we doing?  You know, Kim, Jack, Tom, and me?  If we screw
up you have to tell us so we learn."

"You guys are doing fine, Sally.  You all listen to what we say and
don't act like you know everything.  That's more than I can say for
some of the other kids we've had on the boat."

"I hope you guys aren't upset at what my dad and uncle did.  They
can be strange sometimes," Sally said.

"I didn't say anything at first, but I was kind of upset when your
uncle did what he did.  I really like our boat.  After thinking about
it, and talking to my brother, I realized it was a chance of a
lifetime.  Now, I think it's wonderful.  I don't think your uncle and
dad are going to tell us what to do with the boat," Jenny said.

"They won't.  When Uncle Don said the boat belonged to the team, he
meant it.  My dad and uncle are like that.  If we decided to paint
the boat pink, they wouldn't say a word.  I'm really glad we all get
along so well.  I knew we would though.  I knew it from the first
time we went fishing together."

Jenny giggled and then said, "It seems we do have something in
common-if you know what I mean.  There aren't many people that would
understand our relationships, are there?"

Sally shrugged her shoulders and grinned.  Jenny smiled and put her
hand on Sally's knee.

"Does Molly know about you and Eddie or Brad and Kathy?" Sally asked.

"I don't think so.  I don't know if Eddie or Kathy told her yet or
not.  I guess she'll find out though, we don't really keep it a
secret between us.  My brother should tell her before she finds out
some other way."

"Do you and Eddie still-you know?" Sally said.

Jenny giggled and said, "Not too much."

"Tom and I don't either, but I kind of miss it.  My brother was the
first guy I did it with."

"I remember you telling Kathy and me that.  Eddie was my first too."

Sally glanced around the cockpit for a moment and then said, "I
think Brad is cute."

Jenny laughed.  "I think he thinks you're hot too."

"Really?  What did he say?"

"He really didn't say anything, but I can tell by the way he looks
at you.  It doesn't bother me, Sally.  You are hot!"

The boat moved out through the inlet.  The engines roared and the
boat came up on plane.  Jenny patted Sally's leg and got up.  She
went up to the flying bridge to see what was going on.

Jack stood at the helm.  Jenny asked how long before they would be
ready to get started.  Eddie put his arm on his sister's shoulder and
said, "In a few.  Are you guys ready?"

"Yes, but we need to rig some of the live bait.  I thought we should
wait so we could show everyone at the same time," Jenny replied.

"Okay, we'll slow down and run the boat from the cockpit in a few
minutes.  There isn't anyone else out here today," Eddie said.

Jenny went back down to the cockpit.  Eddie told Jack where to steer
and at what speed.  Jack adjusted the throttles as he turned the
wheel.  Fifteen minutes later, Eddie told Jack so slow down and set
the autopilot.  Jack stayed at the helm while the rest of the boys
went to the cockpit.  Eddie turned on the monitors and then, using
the intercom, he called for Jack.

"We have to make sure someone is paying attention to where we're
going at all times.  The autopilot is connected to the radar and will
make corrections if there is something in front of us, but we still
have to watch out," Eddie said.

"I can watch while you guys practice," Walt said.

"That would be cool for now, but later we have to learn to do it all
ourselves," Brad said.

Brad showed Walt the controls, and how to make adjustments to the
course, if it became necessary.  When Walt was comfortable, Brad
helped Eddie show Jack, Tom, Kim, Sally, and Molly how to rig the
live baitfish.

"This isn't so bad," Sally said as she pressed a hook through the
body of one of the eight-inch long fish.

Brad showed Sally the correct way to wire the fish to the leader. 
Each of the teens rigged several baitfish before they said they were
ready to move on.  Penny stood near Walt and watched her friends.

"Okay, time to rig lines," Jenny said.  "We should divide into teams
and then change team members."

For the next hour, the teens set line.  They learned to lower and
raise the hydraulic outriggers and attach lines with teasers to them.
The teens changed teammates until everyone had an opportunity work
with one another.

"Jack, Sally, come up to the tuna tower with me.  I'll show you how
to operate the boat from up there," Brad said.

Brad, Sally, and Jack climbed up the ladder to the tuna tower helm. 
Brad told Walt he was taking over the boat.  He showed Jack and Sally
how to turn on the electronics and how the controls worked.  Brad let
Sally use the joystick to steer so she would get the feel of how the
boat reacted. Her movements were jerky at first, but after a few
minutes, Sally smoothed them.  Brad told Sally to make a series of
gentle turns and then showed her how to use the transmissions to
change the direction of the boat.

"There are times we have to back down on a fish.  You need to
reverse the props and back the boat toward the fish while it's being
fought," Brad said.  "Just remember that everything is backwards when
you're facing aft.  Oh, and don't forget to look forward too.  You
don't want to hit something."

Sally and Jack traded places.  Brad helped Jack through the same
exercises as Sally.

"It feels weird steering the boat while facing backwards," Jack said.

"Yes, but you have to be able to keep an eye on what's happening in
the cockpit and when there's a fish on.  Don't worry, you'll get used
to it," Brad said.

"I like it up here.  You can see everything," Sally said.

"Would you ask Tom and Kim to come up so they can take a turn?" Brad
said after Jack had been steering for a half hour.

"Sure thing," Jack said.  "Do you want coffee or something?"

"Coffee would be great, Jack, thanks," Brad replied.

Jack and Sally went down to the cockpit.  Sally told Kim and Tom
that Brad wanted them to go up to the tower and asked Kim to take
Brad coffee.

Kim went into the cabin to get Brad a cup of coffee.  She filled a
travel mug and put the lid on so it wouldn't spill.  Tom took the mug
from Kim and carried it up to the elevated helm.

"Are we going to start fishing soon?" Walt asked Eddie.

"Yes, in a little while.  Jack, Sally, and Molly need to take a turn
in the chair first.  Would you and Penny like to try out the chair? 
It's much different than using a harness," Eddie said.

"I want to try it," Penny said.

Eddie put the bucket over the transom.  He let out about one hundred
feet of line before flipping the lever on the large reel.  Eddie
handed the rod to Jack and began telling him what to do.

"We found that it's easier if you let the fish pull against the drag
until you're in the chair, Jack.  Just keep your thumb on the spool
and let the fish take line.  Remember, if it was a real fish you
would have to make sure not to give it slack."

Jack gripped the stout rod and maneuvered himself into the chair. 
Eddie told Jack what to do to get the straps snapped on the reel. 
Once Jack was in the chair, Eddie taught him how to use his legs and
back as leverage against the bucket.  Jack worked the bucket back to
the stern and Kathy hooked it with the gaff.

By noon, everyone had taken a turn in the chair and at the helm in
the tuna tower.  The group gathered in the cockpit to review what
they learned and what they needed to work on.

"I think we should have lunch and then do some real fishing," Jenny
said.  "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to change
into my shorts and bikini top.  It's warm now."

The girls went down to the staterooms to change.  Penny stopped in
the passageway and said, "You guys are really serious about fishing,
aren't you.  The other times we went fishing, it was fun, but today
it looks like work.  Walt said it was boring."

"It is serious, Penny.  We want to do well in the tournaments so we
have to practice.  Kim and I have a lot to learn," Sally said.

"Yeah!  We told you we were going to be practicing today.  If you
and Walt didn't want to watch you shouldn't have come with us," Molly

"I'm sorry!  You don't have to be so nasty about it," Penny said.

Kathy moved closer to Molly.  She stood behind her and put her arms
around Molly's waist.  "Molly, Penny didn't really know what we were
going to be doing.  She hasn't been with us when we've practiced

"I know.  I'm sorry, Penny.  I didn't mean to snap at you," Molly
said.  "Will you forgive me?"

Penny nodded.  Molly pulled away from Kathy and gave Penny a hug. 
Penny put her arms around Molly and hugged her back.

"Are we still friends?" Molly said.

"Yes, of course we are," Penny said.

"Let's get changed and make lunch.  Then we can go fishing," Kim said.

"I was a bitch, wasn't I?" Molly said to Kathy once they were in
their stateroom.

"Yeah, what was that about?" Kathy said as she moved close to Molly.

"I don't know what came over me.  I guess I was just being
protective or something."

Kathy unzipped Molly's hooded sweatshirt.  She peeled it off and
tossed it on the bed.  Reaching behind Molly, Kathy unfastened her bra.

"I love you," Kathy said and then she gave Molly a kiss.

Molly returned the tender kiss.  She began undressing Kathy,
pressing their naked breasts together after removing her top and bra.
Kathy slipped her hands into Molly's sweatpants and pushed them down.
Kneeling, Kathy pulled Molly's panties down far enough to give her
access to her mons.  Kathy kissed Molly's sex while inhaling deeply.

Kathy stood up.  Molly giggled and then said, "You're such a tease! 
It doesn't matter though, I love you anyway."

"I know, but you love it when I tease," Kathy said as she rubbed
between Molly's legs.  Kathy removed her hand and kissed Molly again.
"We better get dressed.  If we don't, I'm going to attack you."

Molly giggled and said, "Promises, promises."

The two girls changed into shorts and the tops of their bikinis. 
Every time Molly covered her breasts, Kathy pulled her suit up to
expose her.  They laughed, hugged, and then kissed before leaving the
stateroom.  Kathy chased Molly up the steps and grabbed at her butt.

Molly ran into the galley and hid behind Penny.  She wrapped her
arms around Penny and used her as a shield against Kathy. 

"Stop her; she's trying to grab my ass!" Molly said in a high-
pitched squeal.

Kathy, Molly, and Penny twisted and turned.  Kathy reached around
Penny in an attempt to grab Molly's bottom.  The rest of the teens
laughed and egged the girls on.  Penny escaped Kathy's grip and moved
away.  Molly caught Kathy, put her arms around her, and grabbed the
cheeks of Kathy's butt.

"Now that you caught me, what are you going to do with me?" Kathy

Molly pulled Kathy closer, kissed her, and then whispered, "I'm
going to love you."

Molly pressed against Kathy and said, "Right here in front of

Kathy squeezed Molly's butt and nodded.  "I'm going to love you, but
I'm not going to have sex-not right now."

Molly giggled and then the two girls separated.  They went to the
counter and began making sandwiches with the other girls.  Jenny and
Kim placed the food on a tray and carried it out to the cockpit.

The teens ate their lunch and talked about the things they learned. 
After eating, Jenny and Eddie carried the things into the cabin.

"You and Kathy should talk to Molly you know.  If she finds out
about the things we do she might be upset," Jenny said.

"I know, but I don't know how to bring it up," Eddie said.

"Do you want me to think of something?"

"Sure, if you have an idea, I'm all for it, Sis."

Jenny walked up to her brother.  She put her hand on Eddie's crotch
and began to rub him.  "Okay, I'll figure something out, but it's
going to cost you."

Eddie kissed Jenny on the forehead.  "Hmmm, I think I'm going to
like paying you."

Jenny and her brother cleaned up the galley and then went back out
with the others.  The rest of the group stood in the cockpit talking.

"Are we ready to go fishing?" Eddie said.

"I'm ready," Walt said as he moved toward the transom where Penny
was talking with Molly.

"Why don't I go up to the tuna tower?  I can drive while the rest of
you get ready," Brad said.

"Can I go up there too?" Sally said while looking at Jack.

"Sure, Sally.  You can be the look out," Brad replied.

Sally continued to look at Jack.  When he nodded his head, Sally
grinned.  She followed Brad up the ladder to the tuna tower.  Brad
told Sally where to steer the boat and what speed go.  Giggling,
Sally did what Brad told her to do.

"You're doing great," Brad said as he stood next to Sally.  He
glanced down at her breasts and then turned to look down at the

Eddie and Tom set up the port side of the boat while Jenny and Jack
worked on the starboard side.  Jenny gave Jack a few pointers on
attaching the lines to the outriggers and adjusting the drag on the

"It becomes second nature after while, Jack.  The more often you do
it, the better you get," Jenny said and then she giggled.  "You know,
like sex."

"I hope sex never becomes second nature.  I like learning new things
too much," Jack said.

Nodding, Jenny said, "You know what I mean."

Jack and Jenny finished setting the teasers.  They stood back,
watching the water behind the boat.  Kim, Molly, Penny, and Kathy sat
on the mezzanine watching the other's work.  Walt stayed close to
Eddie and asked questions.

"Aren't you afraid Brad will attack Sally?" Jenny asked Jack.  She
giggled and bumped against him.

Chuckling, Jack said, "You should be afraid of Sally attacking Brad."

"There's a fish following the starboard teaser," Brad called down
from the tuna tower.

"Here we go, Jack.  Grab one of the rods with a live bait and let
the lure out toward the fish."  Jenny pointed at the water.  "See the
dark shadow?"

"Yup, I see it," Jack said as he lowered the lure over the stern.

Jenny began clearing the teasers on the starboard side of the boat. 
Molly jumped up to help her.  Eddie and Tom cleared the port side. 
When the fish took the bait, Jack began to reel in line.  The rod
jerked in his hand and then the fish made a run.

Sally bounced on the balls of her feet and screeched as Jack fought
the fish.  Brad took over at the helm so Sally could watch the
action.  She continued to giggle while Jack reeled in the fish.

"What kind is it?" Sally asked.

"I think it's a dolphin, but it could be a wahoo.  Either way, if
Jack lands it we'll have fresh fish for our trip to the Bahamas,"
Brad said.

Jack tired the fish and worked it along side the cockpit.  Eddie
gaffed the dolphin and pulled it aboard.  After removing the hook,
Jenny told Jack to hold the fish up so Tom could take a few pictures.

"Make sure they're good, Tom.  That is the first fish caught on the
boat," Kathy said.

Tom took several shots of Jack and the fish.  When he finished, Jack
put the fish into the hold.  Eddie scooped ice from the icemaker and
covered the fish before closing the lid on the hold.

Up on the tuna tower, Sally leaned over so she could see what was
going on in the cockpit.  She yelled down to tell Jack he did a good
job.  Straightening up, Sally gave Brad a hug.

"This is so cool!  I love fishing!" Sally said.

Brad chuckled and nodded.  He put one of his hands in the small of
Sally's back and pulled her tighter.  They were still hugging when
Jack looked up.  Sally saw Jack and waved.  Brad froze for a moment
and then released Sally.

"Jack is going to hate me," Brad said softly.

"No he won't.  Jack knows I love him and would never do anything he
didn't say was okay," Sally said and then she smiled.

While Brad and Sally talked, Jack climbed up the tuna tower.  He
gave Sally a hug and said, "Did you see me catch that fish?"

"Yeah, I watched every minute.  I was so excited I almost peed my
pants.  In fact, I better go down and take care of that before I do,"
Sally said.  She kissed Jack and went down the ladder.

"Um, I hope you're not pissed at me for hugging Sally.  We were
excited about seeing you catch the first fish and…" Brad said, but
Jack stopped him.

"Don't worry about it, Brad.  I'm not pissed at you.  I'm glad we're
all getting along so well," Jack said.  "What the hell, we're all
seen each other naked and I'm sure we will again.  I'm not the
jealous type."

"Good.  None of us are the jealous type either.  I love Jenny, but
if she went out with another guy I wouldn't get all bent out of shape-
not as long as she talked to me about it first."

"That is a good attitude to have," Jack said.

"Jenny and I decided that we could date other people if we wanted
to.  I don't have any plans, but who knows what the future holds. 
Besides that, I don't feel guilty when Kathy and I fool around," Brad
said.  "Kathy and I don't get together as often as we used to, but
once in a while it's nice."

Jack nodded.  "It's the same between Kim and me."

Brad and Jack continued to talk while Brad steered the boat.  Jack
took over and Brad gave him pointers.  In the cockpit, the rest of
the group reset the lines.  Within a half hour, another fish hit a
lure.  Jack and Brad watched as Walt fought the fish.

Jenny came up to be with Brad and Jack.  She brought two cans of
soda for them.  "How's it going down there?" Brad asked Jenny after
thanking her for the soda.

"Good.  Walt might stop pouting now," Jenny said.  "I shouldn't have
said that.  He was just bored watching us."

"Are you going to invite Walt and Penny to join the team?" Jack asked.

"No.  We have our team as far as I'm concerned.  The nine of us are
enough," Jenny said.  "We can take our friends fishing, but I think
we should keep the team as it is."

"I agree with Jenny," Brad said.  "I know Kathy and Eddie feel the
same way.  How about you, Jack, what do you think?"

"I think the team is good the way it is," Jack said.

"If you ask me, I don't think Walt or Penny have any interest in
being on our team.  They like the fishing part, but not the work,"
Jenny said.  "Look, Walt caught another dolphin."

Jack, Jenny, and Brad watched Eddie pull the fish into the boat. 
Tom took a few pictures and then the fish went into the hold.  The
teens spent several hours fishing and added another dolphin and a
nice size wahoo to the hold before deciding to head in.

Jenny and the rest of the girls went to the enclosed flying bridge. 
Jenny told Molly to take the helm.  In the cockpit, the guys put away
the equipment.

"Jen, take it easy for a bit.  We want to clean the fish," Eddie
said.  He used the intercom to talk to his sister.

"After thinking about it, we decided to modify the tackle station so
it would be good for cleaning fish.  We added a grinder that will put
the guts in these special trays," Brad said and he held up a plastic
box that was about the size of a loaf of bread.  "The box lets water
drain out but holds the guts and things from the grinder.  We'll
freeze them to use as chum."

Brad placed one of the plastic boxes in its holder.  He began
filleting one of the dolphins.  Eddie and Tom helped.  They rinsed
the thick slabs of meat and put them in zipper bags with water so
they could freeze them.  Jack filleted the wahoo.  He said it was
like cleaning a salmon, only larger.

"Want to go up to the bridge with the girls?" Tom said after he and
Brad finished cleaning up.

"Go ahead, I'm going to stay out here and enjoy the day," Jack said.

Tom, Walt and Eddie went up to the bridge.  Brad and Jack sat on the
mezzanine and relaxed.

"This is something I could get used to very easily," Jack said as he
put his feet up on the rail.

Brad laughed and said, "I sure hope so.  You guys have the yacht and
this boat.  I think you're going to get to spend a lot of time on the

Jack nodded.  "Someday, I would like to take you guys up to
Michigan.  I think you'd like salmon fishing.  The fish aren't as
big, but we have a blast.  Have you done any other kinds of fishing?"

"Not really.  When Kathy and I met Eddie and Jen, we started fishing
on the ocean.  I would like to try other species.  I hear tarpon
fishing is a blast."

"I would like to try fishing for snook, bonefish, and permit.  I
hear they're fun to catch on the flats with a fly rod," Jack said.

"That's what I hear.  I've read about fishing the flats, but we
don't have a boat for that."  Brad chuckled and waved his arm,
pointing at the stern of the Lady Guinevere.  "It would be a bit
tough to get this into six inches of water."

"Maybe we could find a place to rent the right boat," Jack said.  "I
hear they have great bonefish fishing up around Jupiter."

"I'm sure we could rent a boat.  From what I've read, some of the
best places to catch bonefish are in the Bahamas.  I guess you can
fish for almost any thing around Southern Florida," Brad said.

"We're anxious to move down here.  We have to go back to finish
school, but I think our parents are going to move down as soon as we
do.  I know Tom, Kim, and Sally are looking forward to it as much as
I am."

"If you ask me, we're going to have a great summer this year.  Wait
until you fish in one of the club or money tournaments.  You'll be
hooked like the rest of us.  There is something about the competition
that makes it ten times more exciting than just fishing," Brad said.

"You, Eddie, Jenny, and Kathy have done this before.  I hope the
rest of us don't do anything to cost us a tournament," Jack said.

Brad chuckled and shook his head.  "Nobody is perfect.  If any of us
makes a mistake, we'll get over it.  Above all, we want this to be

"That's cool.  Want to go up and see what everyone else is doing?"
Jack said.

Jack and Brad went up to the flying bridge.  Sally, Jenny, and Kathy
sat on the sundeck and the rest of the group was inside.  Jack went
into the bridge and Brad sat down between Jenny and Sally.  For the
rest of the ride back to the house, the teens milled around and
talked about the day.

Eddie took over from Molly when they approached the seawall.  He
told her she did well, but needed practice before docking.  Sally,
Jenny, Brad, and Jack went down to tend the lines.  Once the boat was
secure, Eddie shut the boat down.

The group gathered in the cockpit.  Eddie gave Walt and Penny some
of the fresh fish to take home with them.  Walt thanked everyone for
taking him and Penny fishing.  They said goodbye and left.

"We need to wash down the boat," Eddie said.  "I like to wash off
the salt every time we take it out."

Brad pulled out two mops.  Tom jumped off the boat to get the hose. 
While the guys began at the bow and scrubbed the boat, the girls went
into the cabin.  They vacuumed the decks and dusted.  Molly wiped
down the counters and cleaned the stovetop.  An hour later, the boat
was clean.

The teens went to the house to see what the plans were for the
evening.  The kids found Don and Marc sitting on the patio.  Kim
asked where her mom and aunt were.  Marc told the teens the two women
were in the kitchen.

"What's going on tonight, Dad?" Jack said.

"I think your mother and aunt are planning dinner for about six. 
Other than that, I don't know.  You should go ask her what she
planned," Don said.  "Don't forget about tomorrow.  You kids have to
meet Joanne at the boatyard to go over a few things about Tomiko."

"We know, Dad.  Do you know what time we're supposed to meet Mrs.
Mitchell?" Jack said.

"She wants to see you at eight in the morning.  She is going home
tomorrow, along with Sam, Jerry, and Liz.  Eddie, you need to give
your dad a call," Don said.

The teens went into the house.  Marge and Anne greeted them and
asked about their day.  Eddie called home to find out what his father

"Your fathers don't know it yet, but we're taking the Stones and the
Mitchells out to dinner tonight.  You kids can go get pizza or make
something here," Anne said.  "All of the parents are getting together

"My mom too?" Molly asked.

"Yes, Molly.  Your mom and Joel are going with us," Anne replied.

Eddie came over to where the group stood near the table.  "Dad wants
Lady Guinevere at the boatyard tomorrow.  He said the fluids should
be changed and the engines gone over before we leave for the Bahamas."

"We can take her first thing if you don't mind getting there before
eight," Jack said.

"That works for me.  We should see if we could stay on the boat
again tonight.  That way we don't have to get up as early," Brad said.

"I think I better go home.  I haven't been there in a few days,"
Molly said.

"You can go home with your mom.  She and Joel will be here in a
little while," Marge said.

The teens went to the guesthouse.  Kathy pulled Molly aside and
said, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is great, Kathy," Molly said.

"Is there a reason you don't want to stay with us tonight?"

"No, but I think my mom is going to want me home.  I'd rather stay
with you and Eddie," Molly said and then she giggled.

"Ask your mom if you can stay.  I really want you to."  Kathy hugged
Molly and gave her a tender kiss.  The two girls giggled and went to
the living room.

"Where are we going to eat?" Kathy asked as she and Molly sat next
to each other on a couch.

"It depends on what we want.  If we want pizza, we can go to the
place we usually go to," Brad said.

The group discussed their options.  They decided on pizza.  Sally
suggested going swimming before they left and the rest agreed.  The
group headed to the cabana and began to undress.

"I'm not going to bother with a suit today," Sally said with a grin.
"I hope no one minds."

Laughing, Jack said, "No, Honey, no one will mind if you're naked."

The teens showered and then went out to the pool.  They swam around
and splashed each other for a few minutes before they relaxed at the
shallow end of the pool.  The group sat on the steps and talked about
their plans for the next morning.

"We should leave by seven o'clock tomorrow morning if we have to be
at my dad's boatyard by eight," Eddie said.

Kathy scooted next to Eddie and hugged his arm.  "That means we
should get to bed early."  Kathy giggled when Eddie nodded his head.

The teens stayed in the pool for a little longer.  They decided to
get dressed and go out for pizza.  When they were showered and
dressed, they all went into the house.

All of the parents were in the living room.  Don and Marge served
drinks to the group and then sat together on a couch.  Jack told the
adults their plans for dinner and taking the boat to the boatyard the
next morning.

Molly asked her mom if she could stay on the boat again.  Laura
smiled and told Molly she could.  After saying goodbye to everyone,
the teens left.

Brad gave Jack directions to the pizzeria.  When they arrived, they
found a table large enough for the entire group.  The teens decided
what they wanted and placed their order.  Several kids that Brad,
Kathy, Eddie, Jenny, and Molly knew from school stopped at the table
to say hello.  Eddie introduced the group from Michigan and told the
kids they were moving down to Florida soon.

"This must be where everyone goes for pizza," Kim said.  "You guys
know a lot of kids here."

"We like this place.  The food is good and it isn't very expensive. 
We also hang around the ice cream parlor," Kathy said.

"Cool, I love ice cream," Kim said with a grin.

Giggling, Kathy leaned closer to Kim.  "I like the warm sticky cream

Kim and Kathy laughed.  Tom asked what they were laughing about and
chuckled when Kathy told him.

The pizzas came and the teens began eating.  During dinner, they
talked about the day.  Eddie and Brad told the group the things they
still needed to work on.  Eddie told everyone he recorded their
action in the cockpit so they could talk about it later.

"We can watch the tape tonight," Jenny said.  "There isn't anything
good on television anyway."

Everyone agreed it would be fun to review the tape.  They finished
their meal and headed home.  After they changed, the teens gathered
in the salon.  Eddie started the tape and began critiquing the things
that went on.  Brad joined Eddie and the two of them pointed out the
things that needed improvement.

"This is great.  If we didn't have the tape, we wouldn't learn the
little details," Sally said.  "I like being up on the tuna tower and
steering as much as fishing."

"That's part of it, Sally, a big part.  We have to work as a team. 
Every job on the boat is important," Brad said.

The teens reviewed the tape a few times.  Each time they watched it,
they saw something else that they could improve.

"I'm getting sodas.  Anyone else want one?" Jenny said as she got up
and headed toward the galley.  When several of the teens asked for
cold drinks, Sally got up to help.

"So, when was the first time you and Eddie made love?" Molly asked

Everyone went silent for a moment.  Eddie, Jenny, Kathy, and Brad
shared quick glances and began to smile.

Kathy told Molly, and the others, about the day on the boat when she
and Eddie first had sex together.  Jenny joined in, telling the group
about her and Brad being there and having sex too.

Jenny stopped giggling, turned to Kim, and said, "When was your
first time?"

Kim grinned and replied, "My first time or my first time with Tom?"

"Your first time," Kathy said.

"Um, doing anything or screwing?" Kim said as she stifled a giggle.

Kim told the group about the night on the balcony when she was on
vacation.  She told about giving a boy a blowjob for the first time. 
Kim didn't tell them who the boy was.

"Who was he?" Jenny said, seeing an opportunity to expose the
sibling relationships to Molly.

Kim blushed and glanced at her brother.  Jack smiled and winked. 
Taking a deep breath, Kim said, "Jack was the boy.  He was my very
first lover in every way."

Molly stared at Kim for a moment.  She looked at Jack and then back
to Kim.  When Molly looked at Sally, Sally grinned.

"If you're wondering if I knew, I do.  Tom was my first lover,"
Sally said.  She went on to tell the group about the first time she
and her brother made love.

Molly listened to Sally, but kept her eyes on Eddie and Kathy.  She
noticed that neither Eddie nor Kathy were surprised or shocked by
what Sally said.
"I hope what we do doesn't upset you or make you hate us," Sally said.

Molly shrugged her shoulders.  "I don't hate you or anyone else,"
she said in a low voice.

Eddie put his arm around Molly.  He held her for a moment and then
gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Molly, I really care about you.  Upsetting you is the last thing in
the world I want to do.  I just don't think we can have a meaningful
relationship if there are secrets between us.  Molly, Jenny and I
have made love too," Eddie said.

Molly looked at Kathy.  Her eyes asked the question; Kathy's nod
provided the answer.

"Honey, we are trusting you with this.  If the wrong people find
out, we could all get into trouble," Eddie said.  "If Kathy and I
didn't love you, we would have tried to keep it a secret."

"That goes for me too, Molly," Jenny said.

Molly sat quietly while gathering her thoughts.  Her first reaction
was one of shock, but that soon faded.  The more she heard, the more
she began to understand.  Molly knew there was something different
about Brad, Jenny, Kathy, and Eddie, but she was unable to figure out
what it was until now.  Being in a three way relationship with Eddie
and Kathy was strange enough, but knowing the secrets they all
harbored made it even stranger.

The biggest problem Molly was having with the situation was where
she fit in.  Kathy and Eddie continually told her how they felt about
her and she wanted to believe them.  Molly was happy and didn't want
things to change.  She enjoyed fishing and loved Eddie and Kathy.

"Are you okay, Sweetie?" Kathy asked as she moved closer to Molly.

Molly stared across the salon and shrugged her shoulders.  She
didn't look at Kathy or Eddie while trying to come to grips with her
feelings.  After several moments, Molly turned to Kathy.  "Do you and
Brad still do it?"

"Yes, once in a while.  We don't make love as often as we used to,
not since I started going with Eddie and Brad started going with
Jenny," Kathy said.  "Brad and I haven't done anything since we
started going out.  Eddie hasn't either."

Molly looked at Eddie.  He shook his head, confirming what Kathy
said.  She turned to Kim and said, "Do you guys still do it together-
you know with your brother?"

"We haven't done anything in a while," Kim said.

Molly took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  "I'm starting to
feel like I don't belong with you guys," Molly said as tears formed
in her eyes.

"Don't be silly!  Of course you belong with us, we love you," Eddie
said.  He turned so he could hug Molly and kissed her on top of her
head.  Eddie held Molly tightly and rubbed her back.  "Honey, you
know you belong with us; especially with Kathy and me."

Molly cuddled against Eddie.  She looked up and their lips met. 
They shared a tender kiss and then Kathy moved closer.

"It's just that I feel so out of place now," Molly said.

Kim began to giggle.  She moved to the deck and walked on her knees
over to where Molly, Eddie, and Kathy sat cuddled together.  Putting
her hands on Molly's legs, Kim looked into her eyes.

"Let me get this straight.  You're friends with a bunch of kids that
have sex with their brothers and sisters and you feel out of place? 
If anything, you are the most normal person here," Kim said.

Molly smiled and then she said, "Me?  I have a boyfriend and a
girlfriend-and my boyfriend is sleeping with my girlfriend.  Don't
you think that is a bit weird?"

"Hell no!  I think it's sweet!" Kim said.  "You have the best of

"Sally said you didn't like girls that much," Molly said.

"I like girls.  I may not be as emotionally involved, but I love
having sex with girls.  Sweetie, we're all different.  You have to do
what's best for you and quit worrying," Kim said as she moved her
hands lightly on the tops of Molly's thighs.  "Besides, this isn't
about sex."

Kathy ran her fingers through Molly's hair.  She moved her hand to
Molly's chin and tilted her head up.  "Kim's right, this isn't about
sex.  Not completely.  We love you for you.  If you don't want to
have sex with me, I'll still love you."

Molly began to cheer up.  She smiled and said, "I'm going to tell my
mom off as soon as I see her!"

"Why?" Eddie said.

"Because she didn't have a boy too.  If she had, I would have a
brother," Molly said.

"You can borrow mine," Sally said with a giggle.  "Kim won't mind
sharing, will you, Kim?"

"Not as long as I get to be there too," Kim said.

"Hey, don't I have anything to say about this?" Tom said.

Kim and Sally laughed and said, "No," at the same time.

Everyone laughed as Tom shrugged his shoulders.  Molly hugged Eddie
and then Kathy.  When the rest of the teens started to tease her,
Molly got up so she could give each of them a hug.  When she reached
Tom, he held her for a few moments longer than the rest had.

The sound of Don asking to come aboard caused Tom and Molly to
separate.  They shared a gaze and smiled at each other.  Eddie opened
the door to the cockpit to let the parents in.

"We're going to have dessert.  Would you kids like to join us? 
Laura baked brownies for us," Marge said as she glanced around the

The teens said they wanted to have dessert with their parents.  The
group left the boat and headed toward the house.  Laura noticed her
daughter's red eyes and pulled her aside.

"Is everything okay, Honey?" Laura asked Molly.

"Yeah, Mom," Molly replied softly.

Laura held Molly back.  She told the rest of the group they would
met them in a few minutes.  When everyone had left them alone, Laura
turned to her daughter.

"Something is wrong.  Please tell me what's bothering you," Laura

Molly shrugged her shoulders.  She knew she couldn't tell her mom
what she learned about the other.  Laura waited patiently and then
put her hands on Molly's shoulders.

"You can tell me anything, Molly.  If there's something wrong, you
can tell me.  Did you have a tiff with Eddie or Kathy?"

"No, we didn't have a fight or anything.  We just talked about some
stuff-stuff I can't tell you about, Mom."

Laura nodded.  She thought for a moment and then said, "Honey, it
isn't that uncommon for brothers and sisters to, um, lets say
explore," Laura said with a knowing smile.

Molly's shock showed in her expression.  Before the startled teen
could respond, her mother continued.  "I know about Eddie, Jenny, and
the rest of them.  Moms talk too you know."

"What did they tell you?" Molly said.

"I think you know what they said, Honey.  They all know about their
children's relationships."

Molly didn't know how to respond.  She knew her friends' parents
were open about sex, but she didn't know they knew about the incest.

"Like I said, it isn't that uncommon.  I got my first kiss from your
uncle Ted," Laura said, admitting a secret she held for years.

"You and Uncle Ted had sex?" Molly said in disbelief.

"Not what you're thinking.  Your uncle and I experimented, but we
never-you know.  When I was twelve, we decided to see what it was
like to kiss."  Laura chuckled.  "It wasn't very pretty as I remember
it.  Neither of us had a clue about what we were doing."

"Is that all you did?  Kiss I mean," Molly said.

"We kissed and touched each other.  We also played show and tell,"
Laura said.  "What I'm trying to tell you is it's okay, Molly.  What
they, your friends, do isn't wrong as long as they are okay with it."

"Did you want to do more with Uncle Ted, Mom?" Molly asked.

"There were times I thought I did, but he met a girl and everything
ended between us.  A year later I started dating your father and we
went our separate ways."  Laura put her arms around her daughter and
hugged her.

"Molly, you have no idea how lucky you are to have the friends you
have.  Eddie and Kathy are very special.  I think the rest of the
group is special too.  Do you realize you haven't been moody lately? 
I see how excited you get when you get ready to go out with your
friends.  It isn't like before.  You didn't seem as happy when you
got ready to go out with Lenny."

Molly nodded.  She was happy even after learning about the
relationships between her friends.  Laura gave Molly a hug and said,
"Come on, we'll miss out on the brownies if we don't get to the house."

Laura and Molly walked to the house.  Before going inside, Molly
thanked her mom and told her she loved her.  Laura felt her throat
constrict and then she kissed her daughter's forehead.

"Is everything alright?" Marge asked Laura.

"Yes.  Molly needed to sort a few things out."  Laura leaned closer
to Marge and whispered, "She found out about the relationships the
others share."

Marge nodded.  "I'm sure the kids will work it out-they always do."

Laura looked for Joel.  She found him in the living room, talking on
his cell phone.  After a moment, he hung up and then put his arms
around Laura.

"Sit down, Sweetie.  I have something to tell you," Joel said.

Laura and Joel sat on a couch.  He took her hands in his and looked
into her eyes.  "Laura, Mrs. Caldwell passed away an hour ago.  That
was her son on the telephone."